i ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1930., FIVE If . You ! Want a Natiosial VeJrans' . 1 ."-: ' ::v;: Home ' iir: Moseburg; j: ' Will you vote for the bonds that will make this home possible? The following citizens are working for, talking for and will vote for these bonds; Walter S. Hamilton Guy Cordon James Sawyers Frank Calkins V. T, Jackson Roy Agee J. C. Leedy Agnea ' Pi'tchf ord Charles F. Hopkins E. V. Hoover Elmer McKean W. F, Harris C. W. Wharton J. E. Dent A. J. Lilburn S. J. Shoemaker . A. J. Young James Hutchings A J. Geddes Douglas National Bank Roseburg National Bank Umpqua Valley Bank First State and Savings Bank . Dexter Rice A. N. Orcutt B, L. Eddy J. O. Watson , . ' Carl E, Wimberly Ray B- Compton R. L. Whipple R. W. Marsters George Jones John T. Long M. F. Rfce Ira B. Riddle E. B. Stewart E. J. Wainscott L. M. Lehrbach B. R. Shoemaker Charles B. Wade George E. Houck A. C. Seely G. C. Finlay Lee A. Wells iair K. Allen George J. Bacher L. A. Dillard ' D. R. Gibbs , ' J. R. Chapman H. R. Nerbas R. L. Bathrick H. C. Church Rev. Charles A. Edwards Rev. R. B. Shoun Rev. Perry Smith Rev. Alexander Muirden Rev. John B. Penhall Father Sheehan Umpqua Hotel Rosa Hotel Grand Hotel Hotel Valley Hyman Wollenbcrg J. H. Booth I A. C. Marsters " i 33 j.,ivi. jnrone i . Glen Wimberly J. E. McClintock Leon McClintock John McClintock Al Creason D. R. Shambrook Chas. A. Lockwood B. W. Strong Maurice Newland W. H. Fisher Walter Fisher A. G. Sutherland Eugene Parrott Napoleon Rice M. E. Ritter G. W. Young Roy Young Wm. Scott L. L. Spencer REALIZE That it will mean the expenditure pf $2,000,000.00 in construction work, pf which 60 per cent or $1,200,000.00 will be paid for labor alone, and that will be spent in Roseburg. will approximate $1,000,000.00 annually which DO YOU REALIZE That the Federal running expenses for this Home I money will be spent in Roseburg. DO YOU REALIZE That it is anticipated that 4400 soldiers will be taken care of as soon as the Home is opened and that each one. will receive an average of $50.00 monthly pension or approximately $220,000,00 per month which will be spent in Roseburg. DO YOU REALIZE That from 600 to 800 persons will be given steady employment at the National Veterans' Home, all of them spending money in Roseburg. DO YOU REALIZE That the soldiers will have parents, .relatives, friends and family members generally' estimated at 10 per cent of their number or 440, who will be here visiting them, all pf whom will be sponding money in Roseburg. additional units that DO YOU REALIZE That this first construction unit is but a starter and that each yoar will see ' .will far exceed this original plant, all circulating more money at Roseburg ' DO YOU REALIZE That not one cent of this bond money can ba qpont for any other purpose than in conection with the Veterans' Home and that if for any reason whatever .the Home is not located in Roseburg, then in that event the bonds are void and can not be used for any other purpose. DO YOU REALIZE That only such a part of the bond issue will be used as is. necessary if, for example, $23,000.00 will accomplish what we are after, then the remainder will not be touched. We are voting $129,000,00 or such a part of it as is necessary. ' DO YOU REALIZE That Attorneys B. L. Eddy, A. N, Orcutt, Carl Wimberly and Ira B. Riddle have passed upon all the legal points and procedure and their decisions and recommendations can be relied upon. DO YOU REALIZE It is the biggest thing that has happened in the HISTORY OF ROSEBURG. DO YOU REALIZE That it is well worth your while as a matter of business to spend all the time necessary to work for, to talk for and to vote for the passage of these bonds. DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE DEFEAT OF THESE BONDS WILL BE FATAL TO THE VETERANS' HOME IN ROSEBURG ... NO BONDS ... NO HOME. Work for Them. Talk for Them. Vote for Them. J. A. Soules J. A. Harding George Smith W. O. Clinger Nathan Fullerton Ivan Pickens W". B. Strawn Paul Bubar Dean Bubar F. H. Churchill H. C. Stearn3 News-Review Harris Ellsworth Charles V. Stanton Ralph L. Russell Skaggs Safeway Stores Wm. F. Jenkins So. Ore. Gas Corp. M. R. Brown C. W. Clark Morgan's Grocery Store Orchard Auto Parts Co. E. F. Maiden Fred Haynes Sam W. Starmer MacMarr Stores S. L. DeLapp W. F. Chapman Rice & Rice Montgomery Ward Co. Pioneer Drug Co. C. C. Archibald W. F. I larris H. O. Pargster Percy Robinson H. D, Quine Kenneth Quine Georgs Quine Fred Lockwood Ed M. Dyer A. A. Richard Henry Harth Phil Harth Horace Burg J. M. Judd Douglas Ice & Storage Co. W. H. Gerretsen L. R. Chambers V, French A. A. Wilder J. H. Sinniger George A- I lunt Ned Dixon Percy Croft C. D. Fies W, R. Brown Men Krell Roy Catching Harry Pearce John R. Kelly J. K. Falbe Coen Lbr. Co. R D. Coen L. W. Metzger Elmer Metzger Herman Althaus Rudy Ritzman AlKept Elite Barber Shop L. J. Barnes Louis Kohlhagen Fred Schwartz Roseburg Furniture Co. F. W. Woolworth Co. Parslow Furniture Co. I. Abraham Carr'a Store George Kohlhagen Eclw. Kohlhagpn Maddox Grocery The f ollowing citizens are working for, talking for and will vote for these bonds: Roseburg Book Store Marsters Drug Co. Goldie's Booterie C. J, Breier Co. 1 Parker Hdw, Co. Ott's Music Store Powell Furniture Store Goettel's Variety Store . Knudtson's jewelry Store Foster Butner Sam Sykes Perry Foster Loren Jordan Victor Micelli W. M. Campbell ' Roseburg Electric August Schloemaq Andy Velipe G. J. Morris Frank E. Alley C. H. Arundel Louis Albert Banks William Bell A, O. Bottleson E. A. Britton E. R, Kenny J. E. Flurry Frank Hills R.. L. Hudson v Roy Hufham J, M. judd E- G. Kingwell Walter Kurt Frank J. Norton Roseburg Dairy and Soda Works C. W. Parker Ethel U Webb Charles A. Brand Leake & Gurnee Roseburg Steam Laundry L, J, Crafton Scott Lander Wesley Williams McKean & Baldwin Charles A. Ljllisburg Herman Marks Story lies 0, L. Johnson R. R. Smith W. H. Machen The Fern H, M. Pierson H. S. French Al Throne Geo. J. Willett Chas. W. Hamilton 1. H. Doucette Fred W. Green James O. Nwland J. S. McDonald Mrs. W. E. Ott Mrs, Arthur Austin Mrs. William Bell Mrs. W. R. Brown Mrs. Floyd Frear Mrs. C. D. Fien Mrs. Charles I loiuline Mrs. F. E. Hartung Mrs. Washington Hughes Mrs. A. C. Masters Mrs. L. W. Metzger Mrs. A. G. McMillin Mrs. Victor Micelli Mrs. A. H. Perrin Mrs. Geo, Quine Mrs. John Runyan Mrs. Victor Short Mrs. L. B, Skinner Mrs. Woodley Stephenson Mrs. T. B. Vjrdin Mrs, S. L, Kidder Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen Mrs. Lee Wells W. C. Harding J. W. Perkins (Thif Advertisement pa)d for by 20 of Roseburg's oyl business qnd professional men.) ft