Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 28, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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Local News
Mr. Olson Is Visitor Charles 01-1
eon, ot Mehiist;, spent ytgujiuar I
in this city tiansaciins business.
Shops and Visits Friends Mrs.
C. lnsley, of Green, spent yester
day in this city visiting friends
ami shopping.-
Visits Relatives Here Mrs, J. J.
Sawyers, oC Elkton, spent Saturday
iu this city visiting relatives and
friends. ,
Here From Days Creek Mrs.
J. K. Vun Allen, of Uays creek,
spent .Mon.liiy afternoon in this
city-. visiting friends and shopping.
Visiis Daughter and Shops
Mrs. J. U. Uarnes, of Tonmile,
spent Saturday in Ilosuburg visii
r lug her daughter. Miss lilanche,
and shopping.
Returns From Eugene Ken
neth dinger, of the Grand hotel,
has returned to Itosehuvg, after
spending a short time in Eugene
transacting business.
Return From Salem Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Perrln have returned
to Rosehurg, alter visiting the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith,
in Salein, for several days.
Returns From Marshfield Mrs.
Thomas H. Ness, has returned to
her home in Laurelwood, after
spending several days in Marsh
field visiting Mr. Ness.
Oakland Visitors Here Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Shaw and Mr. and Mrs.
Claude tlotf and son and daughter,
of Oakland, -were in town this
morning visiting friends and shop
f ping.
Undergoes Major Operation
Mrs. Clifton Agee, of Itoseburg.
underwent a major operation Sat
urday at Roseburr General hospit
al. lr. George E. llouck was in
Purchases New Car Walter
Osborne and his mother, Mrs. L.
G. H. Osborne, of Glide, spent yes
terday in tills city. Mrs. Osborne
purchased a new i'ord sedan from
the local agency.
Returns From Eugene Macon
Smith,'' of the mechanical depart
ment of the local Ford garage, has
returned from Eugene, where he
spent reveral days receiving med
ical treatment.
Moves to Coqullle Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Lynn have moved to
Coquillo, where the former has
accepted a position as barber in
the Ralph Nosier barber shop. He
formerly worked for I. Doucette in
the local Grand barber shop.
Returns Home Mrs. A. H. Per
rin has returned to her home in
West Rosehurg, after spending sev
eral days in Eugene as the house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Cramer. Mr. Cramer formerly
worked for the Southern Pacific
In Rosehurg.
Return From Portland Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Radabaugh and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Radabaueh have re
turned here, after spending the
past several days in Portland at
tending the Pacific International
Livestock exposition.
Returns From Salem Mrs. E.
A. Pettey has' returned to Rose
hiir.rr, after spending several days
in Salein visiting her son and
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Pettey. Mr. E. A. Pettey visited in
Salem for a few days last week.
Return to Portland Mrs. H. J.
Macdonald and Mrs. Ruth Kelly
left yesterday for Portland, after
spending several days In this city
as tiie house guests of Mrs. Mac
douald's mother and Mrs. Kelly's
grandmother. Mrs. S. M. King.
Two Trouser Suits
Here are Suits worthy of a place
in every man's wardrobe tail
ored of fine, sturdy fabrics of
worsted and tweed and above all
a perfect fit.
Riddle Man Here O. V. Lopsdnn,
6f Riddle, was a business visitor
iu this city yi-nt-rday afternoon. .
Mr. Joelson In Town A. Joelson,
of Umpqua, spent yesterday after
noon In this city transacting business.
Visits Friends and Shops Mrs.
Mary Gervais, of Glide, spent Mon
day in this city visiting friends and
Spends Day in Town Mrs. I)er
nice Jones, of Lookingglass, visited
friends and shopped here yesterday
Transacts Businesc Robert Mc
Kay, of IJrockway, spent sev'eral
hours hero yesterday transacting
Spends Day in Town A. Larson,
Lookingglass rancher, -was a busi
ness visitor in this city yesterday
Melrose Merchant Here Carl
Lindsey, of Melrose, transacted
business in this city yesterday aft
ernoon. Transacts Business Alva Hunt
er, of Dixonville, transacted busi
ness here for severul hours yester
day. Tenmile Couple Here Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Cabot, of Tenmile, spent
yesterday in tills city transacting
Mr. Strader in To'n Frank
Sttader, of Dixonville, spent yester
day afternoon iu this city trans
acting business.
Move to Cf lifornia Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Co.iey left yesterday
for California, where they will
make their homo.
Reston Visitors Here A. W. and
W. S. Johnson, Reston residents,
were business visitors here Mon
day afternoon.
Here From Lookingglass Roy
Buell, of Lookingglass, was a busi
ness visitor in tills city yesterday
Returns From Portland "Mau
rice Hallmark has returned here,
after spending a few days in Port
land visiting friends.
Glendale Visitor Here Mrs. Lur
etta Hussey, of Glendale, spent
yesterday in this city visiting
friends and shopping.
Spends Day in Tenmile Mrs.
Ellen post, Douglas county health
nurse, spent Monday in Tenmile
attending to business affairs.
Here From Camas Valley Mrs.
O. H. Austin, of Camas Valley; was
in town yesterday afternoon visit
ing friends and shopping.
Goes to Los Angeles Rev. R. B.
Shoun, local llaptist pastor, has
gone to Los Angeles, where Mrs.
Shoun is receiving medical treat
ment. Returns From Klamath Falls
Adam Flurry has returned to this
Hty, ufter spending several days in
Klamath Falls transacting busi
ness. Here From Red Bluff G. A
Cobb of Red Bluff is spending a
few days in Rosehurg visiting rela
tives and attending to business
Purchase New Car J. L. Hodges
and son, L. M., of Canyonvllle, pur
chased a new town sedan from the
local Ford agency yesterday anc-i-noon.
' ' "
Will Work in Eugene Joseph
Fest, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fest.
of this city, left Monday for Lu
eene. where he will spend a short
time working.
Glendale Visitor Here H. P.
Smith, of Glendale, transacted
Ifusiness here and visited his
daughter, Miss Ethel Smith, yes
terday afternoon.
Spending Week In Portland V
I). Strnwn. of Rosehurg General
hospital office staff, left yesterday
for Portland, where lie win spenu
a week transacting business.
Goes to Portland M. C. Whitte-
more, local Woolworth manager,
left yesterday for Portland where
he will Bpend a few days attending
a company managers meeting.
Leaves Today for . Salem Jack
Royer, of Hoyer's meat market on
the north side, left this morning
for Salem, where he will spend a
few duys transacting business.
Leave for Coast Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Carr left this morning for
Marshfield to npend the day at
tending to business matters con
nected with the chain of stores in
that district.
' Improving In Portland Accord
Ins to word received here, Mrs.
Paul E. Reaver, of K',n'''pri 1
steadily Improving in health at Dr.
Joyce's medical hospital in Port
land. Returns to Eugene O. D. Mc
Allister lert yesterday for Eugene,
whore he Is employed by the
Southern Pacific company, after
spending a few days in this city at
his home on South Main street.
Return to Marshfield Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Taylor have returned
:o their home in Marshfield, after
spending a few days In this rity
visHing the latter's father. Kilt
Ackert and family.
County Spelling Contest County
rellinK contest rules and sssltn--nents
hove been sent out from th
rnuiitv school sutierintendf-nt'fl of
fice this week. The contest rovers
iroin the 4th through the Rth
grades, and all making an average
of 94 or over will rocwivw npelling
diplomas. I-ast year over 300 spell
ing diplomas were awarded.
('CM t?ro I f yfiP.iF yao'EE i these roses aie lovilx""
vn; I Mta -tiile oonesT Mac, but i can't accept
V I MEf r TV THEM. THEY'RE TrraoH bubbles'
I lit 1 " V "VMANC-E'- CALL
k- JvlS
A&rf P 3 C VOO'BE Rl6Wr
' LC'T T
" KV tittunt Svndicat Int. Cmi Britain 'tpV j '
( HEtze, Boy, PLEASE 177" HAD I I fl THIMVC 'L-L. 1UST )
Cfi ,,E!. S T 1 HiM HALF . VAiOM-T THIMVC f
GOT V? 0m 1 VMISudeV
Mr. Smith Is Visitor W. A.
Smith, of Glide, was a business
visitor in this city Monday after
noon. Mr. Hatfield in Town T G. Hat
field, of Roberts creek, transacted
business in this city yesterday aft
ernoon. Tv. Vie! ten in Tnuin U1. T? V.m.
visitor iu this city yesterday after
Mr. Woodruff Here V. S. Wood
ruff, of Melrose, visited relatives
and transacted business here yes
Transacts Business Roy Davis,
of DHlard, spent Monday after
noon in this city transacting busi
ness. Here From Canyonvllle J. M.
Gross, of Canyonvllle, transacted
business in Hosoburg for a shout
time Monday.
Shops and Visits FrlendsMrsT
Fred Asam, of Glide, visited
friends and shopped in this city
yesterday afternoon. (
Yoncalla Visitors Here Collie
and Joseph Prlngle, Yoncalla resi
dents, were business visitors here
yesterday afternoon.
Here From Myrtle Creek J. H.
Perry, of Myrtle Creek, spent sev
eral hours in this city yesterday
transacting business.
Dillard Visitor Here C. E. Moy
er, prominent Dillard nurseryman,
was a business visitor here yester
day afternoon.
Here From Lookingglass Ar
thur Marsh, of Lookingglass, was
a business visitor In this city yes
terday afternoon.
Spends Day in Reed sport Miss
Clara Engebretsen, Dnugins county
health nurse, spent Monday visit
ing the schools in Reedsport.
Days Creek Visitor in Town A.
H. Moore, of Days Creek, spent
a short time here yesterday attend
ing to business affairs.
Returns From Gardiner Joseph
Murphy has returned to his home
In this city, afler spending the
past ten days on business at Gard
iner. Cleveland Visitors Here Mr.
and Mrs. E. O. Trozellc, of Cleve
land, visited the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Fest, and trans
acted business here yesterday.
Returns From McFarland Mm
John B. Penhall has returned to
her home in this city, nftr spend
ing several days in McFarland,
Oregon, where she held a group
meeting of the missionary societies
of that district. She reports the
work was encouraging In every way
and th?it an Interesting meeting
was held. Each society of the tils
trict took part in the meeting.
Missionary Society to Meet
The Woman's Missionary society of
the M. E. church. Smith, will hold
a social meeting in the church par
lors Wednesdav afternoon, at 2:30
o'clock. Each Indy is requested to
brfr.rf a household nrtlc'e and pieces
for the aiiiit. which the tariff are
making for the bazaar. Everyone
has been asked to come prepared
to sew.
O. S. T. A. Committees Appointed
H. F. English county president
of the State Teachers association
and a resident of Myrtle Creek,
and the county school superinten
dent's office have made up the
O. S. T. A. committees for the
meeting during the Christmas holi
days. The nomination committee
is composed of Marlon Winslow.
of Glendale, Miss VerMo Tracy, of
RosburE. aid A. H. Weber of Yon
calla. Tho delegates committee is
"omnosed of Leslie P. Millr, of
Drain; Ilenjamfn Huntington, of
famas Vpl'ev. and Mrs. Lorn R'd
die, of Riddle. The resolutions
committee Is cmnnnsr-d of Miss
Kate Buchanan, of Rosehurg; Miss
Rose Martin, of Myrtle Creek, and
J. Walter Richardson, of Elkton.
These committers are to begin
working at. once.
Sutherlin Man Here It. W.
Crawford, of Sutherlin, was a busi
ness visitor In this city yesterday.
Mr. Olsen Is Visitor K. Olsen,
of Sutherlin, spent yesterday after
noon in this city transacting busit
Shops and Visits Her Mrs.
Dale Bolsiner, of Peer creek, vis
ited friends and shopped here yes
terday. Elkton Visitor Here Roy Fisher
of Elkton, spent yesterday after
noon In this city transacting busi
ness. Mr Crane Transacts Business
George Crane. Melrose resident,
was a business visitor in Roseburg
Here on Business C. C. Hart,
of Oakland, spent several hours In
this city yesterday transacting
Spends Day Here, Tjl- J- Brown,
of ' Rrockway. spent yesterday af
ternoon in this city attending to
business affairs. .
Elkton Visitor In Town E. S.
Weathorly, of Elkton, was a busi
ness visitor in Rosehurg Monday
Hoaglin Visitor Here Oscar
Shockley, of Honglfn, transacted
business in town for several hours
Here From Dlxonvllt Del
hert Oden, of Dixonville,: spent
yesterday afternoon here trans
acting business.
Purchases New Car Earl Wal
lace, of the Pacific Telephone con
struction crew of this city, pflr
chased a new Ford coupe yester
day. ,
Collects Bounty on Cougars
Thomas Cunningham, of Tiller, col
lected bounty on two large cougars
yesterday which he killed in the
Tiller vicinity last week.
Purchases New Truck Eric
Trozelle. of Melrose, was In town
yesterday transacting business. He
purchased a new Ford truck for
use on his Melrose ranch.
Visits Relatives and Friends
Mrs. E. T. Morian. of Portland, and
her daughter. Mrs. Ollhrenth, of
Riddle, spent yesterday in this
city visiting relatives and friends.
Returns From Trip Kenneth At
tnrbury returned hero yesterday,
after spending the past week
learning a new territory for the J.
F. Culver wholesale- compnny. iMr.
AMerbury spent Monday and Tues
day of last week in Eugene and
Cottage Grovo and the remainder
of the week at coast poinls.
Return From Euqene Dr. and
Mrs. E. J. Wainscott have return
fri here, a'ter Rpenri'nT a s''ort
time In T-'ngene vlfHtin? their
dnurhfer. Mts Hern lee, who is fl
studfMt of ITnivf rsitv of Oregon
I Dr. Wnlnseott was n puRt nt Ihn
"Dins day celebration In Eugene
Painle.t Extraction
Gat When Desired
Pyorrhea Treated
Phone R8 faonte Hide.
Radio Service Station
Modern Equipment Expert
All Work Guaranteed
527 N. Jackaon Phone 369
Mineral Vara-r Batbt
Chiropractor .
121 :asa Phone 491
"Complete Health fierv'ce"
Just to Be Polite
Return From Klamath- F-H"
John A. C. King, of Coca Junction;
Attorney R, 13. Cornpton, George
Smith, Ialo Stephens and G. Mc
Gee, of this city, have returned
from Klamath Falls, where they
spent four days attending the Ma
sonic ceremonial.
Undergoes Minor Operation
Miss Ella May Morris, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. G. J. Morris, of
South Main Btreet, underwent a
minor operation yesterday at Roe-
burg General hospital, when she
had her tonsils removed by Dr.
L. M. Leurbach.
Admitted to Hospital Edward
Lamoreatix, son of Mr. and Mrs,
John F. Lamoreatix, of Sutherlin,
has been admitted to Rosehurg
Oeiioral hospital. He was struck
by an automobile in Sutherlin,
while riding his bicycle, and suffer
ed a fractured leg.
' i ' -
Returna Home Mrs. J. B. Pin-
korton has returned to her home
on Routh Doer creek, after spend
lug the past week at Payette, Ida
ho, whore she was called oy mo
sudden Illness of her father, N. W
Lewis, who passed away Bhortly
before she arrived In Payette.
Presents Bouquet of Flowers
H. B. Church, of this city, gave
a large bouquet of his choice
chrysanthemums to Rosehurg Gen
eral hospital yeiterday. Tho flow
era were placed in the pa
tients' rooms and were much ap
preciated by tlioBe receiving Uiora. I
(Aiuociitcd Pret, Leased Wire)
TOKYO, Oct. 28 An expedi
tion of 000 Japanese soldiers and
policemen, Including two Infantry
companies, advanced today from
two different points to the Musha
district In central Formosa, against
an uprising of savage aborigines
who were reported to have killed
10') Japanese, including 20 school
Reports said the savages had
captured about 100 rifles, and
were advancing on other villages.
Filson Laced Breeches
MADE of finest quality Shed
pel Khaki, double front and
seat; windproof and water
resistant. Mighty fine for any
kind of work or play in the
open. Trim looking and perfect-fitting.
For tale by better dealers
Cmwenienct, comfort t$r&yj
mid good appearance fv&v
oJJ combined fi&W
V Outdoor CotfiesU,
(Associated1 Prw Lraws Wlr)
"WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Nearly
a quarter of a million additional
persona will be employed in the
postal service during the Christ
mas holiday season under a plan
devised by Postmaster General
Brown to give the maximum of aid
in relieving distress due to unem
ployment. Under the plan, the department
expects to expend $6,720,000 iu
this work.
In addition to 224,000 temporary
clerks, carriers and laborers, the
department will employ 3,240 extra
railway mall clerks, i.ouo addi
tional helpers in the motor ve
hicle Borvice and 260 auxiliary
rural carriers.
The breadwinners of destitute
families will be given preference
in the work. Under an executive
order approved by the president
and sent out today by the post
master general, the civil service
qualifications for the extra work
ers have been waived.
(Auocltted PreM Leased Wire)
MARSHFIELD; Oct. 28. John
Westman, logger, escaped with
severe burns when the bath house
in he was taking a shower was de
stroyed by fire last night. The
logging camp property at Sumner,
owned by the Coos Hay Logging
company, was saved from further
destruction by the fifty loggers
employed by the company. A pedl
groed hound, owned by William
Leuthold, camp foreman, was
burned. .
(AuocUted I'rpil Leased Wire)
BOSTON, Oct. 28. An 800-pound
steer escaped whilo being unload
ed at Brighton Abattoir today and
galloped off on a rampage that had
almost the entire Brighton district
into a Btate of fear before police
bullets brought him down.
The steer charged abattoir em
ployees then romped through
heavy traffic to a playground
more than a half mile away, mak
ing lunges at scattering pedes
trians In his path. He paused In
the play ground and then raced
down BOldiors' field road to ' the
metropolitan drlvlnts club race
track and had completed two laps
on the half mile loop before three
rifle bullets stopped his flight.
G. H. Marsh, driving a stolen
car from Kugeno Sunday, was ar
rested here yesterday by Ray
Rnusch, city police officer. The
car is tho property or luuwara
Smith of Eugene. Lee Brown, dep
uty sheriff, accompanied by State
Traffic Officer Ullonberg, canto to
Rosehurg yesterday and took
Marsh and the car back to Eugene.
It's Your Last
The Funniest
Hit on Earth!
! "The Cocoanuts" was
just a starter. The boys
saved their wildest mo
ments, their wisest
cracks, their most
devastating hilarity for
their second screen
Mat. 10c-35c
Eve. 10c-S0o
Matinee Dally at
Evenings 7 and 9
and Thursday
ii i w
. . , ; ; . ; ' . .i i i ! i . ' 1
Wednesday and Thursday
October 29 and 30
Fresh Creamery
Fancy "All Gold"
Sliced or crushed
No. 2 size can
Vote Yes for 502 Soldi
The Time is Limited
Only a few days left to take .,'
advantage of this special
offer on the New-type
This new Wringerlcss Washer brings a new
found freedom for women. A way to do your
washing that requires hardly any effort at all
and only two hours of your time on Monday!
Think of it! Known to thousands of busy
housewives as the fastest of speed-type washers.
It is the only washer of its type by actual test
that thoroughly cleanses shirt cuffs and collars
in one washing without soaking. And cleanses
with gentle kindness to clothes.
You Can Now Wash
Your Clothes and
Dry Them
at the Same Time in
You extract the water from one batch of
clothes while washing the next. By centrifugal
force the water is extracted from the clothes
and held in the extractor while another batch
of clothes is being washed by the agitator at
the bottom of the tub.
It is acclaimed by all who see it, to be an amaz
ing improvement over any wringerlcss washer
ever developed. It is sensationally low priced.
Take Advantage of
this opportunity Now
Balance easy monthly payments
Int PtrUirt
Fine for Lunches
Spaghetti or Noodles ".'
Golden Age, finest Qp
quality. Single pkg'. UU
iers Home Bond Issue
rt tress"