ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1930. THREE Spends Day In Roseburg Mrs. Christian and son, Donald, of Win chester spent Saturday In this city visiting friends and shopping. TILLIE THE TOILER i Local News Return from Eugene J. A. HardlnK. manaKer of the Umpqua hotel, spent the weekend In Eu- enc. Wilbur Visitors Here Mrs. Oodsey and family, of, Wilhur, were business visitors here Sat urday afternoon. , ; Here From Myrtle Cre&k Mr. and Mrs. Hans Weaver and daugh ter, of Myrtle Creek were visitors in this city Saturday. Here From Camas Valley Frank mrown, and son, Howard, of Camas Valley, were" in town Saturday ev ening attending to business affairs. Spends Day In Roseburg Rev. .7. Morse, of North Bend, spent Saturday In this city transacting business. Here From Days Creek Carl Hill, principal of the Days creek school. and son, Robert, of Days creek, "were in town Saturday transacting business. Returns to Eugene Miss Joyce Husenhark, student of University of ..Oregon, left last night for Eu gene, after Bpemllng the week-end in Melrose with relatives. Spends Week-End Here Floyd Rowers, student of University of Oregon, returned to Eugene last nipht, after spending the week-end in this city vlsltingfriends. former Resident In Town Louis Kay, of Coquille, formerly a mem ber of the mechanical staff of the local Hudson-Essex garage, spent the week-end in this city trans acting business. Return to Corvallls Miss Wll- ma. Miss Helen and Dale Busen hark, students of Oregon State col lege, left last night for Corvallis, after spending the week-end In Melrose visiting relatives. Back From Vacation Miss Glenna McDaniel returned to -her work as saleslady in the local Cali fornia Oregon Power company of fice this morning, after spending a week vacationing in Albany and Portland. Drew Visitor Here F. L. Thom as, of Drew, spent today in this city transacting business. Glendale Visitor Here W. A. Condray, of Glendale, was a busi ness visitor In this city today. Glide Visitor Here Henry P.lakeiy, of Glide, was in town this morning attending to business affairs. Reported III at Home Mrs. O. M. Nicholas is reported to be ill at her home on North Chadwick street today. Working at Local Store Mrs. Retta Clark has accepted a posi tion as extra saleslady at the local Woolworth store. Here From Mt. Alto Ranch W. L. H. Osborne., of the Mt. Alto Ranch near Glide, was a business visitor here today. Glide Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Chapman and family, of Glide, were In town Saturday transacting businoss. Here From Myrtle Creek , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grubb, of Myr tle Creek, spent a few hours here today shopping and visiting with friends. Spends Week-End Here Carl Fest. of North Bend, spent the week-end in this city visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fest, on North Jackson street. Dixonville Couple in Town Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brown- of Dixonville. were in town this morning visiting .'rlends and trans acting business. His "Dancing" Way VT'3 ALMOST "TEN O'CLOCK vWD you PROMlET BUBBUTS. HE. TOMlGHT- PLEASE Take ME HOME Me. SMITH Buy !' &E VdlTH vou iVlOfJDETi Fill. 3TM mm sty i mmr yOU r-AUSTN'T SUCH MICE "THIUSl TO ME VA1HEM VOU'iae EM6AGED "TO BUBBLE'S "THAMES I FCfi THE JMMNER- HELP IT IF Voo cmmh ALOKlS AFTEE. I BUBBLFS?B VISIT! FLIERS ' if W ix " r' 1 ' . liEK ; C300D i V T vwy, Wfi. .uvvt ! Bua&L-ElM V-. THAT'S X DAMCEE. HE'S f mil ' J5 Wns?T. .... v.Md MTE1ICE HERE Hans Mirow, owner of the Mirow Flying service of Portland, accom panied by Bill Larson, parachute i jumper and stunt pilot, were in Roseburg Sunday flying two planes carrying passengers. They had planned to be In Roseburg Satur day, but were delayed by poor weather, and did not reach the city until Sunday noon. They had plan ned to bring a girl vingwuliier and parachute juniper with them, but the young lady became ill shortly before leaving Portland and was taken lo the hospital for an emer gency operation. A large crowd was on tho field Sunday nftornoon to watch the fly ing activities. Tho field was a busy place with planes carrying locnli passengers, while several ships stopped for short rests at the Hold. Edison B. Mouton, of Oakland, Cnlll'ornla, chief inspector for the li. S. department of commerce, flew In during the afternoon and stopped at the airport for a lew minutes to check over the condi tion of tho field. Mr. Mirow states that this will be his lost visit to Roseburg this year, but he expects to return in the spring to give passenger rlucs. Marriage License Issued A marriage license has been Issued In- Lane countv to Lee Cupp, of F.ugene, and Marie Williams, of Roseburg. .Soends Sunday In Bandon H. M. Plerson, local Pacific Telephone and Telegraph wire chief, and Mrs. Plerson, spent Sunday at Bandon beach. Return From Euqene ' Scott Williams and Paul Warren, junior high school teachers, returned here last niirht. after spending the weekend in fcugene. They attended the University of Oregon - Idaho football game Saturday. Thimble Club to Meet Neigh bors of wooncrart Tnimnie ciuo illmeet tonlTht at the home of Mrs. Max nurr. 447 so. arepnons Rtreot. with Mrs. Sadie Runyan and Mrs. Ruff as joint hostesses. The affair will be a Hallowe'en party. Returns to Euqene Miss Viv ian Williams, student at Univer sity of Oregon, left last night for Rucene, after spending the week end in this city visiting her moth rr. Mrs. Elsie Williams,, on South Jackson street. Leaves for Home Miss- Inez Lehrbach left last evening for her home In Castle Rock. Washington after spending the past several days In this city visiting at the home of her father, Dr. L. M. Lehrhach. Vlsitlna In Portlad and Seattle Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Waddell. of this cltv, arc spending several lnvs in Torllnnd attending t'.-e Pacific International Livestock exhibition They will visit in Seattle before returning home. Returns From Eugene Miss Pearl Rayburn, stenographer in the county agricultural agent's office, spent the week-end in Eu gene visiting relatives and friends. Spends Week-End With Barents Leonard Riley, senior high school instructor, spent the week end with his parents in McMlnn- vllle. Mr. Riley Sr. is president of Linfleld college. Correction Albert Mlcelll was general chairman of the Elks' dance at the Elks' temple last Thursday night, instead of Victor Micelli, as stated in the society page of Saturday's News-Review issue. Spends Day Here W. H. Mode, of Umpqua. spent Saturday in this city transacting business. Mr. Mode stated that he recently leas ed the Emmick place at Umpqua Tor the coming year. Returns From Corvallis De- loss Richardson has returned to this city after spending the week end in Corvallis visltlnT IiIb fra ternity house end attending the football game. He is emploved by Judge J. W. Hamilton of this city. DFDDUGLAS CRIME ELIDE HOOTERS Monmouth Team Enroute The Monmouth Normal football team stonned at the ITmnqua hotel last nleht on the way hack to school after playing football at Chico, California. Saturday. Monmouth won tho game 29 to 0. The plavers left early fills morning for school. Leaves for Home In Drain Mrs. II. U. Cochran left last night for her home In Drain, after spending F Uio week-end in this cltv as the ,jViouse guest of her daiiehter and I kon-ln-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichlcin. She Is a former resident of Roseburg. Vlsitlna Here Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, of Salem, arrived in this city last week end to visit their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Beard, on West Lane street. Mr. Pratt returned to Sal em last night and Mrs. Pratt will spend a week in this city. Spend' Sunday Near Oakland Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Oross. Heston Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Ross and small daughter, of this city, spent Sunday at English set tlement near Oakland as the house guests of John Kanipe and daughter, Miss Mildred. iv-Spend Week-End in Marshfleld Miss Gertrude and Miss Maxine Laird, Miss Dorothy Main, Miss Merle Branch, Miss Norma "Win ston and Miss Revft Neal. of this cltv, motored to Marshfleld Sat urday, where they attended the Roseburg-Marshfield football game and also visited friends. Leave for Salem Morrla Houfl pr. salesman in the Maddox pro cprv store, flrpomnanlPrt by his Fister. Miss VioMte Hounfr. Wt Saturday rilht Kalem to visit thpir courIti. Mra. Harry Pearcy. jiij'I family. Mr. Hoiisr returned to Rosebure last evening, but Miss Violottp will remain for a week. Mr. and Mr R. B. TTouaer of Al bany, M!sa Dorothv Marsters and Mlsa Marlorie Kn!"ht. of Rose- burn, students of Orepon State eolleiEe. were also the house puests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy over the week-end. Radio Service Station Modern" Equipment Expert Workmen. All Work Guaranteed ROSEBURG RADIO' COMPANY 527 N. Jackson Phone 365 ORUGLESS HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vaoer Bathk Chiropractor 121 lass Phone 4&1 "Complete Health fiervlcV Visits Here For Day Mrs. R. J. Lewis, of Coquille, spent Saturday in this city as the house puest or her sister. Mrs. O. K. Gross. She left Saturday eveninp for Red Hill, where she will spend several days vlsitinp her brother. A. v. Cock eran, and mother, Mrs. H. Lock eran. The -sheriff's office was notified today that Frank Jones, a Riant nepro vaprant arrested Monday night at Sumner mountain in Coos county, has been identified as one of the men who" on the nlcht of September 7 brutally assaulted I. O. Crewson. who resides on the Umpqua hlphwny below Scotts burp.The sheriff's office is con ducting a further investipation to day, and if the identification is sufficient tho nepro will bo broiipht to Roseburg. . Crewson. an ex-service man. suffering ill health as a result, of war service, was called from' his house late nt nipht on the 7(h of September, and was confronted by a nepro and a white man. Tloth at tacked him without warning, ac cording to tho story piven the offi cers. He. knocked the negro down, but was hit over the head wilh a club wielded by the white man, was badly beaten after beinp knocked unconscious and then thrown over the side of the rond onto the rocks. One lung was punc tured by a broken rib and he was in a critical condition for several days. Although a search was mode all over the state for his assailants, thov were never located. Monday the sheriff's at Coquille arrested a negro who had been begging from bouse to house and had terrorized residents o the Sumner mountain district. Grewson, taken to CoouUle Satur day by Poputy Sheriff Dodson of Reedsport, positively idonlifleu Jones as one of his assailants. Tho description of the negro Is said to fit in perfectly wilh that given oy Crewson following the assault. Crewson collapsed after mnMng the identification and had to be taken to tho hospital over night to recover from shock. The sheriffs office Is com municating today with Peputy Sheriff Dodson and with offie-ers at Coquille relative to the case. (News Review Pmittlas Countv Rpcrlnl) GLIDE. Oct. 27. Floyd Watson and Seth Matthews of Glide, and J. Kenneth Jlenninpcr of Oakland killed three large cougars .t week on a hunnn'r trip up the North Umpqua. Mr. Watson saw one of the animals following him through the woods and stopped to take a shot. The cougar ran into the brush and jumped on a log, where Mr. Watson tok a long shot at him but mlsed. At the same. time, he saw anolher coucar fione distance nway. He started to ro- load his pun and found that sheila he had been carrying in his pocket had dropped out through a hole and'. that he had onlv two 'art ridges left., so decided to call tho other memhers of the party.. They returned to Fall creek and secured a pack of hounds that, took up the trail, and within a few minutes thev found where a deer had been killed, partly eaten and the carcass buried. They wen hack to this stot. the next day and secured fresh tracks that resulted in three coutiar being killed. . Mr. Watson and Mr. Mai thews recently killed a large. coyote which had b' en killing turkeys. The doirp nirked up the trail about, inn yards from the limine and followed it to the head of Fall creek before tho animal was killed. Considerable damage to stock has been done in the Fall creek district In the past, and it is believed that killing of coyotes and cougars will result in saving muiiy sheep and turkeys. , o BORN ROSFR To Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Roser, of Roseburg, Saturday, October 25th, at Mercy hospital, a son. CLEMONS-To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Clemens at their home In Eden bower, Saturday, October ISth, a son. HUNT FOR JAMES' BODY TO CONTINUE SPECIAL ! ... . THIS WEEK ONLY Ladies' Coats Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 Save 50c by having your coat cleaned this week. Yes, we give 8. & H. Green Trading Stamps ROSEBURG CLEANERS 230 W. Oak St. Phone 472 We Are Supporting the Community Chest LESS THAN ONE-WAY FARE j HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hall, of Roseburg. nt Chilson's ma ternity home. Friday, October 21th, a daughter, Eva Anne. LEWIS HEIDEN REICH RITES HELD AT CATHOLIC CHURCH iFuneral services were held Sat urday for Lewis Heldenrich, who dl'ed Thursday at iMerev hospital. Rev." Father Shoeltnn officiated nt St. Joseph's Catholic church and in terment, took place in the Catholic cemetery, with M. K. Hitler in charge. DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phot) ft 4SS' Masonic Mdg. V. L. Dorman, brother-in-law of Emery James, Salem policeman who became lost on the Little river divide October 6. nnd II. K. Lyons, son-in-law. returned to Roseburg1 Saturday evening after assitlng in the senrch for James' body. They went to Salem Sunday, but plan to return soon, If possiblo, to con tinue the hunt with the crew that Is now being organized to work as long as weather conditions will permit. Mr. Dorman stated that the rela tives and friends of Mr. James aro very grateful for the assltnnce given by Roseburg people, and particularly the sheriff's office for tho help afforded. GRAND JURY FACES LENGTHY DOCKET The grand jury for the Novem ber term of circuit court met this morning to start work on the crim inal docket. It is expected that the session will last all week and perhaps lonpor, as thore are num erous matters to receive alien tion. Tho membors of the grand jury aro Foster Ilutner, W. A Smith, Ralph Newton, John Hun ter, Arthur Marsh, William York and U. S. Barker. PORT1ABJ1 Fri. OCTOBER 31 ONLY Return Limit November 6 TWO GREAT EVENTS Saturday, November 1 osowsc Shrine Hospital Benefit Football Game and Final Day of Pacific Inter national Livestock Exposition it (13 Shows in ont) To enable you to enjoy the thrill of these spec tacular events at moderate cost, and to get there safely, quickly and without nervous strain, by train, we've set this very low fare. Convenient service by day or overnight sleeper. Ask Agent for details. E. CLARK, Agent. Phona 11 Will Make Speeches Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bailey of South Deer creek left Saturday for Josephine and Jackson counties, where Dr. Bailey, who Is editor of the State Granite Bulletin. Is to spend the. ensuing week addressing; meetlnES called for consideration of the hat lot measures sponsored by thhe grange. Do You KNOW the Insurance Aent ? " DOB tny other mm the fannnci ""-'rfrnrt it human; bf b tfat kind of fellow yon ltk to mm. Hti tniniof and ciprrieoct qualify turn to famish Mock fare inturaoct proartioa (hat saftgairda your Hunt's Theatre Most Unique in the West Visit From Corvallis Mrs. IT. n. Chureh nnd son. Flovd. and danch tnr, Troas. anrnt the wppk-rnd in RosoburK visiting with Mr. Church. They are now locnied in Corvallis where Flovd nnd Troas are attend ing the state college. TODAY AND TUESDAY Cocoa-Nuttier Than Ever! V, 4h YV -m h - m KIM Oi him rhunn rm jrfwW (poo- Wrw m ukpiKtm Quine & Co. HOTEL GRAND BLDG. Pho 108 AT QUITTING BUSINESS PRICES Our large stock of good au tomobiles must be liq uidated. They may be had at ridicu lously low cost to the buyer. J. O. Newland and Son 114 So. Stephens St Roseburg, Oregon mm, rasas; The Nuts of "Cocoa nuts" Are Now the Wise - Crackers of "Animal Crackers" Groucho! Chleol Zcppo! Har pol Cocoa-nuttier than ever In this mlrthquakel Four times funnior than any four men have a right to bel Km Plus Special Selected Short Features ADMISSION 10c-35c Eve, .100.50. jt Matinee Dally at 1:30 vfVy Evenings 7 and 9 jt'iAi SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY CHEST Analyze the "Grange Bill" Before You Vote 191 leading citizens and taxpayers of Oregon, on page 55 of the Voters' Pamphlet, conclude their argument against the the meas ure as follows: "We recommend a 'No' vote on this amendment "BECAUSE this amendment would open the flood gates of public expenditures at the taxpayers' expense; "BECAUSE it would create a new class of political agencies, and give ' them unlimited power to incur debt, levy taxes and spend public money; "BECAUSE it would invite the-worst kind of political gerrymandering for promotional schemes ; "BECAUSE it would discourage new industry from locating in Ore gon; "BECAUSE it would retard efforts to secure federal development of the Columbia, and "BECAUSE Oregon needs all of its present taxpaying industries to share the necessary cost of government. ' Oregon cannot afford a new class of uncontrolled tax-spending political bodies, operating tax exempt property in a hazardous business enterprise, at the risk of the already burdened taxpayers of the state." Protect Your Homes and Property Against More Bonds and More Taxes THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY "Yoor Partners IVt f,.W In Progress' tar VOTE 325 X NO