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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1930)
ROSEB'JRG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1930. FIVE 1929 LEGISLATURE E TO GO Thirty-Three Seats to Be Decided by Contests; Senator, Eddy One of Hold-Overs. SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 25 At least 67 of the 90 members who sat in the 1929 session of the legislature will return to Salem next January as members of the 1931 session. Tis may be stated with reason able certainty, although some of them have contests ahead in the November 4 election. In the Btate senate 14 members are to return because they are hold-overs, and seven for the rea son they are without opposition. These seven are Senators Sam H. Brown and Lloyd T. Reynolds, of Marion county; Willard L. Marks, Linn; George W. Dunn, Jackson; Linn K. Jones. Clackamas; L.- L. liiunn, Umatilla; and W. H. Stray er, Baker county. Brown, Marks and Jones, all republicans, have both the republican and democra tic nominations, as has Strayer, a democrat. Eddy Among Holdovers The 14 hold-over senators are B. L. Eddy, Douglas county; Ed W. Miller, Josephine; Charles Hall, Coos and Curry; Edward Schulmerlch, Washington; J. O. Bailey. J. E. Bennett, Gus C. Mos ery and Isaac E. Staples, all of Multnomah; Henry L. Kuck, Hood Elver and Wasco; Jay H. Upton. Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Klam ath and Lake; R. J. Carstner, Gil liam, Sherman, Wheeler; Colin R. Eberhard, Union and Wallowa; J. D. Billingsley, Grant. Harney and Malheur, and Earl E. Fisher of Lincoln, Tillamook. Washington and Yamhill. Senator Harry L. Corbett would heve been a hold over had he not resigned to run lor the rejuMlcan nomination as governor In the May primary. " Several Contests -In addition to these, Senator Joe E. Dunne of Multnomah, Clacka mas and Columbia counties, and Senator Fred E. Kiddle of Mor row, Umatilla aud Union counties, are looked upon as certain to re turn, although both have demo cratic opposition in Walter 13. Uleason ot Portland and E. u. I'rosiDyo of Athena , respectively, while Dunne also has socialist op position In F. M. WIlllamB, or Laue county, H. C. Wheeler of I'leasaut Hill, republican with tue nomination of both old parties, ill succeed Edward r . Bailey no is democratic candidate for ,overnor. . , . : la the Joint Lane and Linn coun ty district Joel O. Booth of Leba non and L. L. Ray of Eugene,, hav ing the republican and democratic nominations respectively, are In a contest to succeed the late John Bell. In the joint Benton and Polk district, B. W. Johnson, with both the republican and democratic nominations, will Bucceed Herbert J. Elliott of Perrydale. Either W. R. Burke or Kenneth E. Shetterly will succeed Clarence Butt for senator from Yamhill county, and Burke, a republican, Is favored. William F. Woodward of Portland wiil take the place of Milton It. Klepper as senator from Multnomah, woodward nas demo cratic and socialist opposition which he is expected to overcome. James W. Crawford, republican, Is looRed upon as the sure suc cessor to Senator Corbett In Mult nomah. F. M. Franciscovich of As toria will succeed Governor Nor blad as senatorial member from Clatsop county, having both the tepublican and democratio nomi nations and no opposition. BURNS FATAL TO y ATLANTA BANKER - ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 24 Creed Taylor, 43, deputy governor of the federal reserve bank of Atlanta, and a former banker of Mobile, Ala., died today of Injuries re ceived yesterday in a fire that de stroyed his home. The banker was rescued with his daughter. Miss Marguerite Taylor, trom a second story .win dow of the home, but only after he had been burned severely. Ills son-in-law. Culver Caraway, was burned on the hands In beating out flames that enveloped Mr. Tay lor. Sparks from an open grate are believed to havo set (Ire to the home.' NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws of Oregon for 1917, and acts amendatory thereof, and a petition mencd by more than three resident freeholders and legal voters of Road District No. 2 of Douglas Cjunty, OrngoB ; notice is hereby KTv.n that a meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 2 of Douglas County, Oregon will be hold at the hour ol 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of November, 1930, at Glide High School lu said road district, for the purpose of voting an additional tax ol 10 mills on the dollar on all the taxable Property within said road district, 'or the Improvement ol the roads therein, the-funds raised thereby to be expended under the super- (3KZ DANCE at Canyon Hall Canyonvllle '-, Saturday, October 25th The one you have been .waiting 'or. Old, time and modern danc ing. Come out and meet your Vriends.-- Tickets ?6c. vision of the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, aud espe cially on the following described roads: As decided ut meeting, by grading, giunling. uraiuiiig audor repairing tue auid roads, as in suiu petition. Ua.ed this 1st day of October. 1930. TWE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By' W. S. Hamilton, lis Judge. Attest: Hoy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) . - , NOTICE OF ROAD ' MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chanter 299. Laws of Oregon lor 1917, aud acts amendatory thereof, and a petition signed by more than three resident freeholders and legal voters of Hoad District No. 11 of Douglas County, Oregon; notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. H ot Douglas County, Oregon will bo held at the hour ot 2.00 oclock P. M. on the 8th day of November, 1930, at Upper Melrose School House in said road district, for the purpose of voting an additional tax of 7 mills on the dollar on all the taxable property within said road district, for the Improvement of the roads therein, the funds raised thereby to be expended un der the supervision of the County Court ot Douglas County. OreEon. and especially on the following de scribed roads: Criteser Road 2 Mills, Elgarose Road 1 Mill, Main Road 1 Mill, Doernor Road 1 Mill, Woodruff Road 1 Mill, Lang Road J Mill,.. Cleveland Hill J Mill, and or repairing the said roads, as provided in said petition. Dated this 1st day of October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTICE Of r.OAD MEETING DISTRICT I , Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws of Oregon for 1917, and acts amendatory thereof, and a petition signed ay more limn three resident freeholders and legal voters of Road District No. 12 of Douglas County, Oregon; notice 1b hereby given that a meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 12 of Douglas County, Oregon will be held at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day ot November, 1930, at Grange Hall In Bald road district, for Uie purpose of, voting an additional tax of S mills on the dollar on all the taxable property within said road district, for the Improvement of the roads therein, the funds raised thereby to be ex pended under the supervision of the ' County ' Court of Douglas County, Orogon, and especially on the following described roadB: 12 Mills on Coos Bay Wagon Road, 1J Mills on all other roads ill Dis trict by grading, graveling, drain ing andor - repairing the said roads, as provided In Bajd petition, pated this 1st day of October, 1930. :' THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG , LAS COUNTY, OREGON. . - By W.'S. Hamilton, Its Judge.' Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) ; -' NOTICE OF KOAD DISTRICT MEEIINii'. ' Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws ot Oregon tor ivxt, buu' -acta amendatory tuereof, aiid a petition sigueu uy more uiau luree tediuout tirctiututti-s and , legal voters .ot itoad District No. iO ot Wiifgla., oouiity, Oregon; notice la neieuy given mat a meeting of the legai voters of Road District No. IS ot ijOuglas County, Oregon will be held at the nour of 2:00 o'clock p. M. on me Htn day of November, 1'J30, at Dist.. 21, School House in said road district,- lor. the purpose of voting an additional tax of lu mills on the dollar on all the-taxable .property within said rOad dis trict, lor the Improvement of tne roads therein, me funds raised ,tnereby to be expended under ' the supervision of the County Court of Dodglas County, Oregon, and especially on the following de scribed roads: Post Qfflce West around West, side road; Frank Urown Hill. Highway North ol Store West thence North to end ol District including Geo. Smith Road, Old Store South to timber including Croy road by grading, graveling, draining andor repair ing the said roadB, as provided in said petition. . . , ' - . Dated this 1st day Of uctooer, 1930. -.. "' ' THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON, f By W. S. Hamilton, It Judge. Attest:' Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) '. .- NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chaptef 293, Laws of Oregon for 1917, and acts amendatory thereof, an a petition signed by more than three resident freeholders and legal voters 01 Road District No. 30 of Douglas County. Oregon; notice is hereby given that 'a meeting of the legal vntnra of Hoad Ulsli let no. 8U Ol Douglas County, Oregon will be "Oh Promise 3vle" At some time in her life Cupid plcadt lo every at tractive woman. , No matter what her featuret are, a woman who is sickly cannot be at tractive. Sal. sunken eyes, lifeless lips the are reptilrnt. tt. tiii-n-ric f-M f-i 1." XT VII.T1I- CAL DISCOVERY is just the tnnic a rundown person needs. It enriches the blood, soothes the nerves and imparts tone and vivacity to the entire system. In liquid or tablets, at drug, store. Stnd 10c tor trial package of tablets to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, m Buffalo! H, Y. and write for free advice. hi-1.1 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of November, laJv, at Kiversdale School House in said road district, for the pur pose of voting an additional tax of 1 mills on the dollar on all the tax able property within said road district', lor the Improvement of the roads ttfretn, the funds rais ed thereby to be expended under the supervision of the County Court of Douglas Connty, Oregon, and especially on the following de scribed roads: 3 Mills Oiling Mar ket Road No. 6, I Mill Calkins' Road, i Mill Curry Road by grad ing, graveling, draining andor re pairing the said roads as provided in said petition. Dated this 1st day of October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws of Oregon' tor wit, and kCLS ameuuatury thereof, aud a petition signed by more tnan tnree resident freeholders and legal voters of ituud District No. &i Of Douglas County, Oregon; notice is hereby given that a meeting of the legal voters ot Road District No. 32 of Douglas County, Oregon will be held at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of November, 1930, at County Home In said roao district, for the purpose of voting an additional tax of 10 mills on the dollar on si! the taxable property within said road district, for the Improvement of the roads therein, the funds raised thereby to be ex pended under the supervision -of the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, and especially on the following described roads: Ab de cided at -meeting, by grading, graveling, draining andor repair- '"g tne 8alti roaas' aa provided In BU1U IIBL1UUU. Dated this 1st day of October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. . By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. : Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) ... NOTICE OF DISTRICT --.MEETING ROAD v Pursuant to Cbapler 299, Lawn ot ' uivgon iov imY, and acth amendatory tuereot, and a petition signed by more than three resident Liueuoiaers and legal voters of Hoad District No. 60 ot Douglas County, Oregon; notice is lieruuv ,ivuu mat a" meeting of the legal voters ot Road District No. 3o 01 Dougias County, Oregon will bt nelu at the hour ot 2:00 o'clock P, M. on the Sth day of November, 1930, at Peel School House In said 'oad dlBtrlct, for the purpose ot voting an additional tax of 6 mills 011 tue dollar on all the taxablo property within Bald road district, for the Improvement of the roads therein; the funds raised thereby to be expended under the supef- isio . not the County couit of Douglas County,- Oregon, and espe cially on the following described roads: Buckhdrn Road, Cavitt Creek Road, River road lrom Fall Crook to Boundary by grading. graveling, draining- andor repair ing the said roads, as provided In said petition. Dated this 1st day of October, 1930. '..-.' THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY,. OREGON. By W. S. Hamikon, Its Judge. Attests Roy Agee, County Clork. (Seal) NOTICE OF ROAD 'DISTRICt MEETING Pursuant , to Chapter 299, Laws ot Oregon ior ' ialV, and acts amendatory hereof, and a petition signed by more than three resident freeholders . and legal voters of itoad 1istrlci No. '61 ol . Douglas couuty, Oregon ; notice 1b hereby given that a meeting ol the legal voters ol Road District No. 37 of Douglas County, Oregon will be held at the hour ot 2:00 o'clock P. M. On the 8th day ol November, 1930, at Sylran Valley School House In said road district, for the purpose of voting an additional tax ot 10 mills on. the dollar on all the taxable1 property within said road district, lor the Improvement o the roads therein, the funds raised thereby to be expended un der the supervision of the county Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and especially on the following aescriuea roaus: rom nuseuuaiN coiner West, by grading, gravel Ing, draining andor repairing tile said roadr, as provided in .said petition. ---. . Dated this 1st day of October, 1930. ' THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG- 1 Aa.roiiwTV nnrnnw By W. S. Hamilton, lti Judge. ' ' Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) Xmas . Photo SPECIAL You Save $3.50 October 15th to Ndvember lSth ' I will give FREE on 8x10 Photo In Swinging stand frame with iach dozen 4x6 photos or larger. 12 photot are I 2 appreciated prcsefit. Make your appointment early and save $3.50. Photos live forever.. You don't. ' ' , ' The original Clark's Studio it now locHted in the I. O. O. F. Building, cornet Cass and Jackson Streets. , C.W. CLARK, ProP: I ' . PHCNE 331 J , ' ' Where satisfaction is guaranteed a .............. OF ROAD MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chapter 299. Laws ol Oregon for iyi7, aud actd amendatory thereof, and a petition signed oy more than three resident freeholders and legal voters of Road District No. 3S of Douglas County, Oregon; notice is hereby given that a meeting of the legal voters of Hoad District No. SS of Douglas County, Oregon will be held at the hour ot 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the 8lh day of November, 1930, at Glengary School House In said road district, for the puriose ot voting an additional tax of 10 mills on the dollar on all the tax able property within said road dis trict, for the Improvement of the roads therein, the hinds raised thereby to be expended under the supervision of the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and espe cially on the following described roads: As decided at meeting, by grading, graveling, draining aiuior repairing the said roads, as provided in said petition; Dated this 1st day ol October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) Ntcrict hoAu D.orfdcr MEei I imU Pursuant w -uuuiur 29S, Laws of - Ore&od ior jtfxr, and acid dineuuuioiy tueredi, ud 4 vdttuuu dibueu oy mole tuna tnree icsiuem tieeuuiueis aud legal voieia Of itoad District No. oil ot . Douglas ouunty, Oregon; riouce is tieiouy given that a meeting of the ii-gut tutors oi hoad DidliiCl No'. 39 ut liuuglas Couuty, Oregon will be aeiu at the hour ot 2:v0 oclocit P. At. on me 8th duy of AOVcuiuei, lu3u, at South Deer Creek Grange had in Bald road district, lor luu purpose of voting ah additional tax of 10 mills on the dollar on ail tne taxable property witnin said roan district, for the improvement of die roads therein, tue funus raised thereby to be expended under the supervision of the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and espe cially on tho following described roads: As decided at meeting, by grading, graveling, draining andor repairing the said roads, as provided In said petition. Dated this 1st day ot October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURTr OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. , By W. S. Hamilton, ts Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT . MEETING . ; , Puf-suant to Cuupler Laws of : Oregon, tor itfxi, uuu' uCvb rt.jeuuu.wi u.eieoi, uiid a pt.uu a,tfu:u oy luo.e tuna i.,.uwtu .trceuoiuurs and Ivgai vuivt ..uftiaU'lylatrlCt 110. Ot. isuuluo oouniy Oregon; nouce i& lAV-eys Ai voir uuu a meeting of Uiu iebii uterg of "Itoau Lnstiict. Xsu. bo ul Douglas County, Oregon will be ueid at-the hour of 2:00 oclocii e. iI. on the siu day ot iNovemuer, ia3u, at leu nine bchool tiouso in .aiu road district, for uie purpose ol voting an additional tax ot 10 mills on tne dollar 011 all tne tax- aula property witnin said road uis- .r.ct, for the improvement ot me roads therein, the funds laised tuereby to be expended under tne supervision ot the County. Cuurt 01 Douglas County, Oregon, and espe cially on he following, described roadB: As dccldod at special meet ing, by grading, graveling, drain ing andor repairing - the said roads, as provided In said petition. Dated this 1st day 01 octoDer, man. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. .. By W. 8. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTIC8 tF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws ot Oregon for 1917, and acts amendatory thereof, an da petition signed by more than three resident freeholders and legal voters of Road District No. 69 of Douglas County, Oregon; notice Is hereby given that a meeting ot the legal voters ot Road District No. ED ol Douglas County,- Oregon will be held at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P, M. oA the 8th day e" November, 1930, at Cleveland School House In said road district, for the purpose of voting an additional tax Of 4 mills on tne dollar on all the. Wit- able property within said road dls Robiirp; Cabinet Shop E. 8. Cockolreas F. L. All kinot of cabinet work' Cupboard Doors. Furniture Repairing, Truck Bodies. W sert TJnson Board and Veneer. , , , Saw Filing Specialty Phone 541-i 642 Fowlf St. Yovt Save $3.50' NOTICE trlct, for the improvement of the roads therein, tue Itnid raised ! thereby to be expended under the I supervision of I ho County Court 01 uougias County, Oretiun, ana especially on the following de scribed roads: 1 Mill on Main itoad, 1 Mill on School House North, 1 Mill on Upper Cleveland Road, 1 Mill on Heydeu Road, by grading, gruveling. draining, andor repairing the said rouds, as provided in Bakl petition. Dated tills 1st day ot October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attestj Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTICE OF ROAD OISTRICT MEETING Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws 01 o,e&uu tor 1911, and uctb uineiiutuo. y tuereot, aud a petiuun ucd uy inoie uiau uuee resiueut iiueuutuera and legal voters of iio.iu District .o. 02 of LiougU uuuuty, Oieauu; notice is ue.uuy feiveu tftat a uieetiug ut tue lc&at utors ut iiuau District No. of lyougias Couuty, Oregon, will be iio.u at the hour of 2:u0 o'clock M. on the 7th duy ot November, 1930, at Maupin s Dryer In snlu uistitct, tor tne purpose ot voting an additional tax of 6 mills on the dollar on all the taxable property within said road district, for the improvement of the roads therein. tne funds raised thereby to be ex- ponded under the supervision of the County Court ot Dougias Coun ty, Oregon, and especially on the following described roads: 3 Mills from Brown Bridge tb N. W. end of District, 2 Mills from Brown Bridge to N. E. end of District, by 9 grading, graveling, draining andor repairing the said roads. as provided In said petition. Dated this 1st day ot October, T930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG . LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) . . NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING OISTRICT Pursuant to Chaiicer 299, Laws Ot viieguu m'r ml, and acid nuienuaiji'y t.tereot, aud a petluou jigucu oy uiore luiue iwoiueut t.uuuuiuers and ic&ui voters 01 uouu Disulct ino. i- ot Douglas owuuty, Oregon; is ueiuuy Bi.eii inac a uiceuug ot the lebai volois ot Hoau District No. 71 ut lAiugias uouiuy, u.eBon win be ueiu at tue iiour ut 2:00 o clock 1-, M, on tne 8tn day of Novemoer, joju, at nousilu Pustotfice lu said road district, for tne purpose o( voting an additional tax of 10 mills On the dollar on all the tax able prupeity witiiin sdid road dis trict, tor the improvement Of tne ruuus tuereth,- - tue luuds - raised thereby to be expended under the sullerviston of the-Couuty court of Douglas County, Oregon, aud espe: oialiy on the following doscriuod roads: From Lone Kock Bridge to G. Vaugun place, from Tom Hull pjtee to -Kock Creek Bridge On main Road, from Rock Creek Briuge to Taylor place on Hock Creek Rond. by grading, graveling, draining andor repairing the said roads, as provided in said petition. Dated this 1st day or October, 1930. . ' ' THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, its Judge. Attest:' Rby Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) 0 " NOTICE OF ROAO MEETING DISTRICT Pursuant to Chapter 299, Laws of Oregon for 1917, and acta amendatory thereof, and a petition signed by more than three resident freeholders and lcgnl voters Of Road District No. 7a ot Douglas County, Oregon; notice Is hereby given that a meeting ol the legal voters ol Road District No. 7t of Douglas Couuty, Oregon will be held at the hour of 2:00 o'clock and Accessories Onri Crosfcv six-tube table model electric complete .v.. $40 One Crosley 8-tube console model i. $85 One Atwater Kent (able model 7-tube electric complete....$40 One Boscn seven-tube Console model electric complete j...$00 One Zenith six-tube set with Western Electric' cone speaker, complete $90 A few good used "B" elimina tort. A few automafiu "'A" battery trickle chargers. Fotif first elae wel Willard "B" batteries. ' Twd good used baltery radios to trade for wood. All fully guaranteed. ' ' Phon Ot Rosaburg Super Ssrvlct Station. corner Rom and Oak Sts. . W Are Pttilco Radio Dealers Everybody's help le necessary to make . the , Community Chest success. ' Taylor's Battery & Electric Station fadios P. M. on the 8th day of November, at Poll House in said road district, for the purpose of voting ait additional tax of 10 milla on the Ur on all the tuxnbie property within said road district, for the Improvement of the roaus therein, the funds raised thereby to be ex pended under the supervision of the Cot'rt ' luilia Coun ty, Oregon, and especially on tho following described roiuls: From South Line ot District to Henry Kl- pel, Hay Baldwin Road, from .Main Rond West to Charley Wiley's place, by grading, graveling, drain ing andor repairing the said roads, as provided in Baid peti tion. Dated this 1st dTy of October, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton, Its Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, County Clerk. (Seal) NOTICE OF r.OAD ttEu 1 ii.u DISTRICT, Pursuant to Cuapter 99, Luws Ot UieauU lor 11U1, UUU Mltn unteuuu.u.y tuereot, utid a petitiun uigueu uy moie tnuu titree resident liutiuuiUei-s and legal voieis 01 itoad district No. tjot Douglas iuuuty, Lfiobou; notice la 'ttmoy given that a meeting 01 the legm voters ot Road No. Su ot LouKlas County, uregon will be ueid hi the hour of 2:00 o clock r. .vl. on me stn day ot iNOveuiUur, 193u, at Riverside bchool liouse lu said roud district, ior tho purpose ot -oiiiig an auuitional tux ot 4 nulls on the dohur on all the tax able property within said road dis trict, for the improvement of the rouds therein, the mucin raised taeroby to be expended under the supervision of the County Court ol Douglas County, Oregon, and espe cially on the following described loads: 2 Mills on East S!do of Highway, 2 Mills on West Sido of Highway, by grading, graveling, draining andor repaii lng the said roads, as proYldod In said petition. Dated tills 1st day ot Ootober, 1930. THE COUNTY COURT OP DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON, ' By W, Si Hamilton, lis Judge. Attest: Roy Agee, Couuty Clerk. (Seal) . . NOTICE DISTRICT Pursuant to Cliuptor 299, Laws ot uiuguil tor nut, ana acs ..uieuuuiAii-y tuereot, uud a petition .iifeuu uy mute tuau u.iee rwiut .ruetiuiuoi-s and teg.a vu..s iuau District ito. ui of Douglas uuuty, oregou; notice id ueiuuy h-ivou tliut a meeting of tho legu. ,O.U. S Of ItOUU DiSt.iCt No'. 81, Ol uuugias COuuty, Oregon will bu ueid ut the hour of 2:00 o clock tj. :vl. on tne 8tn day ot wove.uuer, yju, ut t-uik Ciuu liouxu .ii' said louu uistnct, for lliq pur pose of vouug an additional lux ot j mills on tne dollar , oil all thu taxable property within said loud district, tor 1110 improvement ot the roads therein, tire funds rais ed tlioroby to be expended minor the supervision of the- County Court ot Douglas County, Oregon, aud especially on the tullowlug de scribed roads: Miller'" Addition 2 Mills, Surkumer Road 1 Mill, Cuip qua Pink Road 3 Mills, Wilson Colirw Road 2 Mills, - by grading, xravoling, draining ondor repair ing the said roads, as provided In nld petition. ' Dated this 1st day ot October, 1930. fHlil COUNTY COURT OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON. By W. S. Hamilton Its Judgo. 1 Attest: Roy Agoe, County Clerk (Seal) ?TW 1 Vi OF RO.-.D MEETING y m v t " 1.. " ' . K, ' V it'J k . t I'M i : r I h ' i. ... ! Save money and increase (he mileage from your tires by I taking advantage of our expert tire repairing and vulcan- izing services. ' ; : ' REASONABLE PRICES Healy-Wood Tire Co. 1 I Th County's Largest Distributor or tlia World's Greatest Tire . ... Goodyear! Ned Dixon's Super Station j mm pi "'ii'l'A hke a ass X he subtle colorharmony of a new Certain-teed Mineral-Surfaced Shingle roof brings out hidden lines of a home's beauty. Let us show you, how relatively low is the cost of such a roof; how it doubles the fire protection, the insulation, the corn- -fort of your home. Phone or write for full information. Certain-teed Shingles Mineral-Surfaced) PAY OUT OF INCOME We are agents for a method of easy month t ly payments. Ask for complete details. DENN-GERRETSEN CO., Inc. 23 N. Main A Sunday Dinner That Tastes Like "Home" . . . AND WITHOUT THE WORK! That h what you'll find here tomorrow. Doliciously cooked feed, pleasant surroundings, and the best cf ssrvice . . . those are the characteristics which make the Coffee Cup Cafe the right place to go. TRY CUR CHICKEN DINNER THIS SUNDAY COFFEE CUP CAFE N. Jackson St., jn;t north of Deer Creek bridge. Vi your teuh are unsound corns in today and lef us bring you lasting relief. Our methods are modern and our prices are low. PROTECT YOUR TOOTH HEALTH! DR. NERBAS, Dentist MASONIC BLDO. VyOHE 433 IIJSJV'V'VffHlKlfiiETi Throw Away Your ' OLD TIRES ' . . V 'w '4, home, Phone 128 Hubcir; Graham, Prop. gj :M'MC'IIKII,H', " I i 4 -y- I j I ?. r f -f. 1- 5 i t :. -r. v.A - 4 ' ' , ! ( 4 I IS