TWO uaur by Ibr w 1 ).. I uc. Member of ! AAoennd tr. His AMui:iUi:d tTunii 10 eoluilva 17 untitled 10 me ubo (or ifbutilti-H-.iuii ui Mil li-iw. dUputLliea urtitlited lo It cr noi mliamim? cmiliied In f.biH paper and lu nil lu ul new. pub' iiui..! nrin. All rlKhts of reliub ucuiiun of upeclitl duputcllel herein re also reaervea. . . . .. .. MAHltlS !.UVOHTH. . .Kdl'or .Entered as second .class .iiaLLoi Uiiy 1,. lZt). at til pus! 1,(1 We a tt.meliurg, Oregon, under Act 01 Mmrh 2. 1879. tt..l....ri;Lll..n ftulea liiilly, per year, by mall,.. $4.01 itiily, single month, by mall..;' .So hv "Hrl'i-r. per molitli... ,60 t OREGON YMSTATE. (i EDIT OK I A I. Jk ASSOCIATION Go To Church Sunday T'HIS Is "GotoChurch" week and Sunday 13 "Gd lo-Cburch" day. Every Sunday shdUld be a ! gb-io-chuich Sunday for everybody. Perhaps thb drive tills week Will 'i tbiid Id titouse an Increased inter i ' eat in church' work. , j . Can you imagine a community without n tiiiiicii? Mm n drib. , colorless place it would be. Much ' ot the social life and hnppy events of an nvcnigb comrriUhlty center 1 around tlio chUrchos. They provide : ; that something that la lucking In '! ordinary everyday formal exist ' : elico. tvbon fttlks arb together at i a church service or at some church j entertuJnmont tllby mcilt da friend's j liild as companions. There Is ilint i spirit about church fellowship that i cannot be found elsewhere. It Is i a fellowship that Is necessary to a complete and happy life?. ; The sociul side of churches Is ' stressed In this because the social t factor Is perhaps moat Important ; 111 stimulating d beginning br 4 re newed Interest In church activi ties. One does not, ordinarily, no to church for the first few times or ohly occasionally because of the presence of an Intermittent reli gious fervor. True religion, the re ligion ot the heart comes more fully after one has becoriie accustomed and happy wltH the surroundings in his or her chinch life, and It is -;' a sure steady thing. ' The churches advertise, ; they ! oln In the promotion of a "gotd cHurch week," hot tor tlicmselves ; biit for those folks who nihy be i Irtsblrod hy thin activity to tnke a rent wed interest Hi cliiirclt wbrk. :i Thoie ohurblt periple' ho hre re , 'i sponsible for UiIb hinvemelit kttotv i Hint Its success will bring more i i contentment niid happiness Into liio worm. That will be their re . i iv.nd for Its success. Drive Begins Monday RjjjONDAV the community cllcst "'drive begins. 'e have boon rbudlng In tlib Porlinhd hewspap era that the Portland drive is go ing over successfully. Our drive MUST bo BUcceastul. ThlB year bf ALL years, vVo must give anucve freely and gladly for thore septus tb be an unusually largo amount ot Buffering and want this year. Tie committees Will be an nbunced Boon now, according to the chairman ot the drive, Nobte Coeltel. iMen anil women will give generously of their time In carry ing bn this drive. Those wild do not actually fiervc on cdriilnlitoes can plan how Id give and so nlake the work ot Hie cotnmlttoes easier. This year, bf all years, our com munity cheat hiust be filled. Letters Frbni the People Communications to th News-Re-view fot publication In this dpnrl Incut ahuuld bn written on only one slitu of ,tl0 paper, alimild not coed R0,1 worda In lena-th. ami muat be alKneq by tits writer, wlmao mull addrera ntuac aecompany th con tribution. FAhltfErJ FUTURE HELD TO RE8T ON HIMSELF ftds I? Ill' ltd, Ore.. Oet. 22. Kdl tor Notfsitevlinv.- Your nnswei in my letter dn fnrmiii wits rutlier Hul'ililslng. ns I linil no hlea Unit "l.elers from Ihe IVople" rter te celved notice froin ihe eillinr Tliutllc you. Uul I am -si 111 uiieou vimeil. Your niitlbu that It would put a "spoke In the wheel" of the coin merelnl. world If farmers reused buying tractors, rind Ihe gasoline to run Ihem is rather rxitKenitecl Isn't ll? There bit ninny othei kinds ot huu'hlnery tlint the ugil ciiIiui'IkI iitnt hare to any nothing of other manufactured articles, such ns clothing, stoves, matches, rooting, pio. t'lty dwellers buy manufactured things, too: so a fen tractors morn or less liought b) the farmer would scarcely be a drop In the bucket. I didn't mean, either, that the money saved by not Inl.. lu tiae tors, and "feed"' for them ahmilil be hoarded on tho farm. I would like to see every farm house con verted tntb ft modernized dwelling so re of them ate how. Thnl would give work to the poor plum ber. Anil maybe the agriculturist could nlfo"-d to buy a radio. Think what t h n t would mean to the har assed and over-worked agent nf that recently Introduced and noisy piece of mechanism. The truth of the matter Is the fanner can't buy tractors now. Or, how ran he, with everything he buys bringing war-time price and what he has to sell hardy eilnntili or not enough lo cover cost of pro duction. There is no help for him utile s lie helps himself. The labor unions and the r.ianjfnctmf rs receiye. rne auppnrt of our ncwsilttticfS arid politicians. The former are their pets, and the latter ihelr gods. Hut the farmer has no friend. Our president, Mr. Hoover, (who is not a politician) would help if he could, but his hands are lied by a contrary and adverse congress; so the farmer hiust administer bit bwti first aid: Let hlra grow his own . motive power and feed therefor. Let him grow Ills di.ii meat a'u'd feed for that. Let hi in buy as little bs pos sible and eell only that Which will bring him a fair return for money dnd labor Invested. (A farmer's labor should be worth 5 per day, same as that of other laborer's.) Let him 'do these things and oth ers that may suggest themselves to hint and In time he may succeed in getting upon his teet. And ir this program proves of fensive to the manufacturer and union labor let tbem go . hang. They have trodden on the farmer long enough It Is time for the wonri tb turn, it duly he Can turn.- . . E. W. PAGE. NAME8AKE.0F MEDFORD . , A8PIRANT TAKES I8SUE 'Ildsabtlrir, dregdh, Oct. 23, 1930. Editor the ItosebUrg NewB-ltevlew. ucar Editor: I notice there was a namesake of mine, but not a member ot my family, visiting Rosebulg yester day, an L. A. Bunks from Medford, running Independently for U. S. seuulor on a wet platform, and saying uncomplimentary things ot the lMth amendment. 1 was one of the men who bad a hand in bringing about the Mth amendment and reihember how It ciilne. 1 bear lit my bouy the scar of a saloon keeper's bullet, a bullet meant to kill me. I weht out with that scar and for forty years hello ed wage the campaign that brought about the lSlli amendment, whiclt I stilt maintain has been an im mense blessing to our country. The liquor saloon no longer canhes the working man's check, taking thei money needed for food for his Wile and children, as It did In the days before that 18th amendment. How would ihy Medford name sake like to travel In an automo bile dn oUr highway today if there were a roadhouse Belling liquor every little way? " The greutest economic blessing this country ot ours has ever known Is that lsth amendment, my Medford namesake, nothuithstund Ihg. Very truly yours, LOUIS ALBERT BANKS. COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN HELD BLAMELE88 FOR, CONDITION IN ROGUE Wedderburn, Oregon Oct. 20, 11)30 Editor. Itosehurg News Itovieiy, Roseburg, Oregon. Dear Sir: .. . ., In your Issue of October 11th yolt ran an , article entitled, "The Value of Klali." It Is quite evldeut that your 111 fdriiiant on some . ot the matters mentioned therelh was not In pos session dt the litcts. and we tiro, theroforo, hoping you will, li( the Interest ot lair play, publish this communication so that your read ers mny bo Informed ns to the tacts concerning It. In tile first place, tile Macleay Estate company does not own the fisheries at the mouth ot the Rogue. Anyone having a license Is free td catch fish Commercially In tho Rogue river. Macleay Estate canlpahy does not catch any fish at all. Itself, but buys fish from tree fishermen. Fdr the last ton or twelve years or more there has been another cannery at the mouth of tho river not owned or con trolled lu any way by the- Macleay Emate company, and very fre quently there are additional buy ers of fish, who are not connected with the Macleay Estate company In any way. The salmon In the Rogue river are hatrhed And Hied and main tained by the commercial fishing Industry. No taxpayer pays any rtioiley fur the maintenance ot the ruits dt fish. Without going into the matter of what would happen lo the Muc leay Estate Company, if Ihe river were doped to coinnlerclal fish ing, It Is of greater Importance to consider the till . 'lit of about one huuilred mi n nr inoie, who depend upon this flsliliiir tr their livelihood and lor the support of llieti' liituiU.s rt ltd children, and in i onslilor the Jobs of upwards or r t" employee who Winked in the cannery thin summer, to snj nothing nt tin' business that will lie losl by tile people Mho make h:i-s. Kelt us ni.'iuuriictnre cans an. I labels. In ihe men who i ill linuilieils nl cords ot wood that ale used lor Ihe canneries eiery ear. ot I ho people who work lu Ihe alines ISal me Mislntnci! by ibis iiuliistr). ot ihe transpor llillnn ennipaule;. licit haul l!c tliliterla's ami sn,i;tli,-s niid of all Ihe various no ichiin.ii-,, linns In OroKnn wllh the comnii-r cllil tishlni; InluMix In mntucls and business. (l tlo'c m;"leis are ol tunic Inipott .nee. pnnicuUr l In these limcv Mian Hi,, mat Icr ol the conti-. :i' lit-i ill investe ! e.ipllnl. which K M-rlo'is ciioikIi In Itself The enilinierclal t l!in ilehMl) does not Itljnro the -spiel tlslnuu. but there arc comlu tun on tin upper KoRtle river ibat no in jut-' It very seriously. .plute now from Ihe Meillonl Mall Tritium of October 1st. 19:11) "When It tl. Woolilil.l :e. 1' known fishing guide of c.mnt-. Pa, completed a trip by l-ei' down the Rogue river last no. lo the month, be found only one ohsrructlon in the stream thai he declared Is doing damage to nne ling In Ihe stream. This nhstrue tlon Is th well known Ralnet falls, and ho said when In Meil ford yesterday, he could not mid eislnhd why It had not been rem edied years ago. Fish are not able to tump the. falls and seem lo bo congregated below them," It Is dlfllrult to understand how liruiits Puss and Medford can vx- ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. POLLY AND HER PALS THE veRV FlRSi rniNo 1 - ( THE LITTLE- SlRLlES S CH; ARE 1AUSH-X AT y& j ( jpj t ) B y - - I r I I IS LOVE -J. r TEACHERies,'------ s; i ; pr- I gx" T"-1" C CuTl6 ' j ' Talks bh Health By -Bit R. S. UOPELANll WHEN we learn to observe thb sensible rules of hygienic liv ing, then, and not until then, may we expect to be free from aches ! and pains. Most of our unconi-1 rortable Bymptoms come from our own mistakes. One ot tho most cdHimdn of hu man ailments Is soar throat. It jnay occur In the middle of the summer, or- in the coldest months. There are a large number of persona who invariably place the blame for tills trouble on bad weather conditions. Nine times out of (on, careful study of the case will show some viola tion of the rules of hygiene. Worry, over-tiredness frdni over work or. any other cause, lack bf sleep all cause a lowering of the body's rnslstunce to Infection. When In such a condition of de creased vitality, It Is, perfectly na tural to chill easily. Tills is what happens, if the day Is damp and cbld dr In sdiiinler If olio IS sudden ly otpdsed Id ft drdft Allen over-, heated. And so' we say It Is the weather. But the real cause lies In the bod ily condition. Your sore throat Is only a symptom. Chronic constipation Id respons ible for more Ills than almost any oilier condition that attacks the IHimall body. It Is such a common thing that most persons take it lor granted. If the Intestinal tract Is not clean, if it Is clogged with waste matter for days and some times weeks, this sets up toxic sub stances Slilch pbholi the system. When thai happens something Un pleasant Is bound to happen. Too many persons abuse the stomach with too rich food and tod much food, this results In a bod ily state which p-epares for the" condition known us a "cold." Sore t hi but hiakos Its appearance The lower bowel has n delicate llhlng membrane from which the veins carry the blood almust di rectly lb the liver. Those large blood vessels foim what Is known as Ihe "porlul circulation." The function of the liver is to tiller out thb bacterid and pdlsbns from the blood, poisons that have been pick ed r i oni the Intestinal tract. rnder the ordinary conditions of good health, the liver does its work effectively. Hut It cannot do the tmtHisalhle thin g. .sometimes when the poison have accumulat ed in too huge quantities, they es cape Into the general blood stream ami are can led lo oilier parts of Ihe body. Clveii such a condition, if a per son were lo talk for too long a lime, so that the throat muscles were overtaxed, or It a man had peel lo have good ang'.iug on the upper Roitile. when Hie (tsh for l.uiK pei mils dm Inc. the ?umnier anil niiitinni cannot swim up the Roitue rlxer. Inasmui-h a Orants Pas and Medfoid and many other cliles on i ' e Hemic liver dump their sew age in the slrealll. wlltch ill Ihe summer ami autumn Is depleted of hull lis ilow b trrlj..t!oh and heati.. to a leinporntuie of So de crees behind the two dams that block the river, it Is a wonder that any id ihe fUh that happen In he above Itnlricy falls can live In that hot. sewage . contaminated aler. Surely, to blame the commercial ! fishing industry at tile mouth of tlit river for these inndittons j Hhsolutely preposterous, and to ilestroy an Industry and payroll on iin such hasl.-- as this is sheer ; eensense. AIL.coimI cllixens of Oregon are . aiiMinis to encourage the tourist ' biulliess. but anglin: In Oregon stri'.inis is not a main factor -In iiiuaciniK ioiiiisi. necnuse lasi year fiie hundred and tiny Ihon rami InirNts came to Orea-on, but In the whole statrt dilting Ihe entire year, only tmm took out ii ii t II ti c Ureases, a little over one per cent. Oregon men and women should holi voted out of their Jobs on silv such flimsv pntvxts a these. MACLEAY t:STATK COMPANY By Roderick I.. Macleay President T6E5ieS TE-ACHERlE-S' smoked tdd much, the throat would become irritated and congested. It is then that bacteria get in their work. If they lodge In that region the victim would have a sore thoat probably. When yoU Have a Bole throat the best thing to do is to got rid of the bowel accumulation. This can be done with the help ot enemas or medication. Restrict the diet for a day or two until your digestive apparatus lifts time to recuperate. . Get plenty of sleep and rest bo as to buim up your rosistlng power against tu: thor poisoning df the system. It a chill should occdr wllh the cold, take a hot drink and a hot bath, so as to overcome the conges tion of the parts. Keep covered Wltrttliy 111 bed arid olid HtUUre td do the rest. Your doctor will pre scribe a simple remedy to assist. , Answers to Health Queries ,, J. M. Q. What is the cause ot the heart beating too fast lu a young persotl? A. It rimy lie due to nervous ness, Indigestion, goitre or. any number df rbilsdiis. For further particulars Betid, a self-nddl'bssed, stamped envelope, and restate your question. ..',.. J. 0. C. f. What wouid you ad vise for bow-legs in adults? .A. I wdtild suggest that you cousult dn orthopedic surgeon, ,MRS. j. P. Q. What do you advise for pdor circulation? A liitlfd tip your general health and ydur clrculalidn will Improve. Try taking a tabtespoonful of pure cddliver oil after meals. L. !;. K. t. Is it Injurious t go swimming and stay lu the water for two or three hours? A. Not unless there is some con stitutional defect M. W. S. t,- Is tliinklng A greot amount dt soda water harmful to the system? A.-Tbri Inucll bt anvthliig Is hail for ydu. . , . E. O. II. tj. What do you ad vise tor nusal catarrh? A. A nose arid throat spray l.i often effective, but other times fur ther treatment Is necessary. For further particulars send a self-addressed stamped envelope and re peal your question. Copyright. lfKIU. hy Newspaper I'Yature Service. Inc. News Briefs t.OS ANdEI.ES. Oet. 21 -- A $15,000 tiust fund for the Leuefll ot Mltrl. an ls-year-old cat. was left by her mistress, Mrs. Maude F. Ide. of San llabrlel. Mrs. lie a practicing physician, left rtn xs Into valued at 50U,OtiO. Nr.W YORK. Oct. 21 Th New York American says Mrs. (li-ace 1. Connors, widow of il 11am J. Connors Sr.. Buffalo. ". Y newspaper publisher, financier and political leader, has offered in turn her million dollar Long K hiUd mansion Into one of the most conuipte cancer research lusil titles in the world. She made the offer to tinders Walter II. Coffey and John llumlx-r of San Francisco, who hnve mad some notable discoveries In cancel resmrrh. She also Informed them funds would be raised to endow the Institute and its work. fcoVAl C.CASSP. Hrasll. Oct. 2t The lengih of Senora Hose He cosla's life Is given by relative its a century and a half. She Is dead, leaving IS children. 134 trsndchlldren. 14 great great grandchildren, Frankfort, ind.. Oct. as. Robert M KTsoiBKr., l-year-bld hlRh chixil slndeni died here yes terday from liilurles received while playing football. A chest Infection, w hich resulted 111 pneumonia caus ed death. . , OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1930. The Love-Sick Mr. Perkins yfes isDteny- rrnEy love Th& Birdies . AiV OF COURSE: ThEiRJ Maybe 1'ni Wrbtig , , . By ... r ., -J. P. MEDBURV SCIENTISTS have discovered a nb kind of cd.-il that won't buln ,ut. lt'a tdd bad they ha,ven't found a kind that will catch on fire. eluil arid Void The superstitious man who went around town whitewashing all the black cats. Social Accomplishments Spread ing ilypaper on your knees to keep the girls from slipping off your lap. Necessary Evils Every busi ness office has to have a few home ly stenographers In order to get the work done. Ace Bf Cads The tightwad who always spanks his kid in the face so that he won't wear lis pants out. Among tho liiiteeatl Many a gold-digger has dug her way through college. Efficiency Exports Tile guy Who painted asparagus black and sold them for fountain pons. Take It or Leave It Thb Hand brake on your automobllb Is like a kimono. Something td put on Id ftn emergency. Dtiiy tjllernmasTIle man who own two graves and can't make up Ills hilhd which one he wants to live lii after he dies. Our Own Vaudeville Mother: Why are you going to bed with that cambrft? Willie: t met a swell looking girl In my dreams last night and I ti-fiiit Id take ft pic ture of Her lii base t see her tlgaltl. Cbllyrlghl. 1(130. King Features syndicate. Inc. Radio dealers wanted In differ ent locations In Douglas county to Sahdlc the new Central Motors ra id. Phone 446, ask for Mr. Han sen. Adv. F---T- jft---'- Til t - --y I 1 He expected mi n . viuesi xi HalldWe'eh 1 Parties $1.00 to $1.50 Per Pound No party is complete without Artstyle Chocolates. AH the varieties that you like best Fudge and Marshmallow, MutlerscBlch, Cftramels. rich ly flavored Creams, Nuts In Creain. Nougat Ines and Brit tle, all generously covered Mid hand-dipped with smooth, delicious chocolate. Sold only at Itexall Drug Stores. 4t .t v k muianrunenon tj 1 jisli ROSEBURO, OREGON II The CoUhty fly R Jt. WOOD Eight miles northeast of Oak land Is a beautiful little valley through which flows a sizeable stream known UB IV DBBIIil VKVasSBBHVjBBjss creek, rising I V. back id Hie hillf that separate this section. Irom Shoestring valle; and the; Elk Head country. It wai here that Mr. and Mrs. Coait suttled on a do nation laud claim in -1850. Shortl after these pio neers came tcJ southern Oregon Mr. Coats died ol fever; and a year br twd later Mrs. Cdats married Anton Harvey; who tame to this section in 1853. For 55 years Mr. and Mrs. Harvey lived on thlst farm, adding other lands thereto Until the ranch aggregated 840 acres After leaving the farm Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Harvey moved td itoseburg, where Mr. Harvey died In 1011; arid later .the pioneer widow passed. In 1903 the Did homestead wits turned over Id R. b: Hai vey, ft BOH Of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Harvey; arid since that time has bebn operated by the latter gentleman and his Wife. Oh tlie did ranch Is, ari'drchard of rftre varieties, ot kpples that were popular with everybody 76 l-ears ago. These trees .are dri thb Very spot where Mrs. Aaron Harvey canned arid cooked the first nieals bd the . banks of the creek when thb homestead was located, and the home was later built within a couple of rdds df the earn p. There it stands today, arid under the roof the children of td genera tions have lived. But all Ihis.time the ranch haft been without ft road. . Strange as it appearft, the Harveys for two generations .have bad td cross other people's lands and open gates flVo of them In gSlng to dnd from tdwn. One of the third generation, a great, grdndson of Aaron Harvey, a lad of about li, travels across ' the fields, opens those fife gates, mak ing ten lu all, .cduitting coming and going, as he attends school, it. D. Harvey and brothers arid Bisters did It, ahd his children did it, tec last of them, MlsS Isabel, a 1929 graduate of the Oakland high school. A part of the time the family was compelled to live In town In brd'er td educate thb children. All because there was no open road utt Wheeler Cl-feek Valley. Vet the route tip Whefeler creek provides a water grade clear through to Intersection with the Elk Head road. And this foUr miles of road Is tree of rock and can be built with modern machin ery for not over $200 a mile, so ah engineer has stated. That road Will put farmers In Elk Head and Shoestring valley In touch with Oakland aqd Roseburg. At present those Idealities, are forced to go Via Yoncalla, 14 miles or so, then l l miles back to Oakland, and if they come on, to Roseburg -it, is Still, a third 1 or 15 miles added lo the -trip. That is the reason the farmers In those localities rarely get down the Roseburg way. In the 79 years that the Harvey ranch has been owned by the fam ily it has paid into the county tax fund approximately $12,000 in taxes, road taxes and all, but has hever received ft dollar In return by wtty of a public road to Us borders. More than this, the very road that has been surveyed through neighboring fields and ihe Harvey ranch, will ndt bnly serve the latter, but Will bring thousands of dollars annually from those other localities into business Channels of Oakland and Rosebtirg money that ndW goes elsewhere. ThlB survey avoids the steep Parachute Jumps Flights $1.50 Adultd $1.00 Children 1 I jl FIVE PLACE UYAN CABIN MONOPLANE "l and NEW "WACO W BiPLANES 1 Write for information on our GIRL WING WALKER - Saturday and Sunday; October 2526 hills bt dri oli route, shortens the dlstnnjfi, mn,k.e a productive com; the county seat, had been declared feasible and necessary by viewers and surveyors, and those people are Urging, the court to expedite action for their relief and upen up a public road void of gales that have delayed progress for a half century; arid more. Advice td Girls . By NANCY LEE bEAR NANCY bEH: , ' 1. How can I entertain ft boy triend at my home? . 2. How can I keep the boy I love front going with Qtlrer girls? 3. How cari I prove that riiy Boy friend loves me? , .. .. BROWN EYES. BROWN EYES: If both you and the yobng man are musical, then your task of entertaining him is an easy and ll pleasant one. But lu any case, whatever the hobbies arid tastes of our guests, the ra dld has simplified all problems of entertaining. Dance riiuslc, boIo lss, news broadcasts, lectures ali of these come out bt the loud speaker td, make ddr evenings pleasant and interesting. 2. If the boy you love, loves yoU; then the problem will riot arse; but if the love is a one-sided affair; then there is little you tan dd except trteat hlrii its 4 casual . friend. S. Tlhid alone can prove whether lovte in real and lasting. '.. DEAR NANCY LEE: I aril a girl In hiy late teeSil arid tor, the past year arid ft half ihave been keeping quite steady dhipahy with, 4 boy several years qiy senior. Although hiy parents do not disapprove, there has beeH talk chin? ArnntiH nhmit It be- ttfeeh ihy friends. Should f dls- cdhtinue going with him? tlNY: the rhtitri Ullhg is that your jiareriis ttpprdvs bf ydtir friendship with tlie young Hiftri. lh tllat caBfe you can afford. td lgtidie tlie gossip ot your friends; unless; Of course, they are aware dt some thing unknow n td yriui parents. GOOD "It ia within trie rovirici 6f th& Bbard bf Healtk of any community to insure good and safe milk. The protection of ihe public can be insured by Pasteurizatiori. It is the Only safe way." C. H. MAYO) Mi D. for the best dall 186. ROSEBURG DAIRY &nd SODA WORKS AM CIRCUS offeReD Sy ' HANS FLYlNQ SERVICE bf Fortland Oregon new flying and ground tcnooi iff astjaww For noisy ideations anil daytihie receptiori try th new General Mo- "r tors radio adiu tiy lidseburg Juwr Co. and Hansen Chevrolet Co. Phone 100 or 446 Mr hemonstra tion. Adv. ' : Roseburg Cabinet Shop E. S.,Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreaj All kinds of cabinet work Cupboard Doors. Furniture Repairing, Truck Bodies . We sell tlnsbn Board and Veneer. , Sa,w FJHds! a Specialty Phone 541-J. . 642 Fowl'r St. 20TH ANNUAL S Soulh Deer Creek Grange Hall Friday Evening October 44; Tickets including supper $1 Mullii by Meloy'i Melbdy .. Makers .... . . RADIOS BATTERY SETS KblsVel-a ., ..$75.00 Radlolas, lable model..: :,$85.00 Radiolas. cabinet model $135.00 Complete with Batteries) Tubes, Aerial, Installed. Terms. Roseburg RadirJ Ctf. 527 North Jackson Phohe 365 and SAFE StUrit Flyihg A 25 Mile Trip $2.50 fer Passenger course at our new winter rate!