THREE " 1 Local News Business Visitor John A. Rob erta of Hror-kway transacted busi ness in this ;ity Thursday after noon. ; Tenmlle Visitor Here Victor Howard, of Tenmilo, transacted business in this city yesterday afternoon. Winston Visitor in Town Mrs. J. H. Wilson, of Winston, spent yesterday in this city visiting friends and shopping. ' Here From Garden Valley Al fred Moore, of Garden valley, spent yesterday in this city trans acting business. Wilbur Couple Here T)r. and Mrs. J. W. Cook, of Willimy were business visiiois In lioseburs 4 Thursday afternoon Here From Coos Junction A. Suksdorf, of Coos Junction, spent yesterday afternoon in thi3 city transacting business. Business Visitor Here It. S. Hmton. of Garden vnllev. srtent Thursday afternoon in Roseburg transacting business. Spends Short Time Here L. T. Fife, assistant master mechanic of the Southern Pacific, with headquarters in Eugene, spent yes terday in Rosehurg transacting business with J. E. Clark, local agent. Mr. Harvey Is Visitor C. D. Harvey, of Oakland, spent a short time here yesterdy attending to business. , Visits and Shops Mrs. William Kellar, of Melrose, spent yesterday in this city visiting friends and shopping. Leave for Portland Mrs. Thom as H. Ness and daughter, Miss Marion, of Ltmrehvood. left today for Portland, where they will at tend the University of Oregon University of Washington football game Saturday afternoon. Returns From Eugene Mrs. O. D. McAllister has returned to her home on South Main street, after spending a short time in Eugene visiting Mr. McAllister, Southern Pacific employe, who is making his headquarters there. Melrose Couple Here Mr. and Mrs. h r.nth L. Conn, of Melrose, spent Thursday nffeiuoun In this v city transacting business. Elkton Business Visitor Here W. A. Clemo. of Elkton, spent sev eral hours In this city yesterday attending to business affairs. Hre From Junction City P. O. Hansen, of Junction City, vis ited friends and attended to busi ness affairs here yesterday. Melrcse Visitor ( jn t Towp Ed ward Reese;' of MelropV. transact ed' business- iiV'thls 1 "clly for cev eral hours yesterday afternoon. ' Spend t'l 'Day at Oakland MrB. Allen Urown and M!sa Hnzel Strickland, of this citv. spent Wed nesday in Oakland visiting friends. Glide Couple Here Jtr. and Mrs. Albert. DeHernardi. cf Glide, snent yeBtorday " in tliis cilv visiting friends and transacting business. Reported III at Home Mrs, Mvrile Williams, pianist and sales lady nt Ott's music store, is re l)ortd to be ill at her homo this week. Wilbur Visitors in Town Vr. prd Mrs. Stan'ey fiort and M-q. Mary Short ' all residents or Wil bur, were vlltors in this city on Thursday afternoon. Undergoes Minor Operation Miss Lavonne Copley. daurrMer of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Conlev, of Myrtle Creek, underwent a minor opera tion in .Itoseburg yesterday, when she had her tonsils removed. Dr. A. C. Seely performed the operation. Mary Riddle III Mrs. Mary F. Kiddie, mother of Attorney Ira R Riddle of this city. Is seriously ill at her home In Riddle. Ker buu has been wilh her for the past two days. She Is-79 years of age and has been in poor health for several years. Transacts Business Here A. J. Crocker, of Wilbur, spent several hours in Rosehurg yesterday trans acting business. - . ' Cleveland V lei tor Here O. II. Krohn, of Cleveland, spent several hours in this city yesterday trans acting business. Visits Friends and Shops Here Mrs. R. IX Kleist, of Drockway, spent Thursday In this cili visit ing relatives and friends and shopping. Days Creek Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moore, of Days vreek, spent yesterday in this city visiting mends and business. Spends Day In Glend&le Mrs. Ellen Post, Douglas county health nurse, spen Thursday in GVn dale, where she held a clinic in the schoothouse. Here From Garden Valley Mrs. Hugh Ritchie Sr.. and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie Jr., of Gnrden val- transacting lev, were business visitors in this clly yesterday. Mrs. Albro Spends Day Here Mrs. F. H. Albro, of Tenmlle. spent Thursday in ' Rosehurg visiting ! ftiendsnnd shoniiini?. ' Oakland Couple in Town Mr. and Mrs. I. Fianery, of Oakland, transacted business in this city yesterday aflernoon. Business Visitor , Here D. F. Richardson, o Sutherlin, spent several hours here yesterday at tending to business affairs. Coqullle Visitor In Town S. D. Pulford, of Coqullle, transacted business in this city for several hours yesterday afternoon. Garden Valley Visitor Here A. Schneider, of Garden valley, spent Thursday afternoon in Rosehurg attending to business affairs. Stops Here on Way Home Dr. I. A. Dunlap, of Sutherlin. stopped here last evening to transact busi ness on his way home. He was returning from Marshfield. where be look a load cf crane iuice. Dr. Dunlap states that he has sold 400 gallons of grape juice tills fall. Visits Oakland School Miss Clara Engebretsen, Douglas coun ty health nurse, spent yesterday in Oakland, where she visited the school. Spends Day In Tiller Floyd Frear, Douglas county ronrtmaster, snent Thursday in the Tiller vl cinily attending to business affairs. Attends Conventlon-r-Mrs. S. L. Keezel, of Corvallis, was the house guest, of Attorney and Mrs. R.. W. Marsters yesterday. She was an English teacher of Mr. Marsters while he was attending college. She has been spending the week In lioseburg attending the W. C. T. V. convention. Purchases New Cai Mrs. Ed ward Edmunds, of Cnmas Vnllev. spent yesterdav In Hosehurg and purchased a new Chevrolet enr from the local agency. - . ' -two Attends Convention Mrs. Hor ace O. Wilson, of Medford. a form er Rosehurg resident. Is viaiiin? friends here this week and attend ing tl'.e W. C. T. V. convention. Return From Portland E. "R. Kennv. of the Douglas Creditors association. rcrVrned hero last nipht afler spending the nfst threa davs In Portland transacting busi ness. Spending Few Davs Here A. S. Rosenhaum. special pnsscmrer agent of the Southern Pacific with headquarters in Medford. is spend ing a few davs transacting busi ness nt the local railway office. Leave for Portland Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Rice, of this city, left yesterday afternoon for Port land, where they will spend sev eral days transacting business and visiting friends. Attorney Rice plans to attend the University of Oregon-University of Washington football game Saturday afternoon. Visiting in Roseburg Mrs. Hal Whitton, of Portland, nee Miss Evelyn Craig, of Roseburg, is spending several weeks ii thitf city as the bouse guest of her aunt, iMrs. Hubert Wright. Mrs. Wliit- tnn has heen In ill health for the I past year and her friends are glad to near or ner uccmen nnprove rnent. . ' . . t , Move to Kohlhapen Apartments Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wbiltniore have moved into the Kohlhagen nnartments. Mr. Whlttmore I manager of the local Woolworth store. Specializing in repairing and altering men's and ladies' ear m e n t s at model ate prices. Satis faction guaranteed. Joe the Tailor Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 ; M. E. HITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient . v Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 284 Oak and Kane Sti. Licensed Lady Embalmer DAN C E, At the New Evergreen Grange Hall Saturday Nite October 18th Music by Rice's Dance Players TICKETS 75c ' LADIES FREE Remember big Hallowe'en masquerade dance, Oct. 31st FREE LUNCH Today AND SATURDAY MARION SnlLUNGC- 2 fj fa VVS Admission iM x I Matinee UA 25c Fate dealt him a stunning blowl It made him hard, ruthless. He took law and life Into his own clever hands. Plus All-Talking Comedy Latest News Evening -35c Matinee Saturday at 2 P. M. LIBERTY Return to Azalea Ttoniel and John Clare lmve returned to their home In Arnlea after snendlntr the entire summer in A'nskn. Thev nre the sons of J. Clnre end are in uartnersht' wi'h him in run ning a sawmill at "ni-a. ?oe and J&eel These smart lisle lined wool hose do odd to the pleasure of winter. Snug and warm to the cnklcs, they're hcnlth and com fort insurance. Small pat terns and near clocks in colorful blends. We'll show you real values nt 50c 75c S1.00 rv r a Hunt's Theatre r nxm TODAY AND SATURDAY pi THOSE r A Roar for Everybody in this Spicy . . . Funny . . . Frenchy Farce See the real Paree of love and laughs with these bewitching guides Charmaine, Diane and Madclonl They defy the law, they meet a trio of fast working American boys, they give you an eye ful and an earful you'll always remember with joy! ft, I i m i ' , 1 p J,l, with FIFI DORS AY Reginald Denny Cliff Edwards Admission Matinee Adults 35 Evening Adults 50 Kiddie Dime MaybeYouCan'tRaisePrices BUT YOU CAN LOWER COSTS. Did you see the fuel demonstration Monday? . If you didn't, you missed something. You would have seen dry ground plowed seven to efght inches deep at the rate of less than thirty cents an acre for fuel. You would have seen a tractor costing less than $1200.00 walking right along in high gear with three 14-inch plows at the above depth, and burning a fuel so low grade the State of Oregon doesn't class it as a motor fuel. Anyway they haven't put a tax on it yet. If you have to sell at low prices you must produce at low costs. A John Deere Tractor is the answer. Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange ROSEBURG L. & H. Electric Ranges Hood River Spray Co. MYRTLE CREEK AGENTS FOR Sutherlin Spray Co. OAKLAND John Deere Plow Co. Hoosier and Milwaukee Pumps Scifeway gives each customer more than just good foods at lower prices. Like the old "bak er's dozen" there is something' extra in each purchase. That "extra" il honest and courteous treatment, clean, attractive stores and a guarantee of absolute satisfaction, u. i. c.r...... .(,. lutely fcha best, and to give eacil cus tomer more than their money s worth vl 3$rr ttfw'H tomer more than their mor of satisfaction and value. Saturday and Monday Savings at Safeway SHORTENING Pure Vegetable Unsurpassed for pies, enkes, pnstries, baking or frying. Economical. ' 4,b,(. BEANS Great Northern. New crop, quick cook ing. Quality for less. lbs. '.. .!..'....'....!..".;.'. TOMATOES Siskiyou Brand, local pack, standard Rogue River Valley tomatoes grown iin the sunshine. Large No. 21 cans. ( 3 cans ...35$ HAMS Swift's Premium, quality supreme, flavor unexcel- ; led. Taste it fried or baked. Whole or Jialf , tr." : 320 CATSUP Vlax-I-Mum A per fect blend of field rip ened tomatoes, spices, condiments, etc. Large bottle ...180 CARNATION WHEAT FLAKES The vitalizing hot cereal, fnmed for its appetizing goodness. OQrf Large pkg two CLOROX It cleanses, removes spots, and deodor izes, yet it is economical. (None to dealers). Qri Pt. bottles, each SUGAR Pure cane, fine granuated. 18 lbs. . 100 ,b. .990 $4.85 PORK AND BEANS Van Camp's new pack with pork and tomnfo sauce, substantial tasty food. 5 cans 450 rpj TXT A l7TCtJ Clearwater Light Meat Tunaf lakes. A salad, a 1 J 1 UiN. rloll sandwich, or creamed on toast. No. 1 can. -LOL PEETS GRANULATED 35c V fV ri The largest laundry value for the housewife. 39C PfFifTR Delicious sweet apple cider. A treat served with OC.i VlLElV doughnuts or pumpkin pie. Ering container. Gallon clJv, 39c MILK Pet, or Max-IMum, pure milk concentrated. Economical to use. 5 tall cans Finest Quality Fruits and Vegetables for Les3 ONIONS Extra fancy local Austral ian browns. 17ii. ...350' (shopping bag free) 50 lb. bag 930 (Yellow Danvers) 100,b, SI. 79 SWEET POTATOES Fancy Southern Sweets. Uniform size, fine for baking, candied, etc. 4,b, 190 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS Store No. 255 Roseburg Phone .20 POTATOES Smooth, uniform size. Cooking quality guaran teed. U. S. No. 2s. 25 ibs ......630 (shopping bag free) 50.,, ba8, $1.09 100,,, $2,09