Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 16, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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auud Wll r. i Sondur by tie
Member of 'In. AMocliltd PrcM
The Associated Press is exclusive
ly wniltlfd to th use for rebubllca-
tiou of all news dispatches credited
lo IC cr noi. oiiierwise ureuiina 11
this paper sad Co all local iiows pub'
h..rin. All rlahLa of reDUb'
llcation ot special dispatches herefn
are also reserveo.
Entered as second class matter
uau 17 man. nt the Dost orr ce at
Kimehurs. Oregon, under Act or
Mr mh 2. 1879.
Subscription nates
Dally, per year, by mall 14.00
uuuy, single month, by mall... .So t i-art'er. per month... .6U
The Farmer's Money
IN a letter addressed to this news
paper and published yesterday
from E. V. Page, a Kosuburs; citi
zen,, It was argued that the Curnier
Is suffering because he Is buying
tractors and gasoline and oils from
"big business." The money thus
paid out should be kept on the
farm, was the contention.
Tiie economic structure of this
country Is complex In the extreme.
For Instance, suppose Mr. Page Is
right and suppose that ALL farm
ers suddenly decided to act upon
his suggestion and that they cease
to buy modern farm equipment,
oils, etc., and the luxuries of mod
ern living such as radios and auto
Suppose, In other words
that all farmers decide to follow
out the plan of - keeping their
money right on the farm.
The almost instantaneous re
sult would be the closing of fac
tories, mines, oil refineries and nil
sorts of allied Industries. Cireat
industrial populations would bo
come idle and In dire want. There
would be little or no money In
theso cities with which to buy food
and other necessities of living.
Who would then buy the food
that Is produced on the farm?
What would happen to the farm
er's market for his produce?
Naturally this thing will not
happen for no two people think
or act just alike and the entire
farm population will not, ot course,
ndopt Mr. Page's suggestion. The
Illustration Is used here for the
purpose of making a point.
Here is the point: The money I
that we spend for things is In
turn spent for other things. Money
keeps on the move. Somo of the
money spent for tractors, etc.,
might and probably (loos pass
through tho bank account of some
wonlthy man. Only a very small
portion of It remains there per
haps none for even a manufactur
er's profit Is put 10 work. Tractors
are made of labor and steel. Stool
is made of labor and ore. Ore Is
made of labor.
All manufactured products are
composed of natural products of
tho earth plus labor. I.- !r must
eat and the farmers Rio what la
bor euts.
Everyone Is In fundamentally the
same position. Industry depends
pretty much upon tho purchasing
power of tho fanner, The fanner
depends prcily much upon the
ability (o buy, of the workmen
who are paid by industry. To put
It another way, when Industry !k
' prosperous, ho is tne turnier. v nen j
the farmer has good prices urn!
good crops. Industry beroniOH pros
perous. It so happens that all of tho fac
tors In our moat complex rivillza
lion are more or less dependent
uiKHi all other factors. Any at
tempt by any of these factors to
profit at the expense of any other
fnctor, tends lo eituso tho upset
of our nicely balanced ecouoinie
Several hundred people viewed
Itosebdl'g'H new theulre tor the
first time lust nliUii. The open
lug was a success.
. The news of this event mi:il not
pass Into history uiilmut iliere
being reeoided I lit- laet nt l!ie if
fort of the lloseliuii; Klks
ill building Ibis ncu theatre. I'm
Sonie time Hie lne.ll Milts mitiin!
z.ttion, which owns tin ImiMiiu in
which the new tlicutic is Uniitid.
lias been faced will) tiie ptebi, m el
remodeling Its theulre propeitv.
The Elks finally dt Wed thai no
remodeling program would be fiii
Isfitrlory so they decided lo lem
out tlx- old Iheaire and rebuild ii
from front lo back lo noil Hie
plans of Iho theatre pinprleinrs.
This decision brought many pi eh
lems It) (he lodge. All 01 Hies.'
problems were met and solved ninl
you who saw (he ne Iheaire Inst
evening know Just exactly how
thoroughly the Job was done.
Oregon Editors'
(Albany Doniocrat-Hentlil)
THAT Albany la allaiulng a rec
ord for Inconsequential fire
losses Is cslubllKhed by the per
capita fire losses of the past few
years. Last year the mt capita
loss rrnm rirr nns only R0 1 enm.
And during Fire Prevention week
there was not a fire nmi" the
svuek's observance. Tills Is surely i
a record of which every Albany
citizen may be proud.
(Ashland Tidings)
Are you the Ideal parent? The U.
S. children's bureau considers nine
essential practices of a good par.
ent and under the heading of "Are
you training your child to be
happy ?" these essentials are list
ed in a recent publication. They
are Hie scientific rules not the
heart rules. Here they are:
1. Tell the truth to your cliil
aren. 2. Keep your promises, good or
3. Decide which things are most
fmpoitant for a child to do and
then be consistent about seeing
that he does them. Do not nag him
about little things that do not mat
ter much.
4. Do not say "no" one time and
"yes" the noxt time for the same
thing. Your child will never learn
that way whul is good to do and
what Is bad.
5. Break up bad habits by keep
ing the child so busy with inter
esting things to do that he forgets
the old habit.
6. Pay no attention to him when
he tries to get what he wants by
temper trantrums, by whining, or
by vomiting.
7. Keep cool and quiet yourself.
Speak In a quiet volte.
8. See that he gets things (If
they are good for him) only when
he is quiet and happy and polite.
9. Show the child you are pleas
ed when he tries.
(McMinnvllIe Telephone Register)
There are now 403 cities in the
United Stales with city managers,
15 in Canada, two in Ireland and
two in New Zealand. Tile plan is
making steady and substantial
h(iilwnv nnrl lina flemnnsl ruled its
.abUity to glvo almost any muni
cipality better and more economi
cal administration.
Letters From the People
Communications lo tne News-Review
for publication In this depart-nn-iit
should bo written on only one
Hide of tiie paper, should not ex
ceed 3(10 words In leiiBlli, and must
be HlKiie'i y the writer, whose mall
address must accompany th. con
8UTHEIU.IN, Ore., Oct. 15.
Editor Nows-Iievlew: Hosehurg to
day Is the unanimous choice of the
state of Oregon for a branch of the
national soldiers' home. The hill
creating this soldiers' home was In
troduced In the house of represen
tatives by a republican representa
tive of Oregon, favorably reported
out of a committee whose majority
was republican, and successfully
y 8 ..,,,;.. Thc ,, moVed
to the senate, rauiereii ny a repiui-
llcan senalnr of Oregon, favorably
reported out of a committee whoso
majority was republican, and pnss
ed by the senate whose majority
Is reniibllcnn. And Instly this hill
was enacted Into law when signed
by a lepuiuicun president, who mm
been elected iiy republican votes,
;u a country ationsly republican.
At one timo I had business In
terests In Kiisebuig, liul whether
living here or not, my Interest In
her maierlal welfare nnii prosperity
hits never lagged. Her claim to
this soldiers' inline is outstanding
Liid preeminent, and her cilniatlcal
advanlaues should render her in-
vulnerable lo competitors In our
sister slate of Washington, 'inert'
foro, In and through her fatherhood
of the measure, and her Ood glven
climate, Hosebuig will be tho
cholco of the national board In
whose hands (ho mailer rests.
tloseburg is also vitally Interest
ed in the North ITmpqua highway,
which will rival the Columbia and
the Hudson in Its scenic grandeur,
ltut. It' this highway Is to become
more than a dream, and constitute
Hie flrHl link connecting the Pa
cific with the great Sail l-ake, ii
must he wllh the aid of Hie federal
government, and such approprla
Iniis iii:il a republican administra
tion see fit to grant us. All this
being true. It would aerm that the
thanks ami gratitude of the city
should go foil Ii lo Hie national gov
eminent, and part irtllarly tho re
publican party.
I find, however, locally, a certain
trend away iroin the republican
nominee for governor. Economic
lepreRslon anil resultant unemploy
ment are doubtless mainly respon
ilhle for these temporal y rts'.ftfl
ilnns (rem putty ranks. The party
In power Is always. It' unjustly, hell'
in accniiul for such ciilnlitlons. ant)
1 lie republican nominee fur gnver
mr Is luilny carrying Hint hancll
ap. While oilier sections of the
ilnii- may see fit to Indulge In
iliese political reprisals. Iloseburc
should inosi ccri.ilnly hold herself
(loot. It is tile republican party
iliat nsks nur support ibis Ntivcni
ier. Whether Hie republican nonil
ice uas your ai lic ular choice, 01
110!. lie Is I lit slanilutti hearer t
thai creitt party that has. and is l
lo so mm Ii I01 011.
II would Ik- an iislolillil'lH; spec
;',!( lor ihe one cm. Ill it wtll re
civ tiailei ninl ihroimh leilernl as
isianif more stnir.laoital tetoKlit
Ion than any oiliet itiuiio iealtt y lr
iits I'titleil Slitles. e iho in l ro
dlli'llon o Hie ple.-ellt atlllllntst I'll
lion litlo lamer .10 it'teel b Us lull
hits tin.; parly's nominee lor Kin
erntn It Is Hie pany tli;i' Is or anil oil are oiiiui eillier for
n ii :ilii-t ii. 't'ii may not etiui
tociile b saying "l llltl volliu for
the laiui " 'Ihe maliil old pally II
longer (ban liny ninn. lull I'
na liol sin vite. II enlulntini I l-'S
llial owe il so inlli h so sot"'' l"t
;,.l Kvet;, '.en, -rolls anil nolilr 1111
poise should niiniist this m- .icei
ellence III 010 gl'Hlllllile. I .el il
take molt stlii;.lailltlll lollll Nun III
bt r 4.
Jl Sl' A KKI'l I1I.1C AN
Now tfliipmeni of rhiUlinih.
miflftH' and Indies' uukl' i (-au-t
i fill rayons In platn mlm-s or
("ancles, t Mini1 '&: or '
now specially priced at 2oc. Her
tUeui ut Can's. Adv.
S'rJO US,6r7TRUDE. a5
Maybe I'm Wrong
THIS human body Is a wonderful
machine, but once It gets oid
It 's hard lo take (he nil Huh out ot
Social Errors A Now York I
bootluggor charged $15 for a I
quart of 170 last week nnd was ar
tested for profiteering. I
Pitiful Cases Tho fellow who
was such a wonderful musician
that he could make a violin talk,
but his wife wouldn't give It a
Take It or Leave It Thimbles
were Invented so that tlghlwailH
could give loving cups to each
Fashion Hint It Isn't the cost
of the shoulder strap, It's Iho up
keep. Connubial Casualties A polyga
mic Is man who attended loo
many of his own weddings.
Wonder of Nature The average
girl doesn't mind doing selling up
exercises as long as she can get
somebody to Bet up with her.
Social Climbers The confidence
man's little boy who said he want
ed I') learn lo write t-:o thai he
coultl grow up to be a great
Justifiable Homicide When a
husband snores so loud his wife
can't hear herself talk.
Our Own Vaudeville Mrs.
Iliiiwn: Did the doctor lake out
your appendix or remove your ton
sils? Mrs. Smith: I don'l know;
the elher made mo so sleepy 1
couldn't Bee whnt he was doing.
Copyright, IM11, King Features
Syndicate, Inc.
Talks on Health
TOO often it happens In mil
hnines I ha I some mem her ot
(he lit tn tl . us the lesult of Illness
or accident, is In bed 1m a lung
period of time. If the Invalid Is
an old person, or tf (he Illness Is
Aiich Unit ihe patleul is kept in
one posh ion, Ix-d fores ai e liahlt
to develop.
The health of the skin depend
on the free circulation f ihe
Monti. If it Is tn he firm and
healthy, ihe skin niusi be plentt
fully supplied with blood at ah
limes. Iletlsotes are due to I In
denth of l lie skin because of in
lei feienee wit h the blood supply
The umliI pliice lor u bed soi
Is the lower part of the bark li
may Involve any psi t w hii It b
pi.-sscd upon uiilil It becomes ten
der .mil sore. The full leni'ih ol
ihe spine, the shoulder blades
hips. heeU. elbows -all these pait
miM he carefully w at died.
The tii st bail skit Is a iehtess
f ihe pan- Tim may In lollow
h by ftWflllmc Next we nnfiv
iluit the .slun hecotnes soli and it
m;t tome away in n mass. I'nder
ilea I h t lie damaged sui b
fo'iml ;in open ulcer.
The ulcerated Hfes spreadit and
deepens. It nuiy extend right
dnw n the bfne.
All this Is bad enough, but een
more I rouble ma follow. Tht til
re i tiled spot soniel lines becomes
inlet led and tilled w ill. pu. It
I Ins liappen 1 h system nuiy be
tmolved in Ki-uetiil blotui poi
on!nn '
The important thim; In rating
fin a bed ridden pal lent Is to
eh. time die position (requeul ly. It
t.e is lieavv. otl must provide a
number of umaU pillow Thes
re placvd under tliH IhmIv so lhl
pr. sure may be taken ofl any eon
fft sted spot.
All prominent or bony parts of
the back and sides Monld be
ha i lied night and morning wllh
ioap water and llumuigldy dried
Follow (his bv rubbing wllh alco
hol, or any sliimil.iliitK nliiilou, lo
tmprovt the rlriMiltttlon. Artr rub
bing carefully, dust tho nails voll
, . Goon MTH&,yrjoP' 5h&
vatt i. r PW rOK)lr TeLL)-y AtMT bustetd j
( th - z ) L Mt she's but she's
hot rAws; thatS ) S"
ART, That is.' -ft
m& m
l"llf If I I IV W I
wllh starch, storate of zinc, or tal
cum powder.
Cleanliness Is of the, greatest Im
portance. Alto it is necessary lo
keep the skin dry, because mois
ture softens the skin and helps lo
bring 011 tro.t!:!o.
Prevontloii Is the Important
tiling. Hut If a sore actually
forms, tho doctor will treat It
with the same cure he would any
other open wound..
Editorials on News
(Continued from page 1)
They are cluur, plain, sensible
conclusions. They promise no mlr
ac.ea. They are based upon dem
onstrated facts.
W'hen the govei nnient ap
proaches in this spi'Mt the solution
of a troublesome- problem, there le
lousou to hopo that something
woil.l) while maj eventually be ac
complished. THfC world Just now la fuil ot
trouble. .V-cli ot this trouble
traces back to the fooliah theory
tnai hard work and racing the
.acta ute no longer noeeoMt: y
tliat every problem that voxe.; us
e:m be solved by the simple and
.awy process ol I'ASSiNt; A LAW.
It we can get rid of that absurd
henry, we shall have gone a long
way toward restoring
throughout the world.
pUOM Mil. TKAOtT::, of thc fed
eral I'm in board, w e get litis
grain of common sense. From
(.reorgo W. WlcUorsham, chairman
of President Hoover's law enforce
ment commission, we get on the
mruo day a latilel'ul of umimyiot.
Mr. Wliitendiain, addressing the
American Prison association at
Louisville, Kentucky, suggests that
a careful investigation into the
results of Hoggin.? as a punish
nenl ma) well he made lo deter
mine the desirability of employing
it In the war against banditry and
TTIIAT is to say. ihe way lo lu
Imndils ami lu'iketcers that
they will quit banditry and racket-
ring Is to flog 'em with a birch
rod or u cat o' nine tails. Noth ng
m saul aho.,1 (niching 'em flirft.
Tills w rlter has tin idea that
mull of the trouble caused b;
bandits and racketeers is du
lln 'in I lllill i- (len t ATI Ii
' "I Hhmii nmi punish Hh'mi
n I In- v. ii s lu oviili il by iniMli i i:
And Ihis rltr has n ItlHh'T
ilm I lull k.iIiir bul k to The bl ilNil
izIiir imnlshiniMils wrn- l:nv
'il i i'iilllrii's itn t i h- KI.AT f'.MI.
'.'KKS woiil'ln'l liel us l
a tiai"il H iM'liilion of Ihi
rimn problem.
. o - .
(ihilnt l-r. U.i-il lir,-l
"IS ; u'i .'.1, LionuMmn. lik.. anni;,,.,- .mi lo !!
anh'f-. arf hciu
i.l.l hv th- Ala
liHiim slMl' il-moi-rulir voiniuiilii
lo tiiiaiiio Its siMialmial nmi Biibi i
natnrtal eami-wisns.
'I h parli Im -f-i a rolil.'sl lit No
vvmbfr. John II. IfcinklM-iul. irn
si'llatorlal nninili., h.-lllK a oppo-i
r.l by Si'ii. J. 'iliniiias llfilm. mn
nlliB as an -ld-.-vii.le:il nil.-r hv,
Ini; ht'iMi iKii-rril mmi "ho pni
prlroiiry. su.l Jmlso IL M. Mllloi.
ilomorrslli- nninineo lor tovornn;
miposoil by ll:h A. I.oiko. Hot
Hit's riiiiniiiK uiuto Is an iinloiou
Tin- luy;i rtifl.atci ix'ir
lik-n.sM-s of 'riiotuas ,l'-tr'is,in.
Amlrfw Jarkson au.l WikxIiow
A Martyr to Her Case
The County
TItAVEI.INC aloim ihe. 1'acirlc
highway tiie motorist gets only
a faint idea of tho country lying
Jnst over the
hills on eithei
ui,ln ... t 1 I u
ureal arterin t; yfW
roacnay. 1 ne i-a m
eilic highway ha. I f
In en pruclalmei . .
aal end west n: Jra -aS.'
one of the bes $
in the v.hoh AV
r e a I ni of th. r fj vmr
I'nlted States, ai H r
well a.i emlo
iiiK most faceni E:
b e a n t ies. Al
tliioiiKh the, weal r-'-$$i
em Oi egon cour. l-WJS
try aro wondei BisuiBr.l
ni valleys which
most people, even of our own slate,
are generally unawaio. Douglas
comity ahouiulrt In theso attractive
and fertile spots, acme of them
many miles in lenglii, the valleys
qu.te often helng liiinow and ly
ing between high, wooded hills.
The piosperoua (arms are a!
wajs fMind In such vinlirjrs, and
gi nernlly good, cotMoitahle home.-, been buill for the families
living in those sections. Visitors
and home fo'k alike, skimming
along In their hlgh-poAvoi e,l amo
moliilui, aa Ihey finst U5on tin
ever changing panorama sweeping
bv, note the mountains on both
sides of the Pacific highway, lit
tle dreaming that through what
seems to be an unbroken chain of
hills is often found a low pass and
on the other side Is one of these
matchless valleys. To all Intents
the mountains generally appeal
formidable, but coming up to what
seems might be Ihe end ot crea
tion, the road enters a densely
wooded ravine, and on the olhei
side a scant half mile away, an.l times less distance Is one
of those alluring valleys thickly
studded with farm homes and
nioad J!eW
' Just west of YimrniiK Is one
jMtch. known as- Ilnyhurst valley.
SltwnilllS are nenurmij iu.
lo Borne niche In the mountain
along the Hayhinst valley, and in
ordinary times are busy turning
out lumber and railroad tics. Just
no Ihese mills are generally cios
eil down, awaiting orders thai will
eiMhle them to start up.
This vatl.'V is very fertile, and
the principal Industries carried on
bv Ihe farmer folk are dairying,
sheep raising, turkeys anil poultry.
Occasionally there is a prune or
chard. I'roditrts are marketed at
Yoncalla or Drain, n:ul not Infre-
IntienUy shipped direct lo 1'ortlana.
lu Ibis lixality are lounu smuc ut
llli' ptont'i'l iiirniiit. hiiumik
Ill'llIK MIS. J. .MIM-r mm
II II. Milli-r. Mrs. Kuthi'i lin- I-inn
! i'Is. KniiKiilaunlili-r of Jusa Apn)
I rati', the man ho plloli'il lim
! lSI'.l ai:u train Inio the oivpon
'colinnv: Mrs. .1. W. Caighfilil. also
! ii Hr.inilihuishli'r of Joss Appii'-.alp..
anil ollii'is ol H' wiiiK" fuinlly.
1 Grows Big Turkeys
I Mis. J. V.'. CrniuhwMl lk"! I'-"'
' iliiimhle iriili In shnviInK visl'-ws
mi inaintniilh hror.r lorky Knhhlfr.
This Mill is a your ami a half nlil,
nil hlilfi fair al this Ilm.- to lip ihr
soah-s nl aroii'iil f.ii pnuiiils aliout
TlmnksxivitiK H"'- 'I hlli lll(1' lu'"
ulr.'iulv iiiarki li-cl a fin.- lot of tor
' kps. hTln shlpprl lh'-m to Iho
' p.nihinil niarki'ts. but will ha
Silo Is sporialix
inaiiin i.i.i.....
Inu lii nianmii'th brim.!', ami has a
ivnnili'i'tiil Hock In ioiiiso of iho
titttoning Liooess. Sho oxporls tn
roup a piofllnhlo haiviMt from
tlioso birds as n rostili of her suni
uior's work.
Ro?eburg Cabinet Shop
E. S. Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreas
All kinds of cabinet work
Cupboard Doors.
Furniture Itopaiiin-;, Trui-k
We soil ITpson Hoard and
Sn- Mllns a Sin . tally
Phone &41-J MS FowlCr SL
(Awoctated Prof Uaied Wire)
HANKOW, Oct. 18 Steps to
combat a renewed attack of red
marauders along the Yangtse river
were taken today atter communist
shore batteries had attacked one
British and two American vessels.
Red cannonaders yesterday fired
on the Bee, flagship of the Brit
ish Yangtse patrol fleet, carrying
Admiral McLean, commander-in-chief.
The Bee was not harmeu
Later the same gang fired upon
two American commercial vessels
and a Chinese ship but none was
When the red battery opened
up on the British gunboat Teal
the latter returned the fire, si
lencing the attack. The Teil then
landed an armed party wh an cap
lured one cannon, a bras., muzzle
loader of doubtful accuracy, which
perhaps explains the failure oi the
reds to hit passing steamers.
: Advices from various Yangtse
ports Indicated the nationalist
government was moving rapidly
ahead with projected
anti-bandit, antl-commuuist cam
paign. Several thousand troops al
ready had reached river points
from Honan province and were on
their way to Kiangsi province,
where the red menace is consider
ed the worst.
Kiukfang reports said many
foreigners and Chinese had fled
there from Nanchang, capital of
Kiangsi, and were awaiting devel
opments. A large army of reds
was reported to have encircled
Nanchanj recently.
Ily the Associated Press.
Kans who attended the Los An
geles - Hollywood .game yesterday
saw some peculiar baseball. The
Hollywood Stars, who will end at
first place in the second division
and play the Angels for the pen
nant next week, dropped a game
to their rivals by a score of 20 to
II. Every man in the Angel lineup
scored at least one run. and the
team battci ot 22 hits off Hulvey
and McNeely. Stalz, .Moore and
Jacobs homed for the Angels.
In a ten Inning game, tho Mis
sions took San Francisco o to 4.
Monroe scored In the first of the
tenth .on a wild heave to second
Bscomo greater as this
Great 3a!e continues,
It's the talk of the town and
county around.
As wo sell out our lucky
$53,000.03 purchase made
for our 5 liltlt ood Stores
in Oregon.
Tho assignment to tha
Orerjon Woolei Store in
Roscburg :j go:nn fast
and we advise you to
come tomorrow while
there yet remains good
assortments in all sizes.
Men's and Boys'
Suits, Overcoats
and Furnishings
Snappy collar attached and
neckband styles, broadcloths,
oarcalea. madras In solid colors
and beautiful patterns, fast col
ors, guaranteed regular $1.53
values, choice at only 796
Hart Schaffner &
Men's and Young Men's Suits beauti
fully hand tailored in virgin wool f.ib
rles, new twists, ;ierrlngbones, Scotch
mists, Invisibles stripes and a range
cf this fall's popular dark colors In
blue, brown and gray tones none re
served. Your absolute choice and
values to $30. All sizes while they last
going at only
Boys' Suits
9 Innn rj.ints. 4-DiCCe. all
I wool in n!ee patterns.
Reg. $9.85. choice
i ''kfelM
ijblaekand 5flCK!i
i $5 and 89 iVwjl
I i Oxfords VjV-y
52.76 a pair Stw
by Gaston, the Seals' catcher.
Although"Pete" Daslia'pltched a
lx hit game, and fanned eight ;
Seattle Indiana, the good workj
went for naught when two infield;
errors by Deviveiros and Brubaker!
enabled the tribe to win 4 lo J
over Oakland.
Portland was shut out 8 to 0, by
Tony Freltas, Sacramento south
paw. It was the nineteenth vic
tory of the season for Freltas,
against five ' defeats. The solons
took 13 hits off Beck.
(Auociated Prpu LcaK-d Wire)
SALEM. Oct. 16 Robin Eeed
of Reedsport, former Olympic
champion, and Wildcat McCannj
wrestled two hours io a draw here
Wednesday night, the bout being
called at the end of two hours.
Reed took Ute first fall with an
arm lock in 44 minutes and lu
seconds. McCann evened the count
after 44 minutes and 50 seconds
when he slapped on a combination
wrist lock and arm bar.
fhest Co?ds
V(9 !& Rub well over
Ap7 throat and chest
Mineral Vancr Dathb
527 Cass Phone 41
Complete Health Servics"
In thc
Redwood Empire of
deftr-rib! In ftatifl wlrfa nrntflimrt,
in the illuUtt-d IfmWn "A Dj Lu
and Around turvk."
Send far It,
Efambold Cmintv RVftvI of Trad
EurokjL, (.all UnalM
Prosperity Fact on Humboldt County:
Range condition! are wtcrllent for CATTLI
RAISING. Write lot details.
For values
to $20.00.
Interwoven Sox
Silk, wool and mixed, all
sizes. Keg- 75c and $1.00.
3 oairs tor a dollar.
Men's Pants
teg. 53 wool in nice av
lortrner.t of all sizes go
Men's heavy ribbed Urh
ic-l Suits 8Sc
Put wool Ch!rt3 and
Drawers, nt each -79C
Men's women's and chil.
drcn's part wool, nice as
sortment in all styles &l
Cress Shoes
Goodyear welts In fine
kid and calf, black and
brown, reo. to S6.50 at
All "Arrow" Collars 5i
Carves Work Gloves
20c Work and Dress Sox
Men's Handkerchiefs 3
Work Shoes
All solid leather in full
storm blucher, black oil
ed stock, heavy soles.
Ren. S50O, now S2. 79
Se it all marked in plain figures. Visitors welcome. Wo
can quote here only a part. Come and see.
Oregon Woolen Store
, . 1 4I Jackson .
It's too Early for
the Furnace
Use gas beater these
cool mornings and eve
215 W. Cass
Phone 23S
a neuj linqerin
Tb elegance and
long wear of finest
glove sillc is offered
in this new lingerie of
pure silk end rayon.
And it Is so mod
erately priced that
every woman may
have all she wants.
As for wear FilD'or
quality panties,
bloomers and vests
are made with non-run
llove title weave. They keep their tailored
shapeliness after repeated laundering.
FHD'or Quality Vests $.50
Fil D 'orQuality Bloomers- Panties $1 .95
And Good Reasons, Too!
' ".tU America's beat known
b. jnda of men's and boys'
vejr going at these sale
Offer Still
Holds Good
Aa previously an
. nounced. Take your
store-wide choice oi
merchandise, pur
chase $20.03 or mora
?nd regardless of
the low prices you'll
pry you get choic
of Auto Robe.-
Never before and never again
prices so low on fine wool
Overcoats ii fall and winter
weights. Nice patterns and
solid dark colors. Everyone
S20.00 end S25.00 varue. and
now your absolute choice of
these Overcoats, while they
last at $8.95
Marx Suits
Usually $35.00, $4000 and $45.00 is the
minimum for suits like these. The
world's best standards in Virgin
Woolens, tailoring and authentic
stylo all go In this s-ile at Slfi 85
18.85 and $22,50. " sizes In
smpments jus, receivec. Solid colors
and the latest patterns.
"ull cut blue waist and
Jib in rcg. S1-25 value,
choice pair, all sizes,
now at . . 796
Full cut Work" Shirts
Men's Ribbed Sweaters -
98C -v
Reg. $0 Goif Kniikers
Men's Khaki Panto ggg ,
Double Blanksts
5-Ib. wool. Reg. $5, now
R2.95, Also part wool
fancy plaid. Satin bound
double, now S2.93
Standard brands. Union
made, best popular ma
terials in full cut, 2-
pocket extra heavy coat
style work shirts. Pecj.
$1.25 values at S9(t