ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1930. FIVE Classified Section KATES: nr word, mat lnMrttea.1 Mat. Bj tht vwk. I mu wm. Minimum pf sdnrtlMirat, U ceata. Mm yoor M( count tka 1 enclose atamp, check or money order. FOR SALE FOIl SALE All kinds of dry wood. lJuone lUtlM. FOR SALE 15 turkeys, $1.50 each. Mrs. T. U. Buckle, Melrose. FOR SALE Cider, at Log Cabin stand near Sutherlin. Bring con tainers. COW FOR SALE 6 yrs. old, fresh in November. Warren Welsh, Melrose. FOR SALE Recleaned purple vetch. Inquire First State Bank, Sutherlin, Ore. FOR SALE Oals and vetch seed. ,42c lb. Marster's Happy valley ranch. L. Bonnie. SAVE on light giobes 10 price reduction on all bulk purchases " of 6 or more bulbs. Copco. NOW You can buy any washing machine we have in stock with a down payment of 15.00. Copco. FOR SALE OR TRADE for good cow. heifers or sheep Blizzard ensilage or hay cutter. Phone 157-L. FRESH COW FOR SALE Also a two-year-old heifer. Will trade for hay. G. S. Johnson, Brock way, Ore. FOR SALE Dry body fir, second growth, oak and laurel. Block and stove wood. Mountain Fir Wood Yard. Phone 75-L. FOR SALE Will sell at sacrifice, 11H0 acres of timber near Roso- uurg, if taken at once. Write Geo. R. Thompson, Chehalis, Wash. 1927 FORD ROADSTER for sale at a bargain. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call between 7 and 8:30 p. m. 33F5. 1. D. Adams, Itoseburg. CHICKEN HOUSE LUMBER The best Btock we have ever had at the LOWEST PRICES. Plan books free. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR SALE Overstuffed daven port and two chairs, library table, center stand, mattress and kit chen utensils. Call Mrs. Ralph Karcher, 209-L. FOR-RENT . FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. $S.50 per month. 646 S. Pine. FOR RENT 5-rooni plastered house, large garden, yard fenced. Phono 242. jJ-TRNlsHKU HOUSE for rent on A South Pino. 31S Woodward St! Phone 23 1-Y. FOR RENT An excellent modern five-room house, close in, with garage. Call at 215 S. Pine St. APARTMENT FOU RENT Nice location, hot water, electric stove; garage. Bubar Bros. Phone 214. BROOM furnished house. Garage. Paved Blreet. Near Rose school. $20. See Roy Young of G. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. , i WANTED WANTED Wood cutting contract. "I know how." J. L. Miller, Oak land, Ore. WANTED One -horse wagon. Write to Frank Plumnier, Brock way. WANTED Stocked farm on shares. 315 N. Kane St., Rose burg, Ore. WANTED Job hauling wood with truck, by contract. Write M. H. Fowler, Melrose, Ore. ANTED Used portable type writer. Must ho in good condi tion. Charles F. Hopkins, court house. WANTED to borrow $700 on first mortgage, farm property. Ad dress "F. II.," care News-Review. I MISCELLANEOUS , tAR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 when in need of auto parts. Sarff'n Auto V'reckine House. FREE During October, one SxlO photograph with 1 dozen photos in folders. Roseburg Stumo. Salzman Bldg.. 127 Jackson St. NO TRESPASSING or hunting al lowed on the premises of the following: W. D. Hess. Peter Sinclair. R. A. Calhoun, C. W. Hughes, R. S. Hutton. NEW TODAY iED TRACTORS Fine buys. ' Leaks & Gurnee. YOUNG lady wants work. Box 90. care News-Review. 71 II. P. GAS ENGINE, cheap. Fine shape. Leake & Gurnee. CIDER MILL New two-tun ma chine. fi. Leake A Gurnee. FOR SALE 30 cords serond growth fir wood. W. E. Russell, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE Good genllo true work horses. Ervln Rice, Dil- bird. TOMATOES for sale. 50 cents 'r bushel. T. 1). Tiller, Happy val ley. Kill! KENT -;-i-iiiim iuiuWiid ait.. clean, close in. 221 Weal Washington. FOR SALE Stroller baby buggy, Call 576-R. LOST Female Fox Terrier pup. Finder Phono 448-R. Reward. FOR SALE Feeder hogs. J. E. Cooper, Oakluud, Ore. Phone 7F34.- WANTED Girl wants house work of any kind. Write to A.B., care Mews-Review, f FOR RENT To adults only, no children, 2 partly furnished rooms. 402 W. Lane St. PUMPING OUTHiS Large or small outfits. Pipe and plumbing supplies. Leake & Gu'-nee. FOR KENT Furnished apt. wilh garage. Also neated furnished apt. Call 124 W. Douglas St. DRY FIR wood $2 per tier, de livered. Claude Parkhurst, Brockway, Ore. Pnone 4731. HORSE collars and pads. Harness supplies. Priced right. Leake & Gurnee. PLOWS. HARROWS, DISCS 01- in used equipment. Leaks & Gurnee. FOR SALE Baby buggy, bassinet, jumper and walker. at4 Cobb St. Phone 411-JX. Mrs. Herbert Beyers. FOR SALE 100 yearling White Leghorn hens, good stock, $1.00 each. John Musgrove, 2 .miles west of Sutherlin. CLETRAC TRACTORS Built for service and economy in opera tion. Sales and, sevvice. Leake & Gurnee. FOR RENT K acres, 11 miles out, good buildings, all tillable, a part seeded to hay. Write W. W. Haley. Box 106, Illy, Ore. WANTED To trade two good young horses for used electric lighting plant. Address H. D., care News-Review. DANCE with the Old Reliables and then eat hot tamnles and chili at Peggy's Cafe at Camp View. Pajamas are welcome. GRASS AND GARDEN SEED Rye orchard and rib grass. Al falfa and clover seed. Pea seed. Low prices. Leake & Gurnee. FOR SALE Dining room furni ture, bed, cbiflonler, electric range, rugs, and other articles. All slightly used. 514 Cobb St. Phone 41T-JX. FOR RENT UOacre diversified farm cIobo in, 76 acres rich bot tom land; implements, 40 turkey hens, coops, etc. Low cash relit. " Ward's Cafe; TRACTO R DEMONSTRATION will be given in Garden valley j mile south of golf links, Thurs day afternoon, October 16. Watch for the sign. E. O. SarfC. FOR SALE OR TRADE for shoep, 1 team homes, ten years old. One largo Chester hlte boar, 4 years old to trnde for O. 1. C. boar. A. LeBlauc, Gaziey, Ore. Albikote Root Coating Waterproofs, preserves and beautifies your old root at a small cost Coen Lumber Company IF IT ISN'T RAINING TODAY It soon will be. Have your root ready for tho weather. PAGE LUMBER & FUEL CO. tor cedar Bhlugles, roll roofing and composition shingles. FOR SALE Angora billies, high grade, eligible to register and registered. One Chester White boar, 1 year old, also one 5 months old. J. H. Short, Rose burg. ; NEAT appearing man with cm- for work In and aro'-nd Itoseburg. Steady employment, good pay. -Call between 5 nd 7 p. Thursday, Friday ;..:a Saturday. 617 Mill St. FOR SALU (luk sidcl'iard. 1S. Dresser, stand tables, counters, adding machines, hall ruck of oak. new cast enameled wood range, smoking stands. 932 Riv erside drive. LOANS We can l"'Ip you to build your home, remodel your pres ent home, or to get tille to your pr.ipeiiy if you are buying undei contract. Lit ns help you' DOUGLAS 11U1LDIXG i LOAN ASSOCIATION, Medical Arts IlldK. TODAY'S MARKETS PORTLAND. Orl. is. N"iw rrAp illjimoiul u-nlmitft, C.i!Hornins, wnv quoted nl 27 routs a pound on thr first arrivals of Ihn f-asmi., OpfiiiiiK at Jiuhamicd priHS wIioIpsmU' liuttor nnd rpR piaikctF wore dotiiff a moderate volume o( hUKinena loday with free, use of sroiHce holriiiiRH to Htipplenipnt liiflier tfulit roceiplH, more espec! Hi'" or lititter. Fruit and venetable markets re Hfim d a irrnerally uiichaimed char ncinr I!cH Oregon tonitit'H'H. with auimlles altarply cut ly rec-n trortts. wi-re c-ttiiie a liivh a eenia u litir in esinpeiiinni wtli Micdy arrivals of Calitorniit ius at around $1.-3. ltesthnteH Rem potatoes of ex 1 eenilonnl dunliiv roiitinu1 'o arrive i in small coiiBmnmema, oneniiK i" i retail Imdp nt ?2.:n to a n;t k A new boat delivery of eeniuil i Ar"erk-an (neojunits f exeellptit j Crurlr- .ntrr! IIim P'.dkf l til I'" ' cjur.t ia .-n foi I" t. I Sugar Prices Riso. i SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15. Ad- BRINGING UP FATHER MEADOWo- CO TELL j liiift MIilCG'b BREAKFAST I fa '"o SERVED A.S10 , i fW "TH'Vr HE MOOT ( VE"b, ) jf - 1 Ji i THE WORLD ) 'si CAMTK EARUV IK1 THE MOKMIN4C? were nnnoiuicod by western refin- vances in the price of refined sugar ers today, including the Western Puar Refmury and Californta-HH-waiian companies. -i".ie new price, effective tomorrow, wilt ho $4.56 tor cane and 4.45 for beet, both up 10 cents, the second advance since the prices hit the year's low levels in September. The prices govern the entire coast area. PORTLAND, Oct. 'J 5. Portland wholesale grocers will advance su gar quotations to retailers 10 cents a hundred Thursday in accordance with a like advance announced by Pacific coast refiners. New whole sale quotations here will be; Cane sugar, $4.S5; beet, $4.65. Quotnftoai Eggfi: rrlcou iu lovuiiera: Frttih extiMH. 33c; fHnndnriis. ;ttc: fruKh medium. IMt. 1'ikea to whulcsulurB In unucr lu-lrn to retailers. Hutlor: Cu1uh: ICxtrits. 37(: pliuut durilH, ;tiii ; prime t trnits 3 it'. 1 IralH. lllc, Cruatnury irt-; Prints. 3c over. cube Htanduriis, Milk: Itnw milk I t ior cent) $2.j: &2.tb i:wt., tlullvurud Portland. Ivh?. 1 nr ceiii; Bi'iuHi C milk. $i.B5. Hut terfat di-'livuit'U In l'ortiand. 37i:. r-ouitty. iliuying prictjb: Alive, lioavy hcn over 4 lb lit ; ine hL'ii. 3Vj lo 4M! Iom., lfiu: IikIU ImiiH i;iu; broflttrt. 1 to 2 V4 Hw., i'Ktunna, heavy sprniK 1, liKht colortd. 22c; Vvn diKka, 4 IIih. and over, Iflo; old, 1.1c; colored ducks, 12. UUCkM, lilL t'eimtiv moatR: fnuvinff orlron) Choiro von I, 17c; pork. lGc; ehoici' liimha, 12-14; mutton centt. Klour: H'lty tiUvery prtoes1) Family iHt-ma 4!Ih ffi.20; whole wheat 4!h f.O; Riahuui. $5.(0; biikor hard wheat $.; buk em' blucsioiP patents ItSs $6.60; pastry flour, 4!a 55.70. NiiKtir tnm'ked nnnis) : cane, fruit or berry $!.() per cwt. Onions: Oretton. J. 00-1.60. Potatoes: Gems. No. 1 ffrnde, May: Wholesale buyinir nrleea. 1h- dvert-il Port laud, eastern Oregon timothy. 22.60i-23.ny; do valley. 11 IB. fiO: alfalfa. $17.00 is o,i :tovor. oac hay, ftS; strnw. 7t 4 ton: Mplllnur prion si to 12 mnr $2.25 Si 2. fin: No. 2. $1.85-2.25; new po lutorft. 2-2Hc lb. Nuts: Steady; walnuts. Oregon. IS fi'21v; almonds, lf-20t-r pcanutr !-! 2r; pvcans 25-27e; filberlH, 17-18. BROKEN PIPE LINE CUTS GAS PRESSURE Pressure in tiiu mains o the Southern Oregon (Jas company was iow tor buvcral hours this tiiuining uue lo a breakage of the pipe, causing a flow of gas that u. uvts. A true: mired down in the alley between those streets Iuhi ingnl uud broke oil! the 2-lnch pipe, etiuain ga flow of gas that vhaiifUed the reserve in the stor ige tank at the plant during the night. The plant was put in lull operation when the low pressure was discovered, but the gas flowed out almost as last as it could be generated. It took considerable time to discover the leak, but pies- mre was quickly restored niter the flow was onto checked. LARGE CROWD HEARS SPEECH FOR MEIER Mrs. Alexander 'I'lu-.npsori, wide ly-kunw n civic worker and politi cal speaker, addressed a larce ad dienfo at the Koseburg at mot la.n iili;hi in behalf of tln candid aey of Julius Meier, independent candidate for the office of gover nor of Oregon. The armory was well filled for the meeting, over which Foster Jiutner, .Meier"? count v manager, presided. While the crowd was gitberiim rf v "h ' ' :i played ;i nitiiiner oi select ions, and the musical pro gram was condud'd wiiu a lennr solo by Frank Ciruhho of Wil bur. Mrs. Thompson made a very elo quent nddreas on behalf of the In dependent cnndlda If. Mn-HshiB particularly the power is.'-ue, which has been made the chief question in the uuherniitorial campaign. BULLETIN AT BRAND'S I'ine Dose Pears 4 Jonathan Apples lclieioui Apples 4 Crapes .Melons Gold Fish for Kale Fountain Lunch and 60 Cent Pinner. MIAMI'S 4 Pu'-'Hc highway 8 mile north 4 'lf mm m Hi I A.REVOO OPV COME' COME'. COM' FOORTH CALLED fOL) V7wV- MEAOONM'o'. HOW DID tOO GET OOT'olDE? PA fTI lV ALBANY, Ore., Oct. 15. State, county uud city officials are taking a leading part In a public and city wide ceremony here Wednesday when the new motorcoach ter minal of Pacltic Greyhound lines is to bfr dedicated to public service. The celebration is being sponsor ed by the Albany Chamber of Com ber and V. L. Calavan, president of hat body, will preside ot the dedi cation program. A public dinner to prominent executives of tho motor coach company, a motorcoach pa rade through the downtown streets and a progrnni of addresses and band concert at tho new terminal m some of tho events on the pro ursm. THEOLOGY SHOULD MEET MODERNITY, BISHOP ASSERTS ( AKmii'liibfl Press Lewd Wire) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14. llisbop W, Iiertrand Stevens, ot the Kpis cojml diocese of Los Angeles, pre sented to 6u0 representatives of his churches here his reasons for sup port of the movement to modernize theology. The occasion was a dinner ob serving the tenth anniversary of Bishop Stevens' consecration iu his Los Angeles post. "We are trying to be perfectly frank uud free in dealing witli HI lrir I r, 1 n r. w - i I W I 71 r til i u El I jdedigatioh of albarjyWedrjesday POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS THAT TRAGIC WORD, "ALMOST!" "A ninn mien lolil nio tlmt all ho wn InokliiK fr l HiIh world wua a living r. ml rm didn't inii'ml In kill hhimclf hiHIIhk 11. That man, n lo ::;iy, hu.-m't jiuiK- lar. Th first obstacle that Krrlously block ed irt paih raused him lo qnll and look for conn'thlnx cahlor. Thore ar! many nirn who t.lll try no lo a certain iioinl. and Ihi-n, beunu I hoy hul lo oxi'it tlicinctdvoa loo niurh, lain; an oaaior route. They re mind me of u Hlory I onco heard oi an Indian who preserved IiIh meal by hnnulllK II thirly-lhrei! feel In I he air. Asked lor an exidanalioll, he said that flies would ro tliirly-t ah reel oil I he uround but no more, even for a tine meal. This story m;iy not be true lo fly naturo, but It la pretty iriie to human natur.;. .Many men will no jur.t so far, and then -lop. With Hie prize almost within reach, llley won't put forth that last llllle ounce of energy and effort."-- William A. ll.irnelle. The world needs men with i;rit to slick, Who work riht on nnd never kick. Who nlways finish what they start And do it wilh a cheerful heart, Who never faint though steep the hail. Who'd r.ither die than ever (ail. Who never leave their work undone. But always finish what's begun. We have too many "almost" souls Who clog und clutter up the rolls; 1 hey seem so Rood the first day out. And dance along and aily shout, Hut when there's something hard to do And time has worn away the new, T hey f,'et cold feet ami lose their pluck, And leave the rest 'gainst odds to buck. 1 like the man whoar best comes last, Who, when his hit wilh you is cast. You know you nerd not doubt or fear He'll slay right on bilchr.d up in Rear, A comrade staunch nnd firm and true Until he's seen the whole scheme through, Who never dreams to do "almost" He rather see himself a yhost. We never like a quilter man Who's alwaya flashing in -the pan: We like the men who patient plod Thounh on a throne or 'neath a hod. The almost pood are only bad; The fibrior.t happy still are sad. Let's stnd the Icjt. throiif.-h thick f.nd thin. Until with glory we shall win. By Geo. McManus COMC IM- lOTALK "TO "TOO. MR.-JlCiCtcJ AWEO ME . TO COM IN.'-iO k-i'i . ; ROOM- I OlO- AMD ME THREW ME OUT f OFTHEWINOOW- 1 the young people," ISishop Stevens said. "Some of he things we said about God fifty years ago do not fit tho modern concent ot the universe." Tho bishop commented upon en largement of the boundaries of knowledge through the progress of science. "We cannot have ft lesser con cept of God than we have of the universe," he declared. "The bend ing of God to our own will Is an unthinkable thing. "It is necessary to re-clothe our language with new forms to show the true form of God." ISRAEL GETS NOD OVER BOBBY MARS PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 15. Ahio Israel, Portland Jewish fly weight flash, gained a decision over Hobby Mars, San Francisco. Filipino, in tho six round main event hero hist night. Israel forc ed tho fighting and tho fast puce seemed to tell on his opponent. While the little fellows sluned iwiih all they had, no great jigo was dono and there woro.uo Knockdowns. ' Leonard Bennett, 'Milwaukee, Wis., welterweight, took a stx Iround decision fever Porttml V veteran, Tufty Wing. Joe ('off man, Portland, knocked out School boy Uechtel in the third of a six round bout, and Harry Nathan, Oaks, N. I)., heavyweight, knocked but Henry Glan,, Portland, in the third round of a four-round affair, in a special match, Johnny Snell, Portland featherweight, with a ter rific right, knocked Terry Me Hugh cold In the Becond round. Bring your surplus flower plants, bulbs and shrubs to the Gulden club salo Saturday morning, Oct. 1Mb. It will help beautify your city. Adv. TIME fVJE 1 . Hit VJ I Ii V. I 1 k-T;-r-W M-r 1 1 U Lj 1) g-r i,T r ,... ,, i ,.,.i,t r .nvtl5 flESWfHlD EMPIRE - mi ieti George Smith, Hotel Rose pro prletor, will leave e.iiiy Friday for Grant a Pass where he will join a large delegation of Grants Pass business men enroute to I'klah. California, to atttmi the nnuual conference of thd Itedwood Km ptre Aseocintion. The conference will he in session tho ltith, 17th und 18th of thi month. V. C Harding, local chamber of commerce secretary, has .dele gated Mr. Smith to represent the Itoseburg chamber at this meet ing. Tho meeting of the association will devote considerable time to Mm dtHciiKtdon of sign hoards. At the present time the Redwood highway is unusually free from this type of advertising. Ways and means are being sought by the association for keening the signs permanently off of tno highway. In addition to delegates from Oregon and California, Canadian tourist bureau officials will be present at the meeting. Officers for the coming year will be elected at the meeting and the subject of next spring's cara van will be discussed. The adver tising methods now employed by the association will be studied and a program laid out for advertis ing for the coming season. NOTICE I will not pay any bills con tracted by any one other than my self aftoi- this date, Oct. 15, 1U3U (Adv.) A. V. Hammond. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public land sate. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Offlco at Hoseburc, Oregon. September 2t, 1930. Notice la hereby given that, n directed by the t'oimuiuslouer of tho tlunural I.aud Otlice, undor provislons ot Sec. 2 !!.. It. S., pur suant to tho application of lieliner C. Livingston, ot Glide, Oregon, Serial No. 018217. we will offer at public salo, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.75 por aero on SKi NW1, NK1 SW1, NW1 SK, at not less than $:!.00 on HW'l NVV'l, $2.61) on NWJ N'Wl, at 11) o'clock A. M., on t ho Kith day of November, 1!)!!0. next, nt this of fice, tho following tract ot land: SI NVV'l, NVV'l NWJ, NIC J SWJ, NWJ SKI, Sec. 27, T. 2li S., It. 3 VV'., W. M. 'l'ho salo will not be kept open, but will bo declared closod when thoso present at tho. hour named have ceased bidding. Tho person making thu highoHt bid will bo re quired to immediately pay the amount. I hereof. " Any poi'Hons claiming ' ndvorsely tho abova-descrllied land aro ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or beforo the llmo desig nated for sale. 1IAM1LL A. CANADA Y, Register. Chicken Dinner Christian Church Thurs. Oct. 16 11:30 to 1:30 Good Eats, Quick Servica 50c per plato D R. NERBAS .DENTI8T Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phono 4RS Masonic lildg. Roseburg Cabinet Shop E. 8. Cockelreas F. L. Cockelrea All kinds of cabinet work Cupboard Doors. Furniture Repairing, Truck Itodtos. Wo sell Upson Ilonrd and Veneer. Saw Filing a Specially Phone 541-J 642 Fowler St. WE OFFER YOU "Goou Appearance Insurance" A man. somel lines unfortuttale ly, Is partially judged by tho looks or his wearing apparel, lie suit! that your mpulnl'.on In Ihls renaid Is as spotless a your suits should always be. Make a regu lar habit or bringing your clean ing lo us for "good uppearaiice Insurance." 342 N. Jacksoi Phone 27 Winter Supplies For , I Wood Cutting Now is the time to prepare far the furnace season. Look over our window today and pick out what you need. Axes, saws, wedges, and other neces sary tools are included in our large stock. PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Ironmongers . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, vlenoral Land Office ut Itoseburg, Oregon, Sept. 22, liKil). Notice is hereoy givou that llob ert James Smith, of Itoseburg, Oregon, who, on September U, 11)25, made Homestead entry Serial No. 01U2O5. for NWJ, Section 1, Township 29 S., Range 7 V Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo Ilamill A. Canaday, Itegistea of tho U. S. Land Office, at Hosoburg, Oregon, on the 5th day of Novem ber, 11)30. Claimant names ns witnesses: Charles Voytllla, ot Dlllard, Oro gon; George Olllvant, of Brock way, Oregon; Wilbur L. Spangli, of Roseburg, Oregon; Roy Jacobs, of Roseburg, Oregon. HAM1LL A. CANADAY, Commissioner or Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Forest Exchange. Department of the Interior, Unit ed Stales Land Ofilce, Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 8, 1930. Notice Is hereby given that on Sept. 6th, 1D3D, II. L. Edmunds, of Eugene, Oregon, care li. S. Na tional hunk, filed application No. 011)222 under the act ot March 20, l!i22, (-12 Slut., 11)5) to exchange tho Ei SEJ Sec. 17, Ei NEJ See. 20, T. 20 S li. 10 VV., W. M with in the Sluslnw National Forest, for the portions of the NJ SRI, NIO J SWJ, NEJ, VV'l NWJ and SWJ SEJ See. 7, T. 1 S li. O K., W. M., wllhln,the Mt. Hood National For est. Tho purpose of this notice Is (o allow all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to such application mi for the llisg Game OREGON VS. WASH. Poii sut.,oct.m 3 ROUND TRIP TICKETS ON SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, ONLY Return Limit Monday Roundtrip for the regular one way fare! An unusual oppor tunity to visit Portland and see this thrilling football classic. Co Friday, return Monday night Ask Agent for details CLARK Roseburg, Oregon Au Old Friend New Dress Iu I.Y1H4 K. PlNMIAW's Vfu;ET,ni.R (iiiin?isr in now pri-naml in ron vnient, piihitulilf, ctior otitic t'oairti t Jililciti iiackttl in Mnall lotllr. jifh lioltln fontaiiiH 70 tall(, or .1.1 (Ifirtifi. SI iji n lint I If inlo vour li.iml- I Imtf. Carry your nicdi- cine with you, Ouring tlm thrcft Irving pT iinfrt (tf rmitiiril y, ir.'.itci nily und nii'ldlu are, t ri-ninlv proven ilrt worth. 9tonl of 100 . i '.. r. .. . i : . . re pun wciirni uuer uiMnLr h. i I Tltese tabids are ju.4 an rjfee- i lie us the liqui1. j LydiaE-Pinldiam's j VegetiLle Compound j era "wr wmm "A ir nk BMimiiMiiBaMijmii "TirTfT opiiorluulty to file their nrotosts with the Register of tho United States Land Office nt Itoseburg, Oregon. Any such protest a or ob jections must be filed In this of fice within thirty days from the date of publication of this no tice, which first publication will be Sept. 24th, 1U20. HAMlLti A. CANADAY, Register. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE I pledge myself ns republican candidate for state representative from DouRlas county to serve tho host Interests of tho residents of this county. I solicit the support of every vetr, (Puld adv.) C. M. MYNATT. Arundel, piano tuner. Phono iS9-L CAR OWNERS ARE USING VESTA BATTERIES "As a man who has serv iced all kinds of batteries I can speak urilfli fftiiftinn. i' frv. Fnrserva Ice and LONG y ,.wiv:f LIFE there's nothing to equal VESTA.' COME TO BATTERY HEADQUARTERS PERCY CROFT Douglas and Main Sts. Roseburg -..i.."trrcTA i r -1 . y V iWrJ'y V IftlJ iboiMiors i Ilvcrj body hates tliat expression lie inuriiiiircd: -Oh, IarIii Mo" . a h mi fired times a day . ' . , MEAL lime always marked the end of his pleasure. A hundred times a day his conversations were inter rupted hy "Pardon Me's," as he cov ered his mouth with his fingers and ms confusion wnfc. a silly little laugh. It was embarrassing to his friends doubly so to him. No matter what he ate, it caused gas and distress. Ilewns nervous, irritable and rapidly losing weight. lie couldn't sleep. So culled 'qmck reliefs" had no effect; A frifnd suggested Tanlac. In a few li.iys the gaseous condition left him. tlis nerves relaxed, lie began to feel loads better. And now he is com pletely well sleeps like boy. If you suffer with gas discomfort, pains in the stomach, and are run down from stomach disorders, why don't you try Tanlac? It has helped thousands and it must help you, . '- ilciurn your money. amac ever iiiiijili VESTA. Plate-Lockini ISOLATOR BATTERIES'