ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1 5. 1930. THREE spent V city ping. ( ( l: r , Local News Olalla Visitor In Town W. K. Brown, Olalla resident, was a busi ness visitor In Roseburg yesterday nftenioon. Attends to Business Here H. A. PlnUeley, of Glide, was a business visitor iu this city yesterday after noon. Mr. Coons In Town George A. Coons, of Yoncaim, spent Tuesday afternoon In this city transacting business. Mr. Douglas In City' Glenn DourIuh, of Umpqua, transacted business In this city Tuesday afternoon. i Mr. Jortes Spends Day Here T James It. Jones, of Oakland, spent yesterday in Itoseburg transacting business. , Brockway Visitor Here Hiss Helen Gallantz, of Brockway, vis ited f rlends and shopped in this city Tuesday afternoon. Transacts Business Here C. C. Seigrist, of Umpqua, spent several hourB hero Tuesday afternoon transacting business. Transacts Business Here Jess Bhambrook, prominent Umpqua : fruit grower, transacted business In this city yesterday. Shops and Visits Friends Mrs. Frank Hahn. of Dixonvllle, shop ped and visited friends in this city yesterday afternoon. Here From Myrtle Creek Ed- 1 ward Weaver and J.-D. Owen, of AMyrtle Creek, transacted business yesterday afternoon In this city. Here From Garden Valley iMrs. R. D. Hutton. of Garden valley, spent Tuesday afternoon in this visiting mends . ana shop- III at Home In Glide Paul Cas wel, of the C. A. Lockwood Motor : company mechanical department, Is reported to be 111 at his home In : Glide, . ,. ,. Lookingglass Couple In Town Mr. and Mrs. George uurenara, or LooltinEElass. spent Tuesday here visiting friends and transacting . business. . , . i ' Portland Architect Here C. E. Freeman. Portland architect! is SDendine a few days at the Doug las county courthouse transacting business. ; - - Eugene Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Branstetter, of Eu gene, are spending five days in this city viBlting relatives and looking after buslnoss Interests. Returns to Roseburg Dr. 0. H. Bailey, editor of the Grange Bulle tin, has returned here from Port land, where "he spent several days attending the state grange meet ing. . .-. . .. -, Spends Short Time Here Jo seph Drown, of Mt. .Scott, spent yesterday in this city transacting business. He recently returned ,. from a business visit In Klamath Falls. Return From Hunting Trip Frank Hills, Earl Pickens, Harley Watson and Walter Cordon have returned here after hunting In the Cow creek country for several days. They had a fine buck. , Returns From Salem Mrs. I. B. Howard stopped here yesterday to " visit friends and shop before re turning, to her home in Looking glass, after spending the past few days In Salem on business. Eastorn Star Social Thursday The Eastern Star members are holding a social Thursday night In the Masonic temple at' 8:00 o'clock. The husbands of the mem- L bers have been invited to attend the social. Returns From MarshfleioV-Mr?. Hugh Coleman, of the Roseburg National Bank staff, returned here last evening, after spending the past three days In Marshfleld visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Stor gard. - Visit and Transact Business c Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Thomas, of Elkton, spent Monday night In Roseburg. Mr. Thomas attended to business affairs and Mrs. 'i nomas visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Williams. Marriage Licenses Issued Mar rlage licenses have been Issued by County Clerk Koy ftgee io w. v.. Ttnth nf .Miinleion and Emma Stev ens of Looklngglass and to Claud S. Palmer of Salem and Marjorie Jean Lounsbury of Portland.. Vlnltlnn Hera Few Weeks Mrs. R. C. Barney, ot Hood River, is upending a few weeks in this city , its the house guest of Miss Walda fHardlng. Mr. Barney, after com ' pletlng his work in Hood River, will meet .his wife here and will go to San Francisco, where they ' will vlBit her parents, air. ana mrs. Wilson. ' Roturn Here From California . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buzjell have returned to their home here after spending a few weeks vacationing , in Los Angeles, California, w. w. : Thackrah. a resident of Portland, , who has been' spending the past three vears In England, is spena Inr a few davs In Roseburg as the ' house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bus- Bell. . , , Soendt Day Here Charles C, Hulett, master of the Oregon 8tate grange and a resident of Albany, arrived here this morning to speak before the W. C. T. TJ. convention. He left late this afternoon for the Beaverton arrange, where he Is to speak on "The Foreign Measures," A which the granges In the state are particularly Interested In at this time. , Glide Visitor Here A. W. Riieams, of Glide, transacted busi ness here for several hours yester day. Here From Garden Valley C. C. Hurst, of Garden valley, transact ed business here yesterday after noon. ' - - Mr. Gladwill in Town George Gladwill, of Glengary, transacted business in this city yesterduy aft ernoon. : Hoaalin Visitors in Town-r-Mr. and Mrs. J. M. O'Mara, of Hoae lin transacted business In this city jt&terday. Visitor From Oakland Mrs. Harry Oakiey, of Oakland, spent yesterday here visiting friends and shopping. Wilbur Business Visitor Here W. M. Miller, of Wilbur, transacted buslrtPss in this city yesterday af ternoon. - Here From Garden Valley A. J. Tuck, of Garden valley, transacted business in this city yesterday afternoon. Transacts Business Here Clyde W. Kelso, of Yoncalla, spent Tues day afternoon In this city transact ing business. . . Lookingojass Visitor In Town H. B. Jacoby. of LookinKglass, was a business visitor in this city yes terday afternoon. Dlllard Business Visitor C. E. Moyer, prominent Dillard nursery man, was a business visitor here Tuesday afternoon. Dixonvllle Visitor Here C. L. Branton, of Dixonvllle, was a business visitor In this city Tues day afternoon. Mr. Dumore Business Visitor Tra Dumore. of Glide, spent Tues day afternoon In Roseburg trans acting business. Mrs. Coates Visits and Shops Mrs. W. G. Coates, or Tenmlle, visited friends and shopped In Roseburg Tuesday afternoon. Here From Roberts Creek Ru dolph Chamberlain, of Roberts creek, transacted business Roseburg yesterday afternoon, in Mr. Moore Transacts Business: Vernon Moore, of Days creek, snent several hours here Tuesday afternoon transacting business, Melrose Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Carl Backlund, of Melrose, were in town yesterday visiting friends, and transacting business. Improving' In Health Mrs. C. UTorrlll in renorted tn be consider ably improved in health at her home on Mosher street, after being ill for several days. . Portland Business Visitor Leon ard Underwood, -of Portland, spent yesterday in this city transacting business at the county agricultural agent's office. Leaves for Cottage Grove Mrs G. H. Hess, of this city, left yester duv afternoon for Cottage Grove, where she will spend a few days viBlting relatives and friends, - Transacts Business Here J. C, Johnston, of the Pacific Fruit Ex press, with headquarters in Port land, transacted business in Rose burg Tuesday. Tenmlle Business Visitor H J. G. Barnes ,of Tenmlle, transact ed business and visited his daugh ter, Miss Blanche Barnes, in nose turg Tuesday afternoon. ; Leaves for Portland K. Bannis ter lmmneer of the local Montgom ery Ward and company store, left yesterday for Portland, where ha will attend to Dusiness lur u bhuh time. ' Leave Today for Portland Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Quine, ot this cltv. left this morning lor Port land, where they will spend a few daya visiting Irienas ana transact ing business. Undergoes Minor Operation Mia Velma Rover underwent a minor operation yesterday at Rose burg General hospital, when she had her tonsils removed by Dr. L. M. Lehrbach. - , Return From Kuntlne T.iip Ear- ton and Ernest Helliwell have re turned to Roseburg, after spending week hunting in tne urusn creek country near Elkton. They killed two large deer. Return From Glendale O. M. Krell, manager of the local West ern Auto Supply store, and Mrs. Krell have returned here, after spending the past several days In Glendale visiting the latter' par enta, dir. and Mrs. Salvage. nianlaved at Chamber of Com merce H. G. Wilson, of Alexander park, presented a crate of large tomatoes to the chamber of com merce this week for display pur poses .The Big "7" Fruit racKing company also has a crato of Spltzenberg and Jonnatnan appies nn riianlav. Sam Starmer, com mandant ot the Oregon State Sol diers Home, presentde a large bou quet of Michaelmas daisies to the office yesteraay. will vitlt Here Few Days Mrs. Minnie Grubbe Thayer, of Spo kane, a former Wilbur resident, ar rived here yesterday to spend sev eral days visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Orubbe, at the Dr. J. R. Chapman home In Lanrelwood. Mrs. Thayer has been visiting In Chica go and Is on her way home to Spo kane. Mrs. G. W. Orubbe Is a resi dent of Wilbur and has been spend ing the past two weeks as the house guest of her brother. Dr. Chapman, and Mrs. Chapman. I TILLIE THE TOILER ,. " ITT7 1 7 T 77 . 1 1 I . . ' 7" J OH. TllL.tE ' j-J " I . - s -v ' s . - it m. . i viiv, i ii EV.-.---T- I -4 i i I4JU King Flrt SjnJiOK tm (..tvw fitifam rvM j ' ' " 1 nJm fvoo ,M -the UV-'S ) fiance' S"T Transacts Business Here C. J. Sether, ot Glendale, transacted business in this city yesterday aft ernoon. Hoaglln Visitor Here Mrs. A. W. Lunday, of Hoaglin, visited friends and shopped in this city Tuesday afternoon. Here From' Lookingglass Don ald Ollivant,, of Lookingglass, was a business visitor in Roseburg Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Cowan Is Business Visitor Dale Cowan, of Yoncalla, was a business visitor in Roseburg for n few hours last evening. Aid Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the Presby '.erlan Xadlea Aid society has been postponed until October 22. Here From Camas Valley Mrs. Edward Edmunds, of Camas Val ley, spent Tuesday afternoon in this city visiting friends and shop ping.' , ; .- ;. .- . -.-I Glide Business Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. O. Palouse, of Glide, spent Tuesday afternoon in Rose burg visiting friends and transact ing business. Visiting Relatives and Friends Mrs. Charles Foree, of West Fork, nee Miss Mary Crouch, of Rose burg, Is spending a week in this city visiting relatives and friends. West Fork Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sayers, ot West Fork, are spending a few days in this city visiting friends and trans acting business. . . , Leave for Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bogard, former Roseburg residents, now living In Round Prairie, left yesterday for Port land, where they will spend two weeks visiting relatives and friends. Here From 8a I em D. D. Math ews has returned from Salem, where he was joined by his wife and infant daughter. They are mak ing their home on South Rose street. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mat thews, of Salem, are spending a few days here as their house guests. . , . Seattle Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shdrrlll, the form er's brother, Abner Sherrlll, and the latter's brother. Eston Lough, all residents ot Seattle arrived here yesterday to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs". Sherrlll, nee Miss Mildred Lough of Roseburg. and Eston Lough are the children of Edward Lough of Roseburg. They plan to go to San Francisco for a short vacation, be fore returning to their homes. Attend Missionary Meeting Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Geddes return ed yesterday evening from Eugene where they attenaea tne mission ary "meeting conducted by Dr. How ard, returned missionary from Buenos Aires; Dr. Cartrlght, dis trict superintendent of the Fow Chow district mission, and Mr. Mondell, principal of the Metho dist high school at Calcutta, In dia. President James L: Ding of Foo Chow college, China, was also one of the speakers. Dr. Ding Is to be a speaker at the Roseburg MethodlBt . church Sunday morn ing. .-....! ALFALFA'S WORTH PROVED ON FARM Alfalfa has proven a successful crop on the farm of Fred Harris, i Gunter, who has cooperated with J. C. Leedy, county agent, in con-i ducting a trial plot of one acre dur ing the past season. Inoculated seed was planted late In May on land receiving 21 tons of ground limestone per acre. Land plaster at the rate of 100 pounds per acre - was applied at planting time and the field was given one Irrigation In mid-summer. An excellent stand was se cured. When clipped In September, a yield of one-half ton of hay was secured, and 100 head of turkeys have ranged over the field and been supplied with green feed since that time. SOLDIERS HOME -GIVEN PRAISE BY VISITINGVETERANS Roseburg Pledged Aid for National Institution; Warning Issued on Solicitors. '. " George W. Ballard, state or ganizer for the Disabled Veterans of the World War, and E. O. Kjos, state executive, arrived in Rose burg last night in the interest of the organization's forget-me-not campaign, and to make an Inspec tion ot the Oregon Stale,, Soldiers' Home. i,. .. The two officers of the vet erans' organization, guests of Commandant and Mrs. S. W. Star mer last night, made a thorough inspection of the state institution, which they praised very highly, declaring that the veterans resid ing there are being given excep tional attention. They stated thnt the oreranlza- tlon will use Its Influence In any oossible way to assist Rosoburg In securing the proposed branch of the national soldiers home, be lieving that conditions here fully Justify unanimous support from the Btote for Roseburg as a site. Mr. Ballard issued a warning tn Roseburg people to beware of per sons soliciting funds In the name of the disabled veterans. The chief offenders, he states, are sell ing wall cards - bearing dates of 1918 to 1930. They claim, he said. that the monev received Is going to the disabled veterans and their families, but instead Is being nut to individual use. The organiza tion is now engaged in a state wide drive for funds throuch the nnnunl foreet-me-not sle. this lin ing the task in whlfh the two men are engaged here. Thev are gnln o Grants Pass tonight tn continue the work. The orenntzntlon ha a memh'jrsliln of about GOO In Ore on. the PorlTdnd chanter being the largest with 378 members. COPCO PLANNING TO EXTEND POWER LINE TO AZALEA AZALEA, Oct. .15. Reoresonta tives of the California-Oregon cnoicesiataiRti meats 17 ,, evei tasted ABOUT ECONOMY MARKET JACKSON STREET - AND CASH MEAT MARKET STEPHENS STREET. PHONE 54 George Kohlhageri1 .Wholesale 6-Retail Butchers . r m v . m Strong Arm'" Method Power company held a meeting at the CurtlB & Curtis store, Wednes day evening, to attend the busi ness of extending the electric line to Azalea.- The meeting was well attended by people of this commuu lty. It was decided that Copco will be justified in beginning work on the line Immediately, as every one along the line has signed up to havo electricity Installed In their homes. The line was built as far as the Fortune Branch service station, five miles south ot Azalea, during the early part ot last summer; the new extension will be to the Sum mit Auto camp, owned by Jacob E. Hartle Sr., one-half mile north of the Azalea post office. The farmors that live .off the main lino, may have the benefit of this convenience at the same rate, by furnishing the poles and putting them In. Champ Jolins, who liveB about a quarter of a mile from the main line, plana on doing this, so as to have electricity in stalled In his homo. The minimum rate for ' llghti alone will be two dollars and thirty cents ner month, and for lights, electric range, or other electrical appliances, the minimum will be . five dollnrs and thirty cents per month, These rates will be decreased after five years. Mr. Becker Here on Business A. F. Becker, of Riddle, transacted business here for sewrnl hours yesterday. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR optometrist Specialist In the fitting of masses 116 Jackson 8t. Start Today There' magic in 6 and compound interest There is safety la first mortgages held in trust by the state. There are TWO SURE PAYDAYS for you every year, through "WESTERN SAVINGS" Make Them Yours ' by Mail Put your money to work where It ! available; alwayi safe and pays you more 6. Start with lump turn of $100 or moreor put aildc imall regular amounts as you dctlre ' ' E3 Bend ut your nme for FREE Booklet - that explains money growing plans Aiitm WESTERN SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION I.H.CA. BMi - Slh lad YanbUl Potibnd UNDER STATS SUPERVISION f,sUAKE FLEAGLEDiES FID BY CAPTOR Notorious Bank Robber and Murderer Gives Little Information as to His Crimes. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Oct. IB Jnke Fleagle, notorious bank rob her and murderer, shot yesterday at Branson, Mo., when captured by a posse of officers, died in a hospital here touav. Mengle, dying, piefided for his mother, but no word from her had come this morning when he died. The bandit last night had re porters send a wire to his moth er's home at Holcomb. Kans., ask Inir her to come to his JieilRtde, Officers said she could not possi bly arrive until late today and they doubted one message would bring her, expressing belief she probably would fear a ruse by of ficers. Fleagle, rallying briefly early to day, told officers in the guard about his hospital bed thnt he wished they urge his mother to come to see him, saying, "I'm afraid I'm olng to die." To one officer he said, "I don't know who shot me and it don't make no difference , but I wish thev had made a good job of it." Officers sought to question him about various crimes throughout the night, but due to his condition little Information was obtnined. Just before he died Fleagle ad mitted he had been hiding In the Oznrks for a year, living in an elaborately furnished cabin. 7 miles south of Holllster, In the lake country nenr Branson where he wna captured. He leased the plpeo last October. Officers found five guns In the cabin and a quantity of ammuni tion. One ivun was Identified as the nlstol with which Fleagle shot at the postmnster at -Tracy, Cal In a holdup. He misBed and offi cers obtained the bullet and later determined It came from the gun found today. Various persons at Branson to day Identified pictures of Fleagle as the man who leased the cabin near Hnllister about a year ago and said he had many visitors. Officers said those probably were confederates and other outlaws, Fleagle, who was conscious un til about five minutes before ho died, asked that all the furniture and personal effects In the cabin go to his mother. Asked it he hail any money hidden, he declined to answer. The gunman was captured on a Missouri Pacific passenger train 'at BranBon. Mo., yesterday by a group of officers. His capture end ed a nationwide manhunt begun when his band of desperndoes looted the First National bank of Lamar, Colo.. May 1028, In a rob bery which haa led to seven deaths. The wounded outlaw found suf Hunt's OPENING TONIGHT Tonight and Thursday A Comedy Drama of High Life in Prison. 'Up It LAUGH , ALL THE WAY IN THIS FAST AND FURIOUS COMEDY. There is fun in everything . if you look for it , . and the gang "Up the River" looked for it and found it everywhere. Also. f iy Selected Short Features J K f ifS) yi. ffr,&-i? ftJlv SPaN TIME SCHEDULE Matinee Daily at 2 P. M. Evenings Two Showi . 7:13 and 9:00 P. M. ficient strength to plead with II. D. Harper, chief of police ot Colo- rado Springs, to "do something fori Fred, his brother, on trial for a Larned, Ka bunk robbery. Fred, he said, was Innocent. Three physicians perfotnini; a major opera' ton on the bamllt found the bullet had struck below the ribs on tho rij:lit side, ruptur ing a blood vessel. Postal inspectors, searching re lentlessly for tho desperado in the belief he had a hand in the robbery of a Southern Pacific mail train at Pittnlmrg. Cal., traced him tn the Ozark country through letters he had mailed on trains in that section. Tries to Give Battle An Impressive array of officers assembled in the rcKlon ana se cretly combed the countryside for the outlaw. Aiuiouuh a trap naci , been set for Fleagle. the meeting yesterday was by chnncp. Fleaple was confronted on the train vhlcll he boarded here to trnvol to Hollistcr. a nenrby town. Five offlcors, all with drawn pistols, ordered Fleagle to put up his heands. Instead, he roached for his pistol. One shot was fired nnd the ban dit leader foil with a bullet In his abdomen. Aftor a brief struggle his weapon was wrested from him. None of the officers would reveal who fired the shot. A telegram to Los Angelea de tective headquarters however In dicated Lieut. Harry Wlldo of that dennrtment fired the shot that ended tho bandit's life. Four men were killed by the La- mnr rnhberfl nnd three members of the gang already have paid with Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 ' M. E. RITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 884 Oak and Kane 8ta. Si THE ROSEBURG GARDEN CLUB Will hold their fall sale of shrubs, perennials, bulbs and J rock plants on nc:it Saturday, October 18th At Barker Building next to Marsters Drug Store' Everyone is urged to bring their surplus plants late Friday or early Saturday morning. Vour support will help to bcauitfy our city and help in the Garden club work. 1 III H I m m Theatre iver' I rJ 'mnu ;i'i.iuMji,ijinmnn' fill tlifti' on the gallows at the Colorado penitentiary. The rule is similar in makias chocolates to that in roasting lILLS Bros coffee Tub tinhst chocolate creams are dipped one at a time by hand. The -finest coffee ever Hills Bros. Cof fee is roasted a tint tius ttt a ti'mi'by the patented, continues process Controlled Pvoasting. No other coffee has the same delicious flavor that Hills Bros. Coffee has because none is roasted the same ' way. Trail from thl sriinal vacuum pack. Easily opened with tbi kry. Look for the Arab on tht can. I'll Licenced Lady Embalmer MSH Bis - '-. 1 ! ADMISSION Matinees Adults 35c Evening: Adults 50c Kiddies a Dime Anytime M-lj rtnii m It I" 1. : .