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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1930)
ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1930. FIVE Classified Section KATES: rr word, etch huertloa. I ml. Br Mm week. ( eeu war.' Minimum per MrvertUemnt, U eat. MI1 your Ms eoant the word! and endow (tamp, cheek or money order. BRINGING UP FATHER r ... By Geo. McManua FOR SALE FOR SALE All kinds of dry wood. Phone 10F23. FOU SALE Hood wood heating stove. Keuaonublo. Phoue 131-J. FOH SALhi Cider, at Lob Cabin stand near Sutherlin. Bring containers. FOH SALE 20 W. L. pullets. BOc each. W. F. Hodson, 1 mile S. W. Sutherlin. COAL. Hock Spring, Utah and Diamond brlquetsj Page Lumber & Fup Co. F4)R SALE Hecleaued purple Vetch. Inquire First State Bunk, Sutherlin, Ore. FRESH COW FOR SALE Also a two-year-old heifer. Will trade for hay. G. S. Johnson, Brock way, Ore. FOR SALE Dry body fir, second growth, oak and laurel. Block and stove wood. Mounluin Fir Wood Yard. Phone 75 L. FOR SALE Will sell at sucriflce, ItiO acres of timber near Rose burg, if taken at once. Write Geo. R. Thompson, Chehulis, Wash. "I know how." J. L. Miller, Oak laud, Ore. WANTED One horse wagon. Write to Frank Plummer, Brock-way. WANTED Stocked farm on shares. 315 N. Kane St., Roso burg, Ore. COW FOR SALE In November. Melrose. -6 yrs. old, fresh Warren Welsh, FOU SALE Oats aud vetch seed, 2c lb. .Marster's Happy valley ranch. L. Bonnie. WANTED Job hauling wood with truck, by contract. Write M. H. Fowler, Melrose, Ore. FOR SALE 1 male calf, week old, nliKiblo to registration, at F. M. Curtis'. Phone 7U2-J4. SAVE on light globes 10 price reduction on all bulk purchases of 6 or more bulbs. Copco. POK SALE A fine level 131 ac. place, mooern equipped build ings, diversified orchard. See J. A. Campbell, West Sutherlin, Ore. FOR SALEOverstuffed daven y,ort and two chairs, library table, "'tenter stand, matlross and kit chen utensils. Call Mrs. Ralph Karcher, 209-L. FOR SALE OR KENT SO acres, fenced, barn, house, garage. Live creek year around; prune or-, chard; 25 acres cultivated. Lots of timber; good road, 12 miles to . Roseburg. Easy terms. Geo. R. Hill, Camuview garage. Price ' J2500. LOST I LOST Friday, package contain ing child's underwear. Finder please leave at News-Review. LOST Friday, between north side Texaco station and Douglas St., 6.00x21 tire and cover with name "Kelly Sheet Metal Works." Re turn to Kelly shop. Reward. LOST Sunday, Oct. 12th, be tween Eugene and Roseburg, gentleman's brown leather trav eling bag, containing articles of clothing. Notify C. K. Allen, 237 Watson St. FOR RENT FOR RENT nient. $8.50 Pine. -Furnished apart per month. 64.6 S. FOR RENT 5-room plastered house, largo garden, yard fenced. Phone 242. FI RNISHEI) HOUSE for rent on South Pine. 318 Woodward St. Phone 231-Y. . FOH RENT Stock and turkey farm. See J. A. Campbell, West Sutherlin, Ore. FOR RENT An excellent modern live-room house, close In, with garage. Call at 245 S. Pine St. NOW You can buy any washing machine we have in stock witti a down payment of $5.00. Copco. FOR SALE OR TRADE for good cow, heifers or sheep Blizzard ensilage or hay cutter. Phone 157-L. WANTED Used portable type writer. Must be in good condi tion. Charles F. Hopkins, court house, i WANTED to borrow $700 on first mortgage, farm property. Ad dress "F. H.," care News-Re view. I TOLO TOUR KOt)BAWO VOO SS-NVT ME TO OlWE HIM A, LESSOSJ iK) ITALIXM AMD HE VJRECKED THE . i PLACE INCLUD- NIG ME LOOK AT MY EVE VOO CO RCWT BACK 1INJI'5T UPOSl MM LEAlMlMO J TO bPEAK ITALIAN- LJ V J I I'VE JUoT "oE-EivJ "YOU? VJlFE ANJO WE BOTH AQREE.OTHAT TOD ARE TO TAKE A LE5.SOM Its) ITALIAN! IT tOUKOS t AS IF THE. l-O OVtl I'M THAT A.PAR.T- MEMT- I'LL CO AM U1 J ill i h -Trrr back , i ty IPtO. Intl Veiton? Servrc, Inc., Crwjjnuim nu rv.grvd. T ... i . k . , , , .1 ... Community Standards Difficult for Rural Areas Thinly Peopled Winter Supplies For 4RF.AT WHAT HAPPENED' , WHV THE MINIOTG Ti-igrvi A -OU'.CS iv i AM Tot.o mim d A?R;evT MR- J fiS-Ti-iU-r't-Ai-M W,L t CAME TO ) FOR SALE Top dressing. Come in and see samples. Painted on old tops. At L. H. Chambers ser vice station. Phone 649. CAN USE two young men. for permanent steady work. Must have good local references. See Mr. Frenna, Hotel Grand. FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet 6 se dan, almost like new. For a real bargain see this at L. R. Cham bers Bervice station. Phone 649. CHICKEN DINNER Tho ladies of the Baptist church will serve a 60c chicken dinner in the church Wednesday, Oct. 15th, from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. FOR SALE Six-room house with full concrete basement, garage and driveway. Lot 60x300 ft. Free soil. Call at 406 W. Cass St. A bargain. 1927 FORD ROADSTER for sale ,: ut a bargain. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call between 7 aud 8:30 p. m. 33F5. 1. D. Adams, Roseburg. CHICKEN HOUSE LUMBER The best stock we have ever had at the LOWEST PRICES. Plan books free. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOn RENT By the middle of month, furnished heated apt. Inquire 124 W. Douglas. TO LESSEN that cold morning chill get an electric heater, $5 and up. California-Oregon Power Co. APARTMENT FOIt RENT Nice location, hot water, electric stove; garage. Bubar. Bros. Phone 214. 5-HOOM furnished house. Garage. Paved street. Near Rose school. $20. See Roy Young of Gi W. y Young & Son. Phoue 417. FOU RENT 7-room furnished house, garage, chicken house. ' 605 East Douglas street. G. W. Young Son, 116 Cass street. Phone 417. FOR RENT A 240-acre farm. 2 miles north of Drain. Oregon, on Pacific highway. Spring wa ter, 2 barns, orchard, 6-room house. 60 acres In cultivation. Phone or write Mrs. lone Tracy, 436 S. "Stephens, Roseburg, Ore ! WANTED I . WANTED Chest of drawers, or ch'ffonier, any condition. Phone 54 II. R' ANTED 50 to 200 head of sheep on shares with options to buy. State ago, breed, price. Box 813. care News-Review I MISCELLANEOUS . CAR OWNER Don't fnrRPt to call . 653 when in need of auto parts. V Rrff n Auto WrooklnK Houb. WANTED Woman or man with Bales experience. About $22.50 per week to Htart. Opportunity for advancement. Apply Room 320, Grand Hotel. FERTILIZER Cow and chicken. 60c per load. First house along east side of track from Shady Point crossing. Phone 6F12. V. D. Fuson. NO TRESPASSING or hunting al lowed on the premises or . the following: W. 1. Hess, Peter Sinclair, R. A. Calhoun, C. W. Hughes, R. S. Hutton. FOR SALE 1930 Nash sedan. 1928 Nash sedan. 1929 Ford A coupe. 1927 Ford roadster. For a real bargain see 1. R. Chambers. Phone 649. Albikote Waterproofs anything and every thing roof basement floor or wall Call us for estimate Coen Lumber Co. Phone 121. TODAY'S MARKETS - (Associated Press Leased Wire) , POUTLAN'tr Oot. 14. Wliolesnlf butter and t-gg markets wre un- rbtinKtt in tone and irire today. Butter demand ws light and du- iini rid Tor eKK'a fair. Department of agricultural eeo- noinn.H i-nvu-Wed tlu- trult and Vt;tf- eluble mai Sti-ts aa follow: Tillamook County Creamer v n.s- n"!ation today announced a 1 cent reduction for Tillamook cheese prlres on account of the "weak ag ricultural situation" with expecta tion that "the decline will be tem porary." Quote: Loaf, L'O centa a pound: triplets, 30 cent. A few California tomatoes art being received in caru of mixed voKelables. Liocal tomatoes ad vanced today, as a result of re I cent frosts atoppinK further field- j ripening. I The carlot celery mitrkct Is very i dull.- hanging around 1.50 pet . crate of 4-C dozens in the rougL. Producers will prohably refuse t" load, below tliis value. Soul hern Idaho Is again shipping celery heavily, after a week's cessation of activities. Cauliflower Is maturing slowly due to continued cool weather. Quality Is excellent though, aiu' good prices are being realized for present car loadings. anomnoai t Kggs: Pricttu vo remllers: Froeli extras. 38c; standards. 3Ue; fresh medium, 20. Prices to wholesalers In iiiiQtir prei io retailers. Butler: Cubes: Kxtras. 'Ac; stand- dards, a tit-; prime firsts 31c, firsts. 31c. Creamery prices: Prints, 3c over cube standards. ali 1 K : Haw milk tl per cent) fti.fia ffj.7d cwi., delivered J'ortluud. lent 1 per cent: grade C milk. Si'.ti.. Hul teriat deliveiii In Portland, 37e. foul try; (Uuytng prlcusj : Alive, heavy hens over -1 lbs.. 22; me dium hens, 3 Ml to 4 lbs., lfio; light hens 13c; broilers. 1 Mi to tVt 1Ih LeRhorns. heavv snrlntf 19. liirht 22: colored. 22c; Pekln ducks. 4 lbs. and over, 16c; old. 15c; colored ducks. 12. ducks, 15c country meatus (Buvinor nrteei).- Cholce veal. 17e; pork. 16c: choice tamos. 12-14; mutton arai cents. Klour: (City unlivery prices Pamily patents 49s $6.20; whole wheat 4us graham. 49b S3. 10; bakers' hard wheat 9Ks S5.&5; bak ers' hluestom patents aSs S5.&0; pastry flour. 49s to. 10. Sugar Marked Trnslsl: eane. fruit or berry $1,130 per cwt. Onions: Oregon. Jl. 00-1.50, Potatoes: Gems. No. 1 grade, Hay: Whnlnsalu buying prices, de livered Portland, eastern Oregon Mmothy, $22.60fi 2:t.00; do valley. H9.nOfi.19.C0: alfalfa. J17.o0fa slovor. $i: oat hay, $ifi; ntrnw, ltt ton: wplllnw prices, tl to 12 more $2.2592.65: No. 2. tl. 85-2. 23; new po. latoes. lb. Nuts: KiRddy: walnuts. Oregon, 18 T27c: almonds, l.r-J0c; peanuts 9-1 2c; pecans 25-27c; filberts, 17-18. Hops: Steady: 1929 erop l3j.-ir(e. Wool : Eastern nregon. 1 4 iff isp lb.; valley, 20o. Mohair, ner.- clin: Kid hair, 26c per pound; staple 21c r lb. ON SPECIAL TAXES Thirty-nine rond dislrlnts In the county will hold moetiiiRs next nicntli to decide whether or not to vote special taxes for road im provement. The, Azalea district will meet on the '15th, Garden val ley district on tho 7th and all oth- NOTH'K To anyone interest ?d In small tractor, will give demon stratlon In Garden valley on tii old Webber place, 3 mile st.ut'.: ot golf links, Thursday after noon, Oct. 16th. Watch for sign. K. O. Snrff. MONEY TO LOAN' Our rates are as low as $1 per month on each $100 borrowed and you know Just how many payments are re nulred to pav oft your loan. DOI UI.AS nriLlHNU & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Medical Arts IlldK. Phone 215. FltKK Durlnpr October, one 8x10 photograph with 1 dozen photos in folders. HoseburR St dio. Salzman ItldE.. 127 Jackson St- CO.MR to the Catholic ladies' card party at. the parish hall, Kane street, Tuesday eveulnc. Oct. 1 Ith. Ilridpe. Five Hundred. Prizes. Refreshments. 8 p. m. 35 cents. NEW TODAY FOH SALE 45 turkeys, $1.50 each. Mrs. T. C. Buckle, Melrose. AUTO palntlnE, furniture, too. t'olishiim. washing, stenm clean 'mi:. Your money's worth plua Murphy's auto puinlins and -finishing shop on Cass, near S. P. depot. SAVE MONEY on your mortgage loan by our monthly payment Plnn. Pav off the old mortgage wlih a new one. We have a very con -enlent Inslallment loan plar which not only makes payment easy but effects a worth while saving to the borrower. The total cost of one of our loans is lower than any like organization doing business in the slate. We Invite comparison. iMi'tlu SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Douclns Abstract building. BULLETIN AT BRAND'S Fine Hnsc Pears Jonathan Apples- Hellclous Apples Oranc Melons Cold Fish for Sale Fountain L'tm h and 6n Cent Iinrth r.IJANP'S Pa'tfic highway 3 nil COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA V. S. U r.ATIIKII lll'HKA V OI)scrvatf'.ns taken At 5 a. ISUth TIIK WEATHER , i. Tump;rature x i ' 5 a s . s " " ei t i Ja . J S t b , !J ; ' Xi "5 a. Baker I 421 li'i! SSI n Hois.- Hear I 4fi! 611! 4! 0 Hnwton 1't.clilv (10! Kx rll! 0 c-hi.uKo ,-i,iv r.iii 7i m; n lienver clear I 401 un I 4.H ,fll Kureka . ..... clear j f.a' r.K! r,a 0 (lalvpslon . ...rlearl 7ni 7K! T'll ft Helena el. ar 32 fl'2! .".21 II Kansas il- . Ilv I r, f dli r,2; .on Iis AnK.-les My ) r.-V i J I F.fl' 0 M.irshflelrl , ..el,ly 4fi f.l1 2h' n New Orleans ..ilear' ' KO' r,.1 e New V.ii k ' 2 7' J, ( Norlh II. ail 1 . . ..I I, t'hoealv I , .1 fii . ft l'.i-m II i'Li i'lv I Is r.s .is- a 1'i.rllan.l l.M-: is r.l il- .1:' llospliiiru . . .I'I.elilv ! an lis :u o Sai'l'a nieati) , .clear i .'J: 71 ..': a .SI. Louis clear ' lla so mi (i Suit Lake vlearl I ''' r.' :iw ( aii rraneis.o .clear' all1 7a a San IlcH" i f.i 72: f.t- 0 Seallle clrlv I 4 II '.Hi 4 11 .11 Snokatie rain I 41 :o 12' .l1. Wasl.lnctoll . .rlrly fil' 7'i: CI wtmnp.-it . ...ciiivl ::s 42' Yakima clear I 41, 4, 4.'. .01 era on Saturday, November 8. ' In the event all ot the districts should vote the taxes proposed, the total sum raised will be S'.I3.5 ll.nti It is not probable that all of the distilcts will approve the tax, so that the amount will probably fall considerably short of the possible figure. Tho meollngs are called by the county court, following the ceipt of petitions from the dis tricts, tho court fixing the time for the road meetings, and arrang ing for publication of notices in the newspapers nearest the place where tho vote will be taken. The road districts In which a special tax Is proposed, together with tho valuation, the proposed J levy, and tho amount' that would be raiseu ure as louowh; Declaring that many rural coin munttiea are too small to support adequate social institutions, Dr. C. J. Ralph), sociologist of the 17. S. department of agriculture, de scribed what he regards as the "ideal" farm community In Its so aspects. In addressing the American Country Life assciallon conference at Madison, Wis. "The small rural community," he said, "has little chance to attain high community stnndards ot life. It Is doomed on account of It smallness. I hold that a farm com munity of 10 farms aud 100 fam ilies, like the SB square-mile town ships of Wisconsin and Iowa, Is too small. "A community of at least 1,000' rural families Is needed In order to maintain and support schools, libraries, hospitals, narks, play grounds, churches, fire coinpanles and the like. The tola! population of this should be ai least 6,000 persons, and tho mini mum area about 100 square nillos. the outer boundary of the com munity being five to eight miles distant by highway from tne ce ter of the town." In discussing the effect of the docreasc of farm population 01 country life. Doctor Galpln declur ed that although stalls! lea show that the farm population is now 5.000.000 persons less than in 1010. the actual Iobs has hoen 13.000,000 persons, beonuse In tho 20-year porlod (llilO-lllSOl there has also been lost to the cities' the natural population Increase on farms, ap preximatelv 700O)00 persons. Doctor Oalnln said that approxi mately 6.000.000 young men and women between the ages of IS and 25 have gone from farms in the last twenty years, and tnui about 80.000 "prosperous" farmers have moved from farms to cities during the period. It is the popu latlon Rhifts of these two groups he deelnred, that are of greatest social importance In rural life, TRESPASS NOTICE Positively np hunting or tres passing allowed on Marster's Happy valley ranch, (Adv.) L. HONNIE, Supt, Depot Tiarber Shop open eve nings until 7:30 p. m. All hair cut ting 25c. 409 Cass St. Adv. Wood Cutting Now is the time to prepare for the furnace season. Look over our window today and pick out what you need. Axes, saws, wedges, and other neces sary tools are included in out !uye block. PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT " ' CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. . The Ironmongers 2 for 1 Stamp Week,igl Uct. 20 to 25 mi INCLUSIVE H-.fc&afel All cash work done be. tweon tl.ese dates wilt be entitled to double the usual number of stamps. The Service cf Safety Is what you find hare. Our efficient service meant safety and neat appear- ance for your clothes. ROSEBURG CLEANERS OAK AND STEPHENS ST. PHONE 474 HTT.TTT;.i.i.riTiMi.i.iiiir ::::):.::: DiHtl-lcl , T.ecv No. 1 I'mp'iua :! 'A 2 Oak Creek I a No. 3 Ada . . . 3 Na. 4 Snr.;li Ulvcr .....Ill Io. 11 Kl Kiiriiai. No. 11! I-nHiklnKXlnH.s ... No. 16 Camas Valley ... Na. 21 iWilauf No. 22 llitvlmrst 3.1 Ulca Vallev No. 21 Scotts Valley No,, 25 llkhcail No. 211 C.ooili'lcli . 28 Winchester No. SO Ci.unlry Club ,. No. 31 I lays Creek .... No. S3 KlMiuvillu No. .'IS Peel No. 37 MHronp IS S.oilli Deer Crt e No. 2,3 clciigary No. 4-1 Myrllo Creek . . " Mvrlle Creek ... No. I! Myrllo Creek ... No. Ill liimlcr in Loon Luke No. Ii3 Tyeo No. eii AaloH No. fill Heston ' No, Jill Cleveland . . .' 4 No. 62 minion Valley 5 No. 63 Duck Fork 10 No. 6a Missouri rjottoln la No. 70 Rod lllll 3 No. 71 Hock Creek 10 No. 711 Camas Valley HI No. 78 Anchor lo No. 80 Kilenliower 4 No. 81 l.'iiipoiiH Park 8 . 5 .10 . . 4 . r, .10 .10 . HI .Hi Valuation 3Kfi. '.Hil ar,!!, 770 1.3 111. lllll S.'il.OlO II'O.OIII 477.1511 433.1111.) 557.1150 1S7.H50 336.200 5112. S2II 1K3.1 10 42I.34.I I '.III.X20 7114.170 K II. II III 2211. 1110 23.".. 51.1 413,010 501.710 1 S7.3IIO 13ll.::2il 1K0.0I0 13O.710 277. 21 1 62S.K00 422,530 3.11.370 1116.770 ioy.r.50 20 1.000 84.270 422.5,10 372,160 273.0110 2fi2.270 1 IS..VJ.1 212.010 215.250 Amount of Tax $1,350,611 I 5.5D7.70 S.'.ir.K.IIK . 8.516.40 1.330.07 1.420.45 4.3311.110 2.785.26 939.75 1.188. CO 2.51 1.10 1.831.40 . 1.273.02 954.10 3.076,68 434.70 2. 2118.00 1.477.65 4.130.10 B, 017. 10 1.873.HO 1.203.20 1.890.10 2.772.10 6. 2SS.O0 1.2U7.60 3,013.70 1.CH7.70 438.20 1.020.00 842.70 4.226.00 1.016.48 2.730 90 2.922.70 1.185.90 818.16 1.962.00 D" Howard does mechnnleul work at "Nod Dixon's Super Sla- ion." Adv. us put your motor In good condition for winter driving. "Ned Dixon's Super Station." Adv. Chicken Dinner Christian Church Thura. Oct. 16 11:30 to 1:30 Good Eats, Qulok Service 50c per plate DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated , Phone 4R8 Musonlo bldg. Roseburg Cabinet Shop E. S. Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreas All kinds of cabinet work Cupboard Doors. Furniture Hepa'.ring, Truck flodlos. Wo soli Upson Board and Veneer. Saw Filing a Specialty Phone S41-J 642 Fowlr St. POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE I pledge myself as republican candidate for stale repreaenlallve from Douglas crninty to servo the le -t of Hie leimjculi! of this iiMinly. 1 lioiklt the suppent of every voter. -.'aid adv.) C. M. MYXATT. GREAT BRIDGES AND GREAT LIVES 'I've yet to build a bridge that has completely naMsflcd me. Kvery one I put lift was tho best bridge 1 could build at Hie time; hut I know hat not one of them Is the bent bridge that can be built. I am always seeking to find that 'beat bridge' and I gueas I will go to my grave still seeking II. Then another will atop into my slices to continue the hunt; but the 'best bridge' will lihvays bo Just a step ahead. Tho best of everything on this earth will ulways be undiscovered. The niont we mortals can do is to find better, than we nave." Kobert .. IirnKe bridge builder. , , . . . , t No matter what success we've had, If satisfied, 'tis very bad; For when a man hns reached hi3 top He's very likely then to stop; But greatest men will never lest. Because they seek a moving "best"; No matter how they strive and scheme, They never will outclimb their dream. Let's join that restless climbing clan Who always higher visions scan ; Who keep ambition still aflame No matter where they've carved their name; Who feel that with each victory won There's something better farther on; Who die with eyes ablaze with light, Arid never once give up the fight. Yhe sky will rise with each success; The climb itself gives happiness; And as we upward course pursue, Kach rung will widen much the view; 'Tis always so in age or youth In every search we make for truth, hach page of knowledge we may learn Will still increase oor power to yearn. If in this mood we do our tank. And ever more of self shall ask, We shall defeat the march of age, Shall brighten life with each new page, Shall keep within our hearts the fire That will not cease to climb- aspire: Shall always have incieiiJiip.;; ze:-;t. And find in heavc.-i we have the beat. COME TO THE ' CATHOLIC LADIES Card Party at the PARISH HALL Kan St. Tuesday Evening October 14th Bridge, Five Hundred, Prizes. Refreshments 8 p. m. 35c y- $9.00 m.. Ata Filson Hunting Coat Oh, BOY, whatcomfortt Ten conveniently placed pockets give ample room for fiamc and all intimate belongings. Light enough f'orcomfort.yetsuirdy enough for protection. Pains takingly made of Kilson water proofed Khaki, double throughout. There's a rare confidence in your aim when clad in a Filson Hunting Coat you feci the part so perfectly. Boner dealers sell them C-FilsoaC Outdoor Clothed 2ND AVENUE AT MADISON SEATTLE OR THE SAFETY OF YOUR HOME SIXTY percent of all fires occur in the home. More than 7,000 lives are lost by fire in American homes each year. To safeguard the families and commu nities of this country the Stock Fire Insur ance companies have provided various measures of prevention and protection, through the National Board of Fire Underwriters and other organizations. Such measures include the use cf proper building materials, better building prac tices, the testing of home utilities, light ing and heating devices, fire extinguish ing apparatus, and other services. Department of Building Construction The National Board Committee on Construction of Buildings assembles and distributes the best available information on reliable materials and construction methods. Few indeed are the municipal building codes that have not used in whole or In part the information and assistance of this department. . Fire Prevention Through the Committee on Fire Preven tion and Engineering Standards, the officials of more than 400 cities have received detailed analyses of municipal fire defenses, with recommendations for their improvement. In the smaller cities this work is done by the engineers of other organizations maintained by STOCK FIRE INSURANCE Public use of these services, which are available without charge, has contrib uted to the constant decline In the average cost of fire Insurance in this country for more than twenty years. Stotk Fir Inturtnct Compnii n Rtprtnnfd by Ctptblm Agtntn In Your Community THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 85 John Strea!, New York rfllCAGO SAN FRANCISCO !32 Wtt Adarai Street Merchant! Exchange Bldg. V ttlT Kj uti n mi fyyfrr A Nttlonil Orotnlftlon of Stork fin Insurtnn Comptntos iitMiihoo' In 1866 k ft k