THREE Local News Transacts Business Hern 0. C. Sellers, of iteaton, Bieat Saturday evening In this city trunsacttug business. Spend Week-End in Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sawdon, of Seattle, spent Iie week-end in Roseburg. Shops Here Mrs. V. Leather wood, of Umpqua, spent Saturday afternoon In Hoseburg shopping and visiting friends. Oakland Business Visitor Here Henry Richardson, of Oakland, transacted business here for sev eral hours Saturday. Portland Visitors in Rosebura O. Middleton and Jack Murphy, residents of Portland, are ' spend ing a few days In this city visiting friends. Spend Short Time Here John Standley and O. J. Barnes, of Ten mile, spent Saturday afternoon In this city transacting 'business. Mr. Standley recently fractured his w - ! if iSnendlno a Few .Weeks Here H. O. Kurtz, of the Motor Ac counting companv, is spending a few weeks in this cltv auditing the books at the Roseburg Motor company. , ' Returns From Portland Mrs. M. E. Nolan has returned to the home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundeen of Roseburg, after spending the past few weeks in Portland and Tilla mook visiting relatives and friends. Leaves For Klamath Falls Mrs. Belle Schimiler left Saturday for Klamntn Falls, where she will spend the winter with her daurh- ter. Miss Mabel. She has beep visiting frier!s in Roseburg and relatives In Cottage Grove for a short time. . Harold Boucock Here Harold Boucock, former resident of Rose burg. now engaged In the auto electric and battery business at Medford, is spending a few dayB in Roseburg looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Boucock are the parents of a baby boy born three weeks ago, and Mr. Boucock reports that the mother and baby are doing very nicely. Visftlna Relatives and Friends Mrs. Willis Moffltt. of Eugene, nee Miss Oenrgine Sinclair, of Rose burg. and son. BUlv. are unending several days in Garden valley vis iting hr parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sinclair. . ' JbReturns to Rosebura to Make Home Glenn Woodruff, former Rofleburg resident who has been residing in California for a short time, ha returned to Roseburg to make hlR home.; He is working in the Depot barber shop. ; . : P-ttfn to Horn In Tiller Mrs 'A. TIpon and infant son. James Sfdnev. have left rhUson'a ma- terr-ltv. home "d ha gone to their hor In Tilled. Mr. Mrs. fli-nvor Tlsei and tn chlidi-en. Mls Clara Msrv end mVv. of D! onviiie, accompanied them to Tiller. Retli"""" Hre From Portland Mips Cella Mv- Beavev, pnleslady in the local Woolworth store, re turned here this . morning from Portland, where she has been snendlng 'thev"ast week with mother. Mr. P. K. Reaver, or M enbower. who Is a patient of Dr. Joyce's hospital. Spend' Sunday In ' Riddle Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves and Mr. and Atrs. Kenneth tt-bnrv.. of .Prtseburg. pnd Ttr. snd Mr.rTt0Wnv (Wilson, and -.children, nf ' Msrpl. Tieid, nenr Nrmnav in un8 v"v Ing Mrs. Aiignpta' Wilson. , Mr.' Groves. Mr. Aterhnrv ad JV. Wil son also nent nn.rt of Sunday hunting near Riddle. ' SOLDIER AND $920 U. S. FUNDS GONE - ( Amnetatpd Prtm Leased Wire) VANCOUVER, Wssh.: Oct. 13. discovery that S920 in govern ment funds Is missing from Van couver barracks, resulted today in renewed effort to find Sergeant Henry C. Owens, who disappear ed from the barracks last Tues day. Owens was given a day's leave to transact business at Fort Lewis. He didn't return. EXPECTANT WIVES ACCUSED OF THEFT ( AmocUtal Pmw Leued Win) VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct IS. Layettes -for their expected babies, and about a thousand dol lars worth of clothing and other articles were found in the ho"se- "oat occupied by ' Mr. and Mrs. Jnr( Williams and Mr. and (Mrs. Jim Carlln Saturday night Wil liams and Carlln were ' In Jail here today. The girls, 18 and )8 years old. were released on their own recognizance. They ' were charted with shoplifting. Police Bay the articles were stol en from department stores, shoe stores and general stores In Kelso, Longview and Vancouver. Doth girls expect to become mothers soon. They are sisters. Spends Week-End In Roseburg Miss Agnes Fredrlckson, em nlove of the Portland Bank of Italy staff, spent the week-end In this city visiting relatives and friends. She formerly worked in the local First State' and Savings bank. Divorce Suit Filed A. Hair High, forrner resident of Rose, burg, has filed Sufi for divorce in the circuit con of Lane - county aenlnst Me High. He alleges de serllnn. They were married In Roseburg July 1, 1923. FIRE KIT ! ! M AID ABOUT TO BE WED (AwwlfitwJ Ptcm LmwM 'Wire') RFA.TTT,E. 0t. 53. raiwm? jn btirnine hf1room. Altce Pnvnn. tR. wns bwmpd to death ft Erbn lpVe. nar bern fntiav, Hponif-fl pffort of hor brother. Delbflrt. 2t id Wintered in a futile dash into the Mazinr house, Alfce. damrhter of Mr. and Mr. Peter T,auffefen. w to have ben tmrrifa nnxt month to Txhi(b Mfn- tsh. bend usbed et a theater here. She hnd been pewinr lefife nteht on ap ortfijn wwn iitfl a late holt1 e1bprt hulH ft fire In a omnll ptove in thp livir room earlv to rtv nnd left!!, tellfne hfs Bttpr to rheck the draft. Jt was tbonebt the f Irl bd fallen asleep after her brother left. ' STORY a Continued from page l. tire nation. ,' Situation Gloomy PORTLAND, Oct 13. "The dried prune situation Is discourag ing." in the words of F. L. Kent, regional statistician for the U. S. department of agriculture. Reviewing the crop, the bureau has thIB to B&yy "Most of the dryer men in the Willamette valley) report a time run of half-normal or less. One operator with a five-day ran and a total of 228,000 pounds of fresh fruit reports a dry-out of 1 to 3.b3, or 2S.3 per cent . ' "TJie mid-Sentember rains an pear to have caused an unusually rapid "ripeijing of the fruit, and later raips caused much cracking and brown rof resulting In' much fmlt not being harvested. "In the Roseburg district weath er conditions were less unfavor able and It is estimated that 60 to 75 per cent of the fruit was sav ed. "Trade estimates of the total northwest crop vary from twenty to thirty million pounds, with an average of around 25,000.000 pounds. California state-fed; eral marketing service reports the California' dried nruno crop at 468,000,000 pounds." TILL1E THE TOILER Mac Is on the War Path fjjj -TUI-rHE VOU WHAT .twe m s.. a. n " . x 7 r vr-tv fen-dak9 v iztM jrtA ,A YlMt : "fX :Uys Si& ' j WA SjJ" WWW Illill W VstSH m feJK ; U I ill I III m Jk YreSm YM f JCq illill I VA ft (U FZZ'Affj 1 jst&riiUHr dJmmZ VA9. SwitoH. Im. Cum , mnr j'l jfcSS&fCi&i1 Tl frfSk OH, Mr. VA)HFPLE. t TOAD ?l UM1" vou,.f , p 5' Radio Wizard Weds Film Star Fou"d, in,f ?ney tancd u After Nationwide bearch I J1 l-V" J-v l)f. 1 f V I S h v' hi, LLETS LAY LOW HE OF m PIS OFCBMEWOBLD Jack Diamond, Former Aide of Rothstn, ' Shot 5 Times in New York Hotel Room. PhlUidplphia where be was laud'Ml irons a iretxnter ;t Ms it!oiia- tia by ie!iRiiii notice. i His police record ian when he was sent to a rt'tony.twry for ltrg- : iary at IT. That was iiu otily cti- victioa asainat hira despite i:m:! erous arrests and indict ir.vnts. for a iime he w s bMiy Kar :! for Arnold jiotitssiti, siH'bir, 1 whose- slaying in th Vavk titrai i; hotH m Kovtmbi W2 was stm-;: iiar to the shouuug of diamond. Dr. Lee DeForeat, 52, distinguished db?elopsr ot radio and talking tn... i,nM n,nr.tnii iiurd, Mnflnutnt 9i nrettv film rim- lJli;LUfUB ytiiOVi.t, IIUO IliaiUVU .,. . ...vuu...., - -, . edienne. The newly weds are living apart, however, in meir Hoiiywoonj; homes pending culmination of a Now York divorce obtained by the first Mrs. DeForest DeForest is Immune to prosecution as long as he and Miss Mosquinl Jive apart while tie firgt Mrs, DeForest's final de cree Is pending. ' ' CANYONVILLE MASONS HOLD RITES FOR HENRY WILLIS Funeral Bervlcesw for Henry A. Willis, of Gasley, were held In the Canyonvllle cemetery Saturday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock under the au spices of the Masonic order of Can-yonvllle.- There was a large at tendance and many beautiful floral tokens. Mr. Willis was a member of the Masonic order for a num- TA.LK.IN& fr&A ft'- TODAY AND TUE8DAY I ziJRadiO A ' T7 " 1 '.rr r I ' NOW I oar Stealing Love is not a crime I . . . says the law but there's a differ ent answer in the heart of every woman! DANIELS KENNETH JESS, THOMSON LOWCLL SHERMAN OLIVE TELL Plus All-Talking Comedy Talking News , - ADMISSION ' MU 10c-25e Eva. 10e-35 LIBERTY 11 i a H her of years and was well known in that vicinity. ArrangementB were in care of H. C. Stearns, of the Douglas Funeral home. . p . Depot Barber Shop open eve nings until 7:30 p. m. All hair cut ting 25c. 409 Cass St. Adv. Chicken Dinner Christian Church Thurs., Oct. 18 11:30 to 1:30 Good Eata, Quick Servlcs 60c per plate ' Pasteurization When properly carried out, is a most valuable pro cedure in protecting babies and children from illness. Call 186 ROSEBURG DAIRY and SODA WORKS We deliver any lime anywhere In town. Carl Spain, 17, sought all over the tinited Siates and Kurope after the killing of his stepmother. It was revealed nffjer his capture that he had been hiding in Coney Island and had never -been more than ten miies from his home since July 7. Still Alive, Declares His Assailants Unknown to Him Girl Neighbor Figures in Case. AM0rift(d r-reu Lftaed Witt: NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Jack "Legs1 Diamond, gangster and racketeer, rallied today in Poly clinic hospital from five buiiet wounds infiicied yeBterday by wonid-be Bssass5ns wiio burst into his Boon) in a west side hotel, fired on him and fled. Doctors who believed the gang ster chief to be dying, reported when he awoke this morning from fonr hours' sieep. that he had a fair chance to recover, and they re garded his condition as so much improved that they held In abey ance plans for & blood transfu sion. Fevered and weak from loss of blood, his frame already weak ened by tuberculosis and stomach ulcers and bearing the scars of five other millet wounds received several years ago when "Uttie Angie" Orgen was shot down by his side. Diamond awoke today, glanced wanly at the headlines about the shooting in the morn ing papers, and marmured to the patrolman on guard at his hospiial door, "Oh, are yon still there?" Before sinking into a coma he told police ha did not know his assailants or why they shot him. Show Sir! Talks Discovery of some of Diamond's clothing in a room adjoining his, occupied by Miss Marion Roberts, a show girl, sent police on a seprch for her. She was foand hiding In a clothes closet in the apartment of Miss Agnes O LaughHn, another show girl, on Kighth avenue. Miss OTjHighitn recently broaght a breach of promise anit against ilndy VRllee, radio crooner. Miss Roberts, who ma! name is Marion Strasclrk, and who said her home was Boston, told police Diamond was In her room when the telephone operator called to say two men downstairs wanted to see Diamond. She said they came up and Dia mond took them Into his own room. She said ahe ran down to the fourth floor and did not hear lbs shots. j Mrs. Diamond, who isms Jsv plane from their summer home at Acra, N, Y toM police her tsiuv liaml had been in New York since last Thursday. Aide of Bothstein Diamond, who haB been arrested 21 times on charges ranging from first degree murder to suspicion. arrived from Kurope by way of Leaves For California Miss IfWvn Casey of this cily bft Satur day for Pasadena, California, where she ia a atwdent of dranss at the Pasadena Community Hay house theatre. Site has bven sfnHd fng the summer months wiih rela tives here. OPENING Hunt's INDIAN Theatre Wednesday Eve, October 15th POPULAR PRICES YOUNG LADIES! Wanted to empJoy eight young ladies IS to 20 years of age to act b ushers, armory, Oct. 14tti at S;1S. Address hy Mrs. Alexander Thompson Frank Grubbe will smg. Apply Meier HeadquarterSj Room 5, Roseburg NationrJ R.'tni,- Rnilr! incr a S Paid Advertisement S and SAFE Now oil has become the fuel of the home. Complete combustion obviates dust, grime, and soot . . and makes , for genuine economy and safety. Ray & Hart Burners Full Automatic RUDIE R1TZMAN 335 N, Main SALES & SERVICE . WASHER For a limited . 40k. 1 i ime jmy down Baance . . asy Monthly Payments i '.hk& (- , : - ' p ft V 7 1 If Thor has developed and now offers you a new type of Wringerlcss Washer -which extracts tSie water from the clothes by centrifugal force and does it la the same tub in 'which clothes are being washed. Not only does this washer eliminate the necessity of tjuttitig yout clothes through a wringer, but it eiim- ' mates the necessity of lifting heavy, steaming clothes from the washing tub into separate spinning tabs. The ingenious arrangement by which this is accom . plished must be seen in operation to be fully ap preciated. Speed and Simplicity This new Wringerless' Washer is the climax in the effort of the Trior people to attain speed, Thor Speed Washers reduced to about half, the time in which it was formerly necessary for a woman to do her weekly washing. The newXTringer!essXrasherc!ips about 20 minutes more from the time now required to wash, making it one of the speediest washers on the market today. A more attractive, trimmer, neater washer was nevef built. Moreover it is simple in operation, having an arrangement that extracts the water from one batch of clothes while another batch is being 4 washed in the water below the extractor. 1 Don't buy cny washer until you have , een the new Thor Wrmgerless Wesher $5.00 down delivers it to your home. Balance . easy monthly payments. INVESTIGATE TODAYI THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CQMPANT M 5- fia, tl4 , i