ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEB'JRG. OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1930. St A 17 rir E TODAY OF ILNI Winner Likely to Become I Conference Champion; lr Huskies Favored j to Beat Idaho. f.AaiwIatMl Vr-nn 1avi Wire) "RAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 11 "fwo t'onnt. conference contests, one that may go a Ion? wav toward deciding die western champion ship, and a non-conference battle between California and St. Mary's, held the top spots In today's grid iron program. 'At Vullman, Washington, the Washington State Couaars, flushed with a 16 to 0 victory over the Tnlversitv of California last week, faced the Southern California Trojans. A victory for the north erners, observers agreed, would practically amount to the confer ence championship, as the remain ing games on their schedule are a-ealnst weaker teams. Th other conference struggle found Coach Jimmy Phelan's Washington Huskies opposing the tdaho Vandals, in Seattle. The Huskies were established as fav orites to walk off with a victory. ' At Berkeley, tho traditional early season game between th California Hears and St. Mary's Reals was expected to attract a capacity crowd of S0,000. The Saints were favored by most grid Iron fans to win the came. Other conference teams In ac tion todnv Included the University of California at ' I.os Angeles Urulns, who faced Pomona college.' Rtanford's Cardinals were In the middle west. opnoBlng the Univer sity of Minnesota. O. 8. C. Wins 20 to 0 j fAnortntpfl Pre Tnwfl Wfrp COnVATXIR. Ore.. Oct. 11 TTeld scoreless for two . periods. Oregon State last night negotiated three touchdowns In the last half to defeat the California Aggln 20 to 0. Frank T.iltle. subilllullng at fullback, was responsible for If! of Oregon Sinters' points, puehtni; tho ball over twice In the thlid hunrter. after his runs and bucks !had worked the ball deep Into Cali fornia territory. Tlnhe Peterson, ornnge fullback drove the bnil across in the final period for the third touchdown. Peterson rinned off six ynrds to go over, after be and Nosier cur ved tho hall there In ten plavs. iTitehes converted for the twen tieth nolnt. Whitman 1 Point Vlsto ' STOCTON. Cal.. Oct. 11 -f-power ll"e tilunps - that went through Pacific's line for steady tmlns. enabled the Whitman mis sionaries to take a 1-1 to 1.1 vic tory from the College of Pacific Tleers here last night. Whitman p"t across both of Its toucbdowns In the. last nuart"r. Rulnbln. fallback. gol"r nwnr the line for both scores. Pacific enmo hack In the rlrst nuerter to mnke one touchdown and loot a chance to tie tho score when Ihev crossed the line In the ftnnl ouarter to fall to convert tho try for point. SCORE INJURED IN MOVIE EXPLOSION (AiwoHnlert Pro l'uwil Wire) FLA GST AW, Ariz.. Ov.C 11 An nmlniliimo driver who rume lo a hospital hore wilh W. F. Wallace, hurt In nn nrenmlure explosion on a motion picture lonUion 15 miles from Cameron, Ark., mild todiiy lie understood between 15 nnd 20 per-, sons to have boon Injured, one IH'rhaps critically. PASSENGER DIES AS PLANE CRASHES (Ammrlatod 1'rcM lawt Wtro LAS VKGAS, N. M., Oct. 11. M. I j. Miller, n pusHenner, wnt- Killed nnd Miiryl "Lerty" Johnson, iilol. wan seriously injured when Jnhn non'n hiplnne rnieked up todiiy In nn attempted liimllnK at tho ,T. T. Morrow nnu-h near IWeltti, N. M. (ContlnuetT'Trora pae It paired In nrolher ItmitUm that rosin leu tn me, governor reiusniK to hear Horner, who then (f; ihe hull of representatives. Ilnrlnn started the trouble when he said that the expenses In Sa lem of all the 42 Kltimnlli eountv power company proponents, had been paid by tho eoiunnnv Kinl Reynolds, manager of Ihe Khnualh county ehaiiiber of eoinmerce. chnllenned the Rlateim-nt and hisses "Were heard, while Mnvm Wfilters walked to the front nf the hnl'- prabhed Ilnrlnn nnd said: "If you say that th cmi;i"v paid my oxpmise, you're a liar " Leant Barrier to Lnke Tn riVelnritm thnt neither ihe Mule reclamation eommisslon nor tho federal power rnminlHtdnn hnvn Ritthoritv to prnnt the power nerniH. TJHenvW nnd TInnev miM that th state In 1!)aS reded nil the waters nf minor Klminth lrtke nnd Us trlhnli'Hes to the eovern nu-nt (o be hold in trui't f"f one purnosp. wbleh wns the devolon tnf-nt of h Ktnmnfh reclamation pT-oleet. At the snmo time, thev er nln'ned. the vntj of h Klnmnth batn were withdrawn from nnro orlntlon untU rnrh tlr.m nn Ihev uxor, rlenpd hv th nroper rnv nrnment nf hnHiv. ?"rh release nnvnr hd been rpntd. attor neys Bfttrt. nnd lh"fnr th com ictdnn bnt nn nnwr to net. T IHnvtt rM thnt n wnlver nntntne't In ntwr ronnnnv' fit mnH!nw nnMefton nn In to tnV fb rwn-ted rthfei rnhnewt n ifit'' Irrlrn tlnn Hl-.t: tbt mtrht. ltop be pnibt ?fivm fbp rrwer eo ttned "totrftrn" h v"'d renU n a vested right for the power company. One "joker," ho said, ' was that the waiver puts la this inferior position only right a "here after" granted, instead of thone "hereby and hereafter." Authorities Rapped It was declared that the Cali-rorniu-Oregon Power company ac quired its present, holdings he cause, notwithstanding the terms of the 1005 cession, the secretary of the Interior violated the cession aet and entered Into a contract with the company in 1917 for con trol of the surplus waters of the latter, over the protest of the Klamath irrigation district. Liljcfvlst excoriated he state because "no state official from top to bottom, except the attorney general, has done a thing to aid in getting o bill through congresa wherebv the state eon sue the gov- ; eminent for return of title to the laic." Liiioqvlsl admitted that the con troversy was new to Governor Norbbd. Tho governor paid that If bo had Vnown. when a member of the legislature, thnt conditions wore pr presented by TJlieqvlst ho would have "cone down the lin1" to get fiomethlne done. TVononents rime pemred to call o In3P number of witnesses. but onlv J. C. Tloyle, assistant pen oral mamge for the nower com nnrjv nnd Manager Ttevnnlda n' th Klnmath eounv chamber of commerce, were called. Politics Btamed Tlovf. when naked hv the eove"- hor how soon work wouM start. If tbe nermit were prnnted. rnnlled "tomorrow." TT pnld that 300 e too men would ' emnloved p once and nhnnt ir.on ltor. He PtiA bo comnanv's fotnl Orppon tnve int wfir were 7.0on, of wht"' S1OROO0 pnld in Flmnth nie"fr b onf n-ould add 000 or R0 0fto to bp ffl-vp P" ! KtH JTovnolflq rntA fnf record en ecnmoTit tbe winrnatlj r"n- elm i her nf fOf'niorfn, Th' rtrtsed rill of for i'rnnTovment. the vould bo eitrofi r tj (lpvrl. ennient. inerensed TPn ponu1- i and better bmf nrqq ronf. tlo'is. nnd bo snld It war In line l"i the Woo""" nrofmni. TTo sa'd vi wb 1'U'r sentiment Jn ifioniptb r""ntv for mun'e'njil (inifi yould pot hove been ob'e,-' ed o. be delnred 'f "'nr had P,p heen m"'1' ft no'tt'onl fsmie, A tforne" J-fnr,ev rq 1(1 hp M'nnted IncIsJnHvo prnvialnn for laso of wtipr H,r,'tq pni demanded t1" he no'ti'' h bld until tbp t conld net. Kfiv nskod him If he would obiect If the norm it were prnnted subject to ae'lon hv the legislature. 'Mv undertvln? position Is." TTanev nnswerpd. "thnt wo omrht net. to pennrato ourselves from tltin to tbo rlirhtf now. If the next lepmnture does nothing .-.bout it then 1 nm through." LOCAL NEWS Business' Viftitof In Town U. W. flrawfovd. of Sutherlin. spent Friday In this city attending to business affairs. Shons Hre Mrs. L. T. Tloal?, of Canyonville, snent several hours here yesterday visiting friends and shopping. Here From Melrose W. O. Ra wi st rom, of Melrose, spent several hours here yesterday transacting business. Returns to Work Mrs. Edith S. Aokort, county school superintend ent. Is back in her office, after be ing 111 at her home on North Jack son street for several days. $ Here From Camas Valley A. C. Kendall, of Camas Valley, trans acted business in this city yester day afternoon. Dlxonvllle Visitor Here John Cnrder, of Dlxonvllle. transacted business here for several hours Friday. 1 Transacts Business Here J. CI. Hodges, of Looklnpglass, was in town yesleiday afternoon trans uding business. Transacts Business Here A. N. Applogate, of Yonealla, speni Fri day allernoon lu this city transact ing business. Brockwny Visitor in Town John Uoborts, of Hrocluvay. was a biislncss visitor in this city yes tertlay afternoon. Transacts Business Here Fred llyron. of Olnlla, transacted busi ness In llnschura yesterday after noon. Here From Myrtle Creek Miss Alia Conlev. of Mvriie Creek, shop ped and visited friends In this city yesterday. Business Visitor KiVwWd M limit . f ' in tli lunulas, was a bus incus i r-1 tr In this city Fri day aficrnoott. Here From South Deer Creek William Mellon, nf South loer i reek, spent Friday in ttoseburg 1 1 ;in.-acl in business. Here From Myrtle Creek Mrs. I! C. Klrknatiif k. of Myrtle Creek, vivited frl"iids and shopped in liesi'burg yisl enhiy. Here From Lookinqglflss Fred ( 'Par iht'i lain n' 1 .onkiiiKglass. was n tut -iness tsiinr la Uosehui'g ves terda... Shops and V'-dts Friends Here Mrs 11. C Hirst, of rmpqua. spent Filday lu th'. city visiting ftlemN and shopping. Visits and Shoo Mrs. John Standlev. of Topinlle. spent Friday afternoon In Itoseburg visiting friends and shopjiing. Mvrtla Creek Visitor Here M. J. Heath, of ( reek, snent several horrs in this cltv Friday afternoon transacting business. Winchester Visitors In Town Mr. nnd Mrs. Ciav Smith, of Win chester, Bpent Fridnv afternoon In this cltv visiting friends and trans acting business. TILLIE THE TOILER I thimk: you) VJEEE ME AX) WOT "TO COME' OUT TO THE OTHEIZ DAVf Mac THE UJAy HE'S (jf!. V j JOTlHW Cleveland (Ohio) Reds marching through streets while President Hoover addressed American Bank era' association convention there. Three thousand participated in ihe demonstration. Motorcycle officers threw a smoke screen to turn the marchers back when they attempted to storm the hall where the president was speaking. A riot followed. This is a tolephoto transmitted to San Francisco over Bell System. Here From Dlxonville E. Cun ningham, of Dlxonvllle, waB a )iubI nesa visitor in this city yesterday. Here From Canyonville Mrs. Wade Worthington, of Canyonvlite, spent yesterday afternoon In this city visiting friends nnd shopping. Here From Days Creek Carl Mill, principal of the Days crook school, and Mrs. Hill, spent today In this city visiting friends nnd transacting business. i On Business Her Mr. and Mrs. N'. H. Fisher and daughter, Miss Norma Joyce, of Keltey's Korner. were in town yesterday attending to business matters and visiting friends. Daughter Born Word has been received here of Ihe birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. l'arroll Marker of Drain. The baby was b rn at Pacific Christian hospital, Fugeno, Thursday, October il. On Business at Reedtport Floyd Froar, county road master, and Commissioners Huron Clough and It. A; ltus'enhark left yesterday for Kcedsporl, via Marshfiold. where they will spend two days transacting business. Returns to Wisconsin J. II. Pe tei rir.;; I JX yesterday for his home in Madisoii, Wisconsin, alter spending several days In this city visiting S. J Jones. Mr, Peterson recoil ly purchased a ranch near Klkton. and after closing his busi ness In Wisconsin, will return west to live. Leaving Fo North Umpqua Dr. and Mrs. H, C, Church are h-avlng tomorrow morning for Circle "H" hulk on the North I'mpqua. with t'elr house guest, Mrs. I wan Vim cut, of Portland, and the hitter's friends, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. H. nianchard and Mr. and M i s. K. V. Nit tin ger, of Santa Monica. California. The allforn lans will be the quests of Mr. Vincent at the lodge for a week, later accompanying her to Port land for a visit. Dr. and Mrs. Church will return to Kosobitrg Monday. "D" Howard does mechanical work at "Nod Dixon's Super Sta tion. "--Adv. Let us pu yc'ir motor In good condition trr w'.ter driving. "Ned Dixo- 3 iSuner Sutlon." Adv. 2 v Z f- veH.' vmhvI PI tSLo mothee 1 ( vjhv. I. n - VTk II I -VM fwx I Q Ml. A H1MM1 f lit . r-. i i Communist Demonstration Army Officer . f 1N 1 KMiHrr : l.ii-iit. lingi-r A. (iiinlnrr. rnlUul "tho liuko nt b oi l .MyurH. a., by vlrtuo of his mnnliifo lo tho former Princess Smul Chskir of Conatiin llnoi'lo (Inset). Mrs. Gnrdnpr shnrvs his snny llft'.nt tlio barracks anil is said to have found a happiness thnt was nilsslng In three previous marriages. , U.r. Frnm Mlln I Q Smltli nt Mllo, spent several hours here! yesterday transacting business. Winch. st.r Vi.ltnp in Town ... ter. spent Friday afternoon in of Camas Valley, transacted busi Koseburg visiting friends Rnd'ness in Rosetmrg yestetNlay after shopping, j noon. Mac Is on the War Path Princess Bride . fin.nHInn F.w Daw. In RAt.hurn Mrs; Joseph Fitrquher, of lays Is ftnendllifr a few davs in this city transacting business. i g 1 iTiIiT.T.T.T..T.T.7.I elieve It Or You John will burn cheaper fuel than distillate, but if you will come to the NICHOLS RANCH AT BROCKWAY MONDAY, OCT. 13 you will be convinced. Demonstration will start at 1 p. m., weather permitting. Come and get a new idea of tractor economy and efficiency. Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange ROSEBURG L. & H. Electric Ranges Hood River Spray Co. BI.MI.WTSrWrg.T.I.MT.T.T.r.T. For Sale Price, $50,000 Mrs. Emma Willis, of Syracuse, "Sonny Boy" Willis, Jr., whom she says that she wants the child to have all the luxuries and chances for an education that a rich man's son STORY 4 (f"titlnnea from page It trol. and Mr. Asam is going in to assist the other searching party. Dons Lose Trail v. A npiitnn Rcont executive. who is assisting In the search and has taken charge or the organiza tion of the parties, telephoned from the Emtio lire station this morning that there had been no results from the search up to noon today. The bloodhounds were taken to the place where James was last seen Monday and picked up his trail at that place. The dogs followed the scent for a short dis tance up towards the top of the ndge. where James had scrambled through thickets, but lost the trail after going part way up to the summit. The searchers are being organized to go over the territory between that, place and camp this afternoon. Mr. Hritton says. He reports that a camp has been organized, a cook appointed, nnd the work is being done in a systematic way. Additional search ers can be used, he says, but they must be men fnmlllar with ;h woods and able to look out for themoelves. storTy 5 " (Continued From Pape 1.) onil time fticinp; ohnrpea preferred by a proup of fellow-churchmen. No official announcement as to the nature of the latest charpea has been nuuio. but it Is reliably reported that they are practically a renewal of the original accusa tions, Invotvir.R the bishop's stock market traiu.actions nnd other conduct held unbecoming on part of a churchman. ' In a recent statement. Bishop Cannon declined to reply to the new charges through tho press, de claring that he would defend him self at the proper time before a tribunal of the church. He receiv ed notice of the charges while re turning with his bride from a honeymoon trip to South Amerlra. STORY 2 rnnttnne4 from ww 1 them In learnine more of the uni versity's activities. The "dads" considered various matters, parti cularly attendance at the "Dad's day" program. A. S. Coen was elected president of the Koseburs "dads and J. M. Judd was named secretary. Eugene Business Visitor Here P. M. Krnetrler, of the Southern Pacific with headnuarters In Eu pone, snent vesterday In this city transacting business. may not believe that the eere. MYRTLE CREEK OAKLAND AGENTS FOR John Deere Plow Co. Hoosier and Milwaukee Pumps uu.i.k 1 ill. tiiaj . w . W.I.WI.I.gpplTOISIOTT.T.I.M.I.M.Ta8I jtoJkZ f N. Y., with her son, William has offered for sale for $50,000. She would receive. ATTEND THE Presbyterian Church Sunday Night at 7:30 P. M. The first of a series of sermons of perplex ing questions concerning the existence of God and His place in ihe vorld. Is there a Liod t Why doc3 potent why is there sin? Is sia smasrtes t-.nurcn Liens with a sledge hammer; it t-hns-tianity is doomed ill America it will be because of the glacier like movements of indifferent nobodies. The clar ion call is , "Choasc Ye This Day Whom Ye Will Serve" We must have a definite conception of God. Attend Presbyterian Church for This Series. See the Soviet cartoons Sundav niuht in Chnrrh vpatiKnlo HEAR Mrs. Alexander Thompson Prominent club woman and civic worker, tell WHOHOULD BE GOVERNOR ROSEBURG ARMORY Tuesday Evening, October 14th 8:15 P. M. Frank Grubbe Will Sing N i O iractor DRUCLESS HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vaucr Baths Chiropractor 327 Cass Phone 491J Complete Health Servica"- r "Good Meals a Specialty" Coffee Cup Cafe N. Jackson St., just north of Deer Creek n idge Hubert Graham, Prop. ,-...VXi!-.-tirtji.J,j...-',...,-X.-.J8g2 OPENING Hunt's INDIAN Theatre Wednesday Eve. October 15 th POPULAR PRICES He permit sutterinE;? If omni- (a America drifting? Soviet Rus-?( I