Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 10, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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Sunday at the
Baptist Church. Bible school
at 9:45 a. m. It. E. Crawford, Supt.
Classes and wood teachers and well
equipped building for all grades
and apes. Come and sen. The pas
fJ; wi11 r.?v;a,lf , ai. Jlie, 11 o'clock
hour on, "Sermons in Shoes." The
choir will sIiik.
Special feature for the B. Y. P.
IT. at 6:30 p. in. All young people
Hliould be present. Mrs. A. J.
Caraway, who made a (rip to
Alaska last summer, will give the
story of the trip. You will mlsa
a treat If you do not hear her.
At 7:30 p. m. Rev. D. E. linker
of Kugene. Ore., who is assofia
lional missionary and also moder
ator of the Umpqua Baptist asso
ciation, will speak. He 'deserves a
.eood hearing. Special music by the
The mid-week prayer and praise
service Is still growing In interest,!
vflh the laity of the church am
leaders. This week Clyde Heard
will lead. Let's give him a large
hearing. Choir rehearsal Thursday
at 7.30 p. m. '
You will find a welcome at all
our services.
It. B. Shoun, Pastor.
Lutheran Mission. Services are
being conducted in the Episcopal
parish house 214 Cass street, every
firBt and third Thursday evening
ot the month at 7.30 o'clock.
Confirmation Instruction class
metts on the same evenings at
6:30 o'clock.
All stran"ors are cordially invit
ed. II. H. Young, Pastor.
Glendale Presbyterian Church.
"Work." will he the mibject of the
sermon Sunday at 11 a. m. That
is what most people want just now.
There are many kinds of work
and all needful, especially the kind
with which the sermon will deal.
The evening subject will be, "Four
Wheel Brakes."
( The Sunday school Is coining
hack toward normal. The men's
class Is already there and (he
women's class Is reported to be
on the rond. With plenty of time
on our hands let's use a little
more of It for the development of
Our sniiituul life. Come (o church.
A welcome for all.
Bethel Mission, Melrose. Sun
day school at ft a. m. Morning
worshfn nt II o'clock. The evcnlnir
evangelistic service nt 7: 30 o'clock'
Wednesday nlpbt service at 7:30.
All welenme. Bo sure pnd come.
Einer Smestad, Pastor.
Fair Oaks Baptist Church. Knv.
P. E. Milker, missionary of Hie
TJniprma Baptlsl ansnclntlnn. will
preach at the old Fair Oaks Tiii'i
11st church next Sundav. Oct. 1?
at 11 o'clock onlv. Mr, Raker will
use for his sermon theme, the nll
Imnortant tonic "The Second rniiv
inn of ,lom Christ." Mr. llMcr
urges attendance of Ibe whole
roirimimtiy to phidy together this
Jmnortant thomrht. AH como. M'v
Tinker will spend the evenlnir with
the First PnnfUt, church of Unic
burr. Ho vill rrlve something of a
report of the work ol Mie assoeln-
tlon. also Mill give the evening
message on the topic, "The (llory
'of Jesus Christ."
Methodist Eniscopil Church.
Church school 9:4r. I,. K. nonil
hourne, Hinerlnteml"nl. Moriilni?
service, 11 a. m. Snh'ect. "The
Life of Service." Rpeclnl music bv
full choir under the direction of
Mrs. Charles S. Ilelnllne. Epworlh
lengue 0:30. Subject. "I'rohlblllon.
Its Success and Kallift-e," Leader,
1)111 llavls. flood Inspittttlnnivl sing
ing. Evening service 7:3 p. m.
Subject, "The Church the Gates of
Hell Shall Not Prevail Against
It." Next Sundav we are to have
Dr. James L. liing, president of
our Fooehow collego, one of our
largest colleges In China. , During
the week Mi's. Ding, will lell the
women of Itoseburg what Jesus
menus to n Chlnose woman. A
rordlal welcome to all theHe ser
vices. Cliui'ks A. Hdwards, minis
ter. Upper Room Pentecostal Mis-
lon. Corner Washington and
Jackson Sts. It. V. Murphy, pas
tor. Sunday services: 9:15 llible
school. 1 1 a. m. morning worship
with communion. Sermon topic.
' The Power of the Holy llhosl." 3
p. m. afternoon wonhjii. Subject.
"The Overcoiuers of Uevclation."
7:30 p. in. evening evangelistic
service. Sermon topic "Heboid the
Lamb of (ioil." Thursday, 7:30 p.
in. mid week llible study ami up
per room tarrying service.
First Christian Church, corner
Douglas and Kane streets. I'.ible
school 9: 15 a. to.. 1). li. Carr. su
perintendent. Morning worship.
10:45 a. in., evening service 7:30
p. m. llev. Frank Cimiitnglinni of
St. Helens will preach morning
and evening. Morning subject:
"Faith's Certainly." Kvenlm; topic
"Things That Are Caesar's." Musi
cal program Sunday uimnlng:
Voluntary, "Allegro Modciaio."
Page; offertory, "Theme," Ash
ford; anthem, "Heboid. () Cod.
Thy People." Von Hergl: tenor
solo, Hnlph Church: "Postlude."
Lyebatk. Sunday evening: Pre
ludes. "Fnnlnsy." Ahford; "The
Vesper licit," with chimes, Agate
offertory, "Peace," Ashford; spe-
wai.'ut iii u-i ii unf
Wednesday Eve.
" October 15th
To Preach Here
"tjfi1 Jp ' - '3
!: -
i ' j,X&
,tJ - J
Riv. J. Frank CiiniiiiiKliiL'n, who
v.-ill preach Sunday ai. bmh ser
viced at the Frst Christian church.
Rev. Mr. CiinnlnKham will be in the
pulpit at the church here for at
least the next month pending selec
tion of a pastor to succeed W. R.
Ilaird, who recently resigned to ac
cept a call to Medl'oid. Jiev. Mr.
Cunningham Is a graduate of Ku
gene lllble university and has just
ended a successful two-yenr pastor
ate in St. Helens, Oregon, where
he participated in the organization
of a church and the construction of
a new building.
clal vocal;
G," Trltonte.
postludo, "March In
Church of the Nazarene The re
vival services ore still on and Clod
is blessing. Itev. C. M. liing of
Grimm l'ass will preach tonight.
Miss 1'eiul Itobbinson will sing.
Song service conducted by Kev.
Arnold. No service Saturday night.
Sunday services: 10 a. m. lllble
school Jiour; classes lor both old
and young. We especially want to
roach boys and girls not in any
Sunday school. 11 a. ni. morning
worship. Sermon by Kvnugelist
Taylor. "Somo marks of a spiritual
church." No service in the aftei
noon. 7:30 P. in. song servlco con
ducted by Itoy .Southard who will
also bring Bpoclal message In song.
Kvnngelist Taylor will probably
bring his closing message at this
servlco but the campaign will un
doubtedly go on.
The Methodist Church. Dlllard
circuit. Ira F. nankin, pastor.
Preaching at Tenmllo Sunday
morning at U o'clock, and al
Camas Valley Sunday evening- al
7; ".II o'clock. There will be special
rally day services at Looklngglaas
Sunday morning and afternoon. A
good program Is being planned
with special speakers for the
morning and for the afternoon
and with special -tinislcnl num
bers. There will bo a basket din
nor al noon. The public Is cordially
Invited to cotno. The Dlllard cot
tage prayer meeting will he held
Wednesday evening at the homo ol
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Her
Riverside Community. Sunday
school every Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Mrs. llurnolt, superintendent.
Classes for all ages. And we invite
you all to come study the llible
with us. Next Sunday Is our rally
day. All parents are Invited to
coine. There will bo a short talk
given by tiie superintendent.
Sabbath Services Al Salvation
Army h:iU, West Lane street. on
posll'e Hosebun; hotel. Sabimth
school nt Saturday, Oct. 11, nl in
a. in., lllble siudy at 11. Sub
b"lirinns or others Interested in
lllble study n nil desiring to learn
more of the Pnvlo'ir and bis teach
ing. Invited to nttond these ser
vices. You lire welcome Indeed.
The Salvation Army, HI! Wusl
Lane street. Tuesday evenings,
praise service X p. in.; Thursday
evening. S p. in., prayer meeting:
Saturday evening, evangelistic ser
vice by Knvoy Sliifrleboatn, sub
led, "Purpose"; Sunday school
Sunday i!::io p. in.; evening meet
lug S p. m. subject, "Salvation."
The Kiddies
Love It!
Juat a tiny party fir the kiddies on Saturday afternoon.
No school and a celebration. Just what they love. Met
O Moid Ice Cream is the stack they exclaim over. Moth
ers are fast discovering its delicious and healthful quail
ties and ordering it constantly for theses little socials.
With Mother's homemade cake this treat can't be beat.
Order Wel-O-Mald from your nearest deaUr. He has it In
brick or bulk. Either serves 8 generous portions.
Douglas County Creamery
Phone 340 Roseburg
Everyone welcome. Envoy and
Mrs. Stufflebeam, corps commanders.
-First Church-of Christ, Scientist,
312 K. Douglas St. Hegular service
Sunday ut 11 o clock. Subject o.
lesson: "Are Sin, Disease auu
Death Heal?" Sunday school con
venes ut 9:45 a. in. The WedneS'
day evening meetings are held ut
8 o'clock and testimonies or heal
ing through Christian Science arc
given. The reading room In the
front of the church edifice is open
daily except Sundays and holidays
from 2. to 4 p. m., where the lllble
and all authorized Christian Scl
ence literature may be read, bor
rowed or purchased. The public It
cordially Invited to attend the
..'hiu on (i-vices and use the read
ing room.
First Presbyterian Church. Cor
ner of Jucitson and Lane streets.
AiH.Hii'd,-i- .Aiulrdvn, minister.
Church Bible scnool ut 9:16 a. m.
eoilow up tne appeal of last Sun
day Willi 'every member of the
family In a lllble school class. 11
a. in. public worship. Sermon sub
ject "The Abundant Life." Vocal
jolo by .Mrs. D. Morgan Fowle of
Portland Anthem by the choir,
'How beautiful L'pon t.'io Moun
tains." livening worship at 7:30.
The pastor will begin a ssries of
interesting messages on the ques
tions that are undermining the
foundations of our Christian faith.
inch us "How do you know thorn
is a Cod?" "Can wo prove beyond
ho snudow of u doubt that Ood
sally 8?'' "Why did God create a
world lu which there is so much
luftering?" "Wny did He create a
Aorld with a possibility of sip?"
I'liese are questions the church
Jiust answer, und uurlng the next
,ew weens the minister of this
Jluircu will attempt to answer
-hem. We nope that those who
juve doubts, or whose faith has
oeen shaken will attend. Young
.icople are specially invited. Young
people c Christum Kndeuvor at
j:'M. Next week our church will
iiuertaiu the state convention of
die Women's Christian Teniper
mce Union, us a result there will
5e iwo changes on our regular pro
gram, us loliuws. Hie ladles aid
.till meet ou Wednesday the 22nd
nstead of Thursday the 16th. The
.mil week service will not be held
.Ills week, but our people are urg
jd to attend the public meeting of
the slate convention in thte church
auditorium. It you are without u
church home in lloseburg, we
u.,l you will find with us that
worshipful ulmosphere and con
genial fellowship that you would
jxpect in your Heavenly Father's
muse. The pastor is at your ser
ice. Call -154. Alexander, Muirden,
liev. A. G. Anderson will preach
Sunday, Oct. 12, at Kden Lutheran
;hurch, Klgarose, morning and
evening. Sunday school at 10 a. ill.
Alornln;; service al 11. Luther
league ut 2:30 Confirmation class
al I p. in. Evening service H p. m.
Methodist Episcopal Church
South. Corner of South Main itnd
blast Lane. Sunday school at 9:45
.1. in., W. L. Cobb and O. K. Thorn
is, superintendents. Morning wor
ship at .1 a. m. Subject: The Su-
iremo Offering." Epworlh league
t il:30 P. m. Mr. Clyde Heard will
speak. This Is the young peoples'
revival service. All young folks
and older folks are Invlled to at
lend these srcvlces. Kvenlng wor
ship at- 7:30 p. in. Subject. "The
Ureal Imperatives." Junior Kp
vorth league at 2:30 p. m. Satur
day ufternoon In church parlors.
Mrs. Southwiik, superintendent.
Thursday at 7:15 p. in. boy scouts.
All scouts on hnpd. We cordially
'nvile you lo worship with ur at
these s'orvleos. If you are u strang
er In town come nlld we will he
glad to meet yon nt the home
church. John 11. Penhall. pastor.
t Awinrliitoit I'n-M leased Wire)
SAM FltANClSCO. Oct. 10.
Civile .1 Hlce and William V. Klc
brokers, were held today on a
charge of robbing S. K. 1 licks. In
dependence. Die., of $S00 In travel
ers checks Iwo weeks ago.
Police said they traced them
through the checks.
Grants Pass Visitor Gives
Comparisons, Showing
Greater Benefit
From Closing.
Senator Ed W. Miller of Grants
Pass spent today in KoseburK In
the interests of the bill to close
Rogue river to net and seine fish
ing, which comes before ihe vot
ers of the state at the November
election. Senator Miller states
that the hill Is receiving much sup
port throughout the state, and that
it Is believed its passage would
settle the Rogue river fishing ques
tion once and for all.
"In 1910," he states, "the river
was closed by legal enactment by
the people. At 'a later date, while
the river was still closed, the Mac
Cleay Interests, now holding the
monopoly on the Rogue river com
mercial fishing, bought- the prop
erties they now own, and brought
such pressure to bear on the leg
islature that the mandate of the
people was set aside and the river
reopened. As a result there haB
been constant turmoil regarding
Rogue river fishing, and we now
propose, by constitutional amend
ment, to again close the river by
vote, of the people, and at the same
time take the fishing question out
of the legislature so that no future
lobby can have the rule set
aside. f
Comparative Values
"Our measure," the senator de
clares, "Is not a destructive one,
but rather is of a constructive or
conservative nature. Unless net
ting Is stopped on the Rogue river
our fish are doomed. The bill does
not prohibit fcomnuvclal fishing,
as trolling may still be practiced,
but It does prohibit the use of
nets and seines.
"We believe that the value of
the river from a recreational stand
point, outweighs the importance
of the cunning Industry.
"In Curry county, at the mouth
of the Rogue river, the total in
vestment In canneries, nets, boats,
etc., is $13,000. The representa
tive of the fish commission reports
that last, year 30 people were em
ployed In commercial fishing, and
that the Industry paid $1,100 pound
age tax to the state. The average
returns to tho commercial fisher
uian was $300 annually. "
The Greater Revenue ''
"In contrast with this we find
that Hie total amount of money
Invested in auto camps, summer
homes, hotels, etc., for entertain
ing the fishermen who come to the
Roguo river, to be well over one
million dollars. In Curry ' cotmtjr
.alone the sale of non-resident li
censes was far greater than the
amount paid by, the canneries lb
Hie suite. One nuto camp alone
on ''the Rogue river has a much
greater Investment than is repre
sented by the entire canning itv
dustry. Non resilient fishing li
censes In Curry and Josephine
counties during the past season
amounted to more than $10,000
while Joe Whanon's store alone 111
Craiits Pass sold more than $2,800
of licenses. It Is estimated that
the average commercial fisherman
receives 10 cents per pound for the
fish thnt he catches for the can
nery. On the other hand, the angl
er pays $2 per pound. Most of the
commercial flthermen nt the mouth
By buying here you are assured of the choicest cuts
... at prices that are right. Gst the habit of coming
in and picking out that Sunday meat or fowl here.
Real Savings
Extra Specials
1 ix.
EG OF LAMB, per lb.
LAMB STEW, per lb
HENS, per lb
Pork and Veal ,
PORK ROASTS, shoulder cuts, per lb 25)J
VEAh ROASTS, shoulder culs. per lb. ... 25tf
BREAST.OF VEAL, per lb 150
Smoked Meats
HAMS, sugar cured, per lb
I Fish
5j Salmon, Hnlibtit, Salted and Smoked Fish of all kinds. "J
Metal Lung Gives
Girl Hope of Life
Frances McCaan whose lung3 be
came useless through infantile
paralysis. Is being treated at St.
Luke's hospital, Miicago, with a
lung machine. Tests are made at
Intervals, and In the early ones
she w-as only able to breathe a few
seconds, but the last test showed
great improvement and she was
able to breathe over ten minutes
without the help of the machine.
of the Rogue river are making
from $900 to $1,000 per year using
their boats to accommodate angl
ers; where they receive only $300
per year for commercial fishing.
Nothing Taken Away
"The canning Interests, of course,
are putting up a claim that we are
destroying a big Industry but we
believe the facts sufficiently prove
that the recreational factor, and
the conservation of our fish Is of
greater value in actual dollars and
cents. The interests on the Rorue
river bought In at a time when the
river was closed and we are taking
nothing from them by closing it
"They are also spreading the
word that rich men are buying un
the banks of the Rogue river and
are closing it to the public. This
Is not true, for at nearly every
sumnfer home on the river, a fish
erman will find a stile in the
fence, and a sign inviting him in
to fish, asking only that he be
careful while on the private land."
Senator Miller is making a very
active campaign on behalf of the
measure and plans to visit several
sections of the stete. Although
lie is a resident of Orants Pass, he
Is a henvler taxpayer In Douglas
county than in Josephine, as he
owns considerable property in the
Days Creek district.
f AMnclat! Pimm Loaned Wire)
REDDING, Calif., Oct. 10.
The Lassen national volcanic park
loop highway was open today.
.Approval of the United States
road bureau was expected within a
short time.
The road "is 27 miles long, enter
ing the park at Mineral portal, and
passing east of Iassen p'ik, it
emerges at Viola nortal, and passes
approximately 2.000 feet bolow ihe
summit on the other side. A check
ing station will he erected at Man
zanita h'ke.
President H. W. Adams, of the
Western Pacific railroad, and a
party of officials of the line, were
due to tour the park today, enter
ing by Mineral and passing through
the east side, thence to the Poison
Lake station site from which the
Western Pacific will run a bus ser
vice to the park.
lb. "...
A meeting of the Rosebuir Mer
chants' BHriuciation is buiiig called
tor .Monday evening at 7:30 in she
chain bet of commerce office. The
association, through a committee,
bus been discussing plans for hav
ing an all county, auction and trad
ing day in Koseburg .November 1.
If the plants as discussed by the
committee are carried out, accord
ing to Mr. E. R. Kenney, secretary
of tin association, arrangements
will bo made to treat the country
people to free theatre ticknts and
it is also planned to have some
prominent man here as a speaker
of the, day.
No definite adlon has as yet
been taken. The entire matter will
be talked over at length at the
Monday night meeting and actual
plans made then, Mr. Kenney said.
(Associated Presa LenuM Wire)
ASTORIA, Oct. 10. Adolph
Luntlherg, lumber company em
ployee, was In a hospital today
with his left arm torn off. He be
came entangled in some lumbering
Three convictions for liquor law
violations were secured In the. jus
tice court yesterday, following ar
rests made by the sheriff's office
cooperatinn with slate prohibition
officers. Joseph R. Hanier of this
K2Kr. W r coo do wTi sc.JI fttf :
sj ) ARK.' i cracker? Zrr-7rMXJ: THIS PAfmyX M
H r y cct any J mM
E f Knows how to play M rsTl TRU -BAKES- 1 , tmmk
itiSSlHp Tufa
nn o 1
Baked and Quarantetd First
. fuiic, l ui nana, jeailic - t
Distributors of SUNSHINE BISCUITS and Specialties
city entered a plea of guilty to Mr. Hunt Is Visitor Charges"
sale of liquor and was fined $250. Hunt, of Oakland, transacted busl
Wallace, Horner and HiU - Sayres. ness in thia city yesterday after
hotel bellhops, also entered pleas touon.- ; ;;
of entity to sale, but upon rec-j
omnir-udation of District Attorney For( day-time reception and bad
PnrtSon were civen li;iht sentences. ' juration, try the new General Mo-
Sayres was paroled by the juve- tors radio. Sold by Hansen Chevro
nile court and Horner was fined let Co. and Roseburg Motor Co.
$30, the minimum fine. ' Phone 446 or 100. Adv.
Opening Dance 1
Saturday, October 11th
Tickets 50V - ' s . Ladies Free
and 16-in. Plow
On Sale This Week for only
Miller-Sanf ord Tractor Co.
321 W. Oak St. Roseburg- Ore.
Follow the leader! Over rockpiles, thrQugti
mudholes, through the nettles, over fences!
There's ho stumping hungry boys, when Tru
Bake Crackers are the objective. They do
satisfy that After School hunger so com
Quality by the
PrlONE 58
George Kohlhagen
Wholesale 6-Retail Butcher3
Order from
Your Grocer