ROSEBURG NEWS- REVIEW, ROSEBURC. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1930. FIVE Classified Section MATES: Per word. Mch iMitta, 1 mmt. By the M. I eu or, Minimum per MlTtrtlmKmt, U oeaU. tun your (! mnnt tt words u4 ineloM stamp, (back or monej order. FOR SALE (or 4 OLD growth fir wood, $11 tiers. Phone 697-J. FOR SALE 15 turkeys. Mrs. T. C. Euckle, Melrose. FIR block wood, 2 per tier de livered. Phone 18F23. FOR SALE 50 R. R. pullets, 1 ench. Laying 83 per cent. Phone 26F21. USFTVCAH BARGAINS-Call Km , Winston at 21F13. Investigate th and save njonoy. FOR SALE 30 head ewes and 50 head eeder lambs. Phone 34F2. J. S. Marr, Glide, Ore. FOR SALE Credit on Chevrolet, Oakland or Pontlac, at discount Phone 132 or write Box 944. FOR SALE Number flue Angora bucks, W. G. Paul strain. Paul ' runch, So. Deer creek road, Roseburg. APPLES 25o and up. Also fine canning pears, 50c. Bring con tainers. Geo. Hess place, west of Soldiers' Home.' APPLES FOR SALE 25c up. Bring boxes. Spiuenberg apple cider. Phone 2SF2. L. B. Skin ner & Son, Winston. CEDAR SHINGLES ARE LOWER than they have been for ten J years. NOW is the time to buy. Four kinds at Pages'. FOR SALE Purebred Brown Leg h o r n cockerels, Toemohlen strain. Mrs. A. T. Crawford, Box 162, Oakland, Oregon. FOR SALE Field corn, good grade, $1 per sack or lie per lb. John B. Neff, Rosenberry place, opposite Deer Creek Dairy. FOR SALE Dry body fir, second growth, oak and laurel. Block and stove wood. Mountain Fir Wood Yard. Phone 76-L. APPLES FOR SALE Delicious, Ortlevs. Spitz and Newtowns. Good culls, i 35 cts. a box. Bring . your boxes. A. F. Suksdorf, Coos Junction. FOR SALE Apples, at green house or delivered. Any grade and at right price. Stock up for winter. The Fern Florists, or phone 240 or 37F2. SACRIFICE FOR CASH Close In business lot. 81 ft. by 111 ft, on paved corner. 2 small houses on lot rented steadily. $3000 cash for quick sale. Might give some tenuis. A snap buy. G. W. Young & Son, 110 eass 3D. Phone 417. BARGAIN IN LUMBER Timber Dimension Plank Boards See the foreman at the Antlers Theatre. FOR RENT FOR RENT '5-room plastered house, large garden, yard fenced. Phone 242 FOlt KENT Furnished apart ment. $10 per month. 616 S. l'iue. APARTMENT FOR RENT Nice location, hot water, electric stove; garage. Bubar Bros. Phoue 214. . . B ROOM furnished house. Garage. Paved stroet. Noar Rose school. $20. See Roy Young of G. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. i WANTED WANTED High school girl, at 233 N. Jackson. Call WANT TO BUY GOATS Nannies and kids preferred. John Rohr at Kurtz Transfer Co. WANTED To put wood in, or any odd Jobs, by contract or Hour. Phone 498, Chenoweth. WANTED Experienced help for Ecnernl housekeeping. Must be neat and good cook. Phone 46F3. WANTED 50 to 200 hoad of sheep on shares with options to buy. State age. Dreeu, price. Box 813. care News-Review I ' LOST LOST Little white notify Roberts, Phono 18F23. phi. Please Lnoklnggiasg. LOST 1 female red hound, lunrks on both ears. Rewind. John MacGilvrey, Tyee. Oregon. LOST OR STRAYED Fox hound, white with red spots, star on eye and nos. Wm. Weaver, Myr tle Creek. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS FOR TRADE Electric range for wood range. D. W. Fate, Canyon ville. AFTKK THE DANCE Eat hot tnmalcn at PegKy's Cafe. Camp View. Open until 1 a. m. CAR OWNEIl Don't forget to call BS3 when in need of auto parts. Sartf's Aula V'recklrux House. FPKE During October. ODe SilO tliolorranh with 1 dozen rliotos in folders. Roburg Studio. SaUman Bldg., 127 Jackson St. NEW TODAY GOOp trailer for sale. Inquire 324 W. Mosher. AT COST, children's underwear, 2-4-6-S-10-ia yra. Bail Millinery. waniEU-old buildings to tear down. v. Rosa, Miller s Addition. sAi.i oats and common vetch, 2 Jo per lb. John Doernor.' Melrose, Ore. A SPECIAL on all millinery for Friday and Saturday. Bell Mil linery. FOR SALE Sweet grape juice, 50c per gallon. John Doerner, Melrose, Ore. DRY RUSTIC at 15 per M. You don't believe it Let us show you. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR SALEFour-wheel trailer. Roseburg Finance Corporation. Douglas Abstract Bldg. ON account, of display space, will close out the children's under wear. Bell Millinery. DON'T FORGET the dance at Ten mile Saturday, 11th. 6-plece or chestra. Tickets only 50c. FOR SALE Beets for litock feed ing, by the ton, cheap. Geo. Jeuck, northwest Garden valley. FOR SALE Repossessed Willys- Knight coupe. Roseburg Finance Corporation. Douglas Abstract Bldg. FOR RENT. Small ranch, to 1 sponsible ' parties. Cash shares. Place mostly in fruit. F., care News-Review. A BARGAIN Repossessed 1928 Chevrolet truck. Excellent condi tion. Roseburg Finance Corpora tion. Douglus Abstract Bldg. FOR SALE Choice, inspected tu lip bulbs. Selected at 35c per . doz. Mixed, all sizes, at $1 per hundred. C. W. Cook, R. 2, Rose burg. FOR SALE OH TRADE House on north side, paved street, large corner lot. Will trade for acre age or smaller bouse. 932 River side Drive. FOR SALE 6-room house, full concre.e basement and garage. 50x300 ft. lot, rich soil. A nice homey place. A bargain too. in quire 4ut W. Cass St. FOR SALE Electric range, good condition. New cast enameled range, new dresser, and chif fonier, and many other good' articles for sale at 932. River side Drive. FOR SALE 2 Chevrolet trucks; Ford; Star delivery; or will trade for cattle, sheep or goats. See thein at 131 Sheridan St., T.oseburg. All licensed to July 1930. W. R. Vinson, Prop. FOR SALE Late 1929 Chevrolet 6 4-door sedan. Almost like new. Must sell by Saturday. For a real bargain see It at the L. R. Chambers garage, on Cass St. Phone 679. - Albikote Waterproofs iuything und everything roof, basement, tloor or wall Call us lor estimate Coen Lumber Co. Phone 121. DAIRY RANCH Stocked ana equipped, everything in nppie pie snape. Located t miles oil the Pacific highway. This ranch Is going to be sold at a sacri fice. For information, write or see BRUCE COMPANY, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. LOANS We can helri you to ouim your home, remodel your pies ent home, or to gi:t titie to your property if you are buying under contract. Let ua .clp you! douglas blild:::g & loan ASSOCIATION. Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 245. DON'T DRIVE a shabby car. Do a service to your community in keeping that up and coming ap pearance going by dolling up vnnr cm-. Means as much as vn,,r limine nr vour clothing. Vn,. run nffnifi it If VOU get it done here. Murphy's Auto Paint ing and Refinishing Shop. On Cass SU, near S. 1'. depot. FOR SALE 1925 Nash 4-door sedun. 1929 Chevrolet 6 sedan. 1930 Standard 6 Nash sedan. 1926 Dodge 2-door sedan. 1930 Durant sedan. ' 1927 Ford roadster. 1926 Star delivery. For a real bargain In a nscd car or truck, be sure and see L. R Chambers. He can save you money. Phone 649. FOOD SALE nv filldn Kaptist church Sal- orday. Oct. 11, at Southern Oreeon Cas Corn.. 21 5 Cass. BULLETIN 4 AT BRAMii o - Fine Boso Pears .Innathan Apples Teliclous Apples Orapcs Melons Cold Fish for Snle Fountain L"nch aud 60 Cunt A TMnnr-f. BKANP'S Pacific highway 3 toll-- north BRINGING UP FATHER J , - WiLL-TMAT-o TOO j ;' V" ui SO-l'THOOGHT -I -raH DISiTV WOOLD BE t JO'bT FOUMO OUT THAT DlWTY MOORE I'D S At LINO ONl THE &A.ME BOWITH US WELX.'. tOW JU6T CAMCEL. ON CAN Hi's rr , ' i ' 1 1 VATTlOKl- , TODAY'S MARKETS (Awoclatrf Prtrsa Loaned Wire) 1 PORTLAND. Oct. 0. Itucent Bcnt tercrt wiles of Orcon hops indi cates the top price for prime stocks 8 to 7 cents:,' With such prices meunlne losses to the ttrowers. con tracts have been few and slow. Amp) world production has swung the murket strongly in favor of the buyer. Portland wholesale butt or and "KKs opened todny nt unchanKed quotations. Butter position whs strengthened by advanced Quota tions at other coast points and de mund was bettor, notably for me dium trades. Tone on effKB was fully firm. Outstanding conditions In the fruit and vegetable trade were re ceived by the government market news service as follows: Supplies of local produce rontinii1 heavy, and Portland veneiahle Krowers are shipPhiK the euuiva lent of two to three carloads dally, by motor-truck, to other northw ern consuming; cenU-rn. Canners are divertinir lihenil ouan tit les of irri beans, lima beans, carrots and oth er commodities to the fresh moduce markets. Instead of processing their customary neavy volume. Kaced-and-filled Jonathans, at 60 Too per box, are enjoyinar more ac tivity than any other offerings in me apnie line at present. Mm tit: 1 1 pears a re cl Ohti I ntt from northwest storages at vary low prices, lakfmu No. 1 ennner Hart let ts selling from storage at fiz.tiu por ton. ana lesi Huunr Prici Advnnce KAN V H A NV 1 .SCO. Oc I. it. A cl -vaiice of 10 cents a hundred pounds In prices of all grades of re lined su gar went into effect in the fie coast area today, the western sugar refiners announced. The new rates ar l.4u for cane and fi.u lor peet. MYMtork Cattle: Steers: fiOO-fKIO lbs., gootl T.SU-S.UO; 900-1101) Ihs i.fiO-8.00. Sows, low cutter L'.O-t-4.00. Vealors. milk fed, Rood and choice, 10.00-11.00. Medium 8.00' 10.00. HoRa: Lent weleht lflO-lRrt Ilia. 10.25-10.76; 180-200 lbs.. lij.LTi 10. n. Medium weleht 200-220 lh. 9.25-10.75; 220-250 lbs., 9.-0 10.50, Heftvy weight 250-2110 lbs.. S.50 10. '-; 2Mt-3yi Its.. 8.or.-!t.75. Ptiek- tne sows. z:-fuu ma.. 7.76-8. i-eetler and stockor pigs, 70-130 lbs., 1U.U"- l.UU. Sheep: Steady. anoiBirona Bggs: Prices lu. rwiailers: Frbah extras, 3;)i ; standards. a'e: fresh .nediuin. a. Puces io wholesalers ec niiUiir pneo to rutuiiura. nutter: Cubes: K.tJjis. 37e: stand dnrds, :i(ic; prima firsts 31c. firsts, die. creamery prices: Prints, over cube standards, Milk: Itaw milk (4 por cant) ewt., delivered Portland. less i per cent; grade C milk. J.C5. Hut Luruii nenveieu lit fortlunrt. 6 I'ouitry: tuuyiug prtut; ; Alive, neavy nens over t ns.. 'i'l: me diiitli h!, 31; 0 IVi lbs.. 15c; light nens i.ic; nroiiers. i v to 2 Vi Ihs. Ueghoi-ns, heavy sprang ID. light rolorvd. 22c; Pekln ducks. 4 lbs. ana over. 16c; old. 15c; colorod ducks. L Jucks, 15c Count! v meats: fRuynig prices) L noice veai, i re; pork. IGc: hole lam s, iz-h; mutton 6 47 cents. flour: tClty delivery prices ramiiy patents ys fb.ZU wiiol. wheat 4Is $5.3(1; graham. 4fts $5.10 lakers' hard wheat sHh 15.65: bak iTn' blucHlem pn tents 9Ha $5.50 aT.ry itour. 4'.h ib.ti). migap (MfK(t rRsifl: cane. rniit nr berry $!.(, pi-r ew met KUKar. c wt. Onions: Oreeon. $1.00-1.50. Potatoes: (Jems. No; l grade, Hay: Wholesale buyine o rices, da- Ivered Portland, eaujern Oregon imotiv. Wii ZA.QU; do valley, 1 1 .i. vii m l , a nana, si i,vri iM lov.jr. ih; oat nay. straw. 17 1 Ion: soil In a pries. l to $2 mom i:.Zi)41,lj; No. 2. SL85-2.25; new pi tuloes. 2-2 ',4c Ih. Nuts: steady; walnuts. Oregon. 1 nil v.; almonds, l:i-20c; peanuts -l 2c; pocans 25-7c; filberts, i -1 w. C'aseara hark: Stoadv; 4'c. Hops: Hteudv: IftS crop l'.lK- Wool: Eastern Orrtcnn. 1 4 (ttMt 'h.; vsiiny. 20c. Mohair, nw cMn nin nair, znc per pouoa; staple er lb. ' 1 ATTENTION ODD FbLLOWS First Degree will be eon- ferred Friilay evening. Visit- ors from Myrtle Point expect P ed to bring candidate. I.unch. T. W. tllO.MA.soN, N. O. liridgo and Five Hundred 4 party for Elks ami guests Thursday, Oct. Uih. Prizes and rctreshnu-nU. Tables re- served with .Mrs. Thoa. Npms or Mrs. Dcau Uubar. Admls- feiou -De. f THERE UM 1 193- '"" SwlM. Int, QM BriUIn rh'.t m( IT WONT BE NEC," Vm'WEN WE FOUND OUT GONNA, BE T- H CELLED I' 'Jit. ' l - lE - oER - 0.-JSIU COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA U. 8. U'lATIIlll ulukau Observations taken at i l 0th Meridian. TrltS W Temperature 3 I? laker . . . Pt.uKly I SU &'2 2St . .i-ifur 381 mi :tsi . ..miii i 51 6H r.-j . . .clily 1 (4I 721 6M . .clear I 50! 7SI Ml busiun . . .02 . .clear 4 M 51 41 w ..clear t 7l 7H 7i' U . . .clriy ! til rt 3bl .Utt ..cieurl 6ii KiM Oil 0 (JjLivt'Mton It-nit iinstts City it jnK' let . . .L-ietir ai-.slilifUl . . m.fhly vw Orlcanu ..clear f 1 i bi Uti (lot oi 4 HI tI2 111 0 741 M 721 U Ss tili! 501 U SOI r.-ii 481 .04 mi y-ii mi o 42i fH 4 til .OS U1 -t il ,(W Hi f. 4 tit .04 4H tlMI 4(! (I (10 741 tt() 3 48 72 4(i .IU fit tilll OH .Hi 60 70 HOI .Oti 4j 4ll 0 401 r.til 401 0 60 70 5X 0 411 4SI 4 11 .02 i'W l'ork . . . . .cluy North Html . . . ra i n . . cltmr . . .cUly , . .i-hl.v . . .cltly . .i'luar . . .clear Phoenix . ... 'OCUltHlO . .., 'iirllanti . ., fti-ntineiito . St. J-ouIh .... Suit Liiko . . Shu l'rHitoli'o Sun iJk'Ku . . St'iittle . rain L'len r .t'liiy . rnin .cldy kuue . ... WuffhlnKtun . Vukima . ... Idy .clear ail GUI O- XOTUE TO CHKU1TU1IS. Not loo In lsorobv clvon Dutt lit- u mlt! rai Kneel has betfii liy orclur of th County Court uf the bHUo ol iron fur IjouitIhs County, ilnlv appointed administratrix of the on- late or Anna Christina HwoiiHun and alHu adinlnlfltrutrlx with will an nexed oi mo eautio or Aaron swan on. All persons havlntr claims aKainst oithur of the said ewtatt'it lierany notified to present the name, vermeil iih reuuired hy law the undersigned adininlntratrix the. law office of KU.- and (ir- cult, in Kovburrf, Oouxlas County. (jregoii. within six niontha from the date of thla notice. latfd Octohi r iftnfl Hannah Amelia, Kllcr. admhiifctrn- inx or uiu eatatea of Anna Chri.sthia tiwenson. and Aaron Hwenson. O Depot Barber Shon unnn bvb- nlnga until 7:30 p. m. All hulr cut ting 25c. 409 Cass St. Adv. POEM FOR THE DAY Bj LOUIS AUWCB.T BANKS HOW TO MEASURE TOIL The General Electric company has on an optimistic campaign lo change the old commonplace question "How long must I work?" Into "How much can I do?" and "How well can I do It?" If tliey are suc cessful, what a revolution it will work in tho lubor world! All I this the purpose for a man: "I'll give the world the best I can. I'll give my force to pull life's load And give good cheer along the road;; And if I see a neighbor fail, I'll give him aid to climb the trail; And when I can out-do my share, I'll count I've found a treasure rare. "I'll seek to gain increasing skill, Find better ways my task to fill; And if i can increase my worth, I'll be the happiest man on earth, The only roan I enre to beat Is he who walks with my two feet, And when his pnst is put to rout I'll clap my hands and loudly shout. "Another thing my heart desires. And to that height my soul aspires: ! wish to do my work so well That it of rapturous joy shall tell, That lie who's working by side Shall in his work take greater pride. That I may in my time and place Surround till work with sweeter grace. "I'll make rny work the joy of life, And carry on with fancies rife. I'll make each day a thing of art. And make it of myself a part. And when 1 come to eventide And sit by memory's Fireside. I'll have a store of noble wealth To keep my soul in buoyant health." By Geo. McManus ME NOW- "SO HE T.VNK-3 VLLQO HE -"-JAr-t. SO AT WITH DlNTY MOORE i ii I Mill' t. . ' AM THE. CAPTAIN NUTK'KS Or SHIOllll I-"S OF kioai. raorioiiTv In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of Orcffon, for DoiiKlas County. DoukIum Creditors Association, coruuratlon. nhilnttff. vs. C Hill, aometlmes knon as Gerald C. Hill, defendant. Notice la hereby Klvon that I virturo of a writ of execution iasm out of and under the seal of th above entitled court and cause to un directed, couimandliiK no to cn th hereinafter described real properl to satlsfv tha ludirment rendere In favor of tho nluiiulff and aKainst the defendnnt for the full sum of Stt26.n2. and the further sum $41.90. costs and dlshursemeiito, to- j Kether with Interest thereon at the I rate of Bix per cent per annum from June fl, IIKIO, 1 have. In oltedlenco to saltl writ nnd order of sale ac compunytiiK the same, levied upon and will expose for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the main en trance to the court house In Hose bui'K Uoiiujlas County. Oregon, on Saturday, the 8th day of Nov.. llKto at the hour of tn o'clock In the forenoon of said duy, all the riir-i. title and interest, which said de fendant had on the 22nd day of April, 1!U0, haa had at any tlm since, or now has. in or to said real property described aa folluwi to-wlt: Commencing at the North wont corner uf Section 18 In Township 26 south. Khiikm fi VtH( and run ning thence Mouth 2.1. f0 chains, micik'u i'jihi . cnains, i nonet North 12 H( rCaHt 24 chains, thenci West 11.00 chains tn place of be frinninw:, containing lil.Nti acres more or lesH, excepting therefrom the 1 following described portion of said prcmlHca, to-wlt: Beginning nt corner nf Sections 7 and lb on the west boundary ah running thence cast y.f.o chains, thence south 4. West ft.r.O chains; thence, west 9.08 chains, thence North 6. IS chaliia to place of be ginning, containing 0 ai res more or less, also excepting the strip of land claimed and owned bv the Ore son and California Railroad as a right of way and land, sold to the State of Oregon andor Douglus County for highway. Notice Is given that said sale will be made subject to confirmation of the above entitled court and sub ject to redemption aa provided thr- statutes uf the State of Ore- ISUii. Dated this -1th dav of Ort. pm , ' V. T. JACKSON. Sheriff of Douglua County. Ore Koil Pledged to Sorority According to word received here, Miss Juan ita .Miller, of Yoncalla. has been pledged to the Phi Mu, national social sorority nt Eugeno. She is attending University of Oregon. jiPT' y Editorials on News (Continued from page 1 ouit Judges for ..Multnomah county, including the necessary additional clerks, bailiffs, Juries and Jury and court rooms. The referendum- was Invoked against it by petition, and it Is the referendum that appears on the ballot - .' yHOSE who lavor this measure are divided Into two classes: (1) Those who are interested in securing the appoiutment for the additional Judgeships, either for themselves or for their friends, nd (3) those who really believe that unwilling idditlonai judger. would relieve congestion of tho courts and speed uf court proced ure. ' .&w!i. Those who oppose It believe ,thn! nothing constructive would be ac complished by aduing to the num ber of judges, and assert that con gestion of the courts can be accom plished BETTER by reform of court procedure. ... THIS newspaper believes that he rnm wfi nrnvide addHlonal judges, with all the additional court personnel that will bo made neces sary, we should at least be vory sure that what we want can't be accomplished in some other and more economical way, such as sim plifying the speeding court proce dure and seeing to 11 that needless cases don't get Into the courts and tako up time for which tho tax payer pays. So it advises voting "no" on this measure. CAL HERMANN NOW IN CARNIVAL GAME Cal Hermann, well known wrest ler, and "Eluali" Kelley, Portland boxer, were In Roueburg for a fow hours today on a business trip. They left for Weed to spend to nliilit, and will be back in Kosa burg tomorrow. Mr. Hermann is now operating a carnival com pany, featuring riding dovtces, ath letic show and other entorlaln- nient, and may arrange with the local post of tho American Legion to bring his company hero for the Armistico day celebration, Our Ward Week Dresses selling nt S6.66 are tho talk of the town. This week only at Montgomery Ward's. Adv. Tells Men Over 50 What They Should Weigh A famous British Phyalclan a Specialist in uuesity gives those as tne normal weights lor men over 5U. 5 1't. 6 b e. 5 t. 6 f t. 5 Ft. 6 Inches 1 19 Pounds 103 la 162 17 172 " 17S 1st I'Jt ti " 7 " 8 " 3 H. Ill 5 Ft. 11 6 Ft. 0 6 Ft. 1 ti Ft. 2 11)8 W Blunts Include ordinary Indoor clothing Get on tlio scales and see if you are overweight and how much. The modern way to take oft fat Is known as tho Kruschen Method and Is well worth a tour weeks trial. Cut out pies, cakes, pastry and Ice cream lor weeks, go light on polnloc8, butter, cheese, cream and sugar eat moderately of lean meat, chicken, fish, salads, green vegetables and fruit tako one half teaspoon of Kruschen Sails In a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast don't miss a morning. An 85 cent bottle of Kruschen lasts 4 weeks (let It at Nathan Full -ton's, Chupmnn's-r-or uivy drug otore In the world. Adv. Gut To Points in WAS HINGTON NORTHERN IDAHO ' And Parts of BRITISH COLUMBIA New reduced roundlrip tickets by train arc now on sale to destinations in Washington, Northern Idaho and to some points in British Columbia. A few examples: TACOMA $19.80 SEATTLE 22.00 SPOKANE 33.05 VANCOUVER, B. C 31.30 Similar reduced rnundm'ps arc in effect to other points. Hcturn limit of these tickets is 30 days. Aik your agtm for further information. PaciSic J. E. CLAHK, Agent Phone 11 Roseburg, Or. Glass Cooking Utensil We are now displaying in our window a new shipn-ent of these handy kitchen accessories Pyrex 'and Gl',.bak brands. They can be purchased in either pla; jr dec orated forms. SEE THIS SPECIAL Metal Cake Tray With Metal Cover Ivory finished . . green trimmed For Just $1.00 CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Ironmongers I NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all warrants of School District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon, up to and including No. 13,000, protested for non-payment, January 31st, 1030, and prior thereto, are this date "Invaluable" Say Society Women MELLO-GLO Face Powder Is preferred by beautiful women bo cause it loaves no trace of flakl- is, pastiness or Irritation. Stays on longer no shiny noses! Made by a new French process pre vents large poros. Spreads more smoothly gives a youthful bloom. Very pure. Use MELLO GI.O Face Powder. It's wonderful. Nathan Fullorton. Adv. 1 Columbus a Navigator of Decision Christopher Columhus, the dis coverer, was a navigator of deci sion a quality that served him well. You make a wise decision when you embark on your financial career with tills llanlc as your .dOi., ' posltory. TheKosebur National Bank Eosebur,Ore. Mm S Make Your Own jl The Silk Store, the oldest dry - y'&v'fi&H '&'l."k 0OOC, establishment In Rosoburfl, Pr"nt th new fashions In fab-;; iWl'tA r'CS 'h' '" f0r women'a '''Siki, misses' apparel. Have Individuality rffS'a JL by making your own dresses. -- Low Prices on New Fall Fabrics You Need Soft, supple fabrics that adapt them selves perfoctly to the new silhouette. The woman who likes made-to-measure clothes Is In her element this fall when ohe solects her dress gocds at Abra ham's, the Silk 8toie. All of these new fall and winter fabrics drape, mould, ripple and flare In charming diversity at the maker's will. See them. I. ABRAHAM THE I called for payment, and all Interest thereon ceases from this date, Oc tober 9th, 1030. MRS. A. J. GEDDES, Clerk. i ftMvrrtn mime Intne Biirdwood Empire ol HUMBOLDT COUNTY CALIFORNIA denr-ribed to detail with ronl rfutp. In ilia illuatralvd Irall'tt "6 Dy la mod Around tutek. (, Send for iL Ilunboldt Countx Dorti of Trad Kurrka,UaHtmi . . Prosperity Fact on Humboldt County: Range conditions are excellent for CATTLE HAlblNO. Write for details. 1A I. mm t .x-. I.?.-- . wit frriisj.-t 6IUK STORE