THREE - Here on Business J. M. Winni-1 Shops Here Mrs. Alma Byera, ot ford, of Wilbur, spent yesterday in Sutherlin, spent yesterday after- ttiia city transacting-business. Spends Day Here Mis. J. P. Brown, of Heston, spent Wednes day In this city visiting friends and shopping. Shops Here Mrs. A. Keller, of Melrose, shopped and visited friends ia Koseburg Wednesday afternoon. Transacts Business Here G. A. Mnupin, of Oakland, spent yester day in this city transacting busi ness. , Here From Dixonvllle Joseph Heidenrien. of Dixonville, was a business visitor in PseVirf ".'I- 4 , Transacts Business Here Ches ter Herslier, of Dlllard, spent yes terday in this city transacting business. Mr. McNabb Is Visitor Roy Mc Nabb, of Oakland, was in town yesterday afternoon transacting business. Oakland Doctor In Town Tr. B. P. BeVore, of Oakland, spent sev eral hours here yesterday transact ing business. . . soon in this city shopping. Here From Glide Gena Boise, of Giido, was a business visitor in this city yesterday afternoon. Mr. Marsh is Visitor A. H. Marsh, of Wilbur, spent yes'erday afiernoon in this ciiy transacting business. Mr. Allen la Visitor George Al len, Wilbur rancher, was a business visitor in this city yesterday afternoon. Transacts Business Here I. W. Wise, Yoncalia, resident, transacted business in Koseburg Wednesday afternoon. In Town on Business M. C. Lin Diger, of Ashland, is spending sev eral days in this city transacting business. ; ' ; ' - Here From Wilbur-Emmett Hall, of Wilbur, transacted busi ness in Roseburg for several hours yesterday. Here From Myrtle Creek G. H. Clayton, of Myrtle Creek, spent Beveral hou.-s here yesterday Transacting business. Mr. Westra Transacts Business Leonard Westra, of Riddle, snent several hours here yesterday after noon, transacting business. Looktnnqlass Visitor In Town Ylonald Ollivant. of I.ookinglass, was a business visitor in Rose burg yesterjjay afternoon. Winston Visitors In Town Mrs. Tvnn Brosi, and- -son.;'. Billy, of Winston, spent yentordav in" Hits city visiting relatives and friends. Dillard Couple In Town Mr. tmrt Mrs. Roy Rleo. 1 of Tlilard. were In town vesterday afternoon visiting friends and transacting business. Myrtle Creek Visitor In Town Oeoreo ant Edward Wonver. of Mvrlle Creok. spent Werfnesav nftemoon In this ctty transacting business. , ' Here From l.noklnnql?r Cleo'-re and Jem V.rn"ner. of T,ook Jptrglpps. I" town yte--dav ft"-noon attending to business matters. Transacts Business Here T,. V. Fllsnn'icih. of fbp Ford Mot eom pmv In PorOnrrt. snent. Wertnes foav at tin local Ford agency trans wcyty? business. Snend Rbo't Tln H-r. Todav Mr. and Wrs. Jpfr Williams, of " inki1'r''TsR. -"-ere In town vester rtav. vlnHli.e friends and transact ing business. Reoorted III at Home w. TI FlRher. jnnnaeer and owner of Fish er's De'-arl-nent siore. it reported to 1-e ill at bis home In Laurel-wood. In Town on Business Fred T. tceese, of Melrose, spent several hours in this city yesterday trans acting business. Business Visitor HereFrank Shepherd, of Glide, spent several hours in this city yesterday trans acting business. , ; Her From Canyonvllle John Fenn, of Canyonville, was a by.zi ness visitor in Koseburg Wednes day ajtternoon. S Spends Day Here on Business George L. Jantzer, of Azalea, spent Wednesday in this cily transacting business. Eikton Visitor in Town Clyde Rydetl, ot Elklon, spent yesterday aftenioou in this city transacting business. - Mr. Weaver Is Visitor F. E. Weaver, of Riddle-, spent Wednes day afternoon in this city trans acting business. Transacts Business Here El mer Daugherty, of Yoncalla, trans acted business in this city yester day afiernoon. Mr. Davis is Visitor Harry Da vis, of Dlllard, spent several hours here Wednesday afternoon transacting business. - Transacts Business Here E. A. TJrbnnk, Southern Pacific agent at Drain, spent last evening in this city transacting business. Leave For Chlloquin Mr, and Mrs. Charles Chamberlain and son, Charles Kenneth, left this morning for their home in Chllo onin. Orepon. Mrs. Chamherlain hEs een spending the past month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Morris, on South Mailt street. t , ; H - " ' Locating in Douatas Mr, W. R. Mode and family, formerly of Gresham, this state, have moved to Douglas county and will engage in stock raising in the lower river country. Mr. Mode bus secured a Bheeo ranch on the trmpm'v about 25 mite northwest of the cttv, and will s'ock the nlaee with sheen. Mr. Mode and son were In Roseburg Thurednv perfecting their plans for stocking the ranch. Many Persons Choose Strange Ways in Which to Injure Themselves Shops and Visits Friends Here Mrs. O. H. Nelson, of Sutherlin, shopped and visited friends in Roseburg Wednesday afternoon. Glide Business Visitor . Here Max Kimball, of Glide, spent sev eral hours in this city yesterday afiernoon transacting business. Visits and Attends to Business. Mrs. Bussy, of the Glendnle Log staff, spent Wednesday afternoon in this city vtsiting friends and at tending to business afi'uirs. Shop and Visit Friends Here Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leeltley. of Langlois, spent Wednesday after noon In Roseburg visiting friends and shopping. Retnrn From B-mdon Na thaniel Wills has returned to h's jinne on Sinth Stephen" stret. after snen''in' the past four months in Bandon. Moves to Ruth'eriln Frank Tfoadmnn. formerly bell boy (it the Grand hotel, has moved to Suther lin, where he witl attend high school this whiter. Tenmlle Couple In Town Mr. and Mrs. Vicior Van Breason. of Tenmlle. were in town Wednesday afternoon visiting friends transacting business. and Soending Few Davs in Portland vJ-Mrs. Grace - Hopkins, nurse at .rjtosehurg General hospital, Is spending a few davs in Portland va cationing and visiting relatives. j . Spending Few Weeks at Ranch W. Cobb, of this city, is spend ing a few weeks at his large ranch near Kellogg, where he is re cuperating from a recent prolong ed illness. Returns From Hunting Trip Clvde Wlnrd. owner of the Silver nook grill, has returned from 8 week's hunting trip spent In the Tiller vicinity. He killed a large buck. Spend Day In Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. John Boerner, of Clevelnnd. spent vesterdoy in Ihls city visit ing their son, Charles, local high school teacher, and transacting business. Leaves For Scio Mrs. John Pentney, of this city, left yester day for Scio, ' Oregm, where she will spend several days visiting her daughter, Miss Edith, who is teaching school. Visiting Young Home Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Savage of Ukiah, California, are visiting at the home of Mr. r.nd Mrs. G. W. Young, in this city. Mr. Savage and Mr. Young are cousins. . Divorce Sought Suit for divorce has been tiled in the circuit court ot Marion county by Beatrice Mills against Leslie Mills. They were married at Roseburg July 15, 1S29. Cruelty is alleged. Here From Cottage Grove Mr. and Mrs. Carl Murphy, of Cottage Grove, spent yesterday in this city visiting friends and transacting business. Mr. Murphy formerly worked as a barber in the local Terminal and Grand barber shops. NEW YORK, Oct. 9 People nick out strange ways In which to hurt themselves. Here are a few of the most bizarre, aa reported in the current Review ot Reviews by the National Safety council: A man picked tin the bahv, the hnbv picked nn a milk bottle nnd hit the man In the mouth. Re sult: Front teeth lost. Another sufferer strained him self lifting a horse to an operating table. A onlck-temnered prentleman kicked his pig, breaking a foot. A lady put a tack in her month while hanging a picture. Clapped on the buck by a member of the famitv, she. swallowed it. Two men renorted. from differ ent sections of the country, that they were inlnred while being hugged bv strong-arm girls. A gpntleman was dancing with lady. One of her halrnins entered his ear. plercins the drum. A man and his wife, saw the family dog about to steal a r"t chicken from the. kitchen tahte. Kach of them crabbed for the chicken. The wife forcot she had a enrving Vntfe in her hand and cut off her husband's finirer. A cleanlv Tan received an elec tric shock while ..In the hatht'-b. Tie JetvwMt and foil out the bath room window. A s-cofflnw "ttpped. Mt'ni; on the jifdewntk. Ht flak hroke and two arteries In his leg were sev-, .-r"t. A Tfrtv wnq acalded tvren a tOO-' full hntwnler bar exploded. Tnnumerahle --R-ti swallowed fali-e teeth in their sleon. : TILLIE THE TOILER Freedom of Speech j "THAT IMS SWEET OF Nfi,J " "THKHCii A L'oT FOB. "THESE j i , SMITH TO "SrC ME TO SO rTl " R.OSSS , THEV SU&E c- " I TO A SHOVM VMtTH HIM AnDJf:,,p. CAME M H-OV - l'i-i-' VJEA& m tt . If H -5l- VC- DOWTj M!CSHT fioSES eVewE Hefa. AMD 7 i SW Tome3l4T-'THEN SHET i ' - 1 " - 1 11 ' ii coos county a O, P. I SWITCHES TO MEIER! (Awlhit Prrei ?ft Trt MARSHFlELBv Ore.. Oct. The Coos County RejHblicaa Ceo tral eommitte yesfe-rday voted- 11 to 10 to support Jallua Meier, tndepeiiileat, for governor The res. ot Uxe, republican, ttefcet wttt he. supported regularly. The commtt teo one month ago unanimously voted to support Phil Metschan. re pablleaa candidate, YesteriSay's actloa precSai tateif by a vute to accept "the- rea tgtiatton of James Watson, atate delegate, who declared he coufd not act because of his preference for Meier. Watson attended thei eonventioa which nomSilKtei! Met scbaa. Hi ves!gna!!on was rejectesl. Watson tltea moved the com mittee support Meter, A quorum was not present, bttt tha commit tee had several months' ago agreed to sbhle ; by the decision of the majority of eomtnitteem&n prea ent. Fifty-two coastitates tha coa- pletft comiiiHtee, The sesston waa catted today fo elect a1 secretary reptaciag J. F, Gardiner, who resigned to support Meier, i . Miss Lois E. MltchelL Krtol Riv ffr. Students, Kary ScJiTOmer. Shtsft! wood; Blanche Myrtcfe, Vendteton Grace Stover. Pemiietaaj Ttts Wit"" son, 10fr7 Smith Ave., Portlan," and Helsn Gorrell. 181 Falrraouatl ; St., Eaga. NEWLY-BORN BABE r TAKEN BY DEATHS The- Safant am horn thrmtgli ff csesarian operation to Mr. anm Mrs. A. Harold Smith ot 'Wlthuf:- at Rosehwr General hospital Tuega day, died yesterday. Funeral ser vice were- held yesterday after- tiooa at the I. O. O. F. ceaieteTvC., Rev. W. R. BaM ofKcSatfoa;. M. J5.- Ettter was to. cb-arge, Kra. Smlife"" Is reported today to he doing as well as eonld be expected, J SEVEN WIN PRIZES FOR SAFETY ESSAYS Returns to Eugene Major and 1 Mrs. Tierney left yesterday tor their home in Eugene, after spend ing a short time here transacting business. Major Tierney held Inspection- at the Reserve Officers' meeting Tuesday night at the Umpqua jotel. R. R. to Reduce Fare An nouncement is made by the South ern Pacific company that only the regular one-way fare will oe charged for round-trip tickets, Roseburg to Portland and return, on account of the U. of O.-Wash- ington football game to be played in Portland October 18. Returns From Visit In South- Mrs. Charles C. Wamsley returned to her home in West Roseburg yesterday, after spending the past several weeks in i;aniornia visit ing relatives and friends. She Mopped in Medford on her way home, where she spent a shor time visiting her son and daugn- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Wamsley, also former Roseburg residents. Mr. namsley is connect ed with the Safeway stores, in Medford. Returns From Portland Thom as Sorley lias returned to Rose burg. after spending the past sev eral nnvs in Portland visiting his wife Mrs. Sorlev is expecting to inie to Roseburg within a few ffiiys. Leave For Portland Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, of the Oregon hakerv. and Forest Ellis Barker, manager of Tmpqua dance pavil ion, loft yesterday for Portland where they 'will spend a few days transacting huslnes3. Leaves for Medford Ford Singleton, manager of the parts rtonnrtment at the local Ford aeenrv. left last evening for Med ford. where he will snend a few vlsillne his brother and sis ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Singleton. Spends D?y Here on Business j. O. tjffmnnnsn. m .pmwH, spent yeterdnv in this cl'v trans notinff business. Mr. Osrenndson who recentlv moved to Melrose from Moorhead. Minnesota, states that he likes BoUiilia eonntr very kmnrh and has decided to locate at Melrow permanently. OHIO RIVER CLAIMS LARGE PACKET BOAT MATitRTTA. O.. Oct. 9 The steamer Senator Cordlll. the larg oatnacket host in the Pittsburgh Cincinnati trade, struck an ob struction in the Ohio Tiver, seven miles below here, and sank today. All on board were saved. CHICAGO FRESHENS MEMORY OF FIRE ITIESIIPPIE CROP LARGEST li HISTORY OF li (Associated Prt Wire) PORTLAND, Oct. 9 A genera? survey of Hie apple cr&p of Oregon and Washington indicates the 1$3I crop Is the largest ia the history of the two states. AHhowsh acre age has. been, decrensed In the Hood River area production will be equal to last year. Wenatchee and Vktma production will be con siderably greater. The biggest act or in the Pacific northwest growing centers is the Iaie size of this year'a fruit. In the east and midiUevest the fruit ts aaltf to he unusually annUI and of noor quality. Oregon and Washington apples are reported to be of exceptionally good quality this year, and this high quality has reswVteti in an tmusuatty good domestic market. I'vtces are sleady to firmer. 'WASHINGTON. TX C Oct. & Fire Oregon school- cMMrdr and two teaeh&ra w&rft name yester day y the highway education board as state winners in the ninth annual safety eaaay and lea- son contest. 1 Fvipila vtiW receive- cash nrlseaf an6 niedflla a(J the tPacherBy an t. .. ,fn i ITT, ftwt. nriia i essav auI lesson wttt he entered tau the national contest. Oregon Vftnueva rere'. Teacnava,! MtssHXeu Guriiane,. 'PeudletQn;v SCOUT TROOP 3 TO MEET ON USINS: Scout troop ??o. S, vrtttt 'Rev"?' John Penhstt tte sconfmaster, la GC meet tonipht st the Serrth Method dist ehnreh for the first business1 session of tft R&ason. The troojf Rtcharia aad J. P, Steyers aa cow, tattteemen; Walter Taylor, assist-" ant scoutmaster: 'Fryco Owen, o.! sistant scoutmaster; John BracnrjiaK n. iPBder first patrol: Paaf 5?i Oowan, leader second 7tror: 0rg& Brosgliton. leadw tbirrt Tkt lyl; TiRl!r Morxaa, scribe,, CEcwga Urowgfetcm, bK!er. &RU01.ES3 KEA1.71 CENTER; Mto&ral vascr &aiby GENE O'GRADY GETS NOD OVER TUCKER (Associated Pre Leased Y?!t& OAKLAND, Cai., Out. 9 Ooe O'Giady, Ashland, Ore., light heavyweight, wou an easy ten round decision from Frank Tuck er. Oakland former amateur cliara lion. In the main event here last nifsht. O'Oraily was credited with eight of the rounds.- CARE OF THANKS We wish to thank our ktnd friends and neighbors for their acts of love aud sympathy durins our recent loss of husband and brother, and also ejetend grfttetul thanks for the beautiful floral tri butes to our loved one. Mrs. Nao! Btirke. anil Mrs. A. E. Barton, . Mr, and fra. Waiter Venning. 1 ' &tr. and Mrs. R. T. Blnkejy. CHICAGO. Oct. 9 "Chlcaeo day" n-as celebrated today, the anniversary of the great fire, with parade, nageantrv and apeeclimnk ins and v,i(h William Randolph Hearst, the publisher, as official .gnest of the city. A parade 25 miles long was to open the celebration. , FRIDAY and Saturday fcr the r When Theatres Burned T?ir lrtsqnola thi-atrr fir 1b ChlracB, in l'H)3, rauMMl &K0 rb ni 2.'0 it farir: A Minfrrat motltm pirlure SO infarir. Todijf Kt better bultdlnci; ttt tret tfrr nd otor m-anlM lle Impaitfttirs ot Mtlag calmly i ianger. TotUv, too, ih nfve wt4ipuU to utd appnrisiltV. Mff the ttork mn im imrnncr cfrnt. 1 rrmif tm ltp jwt, rvnpte tmpttal yteca im. jmm CMUKfUUtf. Quine & Co. Hole! Grand Bids. Phone 108 ft SIDE , LINES BETTY COMPSON RALPH WHSES MQMUjU LOVE A Radio Picture Plus Comedy News Admission Mat. 10-25 Eve. 1035 LAST TIME TODAY GARY COOPER In "Seven Day Leave" LIBERTY A LIMITED TIME ONLY Z7 Entirely New WRINGERLESS WASHER For Down Balance easy monthly payments The new Wnngerless Washer is the latest develop ment in home laundry equipment a compact, beau-. ttful, electrically operated washer that does both your washing and drying the same tub at the same time. Speed enters the home laundry drudgery goes. The job that once required days of your time each week can now be done in a few hours, without wrk or fatique. Your laundry is done better, cltaner and with gentle safety to clothes. Just $5.00 today and your washings turn to play Come in Let us demonstrate THE CALIFORNIA 0SEC0N POWER COMPANY Tr rtw (snow ! tr Attractions AT THE MOVIES LIBERTY Today, Gory Cooper ! in "Seven Bay lave"; Friday, j Saturday, Betty Compsoo In "in- side the Lines." , ; ' In Town. Thursday E. E, Em mitt, for forty years a rcaitient of the section west of Umtxtna, spent Thttrsday la Rasebutg loaMug after businesss matters. Opening Dance ATTENMILE Saturday, October 11th 6-PIECE ORCHESTRA Tickets 5Qc Ladies Free OREGON WOOLEN STORES SALE Continues a the $50 000 Stock Keeps Poar ing 5nio Roseburg. fimi 141 Jackson St, the Mecca of "Style-Wise" roen as Hart Schaf fner and Marx and Oregon Woolen Stores Fall Suttt go on sale at tremendous reductions. - I Gift of lovely wool satin bound blanket or choice of beaatit ful Indian Robe is sensational offer, in view of sacb store wide low prices for famous brands of : seasonable merchandise Here MEN'S SUITS $fV35 STYLED AS ILLUSTRATE O For vaiuea to Sa&.OO the Salt. All arevtn, bla and tiray t&naa In mtiliw Jvd heavy twlata and clowa v(fs( woat weavaa, conaervattwa, yet amart, Evacy Sutt hand tailored. Valuea to $35 now $16.85 Entire atoclc at proportionate reduction. Aa for example. At! Vtcg.(n Wool Mert't Overcoat In rtsulai to 2& valuea at S9.95. Other Items of Interest Men'e Dree and Work 80 10c, Arrow CoHara 5o, Silk Tie S9e or I for StJJG, Khaki Pant c, Overall 7o, Blue Work Shirt 39c, Good Heavy Wool Sox t9c, Coat Styte Work Shirt 69c, Beo. S5 Wool Pant S2.9&, Ganva Clove Se, Coat Styte Sweat, er 98e, Cap ?9c, etc, etc. Shirtu, Sweaters, Underwear, Hosiery Collar attached ntt neetcbend tyt Drej Shlrte ?9o, better Shtrt !n value to S2.&& at ti.39, Double All Wool Blankets 32.95. Alt Wool Sweater Flannel Shirt 7o, All Wool reoular $5 and $ Slenr Coat J3.95, Men'hlrt and Short SSe, Heavy Ribbed tnloi Suit 89e, "Wlnetead" Heavy Wool Union $2.95, Part Wool Shirt and Drawer 79e, fam&u Interwoven, regular 7&o Ore Sox 90 at 3 pair for S1.39 or plr JSe, and o It 8 thraushout tne store. Come and aee. FREE '3 , Offer Continued by - Demand These beautBut robe and btanketa bave mada- hit with everyone-! men and women. We "j jive them away to force J the aetltno ano every. su45mer purshailno- 20.00 w more ean tayl ! pi, reoarttiet or all good going at aula, artceak Choice of the State Pureha $20,00 or more nd set your Auto Robe r Btanket, FREE SHOES Goodyear W4(t Drees- or extra heavy ,vrtrt fuit tfottDre o!e. tizes in black and brown cait at PAtrt $3.95 For vatutt of $5.00 to 17.50 OXFORDS Setr. Edmond and Star Brnds, ait Goodyear welt In black and brown call. Value &f S5.00 ta at PAIR $2.75 Bfacfc and Srown Calf. At! aize. Many oiKer senaaiional value, made ponible by our puichaje of jobbers'' and manufacJartra' lock forced to unload to meet obligation. SALE WILL CONTINUE OREGON WOOLEN STORE, 141 Jackson St See Window: s