Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 11, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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I (AMorUtttJ Prtm I-wrd Wire)
. BAKKU, Ore., Sept. 10. Tesll
nioiiy that tiie OreRon Short line
jlias been oiieratliiR the road from
Ilioblnetle to JlonieHti-nU ror the
past fey years m a Ions, ami with
'Hi' prospect of Improvement, wuf
,'otfered today In the puhllc service
commUalon iu-arlim before H. H.
Corey, member of the commission.
The Oregon Short line, operated
iby the O. W. It. & N., has peti-
tioned for permission to abandon
ithe road.
' George S .Smith, general solid
Jtbr for the short line said "we
think we ' have taken enough
chances and we can't see any pros
'pect of Improvement."
L. lie declared there has been no
shipment of any kind from mines
in the section since 1927. Live
Stock Is the lurnest liem of frelKhl
at the present time, he said, add
ili.K "and I doubt If there is more
' than 80 cars of livestock shipped
lout of there In a year."
i AMoriatni Print I-rnwil Wire)
J complaint charKiiiK La Verne C'ar
. lor, 30, Klamath Kails, with firm
dt'Kree murder In connection with
J the death of his wife. Mrs. An-
lielte Carter, 21, bride of two
; months, wan filed today by As
, plHtnnt District Attorney Hurry
' Boivin.
J The complaint was slRned by the
i" chief of police.
t The charge was preferred follow
' lug a coroner's inquest laHt night.
. .wrici: ov imnai m;tti.kmi;.vi
' in the (,'iiunlv Court of I lie Htnle nt
dit-Kuti lor llu futility of Ixhik
lu. a ,
In the matter of the entnle of Hen
Juiniiie IV Pam1. doeeuaed.
i Notice In liclebv Kivt'ii that the
i umhTMlKned. uOniliilnlnitor - of the
, t-Hiitii ( lienjumlin' I'iiif. n
. c-iiKi'd. him fth d In the Coiimy
, Court of imtiKliiH I'oiinty. Mute ol
. Ort'Ki'ii. hlH riiinl itt i on at uh m:h
, administrator, und that Ttii-sd'iy.
1 tieloher 14, 1! 3d. at the hour of R
o'clo'.k a. in. has been fixed bv mi id
! court an the. time for
v objcirtlona to mild report and the
etiiiuenc thereof.
1 tii I imI uud flint till hi Ifd ted 111
Ilonuhunr. Oitkoii, T.Hiurmliiy, tin
I lltli duv of HfiUfinhtr. I:t0.
! I ..tint puhllenlluji, Thursday. Ot'to
bur 8. l'JZO.
t Admlnlntrntor of the estate of Keii
i Jamlne 1-'. PnKC!. dec-used.
. , M. V. ItirK.
i Attorney fttr ndml nisi m tor. Itntie-
Imitk. Orenon. ,
Adiici: or NiiKiurf-" hai.i
itr.M, I' i
, In the Circuit Court of tho State of
i Ircirrtii for 1 )oti if 1mm Con tit V.
' Tin? Hlnte of tirt-Kon, repriju-nled
and aitiiiK hv llu worm win
Veterans' rttitttj Aid (ornuiis-doii.
1 tihiliitlff. vh. V. O. Cool, it ml Mitde-
line It. Cool. BiIh wife, MiH.-Cuil
r m, CvniH. and wniunum cuncf
t tlon Credit Hervicf, n corpoiii-
tlon, dofiMidiintii.
nui.tu m iik i t-iiy tfiven that, h
: Viiiuo oi' till i"..i-Ciii.!u,i and uiutT o
' KHUylifSllfli UL Ul litv'lluVlL JlliVlLt,
' V'ourt in- the a'lov.- t i.itu-u i-.iirti
iui tin Jnil tiny oi H.'p.i-oiovi-, i.m
iMirmuuil to a Juurtmeni and di-nci
i, 'liiilui' mid eirtni-ti ill ':nil f:iut.t; ii'
t IMWr Oi till II MUX llllliii'il pitlllltlti
, and aKiiliiKt llu d.'tcinliuilH, V. (t
. tool, AUdfllnr It. Cool, iiim wiU:
. Mim. Carl M. cytut. mid Uiilutnetu
, Collt-i-iiuu and Cii iin .viviw, u -nr-porattoii,
oi I hi -nd day ot Hi'ptt'in
her. UKlO. Votiimiiiiillliif Ml as lltr
Itr to HCll lilt' iHTl'MIIlt tiT a i ili-
imI t't-iit Drolicriv to hHUmIv the Mill.
1 of $ill.s: with hilt-lent Ih.'ffoi!
Rt tho rati' or four pur ivnt pi-r an-
mini from July I and the
' further Hiun of lllM.M for ri.nH iiiiu
jy plnliitilf for InUL-aiK prrntlttiti
Ultti inttTt'ttt thiMfon itt mi' ntu oi
'i ilKht imt tent pit aniiuiu liom Mn
IT. l'.t'U). and the fui llii'i' 8 mil oi
A I:t00.lt0 ullowtMl nlalnttl't an n-aon-
j Ahh nttoriu'y'8 fecH in said mitt,
i and the furlluT mini of Is.r.n tnxt-ii
. na nlii nt ill i-ohIm niul nlMlMirm'
. miMitu In fald suit, and for tho roslf
t Hild I'Xpi'lD'i'rt mm in t i d on the ftilt
ttf tho n:il nroui-riv to lx nold pur
suant lo said writ of i-MMiitUin. all
In m-i'ordiini-,' with Haul .luilKini'iil
and iUt!i I will, on th till da
1 of OctoliT, )lt;id, nt thi hour of
' it'll o'-lok in tin foronoon. at llu
' front door of tlu Conn Uousi- in
KooliurK. tnunini I'ouniv. ihvumi
offiT for al' and nell nt puldh
I ii in t ton to tho liinlo-M hidib-r fur
tnli In hand tho fotlowltm UPrilt-
I'd real prop.-rtv Kltuntod in thr
t i'lty of Prittn. IoiikIhh Conntv. Uro
t mm. to-wlt: Lot four of hlork flvo.
J City i'f Drain, tonothvr with tin
tenomontB, hoivdllMUii-niit and np-
, pui lenaiu't-H ihcifiinlo holoniclnit oi
i in anywiito opporiuliiiau, huohhi to
. i tlt'ioot ion. ii m nrovidiil hv law, nut
, 1 will applv t In- ptoi cfds ot su h
, tmlo (n to th piiin'iit of tho t'ontfi
i niul dtnliurcenu-hl of sHd cuit, in
t I'hiillnv altorn.-y n fi--s: (h to th
paynn-nt of llu- varioiiH anitiuiitf
J lo-r.-ln iidinilui'd lo ho du.' plulnllti
t w ith ai-i i u-'il Inti-n-xt thoi .on. itt
p.M-lftod; itnd oi tho ovtrphiH. it
nnv. I will tin ii ovi-r In iho t-loi K
J Of tho itltovc tlttttl.d riMitt for tlx
h.-iioflt of vhonisi t may ho en-
titl.-d thl'Ml.
imfp of fl!Ht puhlhatlon Soplom
" bi r 4. l'.t:U).
Kliorlff f tollKla Cnimiv, (M.-uon
o i k k oi' kimi.
, In tho Conntv Court of tho Stuto ot
, ( )roKnti for I iou la count v.
, Jn tho iiirttlor of C shiti- of Me-
llixhi A. Apldounto. d.'rousrd.
Notho horohv Btvon that tin
, tind.-rnlnnoii iidmlniHiriitor of ihi'
nhovo ntith-d )'Sitt1o hit? fil'-d in
tin- ahnvo otxillrd ontt thr film'
t n-'ount of hi? Miiiiilni"ttiition of
1 until ontnto. iiti'l that mu Ul tour!
' hv nn oid r dulv nuol" tunl fntr-il
' ban fiv. -l S:itimbi v. n, lohor I. l!f
' nt 10 oVIo.'K In tho for. noon ;i thf
' tlm. und tho I'ountt- (-ouri rooni tn
; tho niint hoiiMo. louitt:o Cnunlv
1 Oroiton. nft Cm fda f"i' Ionu Iiu
ftnid rinnl a' oui)t Mild all oh in lions
If aiiv. th.-r. to
latod Mini firft puhli5hrd Septotn
bor 4. iV.u.
Admlnlfitrator of tho rjitnt of Mo
lt lid A. Applomilo. dortnuod.
j, In tho Count Court of tho Stato of
j iM'i-tfon for liouKiiir Countv.
In tbo matter of tho i-kIhIo of
Charlox tli-oiuo Kurt'ofti'r. il'""'
-d: also known C (J. K"vii'Hr
Notho If hoioi'v 1.n it1 thf
tinil.-riunod hv ord.-i of fh.- i.hov-
entitled oourt.!")v ina.Io lnd !!. T-
? i-.l of it. otd tin d I'i I v
f n pool nt tit ndoinl-ntor of tho .-
fMtf of ChmloH ti.'UKo Forrotor.
I All MiMond h:tlnT rlalni1,,n
f n lit .ytiit mo hrrot.v r.-oflrd to
r"0'iit tho naoii. rlo'v vf''ti'il mm
hv law r-oulr.-.l. o th- ...-d--l.-.i-
n H1inintrator. Yo-ntr
t t hn offir tt n C-
r. if root liO-t t.Ul IT ''", Coup V
OroRnn. " fthin 'n inontlm from th
, dm f t'tl'1 nolti
iit-rt this 2nd fl-iv of sortonibor
Kiri tT ""n tn
' UliORGE W. VtH NC.
""Ai'mtritstratnr of fhe estate of
Ch.ir1"M Oeorge l-otreHter. de-
In tho Comity t ouri of tho Htate of
Oii'Koii for lJuUKiaK Countv.
Jn the matter ui the estate or
Khoda iiia Tiiompon. dft-ouKod.
Not h e in liuroky kH oii thut tlie
undiTHlK'nod luiH boon duly iippoini
od aduiiniHtrauir of the ontalo of
Khoda Klla Thoinpnon. dotcam-d. hy
oidor of the above entitled eourt
and that tie hun duly qualifitd as
ut h ndiiuiilMtralur. Ail peiHon
having olainirf UKUlnwt tho fntut of
tmid douiuMid are hoivliy reuuirou
to prohoiit tio'in with proper voueh
in, duly verified u by luw rtmir
od. to the underslKiiod nt the orflce
of t:ai K. Wlmhoily. In the Kirat
State and RuviiiK Hank HuiWliiiK
in ItonoldirK. ouk1"i County. Ore-.
koii. within Mix month from the
date of the firt puldiontlon of this
llotlre Which if HeptelllhffT 4. m.
Admiiilptrnior of the estate of
Khoda Ella Thompuon. deeensed.
V.. Mr In hPrebv KlVen that the
oouil lias appointed Oct. 1. 1!.0. at
10 o i-lot K ii. III., an me nine ior
heiirUix oh.le-tion n the final ac
count of the underMlKiied uh nd
iiilnintrjilor in tile mil Iter of tho
emato of Kred Muelnel. ileeeaaed.
in the County Court for UouKhm
Countv, On-Hon, and fir the aeltle-
Itielit thereol.
AdmlniHtiatnr of tho estate of I'rrd
AluotBcl, Oecoased.
In Ihe Countv Court of the Slate or
Oregon for DoiiKhin County.
In the matter of the eatale of Mar
garet le Woodruff, deceased.
Notice In herehv given, that Mor
ton Woodruff, administrator of Iht-,-Mtalf
of MaiBii rrttf- Woodruff. ie
oeiiseil, hua filed In the County
Court, of the State or Oregon, rot
I long his County, his final accouni
as such admfulKtriilor; ami that the
'oori hiiH f I veil Kutoidav the 27 th
day of Heptemher. llt;i. at the hour
of tell o'clock A. M. at the office of
the Countv Judge. In the court
house at Koseburg. Douglas county,
Oregon, (is the time and place for
the hearing of any objections to
mild final account anil tho set t le
mon t thereof. .
Dated and first published August
28. mo.
Administrator of the estate of
Margarette Woodruff, deceiised.
By virtue of an execution Issued
oat of the Circuit Court of tht
.State of Oregon for the Countv ol
Marion, Department No. 1. on July
12, )lt;ia, upon a Judgment duls
made, rendered and entered on Maj
Jtf. nun. In favor of lidd & liush
a corporation, the plaintiff, ami
rtgulnsl Mrs. M. A. Joiioh and J. N.
Jones, her husband, the defeiKliinti
In said action. In the sum of $291. Sli
together with Interest thereon from
May 2!i, ist2i), at tho rate of etgli.
per cent per annum, find $1 l.Bi
cost a and IfiO.Oi) attorney's fees
and accruing cOHts, I have levied
upon anil will sell at puhllc auc
tion on the 27th day of September
llt;io. at ten o'clock A. M.. at tin
front door of the county courthouse
In the Citv of ltoHeburg, Dougln
County. Oregon, all of the right,
title ii nd Interest Which the said
defendants have or at iinv time aft
er the date of snld levy have bail
in. on or lo the followtiiM described
nrcmlKoK. to-wlt:
The Southeast onnrler of the
Northeast uiiarter or lection n
Towiifhip South of Hn litre 7 Wewl
tf tho Willamette Meridian In
I louuhiM ( 'on nt v. ( iroKon.
Said proiniseH will be sold for
rash to Ihe highest bidder suhleel
to lodomiitlou In tho manner pru-
VI it ot! hv raw. ,
1 Oaleil this 2Ktli day of August.
WHO. r . .
Sheriff nf Ooiiglns (ronnty. Oregon.
Hy II. M. McCAIUO. Deputy,
aiiik of hai.i:
In the Circuit Coiitt of the State ol
Oregon lor HougliiK County.
Ilairv A. Leece. piuinlui. u, ltct
Atkins and A. Atkins, defendants
Ity virtuo oi ait execution, j aug
ment order, decree and order of nale
iMnuod out of the above oiitltloo
i'oui i lii i he a hove oui it led can ho,
to tlie directed and dated the in,
jay of AugiiHt, I'.tja, uptiii a Judg
ment and decree icndoii-d and ea
ten it in mud court oil the Ittli day
of August, lit .to, in ihvoi- of llarr
A. I.eece. plaintiff und against Itt-rt
Atkins and A. Atkins, defondaiu.
for t ho sum of one hundred iiov-uiy-uve
tl7ii.a0) miliars, with in
terest I hereon tit the rate of woven
,ier cent per annum J com Man.
j. IIKMl; for the lurther sum of
thirty $.'IM.(H)) dollars, nttoi uov's
fees; for the further sum of nine
toon and TfiliU (13.75) dollars
'oiin and disbursement. Mint tu
coHts of and upon this writ, com
manding me lo make sale of tin.
following described real propel n
Lot twenty-onn (21) and the en'
null of lot twentv-two (L2t, hlo"
twelve of the Silt belli n I.H
id Water cotnimnv'a pint of the
A mo in led Plat of Hie Town Mte of
Sniheillu. roiiutv of Douglas, ulniu
ot Oregon.
Now therefore, hv virtue of said
fXei ution. Judgment order, decree
ind onbT of sale and in compliance
with the command of said writ. I
will, on the Jud iinv of October.
ll'iiO. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
Al, at the front door of the county
courthouse In 1 tone hu rut. Douglas
county. Oregon, sell at public auc
tion sobji't-t io redemption to ihe
highest bidder for cardi In hand all
the right, title and interest which
t he w ti hin nn mod ib-iembints and
eai'h and all of them In the above
out tiled suit had on I lie 5lh dav
f March. I !Kltl. the date of t he
niorlKiige herein foret loned or since
"ind date had in and lo tho above
described property or nnv part
Ibereof o P.'iliKfy fiild execution,
iiultmeitt outer nud ilei roe. Interi'si.
untn mid acciuing eoln.
Sheriff nf Dougbis Countv. tlegon.
xtirii i: or siii:itn r s ot
in; i. i
In the Circuit Com i of the Stale of
Oi i'Uoii tor I oiiKla Count v .
The .(f Oregon, I opt ese nt ed
and a ung 1 trie ot ol t at
eioratis Stale Aid Commission,
planum, vs. K. It. l'aton tkuown
aico ii.-. Kdward it. Ciixfiu, tie
line laxion tkuown diso as Auc
laitle Caxtoni. Aliou raviou.
Douglas In duo! Association. -
orporaiioii, tn,, ji. hipiuo.
Aotn-e ii- he l eli v g i en that. b
t'triiie of an i e ulloii and outer .
.aie lo-tio'il out of the nboi- cutitt
d court in tln aboo entitled inuso
H I to 1Mb out o I AUgU-Hl. !;.
.onsitiiitt to a ludKiiionl and d.-eiei
ll;I.te .did ellleled 111 Silld nlllm' II.
liOor of the abiMO named pmintitl
ind a g. i not i h,. dei ud.iut.-4 i-;. Ii
iiton iknowu al.o n l-Mw.ttd t;
I'axi.Mi). Adeline 'at,.n i known
lo hn Atolaido lai ,n . A linn
I'.iMon. Di.ugiit tr-ditoi- ai-niuih-moii,
a corpoi;in.ui. niul It. 1.. h,p
.! . on the tilth d.iv of Aiigimt
I't.iii. coinin.iioliiiit me as stiontl ic
o il the h. lem.m. r d s. t ibi d n-a-IMopi
I ( t,. ji.nit (he jiiitu ot
l.iilCM With IlllereSt tlUTOOIl 111
lie I .it e nf tour pel' i et tMT a 11
:iuui (rout V l'..';i
the iiiilli.T Mini of $t;.V0a iitlowea
t 1 Ft I J 1 1 1 1 f !s i .i-.i. i :it.l,. uttul llev
ices In said suit, and the fin the!
oim of J In (;ied uf plnnttitf .
ontH niul d'lo! It'llll'llll n ni
twit, and for the costs and expense
to ui i , d on i ii.- r., no-
I "pel I v to be iodd pui small t ti win of ex,-, uiioii, all in a
i dii to e with r-a Id ludmncnt a ml
de-- I 1 mi tho J 'III d. of
Kei t.-mt rr. r.'.i" at Ihe IliOII of tit in th- fioeiio-'ii at the fioni
toor of the I'oml 1 1 -nine in t:,.e.
hut a. OoMKlufi I'.ointv. oiegori, of
fer lor e.le him) hi II at piiPHc aii -lion
U tlie luk'ti-o bidder tor ea.-li
'n hand the foltOWinu,...
real niooert. to-n:t:
All of ot -.-ntifii rlirhtet'ti mo. I
mill t. en li Mofk ten v.f tin a r
ed 1'lat if tht fow itsito of s-uth-
erlin. in I'ougiiis tountv Oregon
together with the teiiemen I !,et
ihtametits and iiomirtenaip or there
unto belonging or in n- him p
rjtfiUiUHm. th kUlU Ivtfl Divvvl'ty
boinK and registered under the o
t.uiitd Torreim byoin and . tne
title thereto helnie loid by in ue
lendautH. K. It. i'uxtun and AJ
Itiiu x ton, under Trimmer Certi
ticate ot tuie titimbeifd ISti thaued
b the reKintmr of tulOB lor said
1'otlKlan Coumv. (iiRon, KUhJoct lo
Tiit.-inpilun. hh provided hy law,
and i will apply the proceed oi
tun n nale a to me payment or
the cost and dlshurio-rneiita of hhoj
MUil, iiu-ltldiliK atlornei ' re: t u .
to- tho payment of tile above
auiouniH uujiuiKed to he due nmiii
uil with accrued liitereat thereon,
a Mpi.'eified; uud : the overplus,
if any, J will turn over to the cler
of the uhove entitled court for me
tioneflt of whoiimoever inav be en
titled thereto.
Uiite of first publlratlon AuguM
i. lU-'iO. .
Sheriff of DoiikImh County. Orenun
In the County Court of the -Htate of
Oregon for Douglas County.
In the mutter of thu estate ot Ida
Hancock, Ueeeaweu.
N'otn-H l beri'bv irlven that the
undiTHigned ad tnlnlHt rator of the
estate of Kda Hancock, deceased.
has filed In the above entitled court
the final account of IiIh administra
tion of aad estate, and that the
court, by an order dulv made and
entered, baa fixed .Saturday, the
27th dav of .September. I!i:t0. at the
hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon of siiid day und the county
court room in the courthouse in
KoHohuric. Douglas county. Oregon.
as the lime and place for hearing
Mali) final account and all ohiec
tlons, If any, thereto and for the
Hettli'tuelit of said eslate.
Dated and first published August
8. iy;ii. r
Administrator of the estate of
Kda llaiicocK. deceased.
III the County Court of the State of
Oreiron for IJotig as Countv.
In the matter of the estate cf Vr-
bnti tiarrett, deceaeil.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint-
I admin strator of the estate or
Urban Iinrrett. deceaaiid. bv ordej
of the above entitled court and has
tl V uuii ei as such. All oersoiif
having claims against the estate of
said deceiiHed are herein reiiulrec
to present them with proper voueh-
l-H flu v verified as hv law rooutren
Lo the undersigned at the office of
Carl K. W'lmherly. Itosoburg. Ott
on, within six months from the
unte nt tne rirst puoiicution or tins
notice, which Is August 2X. DUO.
Administrator of the estate of Ur
ban liarretU deceased.
AIU Ot? UK At, i'ltui'rjii'1' t
In the t'ounty Court of the Btate ol
Oregon lor DouKiaa County
In the matter of tho estate of Carl
Julian i ollakaon, ileceutieil,
fsOLico la hereby given lout pur
suatiL lo the order ot the aimvu lmi
titled court entered on the UlIi
dav of Auguet. 1VA0. the under
hi g hod ndiiiiiusLratur with the will
annexed wtil. on and after the
JUth day of Heptemher. 1 yrft). offer
tor sale and sell ul private sale ior
cash In band the fuliuwing uuscnb
ed real properly In Douglas county.
Oregon, lo-wit:
Dot 17 of Kdcn Orchards contain
ing 20 ucres -more or lews acconntig
to the plat tnerenf on file in the
office of the County ClerK. Duugiat
County. Oregon.
liiifs for said real propertv will
bo received by the undersigned at
tho office of Carl K. YVimherlv In
UoBcburg. Douglas County., Oregon,
on and after said date, and said xau
will be made ubeet tn the confir
mation of the above entitled court.
Dated and first published Augutd
21. Diao.
Administrator with the will annex
, ed of the eslate of Curl , Juhan
TullaKsoil, deceased.
not itr; or iivti, siiit i i,i:iii: r
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned executor of tne last
will a nil testament uf McCradv
Oaiigherty. deceased, has filed his
final account In tho County Com.
of tho State of Oregon for Douglas
County, and tiie Hon. NV. H. Hamil
ton, judge of said court.' haM ap
pointed Mondav. the itlMtd day of
Heptemher. li0, at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of said dav. in th
countv courtroom in the courthouse
in Uosehurg. Douglas Countv. Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections, if any. to said uc
count, and the settlement tliele
of. All persons Interested I" said es
tate are hereby notified to file their
objections, if nnv. to said final ac
count, at or before tlie time ap
pointed fur hearing as afore
said. on ted thiii 21st day of August,
Kxecuttor of the last will and testa
ment of .Mct.rady W. 1 uughert .
.NO TICK TO iti:ii Kin(
111 the Countv Court of tlie State of
Oregon for Douglas Countv.
In the matter or the estate of Hugh
Itllclile, Sr.. deceased.
Notice ti hereby given that hv an
order of the above court uulv ina.i
and entered Jennie H. Hlt lite, was
on the 2uth day of Annum, la.iu.
appointed executrix of Ciio last will
and testament and eslaio of Hugh
Kllchie. deceased. All poisons hav
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
duly verified to with vouchers
annexed hk hv law lonulnil to
the undersigned at tho law of
ctco oi .lotin 1'. Douff. In the Per
kins Building in Roseburg with in
Six months from the dale of this
first publication of this notice.
Dated and first puhhtdied August
21. HK10.
Kxecutrlx of the last will and
testament and estate of Ittlgn
KiU hie. deceased.
AimiMVI'lt TOIt'S NO Tit K
III the Countv Court of the State of
Oregon tor Doug iua Countv.
In tho matter of the estnte of Klla
Brosi. ileeeased.
Not ire Is hereby given that the
undo i si glted wiin oil the 1 ( h da v
of August. l!;tU. bv an older of the
Count v1 Court for Dnuula Cinintv1.
(Mogon, appointed ad mi him rator of
the estate of Klla Itiosi. deeeased.
All persons having claims again
said estate are liereliv notified to
present the same, properly erl
lied to with vouehern annexed as
lV I. 'i w re, uired to t he Ii lole l si nod
ill tho law oifue of John T. lung,
in Hie I'erkins ltutldniu in Rose
loii'K. Oregon, within six '-mouths
fioni the date of this notice.
Dated and first published August
Jl. DUO.
W S BTHfl. .
Administrator of the estate of J::h
Iti osl. dei eased.
- -o-
In tho Countv Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas Countv
In the mutter of the wSlnte of l.lda
Albro, deceased.
Not ii-o is herehv given that pur
sunlit lo the order of the above en
tilled court entered on tin' V-Mb dav
of Auitust. t;Ue. the undersianed
Hdintntft ratrix will, on and after
tile ..''Hh hiV of Septeiltli.T. I' of
'or for sale and sell at prfxate ssle
for trtsh in hand, tho following do--c
I l bed rel piopeiO. to-lt:
An undivided one-fiftti inteit
In tlie Southeast ouartor of
Hon Township ;t South. Kan.
.'. W ejit f the VA lll imotte .b'rl.Hn
All of tho Northwest (Virt'ter of
I'll' Southwest MU'lter of Hoc
Townshtu .t South !tane 4
.v ,.f Ihe Willamette Meitdian.
HnK for si Id i e a I r- ,.n. rt will
bo re oi veil Hie iind-r! r ii 'd it
be office of Carl K WnnK-rlv tn
KotM-hui g. Doug la Coitnl v. re go n.
on and after said dad, and
sale will be made sobfe. t to th
opf-riiiatioii of the aloe e':tii'ei'
l'i.o-d and first miMiclieJ Aucus
Jl. lyia.
KDNA .i.m;o
Administratrix of the vktate of Lld
Albiu, deceasud.
ItrtAL l'Mi't;it V
In the County Court of the Ktate of
Oregon ior Douglas County
In tlie matter of tho guardianship of
, tl. Tnacker, msune.
Noticv is hereby given that the
undersigned guardian of V . ti.
'i'nacKer. insane, in accordance with
un order of the above entitled court
In the above entitled matter, ' duly
made and entered on tiie 2"th day
of August, l'J'-Ui, authorizing said
guaruiun to sell the real pruptrtj
oi uid Ward hereinafter desci i.
will, on and after the 20tti day of
Heptemher, JtKiO, offer for bale the
loilowniK described real piopeii,y4
to-wltr .
Biiginnlnff at a Pt. 6.67 chs. W t-
8 chs. K. of the f4 Hec. corner be
tween Hues, fi and 27. To. 11 S.
It. 6 . W. it. aaid pt. being On
the N. line of the Coos bay Wagon
Koad, thence N. 24.1W chs.. thence
K. 11.00 chs.. thence 8. 21.30 chs. to
the N. line of satd wagon road,-
thence in u South westerly direc
tion along N. line of said wagon road
to the place of beginning, contain
ing acres more or less.
Also beginning at a pt. 29.07 chs.
N. and 17.i chs. K. of the Ken.
orner between Hoch, TL and ii. Lim.
-'7 ti. 11, 6 W.. NV. M.. thence K. It
lis. to the ( ooh nay agon Koad.
thence In a Southwesterly direction
following the meanders of the Coos
liny Wagon Koad to a point direct
ly H. of the beginning pt., thence
N, 21. Ill chs. to the place of begin
ning containing 121.75 acres more or
Kids for the nurennse or sata rem
property will he received bv Carl
K. Wlmiierly at ills orriee in tne
Kirst Htate and Having Bank
Building. Roseburg. Oregon, on and
ufter satd 20th duv of September.
l!i::. and the sale of said real prop
erty will bo made subieet to confir
mation bv tne above entitiou court.
Dated and first published August
2i. mo. .
Guardian of the estate of W. II.
Thacker, insane.
TH A l it I V
In the County Court of the Slate
of Oregon lor Douglas County
In the mailer uf the edlule of John
Albro , deceased.
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to the order of the above en
titled court entered on the 20th
day of August, 1U:I0, thu undersign
ed admiiilHtruirix will, on and alt
er the JUth day of September. D:fO.
offer for sale and Hell at nriTato
sale for cuhIi in hand, the following
described real property, to-wit:
Tlie Southwest . quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section 28 and
the Northwest quarter of the North
east quarter of Section 34. all in
Township 31 South. Range 4 West
of the Willamette Merjdian in
Douglas County. Oregon.
Rids Tor Ma id real property will
he received bv the undersigned at
the office of Carl E. Wtmberly in
UohHburg, Douglas Countv. Ore
gon on and after mild date, and
said sale will bo made subject to
the conf Irhiatlon of tho above en
titled court.
Oaleil and first published August
21, mo,
Administratrix of tho estate o'
John Aibio. deceased.
In the County Court of tthe State of
Oregon tor Doug I us Luumv.
In the matter ot the estate of Isaac
(lervals. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, act in in 1m t rut fix of the
estate of Isaac Oervais, deceased,
has filed in the above entitled court
her final account of her administra
tion of said estate, and the court,
by order duly made and entered,
ban fixed Saturduy, the DHh day of
September, 1U.J0, at tho hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
as tlie time, and the county court
room In the Court House at Rose
burg. in Douglas County. Oregon,
as the nl nee for hearing objections.
If any there he. .to the said final
account or to tho settlement of said
Date of first publication August
II. 1930.
Administratrix of the estato of
Isaac Oervais. deci-aned.
In the County Court of the Htate
ot t 'regon tor UougIa.s County.
In the in. titer of tlie eslate of Aiel-
viji M. Tnompnon. deeeaaud.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned as Administrator ot
tne estaic of M.-lvin m. Tuouinsoii.
deceased, has I iled his final ac
count, and that the above e"ntil.
court by an order made and enter
ed August IS. 11)30. has set Mon
day, September Ti. I'JSO. at 10
o'ctoek in tlie forenoon. In the
county court room, in the Court
House in Koseburg. Oregon, an t..
I Hue and place for heat lug objec
t hoi h, if any. to said account a no
the final closing of said estate.
K. V. HOOl'KK.
Administrator of the estate of Mcl-
vtn M. Thompson, deceased.
Dated and first published August
2i. mo.
Notice Is hereby given that in
pursuance of a license and order oi
sale duly made and ent ored bv the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Douglas County, in the
matter of the guardiaushin of Ice
land A. Maimer, a minor, on August
1 liiilo, the umlerignei: guar
dian of the person and estate of
n;ild minor, will fiotu and after
the I'M It day of September. 1030. of
fer for sale and sell nt private sale
for cash In hand. lor flic best price
obtainable, the following describe,
real property situated In Douglas
Countv. Oregon, and belonging to
said minor, to-wlt:
. n undivided one -seven! h of lots
four ( 1 1. five (M. xi i', 1. seven
(7 1. eight t t. nine J, ten ( 10 1.
eleven III), twelve 1 12 1 and thir
teen ll;: and tliirtv (.10) feet of
street adjacent thereto vncnted by
law; all situated In block fourteen
(HI Riverside Addition to the city
A Battle Creek phynicinn says.
"Constipation in responsible for
note misery than any other cause.'
But immediate relief has been
found. A tablet railed Kexnll Or
derlies has been discovered. This
tablet attracts water from the sys
tem Into the lazy, dry. evacuating
bowel called the colon. The water
toosena the dry food waste and
'Ait sea a gentle, thorough, natural
movement without forming a habit
)r ever increasing the dose.
Stop suffering from constipation.
t'hew a Rexall Orderlle nt night.
S'ext day bright. (Jet 24 for 25i: to
lay at the nearest Uexall Drug
torc. Adv.
Leg Pains
Tf Oettlnr Up Ntght. Packrh,
frequent dy culls, Ijeg Talna, Nerv
ou.- tienji, or Hurtling, due to function
al Dladder Trrltntlon, in neid eondi
llon.i. iiiaken you feel tired. dprerel
ami discouraged, try tho iynter TMt.
AVorks fast, atHrta circulating thru
the system in 15 minutes, Pr.nsed by
thousnnda for rapid and positive ac
tion. lVn t give up. Try Cystes tpo
tiounce-i Siss-text tinlMv. undr th.
Iron-Ci id GuarHiite. Must quic'-c'v
Hay thse conditions. tmprov i4t.
f-:i sleep nnd euergy, or Honey back.
Only flOo at 4
Nathan Fullcrton, the r.cxail Store.
Of Rosebure;. Douglas County. Ore
gon; also lot sivleen 16J and thirty
(j'ii teei or tne street adjacent
thereto vacated by law In tdoc-K
twenty-five (25) Riverside Addi
tion In the city of Reimburse. Ore
gon, all according to the recorded
plat of said addition on file and of
record tn the office of the county
clerk of Douglas County. Oregon.
Bid or offers for said property
should be delivered to the under
signed at 1118 Umpdiia Avenue,
Roseburg, Oregon. Said sale will
be made for tash In hand and will
be subject to confirmation by said
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon.' Au
gust 14, mo.
Guardian cf Lelund A. Ho user, a
So. 32,423. ;
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Multno
mah. Department No. 7.
In the matter of the guardianship
of Carl Drolllnger, a minor.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, guardian of the per
son and estate of Carl Drol linger,
a minor, pursuant to an order of
this court dated and entered on the
(Hi day of August, l'j.'io, will from
and after the 15th day of Heptem
her, l;i0, proceed to sell at private
sale for cash In hand, or on such
terms as may be approved by the
court. In the manner provided by
law. an undivided one-fourteenth
Interest In lot two (2), In block
fourteen (H). Waite's Addition to
the City of Roseburg, County of
Douglas. State of Oregon. Bids will
he received from and after the lfth
day of Heptemher. l'J30, at the of
fice of W. A. Illidgc. mr Ameri
can Bank building, Portland, Ore
gon. ,
- guardian.
I 1 . A. IT-DIDOK..
- i : ' Attorney for "'Guardian.
Date of first publication, August
Hth. 1030.
Date of last publication, . Septem
ber 11 til, 1330.
rem srm
Wtdnedv nenin on N. R. C Ptcific Cost network.
In the County Court of the State of
.un-ifun ior Douglas County.
In the matter of tiie estate of H. L.
rngeis, decease a.
Notice is lierebv arl von thut the
undei signed has been duly appoint
ed executrix of the last win and
testament of H. L. Engels, deceas
ed, hy order of the above fntttted
court and has- duly qualified as
ul-ii, ah persons naving Claims
against the estate tot said deceased
are hereby required to present them
with proper vouctiers,' duly verified
uh by tatv required, to tne under
signed at the office of Carl E. Wlm-
ueriy. llostrburg. Oreiron. within six
months from the date of the first
publication of tills notice which is
August 14, DJ30.
-i a it l it. t,.vir.u.
Executrix of the last will and
testament of H. I Engels. de
ceased. - " 1
Notice hereby given that tht
undersignefl - administratrix with
oH wl'i annexed of the estate of
Evan Thompson Woodruff, deceas
ed, has filed in the County Court
oi tlie Htate or Oregon, for Doug
las Copnty, her final account as
such administratrix and that Sat
urday, the 20th day of September.
Hf.'lO, at ten o'clock a. m.. and the
court room of the said court have
been fixed as the time and place
for hearing objections to said ac
count and the Belt lenient thereof.
Dated August lfith. 1H30.
Administratrix with the will an
nexed of the estate of Evan
Thompson Woodruff, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Elsie O; Wilson, deceased.
ha filed In the county court of the
Htate of Oregon 'for Douglaa Coun
ty, his final account as such ad
ministrator and that ; Saturday, the
Uth .day 0f September, 1930, at ten
: Mhi'M vv
-a jsrf.
There's always some favored one with a charm that's all her own. . . .
And everywhere in the modern scene you'll sec happy smokers break
ing out fresh, fragrant packs of Camels ... a natural choice too!
For the mildness of Camels is a charm that's all its own'. . . a natural
mildness that's a quality of choicest tobaccos. Don't confuse this fresh,
fragrant mildness with the. flatness or insipidness of "ovcr-trcatcd"
tobacco. There's a delightful natural fragrance to Camels, too, a
"bouquet" as distinctive as the fragrance of oriental flowers.
Here's to the delightful things of life! Have a Camel!
o'clock a. m., and the court room of l
the u id court have been rixeu an
the it me and place for hearing ob- 1
Je;t!iis to said account and the j
settlement thereol.
Lfated AUKUfcl iJtn. I as v.
Administrator of the esiute of
Elsie O. Wilson, deceased.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County.
In the matter ot the estate of
Maria Stenberg. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of Maria
S ten berg, deceased, has filed In the
above entitled court and cause his
final account In settlement of sain
es title it nd hv order of Siiid court
duly made and entered of record.
jionutiy, me tain aay oi oepLeiu
ber. D30, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the
county courtroom in the courthouse
in Roseburg, Douglas County. Ore
gon, has been fixed as the time and
place for hearing objections, if any
there be. to said final account, and
for the settlement thereof.
in the County Court of the Stato of
Oregon for Douglas County.
Ih the matter of the estate of An
drew II. Itosenqulst.
Notice Is hereby given that thfl
undersigned as administrator of
the estate of Andrew H. Rosen
qulst has filed his final account,
and that the above entitled court
bv an order made and entered Au
gust 12th, li:t0, has set September
12th. l'.iM. at 10 o'clock In the fore
noon, in the county court room in
the Court House in Roseburg. Ore
gon, as the time and place for
hearing objections, if any. to said
account and the final closing of
said estate.
Administrator of the estate of An
drew H. Kosenquist. deceased.
Dated and first published August
14th, 1930.
Roseburg Cabinet Shop
E. 8 Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreas
All kinds of cabinet work
Cupboard Doors.
Furniture Repairing, Truck
We sell Upson Board and
Saw Filing a Specialty
Phone 541-J 542 Fowler St.
pL Open Air Circus Acts
Daily Horse Show
3&s Races - - Auto Show
SSi Livestock Exhibits
1 1 r r: i ......
Tfan now Jo attend
Tobacco Co.. WiauoD'Salcai, C