TWO KCttkBUKCl NfcW3-KEVIfc.W. KOSLBUKC. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930. fche SEA BRIDE" !' By BEN AMES WILLIAMS CMAI'TKK XXVIII. "Dan'l, havt you noticed the way Jthh looks at llruuder?" the boy -asked abruptly. Dan'l had been half prepared fori01 " m;poonerB in tlie steerage. -the question; nevertheless his fin -gera dug into his palms. He re gained silent tor a mouienl, think Jn. His thoughts laced. His eyes -tell ou foultouKtied S latter at the -wheel. There was a piece of luck; uud instrument ready to his hand. Uan'l still heHftated for a space; tills brows twisting. Then (lie man "ihrew all decency behind him, and 11uuk hini'tteir at last Into the paths ..toward which his feel had been lending. He moved to one side, 'ho thai Roy, In facing hi in, must ,'also face the mnn at the wheel; so Itliat Hoy's words would come to Klatler's earn. And Dan'l was very "sure that Blatter would take rare j Llo hear. I For another moment he' did not N'snenk; then ho laughed handily , "What do you mean, itoy?" he ranked. c f mean the way Faith looks at Ilramfer all the time," Hoy re Ipettued. i)an'l Tohey seemed (o be em- harrassed; he looked to rifiht and leltA and he Kaid huskily : 't "Shucks! I guess you'vo got rtoo much imagination, itoy.' -ijptif shook his head. ' . ' ' "No, 1 haven't, either. I've been "AvHtching her. She looks at hlnU and her eyes gel kind or misty -like; and if you nay something to -her, sometimes she docsn t hear you at all." I' "Khe'B got a right to think." .Dan 1 chuckled. "You talk too much, anyway. Hoy. Xo v.onder she don't listen to you." His tone was good-natured. Hoy .fell Bilent for a moment, studying 'Duii'l's face; and Oan'l looked con fused. "DanM!" Hoy said sliarply. l"Hnven't you seen, yourself, ' what I mean? Haven't you, Dan'l?" Dan'l turned his head away; he ! wo it Id not meet Hoy's eyas. : . "I knew you snw. II!": Boy cried. "Everybody must pee It!1' , "Itoy, you'd best not kpp loo much," Dan'l said sternly. "It don't Ipay. There's times when It's wise to see little and say nothing. If 'It was me, I'd say this was one of "the times." J "That's ull right," Hoy admitted. "Hut I can talk to you. Dan'l. Noll Wing Is too old for Faith. She ought to have married you, Han i." t Children tvi a 'disconcerting was of sticking a word Mice a knire "Into our secret heurtH;i hey see so . clearly r and thny have not yet learned to pretend, llieyi do not 'see. Hoy. for all his j'Mitceu years. ' 'was still as much child ;ts man; -mid Dan'l winced. . "Land, Hoy!" he protested, "Gel "that Idea out of your head. Faith 'mid me understand " , Jtoy turned Ills back, looking aft. Dan'l glanced toward Hinder at th" 'Wheel. Hlalier's hack was toward lheni; bul Dan'l could have sworn ,fho man's ears were visibly prick .Ing to miss no word. Imn'l's eyes 'burned unpleasantly. A woman's strongest armor Is ,her Innocence. If Faith were tar nished In the eyes or the men lu 'the fo'c's'le, she would have few 'defenders there. The roughest man .will honor a good woman: but he looks upon ono who is soiled with "rontompiuouH or greedy eyes. "Drii'I was willing, for his own ends, .that the fo'c's'le should think evil of Faltb Win-;. 1 While they stood thus, Daimler Viiitie on deck, nnd spoke lor- a minule with Dan'l. then went Blow ly forward, licc-aiise he and Dan'l clashed so shnrpty. llrauder had fallen into the way of spending jnuch time inn Wish .k with I he har pooners, or rorward with the crew. 'Ituu'l h place was alt. Hoy watched lrander as he spoke to the mate, watched hliu walk away. When 'lirander was gone, Dan'l lookec toward Hoy. "Dan'l," Hoy Haid qulelly. "If Jlrander tries to to do anything to my sister, I'm going to kill ;hlni!" Dan'l said nothing; and itoy I juoved abruptly piiht htm and wen! below, ' Jle.wan not seeking Faiih; but lie came upon her there. In the nmln cabin. She was at the tattle, with a book, and paper and pen He stopped to look over her shoulder, and saw that she was making calculalions - latitude and loiieltmie. "What are you doing?" he asked , She looked up at him. . "Studying imvlgation, Itoy. Don' you want to?" ' He stared al her. "'ha t a i e you dol ng It for ? '.'Heeuune I w nut to. HcKldcs it s a good tiling to he able to tin mil where you are on a world us big as (his r ile . flung himself Into a chair troni bis sister. i-ook nere. i-altli. wtiy Io you Iteep looking at Hramler all the Hme?". Failh was startled; she was fitartled not so much al hnl Km Hafd, as at what his words revealed to her. Nevertheless her voice was Htendy and quiet as she uxk-d "What do you mean, Hov?" "The way you look at Itrander Tie's uot fit for you to talk to. to look hi anything. He's not fit to be around you. ' She Inuuhcd al him. ' "How do 1 look at .Mr. Brainier Jlov." she asked. . "Why. like" - Hoy grimed for w or ds. Fall h Was suddenly afraid of what he might say. She Interrupted him . "Don't be silly. Hoy! Co away IJon'f bother me. I'm busy wilh this. Hoy." ' "You " lie began. . Hut slip bent over her book; she paid hliu no attention for a mo ment. Hoy. silting opposite, studied the top of her head, and thought There wnb uu expression In ItU eyes as If he were trying to re member something familiar that evaded him. In the silence, they could hear Cap o W ing snoriug lu ! cabin; they could hear old Tlcliel mir lu Iilu bunk at the oilier aide of the Hliip; they could bear (he muffled murmur of the voices and all about them the timbers of the Sally creaked and groaned as they yielded to the tug of wind and sea. Hoy still stared with a puzzled frowu al the top of Faith's brown head. Faith did not look up from her book. Suddenl Itoy cried in a low voice: , '. "Faith, I know! You look at Urander just like you used to look at Noll Wing when we were kids!" Faith went white. She rose to her feet bo swiftly that the book was overturned on the table, the loose, sueets or paper Muttered, the pen rolled across to the edge of the table and fell and struck on Kb point in the cabin floor. With a motion swift as light, for getting book and paper and pen, she slipped across into the after cabin. She shut the door in Hoy's face, and he heard her slip the catch upon It. ' The Sallv came abrnnilv Inin n I'sea that was full of whales. At ntglittall they had not smelled oil for weeks; at dawn there were spouls on three-quarters of the horleon; arid thereafter for more than a month there were never Ihree successive days when they Jld not sight whales. This turn or the luck brought three things to pass Hoy KIlcup had his rirst chance In the boats during . the chase; Urander killed his first whale as an officer of the Sally; and Noll Win killed the last cachaot that was ever to leel his lance. Dan'l Tobey had promised Hoy. al the time when Itrander was promoted - to be mate, that he wottld. give the boy a chance in his boat. Hn put Hoy on the after thwart, under his own eye, and Hoy leaned to the ear and pulled with all his .might, and bit his Hp to Jiold back the sobbing or his brealh; hii father and his father'e father had been men of the sea. He did not turn white when the boat's bow slid at last alongside a slumbering black mass, and thei keen harpoons chocked borne. I The first experience of . Hoy's was a mild one. The whale, a fairish hull, showed no right what ever.. He took the Irons as a hnbv takes soothing-syrup; and he lay still while they pulled alongside and prodded him with a lance. At I he last, when his spout was a crimson fountain, he gave one Kigali l tc forward leap; but he waB dead not ten fathoms from the spot Where he lay when the first harpoon went home. Thereafter Iher fvas only the long toll of towing the monRter hack to the ship lor cutting in A small atrair, without excite- men; yet big for Hoy. It worked a change in the boy. He came back to the ship no longer a boy. nut the makings of a man. He spoke loftily to Failh. He brushed shoulders with the men on equal terms and was proud to do so. altogether forgetting the days wuen ne liuu liked to think Himself their superior ami to order them around. Dan'l catered to the new mood In the hoy; he told Cap'n Wing lu Roy's hearlnff that the youngster would make a whaleman, that he had never seen anyone so cool at the. striking of his rirst whale. Hoy swelled visibly. Ilrander's initiation as an officer or the Sally came at the same time; and a hit or hick made It possible for the fourth mate to prove his mettle. When they sighted spouts In three quarters, that morning, the mate had chosen to go after a lone bull; old Tlchel and Hraudef attacked a small pod to the enstward; and' Willis Cox went north to try a fish there. Urander gave Tlchel right of way. since the old man was his superior ot fleer; and they came upon the pod with a mailer of seconds to choose between them. The whales were dlsappotnllngly small; nevertheless, . Tlchel at tacked the largest, and Urander look the oue thai fell to him. His Irons Weill home a moment after Tichel's; his whale leaped lulo the first Ml ml struggle, not fleeing. inn uguiiug to snake orr the iron. Now It Is customiiry among whalemen to wail till this first flurry has passed, to allow the whale to run out his own thrength. nnd then pull lu for the finishing stroke. Hut Itrander was ambi tions; the whale whs small. He changed places with I .oil in, and shouted orders lo his men to haul lu the loose colls of line that had been thrown over with the Irons. The whale was circling, rolling striking with Its flukes: It had not seen them, gave them no heed, hut the very blindness of lis struggle made It a greater menace. They drew lu on the whale; and l.oum at the steering oar swung Itrander against the monster's flank. Itrander got home his lame In three thrusts before they were forced to draw elear in Hvoid the w hale s renew rd st niggles. Hut those three w ere enough: the spout crimsoned ; he loosed and backed away Iroin the ritial flurry, and the whate was dead ten min utes trom the time the Hist lion went home. That was exploit cnoui;h lo urove Ilrander's ttbHH; his quick kill marked him as a man who knBW his job. He could have nr forued to be content; but when his w IihU' was fin out and he looked around, he was just in lime mi see trouble ronie upon James Tlchel (To Oe Continued Tomorrow) H'opMlght. J!i;;n. bv Hen Ames Williams Distributed bv King Fea tures S minute. -Inc.l rifehllif tackle at lUleyld FarK- J - ulidel. piano 'unor. mon- 189 U 1VOTICK OP MI.R OF ItKAL . . rUOI'KKTV Notice in 1-rby kIvti thut tin uVr ami purnuutit lu nn order of tin county Court of tliw Httun ot Oru Kon for UoukIah Cutiniy, Julv int--and i-Mli-rod of record on the 4th Uny or AUKUHt, llKtu. In thf nmi ir of the fMtute r j. V. Cun-y, UtM-4-um'd, authorizing- the untli-r-t'K ntl b administrator of kind lute tu the rval properly lierw- Inuftfr ilMt.-rt ted, .Now thT-ror I. i. V. Wimht-rly. un tim-h HdinlniHtrutor, will Ht th J'list HtitU; &- .SavingB IJiink In JtoaeliurK. IJoiikIuh County, Oregon, on und alter thf Mb luy of Septem ber, 1930. offer for ule and hHI at privuie sale object to cuntij Illa tion by the court, fir vanh In hano or ciiMii and tin- assumption by thr pur tiiinr of the Iteiiit againiit mt to prwiiiHtoi, the pun-haHnr Lo atfivv to save tin eslULe tree and !mruilUHt II oin l lability on account of hhicj I It-ii no assumed by the purchust-r, toe following ilescribed real prop erly belonging to aaid catate. lu wli: lot 12. block L. Laurel wood Ad- ailioil to the City ot itoueburg, UouBiHM County. On-Kon. J.oi 1 3, excepting me West 2D ffi t thereof, btocit L), Laurel wooo Auumon to me city of iiuneburg. JJoiiKiua County. Oi i-gon. lOlfl l 6c. t ot blot K I. lots Jl a Hi of l.lo.k 3. lot 4 of blocK 4 Iota 8 & y of block 5, lots 3. 4, tf & Id oi block 6. lots 3 4 of bloc 7, lots 12 A V-i of block 'J, lots 3 & 4 or block 10, loin II & VI of hloi-k 11. lots j & 1ft uf block lot IS oi block 11, lot ?, J2 &. 13 of block 17. IoIn 11 & 1 of block 18, loin 1 &. 14 oi block I'J. utitl lot ZV ot block 2U, ll) Millers Addition tu tlie Cil of ltoseburg. LouglaB County, ore got). Aorth hair of btock G, plat K. ITmpiiuu lark Krult I.uihIh, ljouglau t'ouiuy Oregon, ton tin mug m.,t. UCIeH. All that parcel of land south ot the present city liuiltx of Itoxeburg, liouKlnn County, Oregon, and local -ed hi the WeMl bull uf the North east (jiiiirtcr of Suction 25, TowiiHhip it south, Mange 6 west, Wihametlc HHse and Meridian, and being bounded on the east by the west line of the uifln blghwiiv. unu on th west by the east boundiiry oi the (Southern 1'actfic Itallway rtghl of way. and on the north by the old county mad or xtuion oi Mill hlreel, to the J'ftcirtc highway, and the nuutbern extremity being the InterHecilon of the (Southern jh ciiiu east rlKlit of way line and the Pacific hlghwuy. Lot 7. block 1.', Miller' Addition to tlie City of Itosebuig, DougluH County, Oregon. Lot 4, block 7. of plat I) of l.'mp ua I'ark Addition to the City of KoHcbuig, DoiiKias County, Oregon. Idmh .3 of an acre. O. V. WIMUMULY, AdinlnlKtraiur. UTICl: TO CltKIHTOKS In the County Court tt the Statu of Oregon for Douglas County. Ill the mutter of the estate of J. I. Harper, dot-eimcd. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, by order of the above, entitled court duly made mm en tered of record, bus been appointed uduilnlHtraior of the est me of J l. Harper. deceuseU, and has duly giiatitled h audi. All person) having claims ngalnst eald estate are hereby retiulrcd to present the same to the nndei-Hign-ed, Ht Olendulej OicKOil, within m monihs Ironi 2th$ first puhllcutio,? ' "i" . n e m iiien ih thy t tl; day oi Auguwi, y;:. : - o. j. U AituuiP. ' Administrator. .MITH I; OF FI.Vll. hCTTI.KMIJVI' In the Cimnty Court of the State of Oregon lor Douglas Coiintv. In the matter of the catate of AInry L- Co-. ileceiised. Notice Ih hereby given that the uiiriei'Higncd ii h adtuiniNti ator of the estate of Mary U Cox, deceased, has filed In the ahovo court hih! cause his riaal account in udmlulstration and Hcttlement of said estate, and the above 4eourt by an older dulv made and cintercd has fixed Fri day thn fith day m September. lH.tO, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day and the Count v t outt Room hi the Doughis Count'v t ourt House In HoHebui g. t)regoii as the lime ami place for hearing objections. If ny, to said account and the settlement of said estate. I his notice Is dated mid first pub lished August 7th. liuo. A , , , John cox. Administrator of the estate of Marv U Cox. deceased. AiiiMynt Ti xri ii i; tiiKDi colts TO Notice Is hereby given. Ihitt the uiideiHigned was appointed as ml mlnl.-uratrlx or the estate of V I shelton, deceased, by an order dulv made and entered by tlie county Court, tm? r,tu duy of Auust in.iw. an persons having claims "Hl" lNUlie "e Hereby no t tied lo present I hem, dulv veri fied as by law required, at 'the of llce of It. . Marsters. lim-i'il Per kins building. Koseburg, Oregon within six months from date of thlr uot Ice. I Duted and flint published this all day of August, n30. . , , , AIAIU;AUKT SIIKIlltN. Adnilnistratrlx or the estate or W l. Hhelton, dcceuscil. notice of fi a i. s kt r i ,k i i : r In the Countv Court or the ftnte o Oregon (or Douglas County, in the matter of tije estate of Ueorgu H. Poole, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as executor of the lawl will and testament mid estate of ;eorge II I'oole, deceaned, ha. riled in the above court and caiiMe his ritial account in ndmlnlHtrutloii iiiut settlement of said eMale. the above court bj- an order dulv made and entered of record lias fix ed l-rlday the TiOi day of September i:ut. at the hour of 10 o'clock In eniMiii oi nam ay and th touuty Court II n ln the Douglas (. ouhty Court house in Rose OicKun. iir Hie time and place tor heurlng oh.lectlons to Maid account It any, and the Settlement or sab uHlate. i iih notice is dated and published August Ttb. 1 fir JOHN M. THttDNi;, t-.Mecuior l(f (he estiue of, 11. Poole, deceased. notice of Fivi, m:i i i.ii)ii: i Notice Is herebv kivwi that the tmdei -siktned ad mi n l.vt rut i I 4.T the esisie ti ,luni.i M. M'Coimlc. de ceased, has rihd In the t Court of the Stale of Oregon, fo DouglMw County, her rinal aceoo as such sdminlstriitrix and that Sal iinlnv. the tit 1 dav of September nt ten o clock a. m., and the court rtmtn of the said com t hat. been ri ed as the tune anil for hear liiu objection to count and the settlement theieof. Dated Julv 31. I'i;iit .. . , , , , ALMA K. W'AttltKN. Admlnistr.iti-K or the estate of Jamei4 M. McConnlc, deeeascd. NOTICE OF FIN Al7TEl"i7,V:ili;T In l he Countv Coin t of the m-- oT iiieuen for Douulits Couutv. In the matter of the estate of Cora H Singleton. dc eased. Notice iN hel-ehv given that the uiulei signed ns atl in I n ist in l or of ih ctatc of C..,a 11. SliiHlioii.' ih- cas- THE DOCTORS SAY FOR FOR RHEUMATISM 0VER-EXERCISE EXPOSURE OR OLD AGE-USE MIKE MARTIN'S LINIMENT RELIEF OYER NIGHT PAINS ed. ban filed in the above court caurtc bin final ui'iuunt In ai-tt le nient of mq Id eMtale, and the above court by an order made and bait fixed Knduy. th &th dAy f September. 1130. at the hiir of ten o'clock in the forenoon of aaiu and the Cbunt -Court itdtn In thr lAugias C'ounty Court Houaa In noxeuurK. 'i'ri'nin, am me lime and place for hearing objections, if uny, 10 naiu account aria me aeltle ment of dald eatate. - Thin notice h dated and flrt llshed thla ith day of August 1830. T. K. KINOLKTONT Adnilnistrntor of the entate of Cora ti, ningieiun, ueceaKen. ' - 'OTICK OF FI..L HKTTLEMKXT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned aUmtnlatratur of the estate of Ouoige Al. Hess, deceatied. has filed In the County Court or the State of Oregon, for Oougla Louniy. nts rinai account as auch iidnilnlHtratOr and that Haturday the 6th day of ftentcmber. HSU. at ten o'clock a. m., and the court room of the said court have an the tune and place for hearing objections to eald account and tht settlement thereof. Dated July 3, 4J , . O. W. TOUNO. Administrator of the estate of George M. Hess, deceased. . . KOTICB TO ItKUlTOltg In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. In the matter of the estate of Amanda Morgan, d sen Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned by order of tlie above entitled court, duly made and i t-red of record this 31st day of July, A. 1).. 11)30. has been ap pointed admlnlHtratrlx pf the es tate of Atnfihda Morgan, deceased. All person liaviiia claims against said cHtate are hereby required to present the mime, duly verified as by law required, to the undersign ed administratrix nt the offic of M. K. Hlce. 115 Caws street. Rose burg, Oregon, within six niouiu from the date nf this notice. Dnled this 3lst day of July. a. ' First published 7th day of.Au RUKt, A. !.. If -10. aJ , . ' BKS.4IE LAWSON. Administratrix of the estate of Ainandu Mnr"-n. deceased. , NOTK K TO CIIIODITOItg In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for the Count v of Douglns. In the matter of the estate of Au gust Prtehs, deceamfl. Notice Is hereby Kiven that the undersigned by nrde of the above entitled court, dulv made and en tered of record this 29th dav of July A. D., 1JI30. has been appointed ad ministriitrlx of the estate of August Prlebs. deceased. Atl persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the underaigneii administratrix, nt the office of M. K Kice, 115 Cass street. Roseburg Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. , r Dated this mh day of July, A. D.. 1130. First published 7th dav of Au gust. A. IX. 1030. 4J , RUTH PRIEBS. Adtnfnlstrntrlx of the estate of Au gust FHcbs. deceased, with will attached. .OTlCK TO KKDl'l (HtK lu the County Court of tile Htate of Oregon for Douglas Countv. In Hie matter of tlie estate and will and tent anient of Alfnrata JVttlt, deceased. , Notice is hereby given that 'the unilerslgned has been bv th ly t'ourt of Douglas Countv, Ore gon, duly appointed us executrix of u"' nisi win and testament and estate of Alfat-atn Petilt. deceased. All persons havlna- elalm nuitiMt said estate are hereby notified to prcKcm ine Hiime veriried to as by law required with vouchers unnex ed at the lun office or John T Long. In the Perkins building, In ItoHehurg. Oregon. within i mouths from the date of the firs, pultliciition of this notlee. Dated and first published this tlie 7th day or August. 103O. JKN'N'IR MAY ARTIU'R. Executrix of the last will and testa ment and estate or Alfarata Pet tit, deceased. . In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon for Douglas Countv. Charles K. Dawson, plaintiff, vs. iMable May Dawson, defendant. To Ma hie Mav Dawson, above named defendant: In the name or Hie .State of Oregon: Yod are here by required to appear ami answer pialntirr's complaint on file again you In above court and cause on or before four weeks from date of the first publication or this Sum mons, which is the time the court has fixed in its order for vou to answer said complaint, and If you rail to appear and answer complaint within said time plaintirf will ap ply to the court rr relief demand ed In complaint, a succinct state ment Is: For a decree or divorce, dissolving the honds of mntrie between plaliitirr and defendant. This Summons is served upon vou by publication in Uoseburit News Review a newspaper by ofd Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of above court made and en August 5th. I i;t0. Dale of rirst pub lication of this Summons Is Augu 7th. 1330. JOHN T. LONG. Attorney for plaintiff. Address Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL WETTLEWEXT ln the County Court of Ihc State of Oregon for Douglas County. In tlie matter of the estate uf Anna S. Wood. Deceased. Notice Is hereby g ven that the undersigned as adufntstrator of the estate of Anna S. A'ood deceas ed, has presented and filed his fi nal account in aduiinistL-atioii and settlement nf eald estate, and the above comt by an orrer dulv made and entered baa fixed Friday the Znh day of August. lO, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the forenoon or said day and the Countv Court Koom in the Douglas County Court Holme In Uoseburg. Oregon, as the time and place for heating objec tions to said account IT a in- there be. and the settlement or said es tate. This notice Is dated and first, Published this 31st day ol Julv. 11' oil. It. A. CALHOCN. ' Administrator of Ihc estate o( Anna S. Wood, deceased. WISCONSIN IN DISCOVERS AN EASY WAY TO GET HID OF PILES Got Disgusted with Nasty Salves. Suffered I Terribly EVERYONE WITH PILES CAN DO SAME THING "I hope nobody rise in the world tulTeri six long years with pile snd wastes all the lime I did on sahes and such Muff," declared Mr. John l-inde, well known Wag on Maker, 113 South t enter Street,1 bra v or Iam. Wisconsin. "I had to keep trying something lo keep from suffering. My cae was had, but nothing helped me until I trad the testimonial of a man suffering wilh piles who elaimed he was helped by Colac Kit I' t Us, I sent away for 4 cou KUT1CB OV STtKRIKP-8 MA LB In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon for Douglas ouniy. O. K. Bunnell. Plaintilf. George N. Haskell and .miua V. tiaskeii, .iiusuanu and wife. Defen dants. . , Notice Is hereby given that un der and by virtue of a Writ of fixe cutlon and order of sal issued out of he above entitled court In the above entitled cause on the zHth dav of July. 1U30. and to me directed upon the judgment and decree and order and buib rendered and enter ed In said court and cause on the 3rd duy of June. l3o in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, which suld execution and order of sale commanded me to sell the herein fcfter described real uroperty for the ? u r pose of satisfying said ludgtuent n the sum of. Five thousand six hundred thirty -nine dollars and seventy-two cents (I5.63i.7i with interest at eiKlit net- cent ner an num fnm the 3rd dav of June. 1130. ana tne itirtner sum or Two nun' dred fifty dollars ($2."0.00 attor fteVH fees, and the contti and tlln. hursements of said suit taxed atfl niriy-iive uouars and ten cents tisit.iv;: . NoV therefore, t will on Tuesdav the 2nd dav of Henlemher 1Q3a m 11 o'clock A. M. at tho courthouse front door In Roseburg.' Douglas county. urcKon. oner lor saie and sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand all thn right, title and Interest which the uetenuanis nau on ine.zvtn day or June 1927, or have at' any time thereafter acquired In nnd to the meowing aescrioed real property, to-wlt: The Southwest nunrter fSWUV nf nrTviion xwo ct in lownsnip l wen iy-inree soutn. itange s x (6) U'ewt of Wiliamette Meridian In iJonmaH onnrv. iiroirnii' and I will apply the proceeds of saiu saie. rirst. to the payment of ine i-oHitt i said nh ip nno uio enni and disbursements of said sutt in eluding attorneys' fees, and second, to the payment of the amount rin plaintiff with: accruing Interest as aforesaid. Dated at Rnsebnrtr. Oregon, this iain oay-oi JUiy. . IM.te. ' V! T JtfKsnw Sheriff of Douglas County. Ore on. NOTICE TO CltKOITOItS In the County Court of the State of uregon ior Douglas county. In the matter of the PHlntn nt Jacob Vun Rhee. deceased. notice is nerepy given that the undersigned has been dulv im ported administrator with the vilj annexed of the estate of Jacob Van Ithee, deceased, by order of the above entitled court made and en tered on the 12th day of July, l!t30. All persons having claims against said estate, of; said deceased 'are hereby required ' to i present them, duly verified as by la required, to ine unuersigneu in - Koseourg. Douglas Couutv. Oregon, within aix months from the .date of the first publication or mis notice. 1 Date of first publication July 17, 193-0. . pate of last publication August If, 1JU. GUY CORDON. Administrator with the will an nexed of tlie estate, of Jacob Van Rhoe, deceased. NOTICE TO CIUS1HTOMS fn the County Court of the State of Oregon tor i)ourius County. In the matter of the estate of ' Wfllium (iialiam Curry, deceased. . iSot ce is hereby uiveiu that the undersigned have been duly ap pointed executrix and executor of tlie last will and testament of Wil liam rn hum Currv. deceased, bv order of the above entitled court, and that they have duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate or guid deceased are hereby required to present tnem, witn proper vouchers, uuiy Veriried. as by law required to the undersigned at the office of Carl . Wlmberly in Roseburg. ' Oregon, within six months from the date uf first publication of this notice, which is July 17. Ii.t0. ISA BELLE JANK CURRV, CAUL K. WIMUURLY, Kxecutrlx and executor of the tust will and testament of William Orabain Curry, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL tfETTI.E.M E.NT In the County Court or the State or Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the Estate of Owen lovejov Willis deceased: Notice is hereby given that the lhderslgued Executor of tlie Last ill and Testament or Owen l.ove Joy Willis, deceased, has filed. In tlie above entitled court and matter his account In Final Settlement of his administration of said estate, and that suid court, by an order duly made and entered, has fixed Saturday the 30th day of August. 1180. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the morning of said dav. and the County Court Room, in the County Court House, at Roseburg, Oregon. as the time and place fur hearing Will Stop Pain Instantly And - Kemove Corn ot Oloney Refunded 6 WAFERS FOR 10c NOT LIKE THE REST If youv tried all norts of corn remedies without getting the relief expected, risk a dime and try "O-Joy Com Wafers," the wonder ful new remedy guaranteed to stop pain at once and quickly remove Kvm, cauous, rooia ana au ot taoney back. Mo thick doughnut-shaped pads or burning acids just a tiny, thin as paper wafer. Press one on'tha corn with flnirer and it sticks there. Away goes pain, shoes don't hurt, dance ir you like, tio mconve nience, worry or bother. Six O Joy Corn Wafer for a dime at drug tores, ple bottles and brgan uing them; you swallow s couple three times a day and strange ns it seems, thry hoi pod me from the start and today my piles are gone and I feel more like a human boing. Life is worth living agam. Thousands of men and womrn who suffer with piles are discovering ' that such troubles can be quickly, easily, banished in this simple, tnekpen Hive, harmless, internal way. No bother or fuss, so why should any body suffer another day? Doctors prescribe these pills, which yon may now obtain, 45 pills in a hot tie, sufficient for a full week's treatment, for 75c at drug store, or send 75c in cash or stamps t Colac Chemical 4k, Brentwood Md. No risk. Money back with out quibble or question if Colac Pile IMIi fail to banish your trou ble. You are sole judge. said Final Account and objections thereto, if there be any and for the settlement of the same, and for tne approval uf said) final account, and for the losing of 'sid estate. Dated and first published July 31. 1S30. - GLENN O. WlLLlrf. Executor of the Iast Will and TestHtuent of Owen Lovejoy Wil- lis. deceased. XOTIIK OF FINAL HKVfEKMEST In ihi County Court of the State of , Oregon for Douglas County. In tho matter of thu etitatu of iVtur Uurkliart. tlfi-eaned. Notlcu la hereby given that the undemlKlu-d administrator with the will annexed of thu estate of Peter Burkhart, deceased, has filed In the above entitled court his final ac count In settlement of said eatuie. and by order of aUl. court dul made and entered. of reeord Mon day, the 25th day. of August, y30, at 10 o'clock A. M In thu county courtroom - In the t ourthoUKc In Koaeburgv Douglas County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and Placa for heurlnii obli-tlnnn If anv there be, to Haid finnl account, and iwr. uie settlement inereoi. : ;jr; . , A. N. ORCUTT. $ ' ' Administrator. NOTICE OK KINAI, ftBTTLEME.M In the County Court of the State of Oregon; for Dour I us Countv: Jn the matter of the estate of Louis Huff, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the underslKned executor of the litHt will' and testa ment of Louis Fluff, deceased, has filed with the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, his final account as such executor, and thut the court lias fixed i-'rl-day, the 21Kh duy of August, ia30. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of snid day at the ofrtce of the County Judge, at Roseburg Oregon, us the time and place for hearing of ob jections to said final account if any and the settlement thereof. Dated and published first this 31st day of July, JttitQ. PRI3D J. UKRMAXN. Executor ojf th lrtc Will and testa- ment Louis tfuff. Deceased. You Save 15 to 30 on WESTERN GIANT TIRES THERE are no better tires, long er wearing or higher quality, ; than Western Giants . . , the choice of hundreds of thousands of mo torists for many years. More than a million are in daily use. "Western Auto"offers three lines of tires, corresponding to those lines made by leading tire companies. Our Western Giant Center Traction Tire is made in the standard 4 Ply and the Heavy Duty 6 Ply, of the finest quality materials, first grade in every respect, and the equal of regular standard brands that come as equipment on new cars, but our prices save you 20. First quality Western Giants cost you no. more than second quality tires in the Na tionally Advertised brands. Our Western Giant De Luxe Double Duty Tire compares with the various De Luxe, Master and Super Quality mum, mm save ;uu worm wnue saving tor those who want the very finest tire that money can buy. Our Wear-well Tire is equal to so-called Standard brands of Secondary quality which many dealers offer as first quality tires but at prices far above our Wear-wells; often as high as our First Quality Center Traction tire. Western Giant Tires and Wear-well Tires are backed up by a guarantee that means what it says, and by our entire organization. Our 169 stores in the West stand ready to give service on your tire regardless of where you bought it. The above statements regarding comparative quality are based upon our firm belief and opinion after comparing various laboratory examinations and exten sive road tests. Western Giants and Wear-wells are made for us by leading tire manufacturers and cost just as much to build as other standard quality tires... The saving in the cost to you is our saving in the cost of selling. NOTE THESE NEW LOW PRICES SIZE Ailt for Low prices on uses not shown 29x4.40 30x4.50 28x4.75 .29x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.00 , -31x5.00 30x5.25 31x5.25 30x5.50 31x6.00 325!00 33x6.00 32x6.50 .34x7.00 SIZE ll liiant Pi..sfiMt,r UrTjp, 3P34 Ct. Ht. JOiS CI. OS JO.)H S OS SS OS t 4.ZO .J0 "i.if 7.75 $ 4.M 4.9S .JJ 6.65 9.35 2rA SS OS Ask for Low Prices The World! Lareest cxclusfi Retailers o fully guaranteed Tires, Batteries, Auto Accessories'. Camp Qaods, Qolf Equip ment, Atiaticn Sup , ilies and KoAlos. NOTICE Or FINAl, SKTTI.EMK&T Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of tiurah K. Radabaugli. de ceased, has filed in the county, court of the state of Oregon fur Doug las County, his final account as such adminlNtrator and that Satur day, the 3rHh day of 1S30. al ten o'clock a. m.. and tht court room of the said court have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. Dated July 28. Ipso. VERNON ORR Administrator of the estate of Surah E. Kadabaugh. deceased. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State'of Oregon for Douglas County. Tlie Stale of Oregnn, represented and acting by the World War Veterans" Ktate Aid Commission, Plaintiff, vs. E. R. Pax ton (known aleo as Ed ward IX. Paxtun), Adeline Pax ton, (known also as Adelaide Puxton, Alma Pax ton, Douglas Creditors' Association, a corpora tion, and R. U Whipple, Defend ants. To Aln.a Paxton. one of the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to up-, pear and nnswer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled court and cause within four weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons, or for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief pray ed for ln said complaint, a suc cinct statement of which is as fol lows: Kor the decree of the above entitled court foreclosing a certain mortgage upon the following de scribed real property, to-wit: All of lots seventeen, eighteen and nine teen ln block tn of the Amended Plat of the Townsite of Sutherlin. Douglas Couhty. Oregon. which mortgage was executed on August Tl, Wit, by the defendants, K. R. Paxtoh and Adeline Paxton as hus o IU 0,a - Wear-vril WertmGUat WrittnGuit I n. TtKtioaTrMj CMurWio. 2?, $ 4.79 $ 5.55 $ 7.55 $ 9.10 5.35 6.35 8.25 9.75 6.25 7.55 9.45 10.25 6.35 7.65 11.25 6.75 7.98 11.75 6.85 8.15 9.95 11.95 6.95 8.45 10.45 12.40 8.20 9.40 10.95 13.65 8.35 9.75 .11.60 14.15 9.75 10.20 15.15 10.25 12.80 16.65 10.40 ..... 12.90 17.10 10.50 13.10 17.45 14.65 19.15 . 17.45 23.45 SIZE orll Card Glint 134 SS OS 324'C8S OS JJ4'j SS OS 34y ps os 335 SS OS $ 9.05 13.10 11.55 M. :o 18. M on Sizes Not Sh own 16Q Stores in the'Vcst- buppiyUo. zWja 117 South SipnIiFti St. Phone 97 Roseburt;, Ore. band and wife In favor or the niHin tiff herein to secure the rmfmJSr of the sum uf $juut.uu and rnu",,,1 as therein provided, together will! ihe cosis Incurred herein and re sonable uttorney a fees. .This summons is served upon vdu by publication thereof in the nil. burg ww-RevieW. u liewspaner If general circulation published al Roseburg. Douglas Cuuntv. On-aW pursuant to the order of the ifui. arable J. V Hamilton, judge u Vim above entitled court, duly made hi d entered on the 2lst dav oi j llf.'IO. directing mid autlmrlzir k 1 1. f this summons be ptihllRhed once a week for four consecutive and buc cesslve weeks, and requiring tint you appear and answer plaintiff i complaint within four weks from the date of the first publiiatiOn of this summons, which R the 2111, day of July. mo. the dute of th" Inst publication being thu 2iHt dav of August. 1U3J,. . , C.CV CORDON Attornoy for pin in tiff. Residence and postuffice address: Uosebuiir Oregon. b" .OTICB OF i'l.XAL SKTTl.KMIOxx 1 Notice Is hereby given that ihe undersigned, administrator of the estate of Ella L. Krone h. deeased has filed his final account an Midi administrator in tlie County Court of the State of Oregon, for Doughts County, and the Hon. W. H. Hamil ton, Judge of Haid court has un pointed Friday, the 2th day of August, lDHO, ut the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon as the lime and the county court room in the court house at Roseburg, Oregon as the place for hearing objec tions. If any there ne to suld final account ami the settlement thei f. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to file their ob jections, if any. to huUI final ac count at or before tho time set fur final hearing. Dated ut Roseburg, Oregon, July 24, 1930. H. S. FRENCH. Administrator of the estate of Ella 1 French, deceased. - PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER WASCO TIRES 4-ply tires ofstandard size and weight. .new, fresh stock, and well made. Especially recom mended for the motorist who wants to make minimum in vestment. Size Lo' Price 30x3'2 Cli nclier . . . $3.89 29x4.40 Balloon . . . $4.49 OUR UNLIMITED GUARANTEE Eterjr Western Qiant and Wear-well lire sold u iih a definite guarantee of AB SOLUTE SATISFACTION. There ore no reservations to this guarantee. NO LIM IT AS TO TIME or MILEACjE. VOU. (he customer, must be satisfied that the tire has gi-en you the service you hat a right to expert. If it fails, brini back the tire to any Western Auto" store and we u ill replace it cheerfully charging you only for the actual service you nai receiwi. TIRES WURTED FREE! Our Unconditional Quarantcc that covers every lire, is backed by smiling Service at all our 169 conve niently located stores throughout the West.