Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 12, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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rilOVO, Utah, Auff. 12. A land
slide in Provo canyon dammed the
I'rovo river at noon today, forming
a large lake and threatening this
city should the debris Rive way,
The highway was blocked and the
rising water began undermining
the Denver and Hio Grande West
ern "main line tracks.
The landslide occurred near Viv
ian park, a canyon resort, and the
water backed up for some distance.
Fear was expressed in this city
that the dam would give way,
flooding the city which lies at the
momh of the river. 1
The huge slide cnme without
warning, thousands of tons of
rocks and mud tumbling down the
steep mountain side into the can
yon. The railroad tracks were not bur
led by the dam but the water
threatened to wash out t.he road
lied. The highway was blocked to
all traffic.
(AunHntcd Vrrm liPaaed Wire)
POCATKLU), Aug. 12. Clyde
Curtis, 32, Klamath Falls, Ore.,
died today after a train severed
both his legs above the kiiwa.
Rail officials said Curtis arrived
here in a coal car from Ogden and
apparently was a trespasser.
(Awwialiil Irri Li-awl Win-)
BAKKR, Aug. 12. Federal, coun
ty and state auVoritlcs today
charged 12 persons arrested yes
terday with sale and possession of
liquor, two for larceny and one for
possession of a finis.
Thornton Chadwick, Huntington,
was accused of having 20 pounds
of drug valued lit 91600. John
Moran. Huntington, and Jesse Ol
iver, Ontario, were held on larceny
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 Ameri
can Ambassador HIIhb at Hm-nos
Aires advlHed the state department
today Argentina has suspended for
this year the decree requiring the
Importation of apples in contain
ers different from the Htandards
under former regulations.
C. E. Rhilnier and Harold Hen
nessy, wno spent yesterday In
Hosehurg looking for Shirmer's
aerial passenger, J. Hhipman, who
deserted the fliers here Sunday
night, left this morning for Port
land on their way back to Spokane.
Shipman, (t Is claimed, engaged
Shirmer, pilot of the plane, for a
flight to Central America, but dis
appeared following arrival hero.
He was traced to Grants I'ass, and
the two youiiK men followed him to
that., pluco last night, securing a
partial settlement. They returned
to Hosehurg this morning and flew
to Portland this afternoon.
(Akmk'IuIihI I'tvtw Ia'BmiI Win-)
PORTLAND, Aug. 12. A roro
ner'u jury today exonerated R. A
Wincheator, farm employe, who
wounded fatally utrlch tiantenheln
with an ax Saturday during an al
tercation on tho hitter's farm near
Testimony of the dead man's hou
that his father had turned away
from Winchester and could not
see the approaching a blow be
cause of blludneHH in mm eye was
ignored by the jury in reaching tta
Haling crew members on !an
tenbein'R farm testified (iaulen-
bein and Winchester had been
uuurrellng throughout the day and
that (iantenhuln began the fray by
starting aDer his employe with a
baling hook. It was also admit
ted I here had been some drinking.
MONTR KAI., Aug. 12 . Lord
Dawson of Penu, physician to His
Majesty the King. bHieves It is
illogical to prohibit all use of al
coholic lieverages because some In
dulge to excess.
AddreRHing members of the Ca
nadian club here on "Alcolml, lis
power to do and undo." he asked:
"llecause some hive well rather
than wisely are wo to cease our
worship of Venus? llecause speech
sometfmea maddens us, are we to
obtain ailence?"
Legislative restraints which ex
ceed sanction of public opinion, he
said, fall and create reactions con
trary to the public weal.
He warned against use of nlco
nolic be verges ia excess as ft men
ace to health.
Klwanlnnn wore torrpel to scrati h
their heads today to meet the re
qitii'PtmwitH of the proKratn commit -tnp.
whicrh preaonted vncU incmliei'
with an outline map of IicmiU.ih
county, with hint met ions to till In
the princlpnl streams, roada ami
the respective resources according
to areas. Tho task was not only
entertaining but was very Instruc
tive as well. Miss Anuubelle Demi,
who is spending her vacation at
her home in this city, entertained
the club with several piano selections.
Woman Murderer S till Eludes Capture
' . ,
Indiuna Authorities Many Times Thought Bella Gunness of Farm
Murder Fame Was Within Their Reach, hut Twenty-two
Year Search Finds Her Still Wanted
Y - V
JACKSON, MIbb.. Aug. 7. This
entire city was thrown into turmoil
recently by a report that tho no
torious Jlelle (iunness, mass-mur
deress of Ti years, had been
found on a larni here.
The local woman, Mrs. J. I.
Smith, proved to tho authorities'
satisfaction that she was not Mrs.
Gunness, but the story revived an
age-old mystery. Where is Hello
Gunness dead, or living quietly
somewhere among neighbors who
never dream that she stands ac
cused of the murder of 15 men
on her Indiana matrimonial farm?
Like Dr.rothy Arnold and little
Charlie l;oss, Mrs. Gunness seems
to havj vanished Into thin air.
Though a world-wide search for
her Was Instituted at (he time her
alleged brutal murders were dis
covered no trace of her was ever
In the years immediately pro
ceding J9U8, Mrs. Gunness inserted
advertisements into newspapers
announcing that she was looking
for a husband.
According to investigators, all
sorts of swains young, old, tall
and short, answered these -ads,,
which were attractively worded,
and told of the large farms the
woman owned at La Porte, Indiana.
Preaching Friars
j lie i'reaclung Friars, who visited Hosehurg wilh their message
returned to Koseburg unheralded today, and have arranged tor a meet
o'clock. In the above picture the l-'riars are nhown as they were sent
Porter or Los Angeles. From left to right the Friars are Brothers
and Paul.
The Preaching Friars, the uuhiuc
travelling organization that has
been carrying a message of Chris
tian unity to (he cities of the Pa
cific Northwest during the past
few weekH, and who spoke at the
Library park in this city July
returned to Itoseburg today on
(heir way south, and are to con
duct a meeting tonight at Library
Due to the fact that their ad
vance material was sent in the
custody of ouo of the city's min
isters who is away on his vaca
tion, Ujeir arrival In Koseburg was
unheralded, but they have com
ileted urrangeiuenis for t heir
meeting at S o'clock tonight at
Library park, and are Inviting all
Interested people to attend.
The Prearhlng Friars are u
group of ministers, lawyers,- pro
fessional and business men. who
ha banded Iheinst-I ves toget her
working with the same alms and
purposes In mind, when (heir work
to spread the gospel of the "lliojh
Kev, WIlmtT KIImwh III Coode.
for a half century In the Metho
dist ministry ami at oue time sta
tioned In Koseburg, was kuTed last
week on a larm near Mac Doe I.
Calif., when horses hitched to a
hinder hers me frightened, throw
ing the clergyman from tho ma
chine and Inflicting futal injuries
on him. 'Rev. Mr. Goode nit t
years of age. He had been pastor
of tlie churches at MacDoel and (he
neighboriiiK (own ol Donis for sev
eral years.
Goes to Coquilfe K. . Kuuy j
ntntnred to f.'oiiiillt today to si'eim
tho day ou business.
Back Yard
fatrjW;f 0 ft
The advertisement read:
"i'KHSONAL Comely widow,
who owns large farm in one of;
the finest districts In La Iorto
county, Ind., desires to make the
acquaintance of gentleman, equal
ly well provided, with view of join
ing fortunes. No replies by letter
answered unless sender is willing
to follow answer with personal
The police say that Mra. Gunnesy
married no less than fifteen of the
more prosperous men who replied
to her printed plea for a mate.
After living with each for a short
time, they believe that after gain
ing control of their savings she
poisoned them.
In lSStt, Mrs. Gunness had mar
ried Max Sorenson in Chicago. He
died seven years later. Eight
thousand dollars in Insurance had
been written for him in his wife's
Ilia relatives mullered that he
had been poisoned, it is said, but
were finally Induced to drop the
matter. Her second matrimonial
venture was undertaken with Peter
Gunness. Two years later he died
and the weeping widow related
how poor Peter had been accident
ally struck on ,lhe head with a
meat cleaver.
to Speak at Library Park Tonight
erhood of Christ and Humanity."
They are ariiilated wilh no reli
gious organization, and the individ
ual members represent catholic and
protectant denominations alike, hut
are all uniting to urge the elimina
tion of sects ami the exlialtallon of
Hilt h. They point out that there
are nj ecls in the Fulled States.
according in (he last census, and
Unit thrsf Christian pi-oplu nn nil
could he more effective if all wen
P. Z.
To Effectively Kill the Borer Demand
Dows Pure Paradow
Prices on aclvnncc orders lower than in previous season.
It will pay you to see us on this.
M4XOTOXIIIIM4.I.I.l.x.i.x.x j
; At Our New I lumc
110 Pine Street
Phone 646
The Valley
Bodies ebe Discovered
It was after Mr. Gunness's sud
den death that Uelle began adver
tising for another mate.
This ghastly method of building
up a fortune was discovered when
a fire broke out In the Gunness
ianu house, killing two children
and a woman. At first tho body
was believed to be Mrs. Gunness'
but police were never convinced
that she hadn't escaped.
In the yard, ten dismembered
bodies of men were found buried.
Kive others were said to havo-hecu
burled nearby.
Down throir:h tho years tho po
lice chased countless clues. Oue
mouth Uelle Gunness was reported
in Detroit, the next in Chicago, tho
next somewhere else.
f tut each time the suspected wo
man succeeded fn establishing that
she was not the sought person.
As the i'ears passed, the hunt
Blackened and most people forgot
all about Uelle Gunness and the
murders sho Is believed to have
When the endless chaso was
taken up again here recently, Mrs.
Smith, the woman in question,
proved that she was fourteen years
younger than Mrs. Gunness would
he If she is living.
of religious harmonv on Julv
fug tonight at Library park at S::to
upon their way by Mayor John C
Lawrence, Joseph, Kilvesier, Peter
joined In one vast organization.
The men making up thin unique
order, mask Ihelr Identity behind
(he names of "Ilrother Paul,"
"Ilrother Silvester." etc., and have
adopted a symbolic garb in which
they appear. They have been re
ceived in prominent churches of
. ' livilllll.lll.lll,-' II Ml I UK I null
piigi image, ami yesterday were re-
ri'ivfct by Uovi'ruor Norblad at 1
Sal. -in.
w ,
Jg j
Poultry Co.
(.Continued from page xt
of Providence yesterday. He ad
mitted having had the plane up
early yesterday when he was first
questioned last night but said he
merely went up for a brief flight
to ' sober up after having been in
toxicated Kunday night.
He reported having seen a
"strange plane" answering the de
scription of the bombing plane
near Pirkneyville while he was fly
ing, but'sald it wa3 too far away
for him to identify. Pickneyville Is
near here and Murpheysboro is
about ninety miles from Provi
dence, Ky,
Others To Be Arrested
DIXON, Ky., Aug. 12. The Web
ster county sheriff's office today
declined to announce the charge
designated fn the warrant issued
here for Paul Montgomery, aviator
arrested at Murpheysboro. 111., as
a suspect In the mTne bombing at
Providence yesterday. It was said
nothing would be given out until
other suspeets were apprehended.
Further arrests were expected to
be made today or tomorrow. Sher
iff It. L. Overby said.
(Continued from pago 1.)
able to catch sight of (he fugitives.
Ilauley, in the meantime, had
come back to the courthouse with
Hie other prisoners, and (lie group
was left outside, unguarded. He
made an excuse to go across the
street, and disappeared. He was
not missed, for considerable time.
Descriptions of the men are be
ing telephoned to all points, and
it is hoped to return them to
James Conutser was fined $701)
and given (10 days in jail on
charges of possessing saio and
transportation of liquor. Ills broth
er was fined $200 for jKisseHslon
and sale. They were arrested July
!;, and were serving out their
Han ley was arrested May 20. on
a charge of driving while intoxi
cated, and was fined ?00 and giv
en 90 in jail. He had less
(nan a month to servo on his
(Continued from page 1)
beach cottage in efforts to recu
Accusers Denounced
Attorneys for the two game
heads were bftter In their denun
ciations of witnesses as the cac
was brought to a close late yester
day. A witness who had accused
(Mailt of having bought a home
with "graft" money, and another
who said he had witnessed "drunk
en parties"' at the chief deputy's
home, were cxcorciatcd.
Kach witness of the MuUnomati
Anglers and Hunters club, one ol
the organizations demanding the
removal of the two men, was
flayed unmercifully by Clark's at
torney, Charles Xtobinson.
v "I know," Robinson declared,
"that were an editor to print a ser
mon on the front page of his news
paper, not ten per cent ol the
world would read it.
"Hut if he prints the intimate de
tails of this hearing on any page
of his paper, every member of the
lzaak Walton league would flock
to it like harpies to a feast and
roll their eyes heavenward like
calves with colic." I
2 Members Dissent
Reports from the council cham
ber appeared to indicate two com
missioners. L. A. Wright, chair-1
man. Union county; and Harry W.I
Poole, Klamath Falls, supported i
Clifford. Other members of the j
commission 'are: Wilford Allen,
Grants I'ass"; David P. Evans, Eu
gene, and J. E. Cullison, Portland.
Norblad's Hands Off !
SALEM. -Ore., Aug. 12. Hover-!
nor Norblad today vigorously de
nied published statements that he
had shown keen interest in the
state game commission hearing
that ousted State Game Warden
Harold Clifford and his assistant,
Ed Chirk, and that he had talked
with Clifford during the day by
long distance telephone.
"The statement that I was in
terested In the hearing and placed
a long distance call from an uni
dentified point is absolutely un
true." Norblad said. "I didn't hear
of the result of tho 'conference
Try this
Kit st apply Duska Vanish
ing Ctt-am, a smooth, grease
less cream to fill (he pores
and proli'ct the skin. Then
Cd nut iki iniui.-. tr.,,..-. tn,,..l.,-
! that harmonizes with nature !
A and clings until you take it g
"ii. nun iiivntis win vn y a
Hie effect.
i. Face Powder
5 si no
S Vanishing Cream ij
1 75c I
5j Sold only at Kexall Stores
I Nathan Fullerton '
t 9719 SSiim? Vrat Storm g
1 For Youthful
1 1 Charm E
until late last night. I haven't seen
Clifford for a long time. I have
thought from contacts I have bad
with him in the legislature and as
governor, that he was conducting
the office properly. Of course I
know nothing of the evidence
heard at the meeting. I appointed
four of the five members of the
commission, and, of course, it is
up to them to act. but their ap
potntment had nothing whatever
to do with the Clifford and Clark
(Oootlnuea from pace 4.1
available to meet the emergency
and a call was Bent to Koseburg
tor additional fire fighters. The
chamber of commerce assisted in
recruiting men, ahd a crew 01
fifty lert the city late last night.
The -crew was organized and fur
nished with equipment just before
midnight, and spent the rest of the
night fighting the biaze, which
was reported under control this
morning, after covering about 200
This fire, Mr. Houser stated, was
the most serious, as ail of the
others are small and can be easily
handled. It is expect a that still
more lightning fires ..ill he re
ported, as they often s.. raider un
detected for many ho tiro before
they throw off enough smoke to be
seen by the lookouts.
50-A ere Blaze Fought
The Douglas fire patrol reports
one lire this morning, the blaze be
ing located on the Days Creek
Myrtle Creek divide at Stinger can
yon. 1 The fire covers about 5u
acres. A crew Dun the Koseburg
fire station was sent out last night,
and expected to have the blaze
controlled this morning. A small
fire on Starveout creek, near Aza
lea, yesterday afternoon was ex
tinguished before any material
damage was caused.
The fire situation is aided in a
small way by the fact that humid
ity is comparatively high despite
the heat. Humidity yesterday at
& p. ni. was & per cent, according
to the report of tho weather bu
reau office, which is sufficient ly
high to prevent rapid burning and
to give lire fighters a better op
portunity to operate. Humidity has
been fairly high during all of the
warm weather so far this year.
The heat yesterday was the high
est bo far this year, the previous
hivhest tor the season Ivjing 9ft
degrees ou June 15 and 94 on July
11. The highest recorded last sum
mer was 9S degrees, on August 10.
(.Continued from pagu x;
cording to C. E. Banning, presi
dent of the association, depends
eutireiy upon luO per cent coopera
tion on the part of the growers.
If any of the claimants hold out,
tne project cannot go on, for the
organization has no money to pay
any claims, and even tr funds were
available, the fact that some
growers are taking stock, and oth
ers demanding cash would make
It obviously unfair to pay some
ciaiins and not pay ail.
"The majority of the growers
with whom 1 have talkea," Mr.
Banning says, "feel very keenly
the need for the operation of the
cannery, particularly this year,
immediate operation Is also im
perative. There are between 4Q and 600
tons of pears in Douglus county
yet unsold. The canneries that
uive been buying local pears have
purchased up to their capacity and
there is very little market. In
fact, I understand, tho leading
buyers have already quit tlie tiolu,
claiming that they have all the
fruit their canneries can ha Idle.
Unless the local plants can be put
in operation within--the next few
days, I mpqua valley pear growers
are in a position to take a heavy
loss 1
Could Gave Prunes
With a very low price In pros
pect for prunes," Mr. Thinning de
clared, "there will niso be a great
need for the operation of the can
nery. The present outlook Is (hat
it will hardly pay to pick prunes
The last word in electric irons
The complete automatic iron. One iron does all of the work. Light, medium
or heavy goods make no difference when you have an "American Beauty" ad
justable automatic iron the one great improvement in electric irons in years.
No matter whai kind of an iron you have been using, discard it and get an
American Beauty'1 automatic electric iron the one iron to use for care-free
ironing. Come in today and see this new
For a short time we will sell you one ot
these marvelous new "American Beauty"
Adjustable-Automatic Electrlo Irons for
95c Down
then $1.45 PER MONTH
" added to your electric bill.
The California Oregon
Don't Guess Wrong
Start your pullets off right, and make
Crown Feeds Will Produce More
and Better Eggs for a Dollar
Roseburg Myrtle Creek Oakland
L. & H. Electric Ranges John Deere Plow Co.
Hood River Spray Co. Hooaier and Milwaukee P'impt
Sutnerlin Spray Co.
for drying. The cannery could
handle a great many prunes, and
would result in saving at least a
portion of the crop."
The blackberry season, It Is al
so pointed out. Is at hand, and a
possible source of revenue, as well
as a means for providing employ
It's more than a trip back ease
when you go Southern Pacific. To
any mid-west or eastern destina
tion the added joy of a California
visit is yours.
Linger there awhile (your tic
ket permits liberal stopovers)
and continue on any of Southern
Pacific's transcontinental routes.
The Overland Route takes you
directly east from San Francisco
via Ogdcn and Omaha, crossing
Great Salt Lake by roil. Golden
State Route o Chicago via Los
Angeles, El Paso and Kansas City.
Sunset Route richest travel ex
perience with most miles
'Vf per dollar, aanirancisco.
ffVU Los Angeles, the Spanish-
Tbt thrill if rail and
9ctan travel on a singt
roundtrip ticket.
Southern Pacifl'
J. E. CLARK, Agent
Phone 11
automatic electric irone ,
Special Short Time Offer!
And In addition ws will allow you
any kind or condition to apply on the
Beau,"' P:f " y0Ur " ''Am.rlcsn
Iron .h. hAdJ"'t"", .hictrte
iron, the best iron made.
ment, is being lost.
Growers who favor the associa
tion plan are anxiously awaiting
the outcome of the present situa
tion, hoping that some means may
be found whereby the cai aeries
can be operated in time to tiave
the fruit and berry crops.
is easily included-
' American Southwest, thru the
Old South to New Orleans. Con
tinue by rail or at no added cost,
enjoy" 100 Golden Hours at Sea"
on Southern Pacific Steamer to
New York.
No matter what your destination,
make your trip a Circle Trip
going east thru California and
returning on any northern or
Canadian line. Enjoy these extra
advantages at summer excursion
fares !
Let the Southern Pacific Agent
help you plan,
Roseburg, Oregon
Power Co.