ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1930. SIX US CO. P. (AiMcUted rrcw Leunl Wire) Z WASHINGTON, Auk. 7. Clau dius II. Huston, of TfeiiiiftijiM, re signed today as crhalnimn of the xepubliran national commillee and it a formal statement asscrttnl "no man In political lift! Iihh ever been Jsubject to more unjust and unwur xantfd attack!." Huston presented his reHtgnutlon to a niCHtiiiK of tlie party's exeru Tlve committee and m nil o public jia, statement before Ibe meeting .VftR over ami hla hucccshoi' chosen. Hh Hiiid IHh withdrawal would 'give Ibe organization an opportun ity of Hi'lecting a leader free from iiift pn'Hcnt factional opposition, nd ill permit me without embar rassing others, to pursue a course Jhat will Insure in the minds of the republicans of the country my right 4o their continued estpni and con fidence." STORY 1 (Continued from pare I) Rested a game of Rolf ns they shook hands hut the nvlntor took his mother's advice of getting some rent first. The aviator said his plane made a top speed of 240 miles an hour, but that he rarely kept It over 200. A 20 mile head wind cut his speed most of the way. He said the trip Was "a pleasant one except for the bad weather." A collapsible cockpit cover protected him dur ing the rainstorms. Hawks turned his plane over to a force of mechanics Immediate ly Instructing them to put the ship In shape for a return trip as soon as possible. Hawks Is S3 years old and has been flying 13 years. STORY 3 (Continued from page 1 numerous persons were not drown ed. They declared the flood wa ters had struck both cities hofore rain had fallen and that many In habitants must havo been trapped In their hedB. . Situated In the neck of a great bottlo-shaped valley formed by the Santa Wta vnlley. the twin cities felt the sweep or flood waters from three sides. The Mexican city for (he most part is on blpber ground than Its American sister but its buildings generally of poorer construction. The population of (bo two towns combined Is approximately 11.000 with (he Mexican city slightly larger. Onlv a barbed wlro fence senurnles the two, Bodies of the three women had been found on the Mexican side of the lino at 7 n. m., and the body of n man was discovered near the Hanks bridge on (he American Bide. None were ldenllfleil. Surging walls of .water hit the twin (owns before midnight, tear ing out brick and adobe houses in Nognles, Sonora. and filling Inter national street, the main thorough fare which separates the towns, with five to six feet of swirling waters. One hotel and sixteen Mexican homes on the Sonora side wore re ported by (ho police thero to have been swept away. They did not know bow manv persons were In the hotel. A. C. Vlllnsenor, c hief of police, said his officers reported having seen several bodies float ing down (ho street. 8eea Children Parish Bon l'hllllps, Anierlcnn nvlalor, forced his way to the American side with n report of having seen several small children swept awav when nn adobe building collapsed. The swirt sweep of the flood wa ters through the towns was partly (be result of a streambed, usually dry, running directly between Ibe two towns. Through International street the bed Is covered with con crete, forming a confined tunnel lncapablo of carrying flood waters. These, being forced through tho tunnel early today, spouted high In the nlr, drenching many large resi liences. The swirling currents, ripping Into nilobe houses, swept them clenn of their contents. Vurnlture, HARD-SOFT LARGE-SMALL Out To Stay Out Roots and All Magic Oxygen Salts Bath Never Falls No More Burning Aching Feet. No matter how many corns you have or how painful they are soak your feet for 15 minutes In a delightfully soothing and revitaliz ing Radox footbath Tor II or 4 nights Ihen lift corns and cal louses right out roots and all and they won't come back either un less you wear shoes again which aggravate your feet. Nn riilllnir or iltKtrlricr l n-.tutn-d DANCE Saturday, Aug. 9, at Umpqua Park Music by Barker's Blue Ribbons 7-piece orchestra Leaders in Queen of Harvest Contest QUEEN NICHOLS 52 VOTES EVA RICE .25 VOTES LENA FROST 25 VOTES Coma and vote for your favorite. Contest last till Sep tember 6th. Prize of $25 to winner. Weekly prize to contest leader. $5.00 to beat Bluet Singer, Saturday night. Alto 3 monthV contract with orchestra. Flying Fleet Coming to Roseburg Saturday for Three Day Air Circus; News-Review to Clyde E, Pangborn, noted stunt and exhibition flyer, is shown above in oval, and also flying his plane In upside down position, a stunt that he will repeat dally dur ing the air circus Saturday, Sun day and Monday. Fifteen free rides are to be given by the News Review to finders of tickets to be scattered from the air at noon each day. The air circus will Include dally free exhibition flights at noon, par achute jumps, wing walking, and passenger flying at low rates. Fifteen free airplane rides In tho Planes of the Hying Fleet, a na llonally known group of commer cial, fliers, who have completed ar ranements for a series of three day exhibition and passenger flights, will be given by the fnae burg NewB-Ilevlew to lucky persona during the time the air circus Is staged In Roseburg. Every day at noon, the Flying Fleet will put on a free exhibition of stunt flying over Rosehur-r and tho airport, and at the close of the day one of the planes will swoop low over town and will dis tribute n number of copies of (ha Roseburg Nows-Rovlew from the air. In five of theae papers thero will be complimentary tickets, entitling the finders to Hue rides. Thore will ho five tickets dropped ench day. making fifteen In all. The papers 'will be dropped after each noon exhibition flight. The fleet planes are biplanes of the open type, government licensed I and limpecled. They are flveplace snips, currying four passengers and a pilot, and are powered with 0- cyiintler. Wright Whirlwind, 220 h. p. motors. The fleet Is coming from Grants Pass, where a pro gram, similar to the one lo he given In ftosehurg is now being presented. The use of the ltoseburg Muni cipal airport has been granted by the commission, and the greater part of the stunt program will be clothing, nml "everything Imagin able" one eye-witness said, went down stream on the crest of the current. Tho rain, which struck (he towns soon after the flood waters tore down from Ibe surrounding mountains, fell in torreuls throimhout the night. At seven o'clock It had not abated. Hie floods swept through the towns In unabated fury for more hail three hours, after which the crest of deep waters passed. At seven o'clock luternalional street nnd mnny side si reels stilt were filled from curb to curb, and de bris was piled high agaliutt tho buildings. Hundreds of Mexlcnns at dav- lighl. walked Ibe higher side streets clad only In nightHothcR, all Ihe'.r possessions swept from their shattered ndobe homes. Shelter was given them In houses that escaped tho flood. Automobiles Wrecked More than fifly automobiles, left In 1 ho streets, were buried In de bris. Several had been rolled and tumbled several blocks through town, whllo others wero overturn ed wrecks. Dozens of persons this Side tho line reported tills morning that wa ter was slill three Teet deep In their homes. Scores said they had CORNS ciitini Itndnx ItlMTitt1 ovf.n whl HMfirtu hunt out it l;i Vfi-.s ,.f corn oih'Ii nitilit i. Iiatinir tin port furtlH-r and Curthi-r, i-urrvtnit tli kiiMh rlKlit to rimts of ciMiiH whli arc fto lonst-in'd tht-v can bv H(U out bodily. Your tVot nri inmi1' xtrontf ln'Ulth viK'Tous tutnl k n n Iit'i lM mill tor mi,' us,y Nulhiin l'ull. rt-nt nn.l nil n" dniir (.-! me Htoiki.l with Iti il. If llii-v aren't Insist tinnn tin- nrtlt'l'lMK 11 If Villi atll In i'pei li'lii i' Ki'rnt fnnt-.loy ami comfort. Give 15 Free Rides V i. given there, as the pilots are care ful to avoid dangerous stunting over the city. A comprehensive program Is be ing arranged featuring stunt fly lng, Individually and In formation; parachute Jumps, wing walking, etc. - Passengers will be carried daily at SI rates. The planes are to arrive here shortly before noon Saturday. Promptly at noon they will give their first free stunt program, an I this will be followed by the drop ping of a large number of thfi Roseburg News-Review, five of which will contain tickets for free rides. These tickets must be pre sented at the airport the same day they are dropped, and those who fly do bo as the guests of the News lie view. Passengers will be carried all day In the three fleet plnnes, and each evening Clyde E. Pangborn, known as "Ilpsldedown" Pangborn, one of the country's best known exhibition aviators and co-holder of the world's endurance record for open planes, will give a stunting exhibition. Including an upside down flight for a mile or more, dead stick landings and other such stunts. " There will iiIho be at least two parachute jumps during the three day stop made by the fleet, TJen "Dlavalo" Matthews and Jerry Smith, both experienced parachute jumpers,- being members of the party. been up all night, "wading In wa ter to tho waist," trying to save their homes and furniture. Streets were so clogged with water, mud and debris they had difficulty making their way out to searching parties, organized to check up on tho dead and locate the missing. While these began a tedious survey, doctors and nurses were mobilized here and all available hospital beds were made ready. 11. R. Sink, publisher of the NogaleH Herald, reported at seven o'clock that his offices were a foot deep in mud and water. All tele graphic communication with Phoe nix was down from midnight on, and only one telephone wire to that city remained in service. Due to this condition Rink said ho had been unable to send out any re ports of the devastation. STORY 2 (Continued from page 1) President, A. II. Mllisli: vice presi dent, . N. llusenbiirk; It. K. Clarke, S. II. Knlnht, W. A. Hurr. und O. V. liitKsilon. Others pres ent were: J. ('. I.eeily, secretary: Aimer Locution, Hurry Hiirr and Noah Sellers. FAKE MONEY GOES ROUNDS OF STATE A flood of counterfeit bills nml coins 1m beliiR reported in various pails of tho stale. Counterfeit sil ver dollars nnd half dollars have been reported In HosehurK, and al so in Grants Pass. Pendleton re ports bills that have been raised from one to ten dollars. The coun terfeit coins are very good Imita tions, and would pass readily un less carefully examined. Bladder Irritation If functional I. bidder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes burn ing or Itching Sensation, luick ache. Leg Tains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 4S Hour Test? Don't give up. (Jet Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how oulckly it works nnd what it does. Money back If it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. Nntban Fullerton, the tiexall store. (Adv.) ! RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION j A ivfltlp Creek physician says. . 'Constipation is responsible for mere misery thnn any other cause." ltut Immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Or 'lerlles has been discovered. This tablet attract water from the sys tem Into the buy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food waste and causes a pentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. I Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a liexall Orderlle at night. Next dav bright. Ciet 24 for Sir to- SEEK LOWER RATES! (AuocUtH PrHi Iued Wire) WASHINGTON, A'J'A. T. V. O'Connor, shipping board cnair man, said today unless members of the United States intercoastal con ference agreed t0 regulate treigiil ratea on an equitable basis, he would seek congressional author ity to have the shipping board regulate them. At a meeting nt the shipping board conference members were told by O'Connor that unless satis factory rates were worked out, ho would seek to have the shipping board given authority on inter coastal water commerce similar to that given the interstate com merce commission on railroads. Complaints that many non-con ference lines were doing a "cut rate" business on freight handled bet ween eastern and west ern cots were heard at the meetine. Members of the conference told the board business had decreased 25 or 35 per cent and many boats were idle. DR. LUCETTA SMITH QUITS OFFICE HERE Dr. Lucetta A. Smith, who for the past 22 years has been engag ed In the practice of medicine In Roseburg, Is closlnE her practice here this month and is preparing io leave the first of September for Los Angeles, where Blie expects to open offices. She expects to be located In North Hollywood. Her sister. Mrs. C. C. Christie, a former resident of Roseburg. Is now liv ing In Los Angeles. Pr. Smith will keep her local office open until the last week of this month. MAGAZINE SHOWS N. UMPQUA SCENES The North Umpqua river Is receiving some very favorable publicity as a fishing stream in advevtisinir matter being sent out bv tlo Asbaway Line and Twine Manufac'uring rompnny of Ash away. Rhode Island. The com pnny Is putting out n large circular, advertising Its various tvpes1 of flh line, and is illustrating the folder with a lari picture of Mn (or Molt and the 37i-nound chinnok salmon. Kvhich he cn light a fw months neo on a light rod, using Ashawav linen line. DELIVERY DRIVER HURT IN WRECK Eugene Rrown, driving a deliv ery car for the South iMilt street store, received minor cuts this morning when bis car collided with; n Shell Oil companv delivery truck driven by Oliver IlHstlon. A car traveling ahead of Drown. It was reported, stopped suddenW and Brown swung out to the left to avoid a rear end collision with tbe enr ahead and ntruck head-on with the o'l company's truck. Brown wns slightly cut by flying glassj The cars received minor damage. MEDFORD MAN GETS COMMISSION JOB (AMirlatoI TroM Tanoil Wire) SALKM, Ore.,, Aug. 7. So that one member of tho board might be a resident outside of Portland, (iovernor Norblad today appointed Dr. A. H. Hedges of Med ford as a member of the stale board of naturopatbetlc examiners to suc ceed Dr. Virgil McMickle of Port land. McMickle's term expired July 1. The other two members of the board live In Portland. DEPUTY WARDEN IN SERIOUS CONDITION (AMoclatml rrm Lea net 1 Wire) rOHTLAND, Aug. 7. K. 11. Clark, chief deputy state game warden, who has been seriously 111 a) his home on Sauvles Island for the past month, was removed to the seashore today after he suf- Breier 31 More WHO WANT TO SAVE From $3.90 to $6.50 to Buy Those $9.90and$12.50 Silk Dresses fered a relapse and made a change of climate necessary. Clark was stricken with Internal fnra i liu uinto fstmo I'tmniloHinn In answer to charges brought by sportsmen's organization. BAND WILL PLAY CONCERT TONIGHT An interesting program of stand ard und popular band selections has been arranged for the weekly band concert to be played tonight at Library park. The progruiu is to be given as follows: March "Trouprng bays." King. Overture "The Altar of (ieuhis," King. Foxtrot "When the Little Red Itose," Dubin. Wiiltz "Jt Happened in Monterey," Rose. Spanish Intermezzo "Manzano," I i rooks. Foxtrot "A Little Kiss Each .Morning." Woods. Waltz "When It's Springtime in the Rockies, Sauer. Selections "Maritana," Wallace. March "Jndepentia," Hall. BANDIT PERFORMS AS COP WASHES ( Awtoc!atpl Presa Leaied Wire) REAVER FALLS, Pa., Aug. 7. What this country needs, In the opinion of Policeman Louie Ale Culloch, is a return to the old fashioned roller towels. Take yesterday for instance. Mc Culloch stopped in a gasoline fill ing station to wash up. He got soap in his eyes and couldn't find tho new fangled box in which the paper towels repose. While he was hunting for the towel, a bandit entered the station,: robbed the attendant and got away. THREE WOMEN DIE AT RAIL CROSSING (Associated Preaa Lased Wire) PLEASANTV1LLE. N. X, Aug. 7. Three women, apparently sisters from Lilly, Penn., were killed at English creek crossing near here, today when their automobile was struck by a Reading railroad train. The only identification found were three Pennsylvania automobile drivers' licenses in the names of Agnes S. Ryan. Helen Catherine Ryan nnd Ursula B. Ryan OFFERS $100,000 FOR R-100 RIDE (AfwnHated Press Teased Wire TORONTO, Aug. 7. Sir Dennls toun Purney, designer of the dir igible R-100. said today he had re ceived nn offer from nn American millionaire of $100 000 for a ride in the airship from Montreal to New York. "It was a shame to throw away money like that," Sir Dennlstoun said, relating that he bad declined the offer on the ground that tha R-100 wtis a government ship. "U would not take many customers like that to put the line on a pay ing basis." DRINKING WATER SOLD BY GALLONS f Aftaorlatofl Proaa Leased Wire) WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. A story of drought in the Ohio valley re sult li7 in the sale of drinking water came to the weather bureau today In a letter from Dr. L. W. Humphreys, to his brother. Wil liam J. Humphreys, meteorological physicist. Dr. Humphreys said drinking water was selling at 3 cents a ga' lon In Logan, West Virginia. He ndded that across the river In Ohio, farmers were attempting to save fruit trees bv pumping water on them with old fire engines. Rural residents in West VI rein la, he said, as seeking to have three months cut off the high school period in order that funds saved may be used "to buy food for poor fam ilies." Visitors Here Wilbur Har greaves and Cyril Porter, who are employed on the Myrtle Creek bridge construction crew, nnd Ar thur Porter, who is working at Winston, were visitors in this city yesterday evening. Wants i Women Values like this are making K Breier's Super-Sale the talk of $ the west. Don't miss your S full share. ? C. J. BREIER CO. MUNICIPAL PLANT PAYS CITY'S BILLS (AuocUted PrrM Leued Wire) COLBY. Kan., Aug. 7. Colby citizens will have to worry along another year with no municipal taxes to grow Indignant over. Kor the third successive year the city council voted to let the municipal water I'lant wash away the city's bills. During two years earnings of the plant has paid administration bills lirnvidu.l S'Jlifl fni tiava. ments, paid for new equipment the city treasury. CLAIMS FOR PAYMENT OF BOUNTIES Notice Is hereby given that after August 1, 1930, the County Court of Uouglaa county will approve the payment of bounties for killing predatory animals only when such claims have been sworn to and the pelts marked before the County Clerk. Claims sworn to before no taries and mailed to the County Clerk will not be approved. DOUGLAS COCNTY COURT. By W. S. Hamilton, Judge. By Huron W. Clough, Commis sioner. By R. A. Busenbark, Commis sioner. NOTICE OF BIDS FOR REFUND. ' INQ BONDS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will, up to 7:30 p. m. on Thursday, the 14th day of August, i3U, at his office in the City Half in the City of Roseburg, Oregon, receive sealed proposals for the purchase of Refunding Bonds In the sum of $35,000.00. bald bonds are issued under au thority of the Charter of the City of Roseburg. aB provided In Ordin ance No. 932, duly and regularly Passed by the Common Council or the City of Roseburg, Oregon, and approved by the Mayor ot said City on the 4th day of August. 1930, said bonds are Issued for the purpose of refunding Street Im provement Bonds Series "B" here tofore Issued by the City 01 Rose burg, Oregon. The bonds are in denomination ot $500.00 each and bear interest at the rate of five per cent per an num, payable semi-annually, and are dated September 1, 1930, and are payable serially, one-tenth each year, the first payment being payable one year from the date of issue. No bid for less than par and ac crued Interest will be accepted, and the council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check or draft for the sum of $350.00 payable to the City of Roseburg, to be forfeited to the city In case the successful bidder shall fall to complete the pur chase. By order of the Common Coun cil. Dated and first published at Roseburg, Oregon, August Bth, 1930. A. J. GEDDES, Cltv Recorder of the' City of Roseburg, Oregon. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SPECIAL L. & H. 4-burner Electric Range, full automatic $113.00 HIM' Let us figure your needs. "See Us Firs,t We Can Save You Money" ' FarmBureauCooperativeExchange Roseburg Myrtle Creek Oakland AGENTS FOR L. A H. Electrlo Range John Dere Plow Co. Hood River Spray Co. Hoosler and Milwaukee Pump Sutherlln Spray Co. Undergoes Minor Operation John Beyers, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beyers of this city, underwent a minor operation yesterday morning in the office of Dr. A. C. Seely. Sll SERVICE f& 30 NOT BY ..SC COLD V; COLDEN KfSi; persons in attendance at many a funeral service mean that there must be adequate ac commodations. We believe that the Douglas Funeral Home has provided for just such cases. The chapel itself will seat in comfort some 175 people. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME HARRY C. ST EARNS. MGR. Comer 1 inc. and iono Street ROSEBUA.O Stories of Adventure Silhouette of a horseman against a desert sky ... a swaying figure on a storm-swept deck . . . how enjoy able but how little related to your own every-day life are the stories of adventure that you read. But there are adventure stories of another kind that you come upon every day. Adventures with a thrill and excitement of their own adventures that you can share. You find them in the advertisements in your daily news paper. The advertisements tell you of new experiences that can be made a part of your. life. They tell you how it feels to skim along the road in a smoothly powered, new car. To turn a switch on a new radio and command the harmonies of a superb orchestra. To board a limited train and go whirling across the country on a new kind of vacation. The advertisements do not stop with telling you about these things. They tell you exactly how you can make them your own most economically and with the greatest assurance of satisfaction. Read the advertise ments. Share the adventures in pleasure and satisfaction they offer youl Leaving for University Miss Mnrgaret Baum is preparing to leave tomorrow for Berkeley, Cali fornia, where she Is a student In the University of California. Miss Baum will be a Junior this year. ,day at the nearest Rexall DruF j Store. Adv. aMMWTWTTTTTTTT.T.ra.