FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1930. MUfd Polly Ksrrpt ftunduy bjr the Nrrtit-Ufvlrw Co., Inc. Member of 'I' he AuurlKtctl Ira Tilt AHBOL-iat'd Pre8 la ex:luive ly milled to the una for republica tion of all ntiwa dlnpatchfH credited to it or not otherwiB) ciedfted In this paper and to all local news pub lished herein. All rights of rt-pub-tlcation of spwMnl diuputches herein , are also, reserved. 1 HAUU1S KLUiWOUTii Editor cinierea nwuunu "itnim May 17. 1820. at the poat office at Hoaeburg, Oregon, under Act of Mmcb Z. 1879. Subacrlptlou ItHteM Dally, per year, by mall 4.0f) Daily, single month, by mall.., M Dallv. hv carrier. ptr month... .60 H. G. Wells Heaves a Brick If - WELLS, tho sometimes genial but often peevish writ er of old England, In furnishing lor the Tortland OreRonlan a sor lea of Blsned arlielns. In effect hr says in Ills last article that wlthiu the last fifty years bolh faith anil chastity have nearly vanished and '"that we now scorn such regula tions as "ye shall not" and "ye -shall." - - Wells loves to write things lik that. He likes to stand off and say "MOO!" at a serious-minded liardwoi-KiiiK world, JiisjL to see what It will do. Have things so changed? No. not so very much, ir you look at things squarely. Rather we have changed for the betler, morally, IT the written histories of tho sev enteenth and eighteenth centuries are to be believed. The very lax- lty of those ages was. largely " responsible for tbe reversion to --terrific strictness und so It goes. If people, generation after gen eration, accumulated the attributes and mental habits of previous gen erations, Wells' conclusions that all Is now changed and that faith and other human attributes which we call virtues, have been cast, overboard, might furnish food ror worry and thought. New genera tions come along, though, and do their own thinking particularly now do they do their own think ing. Wells correctly says that we are Inquiring more Into facts of thin and that now more than ever be fore. In the opinion of this writer, Mr. Wells falls down in his Inter pretation of what this original thinking will lead to. He thinks li '.means what he calls "freedom" -'and what we would cull a moral ; break-down. ' '. i B'allh, (mill orthodox religious faith and blind trusting faith of tho non-reli'iious mind, Is stronger In tho world today than before. We have no figures or other arguments to BiihBtantlale that statoment -only a question: Do you find In the written or spoken word today as much of atheism as there was even a few years ago? The hor rors, losses and sufferings of the World war created atheism out of billernesB but on have come the young people leavening this bitter ncas with an active IntcroBi In the bwchUicbb of life- helping those embittered to rowel. Kalth shall live on lu spite of Mr. Wells, for we are created to ttavo faith. Says Mr. Wells: "Wo are now confronted with a now generation which finds no value In faith and no virtue In cbasllly." Tomtnyrot! Wo havo some . twenty or thirty centurion of ac curate record of human experience behind us and now someone Bays there Is "no virtue In chastity." There has always been anil al ways will be a great price, many prices, paid by those foolish indi viduals wiio tririo carelessly with tho thing we call sex. No "shining of the standards ot morality" as WellB puts It, can eliminate or lessen one whit the consequences resulting In what, In spite of Mr. 'Wells, we shall call Immorality. Writings like those of Mr. Wells ony serve to get weekly foolish and cureless people Into trouble. The world has never tolerated sex tin morality and It never will, but I! there Is any present trend II Is a sure trend toward limiting the consequences of the Immoral act to tbe Individual. This enlightened (rend toward placing the respon "Hibillly and consequences where they belong will serve as nolblnpj else to check the htxness which , Mr. Wells nttrtbutes to the present generation. If Mr. Wells is right (und wi think not I and there Is a la.vness atid a looseness prevalent In the world today- It Is too hud for the generation or tbe present hut pre diets most surely an Improvement 111 t lit future. Oregon Editors' Opinions The Summer Heat ( Salem Statesman ) TlIK bent in tin east has been terrible flits mmihuii. Some have died, others have gone loco. Its eflect. may persist like the war--time influenza. Shall wo attiibuU' to t be heat of summer the an pounced VHft ten of I w o of the country's literary eniic.H? H. L. Mencken, caustic critic, editor of the Aincilran Mercury, and contributor to papers and mag amines, it cii;h :td io bp mart ie.l. and cIioum loi his bnde Sara Powell lliiaidt, a writer t'nr popu lar magazines. A coulirmcd bucuu- lor of 50, whose heart as revealed in his writings resembles a dried pea, is stepping out into matri mony. What a shock to the Intel ligensia, to the literary guild and to the dear public who have been fed so long on Mencken's acid phrases. Then Heywood Broun, contribu tor to the "Nation" and the New York Telegram, Is becoming a can didate for congress. Ilroun con tributes a weekly page to the "Na tion" entitled "It Seems to Hey wood Ilroun." How delectable It would be to have him write as a member of congress, a socialist at that. Ilroun. like Mencken, suc ceeds in finding most everything wrong and out of Joint. He would probably find plenty more material if he should by any mischance get sent to congress. Now here is a q'uestton about as good as Edison's desert question: Which Is worse, for Mencken to get married or Ilroun .go to con gress? Concentration (La Grande ObKerver) "I do not nlay golf. In fact. I'm afraid I am noihfi.K but a tennis player," Mn,; Helen Wills Moody told reporters upon her return from conquests abroad. Kew champions excel In more than one field. The Jaek-of-all-trades does nothing, best, yet who does not wish, at limes, that lie were accomplished In all thinps? Kut the "Nothing-huts" are tho proudest company. There was Socrates. He told friend and foe ftllke: "I am not a teacher nor yet a poet, nor yet rhetorician or lawyer or pleader or pretender to any superior learn ing. 1 am nothing but a seeker after truth." "This one thing I do," the Apos t le i'au 1 told h is fol lowers, thus placing himself among the Illus trious "nothing-huts." And so might tbe list be length ened with the names of the great specialists of the world and of all timeGalileo nnd Newton and Co lumbus and Washington. All -Kreat men and women have acknowledged themselves nothing In great spheres of knowledge and endeavor, and In that lay the sotirco or their greatness. They reaped the rewards of concentra tion, of Idealism, of devotion and perse vo ranee. Wo Hope We Never Have to Do This! (Medford Daily News) The editor of a auiall-towu news paper explains the loss of tho let ter "s" from his composing room as follows: Lath night thome thneaklng thcoumlrel thtole into our com pothing room and pilfered the cab inetth of all the ethlhcth. There fore we would like to take advan tage of thith opportunity to apolo gize to our readerth for the gen erul lnthlpid appearance of our paper. We would like altho to thtalc Hint if at any time In Hi y earth to come we thould thee thith dirty thnake In the gratli about our premltheth, It will be our complete and thorough that- Ithfacllon to thoot him full of hojeth. Thank you! Patton's Monthly. ( Editorials on News (Continued from page 1) lion per cow is well under 20l pounds per year. TpHKSl-; facts UONT get bluek headlliicu. They aro printed in very few newspapers and there fore are read by very tew people. Yet the fact that lu two coun ties of Oregon uveruge butteifat production ' por cow has been brought up until it is now more than DOL'liLK the averago for tho entire stale lu INFINITKLY more important than the firing of a few traffic olficers. pilUNU a few traffic office m and giving their jobs to somebody else means nothing to the pros perity of Oregon, and therefore means nothing to you and to me in the way of added ability to pay our bills. Mut doubling the itvorago butter fat product inn of all the dairy cows of Oregon would mean put ting the dairy Industry of ibis state on a Bound and prosperous looting. It would mean that dairy- pen would have more to spend and so could IIL'Y more from the rest of us. 1'ultlng dairying on a sound ami prosperous tooling in Oregon would mean large expansion f dairying In this slate, which would mean brin;;inn in new population and new wealth, thus changing wholly the agricultural and indus trial outlook in litis oldest of the elates of the Pacltic coast. PKHIIATS one of the things riiiin uiih dm niio i ilm rea- hoiis why we do not advanee tn- .ULstnally and ngrtcul tut ally as , rapidly as we want to, is that wr pay loo mui h attention to things Hum dtft amount to much and TOO I.ITTI.K attention to lulugft thai ate leaily tremendously im portant. BEATING STOPS BABY'S CRYING, SAYS ITS FATHER, iNiiM'i.AM), Aim. ti.A hearing was to be held today in district eoiut tor Jesse L. Jones, UK, ar rested esterday al Heavertou on a charue of assault and battery of Ids se mi -months old mui, James. "It bawls and bawln and It's ihe only way to quiet il." Jones told repot leis. the inlaut, in court, w na found to bear wMt and brut yes alleged to have been tutlicU'd by ttb Uth er. The Oregon Humane society ui"ii..l tho u.-iriJiMt BRINGING UP FATHER WMEtE VjOOLO VOU E TO-DAY F rr wwT for me? i rtvi amo try TO TEACH VOO BUT VTb NO Ue.A-t- TOO THIMK A BOOT- IS TOOK LOW- BROW FRtEkJDS- IT'S OlS60TlMvl C5ETSICK AND TIRED OF TALK.M$ TO Maybe I m Wrong By J. P. MEDBURY T1IM fellow who spends all hU money at kisalng bazaars Bhould realize that charity begins at home. Take It or Leave It Many u three letter man got his reputation on I. O. U.'b. Matrimonial Martyrs The hen pecked husband who even had to put his tombstone In his wife'a name. Excuse It Please Bachelors are the only men who understand wo men. That's probably why they're bachelors. Sausage Slogan "Eat our frank furtors made from contented ca nines." Ode to a Bathing Beauty A stitch. lu time saves a reprimand from tho censor. Necessary Evils Delicatessens were Invented so that housewives could play bridge a couple or hours later In the afternoon. You Said It It won't' be long now until the reformers will want the big dipper replaced by a sani tary drinking cup. Today's Tightwad The miser who got married last week and wanted to match the bride to see who'd pay the minister. Our Own Vaudeville Producer: Ih yom; play an up-to-date drama? Author:" Yes, the servants are chanced in every act. Copyright 1030, King Featuros Syn dicate. Inc. Talks on Health By DR. R. 8. COPEtAND NEXT time you walk down the street make note of the per sons who appear to have sore feet. You w ill marvel at the numbers ol limping, hobbling, mincing foot cripples. There are many causes: corns, bunions, lug row In? toe-nails, cal louses, scraped heels. One or more o" these ailments will make the feet sore and incapable ol normal use. There are two reasons for nit such disturbances. Neglect of the feet snd the wrong sort of shoes in one of these lies tho trouble. When you go to bed at night or get up in tho morning, you do not fail to wash the lace and hands. Why should not the feet have an equal share of attention? The travel In dust and dirt, in wind and water. Their use Is such that a single day will soil them far more than ihe hands. On this account they should be bathed in water with soap. Each day should see the teet thoroughly cleansed. To soak them In salt and water will relieve many an ache and pain. There should be remilar trim ming of the nails. If done care fully, shaving of the corns and re moval of tbe callouses w ill do much to promote happiness. It you do not feel competent to treat your own feel you may consult a "podiatrist" or trained chlrodopts' A dollar or two paid him will prove a profitable investment. Hut even though you' wash, dry and powder your Teet regularly, they will continue to bother you if they are not welt shod. It pays to purchase good shoes. Don't be coaxed into taking any ol hers. The writings and preachings of health experts have tausht the pub lie to read the labels on food pack a Res. It has come to be know n that what yon eat is vitally import ant. It is time now to teach the public Mutt there Is much to learn about shoes. It Is a good thing to talk to jour dealer and find out what Is a good shoe und what Isn't. He will gladly point out the many yah liable points about tbe fitting ol your fool covering EitMd the newspapers uud uuiM ziues. Study the advertisements. You can learn much iu this way y J mavbe.volthiu rrH I'M Mot TIRED J 3 iff! -?s f;: 5 I ;; L ; Sis 7 TOO - fi IMO. IntT FV.ture THERE. MO DOUBT ABOUT w TIM-TV THEATRE. ran netfte SDoefss ALL TALKIE about everything you intend to pur chase. When you are attracted by the statements made about this shoe or that go to the store where It is sold. See how the article looks. Try on the shoes, both shoes, and see how they feel and look. Make sure of fit and quality. It pays to care for the feet. You have but two and will never have more. You may be uncomfortable whenever you walk. If this is the case It is probable your shoes are wrong. Take the best of care of your feet and they will serve you well all your life. Answers to Health Queries M. S. 1). Q. What do you ad vise for asthma? A. I would suggest that you have your teeth, tonsils, nasal sin uses and urine examined. Consti pation should he corrected. Avoid dust and violent exertion. Take :ots ol fresh air day and night, in all probability you suffer from some form of food poisoning. Strange as this may seem, asthma Is frequently due to one of the common foods acting as an irritant to the system. Miss O. A. Q. How can I re duce? 2. What should a .alrl weight who is ir4 years oLd, and five feet 2 Inches tall? 3. What can be done for const! pation? A. Weight reduction Is merely a matter of self-control as regards the diet. Kor further particulars sond a selt-addressed. stamped en velope and repeat your question. 2. For her age and Height she should weigh about 112 pounds. 3. Tho diet should be corrected. Most important of all, foods unduly rich in fats and starches should be avoided. Advice to Girls By NANCY LEE DKAU NANCY LKE: I am twenty-two years old and am In love with a nice young man twenty-six years of age. We have been keeping company steadily for three years. Now he very seldom spoke of marriage. Of course, he would give me an understandiim be couldn't get married yet. This was at first when we started to go tonether. So on my birthday be surprised me with a diamond ring and told me lie experts to be mar ried some time during the summer. So I am wondering whether it is a sign of engagement or not. lie did n't say, and I was too nervous to ask. 1 am afraid to wear it, be cause it people ask me I don't know what to say. So please. Nancy, advise me what to do, as I w ish to find out. Do yon think it proper to ask him or would you advise me not to wear the ring? WONDEKINC. IiroNDEIUNl.: I should imagine a little adroit questioning! would reveal what you want to I know. A diamond ring is general ly considered a token of betrothal, unless it is distinctly .understood that it is just a "friendship ring." As tilings are, I should think you are entitled to ronslder yourself engaged, and you should certainly wear the ring. DKAH NANCY I. EH: I am a young girl siretn mr of tine and a junior in high school. I am interested iu a young fellow in my class. l"p till a few days ago 1 was sure he cared for me. Ij have reason to think he is interest-! cd in some one else because ot his ' altitude toward me. Iteallv. Nancy Lee, I still think 1 like this ynuiw ' fellow. Please don't tell me to for-! net htm and :lve my attention to my studies. It has no ellect uu my I studios. Thanking ou in advance fur your ath ice. ! A Pnionu;utr.. '! ASCHOOl.tilliL: It ou insist on taking a scluo!glrl and boy af-. fair seriously, who am i to stop : you? And if you care t. think and dream about a boy w ho is in- i teivrttd ip auothtr g'ri. well. Hint's' uur prMlese. I am not wo'vyinal much about you- for we ail get j over much worse blows iu luel By Geo. McManus OH- SHUT UP' PER AT LEV?T A. MINOTE- Service. Inc.. Great Britain right, reserved. IT- . without bping any the worse for I the experTunc.rr. Ho, come back to earth and -set some fun out of your j young years, unless, of course, you I get a bigger joy out of being hea'rt 1 sick. Around the County Purebred f-Jogs Prove Prof itable to Garden Valley r-armer; Raises Own i Feed, My U. R. WOOD After growing frit tor some yeui s, ami suueilng loiv prices, ng.itiug uugs and air soi ls ol true uiseascs diuing tuat time militat ing against possibilities of iare dividends, Win. li. nanisou, a rosluem. of Oanlen vaiioj, uecidwu to lortgj no. UclUiiut purs ui ib and try auotnur line oi endeavor, he r lulled uruunu ana koi enough cash on hand to buy a lew pu.e bred O. I. C. hogs una siurieu in on a small scale, iughL tneie is wnere success came hu way. i'aitm out tne uees tnat comprised ius or chard, ne planted tne land to com, artichokes and allaha. He took ihe best of care oi those hogs, ana urny throve uu tne Uiversiueu feed provided and soon i. unison hau a nice diove of O. 1. C swine, he crossed tno brood sow s wmi tne best males of Hie breed lie could get, and in a little wnue had not oniy a lot ot desirable porkers bat ouyers came in lor the best indiviuuais loc foundation stock lor their farms. At piescnt ttic Harrison brood sows are headed by a boar from Hie famous world cuampiou '".Montana Rex," that was lately exhibited at the Port land international, and demand tor breeding stock has been so persistent Hint -Mr. Harrison finds it hard to keep up with orders, de spile tbe fact that be lias more than thirty lemalcs iu his herd. He informed this writer that dur ing lite past eighteen mouths ne lias sold JsIOtH) worth ot stock from this herd, every one a regis tered, individual. Mr. Harrison Iris several acres of Oregon Yellow Dent corn coin ing on Unit he will leed, and this corn is a grcni yiolder and there- lore profitable to grow'. In addi tion, be is growing genuine Jeru salem artichokes, which normally yield from t-n to 'l tons per aiTe. and they ure a great, feed for bogs. Not only thai, hut arti chokes are a w omlei I ul ve:;et;ule for human cons.impiton. and Har rison alleues Uiey are a cure for diabetics. This tanner is preparing to broaden out in jus activities, and lateiy has purchased a farm a mile from Canvonville. Ho will move there in the near future. On DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist in tbe fitting of Glasses 116 Jackson St. Chiropractor ' DRUGLESS HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vapcr Iiaths 127 Cass Phone 401 "Complete H-.-Hth Service" DR. N E R B A S DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated I'hone 4S1 Masonic Hhltr. i Roceburg Cabinet Shop ; 542 Fowler St. Phone 54UJ Dryer Fans Spei-iai;y adapted for KurttE s Pi une PryiM-s. Come in and let ! us demonstrate them. Kans com plete remiv to install. Price $10.30 ; : V r. CHATTER V 4 mm am mmmmvmma : the Canyonville place he will grow more alfalfa, in addition to corn and artichokes, and expects to In crease Ilia number of brood sows in order to be able to supply the demand for pure breds. It will do any lover of pure bred stock good to talk with this genial old larmer, who is bubbling over with enthusi asm for the beat lu live stock. BILLINGS WILL BE BROUGHT TO COURT ( A'-aoc-idhil Civs liisol W;iv) RAN FRANCISCO, Aug. D. Chief Justice Yiilliam H. Waste to dav announced Warren K. lHllintrs preparedness day bombT whose j pardon plea is being heard bv the supreme court justices, v ill oe brought from his lifer's cell in Kolsom prison before t he court some time later in tha hearing. YOUTH STRUCK BY SLICED GOLF BALL (Associated Press Iawd Wire) VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 5. Struck by a golf ball sliced from the tee into an orchard where h was working, Donald Raven, 10, was In a hospital to y suffering a fractured skull. C ' MeKenzie. Washouyal. Wash., sliced the ball into the orchard. The bull struck a tree trunk, glanced and hit Raven. GUARDSMAN SLAIN WHEN MISTAKEN FOR RUM RUNNER nORTON, 5. Boatswain Lewis K. Pratt of the Salisbury bench coast guard station was fat ally wounded by bullets from an other const guard boat out or' Oioi'eester. last night, when his surf boat was mistaken for a rum runner near the mouth of the lp THAT.'S WHY THEY JUST A FEW YEARS AGO SHE WAS FOUND1N& A STUDIO TYPE- sgijljU? WRITER. TDDAy, SHE THRILLS ' &tks?W MLLIONS WHEN SHE STAGS Np' '''ZjL ' ) X . swkh river IpswHch Mass. Earl 1 discussing changes In barber and rl ? bid '"ed the shots; beauty shop "XU'uSS were fired from a rum vessel. ja"d proposed legislation atiettlug Pratt died at Ipswich hospital a the Industry. few hours after a fellow guardsman i had brought their craft into Little Neck, a summer residential sec tion of Ipswich. ROSEBURG BARBER CLAN BANQUETS Barber siiop owners and em ployees and beauty nr'nr nn"m tors enjoyed a very delightful ban quet at bilvernoOK G.iu mst Tliere were twenty-three persons present and all spent a very plea- 1 sant evening. Kay Last, district organizer for the union was pres 1 ent and gave an interesting talk. GOT THERE 9 f 4ss33.S?H better than one, and feeds S n ,fma3gS3LOBgSglh, COMING Friday and Saturday 5 'Ik Feeds and Feeding Every year a more impor tant question. If you have a special feeding problem let's talk it over, two heads are better than one, and feeds and feeding are our only business. If you are having trouble of sny kind with your flocks, call Mr. Gurney and he will be on the job to help you if it Is possible. 43 tiki - ."& SO QUICKLY FAST SUCCESS STORY NO. 8 A keen-eyed director spotted Alice pound ing the keys of a studio typewriter. In a few short years a new White star rose in Hollywood's heavens. Alice White was endowed by Nature with a special charm to thrill the millions. OLD gold, too, is one of Nature's favor ites. Endowed with mellower, sweeter tobaccos. It gave to millions a brand new taste-thrill, without a trace of throat irritation. That's why OLD GOLD broke into the "Big-4" in less than a year, that's why today it's the country's fast est grow ing cigarette from coast to coast. BETTER TOBACCO "NOT A COUGH IN A CARLOAD"