ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, TUESDAY. JULY 29. 1930. THREE Local News . t i . i Visitor From Dillard Mrs. Dallia Phtpps was a visitor In Koseburg yeBterday from Dillard. Business Visitor In Herman Paulson of Unipqua was a business visitor In this city Monday. From Myrtle Creek Mrs. R. E. Smith was a visitor and shopped from Myrtle Creek yesterday. Conn in Town Roscoe Conn -canie'in from Melrose yesterday to attend to business matters. Is Business Visitor Walter Va shaw, of Lookingglass, was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday. Transacts Business " Here C. R. "Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, transact ed business in this city yesterday. Wright in Town J. Wright of Milo visited Roseburg, and attend ed to business matters here Monday. Here on Business John A. C. King of Coos Junction spent a few hours here Monduy on business. Mrs. Maupin Here Mrs. C' A. Maupin of Oakland was in town Monday visiting with friends and shopping. - From Wilbur Miss Verda Meloy f was in from Wilbur yesterday, shopping and calling on friends in Roseburg. Mrs. Post on Vacation Mrs. El len Post, county health nurse, is enjoying her annual vacation from ' her duties. . Visitor From Sutherlin Miss Lillian Lindhe came in from Suth erlin yesterday to shop and visit with friends. ..Visitors From ' Marshfield Mr. nnfl Mrs. S. E. Taylor of Marshfield were -visitors In this city over the past 'week-end. From'.Walla Walla Chris Ras mussen, of Walla Walla.- Wash., is visiting with his brother, M. Ras mussen in Umpqua. Spend Day In Eugene Mr. an Mrs. Irving Doueette and son. Richard, snent Sunday in Eugene visiting with friends. From Lookingglass A. P. Nick ens, proprietor of the store at Lookingglass, was a business caller In Roseburg yesterday. In From Gtendale W. J. Sether of Glendale was among the out of Kwn visitors to spend Monday in this city on business. Visitors From Riddle Mrs. Peter DIdtel and daughter. Katherine, spent Sunday in this city as guests of friends and relatives. ( Mrs:' Michael Visits Mr8. 'G. Michael of Myrtle Creek visited with friends and lokoed after busi ness affairs in town Monday. Her on Buiiness-toflbert Wea ver of Myrtle Creek was a business caller in this city today. i TILLIE THE TOILER rrom uiengary c j. uroves, 01 j uieiiuary, y,txs in uoseuurg toaay attending to business matters. Transacts Business HereCarl Lindsay came in from Melrose this morning to transact business in Roseburg. ; - ....jatS, Melrose Man in Vincent Pres chern of Melrose spent several hours here yesterday transacliua business. Business Visitor In D. E. Cun ningham of Dlxonville spent sev eral hours here this morning as a Dusiness visitor. From Dixonville Mrs. J. J. Hes ter and family, from Dixonville, are spending the day ii) this irfty vis iting and shopping. ' ' . From Yoncalla Mrs. Delia Wise of Yoncalla visited friends in tills ciiy and attended to business af fairs here this morning. From Yoncalla Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Ambrose came in from Yon calla yesterday to visit with friends and transact business. Returns to Dallas J. W. Nel son, of Dallas; Texas, who has been visiting here with S. J. Jones, returned yesterday to his home. Returns From Portland Miss Walda Harding has returned to this city after spending two weeks in Portland visiting with friends. Canrilriatf, Vialts C ff Mvnntt Riddle, candidate for representa tive of Douglas county in the state legislature, was here on business moiiuay. From Edenbower Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Beaver and daughter, Helen, were in from Edenbower this morn ing, attending to business affairs and visiting. Melrose Man Here-t-C. O. Crlt eser, of Melrose, spent a few hours hero yesterday morning on business. Visitors in Town Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen of Days Creek were vis itors in this city yesterday, spend' ing some time- here with friends and in the interests of business. Back From Bandon Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Helieu and Mrs. Cora linker and son, Stewart linker, re turned yesterday after two weeks' vacationing at Uaiidou and Marshfield. Vacation at Bandon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leake and daughter, Patricia, are vacationing for a few days at Bandon beach. From Mvrtle Creek Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Laurence came in from Myrtle Creek Monday to transact business nnd visit with friends. Bushong Transacts Business J. Bushong of Melrose was among the out of town visitors to transact business in Roseburg yesterday. Spends Week In Tenmlle Miss Blanche Barnes is Rpendlng this week at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barnes, In Ten-mile. Visits In Umpqua Mrs. Carrie Patneau of Walla Walla. Washing ton, Is visiting for a while as the house guest of IMrs. IT. C. Hirst of Umpqua. Visiting at Dlxonville Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hammond and son. Russell, of Sioux Cllv Iowa, are visiting at the J. R. Mntlack home at Dlxonville. From Prosser H. G. Patterson, proprietor of the Strand hotel in Prosser, Wash., Is spending a few davs here caring for property Inter ests in this county. In From Glide Miss Lily DeTier- nardl and her brother, Joe DeBer- nardl, were in Roseburg yesterday visiting with friends and trading with local merchants. From Maine R. L. Preston of Dennysvllle, Maine. Is spending several days In this cily and vi cinity with a view of buying nrop . erty and making his residence . here. Returns to Portland Attorney Albert Abraham, who has been spending a few weeks In southern Oregon looking after property in terests, was In Roseburg yesterday enroute to his home In Portland Vacation bit Bandon Mrs. A. C. Marstera and her house guests. Mrs. Felix McWhlrter and Miss Lou Frances McWhlrter. Miss Dorothy Marsters and Craig Mar- Bters. are vacationing for a week at Bandon beech. Returns to Lot Anqeles Miss Ruth Helliwell left today for Los Angeles, after visiting for two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Helliwell, In Yoncalla. and with her brothers. Barton Hel llwell and S. E. Helliwell of this city. Visitors From Corvallis Mrs KUa Shupe. accompanied by her daughter. Margaret, nnd her son Vlrril. visited over night Snisdv with her nieces. Miss Alice Mahn and Mrs. Llllle Plaster. They are Miss Bleck Home Miss Cella Bleck returned Saturday from Los Angeles, whore she had spent three weeks-visiting with friends. Miss Black is planning to spend tomor row in Eugene.' Miss Porter Back MisB Mona Porter has returned to her work in the local office of the California Oregon l'ol.ver company, after a va cation of two 'weeks spent in Port land, Genrhart and Seaside. Mrs. Shields Returns Mia. B. F. Shields returned to her home here for ten days as the guest of her yesterday evening after visiting daughter, Mrs. O. R. Garner, in Oakland, California. - Visitors In Town Miss Nellie Thomas and her sister, Mrs. C. C. Crawford and Infant son. from Klamath Falls, are visiting here as .guests of relatives. Miss Thomas and Mrs. Crawford are former Roseburg girls. ' Return to Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Crump of Berkeley, Cal ifornia, have left for their homo af ter visiting here for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. M. Cr Whitte more. Mrs. Crump and Mrs. Whltte more are sisters. Attend Annual Picnic Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. McCullouch, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobln, Mr. and Mrs. L. Good low and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zach- arlsen attended the annual Copco picnic held at Rogue Elk, near Medford, last week-end. Discharged From Hospital Mrs. C. B. Schoolcraft and infant daugh ter have left Roaleburg General hospital for their home In Suther lin. A. Hammond of Melrose has also been discharged from the hos pital after receiving treatment for x months for a broken back. From St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rumsey of St. Louis. Missouri, are visiting here at tin home of Mrs. G. W. Riddle. Mr. Rumsey spent several years at Can yonvllle when a boy and since then has made several visits to this locality. Visitors From Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. It, W. Travis of Lebanon, Oregon, are spending a week in this city visiting with Mrs. Travis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. t rort. They are enroute to San Anselnm California, where Mr. Travis will attend the Presbyterian seminary. Mac Prefers to Work TlLUB 19 ALEEFJ Ml?- VJHIPPLfc SHALL V 7 LIT l NO, MOTHEB. Jnuc -I I . I I AlHn-S -rUATT- iri ivy V! . -1 1 -I l " . w . 11 1 1 CONT XMTUlfcQ HER. I IN THE RoaDTE2-J? I j 1 ooT the rest , . . i Oh, HuMy-vdHv iMDWTVtJU ( it is Foe Me , beCAuSe NWAICE HE OPX NOW VdM'T rMCkl MANLVAJETLL. Is HERE MU1TH ME. WHIPPLE- j VITH HIS CAE- V r Ir U ME'iae DIM I MS OUT gJJ C )AJEDY C AND THEM TO A JLtwYkL . TO q. Z 1 TOO lATf rVMOT AFTER - KiKYK ROSEBURGERS MEET j EX-HEAVY CHAMP Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight champion pugilist, re turned to Roseburg this morning from Marshfivld. He came by air plane from the coast, remained at the local field for about a half hour, and was then picked up by the southbound transport plane. A number of local persons gathered at the field to meet the ex-eham-plon, and he proved a very inter esting entertainer for the young sters. Before he left- scattered a handful of small change among the boys and glrja present. Motion pictures were secured of him as he boarded the transport, one of I ho passengers of the plane hav Ing a camera with her. Dempsey posed for the camera and then shook hands' with the cro'd as he boarded the ship. ; FOUR PRISONERS TAKEN TO SALEM Sheriff Jackson and Miss Agnes Pltchford, juvenile officer left this morning for Snlem with prisoners for the penitentiary and the train ing school. Charles Neff, who re cently ran away from his home here and was captured at Sacra mento, Js going lo the training school, and Al Wilson and Herman Ijong are to serve one year each In the penitentiary for the theft of an auto from Ed Sterling of Drain. Milton Nichols of Marsh field da to serve one , year for forgery. DUPED BY FAKE FOR 'LIFT' D. B. Randall, traveling from Los AnReles, who was held up Sunday ni'lit near Coquille. was in- Roseburg today relating the ex perience. He stated that he was about seven miles from Marshfield when he saw a car standing beside the road. As he approached one of the men in the car held up a red gasoline can, as if his car were out of gas and he desired a lift to a service station. Mr. Randall stop ped and asked if the party needed help and was told that the car was out of gas and that the man would like a ride until he could reach a filing station. He got into the car with the traveling salesman, and after they had gone a short dis tance he shoved a gun against Mr, Randall s body and ordered htm to turn off the highway into the woods, along a side road. Several other cars passed, hut the hold-up victim was unable to signal them. Tie turned off the highway as commanded until they reached a cleared spot, where he was ordered to stop. The other car pulled in behind him, and he was ordered out of his machine and thoroughly "frisked," the rob bers taking $30 in currency and leaving him 8(i cents in change. They then drove away in their own machine. They had no license plate on the front of their auto and the rear plates wen? covered with mud. He went on Into Marsimeui, wnere the robbery was reported. "With Byrd at the South Pole" Home From Vacation Mrs. Herbert Williams has returned to her home here after a week's va cation in Seattle and Victoria, P,. C. She was accompanied home by her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenne Laviolette, and her mother. Mrs. R. A. Hercher. Mr. and Mrs. LaViolette will leave soon for Idaho, where Mr. Lavio lette Is employed as Instructor IP the schools. Will Attend Convention Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cartnell. of Portland. visited here for a short time today with Mr and Mrs. D. S. Clemens Thev are on their way to San Francisco to attend a convention of automobile dealers. The men are automobile dealers In Port land. Thev plan to stop for more extended visit upon their re DAY'S NOTED DEAD GRANT'S SECRETARY, CUMUKIlLANi), Md July 29. General C. C. Snlffen of Washing ton, who was secretary to Presi dent U. S. Grant, died suddenly last night at his hotel on Town Hill mountain. He was 86. GEN. BUELL'S WIDOW NASHV1LLK. Tenn., July 29. Mrs. Rochie Hrlcn Ruell. 89. wi dow of General George P. Buell, Civil war officer and Indian fight er who built Fort Custer In Mon tana, is dead. PROF. THEO. AXENFELD FRKIIUIRG, Germany, July 29. Prof. Theodore Axonfeld. 63, re nowned occullst of the American was a member of the American Opthalmologlcal society from which he had received high honors. Dr. Axenfeld represented all Eu rope in his branch at the recent medical congress in Osaka, Ja Tlov-Mon- From Marshfield Sidney ingdon of Marshfield spent day here on business. 'MADRID, Julv 29. Dispatches from Santiago de Castaneda this afternoon said five persons had been killed and 20 wounded in a shooting affray among crowds cele brating a religious holiday. si' ... ..shh. ril!LiL Scene from the authentic piciunzatlon of Ryrd s daring nignt 10 the South Pole, to be shown at the Antlers theatre for three days, start ing today. THE daring flight of -Rear Ad miral Richard E. Byrd across the south pole is only one of the feats of daring and heroism captur ed by the Paramount cameraman who brought "With Byrd at the South Pole," a thrilling picture of adventure, to the United States. The feature film, which will show at the Antlers theatre, Btarting to day for three days, is a continuous drama, filled with adventure, hu mor, tli HI Is and romance. Never hefore has such a colorful pictorial record been Bpread on the screen. More than 30 miles of film were required to perfect It, From the moment Rear Admiral Ryrd and his intrepid band of explorers landed in the unknown region at the "bottom of the world," until they started the final trek for home, the life they lead, the sights they saw, the thrills they experienc ed are In this film for everyboxly to wonder and marvel at. Byrd's race to the South Pole was a race against time, the terrific cold and the appalling terrors ot the Antarctic winter. For seven weeks the adventurers waited while cloud and fog blanketed the sky. ghie oil, always removed at the end of a flight to keep It from congeal ing Jn the crankcase, had to be heated to a boiling point in one of the houses. The airplane motors covered with thick canvas howls, were heated by means of gasoline torches placed under them. Tt tobk two hours to bring the engines to the proper degree of heat to take the boiling oil. The temperature was 05 degrees below zeio. . "When the tumors were warmed, a shout was sent for the oil man, STATE GAME ASSN. HEAD VISITS HERE Ralph Cowglll, president of the State Game Protective association and engineer for the state game commission, spent the dny In Rose burg. He was In conference most of the day with Charles Lockwood, president of the Western Fish and Game Protective association, uis- cusslng matters relating to the pro posed activities in game conserva tion and discussing the program Roseburg in September by the western association. DR. NERB AS DENTI8T GRIFFITHS FAVORED TO DEFEAT HEENEY NEW YORK, July 29 Tom Heen ey, brawney New Zealand black smith, strikes the' comeback trail tonight In a ten round bout with Gerald (Tuffy) Griffiths, heavy punching youngster from Sioux City. Iowa. They battle over the ten-round bout at the Queensboro stadium. Unless he wins or makes a good showing, the bout may mark the end of Heeney's career, for the New Zealander has shown little since his terrific lacing at the hands of Gene Tunney here tw o years ago.' Griffith ruled a heavy favorite in overnight quotations with little or no Heeney money in evidence at any price. Mrs. Ritchie Visit Mrs. Hugh Ritchie Jr., of Garden valley, visit ed with friends and shopped In thlJ ciiy this morning. Old Time Dance at New Evergreen Grange Hall Wednesday Nile July 30 Music by WHIRLWIND ORCHESTRA ' Everybody Welcome Tickets 50c IMIIMMI'M'MIM'1WI11I.M I i Teach, lomato Boxes Fir and Pine Stock DENN-GERRETSEN CO., INC. CITY STREET SUPT. RETURNS FROM EAST George Fred, city street super intendent, accompanied by his wife and son, Chester, and their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and MrB. Harmon Wright, returned last night from an extended auto. trip In the middle west, 'iney visitea chiefly at Geneseo, III., with Mr. Frew's mother, who has been quite 111. Her health is reported to ne mproved at the present time. Mr. Frew reports a great deal of hot weather on the trip and Is delight ed to be back In Oregon. SHOW PRECEDES AIRPLANES' TOUR VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 2!!. As dress rehearsal for the first northwest air tour clrcys to be singed in 22 cities of Oregon, Washington and ldnlio, 49 pilots limed their motors and took to tho air at Pearson field this morning. The three-hour show was to ho given before the scheduled start for Yakima, Wash. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Rutter Visits Mrs. A. E. Rutter of Garden valley came In thlB morning to attend to business affairs and call on menus. Go to California Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Church, left at noon toduy for iMartlnes! and San FranclBco to vlBlt Wends nnd relatives dur lug the coming two Iweeks. Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 M. E. RITTER, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 284 Oak and Kine 8te. Licensed Lady Embalmer Go to Bandon Rev. and Mrs. R. P.. Slioun and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Caraway and Roy Hyrd left today for Bandon to Bpend two days at the beach. 1 . , Visitor In Town Mrs. C. D Rulck of Myrtle Creok wns a vIb Itor In this city today. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bnlck returned Saturday from Diamond lake wlvere they have been vacationing with Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely. FARMERS SEE THIS GREAT VALUE! This Caterpillar Combine has been used for a short time only. It is in perfect mechanical condition and has the ap pearance of a new machine. It is priced to sell. Here's a golden opportunity for you to buy a tractor cheaply. Be sure to come in, Miller-Sanford Tractor Co 4 -.7 n n unforgetable exploit that every man, woman and child should see. STARTS TODAY Then came twenty hours of clear, for lho conventlon to be held In weatner, anu, in -mis tweiuy Hours. Byrd, with three companions, made the daring flight across the pole and back to the comparatively safe base. They covered a distance of 1,080 miles and, during the flight, faced dangers such as few men have lived through. ' Even before this thrilling race started, the Byrd men had to win a race against the terrific cold. The plane had to be made ready. En- Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phone 4S8 Masonic Bldg. Americas Finest, ll';.. ' Id m LANG-EUGENE, INC EUGENE, OREGON Special! New No. 344 Letz Hay Cutter Extra set knives, 40 ft. pipe. Has only cut forty loads of hay. S275.00 "See Us First We Can Save You Money" Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg Myrtle Creek Oakland AGENT3 FOR L. 4 H. Electrle Ranges John Oeere Plow Co. Hood River Bpray Co. Hoosler and Milwaukee Pumps 8utherlln Spray Co. , withBYB&B atthe Authentic Pictures of the ACTUAL FLIGHT OVER THE SOUTH POLE! TALKING' SOUND EFFECTS. WlPammonnte. Picture! J J FOR 3 DAYS I Picture! I Sight and sound re cord of the world's moit amazing eventl NOW you can see itl The greatest story of adventure ever filmed! You're actually there, yourself, with this handsome young hero and his valiant band In this realis tic camera recordl One of the real thrills of a life-time. It's an unforgetable event thnt no man, woman, or child dare miss! 80,000 feet of amazing entertainment. AL80 COMEDY NEWS ADMT8SION Matinee 10c-35c Evening 10c-50c ANTLERS i enroute to Crater lake for an out turn next week. Mrs. C. L. Cart Ing of a few days. nell Is a cousin of Mrs. Clemens.