ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930. SEVEN Classified Section SATES: Per word, each Insertion, 1 cent. By the treefc, 0 cents a word. Minimum per advertisement, 25 cent. Mall your ads count the words and enclose stamp, check or money order. FOR SALE ABERDEEN That good Utah coal at Pages'. BUILDING BRICK and fire brick. ,Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR SALK Good Jersey cow. See Chas. Kyes, 826 N. Jackson St. FOR SALE Broccoli plants. Ash by strain. Phone 702-J4 after 7 P- m. WOOD FOR SALE Oak, fir and laurel. Winter orders at reason able prices. Phone 24F21. FOR SALE Shingle mill and box factory, going concern. Write Box 90, care News-Review. BROCCOLI plants for sale. Early, late and medium, 2 per 11)00. French Nichols, Rt. 1, Box 83. FOR SALE Eight-foot show case, oak with plate glass top and shelves. Morgan's grocery. Phone 68. FOR SALE 5-room house close in, paved St., large lqt, sandy soil, garage. Price $1200. Chas. Kyes, 826 N. Jackson. Mill Ends Now Is the time to lay in your winter's Bupply of this stock. Coen Lumber Company. VOll SALE Reasonable; 6 old and 18 young turkeys. John Wil kinson, Rt. 1,-Box 91, Roseburg, Ore. TWO-MONTHS-OLD pigs for sale, O. I. C. stock. John Busenbark, Jr., Days Creek. Phone Canyon- , ville 66. FOR SALE OR TRADE cheap, Model A Ford coupe, perfect mechanical condition. Inquire 609 Mill St., Roseburg, Oregon. SPECIAL coll bedspring, extra heavy construction. Double deck ed to Insure comfort. Regularly priced at 118 now $12.50. Powell's Furniture store, 245 N. Jackson. BRUNSWICK phonograph cost $210 new. Will sell for $35 in cluding $15 worth of records. See us for good buys any time. Pow ell. 245 North Jackson street. MATTRESSES as low as $6. Fine fstemless feather pillows at $3.50 pair. Large post ivory beds, $5.50. Coil springs at $7.75. Dav enport and chair, $65. See these at Powell's 245 N. Jackson. UERE is an exceptionally good car '28 Willys-Knight sedan, com pletely overhau'ed, new lacquer, new tires..A perfect car at a very low price. Bo sure and try it out. Going at $675. F. W. Chase. BOXES AND CRATES made on or der by Halls Creek Shingle Mill, Myrtle Point, Oregon, sold in Roseburg by Denn-Gerretsen Co. and Umpqua Valley Lumber Co., or may be ordered direct from mill for local delivery. Special prices on shingles during this nionth. Also supply split cedar shakes. I WANTED I. 4 WANTED Day old calves. Phone 419-Y. LOAN wanted from private party, $5000, three years, best security. uox 2lu, care Mews-Review. SALESMEN WANTED 66 miles on 1 gallon. Amazing new mois ture gas saver. Ail autos. 1 free. Criichlow. 4610-E, Wbeaton. Ill I FOR RENT I , FURNISHED apt. for rent. Call 515. FOR KENT 6-room house in good conditiun. Inquire 875 Hoover St. FOR KENT Well furnished 5- room house. Adults only. Call at Roadman Apis., 318 S. Plue. I MISCELLANEOUS I , ; TRADE $SOO equity in Eugene cottage. What nave you; bin s. Stephens St. (JAR OWNER Don't forget to call 553 when In need of auto parts. Sarffs Auto Wrecking House. NEW TODAY eH INGLE stain that stays. Demi Iterretsen to. HOOF coatinf; siwiul value at spe cial price at Pages'. KOH SAM-:--Haled Brain hay. J. F. Van Allen, Pays Creek. WANTKD ItooniPi'H and boarders in private family. 22 Mill St. FOR SALE Oat and vetch hay. U miles east on Jeer Creek road. Smith lit os. FOH KENT One-room furnished cabin. $5 per month. See maid, OouiUkh hotel. FOU SALE CHEAP or trade for liKUt car. 'L'7 Stinlebaker sedan, llox 256, care News-lteview. FOH SALE Peach phim. They are ripe now, ill last but few days. Call at S21 Lane. FOH SALE 2 acrej and house on highway and valley road, oppo- ile Camp View. Good for fill station or tamp. See owner, Ceo. Hill. FOH SALE A splendid collapsible Virtrola phonograph with the hvt-t assortment of 90 retordn. liaMi't been used lou. Price reasonable- Please examine at Loe Story Mission, 125 SiieriUau bl. CLAY building tile at rages'. MILCH COWS wanted. Broccoli plants for sale. Fred A. Goff, Roseburg. Phone 6F2. LOST at Umpqua park, child's 10- karat gold ring with green oval setting. Reward. Phone 315-R. FOR SALE White Leghorn pul lets, 8 wks., 65 cents; 14 wks., 80 cents. One mile west of Canyon vllle. Address Floyd White, Kiddle. 12.00 M Sblplap and 2x4's Generally sold at 16.00 Good for many uses Coen Lumber Company. FOR SALE Nice little 11-acre ranch, close in, good buildings; fruit; on river. $1900, terms. Mrs. L. O. Maddux, 404 N. Jack son. DON'T FORGET the dance at Ten- mile Friday, July 1 8th, after the grange meeting. Davis on the violin and Billy Hughes on the banjo. Everybody welcome. WE PAY YOU $3 per month to save $5 per month with addi tional profits for the next ten years. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 246. CARBIDE gas light plant complete with fixtures, also 3-burner stove and flat iron, good as new. Delivered and installed at your place for i of cost price. Box 265, care Ni;s-Review. FORD 2-door sedan, late 1929 model. Driven 2800 miles as fam ily car. This car Is practically new in every way. Owner will sacrifice her equity and trans fer contract on balance due on car. See Mr. Roberts, Roseburg Garage. Phone 408. FOR SALE J. I. Case threshing machine, 36-in. cylinder, and 35 horse power Ruiuley oil pull en gine. This property must be sold to settle up an estate. Sacrifice price $500. W. A. Bogard, admin istrator. Address Roseburg oi call at Round Prairie ranch, 12 miles south of town. WILL trade for. Roseburg resi dence. Have sixty five acre poul try ranch, six-room modern home; five new' poultry houses; brooder house; pumping outfit; blacksmith shop; storage cellar for eggs; five acres In alfalfa; good barn with ten tons vetch and oat hay; 400 hens; 725 pul lets; itlalry cows; Fodson and full line implements; close to Roseburg and quarter mile off the Pacific highway on county road. E. G. Kingwell, Roseburg. Ore. Mrs. Enyder Is Visitor Mrs. A. A. Snyder, of Glendaie, was a vis itor In this city ysterday. Baseball Saturday. 3 P. M. Adv. TODAY'S MARKETS Hutter Ailvnncpi POItTLANI. July 17. The price of butter hn advanced 1p all down the line, according to quotations at Portland. ExtrHs are now at 33c Butterfat lias also advanced, the price delivered Portland beiiiK 31c. Egg prices were fairly steady with top gradca stronger. Speaking of the fruits and vege tables department of agriculture sava: "Portland's Rtipply of tomatoes e now coming nlmont entirely fmm The Dalles. Heavier receipt! of The Ditt leu tomatoes reduced priced ."iOc per box, to about $l.7 to re tailcrK. "PotHtoes nre now at their lowest level since last summer, id Sl.TiOifl 2.00 per iwt. for fine-uuality local whites. "Apricots from The Italics, end Yakima are in active demand for home canning, at $1.0i(& 1.15 per 15r lb. crate to retailers. uuotutton Kggs: Prlcos tr. re:allcrs: Fnsh rxtnis, 24c; standards, fresh medium. 22c. Prices to -who'.esaii-F tc under pric to retullers. Butter: Cubes: Extras, 32c; stan- if-ri Kin: nrlme fli'MLft. 30c: fll'HtB. 29o. Creamery prices: Prints, 3c over eute stanuaras. 7,Tllk- Itnw milk (4 rr cent) J2.3P 9 2.4(1 cwl., afTlveretl Portland. Ihhp i p r cent; graoe n mute. .nn. mu terfht, station. 28c; track, 30c; de livered In Portland 31c. Poultry: (Buying prices) : Alive henvv henn over 4V. lbs.. 20c: me dium hens. 3U. to 4 fc lbs.. Itic: light hens, iH'i oroners. i io nm. Iirhni-im. 17c: colored. 20c; I'e km ducks. 4 lbs. and over. 206 22c: old. lac; colored uucks, me. Country meats: (Buying prices) Choice veal. K,c; pork, ft lfic: choice lamus. 2jitc; mutton, sa 7 cents. vimtr fcltv delivery nrlces) Family patents. 4!s, $fi.20; whole wheat. 4:s. $.1.1: graham. VM. $-i.2.0; (..lor' hull! wlituit. uHm. 10. 10: tmk- ers' blues tern T'at'-i. pastry flour. 49s, $3.50. fruit or berry. $4. 'JO per twt Beet sugar. 4.0 cwl. (Jium n-ns. io t i"''.. vi- i-km-rtriions; New California, $1.75 " i'otatO"s: tiems. No. 1 grade. $.1.75 New potatoes: caiiiornm. 11 Ar. nnnnil Hops: my emp, i3'.ti ir.,-; i!':to contrncis, ciusiers, iiv. u irina ir,r Wool: Essiern Oregon. 13ft 18e lh : vMev 2Ac. Mohair, new clip Kid hair. 3ic per pounJ; staple 25c Nuts: Steady; wnlnuts. Oregon, 2a ft 30c: nlmonds. 251'ic: peanuts. 9H5 1'ttc; pecans. 25(&57c; filberts. 1 ICt 1 Skf itnv Wlinlomln Ituvlntr nrlces. de llvercd Portland, eastern OreKon llmnlhV ft r.uftfH F.(l: .lo vail tin 4, 1 (J r.rt nlfnlfa $10 OOffi ti clover. II A: oat hay. $1: straw. $71 8 ton; selling nric. $1 to $2 more. Livestock Oittle: Steers titn-!00 1ts. 1 0. ow-rlitim tktiU I'l.nwniiii Ifi'fiS. St 'Kin. 1 1 ii a i'liilo iiH-dlum lS'i;H cuminun S . T ft 8. Melfrr, gnd $8 i k tin medium $ii.5e s. conn ir. i; r.o i:hwi. mu-hI " cotniiion hii-i hied i inn $ t 51i 7. low cuitir $lt. Vt-ab is. milk f'-d $10 fti 1 1. milk ft-d. iiKMlium HHIK ftl nil and cfummin Irtft . ' ruJv ft, lit. common and medium $i$r M..irw fSoft or oi v hixt roHHting p'ks u.. htifii) l.itcjit linhts 1 n. ir.n ' i Jl.i ."' t ... iih i iv-lKht t'.''-J!! 1'-.. ki-1 h'h! $1 1 1.7 IlKht w.ih( ivt-i" II u, and -Im.Ick ' $11.nMf, ! t . j: Medium weight 2vy--:y lbs., good POLLY AND HER PALS As "Natural" As IDIOT TO U It I) Kit TO SHOW CM SK OST AP- I'MCATION OI- UA1IHA FOH oitm-: u of sai.u iu kioai. STATU. In the County Court of the State of Uregon lor iJuuias County. In tnu niuiier ui the guuruiantship of Leiand A. llouser, a minor. It uiihcurmic lu tue court rtoin the petition pi cBi'iilcl Hint i ileu oy L). b. tlousei . guaruittii of the pci - dun uiid tiHlu oi Iceland A. iiouoor. minor, uiuyiiitc tor un ui-tr ol sale ul private bule of certain rem property ueioiiKiug to suiu wuiu. una thut u appeiiis neeL-tuury unu ociieticiul to tiiu su.u wuiu tout duett real, estate shuid be sold; U i. iiiL-rc.o.e, Tuts luih day of Juiy, i'J3t), ordered that tne ikaI oi Li it ami tne suiu whio. unu an per uiis intt' rested in the hutd colulc tiipear beiore tins court on the mil Jrty of AugUHt, 1U0, at tile hour ol it'll o'clocic a. in., at the court loom ol this court, in tne county court nouse In the city ti Kubcniirg, on on, then and there in show . ny an utult snuuiu not ne sriuiit u for the Haio of said real estate de scribed in said petition, to-wit: An illltlivitieu one-si-venui oi iota four (!, live (5). six. W), seven (.(". eight (S. nine fJ), ten (1U, eleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13) and thirty 30) feet of street ad jacent thereto vacated hy hiw; ail jjituaCeu in imock loui Lecn u u in -i;rslde Adtlitlon to the City of iluso-iiurg.- JJouglus County, Oregon; al- tt sixteen (itl una Liuriy i.s'ir reel of the street adjacent llielcio vacated bv laW ll blocK twenty five (2fi) liiverside Addition H) the Citv of iloseburg. Oregon, all ac cording to the recorded plat uf said .iddition on Hie and ot record in me office of the county clerk of. Uoug- as County. Uiegtiu. (Higd.J W. S. HAM1I-TO.V. The foreeolng Is' a true enuy of the original order, as the same ap pears ot record and in my custody. (Seal) ILUV Aiiir.1'., fount v CierK and ex officio clerk of the above named court. .UltUHK in the County Court of the State of Oregon Tor Douglas ijouniy. In the matter of the guaiuiunship of V. H. Thaeker. Insane. This matter coming on for hear ing at this time upon the petition of bind Thaeker. Die duly appointed, qualified, and ueting guardian ol the estate of W. II. ThiM:ker, insane, for a license to well the real prop erty of said estate, And It appearing in me emu i from said petition that it is neces sary and will be beneficial to the aa.d W. H. Thaeker that the Inter est or said w. II. j nacaer in me hereinafter described reul property be sold. .... It Is therefore orneren, a;ijuugeu and decreed that said V. If. liiatk- and 1 inia l nacaer, i.narje Thaeker, Harold Thaeker, and Joe Thaeker. the next 'f kin of sa d ward and all persons ini"it'fii' i" said estate be. and they ale, direct ed and required to appear before this court oh the nth day of August, !:it. at the hour or hp o ciock in the forenoon of said day in toe eounty court room in tne coui i house in tuiseiiiirg. uoumas -uun-tv. Oregon, to show cause, if any exists, wliv a license shoeld not be granted to said guardian for the sale of the real property of SiiUl estate consisting l nil uimiimo.. one-eighteenth interest to the fol lowing dehcriheu real propctij, m 'lt: . , , Ueginning at a point n.ui " '' north and K chains cast or tins lllarter Seetloil corner u.-iweeo M' lions and T. townshii 'J Hoiitii. range fi west of the WilJameM. Meridian, said point being on lh. lorih Hue of the Coos Day V. :ignil Knad. them e ii"i lh L'l."' Imiiis, iheiMe east !.'! chains. thence utlr 21.:ta chains to th.-' north line of said wagon road, theiiee In a soutliwesterlv direetlt.n along the north line of sa'd wagon rosd to -be pla-e of lugitining. conlainlim 'i ft TB iiii.r.. or li ss. Also b'-- irininir st' a point J : 67 chains moth and 17.-i elotins cast f the tiuarler section conn r between e--ti.Mis T and U7. t V ' , ""',J' .iiiw d w-st of the W illHioett' Meridian, thrm ast Di cliaiiis to the Coos llav Wagon KoaU. then'--,n a southw, .t .n...,t;oN f.. - lowing the in. .i nlets - I the ( ..'. llav Wagon Jtmd to a ut li e-t- ly notll'1 of the beginning polill. iheii'-e north - 1 . :i I chinns '"..''JV plaec of beginning containing acres more or less. It is further ordered, adhudged mid deerevd that CIs nrdi-r be serv ..d upon fa Id W. II- Thack.-r and Dinda Tha- ker. Charles W . h' "r Harold Tha- ker .nd Joe T hack -r and all persons Interest' d by miU- and choice 10f( M.'-T-. nif-dium weight 2j-:io lbs., good and choice ti T.Mi 11. Heavy weight 2 .n-J.ot lbs.. oo, and choice $:i.Mll 11 .... H-vy weight .'!to.:;.'.a lbs., good and holec :'! t. Packing . m a j. .0 bt.. inediU'il and good '-" !!.). Slaughter pi"" le..-j:',i' IbH good and choice f T.trt 4f 1 1 . , I'cd.f and stockcr pigs TO-DIO D4t.. g(vd and choice SI I H U l'. .r w SLeep' laiiils, !" 1k. .hiwn Jv ;.:... medium :.''! ",.. ia. all .-i-'ihts. .-.ffoon &nH'0. Vearhllg Wetll'-IS TM.-U-. lb-. IA'.. s. ''' 'J',-'- $i.;i i.a'j. ljtt-i.'tu. ii. ti ti all weights, cull and common, 1 t; 1.50. 1 I ; jr ikjt Vl. L-,hJ Shut VerST - 5ho6Tik' m : jpu. J? eves. maw.M Heat Ion thereof In the Itoschurg w s- Ke view. it newspaper pun ished and of general circulation in uoiiglas county, tr-gon. Latu or cirst puiiiitution. juiy it. iyao. Duted July 17. 100. Y. S. HAMILTON. Coiiiay Judge. TU IC TO ( ItKIIITOKS In the Con nly Court of the Ktute of Oregon for Oouglas County. In the matter of the estutu of Jacob Van Ithec. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tne undersigned has heeu duly ap pointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jacob Vun Hhee, deceased, by order of the above entitled court made and en tered on the U'th day of July. ls:). All persons having claims against said estate of said deceased nre hereby required lo present them, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned in icuseiiurg, Douglas County, Oi'"gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Oate ot first publication July 17, l!i3i. 1 atf of last publication Augubt 14, CiUV CORDON. Administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Jacob Van Uhee, deceased, Baseball Saturday 3 P. At. Adv, POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS THE STORY OF An oninillllnn spill In "lllll'klist back nut boantluK ho usual slraiiRc raicbt treasure 50 dictaphone recoruii. These records ulanilins on ft shelf In an office at the Field Mu seum of Natural History look like any ordinary business office col lection ready to repeat to waiting stenognipliers, 'Yours of tho 10th received and contents noted." Hut when they are made to speak for the first time in liicaKO thi'y will reproduce Bounds never beiore heard on Ihis continent, according Hambly, leader ot the Field Museum Expedition, to West Africa, which was sponsored KawHon of Chicago. The healing of drums in a village ceremony in Angola, below the equator; native Ovimbundu negro children singing at their games; tales of primiilvo tribes told In their peculiar tongue. Hie Mhundu, will jound from the cylinders. For Mr. Hambly, who tiav- aled some 10,000 miles in a ford truck, accompanied irar" by a lew native aides collected dialects and songs and JTpj tolKlore as diligently as lie gainerea onjects. He didn't neglect the latter, either. There's a big roomful of them at the Field Museum so many It will take Mr. Hambly, who is curator of African elhnology for Iho In stitution, at least a year to sudy and brought home pottery and masks before, whereas bringing home voices is rather a novelty. They wore not so easy to get. Anyone who has tried to take photographs of primiilvo peoples knows they are camera-shy. Tho thought of having their voices trapped is even less appealing to them, the leader of the expedition said. The nnlives he met were tar from eager to "go into the talkies," ven of this rather conservative kind, but .Mr. Hambly found ways of convincing them thai the dictaphone was harmless and now he has the permanent records. News story from Chicago, 1930. This gathering voices far away To hold forever and a day, That we may study all their tones ' Just as we study plants and stones. Has stirred my mind to ponder, dream 1 his fanciful poetic theme The magic power that's in the voice To make us fear or else rejoice. There is the voire of human love That falls like music from above, . ' The tone of gracious sympathy Like breeze from off the summer sea. We hear it 'in the lullaby. That soothes the startled baby's cry; T-l A I 1 -II i i nc same in 'nica s As where the city's wealth is piled. i Then there is anger's grating sound How much the same the world around I 1 he muttering cry of rising hate As grim and merciless as fate; It feeds a poison to the blood. Brings evil's vicious thoughts to bud. Sends through the nerves a wicked thrill, And stirs the soul to hurt and kill. The songs of childhood when at play So innocent with laughter gay, 'Mong every color, tribe and race Work miracles of happy grace. Wise Wilfrid Hambly's dictaphones Have raii;;hl for us tliVsc varied tone;.. And, onward through the passing years. They'll wake men's heaits to smiles or tears. the Day He Was Born NOT HI-; TO (HKIITOM9 In the County Court of the Ftatp of uiuKtm ioi I'ot'Kias i.ouiity. In the matter of the estate of William Orahum Currv. deceased. Notice Is hereby given thai the understuned have been dul v un pointed executrix and executor of the last will and testament or Wil liam (irahnm Curry, deceased, by order of the above entitled court. and that they have duly (nullified as such. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present them, with proper vouchers, tlulj verified, as by law required to the untiersignea at me oiriee oi i.ari ix Wlmberlv in Hoseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice. which is July i (. i.nt. ISAHKLLK JANB ClMlltV CAUL K. WIMHICUL.!'. Kxeeutrlx and executor of the luftt will and testament of William Graham curry, deceased. i J BuslneHS and Professional (Women's club picnic at Bess '.Wharton's Friday evening. jilting fork, cup, spoon, plate Uud 50c. Meet at lies drug store at a; in. THE VOICES Africa" from CllicUEO llllD COlIie animal luizes, but brllililUK un Us to Wilfrid (1. by Frederick H. classify them all. hut people have jungle wild 0$ 1 IN BANKRUPTCY Id the District Court of the United States for the District oc Oregon. In tne matter of Hoy A. Ueebe Lumber Company, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Hoy A. Bee- be Lumber Company of Leona, in the County of Douglas and district Aiorcsaiu, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 2$Ul day of June, 1930, the said uoy A. Ueebe Lumber Company was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of Its creditors will be held at the office of the underslgued in Roseburg, ore., on tue 2Mb day of July, 1930, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint trstee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business iS muy properly como before said meeting. imitiu Roseburg, ore., July iein. 1930. C. U HAMILTON, Referee in Bankruptcy. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who wore so kind to us during our recent bereave ment and also for the beautiful floral offerings. . Mrs. J. D. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Call L.. Harper, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Hagcn, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wf Brooks, and family. Glendule, Ore. Baseball Saturday 3 P. M.-Adv. LODGE DIRECTORY d. p. O. Elks, Roxtburg t-odo No. 326 Holds regular com munlcatlon at the Elks Tempi every Thursday. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. H. C. DARBY, E. It UiA B. 3ec. j. O. O. F., Phlletarlcn Lodge No. 8-Meets in Odd jft.-llowi Tem ple every Friday evening. Visit Ing brothers are always wel come a. c. jones, n. a. A. J. UKllDES, Hoc. Sec. J. B. BAIl.KY. Fin. Bee. United Artliani Umpoua Assem bly 105. Meets In JlaccaDee nan Cass street on first and third Friday evening of each month at 8 o'clock. Visiting Artisans Id good standing alwayB welcome. DR. CHAS. WADE, M. A. DOROTHY RHOADBS. Secy. Neighbor! ot ' WooOcraft, Lllai Circle, No. 49 Meats on first s'jd third Monday erunings, in Maccabee hall. Visiting Neigh bors invited to attond. MAXINB RUFF, O. N. ELSIE WILLIAMS, Clork. Eaglet, Roseburg Aerie Meets In ..Maceabee Halt on 1 case street on .second and fourth Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. VlBltlng brethren in good standing always welcome. ARTHUR PUCKETT, Pres. J. BERNARD SHAW, Soc. Roseburg Lodge No. 1037, L. O. O. M. Meets the third Wednesday of each mouth, Moose ball, Kohl hagen Dldg. Visiting brothers welcome. GEO. OILHAM, Diet. II. O. HAROKTEU, Soc. jno. m. Throne, Treas. Laurel Chapter, No. 31, K. A. M. Meets every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonic Temple All members requested to at tend and visiting companions welcome. DKRT WELLS, High Trlost. W. F. HAHRIH. Sec. O. E. 8., Roseburg Chapter, No. 8 bolds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. - A 1 1 sojourning brothers and sisters are' respect fully Invited to attend ALDA WILLIAMS, W. M. FREE! JOHNSON, Sec. Job's Daughter No. fi Meeti rl rut and fourth Tuesdays ut 7:31 p. m., Masonio Temple. Mastot Masons and 0. E S. members a) ways welcome. LOUISE HERS. Hon. Quocn. RUTH 01LMOUR, Sec. A. F. o A. M., Laurel uodge No. 13 Regular communication see ond and fourth Wednasduys each month at Masonio Templo, Rose burg, Ore. Visitors welcome. H. D. QUINK, W. M. W. F. HARRIS. Bee. Women of Mooseheart Legion Meets the second and fourth r rl day of each month at L. O. O. M. hall. GRACE HUNTER, Rec. GERTHUDK PIERCE. Treas. CONSTANCE BLACK. S R. Big CURTAIN SPECIAL TWO DAYS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY New Criss-Cross Ruffled Marquisette Curtains, ecru with rose, green, gold Q0p or lavender ruffles and tie-backs. $1.50 value, special UUU New Marquisette Panels, trimmed with f inge and tucks. Q 0 p $1.50 value, special OOy Also Ruffled Curtains and Panel Curtains, to close out, only one or two Q0f of a kind. Values up to $2.50. Special uOll Ask for the Free Silverware cards, they are truly valuable. McKEAN & BALDWIN Fishing Supplies To Fit Every Need! Come here to get prepared trip. Whatever you FISHING TACKLE FLIES SPINNERS GUT HOOKS CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. THE IRONMONGERS COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA U. . WKATIIKH 11U111SAU OhaiirvatloiiB tiiKun m 6 a. 120th Morlt!tnn. THE WEATHER (0 Tomperaturo -hi 't 3. Zhlil J? tifc B3 linker Own- 48 Sill ..I .1 Boise irnr M sn r.l n Boston ;lenr 72 801 621 0 , CIiU-uko clear 6K 8l 6ti 0 I ttenver eleur li nil ti, u Kurekii elily r.'.' Bit r.ili 0 I (ttilvt-Hton lorn- 8 Kfif 7h' 0 Helena eletir .r,K 8tl M 0 Kansas cltv ...eleur 71 I'll 71 0 Los AllffeteH ..eleur 721 I'll! 72 0 Murshflelil . ..eleur fil lll 111 " New Orleans ..clear 74 90 721 - 0 eW I i,,K ..t't.eillV li'M t In, e North Head el,ly (III till n Phnenlv . ...I'I.elilv S'l 7SI S' a Poeatelln . . .I't.elcl-1 62 821 fi-l 0, Porlhilid elily 711 r. It n I IKmrlMirK . ...clear r 3 1 70) 52 0 I uei.l.,.t.,itu . .elilir iM "''it I St. Louis clear 70 8S 68 0 ! Salt Lake clear 6BI 12 ( 0 San Frnnclaco .cldv B2 64 52 0 ! San Diego ..I't.clilv 7H 82 70 0. Senttle rlilv R6 61 56 0 nokano clear 51 82 51 0 "'..shlncton . ..el.iy 72 86 6S 0 WlnnlpcK . .Pt.elily 6"l K-'l 6ftl .40 Yakima clear G6 84 06 0 Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 M. t. Kill fcH, manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 284 Oak and Kane Sta. Drum Corps Benefit ME ARMORY Saturday Night GOOD MUSIC We Want to "MAKE 'ER TO BAKER" TICKETS $1.00 98c for that long awaited fishing lack . .. we have it. RODS REELS LINES f ISHING BASKETS Chiropractor DRUGLESS HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vapor Datha 327 Cass Phone 491 "Complete Health Service" DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist in the fitting of Glasses 116 Jackson St. Radio Service Parts, tubes and repairing. A fully equipped department. When in Radio trouble call 408 Ask for CARL JOHNSON Roseburg Garage Fishing and Hunting Trips Pack and saddle horses at Steamboat for hire. Write or phone Joe DeBernardi Phone 36F15 Glide. Ore. Licensed Lady Embalmer