PJCHf ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. 'ttTDNESDAY. JULY 16. 1930. mnmrismnis OF OTHER SMS ill (Xowi-Kf-view DoukIuh Comity Siwhil) lDLEYM) PA UK, July 16. A groat many out of Hlute visitors have htitm at Jdlcyld park during the past week. Anions the victim? fishermen and vucatJoniHtH wre K. 8. Stockman and family of Tuft, California, who plan to return la ter in the season for u JiuntiiiK trip; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Iriinm, Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson and L. (',. Stevens of Merced, California; Mr. and Mrs. William Tobin of San Franciso; J. T. Humphry and fam ily of I.os Angeles; J. C. .Morrinon and family of Jierkeley; O. V. Strernph; and family of Klyrla, Ohio; W. A. Slllley and party or I-oh AnkH'h; W. (i. Nichols, San Francisco; H. (I. Cramer and II. M. Henderson of San lileo; I Jen Pet eison, Salinas, Kansas, and C. J. Green and family of Sausalilo, California. There were also a laree number of visitors from other parts of the state, including a laiKe group from Cooh Bay. Among these visitors were C. U Pendleton of Marsh field, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Collver and son, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Young and children, Mr. and Mrs. E, K. Schriever und daughter, (Mven, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hut chinson and daughters, Lucia and Patricia, Knid and Joyce Collver, Marian Corsette, i.Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Swartz, alt of MaiHhfiold; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Male of Spring field; MisH Brace Male, Portland; J. K. Scott and J. Thatcher of Cor vallis. Many groups of picnickers were nt the park Sunday to eujoy llio day. ASPIRANT . ; w, l A SCOTTSBURG ( (NWn-ItovIew DdiiKlim finnil,v HM'cinl) BCOTTS1HJHG, July Sieve Matson motored to Brain Saturday night to meet Mrs. Matson, who came from Los Angeles to spend her vacation at the Scottshuig ho tel, which her husband and Ray mond Loomis have leased for a year. Wallace Fryer and Cicnrge Tapp were Scoltsburg visitors Sunday. Oeorge LeMon, who spent Tues day at Loon lake last week Is now chief cook nt the Scottshurg ho tel. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Hutchinson of Kellogg and Mrs. Oia Tapp or Klklon stopped InSeoitHhurg Sun day and were joined by Mrs. Mary Ellsworth and daughler, Lois, and nil enjoyed a day ut Winchester Bay. Arnold and Sllllman Wesscla of Scottshurg motored to Winches-' ter Bay Sunday. Mrs. Allie Hill and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Hill and the hit ter's two children were visitors in ScoUshui'K Friday. Mrs. .lack Baker of San Bernar dino, Calif., was n visitor at the Scottshurg hotel Saturday. J. Paul Wnssela motored to .Heedsport and Loon hiko Sntuiday. Mrs. Wesseln accoinimuicd him homo from Loon lake where she has been visiting at the home of her sisters, Mrs. W. I), lllley. Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Peart and tilt lighter, Mary belle, niovvd Into an apartment In the Scoltsburg hotel Sunday from Klklon. Mr. and Mrs. Kit (irubbe of Elk ton visited their daughter, yrn. Clyde Peart of Scottshurgh Sun day. Mrs. Anna Wessela returned to Rcnttshurg Friday after a lew days' visit at tlie Eskellno home on the U mpqua. HOLE int JETTY AT THOFCOQILE TO BE REPAIRED MARINE CHIEF? Lewellyn A. Banks. Medford fruit grower and publisher, who has been nominated as Indepen dent candidate for the United States senate In opposition to Charles L. McNary, incumbent. Mr. Banks' name will appear on the general election ballot in the fall. WINCHESTER BAY WINCHESTER BAY, July !. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. llelzensteln of Uoseburg arrived hiHt Sunday in Winchester Bay to spend a week's vacation. Tho chlnook and sllversldo mil mon run has benuu and many tour ists are now catching the splendid fish. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. sickler of M Hood stopped In Winchester Bay last Monday, returning lo their home from a business trip to North Bend. Mr. ami Mrs. E. F. Kidder and daughter of San Fernando, Cal and Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Butten am) daughter of Santa Paula, Cal stooped in Winchester Bay lust Monday while enroule north on the Uoosevelt highway, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bishop of Tulsa. Okla., spent last Monday her v, bile touring Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are enroute to Cull- fornla. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thacker and son left lust Monday for their home iu Portland after spending a week In Winchester Bay where they enjoyed llshing and vlsltl I : friends and relatives in Heeds port. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Terry of Portland, spent . last Sunday in Winchester Bay. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Thomas of Lebanon spent last Sunday in Win chester Bay. Mr. and Mrs. C. Skelton and chil dren of Lorano, Ore., left hist Tuesday after spending several days In Winchester Bay where they enjoyed good fishing. Mr. und ilrs, F. C. Perry and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Perry of Portland spent last Saturday in Winchester Bay on a business trip. Mrs. F. E. Trueman and son, L. W. Morris of Camas Valley spent last Wednesday and Thursday In Winchester Bay on combined busi ness and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lane and son, Donald and daughter Kathleen of Harbor, spent the week end in Winchester Bay visiting relatives. Mi, and Mrs. Lane were enroute to Cottage Grove lo make their home. BAN DON. Jiilv Hi. The butch ers, bakers and grocers of Coos county have decided to hold their annu:il picnic at Bundon by-the- sea this year on I imrsuay, July 17. A (rood time Is In store for these merchants at Bandon because of the natural forms of entertainment offered here. Manager Topping of the Sliver Spray gardens has n ranged for nn aiternoon dance uh It'll will niil in aitniHt'liiPtil for the guests. The dance will he held from 4 lo G Thursday afternoon. I he golt course, Wucoma but lis and the beach will he open lo these visitors, too. The picnickers will gather at the llv nark fir tint htir fit!n which are always common at a gathering of this sort. A big baseball game between the grocers and the butch ers and bakers combined will he the big attraction of the day. UOHN SCHOOLCRAFT To Mr. nnd Mrs. C. I). Schoolcraft of Sulher lln, on July lf, in Uoseburg (ieu eril hospital, a daughter, Oouna Millie. BANDON, July 16. Work has begun under the supervision of District Engineer Bidwell of the L. S. engineers for the repairing of the hole in the north Jetty west of the lighthouse, maintenance funds being used for the work. A Erickson of Bandon has charge of the construction woik and is now building a form for concrete. The hole Is to be filled with concrete. A mixer and other equipment has arrived. The Santa Cruz Cement company of Portland received the contract from the gov ernment to furnish 200 barrels of cement. This Is to bo shipped from San Francisco and will come by boat. The rock and gravel to be used in the concrete will be barg ed across the river from the Erick son bunkers on the south side of the river. The hole in the north jetty haB caused much sand to be washed Into the channel on the bar and is believed to be the cause of some of the shoals at times just outside the bar. It is believed that good results will he obtained from the repair nnd that it may demon strate the value of restoring the entire north jetty in order to se cuie and hold the new lfi-foot depth provided for in the recent appropriation. -A kr . If'; FISHERMEN ARE HAViHIG GOOD LUCK Oiy NORTH UMPQUA (NVwi.Rtn-iew D'ufla County Sjntial) IDLFYLD PABK, July Fish ing'conditions are holding up well on the North Umpqua and some very fine catches have been made. I-awrence Krogel and Marry Lohr made limit catches Sunday, using files. The Bteelheads are running and good catches are reported every day. The crawfish are shed ding their shells now and are mak ing fine bait for s tee Hit-ad and cut throat trout. The best flies ate brown hackle with bronze body, royal coachman and gray hackle. 3 Attend Presbyterian Synod Hv. Alexander Muirden and V. ('. Harding left for Kugene this morning to attend the Presbyterian Synod of Oregon. They will be gone three or four dayti. Your Car Doesn't Work by the Clock . . . And Neither Do We! Take advantage of our 24-hour service when car trouble-develops . , . BEFORE MIDNIGHT AFTER MIDNIGHT . . CALL 140 CALL 697-J Johnson's Automotive Maintenance "If it isn't rii?ht . . . we make it right." I GEN SUEDLEV O. BUTLER j Major General Smcdley Butler, i who Is being urged by Senators ! Iieed and Hatfield as commandant of the United States marine corps. I Fishing and Hunting Trips Pack and saddle horses at Steamboat for hire. Write or phone Joe DeBernardi Phone 36F15 Glide, Ore. NEW MINING WORK IN STATE PREDICTED (AwmolBlod PreM Leaned Wire) GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 15 Extensive development of chro tnite, copper and lime deposits in Oregon was forecast here today at the opening of tho mld l'acific em pire mineral economic conference, attended by 200 miners and en gineers. Tills development, the de legates were told, would result from the opening of water trans portation for southern Oregon nnd northern California through the port of Crescent City. The con ference 1b considering mining es pecially In Its relation to Iruns poiiullon. LIGHT HOUSE ROAD AT WINCHESTER BAY COMPLETED (Ni'wn lteview Poiijrlni County Sjierlal) ' WINCHKSTKH HAY, July 18 Grading of the county's section of the road from Winchester Hay to the Umpqua lighthouse has been completed. The road Is 1.775 feel In length and the grading) was done at a cost of $2,097, by Con tractors W. M. I'uckett und Del Weathcrly. The road passes through a heavy body of timber und affords uccess to t no Dcacn. The government Is to build nn ad dillnnal Rection of 2,000 feet to the lighthouse. TO TAKE AUTO TRIP M ATTI I lOW'S To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mnllhews on llouck street, on Julv II, In KoHehurg (ieueriil hospital, n daughter, Shirley I.ee. DRIER STOVES Prices Reduced CAST STOVES 4 ft. x 24 In. x 24 In $35.00 51 ft. x 24 In. x 24 in $45.00 8 ft. X 24 In. X 24 In 855 00 6 ft. x 34 In. x 34 In $130.00 STEEL STOVES J ft. x 36 In. diameter $112.00 9 ft. x 36 in. diameter $126.00 Ail prices f. o. b. Salem. Drier Pipe for Any Type Drier, J. H. SINNIGER Sheet Metal Works 329 North Jackson Phone 428 HEAR Evangelist Cornelia Jones Robertson of San Francisco, Calif. Well-Known Colored Evangelist and Singer. For over 20 years a preacher of the Full Gospel. Meetings start Tuesday night, July 15, at 8 p. m. Upper Room Pentecostal Mission, corner Washington and Jackson. r County Treasurer and Mrs. James Sawyers, accompanied by Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Tyte, who are veiling from Vallejo, California, and Mrs. Frank I'teice of Portland will leave tomorrow morning on an aulo trip to Crater lake. Crescent City. Ilaudon nnd Marshfleld. They will arrive In Marshfleld Sunday, where Mr. Sawyers will play In the golf tournament. Stanley Kidder Is In be 111 charge of the treasurer's olTlce during I he absence of Mr. anil Mrs. Sawyers. Roseburg Cabinet Shop 542 Fowler St. Phone 541-J Dryer Fans Specially adapted for Kurtz prune Dryers. Come In and let us demonstrate them. Fans com plete ready to Install. Price $10.50 E. S. Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreas GOES 200 MILES FARTHER AND COSTS ONLY 25c A QUART TESTS show that Motoritb is the oilest of the oils. This super slipperiness min imizes friction, seals in compres sion, and gives 200 Extra miles of lubrication. Authcfities recommend Mo toritb for best results in high compression motoring. Try it NOW. Only 25c a quart at any Union station. Tune in Union Oil Radio Pro- gram every evening between' 5:15 and 5:45 over Station KEX MOTORITE mm TTi Union Motor OH for High Camprmttlon Cart the World's Largest Selling IE E fi EH T" Registrations officially recorded by every State in the Union show that for this year more Hudson Eights have been delivered to consumers than any other eight in the world. S For Yourself llie Increasing Number of Hudson Eights on I lie Street Hudson Beauty, Hudson Quality, Hud son IVrforniunce and Hudson Vultic frankly question the wisdom of ever paying more for any car. They have made Hudson the world's largest selling Kight. And the growing power of this conviction is shown in tho increasing numbers you sco everywhere. 1(05' for the COACH Nine other models just as attractively priced. Wide range of colors. All price f. o. b. Detroit, Factory. Roy Catching Motor Co. 125 North Rose Phon.e 438 Roseburg, Ore. Vacation Land Is Callim 4 Visit the business places listed here. They are fine, clean, successful concerns operated by alert business people. Canyon. Auto Camp . SWIMMING TANK Garage, Store, Lunch Room feature Chicken Dinners. Modern In every respect. CANYONVILLE, ORE. Mandy Lou SERVICE UNEXCELLED HOME COOKING A nice place to meet your friends. MYRTLE CREEK, ORE. Hotel Sutherlin ' STRICTLY MODERN Room with Bath $1.50 Room without Bath 1.00 Luncheon 50 Turkey and Chicken Dinners - .75 SUTHERLIN, ORE. Young's Pharmacy Fountain, Magazines Drugs SUTHERLIN, ORE. Hiway Coffee Shop FOUNTAIN 'SPECIAL Double Milk Shakes Double Malted Shakes Open Until Midnight Reasonable Prices. DRAIN, ORE. Pause and Refresh Yourself The Highway Pharmacy OAKLAND, ORE. Perfect Fountain Service Sunset Beach COOS BAY Deep Sea Fishing, Swimming, Boating, Modern Cottages, Children's Play Ground. Excellent Dining Room Lunch Counter There Is No Wind at Sunset SUNSET BAY RESORT CO. Charleston, Ore. Sutherlin Garage We both will be satisfied. Greasing, Oiling and Storage All Work Guaranteed SUTHERLIN, ORE. Moore Bros. Grocery Opposite Roseburg Auto Camp Tourist Supplies Fresh Fruits and Groceries ROSEBURG Riverside Store Confectionery, Groceries. Richfield, She!) Gas and Oils Your Patronage Appreciated EDENBOWER if you or your friends intend locating in Roseburg or the Umpqua Valley THIS OFFICE IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE City Homes, Acreage, . Farms E. G. Kingwell Next to the Chamber of Commerce ROSEBURG, OREGON On the Road to the County's Best Fishing Grounds GROCERIES Red Crown Gasoline and Oils Dale W.Hatfield DIXONVILLE, ORE. rv y The Sea" The Beach Resort of Southern Oregon Spend your summer vacation at Bandon "By-the-Sea." Oregon's most beautiful beach re sort invites you. Every out-door pleasure awaits you; golf, boating, fishing and highway drives of startling beauty. Fine surf-bathing and agate beaches. The Bandon business men whose advertisements are grouped together on this page, join in welcoming you to Bandon and pledge themselves to help make your vacation the more enjoyable. Take a Swim Heated Ocean Water Natatorium Moving Pictures while you swim. Wecoma Baths Open Afternoon and Evening Strictly Modern Cottages Ocean View DANCING at the Silver Spray Gardens Every Wednesday and Satur. day Nites and Sunday Afternoon. ROOMY, COOL AND REFRESHING Bandon By the Sea Auto Camp FREE SHOWERS Store and Lunch Room Archery Range A. H. ROHDE 1 New Owner Bandon Beach Cottages 2 and 3 rooms strictly modern, with toilet and showers. Moderate rates by the day, week or month. Store in connec tion. Write for reserva tions. Phone 1741 C. A. MACHON, Owner Bandon Butter and Cheese UNEXCELLED Visitors are always welcome to visit our plant Bandon Creamery Tourist Headquarters at Dunham's of course Complete Line of 'Groceries The Nyal Store General line of Drugs, Sta tionery, Films & Developing. Toilet Articles Souvenirs, Glassware, Gifts. Prescriptions Our Specialty. BANOON DRUG CO. City Meat Market Dealer in All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats SPECIALTIES Poultry, Sea Foods, Milk Butter and Eggs GEORGE ERDMAN, Owner. For All Drug Needs When at Bandon. by the-Sea Fuhrman & Shmdler, Inc. REXALL DRUG STORE Perrott Cottages On the Ocean Drive Furnished and Unfurnish ed Cabins. STRICTLY MODERN Municipal Auto Park CITY OF BANDON Campers Welcome Wood, Water, Light Furnished RATES 50c PER DAY On your way to the beach stop at the Square Deal Service Station On the Coos Bay Hiway Lunches Groceries, Free Camp Grounds, Gas and Oils. CAMAS VALLEY, ORE. 1 I-