FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, TUESDAY. JULY 8, 1930. r STORY 2 - (Continued trum page n -create a tuition fund and this mon pv is then naid to the districts "uuon a basis of not lets than I'iu leach for the first 20 pupils, $50 for .the next zu ana not mure man ou 'for the remaining pupils. Unfairness Cited Henry V. Knglish, secretary of J he association of high school prin cipals, called attention to the fact -that the Wheeler law operates un jlcr the assumption that students can be educated in the small -schools at a cost of Jfio, and in arge schools for 130, while figures how the average cost to be 2:i5 each in schools of less than 20, -$222 In schools from 20 to 40 and in schools of 40 or more. The HSvheeler law would force the dis tricts to make up the difference. This, he stated, is obviously un fair, particularly in view of the 3act that non-high school territory Jias an assessed valuation of S-l'),-oOO for every high school pupil "unrolled, while high school dis tricts have less than $26,000 valna--4Jon for each pupil. This would greatly discriminate against tho larger districts, he pointed out, aB such schools as Kosehui'K. Sutliur- Jin, Oakland, Myrtle Creek, etc., "would have less than $10,000 valua tion for each pupil, and would therefore be suflerlng heavy losses " Mr. English contended that the tuition law offered the best method of meeting the need. Central Control Urged A. N. Orcutt, representing the ' Jloseburg school district, stated that the high school tuition law, ,. now being used, has many faults, but is correct In theory. Tho law Bhould be changed to pormlt some control by a central body in deter . mining per capita costs, as at pres ident many items can he charged by the school board that should not be permitted to enter Into the tui tion charge, and It should also bo . possible for the central group to designate the school the pupil - should attend. The theory of the law, ho stated, Is correct, and the next legislature is expected to make changes that will correct some of tho existing faults. - Until the legislature can meet "and make the needed corrections, lie Btutcd, the county court Bhould not disrupt the entire school fl- nance plan by changing to the Wheeler law. Roscburg. he staled , bad 114 pu pils from districts last year, with a per capila cost of $154.54, making a total cost of $17, 617. Under the Wheeler act, the loss to the Itoseburg district would amount to $11,00, which would make It necossary for tho district either to increase its millagu tax above tho 6 per cent, or else take out all of Its departments from the, schools. ' Ho advocated walling mil II tho legislature has a chance to amend tho law to make it more practical L In operation. '", ' Arnument on Other Side ". Admitting that the tuition law wis the more equitable form of rais ing money for hlali school use. Commissioner 'CknMli declared ,' that pocnliur clrcunistnnces make the Wheeler law more practical for the county at tills time, Tho law makes It necessary, ho states, to levy tho tuition fund within the six per cent llmitatloji, although it does not npply to all of the districts of tho county. Last year the money was ralBod by al- lotting surplus funds, hut this year ' tho county does not havo any sur ' plus accounts upon which to draw, and the amount must he taken from the departments sustained by the general fund. The operation of tho law, ho states, will probably crowd out some very merltorlouB Items, cur- tailing the road fund and possibly Bulking at the health unit, county . agent and other departments. Under tho Wheeler law, he stat ed that some of the larger dislrlcis might be afreeted, but the majority of the districts would not he in- . jured. It might be found necessary In ulstrlclB such us Hnsehurg, he 'Btutcd, to raise a Hpeclal tax, but by so doing, it would leave money . in tho county funds to maintain roads and keep other departments "going. Double Burden Feared There was a lengthy discussion ..of tho matter, Mr. Kliglish declar ing that the difference beiween the -Vniotinls under the tuition fund uud the Wheeler act would not be of such momentous Importance as the commissioner indicated. The till "1lon law, he muled, will probably require $00,000, while under the . Wheeler act the county would huve wto rwtso $:i&,noo. The difference ' Is, ho stated, tiiat under the till- tion law tho money would be paid ,by the dlstrlels front which the students come, while under the -Wheeler act Iho entire county would pay equally on Hie tuitions, while the high school districts would have a double burden by having to maku up the delii-it by a special tax. H. J. Dunlon. Camus valley; O. Slglsmund, Sutlierlln; A. I.. Iyer. Mvrlle Creek;' K. It. Clark, link land; It. I,. Irving. Wilbur; II. It. Shoemnker. .1. It. Wharton ami W. M. Campbell, ltosohut'g. were Hluong others who ril'-ipated in tile discussion, representing the various school districts from which tliey come. After considerable discussion the motion was made to adopt the Wheeler system, but lost by reason of a tie vote. STORY 3 (Continued from pags it suiironiacy i'or MiIh country In tin' weslnrn hemisphere; piiv'h uh lax payorn at lottst one hillinn dollaiB by chocking naval competition una it "promotive of peace. Today's opening quorum ml mowed Just 60 hpnutoirt aiiHueiinn only one more than t lie iu uvwa bary (o carry on bunlnriM. Secretary Ktlmon, who headed the American deleKfttlon to 1-nn-don, arrived on the mtuiio floor shortly after Senator S'.wuisou be gan bin address. - 1 For t tie most part (be hpiwiIo membership renuidicd tliroiiKli tbr Ions Hpeeeh and ptvc Jt Hum a!--nnflon. The millerfes utruin were TILLIE THE TOILER IT'S SUCH I'M SOIPE Mcr A M I CE EVEWINS", I THOOflHT I'D ASK TILV-tE voouud, mac - SHE'S BEACH l ROBEETS FEI.LOW IF SHE'D LIKE : I OO TO TAK E A liOE. MR 1 DEN VMITH 1 I CATHOLICS PRAY FOR BROADCASTING NEW YOKK, July 7. Prayer for ' protection agaiiiKt dannetou n broadcantliiK" are beiiiK offered by 3t,OMU,400 Catholics tnrnuKbout tho world this month under In structions from Pope Plus XI. The prayer is the monthly in tention set by the pope for the members or the upostloHbip or prayer, which numbers 6,000,000 in tho United States, of whom 500,000 aro in New York. STORY 4 (Continued from page davits which appcur patently un trustworthy. Cites McDonald Incident "Kor instance In his Affidavit Me Donald says that no positive iden tification of either Mooney or Hill ings was nindo by him; that Lieu tenant Uoff took him to tho door of Mooney's coll und said: 'This is jour man, this is Mooney,' and that no subsequently took him to Hill ings' cell and asked a turnkey to open tho door and said: 'Come out here, Hillings.' "Upon careful Investigation t nm convinced that nothing of this kind occurred, nor can anyone believe that Hillings and Mooney, and their attorneys, knew of such a spurious ldentllicatlon without calling atten tion to the matter In either Of the trials." Oath Comes First Tho governor pointed out Unit although two of his predecessors hud refused to pardon Mooney, ho had nevertheless given the applica tion for pardon most thorough and careful consideration. Saying tho decision would be disappointing to many, lie added. "Hut In a mutter like this 1 must be guided by con scientious regard for my oatli of office, rather than a willingness to respond to popular appeal." "That this 'final decision' has been made at the present time rallier than six months ago, is due to my feeling that out of deference lo the supreme court, I could not properly ait upon tho case of Mooney until the members of the court In accordance witli the con stitution, hnd acted upon tho par allel case of Hllllims. I am an nouncing my decision at the ear liest possible moment after receiv ( CjOOD MISHT (l (sure.&TiLUEj f whadD'Va N sure, raiLt-- BrJ-'LU Be! jSMAVBE BAV, TILL IE?), LET'S IST V-' SEEiN'yooJr-r (ffo tomorrow vorr-eo:y1g : ity WW Kint .-tniMt. Syi.Jlrali, I it , Hrfl Bruin, ttgtilt frrH (LfL Summer scatters thefam . . . the Telephone keeps it together 'TpHE family is scat tercd for the summer. Sally is in the mountains. Tom is on a ranch. Mrs. Williams is at the shore. And Mr. Williams home. .... But he is in close touch with every member of the family. He dees it by tele phone. It's inexpensive. And talking to them is next best to seeing them. The Pacific Tki.kpmone 'and Telegraph Company Boratey TO OvSTUKB OKI THE1 VAllTH THAtI yoo, TILLIE, n BUT- AND AK nir - i I I rvi t EMOOOH ing the communication from the court. "If he wus Innocent of this par ticular crime, to keep him in prison would be an Ineffaceable blot upon tile good name of the state. On the other hand. If he was not Inno cent, ho was guilty of ono of the most uncalled for and atrocious crimes evor committed the wan ton murder of unsuspecting men, women and children gathered upon a public street to witness a patriot ic demonstration of San Francisco citizens." . . Fight Waged 13 Yeare The California executive is the third governor to whom Mooney and Billings have appealed for a full pardon. A pardon would In effect carry exoneration and the "vindication' for which a clamor, international In scope, haB persist ed lor 1:1 years. Hrushing aside Iho musty rec ords, (Jovernor Young Interviewed do.ens of men who played parts In the prosecution or defense of tho two men on whom a Jury fastened the responsibility for one of the most shocking wholesale murder coups In tho history of America. This was the planting of a suit case of explosives at the corner of Hlewart and Market streets, San Francisco, and setting It off as a Preparedness day parade was pass lug, July 112, 1916. siuoiicy, a rudical labor leader, drew a death sentence and Hill ings, youthful Bhoe clerk, was or dered to prison for Ufa, Governor Stephens commuted Mooney s sen tence to lire. Moscow Horns In Tho trial was vitriolic and spir ited, with ramifications extondlng from Moscow to Washington. - K.vcntuully, against the chargeB that bolshovik Influences support cd tho defendants In their alleged blow against "militarism In Amer ica," was laid the formal report of John 11. Ocnsmore. director gen eral of employment for the United States, to the secretary-of InboV. William II. Wilson, that the ex plosion cases wore "tainted with manufactured evidence." Oregon Man Figures Indictment of Frank C. Oxman, Durkee, Ore., cattleman and one of Hi state's principal witnesses, on a charge of attempted suborna tion or perjury Influenced Superior Judgo Franklin A. Orift'ln, who pre sided at tho trial, to join the move ment lo free tho two prisoners. Oxman Wits charged with having i SI rU Not a Chance, Mac IT'S OK Ay, MAC - My gosh: didmt REALllE IT WAS SO LATE - COME ON attempted to get a witness to give false testimony In the hopes of col lecting a $17,000 reward offered for the arrest and conviction of the bombers. Besides Judge Griffin, thoso who swung twoard the Mooney-iilllings side are declared to include the foreman and nine out of 10 of the surviving Jurors; James Urennan. assistant district attorney, and Captain Ooff and Duncan Mathe son, high police officials who shared in tho prosecution of the two men. Mooney Still Hopeful SAN QUENTIN, Cal.. July 8. Tom Mooney didn't get the bad news from Los Angeles at once. He was asleep when the governor's decision denying him his freedom was received at the state peniten tiary here, and was not disturbed by prison officials. Moonoy's work hero keeps him busy from 4 p. m. to midnight, and ho generally sleeps until 10::i0 or 11 a. m. Assorting he was "neither dis couraged nor disheartened" by the advisory pardon board's recommen dation against his application for a pardon, Mooney previously said he felt "fit for the coming fight that will eventually bving tree dom." ... . "Hoth Hillings and myself are ab solutely Innocent of this crime and the decision of the sovernor and the supreme court does not make US guilty," said Mooney, reconciled that (Jovernor Young would follow the board's recommendation. "Now our friends can proceed," he added, "to tho task of bringing about our final and ulliniato vindi cation. The Mooney-Hllllngs case will Immediately assume an Inter national Aspect and it will not lie down until both of us are free men. "Again I repent, fate has once more smiled upon me kindly. I feel highly honored In the greater service td which 1 have been called for the establishment of the prin ciples Involved in our case." John" R. Kelly BHEET METAL WORKS Heating and VontllVlni If It can be made of Sheet Metal We Can Make It 444 N: Jackson St. Phone 466 .R0SE3URQ. OREGON PILES 8 YEARS Then Quickly Relieved by a Simple Internal Home Remedy READ AMAZING STORY OF MR. GEORCE KERN "I suffered for eight years with piles ana no remedy I could learn of would brinir relief, until luckily for me 1 saw an advertisement bout Colac Pile Pills in the paper. I never dreamed a T5c bottle of pills would work such wonders but they did, and Ihe very first bottle relievrd me so much I kept taking them regularly with my meals and today I'm booster of Colac Pile Pills for they are easy quick re lief for anyone suffering with vtW, wriu, Mr- George Kern a well known sausage maker who like scores of other people here, praises Colac Pills lo the sky. No more nasty salves or supposi tories. Just a couple pills with a swallow of water at meal time. Relieves pain almost immediately and in a hesling soothing, truly wonderful way they go to the very roots of the trouble internally. toctor are now endorsing Colae Pile Pills. Thousands of men and women testify to suffering one to thirty years, and then their trou. Mes gone thanks tn Colac. Write Mr. Kern if yon doubt it. 2549 Oak St. Kansas City Mo. If your drug. Jist hasn't Colac Pile P,ls. send 7-ir stamps, or coin to Colac Chem ical Co. Ilrentwood ld. Result- Suffered STORY 1 (Continued from paa tl using an electric projectile - ma chine and slides to illustrate his points. Ads which have been sub mitted by local merchants will al so be thrown on a screen and these will be analyzed and constructively criticized. - Stores to Be Visited O. F: Tate, secretary of the He tail Merchants' association, will lead discussions -on modern Btore arrangement, Illustrating his talks with material recently made avail able in middle west where the modern store has made lis great est strides. He will supplement his theories with visits to local stores, offering advice to those who want It and receiving rough sketches of their establishments and later submitting revisions sug gesting possible Improvements. One of the outstanding features of the Institute, according to Mr. E. H. Kenny, chairman of the committee In charge of the meet ings here, is the banquet Wednes day evening at 6:30 o'clock. The program following the dinner will be of particular interest to sales men of all kinds, Professor Vance discussing problems pertaining to retail selling. The program for the first day In cludes discussions on retail adver tising and salesmanship by Pro fessor Vance, accounting for retail business and retail credits and col lctions by Professor Hosworth and store arrangement by Mr. Tato Following a morning of special con ferences the second day, the ses sions will conclude with discus t?ttSt Ife, u Wlien tempted to over-indulge shut- fu c Jwtf? r . L - ",, t'TA &Bh'- s- I ti i s vy-" i - .-- sVS V M f ' "-' 't. 'a w ivT"C'' i xpf w Your Throat Protection against irritation against couqfi An investigation conducted by the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors and the Actuarial Society of America revealed the fact that the death rate increases practically 1 for every pound of excess weiaht carried between the ages of 40 and 44 years. In other words, a man 40 pounds overweight at this age has only 60 of expectancy of life of a man of normal weight. We do not represent that smoking Lucky Strike Cigarettes will bring modern figures or cause die reduction cf flesh. We do declare that when temnted to do yourself too well, if you will "Reach for a lucky instead," you will thus avoid over-indulgence in things that cause excess weight and, by avoiding over-indulgence, maintain a modern, graceful form, TUNE IN-The Lucky Strike Dance' Orchestra, every Saturday and Thursday evening, over N.B.C networks. sions on window trimming by Pro fesBor Vance and store organiza tion and mangement by Professor Bosworth In the afternoon. Other facts at interest tn hust- ness men, such aa anuouncement I for the first time of the results j of national business researches In various fields, will be given and will make the meetings have a wide appeal, those in charge here believe. j No Closed Hours j The sessions are to be held at the Knights of Pythias lodge hall I and will start aL9:3( o'clock Wed-1 nesday morning." The program will continue throughout the morning and afternoon, and merchants and salesmen : are privileged to come and go aa their time and work per mits. The banquet is- to be serv ed at the Palace of Sweets at 6:30 o'clock. Thursday morning an opportun ity Will be given for individual con ferences, and merchants will have an opportunity to meet with any of the three business experts con ducting the school to discuss Indi vidual problems. " The program for the institute is as follows: - - -' - Wednesday 9:30 to 10:30-The accounting for retell business, Boswi ih. 10:30 to-ll:30-HetaU advertising, Vance. 2:00 to 3:30 Store arrangement. Tate. 3:S0 to 4:30 Uetail credits and collections; Hosworth. ' 6:30 Salesmanship; Vance. Thursday Conference by a p p o I n tment through Ihe morning; 2:00 to 3:00 Window trimming. five years H How Do You Figure YOUR FEED COSTS You know how much it costs per sack. But do you know how much it costs per dollar of eggs sold? If you do you'll feed Crown. Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg Myrtle Creek Oakland AGENTS FOR L. dL H. Electrlo Ranges John Deere Plow Co. Hood River Spray Co. Hooaler and Milwaukee P imps . Sutherlln Vance. 3:00 to 4:00 Store organization and management, UoBworth. Guests From Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Buchanan of Corvallis spent the week-end in tills city as the gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher. from now? Reach for a Lucky Be moderate be moderate in all things, even in smoking. Avoid that future shadow by avoiding over, indulgence, if you would maintain that modern, ever-youthful figure. "Reach for a Lucky instead." Lucky Strike the finest Cig arette you ever smoked, made of the finest tobac co The Cream of the Crop "IT'S TOASTEfc." Lucky Strike has an extra, secret heating process. Everyone knows that heat purifies and so 20,679 physicians say that Luckies are less irritating to your throat. US Spray Co. Chiropractor DRUGLESS HEALTH CENTFR Mineral Vapor Baths 327 Cubs Phone 4!U "Complete Health Service" Coming events cast their shadows before" instead