SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, MONDAY. JULY 7, 1930. T New Taxes Merely Offset Realty Cut, Hoss Says; State Working on Borrowed Coin. SALEM, July 6. As the pres ent bit-nnium upon its last quar ter and the next IcKtaluttire iIiuwh ntiiir. Sum A. Kozur, suite budget diructor, fliidH Unit Hie Htale's fi naiiciul condition haw not improved lnc; January 1, 11)29. Tho RUIft delk'il Ih more than 82,000,000. "The financial condition of the Htdle in practically no dltferent at thin time than it was at the he t'lnniiiK of (he biennium January 1, 1(J2J," Kozei-'a Hlatement said. "It is true the alate is receiving nioneyn from the operation of (Ik; intangibles and excise lax laws en acted at the last sesnlon of the leg islature, but any moneys received therefrom apply to offset the prop erty tax to that extent. Such laws, do not, therefore, produce addition al revenue, but operate only to re duce the property tax. "It is also true that several hun dred thousand dollars more than the amount estimated to be receiv ed during VJ2'J and 1930 from In heritance taxes have thus far been jmid Into the treasury. Any such payments should operate to a re duction of the state's deficit, which, according to the tax levy promul gated by the state lax commis sion December 18, l!i29 aggregated more than f2,3!t7,00u. "If the state wishes to wipe out existing deficit und place Itself more nearly upon a cash basis In the near future und at the same time provide for the necessary In stitutional structures as need for them shall arise and as well pro vide for the usual and ordinary op erations for all lis various activi ties, It Is Imperative that some early action be taken looking to n financial program which shall he sufficient to cover the usual op erating expenses and needed out lays from time to lime. Deferring action will not In any measure tend to Improve the situation. Dilator. ness will only tend to aggravate it und increase the obligation. "The slate by reason of the pres ent deficit In Its funds to meet au thorized obligations. Is now paying Interest upon moneys borrowed from other Tumls or from outside Bomces." DRAIN (Newi-Rfvlow Dmiirliu Coinitv Spwliil) DRAIN, July 7. Mrs. Tlios. Krewson Sr. has been quite ser iously 111 during the past 'week. L. N. Whipple, who suffered quite a serious sick spell about three weeks ago, Is able to attend , his fruit and confectionery stand in South Drain again. The contractor who Is to put1 crushed rock on the new Umpqua, highway between here and the red bridge, ten miles out, has had men employed for the past three or four weeks opening up a quarry on Hilly creek about two miles west of town. 1 I Wm. Dedrlck. of Ashlund, has J been hem on business this week and is, incidentally, visiting his son, Kay lledrlck, and family. V. K. Coons, the plumber, will leave for Montague, Calif., on Sun day next, where he will install a bath outfit and other fixtures In the home of Mrs. Coons' brother In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Coons will accompany their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mnser who, after a three months' visit here, are returning to their home at Los Angeles. . Itev. Joseph Sams, of Cottage (rove, occupied the pulpit at the local Methodist church last Sunday morning, the pastor, Kev. Flnley, heiiiK iti attendance at the annual conference! of his church being held at Astoria. Dick Sanders, being In Portland on a business mission, attended the annual gathering of the Doug las County association, which Is composed of former resident s ot that county now residing in ihut city, the meeting being held lasi Sunday. Chas. McClure. for many years an employee of the S. P. Co.. und now located at Wllhtmiiia. has been here this week visiting wtth for mer friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones, of Sdo, uro this week visit Inir with the former's mother, Mrs. Titos. Krcvv son, being called on account of the hitler's serious illness. Floyd Traylor, who bus ben em ployed near Mremerlon, Wash., tor the past year, came the first of (be week for a visit of se ecu I days with his mother. Mrs. Maude Tray lor and other relatives. K. W. Flliott, a former resident of Canyonville, went there the firm of the week for a visit of several days with relatives :".! friends. Dr. llertha Devore and her moth er visited a couple of dus the first of the week with Mrs. Fannie Hoover and her daughter. Miss Vio let Hoover, at Salem. D. M. lletidrlckson. the new con tractor for carrying the mail on the star route between here and Winchester Hay for the four -ye.u term beginning July 1. arrived here last week and, with his lamlty. Is occupying n dwelling In Kasi Drain. Ku Griibhe, of KIktnn. was contractor on the route the past four years, but for that period and many years before the route cov ered onlv from Drain to ScotisburR. F. S. Young, of Stockton. Calif., visited former friends here couple of days this week. Mr. Youns Is a son-in-law of John Hen fiel and had just visited the latter who is now at the home ot another non-lnlaw, Newton Traylor. ot J lend, and reports Mr. Henfiel it. a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Turner and the latter's brother. Harvey Khine hart. of Toledo, arrived here the first of the week and Mr. Turner making repairs and Improvements to his properly, the former Oscar Applegate home, in South Drain. K. II. Wilson, local agent for Ford cars and trucks, accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Cecil Fa ten en, went to Portland on Sunday and returned Monday bringing a new, truck. Mrs. Jteuna Williams ac companied them to Portland- and, remained there to visit a few tluyB with her sister, Mrs. George Jo seph. CANYONVILLE WINS FROM GLENDALE IN VERY CLOSE GAME , f.Vi'WK lu-vfrw DiiiiifliiH Comity Kji-Ha.) GLKN'DALK. July 7. in a hard fought hall game at Canyonville Friday afternoon, Glendale lost to ('anyonville by u score of fi to 7. The game was one of the many features of Canyonvllle'H big Fourth of July celebration, Canyonvllle'H battery was Farm er and Mnreum. Farmer had good support und the benefit of several lucky breaks. He struck out 3 men, walked .1, while Glendale made 11 hits off of him, one of them a home run by Miller in the fourth Inning. Conatser and Schlelgh were, the Glendalo battery. Conatser walk ed 2 men, passed one man by a hit hull, struck out 11 und was nicked for 10 hits. One double play was made In the first of the ninth by Cunyonville. Canvonville had 7 men left on bases while Glendale had 12. 38 PARTICIPATE IN SUNDAY GOLF PLAY Thirty-eight players participated in the local handicap tournament played at the Iloseburg Country club grounds yesterday. The tour nament was greatly enjoyed and some very good scores were re ported. 'First prize was won by Kd ward Lewis, second by O. P. Itel bel, third by Phil Hnrih, fourth by . K. Falbo and fifth by Dick Ner has. There were ten visiting play ers from Los Angeles, Vancouver, Portland and Marshfleld. There are to be two more of these tourna ments preparatory to the play for the president's cup, which Is awarded each year following an elimination handicap match. WIARD REMODELING SILVERNOOK GRILL Complete remodeling of the Ril vernook grill, to provide additional accommodations for the growing patronage, has been started by Ihe proprietor, Clyde Wiard. Mr. Wlard is discontinuing the grocery lines that he has maintained. He Is ex tending the lunch counter nnd hoot lis Into the front part of Hie building, and Is arranging the present room to accommodato din ner parlies as well hh. the ucnernl trade. The colling has been low ered, and the entire Interior Is be ing remodeled to give a much more attractive appearance. EPWORTH LEAGUERS COMING FOR CAMP The Kpworth league enmp on Little river opens tonight and from all indications will be exceptionally welt attended. Approximately u young . peoplo arrived yesterday, with loo more expected today. Tents were arranged to accommo date the arrivals and the work of seiiing up the camp was conducted In a systematic and orderly man ner. Meals uire being provided in the dining room under the direc tion of Mrs. A. C. Marsters. The camp will be In session nil week, closing next Sunday evening. and local friends are Invited to In spect the camp at any time. PENDLETON GETS READY FOR ROUNDUP PI.'VIU VPMM lira lulv 7 The Hound Dp, Pendleton's big community show, is kept in the minus or people ot ine eastern wre l'iiii fiiv nil tlit vour Inn ir. but the months of July and August find them particularly Diisy hi prepara tion for the western exhibition August 1!S, 21) and 110. Mail orders for Hound-Dp tickets are coming In to the Pendleton of fice and the twenty first annual show gives promise of a record breaking attendance. The local ticket office will open August 16. Hestdes the Hound-l'p daytime hours, the evenings are filled with ctitcrtuinmciM for there is offered to the visitors the ruined Happy Canyon show. This Is the most un usual of western pageants and be sides its show features which de pict a typical town of early fron tier days, there are the Happy Canyon dances with which the evenings' programs close. Music for the dames this year will be by Cole McKhoy's orchestra. OOUKHOBOR SCHOOL AND ANOTHER TAKEN BY FIRE TliAIL. It. C. July fl.An J1S.000 brick school building at Glade was tb-si roved by d namite yesterda and another school at Hrllllan, also in Hout beast Hritish Columbia, was burned during the night. Police, who have been investigat ln. bad made no arrests late to day. The school at Glade was erect etl by Hie community Douk ho nors, Hnstdun religious sect. W. C. T, U. MEETING HELD (NHi-iN P,mh;1.h County Sw-Ul YONCALLA, July 7.-Sunday was a banner dav for the Yoiicalla W. C. T. I'. Mrs. McWhirter of Indiana, a national speaker In the temperance cause delivered a splendid address at the Methodist church. She gae some (Ine ac complishments of the union, but said It needed to be more alert than ever to meet the enemies of the prohibition In their efforts to destroy the law. A nood audience was present, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Msrsters and their grandson. Craig Mamtera of Hoseburg and a niece of Mr. Mr Whlrter nnd Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock. Tl FOR LEAGUE LEAD New Players Add Batting Strength to Senators; Boone Makes Great Brooklyn Debut. P.y HITOII 8. FI.'M.KHTON Jr. AKtiociaied 1'ri'nn Sports Writer A lurge part of tht first halt of the major league baKf'bull season hax been spent In strenuous ef forts on tbe parts of various man agers to strengthen their clubs for the latter part of the year and the success of their efforts is quite, evi dent In the current standings of the clubs. Washington's big deals with the St. I.ouis ilrowns and Chicago Wlilte Sox turned out to be an im portant factor in making the Amer ican league campaign a duel be tween the Senators and the Phila delphia Athletics. The acquisition of Heine .Manush gave them some batting punch where It was needed while Al Crowder haB turned out to be an effective pitcher in Wash ington. Art Shires and Dave Har ris, formerly of Chicago and Port land, Ore., also have helped im prove the Senators' batting aver age. Leaders in Tie The result is that the Senators and the Athletics toduy are tied for the league lead. It was Shires who brought about the tie, coming through with a pinch single with the bases lull in the tenth Inning to beat the New York Yankees, 3 to 2. Washington now has won 15 out of 16 games, shoving ttie Yanks 5 games into third place by sweep ing tlte series. And by pitching all of yesterday's game Dump Hudley made it 14 out of 1G pitchers who have finished the games they started. The Athletics kept their place in (he sun by winning their third close decision In a row from the lloston lied Sox, 4 to 3. George Karnshaw scored his eleventh vic tory of the year, gaining a slight edge over Dan MacKayden. Cleveland Indians, with Clint Tirown on the mound, shut out the St. Louis Browns. 7 to 0. Waitc Moyt also pitched well and led De troit to a fi to 2 victory over the Chicago White Sox. Boone Makes Fine Debut Tile Brooklyn Jtohlns, who chose to adil strength to their team by obtaining Ike rtoone from the Pa cific Coast league, found good rea son to be pleased with their new ucqulBlliou. Boone made bis debut yostordtiy and played the principal role as the Hoblns regained first place, in the National league by heating the Boston Druvus, 1 to 4. lie hit a home run and a single and made a great catch of it. fly, diving into the bleachers to grab the ball. Cincinnati took both games of a double header from Chicago by scores of 5 to 4 and 8 to 7, breaking a losing streak of five games. The third place struggle between the New York Clanfs and St. l.ouls Cardinals remained unchaneed as both tcuniH won double headers. The Giants trounced Philadelphia. 1(1 lo 8 and 0 to !. as the Cards made it 12 victories in their last ltl gunics by w!::::!r!r; .-. 3 I decision over Pittsburgh In the first game. although they mado only two hits off Spenceti and following it up with a 12 to 4 victory in a slugging match. Douthit's nlntli-iimliiK home run won the first game after Spen cer s wild pitch hud provided the other Cardinal run. SALEM PLANS CURB ON FIREWORKS USE (AuoclatfHl Vrrn Loamm) Wire) SAMCM, Ore., July 7. The reck less shooting of firecrackers and torpedoed ou July 4, particularly ny grown men in the central bust- liens district, has caused talk of a city ordinance to prohibit them en tirely. The most serious offenses appear to have been on State street, where groups of men uro accustomed to gather every Fourth of July and shoot fireworks unrestricted. Not satisfied with tossing them Into the street, the merrymakers exploded torpedoes against plate glass win dim-n. tile fronts, and nutomobllefl and threw flreeruckers at pedes trians. tine observer saw n torpedo, thrown from the sidewalk, explode against the windshield Inside of an automobile, almost cnusing a wreck in the street. Ureal damage was ilone to several store fronts on the street. DOCTORS TELL MAX TO TAKE LONG REST HKRUN July 7. Max Schmel Ing, German heavyweight who won the world's championship from Jack Sharkey on a foul last month, today was ordered by physicians to rest two or three months , before resuming training. The report of the physician, sub mitted lo the Herman boxing com mission, stated that Schmellng was suffering from varicocele of the DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Established 192 Perfect Funeral Service Fair and Reamonabte Prices AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 112 Pin and Lint 8ta. H. C. STEARNS Manager right side as a result of the foul. According to the physician Sfhtnellng's Injury is of such a na ture that sporting authorities who read the report interpreted it to mean there would be no participa tion by the German lighter in a championship contest possibly un til lasi, if then. AL LASSMAN DIES ON CANOE JAUNT MAKMSO.V. lie., July 7. Al I.asHinun, former star tackle on the New York university football team, was drowned In Long lake yester day. The body was recovered early this morning after several hours of grappling. J.assman, who was 24 years old, was a guest at a boys' camp, where he had served as counsellor two years ago. Yesterday afternoon he went out on the lake In a canoe alone. A lew hours later the canoe was brought to camp by persons who hud found It unoccupied. E ACCIDENTS 111 U.S. TAKE NINE LIVES Dy the Associated Press. Nine lives were lost in the nn. lion's Sunday airplane accidents. rix persons, were killed in the two in New York nmi one in California. Of these, three uieu wnen planes plunged into wa ter and another drooped to denth attempting to rescue a society avlatrix from a dangling, tangled fmrucuilie. At Kuthven. Iowa, a nlane bank ed preparatory to landing and crasneu irom a 5t, toot altitude. Kenneth Wilson, 20, the pilot, Sioux City, Iowa, was killed in stantly. Vera Hughes, 17, Kuthven, a passenger and Ernest South worth, 24, mechanic, Sioux City, were fatally Injured. One Sacrifice Useless Making her first leap, Mary Fuhruey, 18-yeur-olU society girl in Oak l'ark, a Chicago suburb. caught her parachute in tho plane anu uangieu J.uuo teet in the air lor nearly two hours. After one ship unsuccessfully tried to lower a rope ludder. liruuo Schustek, professional parachute jumper, shinned down a 7o ioot knotted rope from another plane. Just as h o reached Miss Fahruey, tier parachute became dlseulangled and she lioateu to a perfect land ng. Hundreds below watched Schus tek try to climb up the knotted rope. They saw him slip slowly, then drop to his death. Friends said lie had apparently exhausted his strength and collapsed. tllajng an air route from Chi cago to ivlackiuuc Island, Mich., for the Continental Airways, Inc., Uert K. Kogle, US, and Duane L. Heller, 2(i, bom of Chicago, were drowned in Juke Michigan when their cabin au,uupiaue n'tunged into the water south of South Haven, Mich. Stunter Loses Life Dick Dudds, of Santa Anna, Ciil., manager of the aviation depart ment of the Union Oil Co., was stunting above the Sunday crowds at Luguna Ueach, Cal.f when his plane lost altitude In a sideslip, lulled to right itself and div?d iuio Crescent bay. Fishing boats and pleasure craft dragged the twisted wreckage ashore. Dodd's body was in the cockpit. Martin Wllskn, 30, a student pilot, und John W. Gorman, JO, bis 'instructor, were killed at rloyd Bennett field, on itarreu Island, New York. Witnesses said the two men, Ijoth of New York, were flying at a low altitude when their monoplane went into a flat spin and crashed. Wilska was at the controls. Two brothers, Guy, and Harry Coffin, of Kslhervllle, Iowa, were injured, the latter seriously, wheu their plane hit a telephone wire on lauding at Clarion, Iowa. TENMILE ENJOYS LIVELY PICNIC ON JULY FOURTH A very successful picnic was held at Tenmlle July 4. There was a large attendance for the pro gram, which wit held at Howell's grove, numerous races, boxing matches, pie eating contests, etc., being held. A baseball game in the afternoon was an enjoyable fea ture. There was a dance In the eve ning. CHEVROLET BASEBALL TEAM WINS DECIDING CONTEST Tho Hansen Chevrolet baseball team won by a score of 23 to 20 in n game with Klgarose played at Kl garoso yesterday. This was the third and deciding game, as each team had one game to Its credit as a result of the two former con tests. MRS. HOOVER RECOVERS AND RESUMES DOMESTIC DUTY WASHINGTON, July 7. Mrs. Hoover presided again today over Ihe social and domestic affairs of the White House. After more than a month's ab sence from the executive mansion and three months of virtual seclu sion as a result of an injured hack suffered In a fall, she returned late yesterday with the pn-sldent from their Kapldan river lodge. PHONE 112 Lady Attendant LEAGUE LEADERS II f AwmcUtw Treat Uurd Wirt) Loa Angeles went into the final week of the first hair season in the Pacific Coast league today with a four-game lead, in spite of having dropped two yesterday to Portland, 5 to 0 and 3 to 4. Walter Malls Bhut the Angels out in the first, while the Ducks got to Ballou in the first four fnniugs. Carl Mays kept An eel hits scat tered In the second and the Ducks hammered Peters frequently. Sacramento gained a game on the leuders by splitting with the Missions, winning 7 to 5 in the morning, and losing 3 to 2 in the afternoon. Hacker's two homers featured . the first game. Bryan hit Mums with a pitched ball to force in the tying run and allowed Kelly a hit as the Missions won In the ninth of the second. Hollywood made it 14 out of 15 by trimming Oakland twice, 5 to 4 and 7 to 6. Shellenback won his own same by knocking a homer with two on in the fourth, and hold fng the Oaks to nine scattered hits. The second was scheduled for seven Innings, but went into eight and the Acorns won after Oakland took a one-run lead in the extra period. Seven pitchers worked In the game. Seattle took the series with San Francisco, winning twice yester day, 4 to 3 and 3 to 0. Zahnlser profited by some good batting sup port In the first. "Dutch" Ituether blanked the Seals In the second. No games today. Teams travel ling. PIGEON, DENUDED BY STORM, FINDS WAY HOME AFOOT BALTIMORE, July 7. John Hutz's prize homing pigeon, Mr. llulz said today, had to walk back part of the way from St. Paul, Minn. He exhibited a denuded bird and pointed to what he said were callouses as evidence. Somewhere between St. Paul and Daltimore, said Mr. I3utz, a storm overtook the pigeon, an Imported filer from HeUium, nnie'i Ant werp, und stripped it of Its featli ers. There was nothing for Ant werp to do imt walk, and Antwerp did, arriving afier four days at the Butz home at breakfast time, said Mr. Butz. Mr. Butz, a flying field police man, Is hoping the feathers will grow buck, for he plans to put Antwerp to work with 14 other birds carrying mesHuges for the New York-tO'Atlanlu air mall route. HEFLIN ALIGNED FOR FIGHT IN ALABAMA (Annoc-lntcd Print leaned Wire) niRiMlNfiMAiM, Ala., July 6. Senator Thomas J. Heflin's inde pendent campaign for re-election took dolinlte form yesterday with nis alignment with candidates for governor and lieutenant governor. who like him were barred from running in the democratic primary because of their opposition to the mxxiMTar ASK. AWY4. MrU M SM UMPQUA VALLEY BANK onscDimr nDrf ri Have BRONCHITIS? Tear out this advt. and send with your name and address, at once. Let ut tell you how R. M. B. Prescription checks ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS quickly and easily. R. M. B. LABORA. TORIES, INC. 1031 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. I My name It My addrett'it City and State party presidential nominee In 1928. A statewide Independence day mass meeting endorsed Heflin, Hugh A. Locke for governor and Dempsey Powell of Greenville for lieutenant governor. Senator Heflin attacked former Governor Smith of New York, dem ocratic presidential nominee in lyK; John J. Kaskoh, chairman oi ; the national democratic executive: committee, and members of thej state executive committee who voted for a resolution prohibiting j him from becoming a candidate in , the primary. i He charged that "they are mak-', Ing boasts that they will steal the: election," and urged his supporters to remain away from the polls in : the primary on August 12. WALT JOHNSON JR. WINS BATTLE OVER INJURIES (Assoc la tel Piym Leased Wire) WASHINGTON, July 7. It was only a few months ago that the sports dopesters were saying the baseball career of Walter Johnson, Jr., had ended before it was fairly begun. Last winter, the youngster, 15 years old, was run clown by an au tomobile. Both legs were broken and it was feared for a time that one might have to be amputated. Yesterday, almost entirely re covered, he pitched two hltless in nings for the Bethesda Juniors and proudest of all the spectators was Walter Johnson, senior. The youthful pitcher with the great name opened the game for Bethesda sand-lotters and retired after two innings because his fath er felt he should take no chances with his legs by going to bat and running bases. REV. E. EDMAN RITES The funeral services of Rev erend Emanuel Edman were held at the Elgarose church Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. Anderson of Gresham officiated. The church was filled with friends and the floral pieces were many nnd beau tiful. M. E. Rltter had charge of arraneements. , . In two weeks there will be a memorial service. Infant and Preschool CLLxJC . Douglas Cocnty Health Unit July 9, 9-12 a. m. Court House, Roseburg old Time DANCE ' at New Evergreen Grange Hall . South of Kelley's Korner Wednesday Nite Music bv Whirlwind Orchestra Public Welcome Tickets 50c GKOWTI J,he growth of this Sank It is no mere accident that the growth of many Roseburg "ommerial ' institutions runs parallel to the growth of the Umpqua Valley Bank. There is an essential relation between the two, based on the bank's varied capacity for rendering financial counsel and guidance and summed up in the word SERVICE 1 You the j J.C. PENNEY GO. 229-231 W. Cass St., Roseburg Extraordinary l New Low Prices j Same High Quality StOrewideIn every department, 6n great 'quantities ' of merchandise, we have either lowered prices, raised quality, or both, to levels in many cases unheard of since the war. Readjustment We have done this now to pass on to you immediately the savings we have been able to maKe on our purcnaaca. Prices Raw material prices are lower manu tatiirnrc' rnVoc a lrwfr our nrices are lower . NOW IS THE TIME Down go prices bought more goods manufactured more money in circulation more prosperity more nappmraa. I Jump Aboard the Band Wagon 1 Buy Now! t$6.90 When smart clothes like these are so low priced, the young girl can have wash able silks, with and without jackets, flower printed sheer dresses, ruffled eve ning frocks . . . and go smartly from sun-up till bedtime. g w in one of our most interesting offerings 98c $149 $1.98 ft HOT WEATHER AND DRY GROUND Not so good. . Buy a Parma Water Lifter and be independent. Water, when you need it, where you need it, and at less cost. MORE WATER FOR A DOLLAR SPECIAL 3-horse Engine and Typhoon Pump S90.00 FarmBureauCooperativeExchange Roseburg AGENTS FOR L. A H. Electric Ranges John Dears Plow Co.' Hood River Spray Co. Hootier and Milwaukee Pumps Sutherlln Spray Co. -V T V2ftl11P W aiWVO. TO BUY. - up go sales more goods consumed more goods jobs for everybody more more money in your pocket Sizes 2 to 6 and 7 lo 14 The mothers who are waiting with eagerness for this announcement from J. C. Penney Company will be delighted to know that our val ues are better than ever, and the styles themselves never so varied and charming! New prints new colorings new style-details! Frocks that will give a thrill of pleasure to every youth ful owner! The favorite bisque, tyle is an important feature. rocks Myrtle Creek Oakland will be employed for a lew weeks