ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1930, THREE Local News Here on Business J. T. Wood, of Myrtle Creek, was here on bust ueas yesterday. - From Glendate P. C. Harris, of Olendale, camo to Itoseburg yester day on business. Oakland Man Here D. L. Rule, Oakland man, was in the city on business yesterday. Earl Vosburgh Here Earl Vos burgh, of Idleyld, came in Wednes day to transact business. Is Business Visitor H. E. Ro gers, of Tiller, spent Wednesday afternoon here on business. From Coos Junction F. W. Hoff meister, of Coos Junction, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. Ulam Transacts Business Clay Ulam, of Riddle, transacted business in Roseburg yesterday. Oakland Man In E. L. Davison, of Oakland, was In town attending to business affairs Wednesday. From Lookingglass A. O.Strick land, of Lookingglass, was in town attending to business matters Wednesday. Go to Salem Sam Starmer, com mandant of the Soldiers' Home in West Roseburg. and .Mrs. Starmer And their family, are spending to day in Salem on business and pleasure. Vacation at Bandon "Montle" Morris, clerk at Wilder and Agee, and Frank Miller, employee of the Caterpillar Tractor company, are leaving this evening for three days' vacation at Bamlon beach. Maroney's Body Shipped The body of Mathew Maroney, who died at the soldiers' home hospital Monday, will be sent to Forest Grove today for funeral services and burial. Preparations were made by the Roseburg Undertak ing company. Funeral Sunday Funeral ser vices for Emanuel Edman will be held at the Elgarose church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Anderson from Oresham will of ficiate and interment will be in the Elgarose cemetery. M. E. Rit ter is in charge. Is Business Visitor G. W. Dim mick came in yesterday from his home in Wilbur to attend to busi ness affairs. Is Business Visitor W. W. Campbell, of Myrtle Creek, was a : business visitor in Roseburg Wednesday. From Garden Valley A 1 1 a n Purkhart, of Garden valley, was in Roseburg yesterday afternoon on business. t Eugene Man Here L. , Gram ol Eugene, former Roseburg resident, spent Wednesday In Roseburg on business - Mrs. Asam Visits Mrs. Fred Asam, of Glide, visited friends and shopped in this city Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Parrott Shops Mrs. Fred Parrott, of Wilbur, spent a few hours shopping in this city Wednesday. Shops in Roseburg Mrs. Jim Short was in from Clover Creek yesterday shopping? and visiting wiih friends. Here on Business A. Peterson, of Melrose, spent several hours in town yesterday in the interests of business. From Mftlrose Charles Doerner came in from Melrose yesterday to visit with friends and look .utter, atters, ' ;-"iy.M v Daughter Born A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of Portland on July 2, according to word received here. Mrs. Fox is the daughter of Attorney and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt of this city. Mrs. Or- eutt .has been visiting with her daughter for some weeks, and At torney Orcutt left today to join tbem Visit In North Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cummings and son are leav ing tomorrow morn In? for Corval- lis, where they will spend Friday and Saturday attending the ar chery tournament, proceeding thence to Independence to visit with Mr. and Mrs. ,W. D. Wiley, formerly of this city. Mr. Wiley is now manager of the J. C Penny store in Independence n From Glide Lark In Rice, of Glide, transacted business in Rose burg yesterday. From Happy Valley John Ro berts came in from Happv valley yesterday to transact bus $i ess. Visitor From Riddle Miss Alta Moore, of Riddle, visited friends and shopped in this city Wednesday, From Sutherlin Miss Rostna Calvin, of Sutherlin. was in town Wednesday shopping and calling on friends. Goes to Marshfield Miss L.u cetia Logsdon is preparing to go to Marshfield to spend the com ing vacation. From Myrtle Creek Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hodges, of Myrtle Creek, were business visitors in Roseburg today. From Roberts Creek Mrs. J. E. Pinkerton came In from Roberta Creek yesterday to call on friends and shop. Shops In Roseburg Mrs. A. W. Uundy, of Hoaglin, spent a few hours in town yesterday shopping and visiting with friends. Transacts Business John Ewell came in from Myrtle Creek Wed nesday to looking after affairs of business. From Canyonville Mrs. Z. Wea ver, of Canyonville, visited with friends and shopped in Roseburg yesterday. Oakland Man Here King Carlyle of Oakland was a visitor to Rose burg yesterday and was busy with business matters in town. Marriage License Issued A mar riage license was issued here yes terday bv County Clerk Roy Agee to Warren M, Sutton aim .urs. Gerda Olsen, both of Eugene. Attractions AT THE MOVIES ANTLERS. Today. Friday, Sat urday, "The Texan," with Gary Cooiier and Fay Wray. LI BERT V. Friday and Saturday, "Little Johnnie Jones," with Eddie Buzz!!. Guest From Eugane Sylvanus Smith, Jr., of Eugene, student at University of Oregon, is spending the weeW-end here as house guest of his fraternity brother, William Knight Mrs. Helllwell Visits Mrs. Wil liam Helllwell, of Yoncalla, is spending a few days here at the home of her sons, Barton Helllwell of this city, and Sidney Helllwell of Dlxonville. . From Los Angeles Mr .and Mrs, A. M. Boggs and daughter. Miss Esther Boggs, of Los Angeles,- are visiting in this city with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Decker and Mr. .and Mrs. John Decker. Brown's Uncle Dies M. R. Brown and Mrs. Brown were call ed to Grants Pass early yesterday by the Illness of Mr. Brown's uncle, Julius 1). Brown, who died before they arrived there. Here on Business Roy Stearns, Oakland resident, visited Roseburg Wednesday and attended to busi ness matters here. From Ashland William Hed rlck, of Ashland, former Drain resi dent, spent Wednesday here in the interests of business. Attend Archery Tournament Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ullrich are leav ing this evening for Corvallis to spend the 4th and 5th in that city attending the archery tournament. In From Tiller R. Z. Farmer, owner of a mine in the mountains above Tiller, was in the city yes terday on business. Mr. Farmer Is preparing to resume operations on the mine. Spend Fourth at Bandon Miss Nedra Clark is planning to go to Bandon to spend the Fourth of July vacation at the beach. . At Days Creek Miss Jean Fer guson will leave this evening for Days creek where she will spend tomorrow with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn, of Melrose, were in town yesterday attending to business affairs and visiting with friends. Visiting Corvallis Relatives Mrs. August Schloeman of Rose burg is spending the week in Cor vallis on a visit to her sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Schloeman and Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Schloeman and little daughter, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lilly, and family. Mrs. Schloe man went north for the reunion of the Ruble family held at Salem Sunday, mid went from that city to Corvallis. business mat Azalea Lumberman Here George Jantzer, lumberman at Azalea, was transacting business in this city Wednesday. Draip Resident Here Benton Frieze, resident of Drain, visited Roseburg yesterday and transacted business in the city. From Glendale J. H. Jackson, managing editor of the Glendulo Log, whs a bus!:iess visitor to Roseburg Wednesday. Visitor Here Mrs. E. C. Lathrop, Myrtle Creek resident, spent sev eral hours in Roseburg yesterday shopping and visiting friends. . Attending Convention Dr. Cath erine McNeil and Dr. Maud H. Ply ler, of this city, are attending the twenty-third annual convention of the Oregon Chiropractic associa tion now in session at Medford. They will return Saturday. ffreh Van Dusen on Vacation F. G. Van Dusen, assistant manager of the local Montgomery Ward and company store, is leaving tonight on his annual vacation. He will spend two clays in Oregoh City with Abe Vaughn, former assist ant manager of the local Western Ai(to . Supply .- stove, , tind, Mrs. Vaughn, going from there to Port land for a few days. From Port land, Mr. Van TJusen will go to Spokane by way of Pendleton and Walla Walla and return to Rose burg by way of Seattle, the entire trip taking fifteen days. Visits Parents Miss Rosamund T ogsdon is leaving tills evening for Riddle to spend the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Logsdon. From Yoncalla Mrs. C. H. Daugherty and Mrs. Harry Lau- man. of Yoncalla, spent Wednes day here visiting and attending to business affairs. Going to Beach Miss Lucille Gross and Miss Kutn t'oiuns lett this morning for Newport and Roosevelt, where thev will spend the week-end. The first of next week they will go to Hosklns. where Miss Collins taught the nsst two terms, and there thev will be house guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bullls. Walton Rites Todav Funeral services for Harold Walton, who died Sunday in the Umpqua river. were held at the Roseburg Un dertaking company Chanel this afternoon, nev. - W n. Baud, .pas tor of the Christian church, ' of ficiated. Interment took place in I. O. O. F. cemetery. Members of Co. D, Oregon nationnl guard, of which Walton was a member, were present In a body. M. E. Ritter was in charge of arrangements. Celebration JULY 4 ROWELL GROVE Tenmile, Oregon Races, contests, boxing, picnic, dancing and ball game, horse shoe pitching. Sponsored by Tenmile Grange Friday AND Saturday IB with 111 Also I W I" A Wow of a 11V J - Comedy ! "The New Half lkl C Back" 9 ALL TALKING SINGING, DANCING CHEERING The Big Noise for the Fourth! Weather good: track fast; jockey grea girlies cute; songs swell; dances wonder ful, romance ni-m-m don t mention Come and see for yourself. "Little Johnny Jones" Eddie Buzzell Alice Day Hear Eddie Sing "My Paradise." "Straight, Place and Show," "Go K i n d Somebody to Love" und others. ADMISSION Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-35c Matinee Saturday 2:15 LIBERTY r 15 n r l 1.1 a Sfliilliiifi tern Tea in vacuum! Just like your coffee! It is just as vital for one as it is for the other, to prevent the evaporation of the fragrant oils that give them both their flavor. Science has been longer discov ering how to do it for tea. So far it's a Schilling secret. Try it, and find what you have been missing all these years. Iced Schilling Iced Tea is far more refreshing than any other be cause it is fresh to begin with. Black lea (orange pekoe) is best. So are TEA bacs instead of loose tea. Schilling packs both in vacuum. ISSlltlf I , TODAY g July 3-4-5 5Vw A big a. all outdoors! "The Virginian" ride. mMmiil':,: h-terW.-nT- yMM V " Out of the badlands he rides, killer of killers, the plun- TOPS" 2 & ?sr-c hl if' derer of women's hearts. But Texas puts a price on His 4X'I ' V, A 4 head and he flees to a land of new romance, new fa"! 'WyJ aiW $1 ,&t danger, in this classic O. Henry action-tale of the old PfeiHfiff.- rvfj Southwest. " ' fe rt GARY cooper m $500 FAY WRAY H$ UALL lALMnU ALL UUIUUUK tjr W Companion Picture to "The Virginian" All i airung uomeuy K-HVV 2 I Special Act nf'if'O , jjJ Latest News Events fP v . I " AVIk Fk-CM DEAD OR ALIVE For the bandit known as the "Llano Kid" and "THE TEXAN" Admission Matinee: Kiddies 10c Adults 35c Evening: Kiddies 10c Adults 50c Matinee daily at 2:15 ANTLERS i nr. i AircX,;t:,-:j.-V-v ALL FRATERNAL ORDERS PICNIC JJOILY A At Wolf Creek Park Near Boy Scout Camp Coffee and cream will be furnished, but members must bring their own basket lunches. PROGRAM 10:30 A. M. Big Hike. 12:00 Dinner. 1:30 P. M. Patriotic Program. Speech A. C. Marsters. Baseball Game Horseshoe Contest ELKS MASONS I.O.O.F. EAGLES MOOSE ANY OTHERS C3rTniuiji' 'vas- i"V3, 33 5 Safeway Specials For Saturday and Monday Jello or Jell Well Make a delicious color ful dessert for any oc casion. Assorted as you wish. 5 packnges .. ... 330 Shrimp Fancy Southern Dry Pack. Summer time is salad time. Save at Safeway. 3 430 Gingerale Pale Face, Pale Dry. highest quality and flavor. Aged just right in the 1 2-oz. bottle. Each 170 Dozen $1.99 JVJJJJ Max-i-mum or Pet, always fresh, tall cans, 5 cans PORK and BEANS ltti JJJ'yj'JJ Safeway's Butter is the' finest. 2 pounds OLJEC Highway ripe olives, No. 1 tall cans, 2 cans MARSHM ALLOWS lypl 39c 25c 65c 29 c 19c Mayonnaise Fresh, rich and tasty. Flavored to a de licious taste. In bulk. Save at Safeway. Pound, nqd (equal to a pint) JLvp Hostess Cakes Hostess Cakes are conceded the finest. They save you time, worry and are economical. 150, 200, 25r" 300 PICKLES Fannings Bread and Butter, with the old fashioned flavor, 1 5 oz. jars f l?J "TI? Swan'sdown insures success in mak- WATVCf r LU U IV ing finer cakes. Package JJJJ J Oregon full cream, aged to a tasty flavor. l A Tl-irrC Safeway, highest quality, sure to light. 11 rV 1 JlllfO Carton. 6 boxes 23c 33c 21c 15c Coffee Safeway Blend, the world's finest coffee, roasted and blended by our own experts. 1 3 ibs. .360 $1.05 Sugar Pure cane, fine granulated. 19 lbs .990 Potato Chips Introducing a new, fin er potato chip, dainty, crisp and of extra fine flavor. Extra OQW large package Zwji Safeway Has the Finest Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Bananas Watermelon Golden ripe fruit. Truly a Safeway saving. 6,b, 230 Potatoes Fancy local potatoes. Cooking quality. Guaranteed. Ibs. 330 N-w shipment fancy Klondikes. Full of sugar and deliciously ripe. Pound 1 2 0 Tomatoes Large, tirm, smooth. grown stocks. Lemons Large Sunkist fruit. Lem onade is healthful. QQrf Dozen 0JJJ i Field ( n2ib.. .250 12 WE DELIVER QUANTITY Store No. 255 Roseburg Cucumbers Finest hothouse cucum bers. Fresh, sweet and crisp. 3 for 250 ORDERS Phone 230