KOSLBUKG NLWS-KLV1EW. KOSEBUKC. OREGON. THURSDAY,' JULY 3, 1930. TWO -I 'WHERE'S EMILV?' If by Carolyn Wells ! CHAPTEH XUV. --- Aunt Judy thought the girl waH insane. She had caught a wild gleam from Kniily's eyes as Stone had lifted the collapsed figure, and Bhe never expected to see the light of intelligence in her darling's eyes. But she said no word of this, she said no word ul all, nor did any of the others. Hoduey held Emily " hands in his own, Betty hovered at the head of the couch, and Pete , nervously strode up and down the porch looking tor the doctor s car. At last he saw the lights gleam . through the trees, and Imcior Eaton hurried in. He said no word but felt Kmfly pulse, took her temperature and nloon pressure, and examined her heart. "It isn t a faint, he said, at last. "She is In a coma, Induced by some illness or shock. Probably the latter. We can tell nothing about that, and Bhould she wake she must not he questioned. 1 can not tell much about il myself, for 1 " dare not disturb her loo much. Six1 may be hovering between lite and death; she may be hovering bo tween sanity and madness. Onl;. ' the most meticulous care and (lit1 .. fact of her youth and fine const! lution may bring her through ami it may not." I "What can we do?" asketl Aunt , Judy, on the warpath if there was anything to be fought. "I'm thinking. She must be put - to bed, of course, but whether here pr at the hospital Is tho question ,i)ver there It would be better, be a cause there are appliances if oxy- -en or any special- treatment il '"railed for. Vet you would rather C1)ave her here at home?" . Hodney's uppenliug glance showed how much he wanted to keep hei "at home, but Aunt Judy suid "You must decide. Doctor. It 7-Tt'0" "link the hospital belter for i her. It doesn't matter what we .think." "I do," Doctor Ealon said. "And ';'lt may mean the difference he ..J tween recovery or not. Shall we lake her at once? I ll call an am ,buhtnce while you pack a few tie 'f? cessary things. .Not much, for we .". don't know yet what she'll want and you'll be hack and forth con . , ,- tlnually anyway." "' So Pearl and Aunt Judy went ",'off to pack a bug ror Emily, and ', ;'l!etty sat Hi 111 watching the face of Doctor Eaton as he watched the quick spasmodic brenthlng of his '''' patient. 21. rtodney, rapt In lils Own thoughts. which were chaotic, continued to . ' kneel by the side of the soln where "I'he hud But so long waiting for ,;L,Emllv. And now Bhe was there, there, iw In front of him, and he could no! speak to her, could not full her , "j.how dear she was ami hnw glnd ,, i , lie was to see her again his n--thoughts becume Incoherent. Pete tiilihy studied Emily's lace. Jj"( Not exactly thinner, it had a ;, ;, drawn and hnggnrd look as of one ..i who had suffered pol innntly. Her hair was as she usunll.v wore It. 17-7! ,1,0H1 showing slight signs of a lnllimi in cine. Her white hands seenied whiter i than usual, and the linger nails wrero a little unenred lor, but not 'J,'-nuch: to Pete's eyes she seenied r almost the same iib usual, .t. But when at Inst she opened her eyes there was and Involuntary Hound of grief or amazement from .. nearly every one preselil. Kor her eyes held no Intelligence, ' ' no recognition or uiiderstundluit. They closed again at once, and . ,r. Doctor Ealon said kindly: "Don't make too much of tlml; It may nil pass and soon, now that she Is with us again. The child . ,., has had some terrible, some fearful . shock or succession of shocks. She has suffered no maltreatment,' she hasn't a bruise or u Bcratch, nor Is "i "I"' undernourished. Hut we musl . ,, curb our natural curloBlly and tie - vote all our energies to restoration before wo question or disturb her in any way." "Yes," said Rodney, reverently r bending over the hands ho still - held tightly clasped In his own. '""I "(let up. Sayie," said the doctor .... bluntly hut gently. "We must lake - her awny now, but remember It Is " ' lor her own good anil probably to j save her life or her reason." "All right," he mil. I n tut rose to ..his reel, il lluiiulsliiii'; Emllv's hands, which fell lifelessly down. 'J "Take this, Sayre." directed the doctor, removing the diamond necklace and passing It over. Sh.vio limit nifclianli-iilly anil TAKE THE PLACE OF Tlie vsmar win H Lwls counlryw.ird tfwWher- il bi mountains or . snore, in Ihe U.S. c abroad Jie Smart can' do a 6rea deal lovwrd i i i v, t i nidnins? il o y tui iuus I .Vacation appai-H of Jislim lioa i al popular prices. $7ie $mwtt$ftop g i 1 a q PI q 11 1 IT-g , a w was putting It In his pocket when Pele took It from him. "Let me have it, son," he said, and with the same air of not know ing just what he was doing. Hod ney obediently handed It over. "I'll get Aunt Judy to put it in the safe, Gihhy said, noticing quietly that the two ends were tied together Willi a black silk thread The ends left by the removal of the six stones now in posession of me ponce as evidence. At the thought Pete (llbby turned cold all over. The police were waiting the return of Emily Duatie to arrest her for the murder of Pauline Pennington! He fairly pushed the thought out of his brain, and then the ambu lance arrived and Emily waB care fully laid ill it und taken to the hospital. To the. hospltnl at last, where sue nad started to go nearly a week ago and would only arrive tonight! ilow strange everything was. Fleming Stone watched every thing und said almost nothing. He and Doctor Eaton had had a few whispered words and a few silent nods of understanding and agreement, and then the doctor got Into the ambulance himself and was driven off. "Let's go over," said Betty and she and Pete and Rodney Btarted off. Aunt Judy and Fleming Stone remained behind. "Don't cry," he said, as Hie tears hegaii to come. No, ' she smiled, brushing them- back. "And they're tears of Joy, anyway. Emily's back! We need not say 'Where's Emily?' any-more, we know where she Is. l.am sure she'll get well. She's such a fine, strong girl, and now, with nothing to trouble or worry her, she's hound to get all right soon. Don t yon think so?" lea,' said Fleming Stone, nnd truthfully, for he thought the nances were in the girl's favor. . At the hospital, Emily was nut to bed .in the best. available roonl. nursoa were detailed, and Doctor Eaton held consultation with his colleagueB. They all-agreed that Emllv's con- dltlon was brought about by shock or some irisnieiiliiK nature, aud concluded that nothing definite could he done until she regained consciousness. She lay quietly, for the most part, though now nnd then her hands would twitch, or she would give a low moiiii as If In mental anguish. The head nurse, Miss Holcomb, nine llllo Hie walling room to talk to Hetty' and the two men, who sal waiting for news. 'I here's nothing lo he done." she buIiI in a kindly way. "Miss Duaue may stay us she Is now all night probably will so I think you had all belter so home. If there Is any reason to do so, I'll call you on the telephone "All right," Betty said, somewhat relieved by the nut-Be b cairn accept mice of the situation. "Come on, Pete, come on, Rodney, let's go. we can come over in the morning, nui-He?" "Come whenever you like, hut, of course, 1 cun t promise you'll see uie paileni. "Toll me, nurse," Betty cujoled, "have you ever seen Just such a case before? Exactly like this, 1 mean." "I can't tell that until I know wliiit a 1 1 h her. I've seen bad shock cases, and If this Is a shock case 8ho II likely come out of It all right." This was encouraglns, lint vague. However, Betty knew they would got nothing more definite. "Ilow Is Mrs. Laurence?" Bhe nsked. "l)h. she's fine, and the baby, loo. When you come over tomor row, probably yon can see her." Sd Hotly and Polo went home. Snyro positively refused to ;o. He declared he would stay the night in the visitor's waiting room I anu no mere in case Emily came to herself and asked for him. The nurses smiled at his devo tion, hut told hi in if he those to slay there was no real objection. Hut. she added, there was no chance whatever of his seeing Em ily during the night and ho d niiirh hotter go home and get his rest. Hut Hixlnoy was immovable, and he sat on the hospital sofa with the same air of determined patience that he had shown at Kunllwood. Aunt Judy only smiled when lli'iiy ii'ioiumI. iiiuI siilil slip be TOWN PLEASURE sea Shop auvfmuiir. 1 a y M lleved tu people's doing what they wanted to do, and if Hod wanted to stay there she was glad be had stayed. Fleming Stone was elated at Emily's return. He said: 'Her reappearance 1b in no way due to my efforts. I don't know i ou-l. t ie undt-ri.iKnel, the duly at nil where she has been but I do 'appointed, qualified and acting ad at an wnere sne na ueen, out i .mi,lrMllt 0t sulli etui., will, from know I m going to track down the nd ulu the 6th day of July. i3u. man who is responsible for her ah- ductlou. "You can do It?" asked Pete, not doubtfully, but greatly inter ested. "1 can do it," returned Fleming Stone, so positively that they were all impressed. So the people at Knollwood went (o bed, and meantime Rodney sat on his new sofa and the doctor and nurses took care of Kniily Duone. The first part of the night there was nothing to he done, but short ly after midnight the patient grew restlesH and the night nurse called Doctor Eaton. By the time he reached her bed side, Kniily was screaming in an attack of acute hysteria, (ie quick ly administered a sedative, but Its effect was slow and the girl went through a series of alternate rigid- j ity and convulsive movements, tin- tity the nurses began to fear the end was near. "No, Doctor Eaton said, "these spells are to be expected. She will have more of them. Hut they a.re physical. I we can keep her men tality, we can pull her through physically, I feel sure. The trouble will come when she wakes to con sciousness. On no account ques tion her, or say anything definite of any any nature. Should she be come rational when I am not here. Just soothe her and murmur words of general comfort. Tell her every thing Is all right and for her to go to sleep. Probably she will obey, but call me la any case." Rodney iRayre, In (lie distant waiting room, could hear nothing of these developments, and he sat in the corner of the big Chester field, now and then lightly dozing, but, for the most part just revel ing in the thought that Emily was homo again, whatever the future might hold lor (hem. And being young and of a hope ful, optimistic nature, he let his fancy run riot as lo the coming days when after a simple wedding ceremony, ho would take his bride away to some lovely, quiet spot to get nacK her health and strength. Not, for a moment did he appre hend any mental trouble for her. He knew too little of such matters to know what terrible effects Be vere shock may bring about. Could he have Been Emily at mat moment, her eyes staring and wild, her hands tightly clenched and her whole body contorted as u tin a convulsion, he would have hpen less sanguine, Hut bo was mercifully spared mis Knowledge, and arier the doc tor's persistent ministrations, poor Emily sank Into a heavy slumber Induced by narcotics. (To Be Continued Saturday) o Fishing tackle at Idieyld Park.- Adv. o . Picnicking at idieylu J-ar AdV MJTH'K UI. J'lXAl, S K'1T,I; M K X 'V In thp County Court of tW Stato of On-gun for DoukIum Countv. In tliM nmtU'i- ut tliu t'Htutu of Anna M, Kniluu, dcivitHt-d, Notice Ih li.'H'by kIv.-ii that flip unuVitdKHod Iuik filed In the above eilt tiled court li Ih film I account ill MiHiieiueru or HUHl eHlute, and tty ol der of Hit i il court duly made mi and 1 eniiired or record, Mondtiv, the -1 Nt day of .'uly, in;ii). nl 10 o'clock A. M., In the county courtroom In the COtll'lhoilHO In ItOKehurir. IliniirliiH County. OrcKon. hu h.-i-n fixed uh the limy nnd plticu for hem lug ob jections, If iiny thetu be, to mild nniii Hi'cont, and for tho settlenu'iit thereof, Duted this l!)th dny of June. HC10. A. N. OliCCTT. Administrator. 8 OUR NEW Electric Refrigerator Keeps Your Picnic Supplies FRESH That we may better we have installed a unit. We will now be those delicacies that been unable to keep. Our stock will in- elude lunch meats, cottage cheese, salads, j varieties or cheese, dainties. We invite you to come improvement or, if will be glad to take phone. We Deliver SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Sweet Pickles in bulk, pt 23c 39c 1 Sc B. & M. Canned Lima B:ans, 3 for Pint can of Ripe Olives Morgan's " Korit'K of aixIimstiiator-s ftAI.K Notice is hereby given that by vlrluo of a lu-eiiae and order of sale duly made and enti-rt-d in the Coun iv t'ouit of lite btate of Ort-KOu. for Iioukius County, in tlie matter of the i-Nlute or rcime u. wneon. oe- ofier for sale and sell at private ie to the uigtiest and best bidder. lor t-ush in liuiid. the xollowing de-ncritK-d real property situated in iJouKlas County, Oregon, und be-longing- to the estate of said 'de cedent, to-wit: Lots numbered six (6) and seven (7i of block numbered six (t in Vom'Hllu. Douglas County. Oregon. ''"'i""" " '""ded map or Said sale will be subject to con firmation by suid court. Midi or o flora fur said property Bhould be filed at the off lie of B. I... Eddy, Attorney at Iaw, Mauonlc Building, Itoaeburjj, Oregon, attor ney tor adtniniKtrutor. Dated this 2d day of June. 1930. A. S. GARNKH, Administrator of the estate of ltie U. W.ltion, deceased. Sl'-MMOXS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oic no n for I Jo nir Inn I'mmiv Clarence White und Dora Wblt 'luititfffii. v William Sloiin. The Oregon and laliforniii Itallroad Co.. a corpor ation, also all oilier persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, entHte, lien, or inter em in Hi;- reul estate deHcrlbed in the complaint herein. Defendants. To tile JlhoVc tmlfifd A.-ftmia nt a William Sloan and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ItiK any rlKht. title, estate, lien or interest in the reul ok in tit di-uo !.. ed In the complaint herein: in ine name oi tne. State or Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the comnlaint filed aainHt you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks rrom tne date or the rlrsl publica tion of this summons and if you fail tu ho uppuur and answer suid omniutnt. ror want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for tne rener tnerein uemundeu, a suc cinct statement of which Is as fol lows: that you be reuulred to nn- near and set forth the nature aud character of your adverse claim to tne Tollowinx described real estate In Douglas County, Oregon, to-wlt: i ne west nair or tne soutnwet quarter Hoc. 1H; Lota one, two, and in rcu. sou in west quarter or the northeast quarter and tho east half of the southeast quarter Hec. H; Lot one Sec. 2.1; Dot throe Hex. 24, all in Township 23 South of Knniru 10 west of the Willamette Meridian, and that upon the Ucarln thereof it be decreed that the plaintiffs ure the owners In fee simple of said roal property, and that you have no estate, rttrht, title. Interest, or Men In upon or to said real estate or any part thereof, and that the title of lli nliiinllffM to Kitid rcjil eMtitte lie "Torever quieted aKttlnst you. and tbut you be enjoined from assert ing or claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in or to bu.i wul estate. This summons is served upon you by publication In the llowebui g NewH-ltevlew. u newspaper of gen crul circulation, published In Doug las County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on tho Jttth day of June, l!:fo, requiting this summons to bo published once a we-ek for four consecutive weeks and requiring you to appenr and nnHWor pin in tiffs' complaint with in four weeks from the dato of t he tirsi publication of this summons. 1 nted and first published June 19, lidO. CARD 13. WIMRKRDV, M. D. 11ADDMAHK Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post of fice address: Roseburg, Oregon, NO'l'ICtS OI-' FIVtl JilCTTMfi.VISMr Not left Is hereby given that the undersigned admin 1st rat or of the estate of J. R. llilbam. deceased, has filed bis final account In the Coun ty Court of the Htutu.of Oregon toy DoukIus County, and the lion. W. H. Hamilton. Judge of mild court, litis appointed. Monday, the -111) day of August, 1 !:t0, nt ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day. in the on n lv courtroom in the courthouse in UoHchurg. DoukIus County, Ore gon, as the time aiid place Tor Hear ing objections, if any, to suid final accouift and the settlement thereof. All person Interested In said es tate nrc hereby notified to file their objections. If any. to said final ac count, at or before the tlmo ap pointed for hearing as aforesaid. Dated this lUth day of June. 1 HAM HADD. Administrator of the estate of J. R. (J 11 hum, deceased. serve our customers modern refrigerator able to carry in stock we have heretofore and many other . ' in and see our latest that is impossible, we your order over the I Twice Daily I 3 pkgs. Leslie Shaker Salt 25c K ft r . & mi Stuffed Olives, 2 bottles for Octagon Cleaner, 4 pkgs 24c Grocery! g NOTICE TO CHKUITOHS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for DvuKlaa County. In the matter of tlie estate of job Aplnall, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the nndersigntd has been duly uppoint d administrator of the estate, of Job Aspinall, deceased, by order of the abttve entitled court made and entered on the l&ih day of June. 19.10. All persons havjnrf ciaims against the estate of said deceased are hereby requited to present tlu-m. duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at his law offices In the court house in UoseburK. Douglas Countv. Oretcon. within nix months from the date of the first publication of this notice. uate or iirst publication June 19th. 1930. Date of last publication July 17th, 1930. GUY CORDON, Administrator of the t-ntutu nt Job Aspinall. deceased. SL'M.IIOSS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, Bert Wells, Plaintiff. v. Maurice Abraham and Madge Abra- nam. nia wue, ana all other per sons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, esttttf. Hen or interest in the hereinafter de scribed real estate. Defendants. To Maurice Abraham and Mudee Abraham, his wife, and all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, etitute, lien or Interest in the hereinafter describ ed real estate, defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, within four weeks from the dale of the first publication of this sum mons and If you fall to so uDoear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, a succinct statement of which is as follows: For a decree of the above entitled court that the IT'S A' IPDTY G Coming events cast their shadows before" When tempted to over-indulge "Reach for a Lucky instead" Be moderate be moderate in all things, even in smoking. Avoid that future shadow by avoiding over-indulgence, if you would maintain that modern, ever-youthful figure. "Reach for a lucky instead." Lucky Strike, the finest Cigarette you ever smoked, made of the finest tobacco The. Cream of the Crop "IT'S TOASTED." Lucky Strike has an extra, secret heating process. Everyone knows that heat purifies and so 20,679 physicians say that Luckies are less irritating to your throat. Your Throat Protection against irritation against cough In his famous book entiud "Food For the Fat." Dr Yorke-Davie. gives this advice: "Any system for reducing fat will be of no avad if the patient persists in eating betw een meals.- We do not represent that smoking,?? StrHcs Cigarettes will bring modem figure or cause the reduction of flesh. We do decide ha l"8iT? in thing, that cause excess we.ght and, by avoiding over-indulgence, maintain a modem, graceful W TUNE IN-The Lucky Strike Dane Orche.tr.. every Saturday and Thunday evening, over N. B. C network. plaintiff Is the owner In fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: Tlie south half of the southeast guarter of section thirty-six, town ship twenty-nine south, range lime west of the Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Oregon, containing eighty acres, more or less; and that the defendants, or either or any of them, have no estate, right, title. Interest or lien in, upon or to said real property and that plaintiff's title thereto be forever quieted as to any and all claim or claims of tlie defendants or either or any of them and of all persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in or to said real property adverse to the title of the plaintiff thereto, snd that plain tiff have such other and further re lief as to the court may seem just and equitable In the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof In the Rose burg NewH-Heview, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Itoscburg. Douglas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above entitled court duly made and enter ed on the tfth day of June, 1930, re quiring the said defendants to Ap pear and answer plaintiff's com plaint within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which is June 12. 1930. R. L. WHIPPLE. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Hose burg, Oregon. XOTICE TO CKKDITOHS Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, Administrator of the estate of Jo bediah Pankey. deceased, and have qualified. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present them, with proper vouchers, and duly verified, to me at the office of Harry C. Skynnan. attorney for suid estate, at Room 409 Med ford Building, In Med ford. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published June 12th. l!:iu. JOE WRIGHT. Administrator. "It's toasted" ADHI.MSTH.TOn- KOTIOC In the County Court of the State of vregon ior Liougias ouniy. In the matter of the estate of C. W. McAllister, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of C. W. McAllister, deceased, by order of the above entitled court and ' has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, with proper vouch ers, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at his residence at 219 outh Main Street In Roseburg. Douglaa County, Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is June 5, J it 30. O. D. MCALLISTER, Administrator of the estate of C. W. McAllister, deceased. SUMMONS o, sohx In the Circuit Court or the State of Orectm for Dome I am Piiiinlv The Roaeburg National Bank. Plaln- W. T. Craven and Ben C. ZIgler, De fendants, To W. T. Craven, one of the de fendants above named: In the name of tho State of Ore- eon Vnil a r hnrntii' ksiiiiIfiJ tn pear and answer plaintiff's com plaint against you now on file in the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publica tion of thin summons, to-wlt, on or before July 10, 1930, said day being the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, the time prescribed for publication being once a week for four consecutive weeks, and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you upon a promissory note In the sum of S1.35S.37, together with Interest thereon at eight per cent per an num from May 13. 1930, in the fur ther sum of SI 50.00. or such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable, as attorney's fees and for plaintiff's T BE ' 1 ' m'miwmHnmmm costs and disbursements In this ai tfon. together with an order of laj upon execution of the following de scribed real property situated in Douglas County. Oregon, belonging to you, and which the plaintiff caused to be attached at the com mencement of this action, to-wit: Beginning at a point 4.20 chains due north of the southeast corner of the John Cox donation land claim No. 49. running thence north on east boundary line of said claim 34.37 chains; thence west 12.&0 chains: thence south 24.37 chains, more or less, to the middle of Luokinglass Creek: thence down the middle of said Lookingglass Creek to the place of beginning, containing 3.5 acres, more or less, said land being in the east half of section twenty (20). township twenty-eight (2S south, range six (6) west of the Willamette Meridian. In Douglas County. State of Oregon, and that the proceeds of sale be applied first upon the expenses of sale, secondly upon the payment oi plaintiff s costs and disbursements, and the re mainder upon tne said judgment to be entered In favor of plaintiff, bo far as necessary, the balance of proceeds of sale. If any, to be dis posed of as the court may direct. This summons is published in the Roseburg News-Review, a newspa per Dtiblished in Douglas Countv. Oregon, toy order of tlie Hon. W. t Hamilton. County Judge of DoukI J Countv. Oregon, made and dated June 10th. 1930. t The date of the first publication of this summons is June 12, 1930, and the date of the last publication is July 10, 1930. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Roseburg, Oregon. Roseburg Cabinet Shop 542 Fowler St. Phone 541-J Dryer Fans Specially adapted for Kurtz Prune Dryers. Come in and let us demonstrate them. Fans com plete ready to install. Price $10.59 E. S. Cockelreas F. L. Co,ckelreas FATI 9