EJCHl ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2. 1930 1 A Host of Special Values forthe4th jibLhVtL At this store of dependable merchandise at low nrices. I Those who swim or seek to tan themselves on the bench, will find the last of our bathing suits priced right and interesting of design. $4.95- of Eugene Is In charae of the classes, with Stanley Kidder and Mayuard Bell as assistants. The class schedule will continue up to anil including July 5. The course Is under the auspices of the local chapter of the HeU Cross. Dr. H. C. Church is chair mall of the event. Kayser Silk Hose Chiffon and Service Weight S1.29 A readjusted price on several dozen pairs all first grade. Big assortment, good shades. Slip-on Sweaters Correct summer sport sweat, ors, light weight, very attrac tive patterns for light skirts. S2.95 to $3.95 9 Deauville Sandals The most popular of warm weather sport shoes the genuine "eauville Sandal sold only at hishers Colors, g white, white and black, naturnl tan, tan and brown, tan E and white and brown. Qi JC OC Q C Bj Specially Priced OTiUd Odltf J i White Footwear The new white kid is not only a beautiful leather and rnost desirable for summer dress shoes It is wash able, easy to care for. Sold only at Fisher's. Pumps, straps. J5.45.J5.S5 Men's Silk Polo Shirts New shades, with dress collars that make them the smart new thing wear. Special, each . $2.15 See our window for latest in Men's Silk Pajamas, the newest idea in summer sleeping Q Q fi fl garments for men. The suit, special.. 4j)JiUU Better Service Better Merchandise manasi TTV r UHrYHXTflt I Mi I K Brooklyn Makes Town Lot PJay Against St. Louis, Missing Chance to Regain the Lead. Hy If 10 H R. FI'LLKRTON. JR. Associated Press Sports Wilier j Regardless of their humble ponl llon In tho American league stand ing ns tho bnsebitll sen son warn IIh halfway murks, the Boston Red Sox can Hit In a claim for Hie honor of havfg the best pltchlni In the major lcu. They can t hit well enough to tako advantage of their hurling, j Of the group of noundsmen. Mil Oanlon Jfl perhap the hardest, worker nnd most effective P"ner. The star right hander pitched again yesterday and ho'd the Cleve land Indians to three lifts In his divih rnmnlptfl game hi succession nnd his 13th of the season, lie also mad Jiint an mnnv bits as he allowed, having n perfect day at hat. The Red Hox collected 11 bloK'fl off Mel Harder, but tt beat score they could produce was 3 to 1. It was Cleveland's 10th de feat ia 19 games. Hob Ornvea Philadelphia's speV hall ace did about as well as Can ton .In the brief time the weather allowed the Athletics to plav. He allowed Detroit Juat one bit in five Innings while Young nth Williams a hleil him to a 4 to 1 victory. Williams produced most of Phila- (lelphtafe counters by driving nut a home run when lift was sent In ns a pinch bat am mi with two on bam In the second In nine;. Robins Go to Pieces The National lea cue was saved lot of eomnllcations when the Brooklyn Robin blew off the no enmulated bad InsehaH of weeks In one Innlnp ngalnst the St. Louis Cardinals. Watson Clark. Brook lyn's leading southpaw, nroved In effective In the scowl frnme nnd Clfse Dudley nnd Jim Elliott, wore ent much better. They pave nine bits nnd behind them ihe Robin fielders committed three errors. The result wns eleven runs and a in n 7 vfeinry for St. Louis. While Ms vnn pohi" on. the 'onjrno lending Chlcnco Cub" were In the proeeq of losing a 7 to 5 Opinion to the New York Ginut. The Cubs are a e-nnie nnd a halp eheid row. b"t the Hnbtns. had Ihnv won, would hnve fonn thern ''vH bi pirnn nnuMlon of l.ntiin pifn(l n tlm nereentaRe nl b('tiid in irnmo''. F'-ed Fllzslmnions wan the lend er tn -the vte'nt'v n"r l,rt lenp'o )fnAorn t'mt kept the Giants tn tltlM nlfen. vwi rtivWq t"-o home run" "nil irnek VMIho's one 'Oi'e "U tht nvodn"nd Inl'lns fo" the Cub" pMiHhn'-n-i, i-nnlacd Tt"nlnn tn 'utrth ntnne by defeathiR the Dravpfl, fi tn LOCAL NEWS STORY 4 (Continued from page 1) Clerk In Safeway store William Knlxht has taken a position as clerk In the local Safeway store. The wares they're wearing are the styles in favor, the patterns preferred are cool garments with stabilizing hand tailoring to in sure shape and permanency. Topping off their attractions arc these surprisingly low prices on men's two pant suits. $13.85 $19.50 $24.50 $29.50 Boys All Wool Four Piece Suits .95 $9.95 11 Dress Oxfords QO Q C Khaki mJ'Jn black or tan .... QZlJ J Work Pants 1 I I Broadcloth nQn Overalls, waist ft On Dress Shirts jQll or b-b .. JQU Fancy Rayon 1 D P Work ShirU, P Q P Dress Socks I UU blue or grey 0 UU Dress QQ.95 to CC.85 Gys' Tennis Shoes, Par.ts Ql 00 Jj" 59(J Su1""" 49C A,!). Union aaar-81.29 r:$i.95 Fancy Cowhide OQp Work Shoes, CI 7Q Belts Jgu comp. soles Q I 1 1 J Fancy Silk QQn QQp Canvas Leather 1 fjn Neckties JUU jOu Face Gloves I UU Oregon Woolen Stores Head-to-Foot-Clothiers 141 N. Jackson 141 N. Jackson FORMERLY DUDS FOR MEN Transacts Business Here J. H. Cunningham, of (Hide transacted business In noseburg Ihls morning. Mrs. Labor Shops Mrs. Charles labor of Ureen. was a visitor and shopped In lioseburg this morning. Mr. Hastings In If. B. Hastings, of Wilbur, visited lioseburg today anil attended to business matters. Mr. Throne In Town E. C. Throne, of Anchor, was In town this morning attending to business affairs. Glide Man In Ellis Watson, from the Glide vicinity, spent sev eral hours looking after business matters in Roseburg today. In From Melrose Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Holmquist came in from Mel rose yesterday, and visited and transacted business in town. message delivered by radio through the medium of her mother yester day. In which she expressed worry of their speech and health. The no'e read: "What do you say 'Boy' (Ma belle's nickname). Who don't know liow to break a record? Well, we have close to 500 hours and the motor is running fairly good yet. don t know how much longer it will last. Beans, (Kenneth) is fret ting and wants to come down at 520 hours but I want to stay up 'till Monday. "It has been tough but nothing like the other flight. y are feel ing fine although Beans Is getting pretty sleepy. "We go out and work on that old motor as if it were on the ground (bolony). But I did go out on the cat-walk this morning at 2 o'clock and put a new breaker in the mag neto. "Now don't go worrying about us because we are all right. We can still talk and to prove It, we will all come down and make a big speech for you." Women Get Close View Mother Hunter and Sister Irene saw brothers John and Kenneth at close range last night. They went aloft with Casey Jones, observer for the National Aeronautical as sociation, who lumbered his large Curtiss Condor alongside the "City of Chicago." "I couldn't see the boys dis tinctly, but I saw them waving at us," the mother said. Among the congratulatory mes sages received yesterday was one from Col. Charles . A. Lindbergh, who in the days when he was "Slim" and an air mail pilot, barn stormed several times with the Hunter brothers. At Lake Tahkenitch J. A. Hard ing and Gene Parrott left) yester day afternoon for Lake Tahkenitch, near Heedsport, where thy will spend two days fishing, rertrnitls tomorrow afternoon. They: wet, ioined bv Ir. A. F. Sether 6,f Eu gene, former Rosehurg resid'ent. Admitted to Hispital Mrs. Anna Bradway of this city was admitted to Roseburg General hospital yes terday for medical treatment. Fishing and Hunting Trips 1 Pack and saddle horses a Steamboat for hire. Write or phone Joe DeBernardi Phone 36F15 Glide, Q Mrs. Paris Shops Mrs. Robert Paris, of Coquille, Bpent several hours visiting and shopping in town Tuesday. IDLEYLD PARK rvv.ttnvlw n-"'n fvmnlv Rwclnll lm.tfvin PA"1' Or. intv 2 Mr. MP-' Mr. Hl-lr "f rbii'" snnt PimhIm'' ben. Air. TUnlr i onnnectod with the Standard Oil co",nnny. Mr. nnd Mrs Flmer Wnhln of Eureka sn"nt lnd week vlsl'liur fieorne Rehl nnd fnnllv here. Mr1 Pe( retiiriieil to ureka lo visit Mr nnd Mrs Ike Flnnnerv. Miss Murthrt Yeiinit. M. Kinllv Vouni ptit Mrs. Iii7.l Clark, nil of Ojikiiiiwi. weiv picnickers at the p:"t Sundav Mr nnd Mr. n. O Clark. Mr. nnd M'i. Ulrieh nnd Mr. and Mrs. fninmin-s of Roseburg spent Sim dp' here Mr nnd Mrs. vtUhm outer Mned a tnrt of friends nt a pic nic here Snndav. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pnnner spent Sidav on the North TTmnmin. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alv'n Knndtso" vis Ited reb'tives on the North Ump qui Sundav. Rov rcdarstrnm. formerW of Hosehnrp, hu now located ni Mnrshf'eld. with bis wife, was the truest of Mr. end Mrs. Maco Span cnlfn here Sundny. Mr. nnd Mr. A. J. Ynuncr of UoMehirrr and Hen Wine of Abbots ford. Wis., pnent the week-end at "'b'yld, reporting n good catch of; fish. I (ieore T nnmls end fumllv of DM lnrl nnd llnrrv Crln and family j spent the week-end lice. J O'' and Mrs. C. H. Wade spent: P'Midny on Ihe North Uuipqua river. Mr. ad Mrs. M. D. Wood of W. vrtle ('reek spent seveitl davs recently at the park on their honey in en n. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Dover and Mr. end Mn. W. K. (Herhart of Dow tie v. Cn4 spent Severn I duvs here lust week. Thev are lo'tktnirj for fnrm land In this part of thej cni'titv. ) .1. I.. Turrentlne and family left Inst week for Ihelr homo In Long! Heacb. Thev plan to return; hero In September. I Mr. and Mrs. Hartv Lobr end: Mr. Krue pud fumllv spent the; week-end pt tblr enmp he'. The North Vmnoun Soc'al club met here kist Saturdav plcht to j mob ftn-U nrrtpromont for the Mir basket dinner the obih Is spon-j aorlnp en tho Fourth of July. ; Ellsworth in Grants Pass Harris Fllsworth. editor of the Roseburg News-Review, spent today In Grants Pass on business. Present Gladioias The bowl of beautiful gladfolas at the counter of the News-Review office was brought In by Sam Starmer from the Soldiers' home. From Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. I". Pillshurv, of the Plllsbury Flour company In Portland, are spend ing a few days here on business and pleasure. Leave Mercy Hospital Mrs. Freeland Williams of Melrose and Anthonv Denn of Camas valley were discharged yesterday from Mercy hospital. Grows Fine Onions Three large white Bermuda onions, grown by Harrv Siegel on Mosler-street, are on display in the windows of the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce. Go to Bandon Mr. and Mrs. James Ceil and son, Jimmy, are preparing to leave tomorrow eve nlntr for Bandon, where they will spend the Fourth visiting Mrs. Geil's mother, Mrs. A. J. Counts. Leaves for Los Anqeles Mrs. A. C. Foster, mother of Mrs. M. E. Rttter of this city, left yeatordav for Los Anveles, where she will sneiui the summer. She has been the guest of her daughter for some time. Miss Wharton Expected Miss Floret i ce i W it'a rt on , who h as been teach In; for the past three years ft Kawanannkoa school In the Hawaiian Islands. Is expected to ar rive here tomorrow afternoon to seend vacuion visiting with rela tives and friends. AUTO FLAG SETS Fancy bolder nnd 5 flags for the radiator cap. 25c. Also holders for uho on bumper or on fenders. Alt sizes In flags. Buv now for use on the 4-1 li. Carrs. Adv. Firecrackers Adv. at Idleyld park.- Arundel, rdnnn tuner Phone 1R9-L Why Suffer With Corhs Pay Dime Pain Stops And , Out Comes Corn. RESULTS GUARANTEED NEWEST, BEST REMEDY No bulky doughnut puds or burning acids get uu euveiope of O-Juy Corn Walters for a dime. Thin ns paper, press one on the corn with finger and It sticks there. Shoes don't hurt. Pain is gone im mediately. Dance if you wish, no bother, funs or danger. Later, in the bath, out comes corn, callous, roots and all. Like magic. F.veryone Is going wild over O-Joys. Broad way was overjoyed ; you will be, too. Six O-Juy Wafer for a dlmo at druggists. Adv. OLD TIME DANCE AT NEW Evergreen Grange Hall South of Kelly's Korner Wednesday Night JULY 2 Music by the Whirlwind Orchestra Public Welcome Tickets 50c GROWN-UPS SHY AT SWIMMING SCHOOL Fntbn-Ia!"i of sone 300 bovt nnd clrls for the "swim week" rjien now under wnv it Fmpnua nark fulled to pnreed to udults for; whom evening 1pca had been ar-! ntn-ed. Plee there was not a lnrco enonah ttendane of older i nenplo to nfko a suitable class. I this part of the program has been j dispensed with. Tho children are receiving systo matte Instruction In all degrees of, swlmmine. from elententarv to ad-1 vanced Iffo-savlni. Jean Eborhart Celebration JULY 4 ROWELL GROVE Ten mile, Oregon Races, contests, boxing, picnic, dancing and ball game, horse shoe pitching. Sponsored by Tenmlle Grange Vacation Land Is Callin Visit the business places listed here. They are fine, clean, successful concerns operated by alert business people. Canyon Auto Camp ' SWIMMING TANK Garage, Store, Lunch Room Nt feature Chicken Dinners. . Modern in every respect. CANYON VILLE. ORE. . Mandy Lou SERVICE UNEXCELLED HOME COOKING A nice place to meet your friends. ' MYRTLE CREEK, ORE. Hotel Sutherlin STRICTLY MODERN Room with Bath $1.50 Room without Bath 1.00 Luncheon ,50 Turkey and Chicken Dinners 75 SUTHERLIN, ORE. Young's Pharmacy Fountain, Magazines Drugs SUTHERLIN, ORE. Hiway Coffee Shop FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Double Milk Shakes Double Malted Shakes Open Until Midnight Reasonable Prices. DRAIN, ORE. Pause and Refresh Yourself AT The Highway Pharmacy. OAKLAND, ORE. Perfect Fountain Service Sunset Beach COOS BAY Deep Sea Fishing, Swimming, Boating, Modern Cottages, Children's Play Ground. Excellent Dining Room Lunch Counter There Is No Wind at ' Sunset SUNSET BAY RESORT CO. Charleston, Ore. Sutherlin Garage We both will be satisfied. Greasing, Oiling and Storage AU Work Guaranteed SUTHERLIN, ORE. Moore Bros. Grocery Opposite Roseburg ' Auto Camp i Tourist Supplies Fresh Fruits and Groceries ROSEBURG ' Riverside Store Confectionery, ' Groceries. Richfield, Shell Gas and Oils : Your Patronage Appreciated EDENBOWER If you or your friends intend locating in Roseburg or the Umpqua Valley THIS OFFICE IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE City Homes, Acreage, Farms E. G. Kingwell ' Next to the Chamber of Commorce ROSEBURG, OREGON On the Road to the County's Best Fishing Grounds GROCERIES Red Crown Gasoline and Oils Dale W. Hatfield DIXONVILLE, ORE. R3 "By The Sea" The Beach Resort of Southern Oregon Spend your summer vacation at Bandon "By-the-Sea." Oregon's most beautiful beach re sort invites you. Every out-door pleasure awaits you; golf, boating, fishing and highway drives of startling beauty. Fine surf -bathing and agate beaches. The Bandon business men whose advertisements are grouped together on this page, join in welcoming you to Bandon and pledge themselves to help make your vacation the more enjoyable. Take a Swim Heated Ocean Water Natatorium Moving Pictures white you swim. Wecoma Baths Open Afternoon and Evening Strictly Modern Cottages Ocean View DANCING at the Silver Spray Gardens Every Wednesday and Satur day Nitea and Sunday Afternoon. ROOMY, COOL AND REFRESHING Bandon By the Sea Auto Camp FREE SHOWERS Store and Lunch Room Archery Range A. H. ROHDE New Owner Bandon Beach Cottages 2 and 3 rooms strictly modern, with toilet and showers. Moderate rates by the day, week or month. Store in connec tion. Write for reserva tions. Phone 1741 C. A. MACHON, Owner Bandon Butter and Cheese ' UNEXCELLED Visitors are always welcome to visit our plant Bandon Creamery Tourist Headquarters at Dunham's of course Complete Line of Groceries The Nyal Store General line of Drugs, Sta tionery, Films & Developing. Toilet Articles Souvenirs, Glassware, Gifts. Prescriptions Our Specialty. BANDON DRUG CO. City Meat Market Dealer in All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats SPECIALTIES Poultry, Sea Foods, Milk Butter and Eggs GEORGE ERDMAN, Owner. For All Drug Needs When at Bandon-by-the-Sea Fuhrman & Shindler, Inc. REXALL DRUG STORE Perrott Cottages On the Ocean Drive Furnished and Unfurnish ed Cabins. STRICTLY MODERN Municipal Auto Park CITY OF BANDON Campers Welcome Wood, Water, Light Furnished RATES 50c PER OAY On your way to the beach stop at the Square Deal Service Station On the Coos Bay Hiway Lunches Groceries, Free Camp Grounds, Gas and Oils. CAMAS VALLEY, ORE.