ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1930 FOUR IfMurd I)ll' Kfvti Bundnjr by I be AliMiibvr of The AoTii.ii-tJ 1'rena The Aaaociaicd Itumi i exclusive ly entitled to ttiB Ube fur republica tion of all nuwH diupulcneo credited to it or not utiiurwiuu urudnud in this paper and Lo all local iu-wh pub lished herein. All rlKlita of repub lication of uptMlul dittpuichea herein are a i ho rciiurvea, HAltltlii KL.LdWuKTU Editor Knterud as second class mutter Kay 17, ltfilu. at thu puat office Hoseburg, Oregon, under Act hutiMurlpiJoii Itutes Daily, per year, by mall $4.00 Umiy, single monln, uy initii... .uv Uatiy, by carrier, per month... . .61 The Boosting Spirit THIS aeclion of Oregon, llila Umpqua valley of ours, is go ing ahead rapidly. The sheer boot iiig spirit of the people is carrying uh forward to a bigger and belter city and a more prosperous valley. What is meant by "boosting Spirit?" Here ia an example or two; Juat a little over a year ago our chamber of commerce secre tary, W. C. Harding, conceived the Idea . that the northwest tjtates needed a national home for vet erans and that such home should be located In lioseburg. Work be gan with the idea, Oregon's dele gation In congresB was interested, Dr. Htowart gave up bin practice for nearly two months and went to Washington and as a result of ton, Monroe's father, Is a former pastor of the Christian church here. Monroe Hilton Is now a map I draftsman for the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company in Los Anfeeles. The newlyweds will spend 10 days visiting at Grants' Pass, going to Crater lake, the caves and other scenic spots be fore returning to the California city to make their home. BRINGING UP FATHER By Gao. McManu . BORN WHITTBMOKK. To Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Whlttemore of tills city, ul Ko.srbui'K Cienerul IioBiital, oa July 1, a daughter, Lamia Anne. Editorials on News (Continued from page 1) go on ISL'YINU things that you and I have for sale. WHAT liaiJiiens to people NOW when lltnv ,riv,ur rM n.l !..., a I w w.w u no accumulated or Inherited nron- ortyj Why, they have to bo SUP- POUTED, of course. Who has to support them? Well, their relatives, perhaps, If they I Have relatives with sufficient earn ing or SI'KNDING power. And what does that mean? TJICUI2 Is what It means: Those who are, spending money for the support of aged relatives haven't so much money left to spend for SOAIETHINO JSLSB everybody working and coopeiat-1 possibly for something olso that inn a bill for a home has passed lmili. houses of congress and now awaits the signature of the presi dent. That is evidence of the boosting spirit. Hero is another bit of evidence. An enactment ot (he legislature fi nally made It possible for the peo ple of the North Unipqua road dis trict to dncldo for themselves whether or not a road district should ho formed. The district was voted by u majority of nearly five to one. That Is evidence of the boosting spirit. lint here is some more: Poultryiiieu of Douk ' las county wuntcd the egg coop erative to install a packing plunt here. There were only half enough members signed up In the associa tion to warrant the establishment of a plant. The leaders of the poultry industry immediately put over a campaign for membership and DOUBLED the membership In the marketing association, An egg packing plant will be built here this sunimor and will be plucod In operation this fall. All q tho nuovu Hums of pro gress and evidences of the boost ing spirit have occurred during tlip pust twolvii or fourteen mouths. Thoso were Just sklrmiidies, get ting us In Jlglitlng trim for Biiiue bigger accomplishments, Duug las county .jieuds an east-west rail road. Douglas county .needs in dustrial plants to convert our al ready ovor-ripe forests Into lumber, Into pulp and paper, Into cellulose products -niypn, etc. These things are possible. We have soen w hat an Inli .". ;o appli cation of the "boosting spirit"-' will do for us in n short period. Sup pose sve now Jay out a lurgur plan allowing more tlnio, working for an even ftrontor result wo have a reasonable cliunoe of success, It I interesting work, work, that binds u community ' closer togothor and It Is fun to fight, win, loso or' draw. you and I have for sule, and out of whose sale we muke our living. So, you see, It Isn't just the con tributing relatives who really sup port those who are top .old ,tp .earn their living. In the , Jong.' -run, a share of tlte burden, gets around to all of us. All may not believe that. rh.hl la nn nvn m ttlo i ...., ... f Yeu may pay no taxes 1JIHECT- LY. But you buy things from peo plo who DO PAY TAXES. Their taxes are a part of their cost of do lug business, and ure added to the price of the articles you buy. So, you see, you pay your share of the taxes, whether you are taxed DIRECTLY or not. AND so It Is wiih the support of lha a,rar 11 ,1 11, n InfL-m .,, tho UNEMPLOYED. In the long run, In one way or another! - all those who CAN'T EAUN or who DON'T EAItN ure supported by those who DO EARN. You can't got Uway from It. ( That Is why unemployment iu suVatU'0 and old ago Insurance are not as radically unsound as at llrnt thought they SEEM to be. Tills idea that a car llceuso Is easier to bily on July 1 tluin ' on January 1. is a huge Joku'. Has anybody discovered that ho actual-, ly HAS more money now than ut any other time? You can't blame those brothel's In Chicago for wanting to stay up (hero In the air whore It la safe. Matter or time, though, and tho gangsters will develop uiill-alr craft. Tough luck Unit the publicity hounds of Hollywood can't think of any way of breaking their stars In to tlie public prints without getting them engaged, married or divorced. MONROE HILTON AND BRIDE ON HONEYMOON Monroe lllllon, former resident or Hoseburg. was miiriied to' Miss lllanrlie Turner of l.os Angeles 111 Grants Pass yeslerdny. The young couple drove to (inints Pass Item Los Angeles, aeeoiiipiiuieil b friends, in oiclir thai bis lalher could marry tliem. Itev.'C. fl. Ilil- TPHIS world has mudo treuien- dou MATKItlAJL, progresu In the century Included In Mr. Willi ford'B life spun. Thla world will 'make even greater material prog ress In the next century. ; JThJi writer, who ISN'T a social ist, who would be insulted if 'ho wore classed ay a radical dreamer, has an Idea that we a i n going tp fall far short of our ideals If In the future we are satisfied with mere MATERIAL progress. If we are going to go ub far as wo WANT to go In the direction of real human progress wo must give some sorious thought to the prob lem nf making life fuller and pleas- unter and more LIVAHLE to the whole average body of huumu bo-iug,-). I Hill I . RSnWEO CLAMCV'4"' I l"2ai THEM )WE t-t- t V I mm ill l ' nc vncjj nc i m, m i ncr i II ' iSTl Chae that catt 2 nr- ' J ft . - . ur j 'SiiaS 3D ItfW, Inl'l Feature Service. Inc., jtl yilAT kind of progress is called SOCIAL PltOGHlSS. In the p;iHf we have given tho horue laugh to the social reformers who imve tried to bring about llils kind of progress, "e have called .thorn cruxy IdiMillala who doirt know any- f ri I n about business and thu rules by which it is done. llul, very slowly, the Idea Is liiwnlng upon us that if tho condi tion of the whole average body of human beings can be improved, lll'SINUSS will get IlKTTKft. If Is a new idea, but a tascinallng one. DL'T thnu' " NO SlU'i foiget thin: There is 11 THIXC as boiue- thin;; for notiiin. We can't vote ourM'lves rh:h. The only way in v.hUh the average condition of av emgu human belng:i can be Im proved is by seeing to it that ev en body who van WOKKS AND KAitXS. A Bad Accident it is sure to happen, unless car brakes function property. We give a Free Inspection Service Let us look your car over Raybeslos Brake Lining for 3 your car ASSURES SAFETY under nil conditions. S PERCY CROFT Highway Service Company Jncksou mul Doui;ln B Roscburg, Oregon g WOIttr.TtT.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.TT.T.T.T.TTI.T.TT.TO FATHER AND SON, JEWS, TO BE HEARD AT BAPTIST CHURCH Key. II. ill. -Slioiin, pastor of the 1'irst Ilaptist church, announces that Albert and Daniel Itosolf, la ther and son, famous Jewish lead ers, will appear in his pulpit Sun day morning. Albert Uosoff, M, Is a vocalist of national reputation. Ho has ap peared with the foromost singers in America on the concert platform and in the opera, being a pioneer in the Metropolitan Opera com pany of New York. lie will sing .several selections Sunday morning. The son, Daniel, la a brilliant young attorney, Hlhle student and orator. Ho will deliver the ad dress. The two men come bearini; Die acclaim of religious leaders of the south, whore they have ap peared In more limn Sou churches., Dr. George W. Truoll, of Dallas,' Dr. Leo Scaroborough of i''ort Worth seminary and V. Mullius, former president of the World Uap-, tist Alliance,' are a few of the men whoso enthusiastic endorsement' they cariii. They were heard in Medford last Sunday where many people were turned away. They will appear at the First Baptist church In Eugene Sunday evening. APPOINTMENTS TO M. E. SOUTH PULPITS Appointments to charges In the MethbdlHt Ejlficopal church, south, made at the conference of the church just closed ut Corvallls, in cludo the naming of J. A. Hall for the Myrtle Creek church. Rev. John B. Penhall, -who was returned to thp church here, upon the urgent request of his congre gallon, Is also named as supply pastor for the Calanooia church. A. J. Starmer, brother of Sam W. Stunner, commandant of the sol diers' homo here, was appointed pantor of the Maker church. Mr. Starmer is a former resident 01 Hoseburg and Myrtle Creek. DRESS PRINTS, 1c YARD ' Shipment just in of nice cool looking dress prints. B iy a yard at atc.thpn tlie next yard at 1c. Si Wvi dandy patterns at Carr's. Adv. FIREWORKS AT CARR'S Complete lino of fireworks for t he -I th at Carr's. Firecrackers, caps and guns, sky rockets, mines, Human candles, novelties, etc. Al so flags, toys, balloons, etc. Buy to day at Can's. Adv. WARREN C. POWELL GETS COMMISSION Warren Clayton Powell of Tyee has been named by the war de partment as a second lieutenant of infantry. Powell la one of the several col lege graduates in Oregon to accept reserve army commissions. The commission follows military train ing in R. O. T. C. at' college. En gene Klwood Laird of Myrtle Point is another graduate from this sec tion of the state to receive the honor. 0 : STEELHEADS TAKE FLY AT IDLEYLD Warm weather is helping tho fishing on the North Umpqua river, sportsmen Btate. Many fine catches were made in the vicinity of Idleyld park last week, most of them by tlie use ot flieB. Salmon fly, caddis, gray and brown hackle, blue upright and bucktaii with yellow body were tho most successful lures. The Doc Sheldon and Hear Valley spinners An Old Friend New Dresa la H 1: ld.fl1- LyDIA. E. PlNKHAiVs -Vegetable Compound : is now prepared in con venient, palatable, choc olate coaccd tablets packed in small bottles. Each bottle contains 70 tablets, or 35 doses. Slip a bottle into your hanri bag. Carry Your medi cine with you. During the three trying per iods of maturity, maternity and middle age, this remedy proves its worth. 98 out of 100 report benefit after taking it. ' These tablets are just as effec tive as the liquid, LydiaRRnldiams Vegetable Cbmpoimd Mta aw kasv Plnnteklnir at Idleyld Par's Adv also took several nice backets' over the week-end. Several sum-l mer steelhesds were caught. The new run of steelhead Is now on and is expected to give anglers some very good sport. They arc striking the bucktaii better than other kinds of lures: NEW VALUES IN HOSE Arrowhead hose with a real guar antee. New fine quality cotton 25c and 50c. Silk rayons and pure silks, 5uc and $1.25. Buy Arrowhead at Carr's. Adv. DOLAN AND PEL2 DRAW PORTLAND. Ore.. July 2. Two young Portland lightweights. Mickey Dolan and Benny Pet, were given the limelight In last night's boxing card and made good. They battled ten furious rounds to a draw, neither asking nor giving quarter. Each boy scored two knockdowns. Eat baroecue sanawlcneg ana live forever, p rand's Road Stand across the miles Constant improve ments are being made in inter-city telephone service. You can get your connection quickly. 97 of such calls are handled while the calling person re mains at the tele phone. Transmission is clearer. Storm-resisting cables are being installed. You can get more business into the business day, with inter-city telephone service. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company k. T ... .. T. " The one, extra-powerful, natural anti-knock gasoline now also sold iviik HiHMraiapir ' t s I irmm WHEN IN CAMP IT'S NATURE'S MORGUE FOR I'" .;i llj FLEAS ANTS BEDBUGS MOSQUITOES ROACHES MOTHS FLIES KILLS THEM ALL Fly-Tox never misscj its mark.Whethcr they crawl or fly, insects cannot live in an atmosphere sprayed with Fly-Tox, the fragrant tnsccticidc-thc one that is sold all around the globe . . . Harmless to people and animals ... If you want comfort,cIeanlincss and freedom from the ever-threatening mosquitoes on your camping trip, don't fail to equip your self with Fly-Tox. Used regularly-comfort assured! Sol J M grocery, drug an J hjrdaure stores. (gETHYL fluid added ffisaX . .. k-VtOLtl RAY ' 'V'K" VT"m -y&SSBsJm r. ITS VIOIET IrnEo' Brings to You y r:. lv-'W s'-a FLY-TOX is sold all over th e wor Idl wALIiornia Rux Spray Co., Bcnicia, California NOT A BY-PRODUCT lf t0 "tJBuj.fUffTf of Srmyi-Tot for Rround pvitM Anl Tom for anU) Afi-Tox for pnt sNATlrr03C I' AhI.Mll1 3 TCI3 lw...La. mm. Fly-Tox is the scientific insecti cide developed at Mellon Insti tutcoflndustriat Research by Rex Research Fellow ship. Insist on Fly-Tox. Re fuse substitutes; be Safe and Jure. f KILLS MtS. MOTHS fOSOUlTOfcS toBUOS.A.VTS General Ethyl is no! merely another Ethyl. It is Violet Ray with Ethyl added. Violet Ray is a highly vitalized, natural anti-knock gasoline . . . she finest motor fuel on the Pacific Coast selling at no extra cost. With lun in Ihuridoy nightt, a to 9 o clock ond hear the Violet Roy Msrrymakers in 0 doubl.-powtred program 1 ' KOL K FPY . KOIN SeattU-Tocoma . Spokan . Portland KMJ . KFRC . . Frosno San Franctico . lot Angelts N CAS0UNE Ethyl added, the result is a doublyvitalized, doubly anti-knock; DOUBLE-POWERED motor fuel . . . General Ethyl. Costs no more than ordinary Ethy. gasolines. At indepen dent dealers displaying General Ethyl sign. Violet Ray Gasoline, the finest natural anti-knock motor fuel on the Pacific Coast will continue to be soldby4000independenldeolers-noextracost. No extra charge for Violet Ray's superiority. PRODUCT OF GENERAL PITROIEUM CORPORATION f CALIFORNIA