ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1930 Local News Here on Buslnecs Guy Cole, of Oakland, came In to Hoseburg yes terday on business. Here on Business George Crane, of Melrone, was transacting business In town yesterday. Stearns In Town Hoy Stearns, Oakland resident, was iu this city yesterduy in the interests of business. Transacts Business Here K. S. Anderson, of Oakland, transacted business here yesterday for sev eral hours. Mr. Long Transacts Business fl C. C Long of Kiddie transacted business and visited with friend? fn town Tuesday. Visitor From Ada V. H. Smi ley, of Ada, Oregon, was in this city yesterday attending to busi ness matters. Is Business Visitor Earl T. Johnson, Oakland resident, was In this city Tuesday as a business visitor. From Tenmlle Mrs. W. G. Coats was In from Tenmlle Tuesday vis iting friends and looking after business matters. From Days Creek John Tiusen bark Jr., of Days Creek, spent sev eral hours transacting business In Roseburg Tuesday. Riddle Banker Here Max Kinv mel, banker at Riddle, was in k Roseburg Tuesday looking after business affairs. Visitor From Tiller Mrs. Eula RainvlHe. of Tiller, was a visitor In this city yesterday, spending a few hours shopping. Fish at Honey Creek Air. and Mrs. Ernest Helllweil of Yoncafla are spending a few days enjoying the fishing at Honey creek. Mies Agee Visits Miss Kathryn Acee. teacher in the Eugene ftchools, is spending a few days in this city visiting with friends and relatives. Former Resident Here O (to Nickel, former proprietor of the Grand cafe, who is nmv living In Eugene, was In town Tuesday vis iting friends and transacting busi ness. Fire Does Small Damage A fire at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon on the roof of the home of MIrh Maizle Moore. 280 South Flint street, did only slight damage. The blaze was started from the flue. In From Brockway Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hlxon, of Hrockway, were in the city this morning visiting with friends uud transacting business. Visitors From Eugene Miss Helen Hemmlngaen of Eugene is spending the week here visiting with her sister, Miss Anna Mae Hemmingsen. Visitors From Glide Mrs. Mary Lane and Miss Marie Lane, of Glide, came In yesterday to visit with friends and shop in this city. Ira Byrd Home Ira Byrd, who is associated with the MacMarr store in Redmond, is spending a vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Byrd of this city. From Vancouver, 8. C. Tr. B. G. Vincent and daughter, Ruth, of Vancouver. B. C. left yesterday after spending a few days visiting with the formers father, W. R. Vincent. From Lookingglass Roy Jordan, of Lookingglass, was in the city this morning on business. Here on Business Ed Reece, of Melrose, was In town attending to business affairs yesterday. Goes to North Dakota Albert Rebillard left the city yesterday for Carni-y, North Dakota, where He will be located indefinitely. THREE Attractions AT THE MOVIES From Roberts Creek Mr. and Mrs. Curl Johnson, of Roberts crerk, were in HoseimrK yesterday visiting and transacting business. From San Francisco Mr, and Mrs. Paul Jones of San Francisco nre expected to arrive here tonight to spend a few weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of this city. .Leo Ranp at Medford Leo Rano, now of Eugene, formerly of this city, lias accepted a position with the American Railway Exnress company at Medford and will be located there indefinitely. Back From Vancouver Harvey nnd Graham Ewens have returned from Vancouver, R C, where they motored last week to meet their sister, Mrs. J. P.. Boyd and her two children, of Uoydmaster. Saskat chewan. Canada. Mrs. Bovu ana her ramily will visit In Garden val ley for several weeks. Return From Tennessee Mr, nnd Mrs. J. F. Pvrd and children Tiettv Jean nnd Roy Dvrd, have re turned from a months visit in Tennessee. They visited in Nash ville and Chattanooga, and enronte stopped at New Orleans, Louisiana, Tucson. ' Arizona. Bnd in Long Beach, and Los Angeles, California Henderson Studies Coachlno- Rnv Henderson, coach of the Medford Junior high school ath letic teams, and former resident of Poseburs. has fust returned' to that southern Oreeon city'- after inking a -count-in coaching at Umh Stare college. Henderson is suffering from ear trouble and ex pects, as soon as his doctor per mits, to resume his annual duties with the Crater lake park service until school opens In the fall. Cherries on Dlsoiay A hrnnch of Lambert nnd a hrnnch of Rovnl Anne cherries, hearing unusually heavy were brought in yesferdny hv J. W. Dowell of Military avenue for display at the chamber of commerce. Gladiolas Presented A lnrge bouquet of beautiful elariiolas grown on the Soilders' Home prounds was presented yesterday . lo the Roseburg chamber of com merce bv Sam Starmer, comman dant of the home. Back From Assemblw Miss Mar garet Melzuer. Miss Esther tMyers nnd Emory Williams have returned from Rogue River, where they were attending the nummer assem bly of the Presbyterian voung pen nlo. Rev. Alexander Muirden. of the locnl Presbyterian church, mo- tnrefT fn Rogt'e River Mnnrmv to bring the Roseburg delegates home. Returns to Hawaii Mrs. George M. Goodwin, who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks, left yesterday for Seattle, where she will take the boat for her home in the Hawaiian islands, sailing on July 3. Enjoy Vacation MIsb Vernlta, Miss Bertha and Miss Elza Kohl hngen and "Miss Josephine McEl hinny left this morning by" motor for Diamond and Crater lakes where they will spend a week vacationing. Attends Church Convention Rev. W. R. Baird. pastor of the Christian church. Is attending the state convention of his church In Turner this week. He is a member of the stnte board of the church and has a part on the program. Expected Here Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Rvron Stark of Portland are expected to arrive here tomor row evening to spend the vacation week-end with the Hitters parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Beaver of Eden bower. Mrs. Slark was formerly Miss Pauline Beaver. - " luuaj, i "o ii" of Sergeant Orischa," with Betty Compson. Cheater Morria, Jean Hersholt; Thursday, Friday, Sat urday, "The Texan." with Gary Cooper and Fay Wray. M'T'HE TEXAN," produced "by 1 Paramount, starring Gary Cooper and Kay Wray, is going to he ushered into the Antler theatre Thursday with an all-star support ing cast adapted irom tne lamous story of the same name, by o. Henry. "The Texan" is said to be a com nanion picture to "The Virginian.' Although It la- a different kind of story, it Is reported to De an out standing success. Gary Cooper again gives a sin cere, sympathetic, robust perform ance in the famous rote of the Llano Kid, Texas bandit, who al must before he knows It, finds himself in South America Imper sonating the long-lost son of a wealthy widow, and then the fun begins. Fay Wray playing oppo site Gary, does easily the best work of her career and looks rav Ishingly beautiful, according to those who have previewed the pic ture. Oscar A ,lf..! .1 rmmal Dunn, both well-known character people, have other important roles. Much of the credit of "The Texau" must o to the director, John Cromwell, who hereby adds an other bit to his list of receat direc torial triumphs. WHATEVER has previously been said of tli ptettir, "The ease of Sergeant Grlscha" has not been enough. The unusual picture opened at the Antlers last night and will show today for the lust time. It is a production difficult f description other than wonder ful, it should be seen by everyone who enjoys truly good acting. Leaving Tomorrow . Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Church plan to leave the city tomorrow for two weeks. Mr. Church, captain in the army reserve, will ko to camn at Fort Lewis, and Mrs. Church will visit friends in Tacoma, Seattle and Aberdeen, Washington. DRIER STOVES Prices Reduced CAST STOVES 41 ft. x 24 In. x 24 In. SS5.00 5 J ft. X 24 in. x 24 in. $45 00 6 ft. x 24 in. x 24 In S55.00 6 ft. x 34 In. x 34 In $130.00 STEEL STOVES 5 ft. x 36 in. diameter 1 12.00 5 ft. x 36 In. diameter $126.00 All prices f. o. b. Satem. J. H. S1NNIGER Sheet Metal Works Drier Pipe for Any Type DrlerC' Harold Bemis Here TTnrnUl C Bemfs arrived here vpsterdnv to spend his annunl vacation wfh his parents. Mr. fnd Mrs. F. A. Tlemis. or this ctv. Mr. Bemis is associat ed with TmriMt Brothers, jewelers. In Seattle, Washington. Cabbaae on Display Much nt tenMon Is being given to the hnce nwl perfect head of earlv WjiVp field cphhatre. crown hv Harrv Sle rl nf West Mosier street, bow on dlsplpv in the window of the local chamber of commerce. Mail Carrier Returns J. B. Bailey, moil carrier, is hack on his route offer two weeks' vieat'nn. nno week of which vp" srwnt in p 'In to Banff IVe T.mifpe p Vnpeouver. Canada, accompanied hv IiIr wife and their nn nnd (lrMieWpr.(n-lniv, Mr. wl Mrs. How ard Bnllev, of Portland. m J jf O Mnm Every one of the 26 men on the U. S. Olympic swimming team wears a Jantzen ! You, too, can have the same suit that champions wear. These trim-fitting, freedom-giving suits are on display here. Fire Works Fire Crackers, Rockets, Roman Candles rwv- Make it a real, old fashioned 4th, Brand's will be open all day July 4th like every other day of the year. Pacific Highway 3 Miles North THURSDAY Friday and Saturday "The Virginian" rides again but now he's 'The Texan" Gary Cooper in THE TEXAN ' As fascinating as though the Texas bandit had stepped from the pages of the famous O. Henry story! All talking! AH action! AS BIG AS ALL OUTDOORS! Two -fisted fiRhter gunmun In a dash iriK, fast-moving ro mance of two con tinents. Companion picture to "The Vir ginian." ADMISSION Matinee 10c-35c Evening 10c-50e r t TODAY "The Case of Sergeant Grischa" with Chester Morris Betty Compson Greatest Drama Since Dawn of Talkies ANTLERS tv OLD TIME DANCE at Rainbow Gardens' Thursday and Friday July 3rd and 4th Music by Tuckers Orchestra ALL FRATERNAL ORDERS PICNIC At Wolf Creek Park Near Boy Scout Camp Coffee and cream will be furnished, but members must bring their own basket lunches. PROGRAM 10:30 A. M. Big Hike. 12:00 Dinner. 1 :30 P. M. Patriotic Program. Speech A, C. Marsters. ELKS MASONS Baseball Game Horseshoe Contest I.O.O.F. EAGLES MOOSE ANY OTHERS H'1'M'I.I.W.IiM.M.I.W Tens Vailuje of ttUNB DDeSKGN New Ford engine gives outstanding acceleration, speed and power without sacrificing reliabilitg or economy V THE GOOD PERFORMANCE of the FprH car, so apparent on everjr high way, is due largely; to the sound mechanical design of the engine, . '"I It has outstanding acceleration, speed and power, yet that is only part of its value to you. Greater still is the fact that it brings you all these features without sacrificing either reliability or economy. That is the reason the Ford car has given such satisfactory service to millions of motorists all over the many large companies that keep accurate cost figures. In every detail of construction it has been carefully planned and made for the work it has to do. The 'design of the compression chamber is an important factor in world and has been chosen by so the efficiency of the Ford engine. It is built to allow free passage of gases through the yalves and to thor oughly mix the fuel by producing turbulence within the cylinders dur ing compression. The spark thus flashes quickly through the whole fuel charge, resulting in quieter and more effective engine performance Other factors are the direct gravity gasoline feed, the specially designed carburetor, the new hot spot manifold, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy yalves of larger diameter, statically and dynamically balanced crankshaft and flywheel, simplicity of the electrical, cooling, lubrication, and fuel systems and -accuracy in manufacturing. . NOTE THESE LOW PRICES Roadster $435 - Phaeton ......... 440 ; Coupe ......... .. 495 f Tudor Sedan . ....... 495: Sport Coupe ........ 525 - De Luxe Coupe ... 345 Three-window Fordor Sedan ... 600 Convertible Cabriolet ..... 625 De Luxe Pbaetoft ...... 625 Z De Luxe Sedan 6-W Town Sedan ........ 660 Mi pritet ). & h. BttTGll, plut freight mtt JjiJrry. - Sampm and ipara lire mtn, tit low- coil. THE NEW FOBO TOWN SEDAN Ask the nearest Ford dealer for a demonstration r.rf.TrfttV-j