SEVEN POLLY AND HER PALS When Paw Meets Paw Classified Section BATES: Per word, each luertloa. 1 east, By Uu week. I Mat m wr. Minimum per advertisement, tf eents. tun jomr in rninmt the words and enclose stamp, cheek or money order. COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA Tired Out From Gardening? V. . WKATHtiH ULHKAU OhsarvanoUM laKun at a. 120th Merlin" THE WEATHER ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 27. 1930. bhm j y ill Hi Q ' f (wROrJ6,D066ie.'ALL-rH& (I THInK VOU AM ) 1 7 -TIME we Fl66tRED Vou a C Mtr IS 6(JA L jMl W45 AFTER OUR UVBS, ; B 6R&AT PALS.) -tp5E Y0U was 0UL.y TRyirjy f , X!!' Txgr' Then Use The Anderson ; ; Open Hoe! IIP Temperature MARRIED man wants work of any I FOR SALE Kino. Phone SF42. . T 1 TV. J BOCK SPRINGS That quick-hot coal at Pages'. lSOOLU. HORSE Fine animal. Leake & Beyers Co. ROYAL ANNE cherries for Bale, 3c. Pick them yourself. Phone 353 Y. FOU SALE 200 six-weeks-old tur- keys, 60c each. W. C. Cooley, Yoncalla, Ore. 11UY from Page Lumber & Fuel company and save time, money ' and worry. U?ED CHEVROLET TRUCK 1928 model. Fine shape. Leake & lleyers Co. FOR SALE Good farm team, suit able for logging. Ervin Rice, Oak laud, Ore. FOR SALE Royal Ann cherries, 4c to pick them. A. F. Hoff meister. FOR SALE Three-burner Perfec tion oil stove and oven. 529 E. Douglas. MOWERS, RAKES, BINDERS Good buys in used mowers. Leake & IJeyers Co. FOR SALE 80 Dronze poulls, 3 to 7 weeks old; 12 hens; 1 tom. See T. E. Shrum, Glide. FOR SALE Broccoli and cabbage plants., Buseubark Bros., Mel rose road. Phone 6F32. FOR SALE A grade Jersey bull, six months old, $21). First ranch south of town on highway. FOR SALE Milch goat, giving three quarts a day, or trade for a rifle. Ivan E. Bridge, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE By owner, 1927 Ford roadster Willi pickup body und turtle back. If a a bargain. Phone 411-JX. FOR SALE! Two acres on valley road and highway. At a bargain. Owner at Nick Carter's, 439 N. - Jackson. FANCY MILK FED friers, 25c each, for the Fourth of July pic nic dinner, .E. J2. Baker, C003 Junction. FOR SALE OR TRADE for cow, hens or chickens light team, wagon and harness: also trailer. Freitug ranch, Canyonville. SPECIAL coll bedsprlug, extra heavy construction. Double deck . ed to Insure comfort. Regularly priced at J18 now powen s " Furniture store, 215 N. Jackson. Ill) ITMOUMrUf nhnnnnrnnh nnot $210 new. Will sell for $35 in ' eluding $15 worth of records. See ' us for good buys any time. Pow ell, 245 North Jackson street. HERE is an exceptionally good car '28 Willy(s-Knight sedan, com pletely overhauled, new lacquer, now tires. A perfect car at a very low price. Be sure and try it out. Going at $675. F. W. Chase. FOR SALE 7 registered bucks, 3 two-year-old Shropa, 2 five-year- olds, 2 two-year-old Romley bucks. Price $10 for Shrops, 540 for Ronileys. This is first class stuff. Would exchange for other registered bucks on same price basis. W. L. Cobb, Roseburg; Ore. I WANTED f . WANTED Day old calves. Call 41D-Y. Roseburg, Ore. . WANTED 3000 24-Inch shakes. F. T. Reece, Melrose. SALESMEN WANTED 66 miles on 1 gallon. Amazing new mois ture gas saver. All autos. 1 free. Critchlow, 4610-E, Wheaton, 111. WANTED 5000 early Conn broc coli plants. Arthur R. Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. Phone 2808, Myrtle Creek. : FOR RENT TIANO for rent. Mrs. Chas. A. Brand. Fuone 695-J-l. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house. Inquire 626 So. Pine. FOR RENT Modern apartment. Deardorff Apts., 112 Brockway. FOR RENT Furnrsned apartment, hot water, electric stove, garage. Nice location. Inquire Bubat Bros. Phone 214. FOR RENT Furnished modern apartment, close in, sleeping porch, electric range. Phone 6i9 mornings. Call 124 V. Douglas St. afternoons. MISCELLANEOUS f UAR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 when In need of auto parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. TO EXCHANGE Nice residence in Eugene for Roseburg property. Address 321 N. Jackson street, Itoseburg, Ore. THE EPWORTH LEAGUE will bold a cooked food sale Saturday, June 28th at Roseburg Elec tric store. NEW TODAY SILO. 10 by 21. for sale. Cook, Oakland. Walter ATTENTION Hill's fireworks for sale at Kelley's Koruer. FURNISHED tdiack . lor rem i per month. See uiaid at Douglas hotel. BUILDING BRICK and fire brick. I Page Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR RENT 5-room well furnished house; garage. 828 W. Lane St. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock pullets. Phone 33F25. FOR SALE 500 hens, 1 Jersey cow, 4 pigs, and possession of the place. Phone 671-R. FOR SALE Broccoli plants, early and late. t2 per thousand. French Nichols. Phone 42F14. DON'T FORGET Hats now Belling below cost at the Specialty Shoppe, 235 N. Jackson. WANTED To rent or lease, fur nished or unfurnished 5 or 6 room house by July 6. Must be modern. Phone 602-j. ALL our hats are absolutely up-to-date, both in style and in ma terial. The Specialty Shoppe, 235 N. Jackson. FOR SALE 2 fresh cows, one Guernsey with heifer calf. Call at 2nd house on Lookingglass road. J. D. Vedder. YOUR summer ensemble cannot be complete without one of the Spe cialty Shoppe hats. Mrs. S. M. King, 235 N. Jacksun. B1NG AND ROYAL ANN CHER RIES For sale. Come and help pick yours, costs less. Tuthiil ranch, 3 miles west of Sutherlin. liiMPLOYMENT WANTED By day or week Housework, clean ing or cooking, hoeing, berry picking or anything. Phone 2BF2. CHERRIES FOR SALE BingB, Royal Anns, Lamberts and Ore gons. 5c per pouud in orchard. Phone 416-R. Walter Singletons place, East Douglas St. FOR SALE Nice little dairy ranch; 31 acres, living creek; li acres can be irrigated. All crops and everything for $5500. Mis. L. O. Maddux, 404 N. JackBon St. SCREENS Door and window Standard or Special sizes Pine and ceuar stock Coen Lumber Company WHEN considering Roofing roll---shiiigles flat Consider quality 1 "Pioneer" tried and proved Costs no more 'Coen Lumber Comany WANTED Middle-aged woman with no encumbrance to assist wtih housework in country. Fam iiy of 3 adults. Light work, small pay. Must be reliable. Address Box 1732, care News-Review. BUY OUR COUPON CERTIFI CATES drawing interest semi annually. Clip your coupons same as government bonds. DOUGLAS RU1LD1NG & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Medical Arts Dldg. Phone 215. WANTED Concessions for Gar age and Gasoline Men's celebra tion and picnic to be held at Wigwam, July 4th and 5th; un' der new management. Also someone for chicken dinners. See Mr. Barker between 7 and 8 to night at Douglas hotel. LOANS If you want to borrow money see us lirst! we Know we have the best loan available. Our monthly payments are lens and our plan is definite. You know when, your loan is paid off. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 245. A COOKED food sale will be held July 3rd at 118 W. Cass by the Ladles Auxiliary to Eagles. Pic nic orders tor sandwiches, sal ads, and other foods will be pre pared as per order, v'c-nisou sand wiches special. Give us a chance to make your picnic a real one. Phone 471-L or 178-R. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire yearling rams with real bhrop shire quality. Aged ewes 5 to 7 years. Ewe lambs and ram lambs will make real show stuff for boys and girls sheep club mem bers. Priced right to club mem bers. Dr. J. W. Cook, Wilbur, Ore. Phone Oakland 27-2. for SALE 547 acres close to good town, good buildings and fences. Fine water, city water and liuhts. All crops, hay, beans, beets, wheat and 11 acres line iiiunes: alfalfa: 250 sheep, 50 goals, team, 4 cows. All needed farm Implements. All lor 18, 500, terms. Mrs. L. O. Maddux, 404 N. Jackson. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS If you wish to build or buy a home or refund your present mortgage, we have a liberal re payment plan whereby loans may be paid in monthly installments. The total cost of one of our loans is lower than any like or ganizalion doing business in the stale. We invite comparison. UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Douglas Ab stract building. WANTED Honest, trustworthy man to relail Ward s Old Reliable Pure Health Products in Doug las county. Finest and most com plete line of high quality mer chandise Tor farm trade. Real op jiortuniiy for industrious men. He independent with your on estab lished business. Our products are actual home and farm neces sities. Wiile lor particulars. Dr. Wards Medical Co., Winona, Minu. Established lbsti. P$a . SST "71 H6H. HErH. I DOkT -1 'm KTHIMK we ABERDEEN That good ULah coallQREGON LOANS TO at Pages'. POWER PLANTS of 24 horsepow er built portable tor all farm re quirements. See J. O. Newlaml and Son for your particular needs. YOU MAY ENJOY the 4th of Juiy or your vacation trip more if your car is protected by our pub lic liabilities and property dam age insurance in the Farmers Au tomobile Inter-Insurance Ex change. ; Fred A. Golf, district manager, Roseburg; or A. W. Casswell, Myrtle Creek, or I. M. Tuthiil, Sutherlin. TODAY'S MARKETS (AsRiK-liitoil Press Leused Wlro) PORTLAND, June 27. flutter unci titsts ttueluliuiiH rumaint'd uncliiinKi'd ui! tliu Portland whuh.Hiile nmrkct today, lleniutul was fair for both, liuttt-r rueulptH wur! cleared well. Egg receipts were liberal, purt su ing to slui-atfe. . .;. , . ' . (Quotations und demand for coun try dressed meats and poultry iiiiir unuell steady with Ihuisday condi tions. '1 lit- Sperry Flour company an nounced varying reduction on flour. Watermelons continue their very heavy uany movement of 17110 cars. Portland's melon consumption Is t 1 lignt. a tlioujrn nines nro low enough 15 per ton nt southern CulUoi'nia shipping points, and 2 'a ra.ic .per Hi. to rnrtlumt reliallers. Arizona's cantaloupe movement is lull swing now. wun uany snin- nients in excess of 100 eurloads. Quality is reported very good. t'ortiund s lirst arrivals aie expect ed in a lew days. tomatoes are moving owly. duo to plentiful supplies of good quality Culilornias. Hothouse cucumbers continue in tairiy tsouu demand, as supplies are only mod erate, and outdoor Cukes are not an important factor yet. There were virtually no airuw berries on the east Alder street market toduv. fo rthe first time In several weeks, futility is poor now, although suitable tor barrelling, after careful regradilig. - Brooks celery shippers lia've been distributing the equivalent of about one carload daily for the past two weeks, by motor trucK ami niixeo ear shipments via Portlund. First straight carlot shipments were made this week, to northwestern points. Hop Price (Joea I i YAKIMA. Wash.. June 27. Uue to widespread crop failure in Oregon, western Washington and British Columbia, complete .reversal In the hop market hay otelirred In the iaKtiuu valley almost overnight. Willi prices having Jumped five cents, active trading Is being car ried on at from 2 to 1 cents a pound. Four growers were said to control the remaining Moo buies of the ly:! production. J'his year's yal lev crop estimates were placed at 15.000 bales In comparison to 23,000 last year. (liimimtfi. Eggs: Prices te. re-.allors: Frf.nh extras. 24e; standards, 2Je; fresh medium, 22c. Prices to wholesalers 2c under pries to retailers. liulter: Cubes: Extras. ::2c; stnn ards. :!lc; prime firsts, :10c; firsts, 2c. Creamery prices: Prints, 3c over cuoe slanuuids. Milk: ltaw milk (4 per cent) 2..0 if, 40 r.wt.. aellvered Portland, less I i t cent: grade B milk. $2. fin terfi. station. 2sc: track, 30' Bul- ; lit llvored In Portland 3!'-'. Poultry: (Buying prices): Alive, neavy hens over 4(4 lbs.. 23c; me dium hens. 3M: to 4 V lbs.. 20c; light hens. 17c; broilers. 1 Vli to 2 Ms lbs.. Leghorns. 17c; colored. 2iifj 2Kc l'e kln ducks. 4 lbs. and over, 2;t-8c; old ISfil&c; colored decks, lHty20c. country meats: (liuying prices! ,-i it;, irk. In1 fa J fie; choice lamb's, 1 0 'li Bit' ; mutton, it'll ' Woifr: (city d. livery prices): l.'a y patents. 4,0s .S: whole wheat. I'.'s, :..'.io; graham Bis. ' . bakers' hard wheal. 'Js, t..20; bak ers' blueslein patents. llSs,, pastry flour, 4n. $0.30. Sugar (sacked basis): cane, fruit or bvny. VJ.n per cwt. Beet sugar, 11.70 cwt. Onions: (Steady, Oregon, ll.luB "potatoes: Gems. No. 1 grade H" ft 4.O0. New potatoes: California, ICo iAc pound. -.,-.,,, Wool- Eastern Oregon. 13(Vl8c lb; valley. 21c. Mohair, new clip: Kid hair, 31c per pound; staplo iuv ""nui's: Steady; walnuts. Oregon. 20 H3UI-; almonds, 2r,i :;; peanuts. 9Vj"il0ic; pecans. iiiu7c; filberts, 1 7 fi'f 1 8C. , . Hav: Wholesale buying prices, de livered Portland, eastern Oregon timothy. $22. Sii'a 2.50; do valley. tliollSil'.rr.o; alfalfa. $1 0.00 w 20.00: clover. $16: "at pay. $1C: straw. $. 8 ton: selling price. J! to $2 more. Hops: 1020 crop. l '-j (i ll"-jc; 1'J -o contracts, clusters, 12'iVl3c; fug- "'ifoRs? Heavy weight $!i.1,Sr to.r.o. t.ulh. in weight $'.l..",0 1' 1 1 "0. Light weight $10 7 ." ' 1 l.-'o. Light $lo.iMi',i 1 1.00. I'a'-king sous liKl'IH $;.oor I s ;.i i.U or only nogs auo ro.i-,-IuoiYm. blu:Jl.t.r pis ', til "... .-:i,..p: iijiiuui' ..,. lambs on shorn L.imsi lambs good to choice $7..-.o'o s..0. mediiiin Ji. O" U 7 0, all WeiBhts, coamiou $4..U IS 11,766 WAR VETS OVER 28 MILLION SALEM, Ore., June 26. Since the adoption of the war veteran stale aid act of 11121, the state of Oregon has loaned to u total of 11, 766 war veterans an aggregate sum of f28.179.125. Thu legislature of 1925 extended the act to benefit veterans of the Spanish-AnierPian war as well as those of the World War. , Repayments of the state at the end of April, this year, were $4,923,728.13 Interest aiid J4.826, 564.22 principal, a total of $9,750, 292.35, leaving a balance of $23, 826.5U4.94 in unpaid notes. Under the terms of the act loans which are based on the assessed valua-' tion of property in the state, may be made in a total such of about $33 000,000. Counties In which the loans ex ceed $1,000,000 are: Multnomah. $11,624,500; Marion, $1,822,800;; L a n e. $1,308,400; , Clackamas;. 51,268,025. - Out of tbo 11,776 loans made by tile slnto to war veterans under the state aid act the state has been 6.00. Yiiiirllnir wethera SI.OOfflfi.00. MvtrH. medium to dint ten t ffi :i.oo, 120-HjO IIih. $2,0012.75, all weights, cuminon Sl.ooii 2.00. POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS ... ' MAHATMA GANDHI, THE STATESMAN Inllniate dulails of the prison life of Mnhatma Gandhi, Interned loader of the civil disobedience muvement, were made known May 22 in a letter which he wrote to Miss Sialic, at the Ashram (college of devotees) at Ahmedabad, intended for ail Ashram ln lrTJ wEpi?!!;"! mates. j no manauna aeciares me prison oliiciais are Kind and attentive. He says in part: -. fjj. "1 have been quite happy 'making up my arrears !1 '-',.P fa.jt Tlw, ,,tc,l,(c, ,.nnli,..r I . .n J "WW:!"S4 sleep right under " " A "J "I am givlns 'rl-S'V .(hand spinning milk and nm continuing It for the preset. . "In the mornings I have cojd water instead of hot. I have left off honey. The goat is milked In my presence so there is no uuestion of the cleanliness of the milk. "1 have been given a man for cleaning vessels, etc." Tho New York Times, May 3, 1930. This is the man Great Britain fears The man the whole wide world now hears. Wise Gandhi makes proud Britain pause, And history's study gives her cause: She lost United States for tea , Her grandest hope across the sea. 'Tis surely time to call a halt Lest she lose India, now, for salt. If she had dealt with us as wise As with her rare Canadian prize, We still would wave the Union Jack And Jiever dream of any lack. Build India now a great Free State, And Britain can control her fate. Injustice bred George Washington, And Gandhi is his Indian son. Admit Mahatma Gandhi's quaint A strangely humble, gentle saint, But he's the creature of this age. Has shown the wisdom of a sage; He wields the mighty force of love. And fits his India like a glove. If Britain's wise, she'll use his power To save the cast this crisis hour. Mahatma Gandhi's spinning wheel Is, for his race, a trumpet peal; , He drinks the milk of humble goats This man the world now loves and quotes; He drinks his milk, locked in a jail, But, never duubt. his life's a trail That leads to an undying fame Mankind will ne'er forget his name. forced to foreclosure on a total of o:3 properties because of failure of tile beneficiaries to comply witli terms of the law, according to records In the office of the veter ans slate aid commission. The Htate now has on its hands 420 of these properties represent ing an investment of $1,036,097.39. it lias sold on contract 233 of the properties for a total of $637 685.84. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our gratitude' to our nelKhbors and friends for their kindness and Bympathy in the death of our loved one. Mrs. H. M. Boyd and family. Mrs. Anna Boyd and family. The nieces end nephews. TONIGHT Dance at Winchester and Lunch at Brand's. f FIREWORKS For the 4th Firecrackers Roman Candles Skyrockets UKAND'S Pacific highway 3 miles north the sky. as much time as I can to tho Takll wheel). I find I havo no speed on it at an. j unruly get 3D rounds In one hour. For the lirst 1 ry I gave nearly seven hours to It, reaching 160 roundn. 1 was washed out at the end of the perform- mce. I must learn the trick of getting more speed. I rise at the Ashram hour (4 a. m.) 1 am given a light -to that I can read the Gitta. according to our custom. "I rest regularly from 8 a. m., to 12 noon. I gave IP oranges during the march, but have begun taking them agalu here. On the first day I took raw goal's u MHrttT . , Boise . , HOHlUtl . Pt.cldy . .clear , . .eldy . -clear . .clear . . Sfll ski :.s 8C us 7S 64 !lll 62 611 f.2 . . 76 liver 0 0 0 T 0 0 10 0 Km oka l't.cldy Pt.cldy . .clear . .clear . .clear . . .cldy . . .cldy . ..eldy . ..cldy , .clear . .clear ...cldy .;.cldy ...cldy . .clear Giilvfrtton HoKMiu Kansas CMty 108 A))K('It!B Miirshricld . Nt'W Orleans Now York . North UoutJ Phoonlx . . . . PoctUvUo . . . Portlaml . . , , HtiNrliurir K f,6 HS 60 50 78 66 1.04 .26 0 0 0 0 .04 0 KacrHim-uto IjUUIb , . . Suit Lake . . . . .clear 0 0 0 Sim Fnuu'lsro .t'lciir San Diego . .eldy 60 Scuttle. .... ..rum i r. I ttf M .02 kane lily I PS! Washington Winnipeg clear fit .(! r I r. l l aKiuia 78 Vl'ffithrr ('initltl(mn Relatively low niVHsurc over the Rocky mountain ii'Klon froitj Can ada to Mexico haR been aMjuieiuted witli KhoweiB in wnKhuiKiuu una portions of noutli western Canada. uikI a UiHturbanee charted ' in the St. jUiwrenee valley has rauKetl rains from the lake roKiori tti New KtiKiand and Bonthwnrd to GcorKiu. A Renvral, htit moderate rlno In torn no mi ure has jiieeiirred over the Rocky mountain and pliilna region, una u correHpoiidinn full vor weut ern seetlona of the country, Huro-metoi-B are riJllK In tho Pacific coiiHt Ktittes. indicating generally fair weather und moderate tempm-ft ture In this vicinity tonlRht and Saturday, but With some cloudineua tonight, E. H. FbRTCHER, Meteorologist, NOTICE The WiKwam has hfien tnkn un der new management by Forrest Ellis Barker. Grand openinR July 4th and 5th, with celebration for Oarage and Gasoline men. Big at tractionB all day. Adv. AT YOUR SERVICE Phone B82 Day or Night STEPHENS AUTO CO. Drier Pipe For any Type of Drier Cast iron and steel drier stoves. Let us give you an estimate on your requirement. J. H. SINNIGER ' Sheet Metal Works Practical, accurate and depend able sheet metal work. Phone 428 329 N. Jackson 'I fl'-i. 3 Fragrance that thrills Good morning to a, new, glorious day in the open a desire for fresh activities, and energy to tn joy them, and appetite to supply the energy boy, what an appetite. Now the pungency of wood smoke, the aroma of coffee on the boil, the fragrance of bacon sizzling in the pan Frye's Delicious Brand Bacon rich, sweet, vitalizing bacon, fresh-cured from prime, young pork. ' .'Z This latest and best Anderson hoe is an innovation in gardening. It is sharp on both ends, and thus does its work going either forward or backward. Reduce time spent in the garden by getting your open hoe today. They come in two sizes, and sell for $1.25 and $1.50. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. THE IRON MONGERS P. S. Housewives . . . save time by using our new pea shelling machine . . . shells 1 pound In 4 minutes. Regularly $1.25, they are now selling for $1.00. Girls, a Beauty Secret 1. Walk at least 30 minutes each day in the fresh air. 2. Eat plenty of fruits and green vegetables. (Among other things, they help to keep you thin). , 3. Drink our pasteurized milk with every meal. .. Roseburg Dairy and Soda Works PHONE 186 The Cleanest Place in Town . '' COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF What Does It Mean? If you save money, even a little money. Do you know that a dollar at eight per cent doubles itself, every nine years? Is it doubling itself for you or the other fellow? Save by using good machinery at reasonable cost. Try our repair service, welding, brazing, overhaul ing all kinds of farm machinery. Cheaper than balingwire and cusswords. FarmBureauCooperativeExchange Roseburg Myrtle Creek . Oakland AGENTS FOR L. i H. Eleotrlo Ranges John Deera Plow Co. Hood River Spray Co. ' Hoosler and Milwaukee Pumps Sutherlin Spray Co. ; 1 ''El RigiJ U. S. Government Infection It liven product! of try? ti Compmy VS