ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 27. 1930. FIVE 'WHERE'S EMILV?' T f by Carolyn Wells 1 CHAPTER XXXIX "Not so deep as the big ravine," he said, "but a long enough fall to kill auybody. 1 see they've fixed up the vines." "Ves, the Village Improvement Society looked after that as soon as the police allowed It. Now," as Stone started on azain, "there's the Pennington bouse." "Where?" . "Look higher up. See, you can Jut see the roof through the trees." "Gracious, 1 shouldn't want lo live there. Why don't they cut out enough to muke a clearing?" "It doesn't seem white so treesy when you get up to it," volun teered Betty. "Want to go up?" "Can't see any reason for It," Stone sulci, looking at his watch, "litiess we'd better be about our business. Whore's the hospital?" It was pointed out to him, but be took slight interest. "What I want now," he said, "is to have you take me to call briefly on two or three of the most know ins people in Hllldale, I mean the ones who know most about gossipy goings on, and include, if you please, the lady who was last at the tea Marsden, is the name?" "All right," Deity chirped, feeling that this was her chance. "I'll know where to go, Pete. Not the Stevensons', not the Ballards'. The MarEdena' come first, and Ithen Sally Kirke's and Jane Wolcott's." "Good choice," Pete approved. ".Marsdens' it Is." They went to the Marsden house, another larse, beautiful mansion, and were received most kindly. Mrs. Marsden, s,h elderly dame, was disinclined to talk much, but her niece, a vivacious young per son, more than made up for it. "Isn't It just too terrible?" Miss Marsden exclaimed. "To think of Emily and Pauline both being there with us at the tea, and now where are they?" Her dramatic rendition of these words was accompanied by elo quent gestures of despairing in quiry. Fleming Stone gave her no di rect answer, but said: "That's what we're trying to learn. Miss Marsden. Maybe you can help us. Have you a good memory?" "Fine," .she .declared. "Why. Anniie says I can remember " Stone cut short her reminis cences," not rudely, but decidedly. "Then, please see If you can re member the exact happenlnss of your departure from Knollwood after the tea there last Thursday." "Of course I can,; I've often thought it over. It seems so strange " "Tell It, Just as It happened." "Why. It was this way. I don't know anything about time, for 1 j never do. But Auntie and I were w aiting to shake -bands and say good-by to Mrs. Bell. We had al ready told Emily we were going. The affair was informal, you know, but we always are careful to be polite to Mrs. Bell. She's such a dear. 'Well, we were about the last ones. Just ahead of us the Pennintons were saying good by. As soon as they turned away from Mrs. Bell, Auntie and 1 stepped up to her and told her what a nice time we'd had,, and all that, and then we came away. The Pen ningtons were just in front of us, but not quite within speaking dis tance. Anyway, we didn't speak to them. They went on till they came to the place where the street goes off to Wallace's, and then they stood still and said a few words I didn't hear, of course and then Mr. Pennington turned off toward Wallace's and Mrs. Pen nington kept straight on. She came to the bridge over the little ravine, and she stopped and stoo.X there, as if she was waiting for her hus band. So, we passed her there. I was going to speak to her, but she was leaning over the Tail, and she didn't look up or turn around, so I didn't think I'd better speak. 1 didn't know her so awfully well. So we went on, and, of course, 1 thought no more about it, then. We turned at the bend, and I couldn't see her anymore, and 1 didn't look back anyway. I simply assumed that she waited for her husband MacMarr Stores wish to thank the people of Douglas county for their wonderful support of the grand opening of our new store in the Newland building, last Saturday. The salespeople made every effort to serve .you satisf ac- torily and efficiently but for the patience and generous attitude of. the crowds that thronged our store from open ing hour to late at night this would have been impossible. With our big increase in volume we will be able to pass on bigger and better savings to you. SUTHERLIN SATURDAY aw MONDAY June 28th and 30th ROSEBURG STRING BEANS 2 Fresh and crisp, 23C WATERMELONS Klondikes, lb. .. 2ic BANANAS Golden Ripe, large, per dozen 19c ORANGES Small size, but full of juice, dozen .. 33c Genuine Values for the Thrifty FLOUR BUTTER MacMarr, guaranteed hard P 1 PC MacMarr best creamery, PCp wheat, 49 lb. sack 0 I iD J 2 ibs 0 Jb POTATOES SARDINES New, almost ripe, QRfl LrSe val Tin8 QRo 25 lbs 0 Jb 3 cans .. U Jb MARSHMALLOWS SALAD OIL In bulk, 2JjQ In bulk, bring container, Cjjj OLEO LARD Umeco, now regular, Cfln Swift's Silver Leaf, QQp at 3 lb. JUu 2 lbs ZOb JAR RINGS . FLOUR Red Rubber, ORp Fisher's Blend or Drifted M Q Q 4 dozen L J I) Snow, 49 lb. sack QliQj DUTCHLJEANSER COFFEE Chases Dirt, limit 5, Cn MacMarr Blend, Q1 Ifl each J. Jb lb- 37c; 3 lbs. 0 I 1 1 U SMOKEDMEATS HAMS BOSTON BUTTS Premium, jjj Lts of ,ean. BACON SALT PORK Extra quality, medium, (J or seasonin8 20C $5.00 Orders Delivered Free Sugar Excepted Small Orders 10c and they went on home together. That's all I know about it." "Thank you. Miss Marsden, you've stated it very clearly. And you saw nothing of Miss Duane?" "Nothing at all." "You don't know whether Mrs. Pennington had on a fur neck piece or not?" "I couldn't swear to that. I think she had nothing of the sort, any way not around her neck. But she might have bad one in her hand." "You've told this story before?" "Oh, Lord, yes. Every member of the police force wanted to bear It, so I've told it over and over again. Out always the same. I'm sure of my facts, and I saw every thing just exactly as I've described it, and I saw nothing more." "If Miss Dunne had been ahead of you and your aunt, would you not have seen her as you turned the bend In the road, after passing Mrs. Pennington?" Why, yes, probably. I never thought of that. Still, it was get ting dark and 1 might not " "Dark at five o'clock?" "Yes, It was that day. It was very clondy, and we thought a thunderstorm was coining up, but It went around to the north, as they so often do." "Miss Marsden, what is your opinion of the Hindu, Lai Singh?" It there was' one thing t:ora Marsden loved better than another. it was to express her opinions of people, so she went at it with gusto. "He's a dear," she' said, " a per feet dear! Some people say h-i'e a faker, but I don't-care anything about that. I mean, I don't cure whether he is or not. He Interests me tremendously, and I Just simply adore him. Oh, he has such ways with him! Why, Just the way ho rolls his eyes is too adorable! Yon can't get nie lo say a word agnlnBl that gorgeous person! t "I don't want you to," and Stohe smiled In sympathy with her en thusiasm. "But, with 'all your ad miration of him, don't you some times think he's just a wee nit mercenary?" ''Aren't we all?" she challenged. "Now don't you stir up any trouble for that ray of sunlight, or you'll have me to rockon with." Clearly, Miss Marsden was far more deeply Interested In the Hin du than In either of her two friends to whom disaster had come, and feeling he had lea-'d all sh'j could tell him. Stone rose to go. "Well, by ginger, I'll bet you didn't learn -much there," opined Glbby, as they took to the road again." "All's fish that comes to my net," Stone murmured In reply. "Now for the gossipiest tongue In all Hilldale." "Follow me," said Betty, import antly, and she led them to Sally Kirke's charming cottage. Smaller than most of the houses, it was a love of a bijou residence, and again Stone found his sense of aesthetic values gratified by the exquisite Interior of Miss Kirke's home. She was a bachelor girl, living with a duenna, which fully satis fied HHldale's requirements of pro prlety, and she prided herself oh being afraid of nobody's opinion. She Baid what she chose and did what she chose, regardless of so cial comment, and so greatly did she possess the superior complex that she managed to remain top of the heap, above and beyond crit icism. (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Copyright 1030, King Features Syndicate, Inc. Vlsitlnfl In Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tester of New York City, who have been visiting here this week, accompanied by the for mer's slBters, Mrs. K. R. Padelford of Yrcka, California, and Mrs. E. R. Snyder of Portland, have left for Marshfield, where they plan to spend the coming weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hod ford Tester. Bms'lmfk-dM pothers ,'Sok.f 84 Regular $1.00 Value! Whirr-rr.. . Thud I . ; The arrow's hit the bull's eye again! Chalk up another score! This time the BOYS are on the winning side. And oh what a winner they've picked! . . . Blue denim OVERALLS cut so smartly they make a lad look like nothing less than a dandy! Then the elastic gives them a slim trim look at the waist line, topped off by a buckle and leather buckle strap. . . . You'll want a pair as well as the other fellows. Tell your mother about them and hurry down. Sizes 10 to 18. These Are the Features! l Cling to waist and hips. 26 j Practical, more attractive than ordinary overalls. 33 New, sturdy, attractive red back blue denim. 4 Bell bottoms. . , t5 Guaranteed to launder without defecting rubber. 6 Snappy brass buckle and leather buckle strap. 315 N. JACKSON St. ROSEBURG Mid-Summer Clearance OP JEWELRY AND CLOCKS Close out prices on many items to clear stock pf siifplus and bdets and ends. Special values in every line but eicep-i. tionally low prices on costume jewelry, clocks and items listed here. ! DISPLAY OF ITEMS FOR $1.00 EACH Hero you will find Hems for the Inexpensive gift and for prizes regularly priced as high as $1 and $5 grouped to sell quickly for $1. Things of glass, leather, silver, and Jewelry.. 9 A. M. SATURDAY. SPECIAL PRICED DIAMOND JEWELRY Kxceptionally fine Dinmond Dinner Kings Bet with three lo ten Genuine Dijimoiidn In solid gold and brilliant platl mini, bar pins and brooches. RINGS FOR LOW PRICES Now you ran buy itie ring you havo wanted at a juice Unit. In an exception. To reduce this Block we are taking a Iohk on these.. ... , Costume Kings, l)inner King:. Diamond fiet Kings and Km blein Kings. Genuine Topaz, Amefhyht, Onyx and other Etones surrounded by genuine- Pearls. . Distinctive men's Kings of unusual designs. All at a re cluced price for a Bhort time only. WATCHES Thin model pocket watches with high grade Amorlcan movement of 19-jewel adjusted grade, steel eacape wheel and micrometer regulator In highly engraved gold filled raiic. Special price $1690. Strap Pocket and Wrist Watches at Special Trices. COSTUME AND NOVELTY JEWELRY One-Half Price Sale All costume Jewelry lo ho sold at this drastic price re duction Including real CRYSTAL BEADS Kupnrfino 82 cut high polish genuine crystal necklaces, pendants, bracelets, car rings and also Dakellto strands. Enamel Jewelry, Vanities, Ensemble Sets and Costume IUngs. SILVERWARE Complcto 26 piece sots of silverware for as Idw as S3. 95. Knife and fork sets for every day use. Incomplete sets at very low prices. Several complete sets of I ho bettor kind Including solid sil ver sets at greatly reddced price for clearance. Baby Rings of solid gold, plain and engraved 3Sc Baby Chains and Crosses of solid gold 35c Beauty Pin Sets, small, of fine quality 35c Baby Spoons, silver plated 35c WATER SETS OF COLORED GLASSWARE I'llcher nnd eight glnssivt of large capacity, regular price $0.50. A few sets at special $1.95. CLOCKS 8-day Dresser Clocks thut will look well nnd run woll for years, some In colored leather cases at one-half price. Striking and Chime clocks lnflne mahogany and Oak cases and Hanjo styles. Now you can buy one of these very fino clocks at a price you would pay for an lulorior clock. If you tire Interested In a new clock for your home this is an opportunity to buy a Mauicl Clock for as low Ha 11.9V. We will fit any strap watch with a leather band of calf, ostrich or pig skin, of genuine leather, hand sewed 80c J7 of girls' ahd misses' kings in solid gold, A group ot girls set with colored stones now.. $1,39 edrs for Masonic Bldg.