Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 20, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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Classified Section
KATES: Fcr word. tch insertion. 1 at. Bj Um week, I Mala wot.
Minimum per ndrertlseroeDt, U ccnU. Han yonr am rnnnr the
words and enclose itamp, check or money order.
PAPER Six kinds
FOR SALE Dry fir wood. $2.50
per tier. Phone 24F32.
SHEPHERD pups for sale. M. T.
Dawson. Phone 33F24.
CEILING $20, $22, $25, $35. Page
. Lumber & Fuel Co.
FOR SALE Fancy milk fed friers,
25c each. E. E. Baker, Coos June
FOR SALE Gray mare, 8 yrs. old,
Al worker, good saddler. Box 43,
Canyouvllle, Ore.
FOR SALE '25 Star touring, in
good condition, $25. 627 Hamil
ton St., after 5 p. m.
FOR SALE Fine Bronze turkey
poults, 40c each. W. Cobb, lit. 2,
Box 46, Roseburg.
FOR SALE Practically now Tap
pan gas range, smooth top. Call
H. Barnum. Phone 128.
FEATURE THAT! A good wood
stove for only $15. The Califor
nia Oregon Power Co.
SPECIAL June prices on hotplates,
waffle irons and Corona cookers.
T'-e California Oregon Power Co.
BING cherries ripe next week, 5c
pdr lb. on the trees. Come and
get them. 2 miles east of Suth
erlin. C. S. Austin.
85c PLACES that big two burner
Hotplate in your home. Perfeot
' for summer service. The Cali
fornia Oregon Power Co.
FOR SALE 50 head of cattle both
beef and milking Btuff. Phone
room 424 Grand hotel, or P. O.
Box 1032, Roseburg.
FOR SALE 1 9 2 5 Studebaker
coach, $225. Also 1929 business
coupe, Model A Ford, less than
year old, $450. Weaver's Garage,
Myrtle Creek.
SIXTY ACRES A well improved
dairy farm stocked and equip
ped, including furniture, automo
bile and the dog. E. G. Kingwell,
Roseburg, Oregon.
IDEAL gifts for the June bride:
Lovely urn sets, toasters, perco
lators and numerous other sug
gestions. See us now. .The Call
lornia Oregon Power Co.
SPECIAL coil bedspring, extra
heavy construction. Double deck
ed to Insure comfort. Regularly
priced at $18 now $12.50. Powell's
Furniture store, 245 "N. Jackson.
BRUNSWICK phonograph cost
$210 new. Will sell for $35 in
cluding $15 worth of records. See
, us for good buys any time. Pow
ell, 245 North Jackson street.
FIFTY nice White Leghorn liens
for sale cheap to make room for
young stock. Also laurel heater
wood. J. R. Dusenberry, Route 1,
1J miles east from Kelleys Kor
. ner.
on 1 gallon. Amazing new mois
ture gas saver. All autos. 1 free.
Critchlow. 4610-E, Wheaton, 111.
, WANTED Ten or more acres
good level laud, on good road
close in. Must have water and
power. State terms and all par
ticulars to Box 108, care News
Review. FOR RENT
FOR RENT 3-room clean apt.
garage, adults. Phone 459-R.
PIANO for rent. Mrs.
Brand. Phone 693-J-l.
FOR RENT Two 5-room modern
unfinished houses in Roseburg.
Phone 3F22.
FOR RENT Furmsaed apartment,
hot water, electric stove, garage.
Nice location. Inquire Bubar
Bios. Phone 211.
FOR RENT Furmsned modern
apartment, close in, sleeping
porch, -electric range. Phone 679
mornings. Call 124 W. Douglas
St. afternoons.
LOST At Radford creek above
Tiller, two joints of fishing pole
$2 reward. Fin "er notify Earl
Sumner. Canyonville, Ore.
UAR OWNER Don't forget to call
553 when in need of auto parts.
Sarff's Auto Wrecking House.
DEPOT BARBER shop will be open
until 8 o'clock evenings. Under
new management. All hair cut
ling 25c.
MRS. ADAMS has resumed man
agement of her Coos Junction
barbecue after a three months'
FOR personal taxi service with a
smile, call Rapp's. Phone 21. At
the old Goodman cigar store,
Cass St., near the depot.
PERSON'S dumping coal ashes on
Lot 7, Block 29, Roseburg, are
known and will be prosecuted if
same continues. Lillie L. Moore.
FOR SALE Broccoli and late cah
li:ige plants. French Nichols,
Roberts creek. Phone 42F14.
ROLL ROOFING Seven kinds at
CEMENT New Improved Beaver.
Page Lumber & Fuel Company.
TWO very desirable houses for
rent. J. W. Tollman Real Estate,
.MAN or boy wanted on chicken
and prune ranch. Box 1512, care
FORD PICKUP Balloon tires, will
sell cheap. 5 gal. motor oil- $1.50.
Phone 338
FOR SALE Danish ballheaif cab
bage planls, doz. 10c, 100 75c,
1000 $4. E. D. Lewis, 644 N. Pine
WANTED Close in modern hone.
Five to six rooms. Will go to
$4,000 cash. E. G. Kingwell,
$1.50, 10 gal. $2.80; 15 gal. $3.90,
50 gal. $12.50.
WANT TO RENT Equipped stock,
grain or dairy ranch; cash or on
shares. Carl Wohlgenant, care A.
E. Millard, Lookinggluss. Phone
FOR SALE Thrifty weanling pigs
at six dollars. Six miles west of
Drain on the Putnam ranch. Wil
fred Brown, Drain, Oregon.
FORD OWNERS Buy your motor
on now at our low price. 5 gal.
$1.50, 10 gal. $2.80, 15 gal. $3.90.
Trailer for sale $7.00.
house. Will take good car as
part payment. Balance like rent.
Located on Prospect St. Phone
591-J, or cull at 1023 Winchester.
IVORY dressers, new and at a
special price, $11.25. Sells regu
lar $15. Buy now and save. Pow
ell's Furniture, 215 N. Jackson
St. -
Good Wilton rug $30
Wood range $20
2-b. electric range $30
New Bat. radio set only ....f 17.50
160 ACRES half mile from school.
50 acres of level sub-ir.lgated
land. Small box house, barn and
woodshed, good well and two
creek available. For quick sale
$1500. E. G. Kingwell, Roseburg,
OIL FOR CASH Western medium
or heavy, 5 gals. $1.50. This is
less than mail order house price.
Extra1 heavy tractor oil; 35c per
gal. "
12.00 M
Economy Lumber
Sliiplap and Dressed 2x4's
Not the best nor the worst
but good for many- use's.
Coen Lumber Company
SPECIAL bedroom set. Ivory bed,
coil spring, cotton mattress and
ivory dresser all for $32. Deliv
ered in or near city. Powell's
Furniture Store, 245 N. Jackson
BEAUTIFUL overstuffed daven
port for only $17.50. Chair to
match only $17.50 extra. Chair
alone only $25.' See these fine
values at Powell's Furniture, 245
N. Jackson St. ' .
TRAP SHOOT Sunday, at W. C.
Roberts, Lookingglass, 300 yards
north of store. Shoot starts at 10
o'clock. Chickens, ducks and oth
er prizes. Come and bring your
best eye and spotter guns.
WILL trade clear six-room modern
house in Roseburg, $3500 and se
curities, $2500 for clear improved
sheep and turkey ranch with
water piped to buildings and
some cultivated liiuJ. Box 1043,
Roseburg, Oie.
SPECIAL 50-pound fj'.'.ed mat
tress. Imperial utitched high
grade ticking, beautiful art col
ors, at a price of $10 delivered in
city. Powell's Furniture & Hard
ware, 215 North Jackson street.
CATES drawing interest semi
annually. Clip your coupons same
as government bonds. DOUGLAS
TION, .Medical Arts Bldg. Phone
LARGE size 2-inch heavy post beds
in ivory or brown finish, new and
guaranteed perfect, at special
low price, $6.50. Coil springs to
fit large beds at $7.75. Guaran
teed Tor 25 years. Powell's, 215
N. Jackson.
LOOK House to trade for car,
Sheet) and turkey ranch to trade
for house in any good town.
Call and see my large list and
low prices. C. .Merrill, 108 Mosh
er St.
LOANS If you want to borrow
money see us first! We know we'
have the best lu-jn available. Our
monthly payments are less and
our plan is definite. You know
when your loan is paid off.
Bldg. Phone 245.
If you wioh to build or buy n
home or refund your preneni
mortgage, we have a liberal re
payment plan whereby loans may
be paid In monthly installments.
The total cost of one of our loans
i lower than any like organiza
tion doing business in (he slate.
We invite com!rlson. UMPQUA
TION. Douglas Abstract build
WANTED to borrow $1000 at 8 per
cent interest on first class se
curity. Box 1529, euro News-Review.
WANT used cars. Will pay spot
cash or will sell your car for you.
L. L. Roberts Motor Co., Rose
burg Garage. Ph'olie "408.
MONEY loaned on automobiles,
contracts refinanced. Payments
reduced. L. L. Roberts Motor Co.,
Roseburg Garage. Phone 408.
(Aitfucluted FrfBS Leased Wirt-)
""POUTI-AND, , Juno 20. Mutter
and tKtf niiies remained unchiuiired
today, but both diKplayed u weiik
uiuluriona. Tin strength whovvn by
butter for the last few days api-ears
to have yielded to acfumiuatiiiii
supplies. Kps values were reported
iu nave been Hlinited' by some deal
ers, but tlio cooperatives, who con
trol 11 built (iO per cent ol the output,
announced no changes.
Poultry priet:s have declined ma
teriully, while fresh iiicuIn, with the
exception of lambs, have advanced.
Poultry yards nru being; culled nn-i
most of the culls are ienchliiB the
conuundiis: niarkctH,
iie lew llitf the fi lilt and VPrtetitb'lc
situation, the rortlund bureau of
the 1'. ti. department of aurricullurt?
"Strawberry supplies were litfht
cr toilny, ano soul USo per crate
higher, Oregon's main sirawbun y
season will be completed by the end
of this week, til though smaller
movement will continue for some
time yet.
"Caiiouds of (creon peas are sell
ing readily to buyers at Ji'.ltO
I 2.40 per crate, depending on uual
I'.y. Ku.slern markets are a trifle
weaker today, but still eastern ship
ments from Portland groaned finan
cial returns of $r,iuO. In addition,
many peas are being shipped dally
by motor truck to northwest point 4.
"Yakima reported storage hold
ings of potatoes totalling oii-60 cars.
early this week. Nearly thirty cars
nave oeen loaded from tnat state
during the first three days of the
weeK, oi wtilcn only 4 or t cars
were new potatoes. The Yakima
Netted Gem market la dull, present
loadings of combination grade sell
ing at $ji)-u.3 per ton.
"Walla Walla onions will move In
a few days, but no orders have been
placed by Portland distributors yet,
d ue to liberal supplies and low
prices of California onions.
"The bunched vegetable declined
to about 3Ue per diVzeii, under pres
sure of heavy, supplies."
Wool Murk ft I' I rin
BOSTON, June 20. The Commer
cial Bulletin of Boston will say to
morrow: "The wool market is well sus
tained In tills country, with prices
firm but unchanged and the move
ment both In the eastern seaboard
markets and i n the west fairly
steady. iJeiimnd In the Boston mar
ket has not changed appreciably.
Of the now domestic clip, it Is es
timated that 7." to SO per cent is out
of the groweiis' handn.
"The foreign markets nre barely
firm. Priees In Sydney this week
are quoted about a penny, (.'lean
basis. Inwer. Yorkshire in very slftw
and the disposition In England and
on the continent, more or less. Is
to await the op.-ning of the next
Lordon sab-s, July S.
"The mHiiuTn'-liiring position is
regarded as very sound. Though
sensitive, hut with hiiyiness hardly
com nuns ii rate to the vol ume uf
word which has been sold.
"Mohair Is slow of sale, with
prices unchanged."
The Bulletin wil) publish the fol
lowing quotations tomorrow:
.scuiired basis : Oregon; Kine and
f. in. staple T:!j ".; fine and f. in.
fr. romblnii I'M:; fine and f. m.
el-.thinu tM4i67c; valhy No. I, (ii';
H8 cents.
Mohair: Oregon SKIt i -; domestic
grading, first combing if')1i'2v; good
curding 3 r,i ''r,r.
Eggs: Prices l- ie:alerf: Frrsh
extras. 21c; standards, 2:tc: fresh
medium. 22c. Prices to wholesalers
2c under price to retailer!".
Butter: Cubes: Kxtras. 33c; stan
dards. 3'c; priniii firsts. Sic; firsts,
30c, Creamery prices; Prints, 3c over
cube standards
MUk: Haw in'ik 1 Pr cent)
tfi Z.B rfft., n.-nvend Portland, h-rfs
1 per eeut: grade B milk. 2.r,:t. Bui
terl'Ht, elation. 2c; tr:u k, SUc; de
livered in Portland ":.
Poult rv: (Buying prices) : Alive,
iteavv henfl over -1 Vi Ihs.. a:ic; me
dium heim, 34 to i lbs., 20 hunt
hens, 17c; broilers. 14 to IVt H..
Leghorn?. 17c: coiorrd, pe
klu dicks. A lbs. and over, 2''f2He;
old. l".fi ISc; colored ducks. tcij20c.
Country meats: (Buying prices)
Choh-o vh1, H 1 ";; P'.rk. K.t
J5iv: choice Iambs. l20c; mut
ton. f7c.
Klour: (eity delivery prices):
Kciiitlv pat'Mils. 4!i. ;.0; whole
whPMl. V.". $.r..!'t; grHhain. Ps. :..70;
baker' hard, $.: bak
Nw Low Friers
on Mohtnk and GooOjtar
qilHlily tires
Ht tlHJ
Ktxt'burx Uaragv
')lsrnrT. ' MICfe UObolt.' y( T TrtitJK VWURfc MtAM ifH 1
VT" ROOF AN' WARnJ W!U-Y OTHfcR f.-f.-k HIM li :
N I- ' J i I "THAT WE- 1 S'-.l ,,.7Jif I
OUIN w 1 A..,v DOWT I 'U I
j'veML ? rvj
Ytm . a i mum i r-ij i i ' t i m i
ers' bluestem patents, 98s, JC.60;
pastry flour, 40s, $6.30.
Sugar t sacked basis): enne.
fruit or berry. I'J.DO per cwt. Beet
sugar, $-1.70 cwt.
Onions: oteudy, Oregon,
Pol a toes: Gems. No. 1 grade. J3.7B
ff 4.00. New potatoes: California,
4 6 -I e pound.
w ooi : eastern iregon. i .i (jr i c
lb.; valley. 21c. Mohair, new clip:
Kid hair, 3r.e per pound; alaple 25c
per lb.
Nuts: Steady; walnuts, Oregon. 25
ifrtlOe; almonds, lifHrSoo; peanuts,
H' 10V4c; pecans, 2557c; filberts,
17 fill 18c.
Ilay: Whnlennle buylnor prices, de
livered Portland, eastern Oregon
timothy. 22.&oaS.1.50: do valley,
$iii.m4il!.fiu; alfalfa. $1 0.00 a 20.00 :
clover. J10; ont hay, jlli; straw. 7
9 ton: selling prices. S! tc 'i more.
Hops: 1929 cl op. 81 1& ft-10 V&-; 1S-10
contracts, clusters, 12 fug
glcs, 15c,
Cattle: Steers non-1300 B)s. $10.75
ff' 11.25. good $11. OOffi 11.75, medium
SI O.Oo 'fi 11.00, common $K.50fr I O.fll).'
Heifers, good $:.U0 '( 9.50. common to
medium $7.00''( 9.0O. Cows, good $H.00;
(n Jj.50, common to nieillnm $(1.00
8.S0, low cutter to cutter $2.50 ' 6.00.
Hulls (yearlings excluded) $7. 50tf(
8, HO, cutter to medium '$0.007.60.
Calves $8.00(!f 10.00, cull to medium
$0.oirt 8.00. Vealers, milk fed, $10.50,
fiill.'jO, nwdiuin $K.5ofi,10.50, cull tu
tKMnmoii $t. 50(fi 8.50. j
Hogs: Heavy weight $0.601 1 1 -00,
Probably nowhoro else on earth do IrnRCtly and romunce inter
minKlo with KUi'h draniatie outcome b In the littlq office where .Mrs.
Janet Rover, house mother at the Seamen's Church Institute, of New
York, watches ovor the destinies of some fifty thousand seafarliig
"sons." For more than thirty years Mrs. Roper has j
been guardian angel to sailor-men weather-beaten , JlSflra'pijrJI
old salts as well as adventurous lads In their teens f' '
who I'ome to her and stammer out their irouoies.
Since 1920, through her "Missing Men Uepartmi nt " i
she lias traced me wnereaeouis
thousand wandering Beanien and
thoir families.
To Mrs. -Holier each story of a
, ,., "rn Vml,i- n - nnil -
stirring human drama. In her mind's eye she sees the
mother of that sailor ill with worry, the father broken
with grief, or the wife and children Impoverished by
Iho loss of the husband. Her methods of finding miss
ing seamen are many. Once a -.month the Instlluta
prints a list of missing seamen, and this list is post
ed on the bulletin boards of seamen's homes, consular
offices, union halls, wherever seamen congregate In
every port In the world. Any sailor, scanning thlK list, who sees there
his own name or that of an acquaintance la asked to cable Informa
tion lo Mrs. Koper. . ,
Hardly a week passes without some anxious mother visiting Mrs.
Roper to inquire ahotit her runaway boy. Recently, one'- of these
mothers was In the crowded lohhy of the institute hotel. beggiti
"Mother" Itoper to find her son, when suddenly the woman cried out,
"Why, there he Is!" Mother lloper asked the clerk to call the name.
To her surprise a young man detached himself from a large group and
came forward. Instantly the mother swooped down upon him, and threw
her arms around his neck, and kissed him, to his utter confusion, and
the secret envy of the hundreds
Candee in the American Magazine for June, 1930.
This woman iives the Shepherd Psalm,
Her life's a gentle healing balm;
She mothers lost and broken men
And brings them back to hope again.
She has the Mother's tender heart,
And all a shepherd's skilful art.
Her pastures are the rolling seas; ,
Her love goes forth on every breeze.
Kind Janet Roper, like the Christ
With whom she keeps a daily tryst,
Is always seeking for the lost,
And never stops to count the cost.
She is th& wandering sailor's friend;
A patient ear will always lend.
E'en though he's strayed, is running wild,
He is her Heavenly Father's child.
She keeps a post for missing boys,
Where they may find their early joys.
She has an ear for mother's cries
And often brings them glad surprise.
She is the mother's substitute;
To many a man she's heaven's lute
That calls him wheresoe'er he roam,
And sends him back to bless his home.
Dear Mother Roper's found her place
Where she dispenses heaven's grace.
What precious waste of holy tears
She's saved through all these thirty years I
Three thousand men brought back, restored
What blessings on their homes she's poured!
Where'er on earth her work is named,
She's loved by souls she haj reclaimed.
Dearest Enemy
medium weight $10.00 11.50. light
weight $11.2:.' 11.50, light IIrIUs
$li).50b'11.50, packing sows $8.25
0.50, slaughter pigs $10.001 1.00.
l-e.'der and stuckor pigs ' Mdi
13.50. (Soft or oily hogs and mast
ing pigs excluded in above quota
tions.) Mieep: (Quotations except on
lambs on whom basis) lambs good
to choice $7.75 f(t 8.75, medium $1i.76
((i'7.75, all welghlH, common $5.00iiii
(1.75. Yeai ltiiK wethers $ I.OOi'fi.OO.
Kwes $2.753.50, 120-150 lbs. $2.5041
3.25, all weights, common $1.00
Miss Roberts on Vacation MisB
Dorothy Huberts, clork in the lo
cal Woolworth sLore, is enjoying
a vacation from her work. Miss
RoherLs is spending her vacation
in this city and at the home of her
mother, Mrs, Elmer Pierce in
' Eat IjarDecutt snnawlcties and
live fornvnr. Brand's Road Stand.
Firecrackers at Idleyld imrk.
Adv. RrtindI. piano tuner. Phone 189-U
01 muru iiuui uucu :
has restored them to 1JPIWJ
. :! i .i!: f'
missing sailor be- Mi-Wim
Sn " hill a In nil- 1-""
of seamen watching. Marjorie Hent
mm m
(Annotated Pro Lcaavu Wire)
EUGENE, Ore., June 19. The
celestial object, "Pluto, which
made a sensational debut to this
world at Lowell observatory,
March 15, last, really has been
shyly watting to be discovered and
publicized since as far back as
1919. This was the statement to
day of Prof. F. L. Whipple, fellow
In astronomy, of Berkeley, who
addressed the astronomical society
of the Paclflo division at the 14th
annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science, In session here.
Prof. Whipple said the object
actually was visible on photo
graphs taken at Ml. Wilson obser
vatory in 1919, but It lay iildden
away with a large number of
brighter stars and heavenly ob
jects dimming Its light in Its vi
cinity. When the discovery was made
that It actually existed, a clue to
its whereubouts was furnished, and
four days ago Whipple and E. C.
Bower found It on the plates.
Cvedit for their discovery, how
ever, must be shared with S.- B.
Nlckelson and N. W. Mayall of the
Mt. Wilson observatory, who canK.
across the tiny spot at about .tho
same time, a few days ago.
Prof. Whipple said the finding
of tho trims-Neptunian object on
has won more
and world's '
records than
all other
(Amnrtfttpil I'rt'M Lraacd Vlre
NEW YORK, June 19. An
tertttlnment center, designed
utilize the latest developments
radlo broadcasting and television,!
Is to be established In midtowu
Manhattan by John D. Rockefeller
Three Bquare blocks are to be
leveled, beginning this fall, with
expectations that the center will
be completed within throe years.
The development will Involve an
Investment estimated at 5250, 0JO,
A skyscraper, sixty stories high,
Is to be erected on the Sixth ave
nue side, and a smaller oval shaped
building on Fifth avenue. Between
them will be a garden plaza con-
the 1919 plates Is of "utmost im
portancel', Blnce it enables astron
omers to calculate with exactness
the orbit of Pluto and further,
these orbit findings indicate def
initely that the object 1b a planet,
although some scientists still feel
that the possibility of Its being a
comet is entirely secluded.
Pluto, according to calculations
based on the photographs, has a
period of 249 years and is now ap
proaching the sun. In 1989 it will
be nearest the sun and will be
slightly closer than Neptune.
MREE smnshinc Richfield
Indianapolis Classic on May 30th! The 100-milc Championship 1
Dirt Track Race at Detroit on June 9th! The 200-mile Flag Day '
Race at Altoona on June 14th! ..w
At iiuliaiuipotis-Billy Arnold was 1st; "Shorty" Camion
2nd; Louis Schneider, 3rd; Louis Meyer, 4th; Bill Cummings, 5th;";
And Richfield Gasoline was in all five cars the 8th anmutl Rich-.
field triumph in the World's Grenlcst Racing Classic' - ;
At tivti ttU Wilbur Shaw was the winner with Russell Snovv"
bcrger 2nd and Bill Cummings, 3rd. Again Richfield Gasoline w
m all the winning cars!
At AUaonamUy Arnold was 1st; Deacon Lit:, 2nd; FranlT
Farmer, 3rd. And for the 3rd consecutive time in 3 major races
of the year Richfield tens in every uttminir car!
Ihcsc daring drivers with life and limb, fame and fortune "at"1
stake pin their faith to Richfield! They know from experience
that it will not fail them that it will deliver the extra power and"
speed necessary in emergencies that it will do its part to carry-
iin-m uiu uu: grucung sirctcn
V KichlicUI-
tanning fountains and statuary. and
extending through the three blocks.
Underground boulevards will care
for traffic through 49th and 50th
Etreet with subterranean nd
skyscraper . parking for automo-j
biles. '...!,-, :
Four theatres will be located in
the center, providing vaudeville,
sound motion pictures, musical
comedies and dramatic entertain
ments. i ,
Medford Sheriff Here Sheriff
Jennings of Medford and Deputy
Sheriff Peck stopped at the court
house this morning to exchange
greetings with Douglas county, of-
fleers. The Jackson county men
are on their way home from Salem,
where they took somo prisoners
Chiropractor -
"Complete Health Service".
Mineral Vapor Baths
927 Csb Phone 41
Phone 582
Day or Night
victories in n row the SfYl.mllrt i
to victory. .-
in your own car will give you added power and"
hen you need it and extra mileage.. Why not tak'
:hoicc of the champions Richfield! You can get ir "
it any station with the blue and gold shield.
CI ILUBE MOTOR OIL, too, fayed an im.
wrtant xirt in licsc grcot racing events
unming 1st mid 3rd Maces at Indiana
Imlis and 1st and 2nd places at Altoona. "-
O W E It.