THREE Inquest on Assassinated Reporter Pineapple-Apricot Sherbert 1 cup whipping cream and Buear, cooking until cuutard coats the spoon. Chill, add pniflt pulp and stiffly beaten creuhi. Place In Ice-making drawer und 3 cups water 3 tablespoons orange juice Local News 3 tablespoons lemon juice cup sugar teaspoon gelatine egg whites cup grated pineapple cup of cooked apricot Cook prunes until soft and put through sieve. Scald milk, add egg freeze 34 or 4 hours. Olalla Man in J. R. Davis, of Olaila, attended to business affairs in this city Thursday. . Here on Business It. O. Goff, of Wilbur, was In this city Thursday attending to business matters. From Dlxonville Mrs. Wilbur TiBon came in from Dlxonville yes terday to visit friends and shop. 2 lemons Serve only the Finest A tall, frosted 9I0U of Uplon'i Tsa Icsdl The bl.nd rival yisldi the fflott dwllcious flavor, either hot or ksd. Ask for tipton's Ysllaw label brand in 1 lb., V lb., ' lb., lCyt; and tea bag tins. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD UPTON'S TEA Shops in Town Mrs. Cora Jones of Oakland, was shopping in this city Thursday. Boil water and sugar together for ten minutes. Add pineapple, apricot pulp and gelatine which has been soaked In cold water. is Business Visitor H. M. Knapp, of Wilbur, was a business visitor today in Roseburg. Thoroughly chill, beat slightly with eg beater and add well beaten egg whites. Place In Ice-making pan to In From Cleveland Robert Kay den, of Cleveland, was in town yes terday transacting business. freeze. Stir It 3 times at half hour Intervals, from back to front, mix ing until smooth each tlma. This unust freeze at least three and one- fOIMrMtN half hours. OBMTsMSOSSl'Sr.' Hfsi Transacts Bus-iies Here Smith Prowell, of Carnes, transacted business In Roseburg Thursday. Srnta Clara Special QUAlANTIIO 1 Transacts Business Here J. F. Brown, from lies ton, transacted business in Roseburg yesterday. Is Business Visitor Fred Ball. Riddle resident, was in tills riiy yesterday as a business vis'.ior. J cup milk 1-8 teaspoon salt 1 egg Business Visitor From Coquille Frank D. Schram, of Coquille, wa3 a business visitor la this city to day. tablespoons sugar 3 cup prune pulp s i i r i ; ft; " t! .rC3H I Mr. Bond Transacts Business Roy Bond, ot Glide, transacted, business in Ro5burg yesterday. Mrs. Bond Shops Mrs. Perry Bond; of Glide, shopped and visit ed friends yesterday in this city. In From Canyonvilte J. N. Gross came In from Canyonvilto to attend to business matters yes terday. Mrs. Abeene Shops Mm. Ada Abeene, of Sutherlin, spent sev eral hours shopping in town yes terday. In From . Lookingglass A. B. Nickens, of LookingglaBS, was in Roseburg Thursday transacting business. Goes to Salem Senator B. I,. Eddy left yesterday for Salem where he will spend a few days on business. Mrs. Slack Visits Mrs. B. S. Slack, of Suthoiiin, spent several hnnrs in town yesterday visiting with friends. ' From Canyonvilte Mrs. Jessie Mnivlnn wns in fmm Pnnvntivlllo yesterday shopping and visiting with friends. Here on Business N. J. Fair hanks, of Oanyonvllle. wns In this city yesterday looking after busi ness affairs. , . Mrs. Collison in Mrs. Harry Oollison, ot Dixonville. spent a few hours in town yesterday visit ing and shopping. in From Melrose Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Goodbourn were in from Melrose today, transacting busU ness and visiting friends. Mrs. Haifleld Here Mrs. K. Hnt fleld, of Dlxonville, snent a few hours here yesterday shopping and visiting with friends. From Azalea Mr. and Mrs. George Wenderoth, of Azalea,' were In town Thursday transacting busi ness and calling on friends. j Shops In Roseburg Mrs. F. For tin, Oakland resident, spent sev eral hours shopping and visiting friends in town yesterday. Accepts Temporary Position Miss Dorothy Arundel has accept ed a temporary position as clerk in the local Woolworth store. License Issued A mnrrlaire li cense wss issued here veserdav to Darrel T. Carter of Riddle and Juanita Knight of Canyonvllle. Mure on Business Alvln TTcm- nilngsen. of Mvrtle Creek, spent several hours in Roseburg yester day In the Interests of business. Mirs. Stearns Visits Mrs. Ed Stearns, of Oakland, was In thi Mty todnv attending to business affairs and visiting with friends. Visitors From Wilbur Mrs. W E. Oodsey and Miss Alice Godsey Wilbur residents, were vlsitlnr friends and shopping In this city Thursday. From Myrtle Creek Mrs. Laurr Stephenson and Mrs. M. McDougal' of Myrtle Creek, were In towr Thursday visiting with friends and looking after business. Visit in California Mrs. V. R Duncan and son, Carl and dauch ter. Bernlce. are leaving today fo Oakland. California, where they will visit with relatives. Mrs. Blskely Here Mrs. Glen dora M. Blakely, state advisory nurse from the state hoard o' health in Portland, spent Thursday In Roseburg on business. Leaves for Honolulu Edwarr" Parker, who has been visiting htr mother. Mrs. Charles Healv. lef for Honolulu, T. H.. yesterday. Hf will sail from Portland. Enroute to Medford Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon of Powers werr In town today enroute to Med'orr" to spend the week-end as quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochran. Assist Superintendent Miss Car ol Ackert and Mrs. Ornha Collin' are asslslini! Mrs. Edith Ackert countv school superintendent slnre the resignation of Mrs. L. C. Davis as clerk. Ml BMk In TflWD Miss TT1 sie Bergh. who is emnloyed In the r'altrnrnta hnnlr In T.OS AneelPS Is snendlne her vacation vlsitlnr In this cltv with her parents, air. and Mrs. W. M. Bergh. Underno Minor Operations Vlr elnia. Faith nnd Anita Yo"ne daughters of Mr. and 'Mrs. Rov Ynrm nf this cltv. underwent ton silTtomv nnerntions vesterdnv morning In Dr. A. C. Seely's of flee. Visitor From Powers Vs. v.". nita Mi""hv. of Powers. Is visit ing In this 'city with hr mother Mrs. Davis, of South Main street and her sister. Mrs. Alfred Stevens. Here on Business E. G. Harlan of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce, Portland, is in Rose burg on business. Mr. Sinclair in Town Pete Sin clair, of Garden valley, was In town this morning looking after business interests. From Weston Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lander came In from Winston Thursday to visit friends and at tend to business matters. Wholesale Grocer Here F. D. Stephenson, wholesale grocer in Portland, Is spending a few days here transacting business. Sutherlin Resident In Mrs. E. M. Jenkins, Sutherlin resident. was In this city yesterday shop ping and visiting with friends. Undergoes Major Operation A. Denn of Camas valley underwent a major operation tills morning In Mercy hospital. Dr. L. M. Lehrbach in attendance. GOOD-NIGHT STORIES By Max Trell Is to burst." Bubble? The worst It to burst." Shadow Sayings. Do you know Mr. Bubble? Mi, Flor, Hanid, Yam and Knarf the shadows of five real-children met him yesterday morning in the bowl of a clay pipe. Just the top of his round head showed over the top of the pipe. "Good-morning," . Hanid greeted. "What are you doing inside the pipe?" "I live here," he replied, putting his head out a bit more the better to Bee whom he was talking to. "This is my home. Won't you come in?" . .. . it "Oh no, thank 'you," they said. "there doesn t seem to be any room. You look terribly crowded." "It Is rather small. I've thought of that myself. It was quite all right when I was little but I'm growing every instant. I'm afraid II have to seek bigger quarters unless something is done very soon. See here, young man," he said to Flor's master, Rolf, who was at the other end of the pipe with puffed-out cheeks, "you must find me a larger house, do you understand? I'm growing so lnrge I m coming out at the roof." The boy paid no heed. "Why don't you stop growing?" MiJ asked. "That's a good Idea, I'll stop at once." Instead of doing so, how ever, he continued to grow larger and larger. His round sides spar kled in the sunlight reflecting all the windows in the house. "Dear me." he sighed. "If only that boy would listen to me. But he pays no attention at all. I'm sure if he'd only stop blowing I'd stop growing." "I have a plan," Knarf said. "We'll put our arms around you and keep you from getting bigger. "Why Don't You Stop Growing?" Joining hands the shadows put their arms around Mr. Bubble. Iu vain. He grew In spite of them "Ouch, ouch, let me go!" he cried. "You're squeezing the stuff ings out of me!" "Humph, you haven't any stuff ings but air," said Yam. Fortun ately he didn't hear her. or else he would have been insulted. So big was he now that he was far biiger than the pipe and he bal - TODAY Watro-goMwyn -Mayer, rretend . i II ALL LIBERTY Teleuhuto of a slirriiiK scene on extreme right, brother-in-law of desen is conducting a thorough inquest into Lingle't murder on a crowded Chicago Btreet. Seated along the wall from left to-right, are the jurors. At a table at the left is Commissioner of Police Russell, who was a personal friend ot tire murdered reporter. 155,000 reward has been viction of his slayers. anced himself nervously upon the edge. . "I'm not going to stay here an other Instant," he cried, suddenly breaking free and floating down the garden path. "Do you know of any homes lor rent in the neigh borhood?" he asked the shadows, who ran along with him just be low. "There's the kennel," said Flor. "Kennel? Do you suppose I'll live In a kennel! I should say not! I'm not a dog. Oh, how angry this makes me. First, I'm thrown out ot my home, then I'm asked to live in a kennel. One would think I had no feelings, that I didn't mat ter to anybody. Well I have feel ings and I do matter. It's enough to make me burst with Indigna tion !" And to the shadows' astonish ment, that's exactly what he did. Attractions AT THE MOVIES ANTLERS. Today. Saturday, "The Rogue Song," with Lawrence Tlhbett, entirely in technicolor. LIBERTY. ' Today, Saturday, "This 'Mad World." SENATE CONFIRMS HANFORD MacNIDER WASHINGTON, June 20. The senate today without a record vote confirmed the nomination of Han ford L. MacNider, of Iowa, as min ister to Canada. Objecting to confirmation of Mac nlder, Senator Brookhart, repub lican, Iowa, today told the senate he "Is personally offensive to me in the highest degree." Senator Brookhart told the sen ate that MacNider, who also Is a republican, was "the chief lobbyist against me at the time of my con test for n Beat in the senate.". HUGE TIMBER TOLL TAKEN BY DISEASE EUGENE, Ore., June 20. Lum bermen and scientists gathered here yesterday for the forest sym posium of the annual session of the Pacific division of the Ameri can Association for the Advance ment of Science nad were told that tree diseases take an annual toll of six billion feet of timber, valued at $878,000,000 and that forest fires destroy annually from ten to twenty million acres of timber. E. I. Kotok, director ot the Cali fornia forest experiment station, declared western lumbermen must come to realize that slashing by burning is not only out of date but very Injurious to reforestation. Clearing of land should be done scientifically, he said, and protec tion of forest from fire should be done more Intelligently. Forest fires must be followed by careful reforestation and these new forests must be protected, he told the as- soclation. AND SATURDAY with KAY JOHNSON " BASIL RATH BONE LOUISE DRESSER ALSO All Talking Comedy Charlie Chase "Fifty Million Husbands" Also Special Act Admission Matinee 10-25 Evening 10-36 Matinee Sat at 2.15 as Coroner ButideHen (with hand raised) swears in Matthew J. Sullivan Jake Lingle. the star crime reporter of the Chicago Tribune. Dun- Come Into Mechanical refrigeration is grandest thine a snap of than ice" actually! Electricity promptly chills the refrigerator to the temperature desired and main tains these temperatures constant ly with never a speck of varia tion day and night Bummer and winter. Vegetables and fruits keep for weeks because of the intense dry cold; baby's milk Is vigilantly guarded "cuz germs can't possibly grow in this frigid zone and be sides It's really a miniature manu facturing plant In which all sorts of frozen foods can be made. Food insurance Is positively guaranteed. It's absolutely no bother, easily installed and easier cleaned. A bit of baking soda In tepid water and a soft cloth to wipe it out there always snick and span in Its gleaming white coat. Frozen Desserts There Is no end to the varletv of frozen desserts. Frozen electri cally means no labor nor messv clean-up and oh so good! The food value of such desserts is high. They are easv to digest and are valuable In the diet, unless too much cake or too rich CRke Is eaten with them. -Simple wafers, sponge cake and macaroons are an xceU lent accompaniment. Frozen mix tures are variously named. There are three types of Ice cream! French ice cream rich custard with cream or milk added. Apri can ice cream flour or cornstarch OROMITE Ht The year's C A Greatest Vj5 i faWl it Sensation. A hurricane of passion and love a whirlwina of adven ture and romance a storm of emotion and action glit tering with color awe-inspiring Bpoctacle made di vine by the greatest singing voice the picture world has ever known! ANTLERS Coming Sunday "Paris" ofrered for fhe capture and con the Kitchen . the I added to leRs rich custard. Phila the delnhia Ice cream thin cream (or cream nn'1 milk) without PRgS, Frozen electrically these require beating at half hour Intervals nearly always. They reuulro from 4i to 5 hours to freeze. Water Ices may be sugar-water or sugar-milk, syrup and fruit juice or they may have pgg white or gelatine added at which they become a sherbert or sorbet. Ices frozen without stirring are: Par falt Eggs cooked with syrup with whipped cream added. Mousse whipped cream prepared with gela tin and flavored. Frozen whipped cream, or gelatine. Frozen pud dling with fruits, nuts and ori ginally a bit of alcoholic mixture. Frozen fruit fruit pulp nnd su gar. Recipes for crank nnd Ice abound there are: Frozen by Wire Fresh Strawberry Mousse 2 cuns crushed strawberries 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup sugar (scant) 2 teaspoons gelatine. 1 cup whipping cream. Soak gelatine In 2 tnblesnoonn cold wnter nnd molt over hot wa ter. Allow crushed strawberries to atnnd In sugar for a s.iort time add lemon iulce and gelatine and combine with a smnll amount of stlfftv beaten cream. Place In one of the Ice-mnltine trnvs. allow to freeze from 4 J to 5 hours. ServeR six people. TODAY and Saturday A VOICE to mno 111 'ROUHO TUB WORWfWL mum Admission Matinee 10-35 Evening 1050 ' Matinee Dally A Is here. Even now the cars are rolling along the highways, filled with happy, care-Free (oiks out to see this great land of ours. And no matter where your plans may lake you, Middle West, Southwest, Rocky Mountain States, Pacific Coast even up into Western Canadcvvlhere will always be a clean, economical, de pendable Safeway Store conveniently near. Always get your camping foods at Safeway. Olives Highway, medium ripe, tasty relish. No. 1 tail cans. 2 cans j. 29j! Pickles Heinz genuine fermented Dills, supreme for lunches and picnics. . O C W Dozen -tJ Ginger Ale Pale Face, distributed on ly by Safeway. Refreshing and invigorating. Try it I 2 bottles 29 Fig Bars Fresh well filled plain or whole wheat. 24$ Palmolive Recommended by the leading beauty experts. 3 .19$ bars . Crystalwhite The billion dry sonp. 1 4 bars .. bubble laun- .....53$ Peanut Butter Highest quality, tasty, in bulk. Lb rich, ...17$ Select Your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Safeway Watermelons Cabbage Cantaloupes Red meated Klondike. Guaranteed ripe Lb 314C GreenOnion Large bunches. 3 for 10$ WE DELIVER QUANTITY Store No. 255, Roseburg, Camping Suggestions Beans Van and Camp's tomato . with pork Me- dium cans. 4 cans 33$ Chili or Tamales Walker's real Mexican quality. Quickly prepar ed. No. 1 cans, 4 cans 49$ Sardines Max-I-Mum or Tinapa in mustard or tomato sauce. 3 cans 29$ Mayonnaise Highest quality, guaran teed by Snfeway. Save in itk:. 28$ Corned Beef Libby's 12 I i. oz. ( sily prepared. 25$ Flapjack Flour Albers, take it camping. 23$ Package Local grown, fresh, crisp. 3d Lb. New Potatoes Medium size. Smooth skinned 7 220 lbs. 33r Butter Safeway quality, fancy fresh creamery butter. 2 ,bs 65$ Milk i i. mtism Max-I-Mum or Pel quality evaporated, always fresh. 7 tall cans -59$ Sugar Pure cane fine granulated. 10, bs. 49$ Flour Apex special blended family flour. Note the low., price. 49,b. ba8 ...$1.49 Crackers Snowflnkes, fresh, crisp saltine flnke9, Fam- QQW ily package wJjS Super Suds Deads of soap, making your dishwashing easier. Package 9$ . Marsh mallow Fresh and f iuffy, toast them by the campfire. ';, Lb 19$ Fancy ripe fruit. 3 for Bananas Golden ripe fruit. 5,bs 27$ ORDERS Phone 230