Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 20, 1930, Page 11, Image 11

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News of Douglas County
(Nwf-Rcvew liougloi Ctunly Swcul)
Jane Walker Ih ill at the homo of
)ir daughter,- Mrs. lien Duller of
J.onK Piali le.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wennla and
their house guests, Mth. Anna W'ea-
sela of Salem. Mlsa Conatance
llackelt of Cenlralla. Wash.. Mrs
Win. Fisher and (JaiiKliler,' Putty of
.nvaioru, niotoreu to i.oon lake
Monday evening and railed at the
tamp of Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Kilty
Vho returned Sunday from a trip
to the berry fields.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LevenhaRen
attended the hasehall game at Klk
ton Sunday.
Hoi-en. guests at the A. L. Duller
home on Long Prairie, wero Mr.
and Mrs. Moy Cairns of Iteedsporl
and Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Clacka
mas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wealheily at
tended church at Klkton Sunday
morning and motored to Drain In
the afternoon to meet their grand
son, Hilly Weatherly of Portland,
who will visit with them for a
Mrs. Fannie TIalnes of Oakland
Is a guest at the Fred Wealheily
Mrs. T.ury Sawyers Is visiting at
the J. N. Hodden home.
Mrs. Shrum of Dixonvllle slop
ped for a short lime In Scolts
hurg Tuesday.
Mrs. .Tosenh Albert and 'children
and Mra. Frances nice and chil
dren nf Portland wero guests of
Mrs. Ellsworth at the Scottshurg
hotel Tuesday.
Frank Ilrookhart and Jake
Ileeder arc making hay on the Not
tago farm this week.
Paul Ijivenhagen waa n Iicerts
port visitor Monday.
Rachel and Arnold Wessela
were guests at (he Walker home
In Schofleld Sunday, and intended
Ihe show in Ilccdspnrt In tho eve
ning. Howard Munson, who has been
employed at the Scottshurg garage
nil winter, Is making his home at
the Durchard farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Waggoner
nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Apnlegato and children nnd Mr.
nnd 'Mrs. Smliten wero nlcnlckers
In Ash valley Sunday. Mrs. Apple
gate's sister and hrolher-ln-lnw
from California wero nlso of Hie
Isabel Wilson of Ttcodsnort vis
ited with her mother, Mrs. Ells
worth Sunday.
Of Interest to mnnv Scottshurg
people was the wedding of Law
rence Fisher to Lorena Stalllnirs of
McMlnnvlllo. June G. Mrs. Fisher
was a high school teacher on Smith
Itlver two years ago. They will
make their home in Corvnllla
where Mr. Fisher has employment.
Rov Waggoner nnd family have
moved to Coos cnuntv to ho nenr
er Mr. Waggoner's work.
Ida Wessela. Sllllinnn. flene end
Ttarahnrs Wessela nnd Hotly
Wakefield motored to T,onevo Sun
day to visit Conrad Wessela. Tim
road work' Is moving slendily
nhend. The higluvnv has not been
blocked for several davs, as the
worst of tho "nolnt" Is cleared nn.
Several bovs from the ro'id canin
attended Ihe dnnco in Iteedsport
Saturday night.
f Vrwu-Ttovtrw Dnutrliu Comilv fWclnl)
' TRNMILR. Juno in. Tj. T. Short
nnd Mr. unil Mm. Orn.fln.1 Tyler
vero. Band on vIsMnrq Pnndnv.
Mrs. fnrlni(1o Wnrrt and dill
(.run. Artrlnn, Ellin. Wurron. Alma
nnd TzniB. Mr. nnd Mra. Don Hindi,
Robert ItnnKloH nnd Mrs. Mnrv
TlUfltineU wore Coqulllo visitors
Tho Tonmllo snliool monMntr
wns held Monday. Mr. Howell wiib
re-olficted director. Mrs. Cobat
waH re-dented rlerk. They votod
to discontinue (ho Tonmllo Hehool
bus becmiHo, of finnncpfi.
Mrs. Rlnlla Rice, former resident
of Tenmtle, who now renideB In
Coqullln, lm been quite ill but, is
imirh improved and nblo (o he up
and around.
Rev. Rankin preached bin last
sermon for this conference year
last Sunday.
(Wwh-RpvIp PoiicIm Ommly RivHal)
ni.KNOAT.K. .lime i8. Mr. and
Mrs. h. C. Normovlo motored to
Grant n Pp.h on matters of business
Monday afternoon.
A. O. Clarke, local Justice of
pence, nnd Mra. Clarke, who nre
(Spending the mi miner months nt
their camp on upper Cow creek,
transacted business nnd Bhopped
here Monday.
Rov. O. O. lternstcln left for his
home at Chicago Saturday evening
nfter making a brief visit with his
brother William (1. Rernateiu of
Just As Soon
As It Arrives
it it necessary to place the milk In the coldest part of the
refrigerator. If the bottles are allowed to become warm, a part
of the work done by pasteurization to make the product a health,
giving food, is simply undone. Milk must receive maximum care
from production to consumption.
Roseburg Dairy and
Soda Works
The Cleanest
Fernvale. Mr. Bernstein attended
the contereme of the Seventh Day
AUventiHta which concluded June,
12 at San Francisco, Cal.
Mr. and Mra. John Cox who have
been viaitlnj; at Portland anil Van
couver, Wash., wjiilo on their way
to their home at Med ford arrived
here Sunday and were overnight
f-'UCHtH of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Dobyns in this city. Mrs. Cox and
Mth. Oobyns are nisters. Another
sister, Mirf. Henry Wolff, who has
been visiting at the Hobyns home
for several days returned to her
home at Chiloqiiin Saturday. Her
son, Gerald, will remain here for a
month's visit with his cousins, Ar
thur and Virgil J-obyus. - - ,
K. II. Itelott, who conducts a
men's clothing store here, and Mth.
lielott, motored to RosebuiB Fri
day to attend to business matters
and visit with friends.
W. II. Hurst of Wolf Creek waa
a G) end ale business visitor Satur
day. - .
Charles OlltiKbouse, upper Cow
creek rancher, transacted business
here Saturday.
Mm. Klla Leach returned from
Portland Friday where she attend
ed the grand chapter of Oregon
O. K, S. as a delegate for the Glen
dale chapter of which she Is worthy
Bernard A, Chaney of Grants
Pass spent Sunday hero at the
home of his wife's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles B. Austin, where
Mrs. Chaney haa been staying for
several weeks. Mrs. Chaney has
been very sick for some time but
Is now much better and la able to
be up a part of the time.
1 toy Caraway who has been
visiting friends nnd relatives in
this vicinity for three days re-:
turned to Portland Friday eve
ning. He is employed on a work
train by the Southern Pacific com
pany. Norman Holtz made a business
trip to Medford Friday,
GLENDALE, June If). Ed Basye
of Takilma visited at the L. C.
Basye home on Willis avenue Sat
urday and Sunday. He is a neph
ew iSt "L. C."
Frank Brandon of Grants Pass,!
employed with ihe service repay
ment of tho California Oregou
Power company, was here Tuesday
helping W. L. Hohyns, local repre
sentative for the power company,
set up two electric refrigerators
sold to Dr. A. J. Fawcett and A. A.
Hollevoet. occupying apartments lu
the Bank building.
The Presbyterian Ladles Aid will
hold Its last meeting of the season
at tho ranch home of Mrs. Harry
Cooke, near the Azalea postofflce
on the Pacific highway, Friday,
Juno 20.
Hans Egeberg. trackwalker for
the Southern Pacific company,
transacted business at Grants Pass
. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nelpert, who
resided here for more than a year
while Neipert. was supervising mill
wright In charge of construction
on the new Gleudale Lumber com
pany's sawmill and planing mill,
have purchased a 2n-Here tract In
Kdeuhower, north of Roseburg,
whero they expect to reside. Since
leaving Glendale they have been
living at Huher.
Glenn Hayes, principal of the
Chiloqiiin schools, and Mrs. Hayes
arrived here Monday and were
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Dnhyns at their home on the
corner of Second street and Mont
gomery avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Hayes are on a vacation trip and
expect to visit at tho various coast
cities along the Roosevelt bjghwny,
especially in the Coos bay section.
They resumed their trip Tuesday
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D, Zwlgbt and
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Harding mo
tored to Portland Sunday, return
ing here Tuesday. Mrs. Zwight
went to Portland with the Inten
tion of entering a hospital for n
major operation but the doctors
there decided she did not require
nn operation at this time.
George F, Ollugbnuse, deputy
sheriff, made a trip to upper Cow
creek to Borve Bomo legal papers
Tuesday. Ho waH accompanied on
the trip bv A. A. Hollevoet.
Allen C. Smith left for Willows.
Cal., Tuesday evening. He Is Join
ing a parly of limber cruisers now
estimating timber on a large tract
near Willows.
Reserve officers commissions
hnve been received by Phil 1.
Harth and Clifford Thornton, both
of this city. Mr. Harth Is commis
sioned a second lieutenant in the
quartermaster reserve and Mr.
Thornton Is made. a second lieu
tenant In the engineer reserve.
Place in Town g
(Vws-Revkw Dougla. Cuuntjr Sprt-U!)
5 YONCAU.A, June 10. Mr. Ilert
Applegate antf Suit Konert, of Med.
ford, are visiting at the home of
Mr. Appleftate's . mother, Mrs',
Sarah Applegate' lor a few das.
i Postmaster Edes, Marlon' Edes,
Mrs. Luther Daugherty and Kath
eryn Daugherty left Monday morn
ing for Poitlund. Mr. Edes will at-!
tend the postmasters' ' convention
while there. Marion will visit at
the Rupprecht home and Mrs.
Iaugherty and Katheryn will visit
relatives. They expect to be gone
five days. -
Mr. and Mra. Vincent Apple
gate and son, Howard, left Mon
day for Portland and Bellingham,
Wash. ' i
Mrs. Lena Txing Is entertaining
her son, Carl Long, and his son,
Douglas, of .Portland, .for a couple
of months.
Dr.- MeKalg reports a son born to
Mr. find Mrs. .Ceo. Bell, Sunday,
June IS; t
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leadbetter
of Goldendale, Wash., spent sev
eral days last week visit Ing at the
S. M. Brown home, enroute to
Louisiana, where they will visit
Mr. Leadbetter's parents.
Mrs. L. W., Wise spent several
days last .Week" visiting relatives
and receiving medical attention In
Mrs. O. W. Williams la visiting
relatives In Portland for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. I.each, Bertha
Clinton and Margaret Ludwlg
spent the week-end visiting Mrs.
Leach's mother at Coqullle.
Mr. Joe Ltitz left. Friday for Sa
lem and Toledo, whero he will visit
his brother and sister, who are ser
iously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. earner or crams
Pass spent Wednesday visiting at
the II. L. Stonaker home.
Mrs. Levi Asker of Drain, who
has been qulle sick at the home of
Mra. Edith Thompson, Is much im
Wilbur Fosn and Dave Rogers
enjoyed a dny's fishing nt Smith
Illver Thursday. They returned
home, with tholr limit of fine big
Mrs. Mnry Thompson enjoyed
four days' visit wllh relatives at
London last week.
Mrs. Fobs nnd daughter, Ertltn,
spent Wednesday Bhopplr.g In Cot
tage drove.
Hnald Cuard, Clytlo Kelso and
Oono Cowan left, last Tuesday for
Cnmp Clatsop, Ore, where they
will attend tho national guard
training camp:
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Tlnughorty
nnd family and John Smith en
joyed a dny's oullng at Winchester
Ilnv Thursday.
Mra. Gertrude Stoute lert Wed
nesday for Portland, where Bhe
will visit for n few days, prior lo
hor. departure to Monmouth, where
she will at tend summer arhnol.
Miss Helen iMnthis left Saturday
for Monmouth, where she will at
tend summer school.
Rev. and Mrs. K. K. Clark mo
tored to Alpine. Saturday, where
Rev. Clark preached to the Alnlne
Odd Fellows lodge Sunday, morn
ing nt the M. F,. church.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Jennings and
daughter left Sundnv for Klnmnf'i
Falls, where thev will make their
home In the future.
Blanche and Kenneth Toner, who
hove attended normal : school ut
Monmonth all winter, are home for
the summer vacation.
Mr. R. W. Davis and his S"ndnv
scliool cl!o left Mnndav for a
three-dnvs' canning ti-tn tienr Cot-
tnt fjrnvn, Tto,ct lnciw!nt
Tinh PTt HeorfO. T?nhntR TIMI TnH-
dlck, "Robbie Pmnbl. Toh .Toin
son. Ttarold Kd"q Otnm'e rtnnb.
etv. Jt Ttn". John "M'l Tinny""!
Toner, Rudy Tlltich nnd Alger Hol
la rd.
Mr. T. IT. Wn-tf'ill n'tnndn-'."'"
Cool Talcs
Warm Days
H Luxurious Bills to good
a RroomfiiK on Summer's sul-
ry ilnys, Snarl Talc ($1.00),
M Cnra Nome Talc (J1.00) anil
3 imsKa lute i.irj. as sou
d mul fine as silk velvet! Sold
3 inly at Kt-xall Stores.
3 i i - -1
S Nathan F ullerton
A fi
lli P; JLLI
Masonlo convention bM In Pert
land last week. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hogan and
family oC Sacramento, Calif., and
Mrs, C. E. tilaeKinley of Lewis
ton, Idaho, are visiting at the Win.
Hogan ho ii)a on Itito bill for. a
couple of weeks. ,
Mr- and, Mrs. L. P. Miller, Juan
fta Miller and Zuloln Tibhets of
Talent are visftlnK at the Kmma
Miller home in Hayhurat for a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Dickenson
and daughters of Spray, Ore., are
vialtlnK at the N. Crowe home for
a few days.
Mra. Palmer and , daughter,
Alice and son. Tommy, left Tues
day morning for eastern Oregon,
where they will make their home
this Bummer.
A very pleasant eyenlnR" was
spent at Uoswell Springs camp
Thursday evening, when, J.he Rirls
of the junior choir, u tysc in a
recent contest, entertained th.
boys at a picnic. Swimming was
indulged in before supper, and
games were, played after supper.
Fried chicken, donated . by H. Wr.
Davis, was enjoyed at the supper.
Those present were Messrs. It. W.
Davis, bill Tendlck, Harold Kdes,
Raphael and John Toner, Harry
and Herman Mathfs, Paul Ludwis,
Claude Daugherty, Lawrence
Coons. Bob and Oeo. Roberts, Al
ger Hellard and Rudy tJIrich.
Misses Katheryn and Altaloulaa
Daughertv, Dorothy and Marion
Kdes, Blanche, Marie. Kslher
Huntington, Audrey Smith, Doris
Mathfs, Hilda Tendick. Mesdames
iMay Daugherty, Ruth Kdes and
Minnie Davis. - ;
Tho ladles of ihe Yonealla Study
club and the Yonealla Kmhroidery
club enjoyed a picnic nt the beau
tiful grove at Canyon Cove auto
camp Wednesday afternoon. A
long table was spread under the
large fir trees, with everything
good to eat imaginable where
about thirty ladies enjoyed their
dinner. The afternoon was spent
In visiting nnd a good time enjoyed,
by nil present.
A dny- long to bo remembered
was enjoyed nt the M. K. church
Rundav. At the morning service
Mr. Humphrey of Cottage Grove
nreacbed the sermon. Mr. Allen
from Cottage Grove sang a beauti
ful solo. At the evening service
fifteen vonng people from Cottage
Grove "Baptist church came down
and put on a wonderful snored con
cert. Mr. Allen sang two beautiful
solos, nnd several numbers wore
given by tho entire choir, besides
single quartet and double nuartet
numbers. Mrs. Claude Sherman
nnd Mrs. Orpah Benson plaved the
accompaniments. Rev. T. M. Ran
die, pastor of the First Rantlst
church at Cottetrc Grovo. gave n
short sermon, which was very help
ful on "Loyalty to the Church."
The church was beautifully deonr.
ated. Following tho service, the
guests were served a delirio"
lunch bv several of tho Ladles Aid
( wjct.itpr1 Trow T.wiWfV'WIrd ,
PARIS. .Tune 10.CnnMn R'r
Oeorge Hubert Wllklus, T.HlRh ex
plorer, nnd Lincoln Ellsworth.
American, who basnuent 'uuch or
bis IKn In th Ant'c reo-ion. t
day nnnonnced collaboration In nn
attempt next yenr to reach the
North Tole by means of a submar
Drier Pipe
For any Type of Drier
Cast iron and steel drier stoves.
Let us give you an estimate on
your requirement.
Sheet Metal Works
Practical, accurate and depend
able sheet metal work.
Phone 428 1 329 N. Jackson
Suffered 20 Years and Tried
Everything. Couldn't
"I suffered with piles for twenty
years and could not get relief un
til I resd in the paper about these
Colac Tile l'ills you take internal
ly. They are marvelous," enthu
siastically declared W. 1). For, a
well known farmer of Mt. Jack
son, Virginia.
"My stomach felt miserable and:
the piles would come down so bad
they felt big as my fiat and hurt;
so bad I could not sit down or walk
but thanks to Colac Pile Tills, I'm
free at last of that awful trouble.
I couldn't believe that pills you
swallowed at meal time would help
piles in such a short time but after
the first two doses I could see I
was Retting; better. Ill Rladly tell
anybody what they did for me if
they write and you can use my
name all you want to," continued
this man. Thousands of others
say the same. No one should suf
fer another day or bother with
nasty salves or suppositories. Doc
tors endorse this new internal way.
Harmless and quick. If reader de
sires to try Colac rile Pills, buy a
, bottle of local drURRist, or send
75c '.o Colac Chemical Co, Brent
! wood, Md., for regular bottle, full
i directions, postage paid, by return
j mail. Results guaranteed or mon
ey back by this nationally known
concern. ...
W. M. Campbell, city superin
tendent of schools, is leaving Sat
urday for Eugene, where he Is to
attend the University of Oregon
summer school. He will take work
in the Uepartineut ot education,
studying particularly school ad
ministration. His family will ac
company him and will spend the
summer in Kugene. Mr. Campbell
plans to return to Koseburg at fre
quent intervals during July to keep
in touch with the office here. He
will be back August 1 to prepare
tor the opening of the 1930-31
school year, which will begin Sep
tember 15.
W. L. H. Osborne, formerly cap
tain in the officers' reserve corps,
has been promoted to the rank of
major, effective June 9, according
to word received here today. .Ma
jor Osborne saw service during the
World war with the 348th machine
gun battalion and was decorated
for bravery in action at the battles
of Ypres and Meuse-Argonne. He
assisted in the organization of the
national guard company in tins city
following his return from service
and this year spent three months
t an otficers training school in
(NVwu-lti'vipw Tiultfla Cmwty Stwclal)
Palmer Davis, who has been
working for the forent service, Ih
Bpendfng a few days here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davis.
(Jlen Cox. of KoaebuiK, spent last
Sunday evenlnR with his brother,
J. W. Cox.
Frank Delts, of The Dalles, Is
visi linn with his uncle, H. K.
Ulood and family for a few days.
Miss Kthel Shepherd, of Itosu
hurg, was a caller Tuesday at the
home of her parents here.
Miss Margie James Is spending
a few days at Drew' visiting her
sister and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bushong and
In a
) 1930. Ltcrjrrr & Mvtis Tobacco
Mihs Betty Cherry of Melrose were
callers at the home of Mrs. Jaines
here Sunday.' : J
Jerome Burroughs, of Hosebi
spent the week end at tliq homa fcf
J. V . Cox. til
i 1 1 i
Transacts Business " Here Wil
liam Weaver came In from Myrtle
Creek yesterday to transact busi
ness. UTS
' makes White Star Tuna
relished by every mem
berof the family.. dozens
of easy ways to serve it
to sive tongue-tickling
variety to the menu. .high
sea captain it's Vigilance
a cigarette it's Taste
UteRNAL VIGILANCE' taking nothing for.
granted . . . leaving nothing Undone that's the man
date of the sea. Exacting laboratory research, rigid
production standards .... endless care that's
Chesterfield's watchword.
MILD, AROMATIC TOBACCOS, patiently aged,
are the basis of Chesterfield's wholesome goodness.
Chesterfield's blend and . cross-blend retains and
rounds out their appetizing spice and flavor.
CHANCE PLAYS NO PART in keeping them
truo to their course the safe, satisfying course of
. . . 'TASTE above everything".
Da, H. C. .Church, a captain in
the local chapter of the officers'
reserve corps, has received orders
to attend officers' training school
at Fort Lewis July 6 to 19 inclu
sive. He is to be attached .to the
319th medical regiment for train-
' V": j
AT v!-;3
ing. Mrs. Church will accompany
u:... frhnv iilan in .leave Julv 3.
and will make the trip by suio.- '
- : '
Former Residents Here Mr.
and Mrs. A. aleClellalid, former
Roseburg, residents, passed
through this city yesterday on
their way to Oakland, California,
to spend a two weeks' vacation.
Mix one cupful of soft bread crumbs
With one cupful of milk, cook slowly for
ten minutes, until the mixture is smooth.
Msh one and one-hal f cupfuls ot White
Star Tun and press through a coarse
strdincrora meatchopper. Add to bread
and milk mixture one-tnird cupfu lof milk
two beaten eggs, four tablespoons of
melted butter, one teaspoonfulsaltand
one tablespoonful of chopped parsley
or pimlcnto. Line buttered individual
moldswith rice or spaghetti and fill with
the fish mixture. Place the molds In a pan
of hot water, cover and bake fpr thirty
minutes In a moderate oven. Turn out
on a hot platter and icrve with parsley
or pimlcnto sauce.
We state it as out honest
belief that the tobaccos used
in Chesterfield cigarettes are
of 6ner quality and hence
of better taste than in any
other cigarette ac the price.