THREE Local Here on Business Aaron Dysert, of Keston, was In this cily Wednes day on business. Visitor' From Tenmile Mrs. W -!. Coats was a visitor here from Tenmile Wednesday. ' Here on Business Henry Ander son, of Melrose, was here Wednes day oa business. Is Business Visitor J. Gurney, of Reston, was a business visitor iu ltoseburg yesterday. Is Business Visitor Jess Marr, of Dixonville, was a business visi tor In Roseburg Wednesday. Melrose Man Here Otto Math ews, of Melrose, camo in yesterday to attend to business affairs. From Reston Charles Pysert was in 1 from -Reston yesterday looking after business matters. Mr. Bursik In Town Frank Bursik came In from Melrose Wed nesday to attend to business af fairs. Mr. Cheever In William Cheev cr came In from Elkton Tuesday evening to look after business mat ters. Transacts Business Mike John son, of Reston, spent several hours in this city transacting business Wednesday: Sutherlin Man In D. F. Richard son, Sutherlin resident, was attend ing to business affairs yesterday in this city. Mr. Schultze Here P. Schultze, of Portland, well known In this city, wus here Tuesday on busi ness. Business Visitor Here R. L. Rlchter, of Camas Valley, spent severul hours here yesterday as a business visitor. ' Transacts Business Here Wil liam Melton, ot Dixonville, trans acted business here lor several hours yesterday. From Myrtle Creek J. M. Dear dorff, of Myrtle Creek, spent sev eral hours in this cily Wednesday transacting business. Former Resident Visits Mrs. W. O. Cordon, ftugene resident, form erly of tills city, was visiting friends hero Wednesday. From Glendale D. C. Harris, Southern Pacific roadmaster at Glendale, spent Tuesday In this city transacting business. Mrs. Lander Here Mrs. Henry Lander, of Winston, spent several liours in town shopping and Visit ing with friends yesterday. Back From Portland Miss Ber tha Penlney has returned to this city after spending several days In Portland attending to business. Back From Diamond Lake Don Chase has returned to this city after spending several days enjoy ing the fishing at Diamond lake. Here From Eugene P. M. Krutzler, Southern Pacific road master at Eugene, was in town yes terday attending to business mat ters. In .From Medford j. F. Mash burn, of Medford, district manager of the Safeway stores, spent Wed nesday in Roseburg transacting business at the local store. . Visit In Eugene Mrs. J. E. Clark and son, "Toby" of Eugene, left yesterday for Eugene, where they iWill spend a week or ten days vis iting with friends and relatives. Undergoes Major Operation Harry Uurr, patient in the vet erans' hospital in Portland, under went a major operation on Friday, June 13. Jle is reported to be do ing nicely. Guest at Bemls Home 0. W. Crawford of Hastings, Michigan,' is a guest at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bemls, of this city. Mr. Craw ford will spend the remainder of this week here. Given Commission Henry Ar thur Simmons of this city has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry reserve, according to word received here today. Mr. Simmons was recently examined and approvde by the examining board of the local reserve chapter. BACKACHE If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, causes Burning or Itching Sensation, Backache or Leg Pains, making you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, why not. try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't L'ive up. Get Cystex today at any drug store. Put it to the test. See how fast It works. Money back if It doesn't bring quick im provement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. Nathan Fullerton, the Rexall Store. Adv. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF. CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician says, "Constipation is responsible for more misery than any other cause." But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Or derlles has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the sys tem Into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry toed waste and causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c to day at the nearest Rexall Drug Store. Adv. ' News5 Mr. Conn .Here Kenneth Conn, of Melrose, was here this morning on business. Mrs. Paris In Mrs. R. K. Paris, of Canyonville, came in today ; to visit friends and shop. From Yoncalla Mrs. Uoyd Wise, Yoncalla resident, was a visitor In tnls city yesterday. Glendale Man in Howard Lvs- tul. of Glendale was in this city luuay on Dusiness.- 1 " - Transacts Business Here J. B. Howard, of Tenmile, transacted business in Roseburg Wednesday. Mrs. Conner Rhnnw fra n A Cooner. of Sntherlin who tn this uiiy yesieroay snopping and visit lng with friends. . Mrs. JonH In TnwnMra T Fl Jones, of Oakland, was visiting menus and shopping in this oity this morning. Mrs. Zerllnger Visits Mrs. Ed Zerlinger, of Melrose, was visiting friends and shopping in Roseburg yesterday. In From Glide Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Chapman, of Glide, came in this morning to attend to business af fairs and visit with friends. Mrs. Kliest Visits Mrs. R. D. Kllest, of Brockway, spent several hours shopping and visiting friends in this city this morning. Condition Unchanged The con dition of H. S. French, patient in Roseburg General hospital, is re ported to be unchanged. Oakland Residents In Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hennlnger, Oakland res idents, transacted business and called on friends yesterday In this city. Eastern Star to Meet A social meeting of the Order of the East ern Star will be held this evening at eight o'clock in the Masonic temple. From Curry Estate Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wright came in from Curry estate today to visit with friends and look after business matters. From Los Angeles George Fields, district manager for the iwciiiihjhu vu cuiuiittuy, wim utrau- quarters. in Los Angeles, was. in Roseburg yesterday on business. Back From Diamond Lake Don and Bob Chase and David Collins, returned last night from a week spent at Diamond lake, where they enjoyed a most successful fishing trip.. They report the road .to crater lake still closed. -,' Make Home Here Mark M. Jor dan and family, recently from Col umbus, Ohio, arrived in Roseburg about a week ago, and will make their future home In this city. Mr. Jordan will be associated with his brother, Mr. Loring Jordan, in the Piggly-Wiggly store. Stockholders Meet James Moe of Portland; J. W, Wunn of Eu gene; Mr. and Mrs. Vernie M. Aus tin of Portland; A. D. Campbell, D. B. Dobson, M. B. Costelloe and Virgil Cameron, Eugene residents, were in Roseburg Tuesday evening attending a meeting of the stock holders of the Elliott Creek mines. MMM'1M'M'MM'I You will be charmed with these new arriva Is at la dies wear department. These beautiful new dresses come in all the attractive colors and fabrics. It is impossible for us to adequately describe them in detail you'll just have to come in and look them over and try on those mt - ting your ideals. HOSIERY TO MATCH ALL DRESSES I. ABRAHAM! THE SILK STORE T YONCALLA Ore., June 19. Frank Shrull, son of Mrs. Rashel Shrull of Yoncalla was accidentally killed 'luesday afternoon at West- fir, Ore. Mr. Shrull was on a log ging tratn, and while coupling the train. It gave a Jerk. Mr. Shrull jumped, but two logs caught him, and crushed him to death killing mm almost Instantly. Percy De Bell, a brother-in-law was near the scene at the time of the accident. Mr. Shrull was 25 years of age. Here on Business Henry Shirt- cliff came iu fVom Myrtle Creek to day to transact business. Shops In Roseburg Mrs. C. A. Beals, of Day3 Creek, was shopping here yesterday for several hours. Glide Man In Charles Chap man, of Glide, was in town yester day looking after affairs of busi ness. Lumberman in Roseburg F. B. Huntington, lumberman at Maple, Oregon, Is spending a few days here on business. Mr. Strader Business Visitor Roy Strader, of Dixonville, spent several hours here as a business visitor today. Here From Portland Guy H. Smith ot Portland is spending a few days In this city attending to business affairs and visiting with friends. Undergoes Major Operation George Norman of Milo underwent a major operation yesterday eve ning in Roseburg General hospital, Dr. E. B. Stewart In attendance. From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gunther and Mr. Wing, who are associated with the A. A. A. In Portland, nre spending a few days here on business. Hospital 1 Patients S. A. San- ford, who lias been receiving treat ment In Roseburg General hospital, was discharged this morning. Liltle Verna Mne demons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. ClemonB of this city, is receiving treatment In the hospital. J. H. Prowell of Roseburg has been admitted for medical treatment. Motors to Corvallis Mrs. A. A. Richard motored to Corvallis yes terday with a group of delegates from the Methodist Episcopal church, South, who are attending the C. E. convention being held there. Mrs. Richard returned to Roseburg yesterday evening..'? Visitors From Portland Mrs. A. A. Rucker and daughter, Miss Ger trude Rucker, ot Portland, are guests at the" home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Elliott. Mrs. Rucker plans to return to Portland soon, while Miss Rucker will visit here for a month". Returning to Wenatchee Mr. and Mrs. John Goodhue, formerly of this city, who have been In Cal ifornia for some months, are in Roseburg for a few days visiting friends. They are enroute to wen atchee, where they have made their home since leaving here two or thiee years ago. Remarkable Values I IN Summer Dresses i g s g g 1 SMART NEW STYLES AT LOW PRICES He lived In and near Yoncalla tor a number ot years, and has hosts of friends who mourn his death. He Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Rachel Shrull, two sisters, Mrs. Percy DeBell of Yoncalla and Mrs. Bursch of Washington, D. C. Fune ral services will be held in the Yoncalla chapel, Thursday ' afle noon with Interment at the Yon calla cemetery. NORTHWEST WOOL GROWERS SAVE BY WATER SHIPMENTS PORTLAND, Ore., June 19. A saving ot a fraction of a cent a pound by water transportation as against rail is sending thousunds of tons of wool through the port or Portland this year that former ly moved overland. As a consequence the American- Hawaiian Steamship company has auueu lour vessels to the regular intercoastal sailings from this port. Two of the extra ships have loaded and two others are to ar rive within the week. The saving in transportation Is being effected by the National wool Growers' association, nation wide cooperative formed under the direction of the federal farm board. In previous years it was the prac tice ror wool growers In marginal territory, such as eastern Idaho and western Wyoming, to ship their clip to Boston by the quick est route the railroad and for feit up to one-fifth of a cent a pound that might have been saved by water transortation. The National Marketing associa tion, being less concerned with quick sale than with effecting every possible -economy has been routing the marginal wool to tide water ports. SCHOOL CLERK AND DIRECTOR CHOSEN MONDAY AZALEA, June 19. A school meeting was held at Azalea school district No. 110 Monday and Mrs. Harvey JenKs whb chosen director, and Mrs. Halbert Rootli wus re elected clerk. The other two di rectors are 'Mrs. George L. Jantzer and Mrs. J. A. Warren. J. R. Pickett got the contract tc( cut the wood to he used for the fol lowing school term. FORMER EDITOR VISITS GLENDALE, June 19. George Drummond, a former editor and publisher of the now extinct Glen dale News, and Mrs. Drummond were week-end visitors with his niece, Mrs. H. G. Paige, and family. Drummond was owner ; of the Glendale News about 13 years ago. After selling out his interests he moved to Klamath Falls where he conducted a job printing plant for about 10 years. He is now living near Gold Hill. 'kiddies' dresses special ' New lot ot kiddies' summer dress nd bloomer to match.-' Good ma terials and really styled. Sizes 2 to 6 at $1.00 and 7 to 14 at $1.29. Tills lot includes former valueB to $1.95. See them and you will ap preciate the values. Can's, "where you save." Adv. s The Southern Oregon Gas cor poration gives fifty feet of gas ser vice free with their installations. Adv. COUPES Business men and salesmen find the coupe convenient and practical. Young people find it chummy. One car families have found the used coupe a big relief when the family car is in use. Listed below are coupes which we have in stock, each one of them so well valued that we shall refund your money in full, if, within three days, you are not satisfied with your bar gain. Dodge 1926 Coupe Without doubt this car is the best used car we have ever tak en in with a mileage of 1 7,000. Price $550 Buick 1925 Coupe This car has a fine moior which delivers excellent gaso line mileage. Its lines and six cylinders assure one of auto mobile satisfaction for years yet to come. Price $550 Dodge 1925 Coupe Original black enamel fin ish is bright. Engine is in fine condition. Tires are average. Most of its mileage has been on pavement. Equipment is complete. Price $375 Ford 1924 Coupe A snappy looking car with red wood wheels to contrast the black fenders and body. Inside, the car is neat and clean with attractive new seat covers. Will sell for $20 down and $3 a week. Newland Motor Company 116-122 S. Stephens St. Roseburg, Oregon USED Attractions AT THE MOVIES ANTLERS. Today, Friday, Sat urday, "The Rogue Song," with Lawrence Tibbett, entirely in tech nicolor. MBERTY. Today, "Girl of Port," with Sally O'Nell; Friday Saturday, "This Mad World." - AWRENCE TIBBETT, known - as the greatest living baritone, and the first American to reach the topmost position in operatic circles, is now biasing a new trail, for he is the first major opera star to be featured in a talking picture. "The Rogue Song," all-talking drama of the Caucasus, filmed en tirely in technicolor, with Tibbett as the star, will open tonight at the Antlers theatre. Tibbett sings sonss ranging from those of op eratic Calfher. Wtth n avmnhnnv chesira accompaniment, to simple love oaiiaus. He rides at breakneck pace mrougn varied adventures, while ht-tllinnt ItallctD itn,iilrtnnn, tain scenery, and other Interesting ueiuiis are repined to make this Dictura r-na nf the mnnt nlahnruiD productions ot the year. I he Albertlna Rasch Ballet, In a snectnculnr nil fnlm niimku. .tt. a hundred girls, dance to special music written by the modernistic composer, Mimitrl Tiomkin. Desnite tha Olnhnt-nta muol,. fen1. lets and color, it is said the picture is not "high brow." Lionel Barry more directed it no n drama rf adventure, love and romance, with the music a part of, rather than the principal factor of the drama. o . FIREWORKS AT CARR'S Pfimnlnta Una nf fl.Ani.nni...n candles, torpedoes, novelties, etc'. omvtt wo .iiuhl Duy conservatively on these items, better make your choice early. Carr's, Adv. SIMMONS In tho Circuit Court of tho Stat of Or OBTm for nnnirlna Pa.,.,.. Clnrenre White and Horn Whit a. i I'lnintiffs, vh. ! WIIHum SIohi), The Oroson nnd ( nllfornlit Hallroiiri Co., a corpor- i otlon. iiIro tilt othor persons or pnittoB unknown clniruln(? nnyi rlKht. title, oHtato, lien, or Intor cut In tho reul entitle tltwrlbert in i tho oomplnlnt heroin, 1 lofcncliintH, I To the nbovo numtMl rtelVnilantH, Wllllnm Sloan nnd h)ho all other perHons or parties unknown claim ing nny rlffht, title, cnluU, lien or IntereHt In (he reul ealn(e (Uwrlh ert In tho complnlnt herein: In tho niime ot the Statu of Ore- P ' LIBERTY ffl5, - TODAY Friday and ' Satday What Opportunity Usually Demands Opportunity UBimlly demands that your answer of "ready" must be In ready cash; A growing account witli this bank Is a great help In preparedness. 4 Interest Paid on Savlngt Accounts, TheRosebur National Bank Roseburg, Ore. Ask Us For Those who have sjtfii . . nad the experi- K(fe fjSX Advice ence, know thnt 5L f isM I it is best to consult a local funeral IKk' I director first when word is re- I pSi? wd III ceived of a distant loas. . I fifHTWl I Our equipment and connections I REefC' (kllSj III with other reliable funeral direc- I ftSSy I 'or enable us to take care of I ysjX K every detail quickly and economi- I ly " I DOUGLAS J- FUNERAL HOME "f MARRY C STEARNS. MGR. OTiitne and Isetoaet Pkcme.112 aosEBuae gon you are hereby required to ap. pt-ar and utis'wer the complaint riled HKainHt you in lh nbve entitled court and rauite within four wekw from the dale or the first publica tion of this mmimonji and if you full to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, a buc clnct statement of which Is as fol lows: that you he required to ap pear and set forth the nature and character of your adverse claim to th following described real estate In DoukUi.h County, Oregon, to-wit: The west hulf of the southwext quarter Me 13; I.ots one, two, and three, southwest quarter of f be northeast quarter and tho east half of the southeast quarter Sec. H; 1-ot one Sec. 22: Lot thret Sec. 24' all Lin Township Ti South of itanite 10 west or intt wiMuinette. Aleriuian, and that upon the hearing thereof It be decreed that the plaintiffs are the owmrb In re simple of said real property, and that you have no estate. rlKht, title. Intercut, or lien In upon or to suld real eainte or any part thereof, and that the title of the plaintiffs to said real estuto be forever quieted against you, and that you bo tn Joined froin assert Iiik or clulmiiiK any rUht, title, estate, lien, or Interest In or to said real estate. This summons Is served upon you by publication In the HoseburK News-itevlew, a newspaper of Ken e ru I circulation, published in Douk las County. Orr-Kon, pursuant to an order of tho Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on the Jftth day of June, 1930, requiring this summons to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks anil reaulrlntr you to nonear and answer piHiuiu is compmiju wnii ln four weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons. Dated and first published June 19, 1930, CAUL. E. WIMIiKniW. M. I HALhMAHK Attorneys for Plaintiff. PoRt of fice address: Roseburg, Oregon. OTICK TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Pouxlas County. Tn the matter of the estate of Job Aspinall, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of the- estate of Job Aspinall. deceased, by order of tho njjove entitled court made and entered on the ISth day' of June, mart. Ail nersons havinK claims against tho estate of said deceased nre hereby required to present them, duly verified as by law required, to tho undersigned at his law offfeeR in the court iioubo in uoseourff, l-lniiirlnn fnliril V Hl-nB'nil. willlin SlX months from the date of the first publication of this notice. iuue or i ii si jjhui. i-uii" "" 19th. 19.10. , , Unto of lat publication July mh'mo" onr cordon, Administrator of the estato of Job Aspinall, deceased. NOT1CK OF PIN Alt I1KAH1XO In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of A. K Bell, deceased. : Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of A. K. Hell, deceased, has filed In tho above entitled court his final account of his administration of said estate and the court, by an order duly made and entered, bus fixed Suturdav, the HUh day of July, t tun, at Hiu hour of ten o'clock n thtt forenoon of ha Id day, as the time., and tin, county court room In the Court Houk at JtoHeburg, in Douglas County, Oregon, as the place for hearing object I ons, if any there be, to the salt) flnnl account or to the settlement of said eatute. Duto of firat publication June 19, 1930. Imto of last publication July 17. 1930. OUV COTtDON. Administrator of the estate of A. R. Hell, deceased. .V tOR"APPR(MCillwS MBERi, is TODAY STARTS ONCE IN A LIFETIME! A PLAY IS WRITTEN "! A SONG IS COMPOSED A VOICE IS BORN "; A PICTURE IS PRODUCED Creating a new standard . . eclipsing all, that went before r . taking its plnce among the immortals . , towering in a Hall of Fame preserved for only the truly great . . loved- and idolized by millions . . gazed upon with everlasting! wonderment . . and acclaimed by ail who see and hear, and feel. - SUCH A PICTURE . . . SUCH A MASTER PIECE OF VOICE . . . AND PASSION AND ROMANCE . . . AND COLOR . . . & MUSIC ... IS "THE ROGUE SONG" The LOVER divine The SINGER sublime ' Lawrence TIBBETT w The ROGUE song ; WITH STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY No advance in price Matinee 10-35 Evening 10-50 ;t',V John R. Kelly SHEET METAL WORfc Heating and VentilctlnV If It can b mad of 8ht Metal We Can Make It 444 N. Jackson 8t Phone 46i i RO8E3UR0, OREGON TSTSTSgEHHH Vik? mapehdpm J languorous warrnlhS I. -IL lLTr i ,i 7he Smart Shop presents for i 'iine'days. Inpomj -I sheipp fabric? iivrl FashiorVs' favored : btiaacs ar summep. FOR THREE DAYS Entirely in' Technicolor Matinee Dally'' at 2:15 Evening 7:15 ' and 9:15 i it a