SIX T ' FOSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18. 1930. MEN PUNISHED ON Z LIQUOR CHARGES f ; (AnorUtrd Prrm Lnard WlnO - PORTI.ANIV Ore,, June. '18.-11. Jr. Litllefield, Cottage Grove, was rttentenced to 18 months tn McNeil prison and fined (1,0UI and Wll lam Ober, AHtoria, was sentenced 3o one year and fined $250 when iliey pleaded guilty tn liquor charges in federal court today. llolh have been convicted pre viously. Herman fireen, Cottage Grove, .and George Oruno, Klamath Indian, pleaded guilty as first offenders jliid were given fines of $50 and 2 10 each wi th a six month parol- (t jail sentence. 3NDIAN FUGITIVE Z NABBED AT SILETZ TILLIE THE TOILER He'd Earn His Vacation - KRWPORT, Ore., June 18. Leo matata, Siletz Indian, who Is said Jd have robbed the post office 'at Wlletz Inst March and Inter broke "full at Toledo, was captured toilay jr a deputy sheriff after an excit ing chase. The officials surrounded I'mata- ta'B home during the night. Early "JJJTB morning the Indian leaped rTrom an upstairs window amid a volley of shots. Tho authorities chased him Into a thicket where he Vob caught. ', . Jimatata will he taken to Port .land. !.,.', : STORY 4 ' . (Continued from page 1) their policy toward tho liquor traf- flc, he said. . , , "I look forward to the time when the old leaders In the tenf jwrnnce movement will appreciate tffat they have not reached a final , solution of a world old problem by Ui present eighteenth amend' ment. ' ''l look' to the time when the J moral teachers of the country will realize that In the battle for a great Bocial reform there was wis- tlom In the old system of expert j mentlng in 48 laboratories rather ', than In one." i The prohibition parly nomlnat- ed Dr. Janics Gilbert Mason for the 1 long term and Miss Esther H. El ' ferth for the short term. i Henry Jager was named by the socialist party for both terms. i Fort was formerly secretary of the republican natlonnl commlt- , tee. He has been a fishing com' panion of President Hoover and was leader , of the floor forces r which nominated the president at the 1928 convention. ' Boomed for President ! At a campaign meollng. Morrow i was praised as presidential timber by Dr. John Grier Hlhben, prest 1 dent of Princeton university and ; by former Governor EdwarcJ C. i Stokes. Twice statements were is- ' sued from the white house deny. J ing that President Hoover favor , ed n particular candidate. i Morrow, an Amherst classmate f Calvin Coolidge and a lawyer, '"was a partner of J. P. Morgan & Co.. before being appointed am hnssndor to Mexico by Coolidge In 1927. He Is the father-in-law of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, Joy in Mexico MEXICO CITY. June 18. There was grest rejoicing In Mexico to day among Americans and Mexi cans alike at Anihassndnr Dwlght Morrow's overwhelming victory In the New Jersey senatorial pri mary elections yesterday. Election returns were furnished . In bulletin form by the foreign cor respondents' club nnd newtpanors tn mnny iMexIcans nnd Amorlcnns who snt tip late to hear Iheni. As soon as the rosult was seen ns cer tain messages of congratulation poured into the cable offices for transmission to Mr. Morrow's home nt Englewood. Hoover Vow Support WASHINGTON, June 18. Confi dence that Ambassador Morrow would be the next senator from New Jersey was expressed nt the White House today on behalf of Presldoitt Hoover. "The White House will give ev ery possible support to the repub lican nonilueo for the Bcnnte from New Jersey," the slatemont said. "The president and the administra tion have every confidence that 11 Mr. Dwlght Morrow will ba tho next Senator from New Jersey." Senator Kean, a republican from New Jersey, contended "the victory SEALS IN HIGH COMPRESSION POWER MOTORITB is refined to meet the high speed requirements of the new high compression motors. It is the oiliest oil known. It has t great capacity for car rying away and giving up heat. It resists dilution by giving up straygasoline in the form of vapor. It is entirely free from acid forming properties. It forms NO hard carbon. Ic seals in high compression giving 200 extra miles of lubri cation. Authorities endorse and rec ommend it. Drain out the old. Refill with Motoritb. Only 23 a quart at any Union Station. MOTORITE Tho Union Motor Off for High Compreno Cert TILL IE T TELL VOU UfcLILE LE FG.IEMD TO COME IKi HETEE O'., VOUI I, . pRy BOSS ( I KNOW-HE VMAMTS MEAN MR. . VuAMT.3 ME TO STAY AWAy I R-OBEE.Ty.niji TO SETE- FROM HERE SO SUf ft 17"' Lvn but Z?kA Wop'e THE BOSH HUIT " IM rOR ME- HE OFFERED TOO HAftQ TET Me A TOB HEfcE , BUT t TOL.O lOM HIM - , y 1 Cg IM WTH HIM I WJOUt-DM'T BE I KLFki l. ISlfl LH,Nlii5- VTSK) OOT of iA SUMMED lI7ru 2 VMj 7 AlvACATtOU AFTSR. was no'more one for the wets than It was for the drys." He said thou sands of drys voted for Morrow be cause he was "such an outstanding candidate that he transcended any one campaign issue." Wets Are Pleased Senator Tydlnna, a democratic wet from Maryland, said the voting had congealed antl-prolilbltlon sen timent and was indicative of what "is huppenir.g to some extent all over the country." He hold Morrow to he "blazing a trail which will take us out of a bad situation." Antl-prohlbltlonists In Washing ton greeted Morrow's nomination as an encouraging gain In their fight for a wet majority In the senate. Despite assert Ipns of stale repub lican leaders that Morrow would look with distaste on any attempt to make him the titular head of the wet forces, should he be elected In November, the wets here were more than pleased with the decis ive primary victory. It was pointed out Hint his nomi nation was the first to be won by an avowed republican wet in tho 1930 primaries. Wets asserted that his victory was the more a triumph for tho nnti-prohlbltlon cause In view of his prominence in public life. STORY 1 (Continued from pace I) (Insinuating HoseburK the sltR, ft a the need for tho homo, us a relief for congestion of the only home on the count, would make It selfish for Itosehurg to hold up construc tion of the institution longer than necessury. Tho BtMiute committee is accept ing tho proposition as nn emer gency measure nnd has called Gen erul Wood, chairman of the board OLD TIME DANCE at Rainbow Gardens Thursday JUNE 19 Muslo by Tuckera Orchestra. Tickets 50o "Althouch 1 nm onlv 22 years old, I have four babies to care for. Before my first baby was born my mother urged me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnound been lisp I was so terribly weak. I had to lie down four or five times a day. After three bottles I could feci a creat improvement. I still take the Vegetable Compound whenever 1 need it for it gives me strength to be a oood mother to mv familv." Wn. Vern L Denningj, 510 Johnson Street, Sninmu, Michigan. of soldiers' home managers, for the hearing Friday, to obtain first hand Information on the plans and Immediate needs aB found by the board. Would Speed Plans The action of Uie senate commit tee, If favorable, will make it pos sible to develop construction plans during the summer monlliB. The bill does not carry an appropria tion for the home, but authorizes the budget committee to include $2,000,000 for the institution. It will be necessary to pass an appro priation bill at the short session, but this will be merely a matter of form after the money has been au thorized, so that the hoard of man agers will be able during the sum mer to select a site, have plans and specifications drawn and all otherl preliminaries ready for construc tion to start Immediately after the money Is mnde nvallable. It Is believed that there will be,1 little difficulty In securing a favor able report from the senate. Relief Need Urgent The board of managers for the soldiers' home has been anxious to securo uddltlonul facilities for car ing for veterans. Applications have boon rejected In large num bers during the past year, due to lack of accommodations, and all of the present homes are crowded to capacity. The veterans bureau al so is Interested because the home would permit moving a number of men out of hospitals. General Wood Is expected to greatly strengthen the status of the bill as an emergency Tonsure before the senate which will give It a much more important standing. Attend Graduation Exercises Mrs. Amelia 3ell and Miss Minnie Bell attended the graduation exer cises Monday at University of Ore gon In Eugene, Muynard Bell being one of the graduates. New York Life Announces Bernard A. Young As their ' - Roseburg Representative " Res. 140 Flint St. Phone 437-V ji 1 PESTS. .with A TERRIBLE PAST... FLEAS ANTS BEDBUGS MOSQUITOES ROACHES MOTHS FLIES KILLS THEM ALL Where was that fly before he settled on the meat? Where had those ants been before. thty found the bread box? Where were those mos quitoes before tluy pierced your skin with their stinging needles? A past that's 1 story of filth absolutely bans germ-carrying, loathsome insect pests from well-kept homes. pLY-Tox-the favorite everywhere because it is stainless and (Vagrant is the safe, effective way to keep your home free from the insect hordes that threaten it. Harmless to people and animals, but fatal to insects. Get the Fly-Tox habit for comford Sold at gnctry, drug and hardvartslorrs. FLY-TOX is sold all over the world I California Rbx Spray Co., Benicia, California NOT A By-PRODUCT Snavl-Tiu for ground pMi) AC-Ttu for ant 1 Afi -Tax foe pUnt lint Fly-Tox is the scientific insecti cide developed at Mellon Insti tute oflndustrial Research by Rex Research Fellow ship. Insist on Fly-Tox. Re fuse substitutes; be Safe and Sure. (si 0 19joc.aj.eo KIIXS fUES. MOTHS OSQUiTOfS Q4T1IE El FAS EDBUGS.AMS STORY 3 (Continued from page 1) ernor John Garland Pollard ot Vir ginia.' A complete radio description of the reception at quarantine and the ceremonies at city hall will he broadcast over nationwide chains by both the National Ilroadcastlng company and the Columbia Broad casting system. Admiral Ttyrd and his men will remain in New York only one day, leaving at midnight Thursday for Washington to be received by Pres ident Hoover and to be guests at a luncheon given by the National Geographic society. Honors Await WASHINGTON, June IS. An ensign retired by the navy 14 years ago will return to Washington June 20 as the youngest of rear sdmlrals and with the fame of flights over both ends of the earth. The day after he steps ashore in the United States and receives New York's welcome Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd will bring his en tire Antarctic party to Washington and receive from President Hoover a special medal of honor of the Na tional Geographic society. To Recite Achievements Hear Admiral Byrd will give his report of the South pole expedition to members ot the society who fur nished $50,000 for scientific work, and official motion pictures of Little America will be shown for the first time. As a navy officer who at 41 has conquered by air the Atlantic and two worlds of frozen waste, Byrd also will pay his respects to Secre tary of the Navy Adams. His career of explorations has been carried on during an extended leave from the navy even though a leg injury caused his removalto the retired list four years after his graduation from Annapolis. That was 14 years ago. Scarcely a month of retirement had passed, however, before the government recalled him to active duty a service that has been con tinuous ever since. Leader In Aviation He won his wlna:s as a navy av iator, was In charge of navigational preparations for the first trans atlantic flight that of the navy flying boats in 1919 and served In the bureau of aeronautics. , , It was not until late in 1924 that congress' attention was called to ft young officer who was a leader in naval aviation, but who was per forming active' duly with no chance of promotion because he was car ried on the navy rolls as "retired." In 1925 he was voted the rank of lieutenant commander on the re tired list, shortly before he was given command ot his expedition to the North pole, where he won a second promotion. The rear adtnlralshlp was voted him last year after his now his toric South pole flight, and special medals for his entire party have been voted by consress. : STORY 2 (Continued from page 1) Later he contended the remainder was expended In a manner which made it unnecessary that a report be filed. Tlnkham appeared before the committee and charged Cannon with a violation of the corrupt practices law through his failure to report the entire sum, an assertion which he repeated yesterday. Cannon repeatedly refused to an swer questions on his political ac tivities when before the committee and contended such an examina tion lay outside the committee's authority. On this. point he was upheld by a majority of the com mittee. A report on the Cannon episode was prepared for introduction to day by the committee chairman. Caraway, of Arkansas. It consist ed only ot the transcript of the bishop's testimony and contained no recommendations for action against him. KLAMATH MAN HERE TO BOOST '49 SHOW Tom Cunning and Jean Joyaux ot Klamath Falls were In Roseburg today in the Interest of the Days of '49 show to be staged at Klamath The Hot Weather Slump Will not be so great if your poultry is in topnotch condition Crown Feeds maintain vigor and vitality, which helps to maintain health and production. Feed Crown for Profit. FarmBureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg Myrtle Creek Oakland AGENT8 FOR L. & H. Electric Range John Deere Plow Co. Hood River Spray Co. Hoosler and Milwaukee Pumps 8utherlln Spray Co. Falls July 3, 4, 6 and 6. They are driving a motorized covered wagon advertising the celebration. The show is being staged by the Elks lodge and American Legion post. By proclamation of the mayor, the residents of the city are growing beards and donning wild west cos tumes. A 15-acre tract of land Is being converted into a frontier vil lage for the occasion. An additional i program of horse races and base ball games will be presented. RELIABLE WORK at Fair Prices on All AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ALL. WORK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED If it Isn't right we make It right. Roseburg Garage Repair Shop HARRY H JOHNSON Pr ;TTTTTTT.T.T.TT.T.T.TTTT 5 AS S O 3 IT TAKES 5 MEN TO MAKE A BASKET BALL1 TEAM AND ALL THESE 5 QUALITIES TO MAKE GOOD GASOLINE ft ' CIATED IS ROM the moment you step on th starter to the time you settle back to yield to the joy of full speed ahead, your eager motor demands five vital qualities from the gasoline it consumes. For finest performance it must have them all; Starting, Pick up, Power, Speed, Mileage in correct proportion. That's why Associated Gas oline is Equi-fractionated. Lighter gasoline fractions in vapor form are scientifically blended with heavier frac tions from higher boiling points to assure, first, Start ing and Pick-up, and then Power, Speed and surprising ly long Mileage. Step by step, just as your car gets under way from low gear to high, Associated Gas oline is Equi-fractionated to supply th successive de mands of your motor. No on quality alone makes STARTING PICK-UP POWER OSPE E D MILEAGE good gasoline; it takes ing you a perfectly bal them all. Don't be con- anced motor fuel. The tent with less. Read the in- Service-man at the red, teresting "Equi-fraction- green and cream Associ ated" pamphlet picturing ated pump will offer you this refining care in assur- your copy. "A aw-fmctionated "Let's Gel Associated " with Jack and Ethyl,Wednes. days, A P. M., NBC Stations. FREE - NEW 1930 ASSOCIATED ROAD MAPS . ASK FOR YOUR COPY ASSOCIATE D GASOU M ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Refiner ond Marketer of Associated Ethyl Gasoline, Cycol Motor Oils and Greases, BiTnbrite Kerosene for summer cooking, Petrotine Spray Emulsion and Fuel or Furnace Oils.