Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 18, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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f (Auoeiated I'ivm IswhI Wire)
SALKM, Ore., June 18. Fred
J ttflrk V. Goodrich of Portland was
elected prcsfdHiit of the O logon
. OiiusicT Leach era' association Tuts-
day morning, Hwwt'.iiifi Mrs. Clff
' ford' Moore of Portland. Coodrich
; computed for the office with Miss
I Frances Virginia Melton of $alein
and Mrs. Charles Heinline of Kose
i h'fTR, who nerved as flrnl vlce-ireni-
HH-UX HBt yt111'. st'curing tfu more
i juiai than his uearent oppoupjit,
Mhd Melton.
! f Ufe report of the aasoclutlon'p I
a4catioiial to mm It tee conuerninK
I luterediting mimic teachers who
give-high school credits watt unanl-
tndtisly accepted tmbject to confer-
encewith State Superintendent ('.
A. Howard. H was recoiutiiended
that applicants for this . recognition
i be not lean thun 21 years old, that
i If not a conservatory or university
graduate tiien shall have enough
training in piano or voeal to go far
heyond the average course outlined
for high school students and that
I they become in effect high school
. teachers and must measure up to
i the standards of the school. Two
' years of teaching experience or of
;- supervised teaciiing, was recom
'; . m and j reparation to fiiHure
Hfctiity to make analysis ot the
vAgfc taught. . Oral .examination
weot recommended for all teachers
t seehfng accrediting, .
i gral sccUqub ' aid in crowded
cities. -The trials included handling
the cars In heavy tratfic, accelera
tion and deceleration under ad
verse conditions, brake operation
and second gear work. The Willys
eight will do 48 wiles an hour in
dec on d.
"The car's flexibility was estab
lished in trials that proved it
would acceleiate from 5 to 25 miles
an hour in 7.9 seconds.
"All of this was done before any
of the cars were introduced to the
flinging a new automobile to
the peak of perfection means giv
l lag it a' wide range of (estH that
are much more strenuous than cou
J tiitiuus met lu ordinary motoring.
Sicb tesLs coveiuag a long period
; obaioie were made with the new
Willys eight, stutes F. W. Chase,
( Willys-Overland dealer.
J "The tests made by the Willys-
Overland technical staff took place
lu many parts of the country," he
x said. "The Willys eight was tried
J out in the rugged mountains of
Pennsylvania, West Virginia and
i Tennessee for power development.
jiirhlghffai peaks of the Allegheny
range were climbed time after time
"nnd close records kept on perform
ance. "Slrniglilaways In the middle
west and sou 111 .were used as prov
ing ground for. 'developing the en
Jjjpti 'or .speed and other high
Har performance. The motor de
wlopB'ttO 'horsepower' 'and steps
Jlgiig at 75 utiles an hour with
cwuoothness and ease that most
mri attain only at a 60 mile speed.
Theae, testa covered a period of
HJxuuiy months and the curs traveled
fclioitBuuys of miles In both the
Deaths from motor vehicle acci
dents are increasing at a rate fast
er than automobile registrations
in the face of a national effort to,
promote safety on the streets and
highways, according to the public
salety department of the Oregon
state motor association. Motor ve
hicle fatalities increased 10.3 per
cent in 1921) compared to 192S.
white in the same period registra
tions Increased only 8 per cent.
While uniformity of traffic regu
lations and stringent penalties for
the reckless driver will go far lu
curbing this national menace, in
dividual care in operation and edu
cation on protection also have an
Important place In the effort to
preserve life.
"This has been demonstrated'
says the motorists' organization,
"thorough the mejllum of safety
education In the schools and .the
work of school boy patrols. As a
result of this activity, the death
rate of children under lfi years of
age in automobile accidents has
declined since 1922, while the num
ber of adult fatalities has increased
more than J00 per cent."
Improved manufacturing meth
ods, ; Increased factory efficiency
and lower cost of raw materials
(entering into certain lines of Good
year tires has resulted in a redac
tion in factory coats and a corre
sponding reduction in tire prices
which are passed on to the public,
according to Chas. Healy, of the
Healy-Wood Tire Co.
Prices of four-ply passenger car
sizes are reduced approximately
five per cent. Automobile tubes
carry a similar reduction.
There is only a alight reduction
in price on Goodyear heavy duty
passenger car tires. The Pathfinder
heavy duty line will be increased
in price in some sizes, due to in
creased costs ot, . nianu lac luring
this line, says Mr. Healy.
"This p-ice change is in line
with Goodyear's practice of pass
ing aioug to the public the benefits
of its savings in manufacturing
and raw material costs," Healy
pointed out. "It means that the
tire buyer today can buy Good
year tire tU Ahje lowest prices in
the history of the industry, with
mileages considerably greater than
ever before. '
"'l'be price change announced by
Goodyear Js in no wise to be oon
e trued as anything hut a simple
passing along of factory economies
and. efficiency to the coasumer."
um?ndfd by the acts of May 17, 112
(45 Hint. t7, Hurtle No., l&and
417), urrd purtiuttnt to tK-partmerttal,
regulation tppruVtiU 4olf
an afii-nded, iiie timber ud the Xuf
toning jtoidfl will btt jSoJd July 21.
Wil. at lu oVIbi'k A. W. at public
suction at the V. H. land office,
UoKt-burg, Oregon, tv tUti hljfJH-Bt
110'lvr ut not lr than tlye apprais
ed price, an shown by tills notice.
al in by subject to the approval of
the ffecretary of th Interior. The
purchane price with an additional
urn of one-fifth of -one percent
thereof, being commissions allowed.
muMt be deposited when the rlKht to
purchase is awarded by the Kegia
ter.' but certificate of sale will not
iHsue until the purchaser ha com
plied fully with suid regulation of
July 2(t, 1M29, as to Uie exjc-Jtton ot
the contract of mile, and thtf bond
re'iulred thereunder. The money de
posited will be returned -if snip b
not approved, otherwise patent will
Issue for the timber, which must be
removed within 10 years. Ulds will
be received from citizens of the
United State, iiasociations of such
cltlzt-ns and corporutfotiK organized
under the laws of the'United states.
or any State, territory or district
thereof only. Upon application of a
Qualifier) Durchaser. the timber on
any legal subdivision will be of
fered separately before - being in
cluded In any offer of a larger unit.
T. 18 H., It. 6 W.. Kec. 17, 8WU
HWW. red fr. 440 M, red cedar. 10
Mi T. 7 H a. 8 W., Sec. 13. NE'4
SK'i. vellow ftr. 1.S00 M. red fir. 7KN
M. hemlock, 260 il; NWIi HE'i.
How fir. 2060 M. hemlock. 720 M.
HKV4, yellow fir. 840 M, red
nr, my w. neniiocK. ltd w; sw
Eat baroecue sanawSches and
live forever. Brand's Read Stand.
Kotlee of sale of government tim
ber, general land office Washing
ton, L. C. May 24. 190. Notice is
hereby given that ' subject to the
conditions and limitation of the
acta of June V, JUJG (.'19 titat.
Weeds Are Robbers
Lick 'em Quick!
"Caterpillars" use little power to move on smooth
steel track they give extra power at the draw-bar
to kill weeds. "Caterpillars" Jick weeds before
weeds lick you, for you pull bigger tools without
slipping on a soft seed bed, or on wet soil. You
don't pack the soil. You conquer hills. Wet or
dry, rough or smooth, a "Caterpillar's" work is bet
ter, quicker, cheaper.
Miller-Sanford Tractor Co.
321 West Oak St. Roseburg, Oregon
nr. 1400 M. red fir, 800
Hc. 15. 8W(4 NKtt. red fir. (10 M.
Su M. ivhlte fir. 70 il; T.i 8.. R. 2
K.. Hoc. 23. NEK 8K4, tei fir. 2010
Si. KHU SKJ rod tit. 1C00 M. Bc.
2r.. Nvrii n. ra fir. 1020 m.
KWJi. 14 tit. M: T.,8 S...
K. IW.. Sex. 1. lot ). fellow fir. 00
M. noble fir; tm U. hrmlock. 67l 11.
lot 2 yellow Jir. iuo M iioIiIk fir,
1010 M. liemloc-k. 1010 M: nvne of
the timber on tlieie sectlona to be
old-for leas thud 1.7i p.-r id for
the red and yellow fir.-fl.G0 pcr M
for the red cedur, tl.00 per M for
the noble fir mid hemlock and 75
cents per M for the white fir. T. 13
.. K. 7 W.. Sec. 25. NW'U SB'i. yel
low fir. 1H80 M. red cedar. 10 M. not
to be sold for lens than $1.75 per M.
for the yellow fir end $1.00 ' per
M for the fed cedar:' T. 4 ti.. R. 6
W., Sec. 31. NW red fir. 960
11; T. 22 IS., It. 6 W.. Sec. 33. lot 1.
yellow fir. 400 M, yellow pine. 25 M.
incefiae cedar. 25 M. NWU 8BH.
yellow fir. 300 U. T. 21 8.. K. 5 JV..
Sec. 1. lot 3, yellow fir. 625 M. red
fir. 325 M, hemlock. 25 M; T. 13 S..
R. U'.. Sec. 33. NW(4 NK. red fir,'
460 M. NEK NWK, red fir. 420 M;,
T. V S.. 1(. Z K., KCC. 23. NIS'A NEV.
Jdea.d yellow f'r: T. 40 It. 3 .ft..
I Sec. 1, Frl. Sf. hi f,K. yellow pine.
-ov m, auicar rme, ai. rea ir. ttv
M. BF. NKU, yellow pine. 270 M.
red fir. 50 11. Frl. NB14 HWI(. yel
low pine. 35C M, red fir. 70 M. white
fir. 70 M. Frl. KV) NWlT yellow
pine. 340 M. auejar pine. 100 M, red
flrl 200 M. MEIi'HWU. llow pine.
ISO U. ugar pine, 111 JI, red fir. 100
W. Syw NWt. yellow pine. 220 St.
euxar pine. 50 M. red fir. 160 Mr
none of the timber on this section
to be sold for lees than 4.00 per M.
for the yollow and the sugar pine,
11.25 per M for the' red. fir and 7i
cents per M for the white fir. C. C.
MOOIlti. Commissioner. .
SW'i. red fir. 1160 M. red cedn
M. Sw SWi4 red fir, 1380 11
cedar. 140 M: T. 13 H.. II. 7 W..
red fir.' 490 M. BE A XE. red fir.
50 M; T. i S.. R. O W.; Sec. 17. NEU
fiar 4U
11. red
V.. Sec.
in. nr,vi jne.1, yellow nr, u M.
dead yellow fir. 340 il: T. 8..' R. 2
K.. See. 7, KUV, NE'4. red fir. 320 M;
none of the timber on these sec
tions to be sold tor less' than $1.50
per 'M for the red and 'yellow fir.
$3.00 per M for the yellow, pine,
$1.25 per M for the red cedar, jll.OO
per M for the hemlock and GO cents
per $1 for the Incense' cedar, ' a.nd
Drier Pipe
For tjny Type pf Prier
Cai iron nd teel drier stoves.
Let iu give you an estipiate fn
your retyivereent. '
J. H. SINNlGEft '
Sheet Metal Works
Practical, accurate and depend
' able sheet metal work.
Phone 428 329 N. lfcksan
Riding Cultivator , , , , . . , , . .$35.00
Rebuilt Mower .. . . ; . $45.00
Rebuilt Binder .......... . . $135.00
AH in A-l Condition
Low Wheel Wagon, new. . .$.55.00
FariDBurenu CooperativeExchange
Rotcburg . Myrtle Creek .Oakland
L. & H. Electric Ranges John Deer Plow Co.
Hood River Spray Co. Hoosler and Milwaukee Pump
Sutt)erlln Spray Co.
.T.T.T.T.T.W.T.T.T I.
When Lights Go On!
re grounded on this basic daily need . . . the demand
for electric service is growing from day to day . . . for
more Light ... for more Power.
" x
An investment in Copco Preferred Stock has a 24
hour earning capacity the year 'round. ' This essential
service is a permanent guarantee of steady, substantial
income through the coming years.
Electric Utility earnings have shown. an increlise
for the first quarter of 1930', compared with a decrease
for many other industries, over .earnings for the ' rst
quarter of 1 929. This comparison alone should be suf
ficient to convince anyone that Electric Utilities Secu
rities are among the safest type of of long time invest
ments. Copco Preferred Stock s now available ot
$101.00 per share, yielding 6 per .cent. i .
Drop in any of Our Offices r Write to
Med ford, Oregon
"Tnr PirtMrt
lo rsarut"
Jkfter the Wivst
twenty" five IThousund Mllles
THE VALUE of sound design, good materials and careful craftsmanship is especially
apparent; in the new Ford after the first twenty-five thousand miles. Long, con
tinuous service emphasizes its mechanical reliability and economy of operation
and uprkeep, f
f As you drive the Ford through many months .and years you will (develop an
increasing pride in its appearance and a growing respect for the substantial worth
that has been built into it. From every standpoint in everything that goes to
make a good, automobile you will know; that you have made a far-seeing, satis
factory purchase. . ; . ,, , '
Wherever 'you go, you. hear enthusiastic praise of the car and this siimificant,
oft-repcated phrase "I'm glad I bought a Ford." ' : i
A FORD owner in few York tells of a
13,000-mile trip across the United States
and back in sixty days and says "the car
was extremely economical to operate,
comfortable and speedy' A grateful
father tells bow the Triplex shatter-proof
glass vindshield saved bis .wife and
children from serious injury in an auto
mobile .collision. , .. .
To test tires, a large .company .drove a
new Ford day and night, for an average
of 500 miles every twenty-four hours. It
was still giving satisfactory service after
105,000 miles. :
A Ford car that bad fallen into Fcrnan
Lake was submerged for twelve days
before being raised. After a new battery
and carburetor bowl were installed, it
was driven back to Spokane under Us
own power.
Many police departments have written
t ,he special advantages of the For J in
crowded traffic because pf its alert speed,
acceleration and ease of control. An in
creasing number of fleet owners are also
purchasing the Ford because their cost
figures have given conclusive proof of its
economy .of operation and up-keep.
L ' '
THt xkw roBO' smnT toiPE ;
In addition to important triumphs in
Germany, France and Italy, the Ford won
six out of seven leading places in a con
test in Finland, first and second in the
Rafaela races in Argentina, first and sec
ond in the run from Copenkagen-to-Parjs-tp-.Cppenhagen,
three gold medals
in England, first ranking in the durability
test over the tortuous Amancacs f oad in
P.eru, and first phtce in the 1930 reliabil
ity run conducted by the Royal Auto
mobile Club of Sweden.
This contest was an exceptionally
severe test of endurance and sturdy con
struction because it was Lcld in the dead
of winter and covered .600 miles of
steady running over snow-covered coun
try roads and mountainous bills.
Roadster . . . $435
Phaeton ............ 440 '
Standard Coupe . . . . . . . 495
Tudor Sedan . . , . . , . f 495
Sport Coupe .. . . . . . . . 525
De Luxe Coupe . 545 .
Three-window Fordor Sedan ... 600,
Convertible Cabriolet ...... 625
De Luxe Phaeton ....... 625
De Luxe Sedan , . . . . . . 640
Town Sedan ... . . . . . . 660
All pricet . o. b. Detroit, plus freight and delivery.
Bumpmrt and tpare tire extra, at low coil.
.1 i.
Vomt Motoj; jomiaxv
-t 1
ft. v . i
-A -J