Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 14, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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(Continued from page 2.)
Ing the past year.
Over ane hundred parents, pa
trons anw friends were present.
A lively evening was spent in
out-door games played in the moon
light. Later refreshments were
Miss Ditrch was presented with
a beautiful gift in appreciation of
her good work. She has accepted
a contract to teach next year in
the Green school.
Catholic Ladies' Card
Party Is Enjoyable
Event of Tuesday
Among the enjoyable affairs of
the week was the card party giv
en by the Catholic Ladies on Tues
day evening of this week in the
parish hall, which was prettily ap
pointed with bowls of sweet peas
in pastel shades.
A large number of guests were
entertained during the evening i
with bridge and five hundred. La
dies' prizes at bridge were award
ed to Mrs. Woodley Stephenson,
first, and Mrs. Harry Butler, sec
ond. The first prize among the
men was awarded to L. J. Barnes.
Ladies' first prize at five hundred
was won by Mrs. Harrie Booth,
and the second prize by Mrs. Jo
seph Hcidenrich. O. D. Newhnrd
scored highest among the men at
five hundred, with I. B. Nichols
placing Becond. Attendance prize
was awarded to Mrs. Harry Butter.
Mrs. Tom Ness was chairman of
the committee which supervised
the arrangements. Her assistants
were Mrs. I. B. Nichols. Mrs. John
JSimrick, Mrs. Richard Willis,
Mrs. A. P. Rapin, Mrs. Catherine
Nichols of Portland and iMrs. Cy
ril Nichols.
Lady Elks Enjoy
Monthly Party
in Elks Temple
Mrs. J. H. Clark and Mrs. L.
W. Metzger were hostesses to
the Lady Klks at their regular
meeting on Thursday evening,
June 12, In the Elks temple. Flor
al decorations were used to give a
note of color to the rooms.
The usual business session was
held, and afterwards bridge was
enjoyed, three tables being in
play. Mrs. George Wharton plac
ed highest at cards.
Catholic Ladies'
Sewing Society to Meet
Wednesday, June 18
The Catholic Ladies' Sewing so
ciety will meet in regular session
In the parish hall on Wednesday
afternoon, June 18, ,with Mrs. I. B.
Nichols as hostess.
All members are requested to be
present at this meeting of the cir
cle. '
Of ft " '
Mrs. Carolyn Homey spent the
past week in Medford and Ash
land with friends and relatives. At
Ashland she attended the graduat
ing exercises of the Southern Ore
gon Normal school, her son, Rich
ard Homey, being one of the
graduates. ;
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Moreland and
small son are being entertained as
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Johnson in Laurelwood. Mr.
Moreland was formerly an instruc
tor in the Roseburg senior high
school. Mr. and Mrs. Moreland are
planning to leave early next week
for their home In Kingsbury, California.
Local News
Mr. Miller Here S. C. Miller
was in from IJillard transacting
Here on Business Phi! Strader,
of Glide, was in this city yeshter
day on business.
Is Business Visitor Henry Ar
chambeau, of Tiller, was here yes
terday on business.
Business Visitor In John Alex
ander of Gllde'was in this city Fri
day as a business visitor.
Wilbur Man Here H. B.' Hast
ings, of Wilbur, was here yesterday'
in the interests of business. -
Is Business Visitor T. W.
Thornburg, of Wilbur, was a busi
ness visitor here yesterday.
Here on Business A. R. Hill, of
Wilbur, was in this city yester
day in the interests of business.
Transacts Business Harold
Smith was in from Garden valley
yesterday transacting business.
Miss Church In Miss Helen
Church was in from Camas Valley
yesterday attending to business af
fairs and visiting with friends.
' Home (at Melrose Miss Lola
Dysert has closed the school year
at Reston and returned to her
home in Melrose for the summer.
Mrs. King Shops Mrs. John A.
C. King was In from Coos Junction
yesterday shopping and visiting
with friends.
Deputy Sheriff Here Deputy
Sheriff C. H. Daugherty, of Yon
calla, was a business, visitor in
town Friday.
Here From Melrose Mr. and
Mrs. George Barter were in tltiB
city Friday from Melrose, look;
ing after business affairs and call
ing on friends. ,
From Ashland Normal Mrs.
Chrystel Mabley, who is attending
Ashland Normal, is spending a few
days In this city visiting with
Visiting in Eugene Miss Alice
and Miss Emma Ueland spent Fri
day of this week in Eugene visit
ing their sister, Mrs. E. R. Knol
. Shops In Roseburg Mrs: Mar
garet Sagaberd, of Gardiner, spent
several hours in Roseburg yester
day shopping and visiting with
Visitors From Portland C o e
Durland and son, Coe Jr., of Port
land, are visiting In this city with
the grandfather of Mr. Durland Sr.,
Coe Durland, of this city. ;
Mr. M.-ichen In Town J. W. Ma
Chen, of Portland, spent Friday, in
Roseburg looking after business
interests and visiting his son. Bill
Machen, of Harth's Toggery. ,
From Tillamook Alpha Newhy,
of Tillamook, who has been visit
ing with his parents In Yoncalla
for a few days, was here Friday
looking after business matters.
Visitors From San Franciscc
Mrs. H. A. Berntsen and son of
San- Francisco are visiting in this
city with Mrs. Bern t Hen s parent s,
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Chenoweth.
Mrs. Newport Visits Mrs. G.
II. Newport, of Glide, was visiting
with friends and shopping here
Transacts Business Tom Wal
lace, Yoncalla resident, was trans
acting business in this city Fri
day. Mr. Peterson Here T. C. Peter
son, of Salem, was in Roseburg
attending to business affairs Friday.
Mrs. Dubell In Town Mrs.
Bertha Dubell, of Myrtle Creek,
was visiting friends and shopping
In Roseburg yesterday.
Mrs. Hancock Visits Mrs. L.
Hancock, of Elkton. was shopping
and visiting friends in this city
Glendale Lumberman Here A.
A. Snyder. Glendale lumberman,
was in this cltv Thursday in the
Interests of business.
From Melrose Mr. and Mrs.
John Nachter, of Melrose, were In
town Friday transacting business
and visiting friends.
Mrs. Hurd in Roseburg Mrs. T.
F. Hurd of Lookingglass came In
Friday to attend to business affairs
and visit with friends.
From Camas Valley R. J. Dun
ton, of Camas Vallev. spent sev
eral hours in town Friday attend
ing to business affairs.
Takes Position in Woolworth's
Miss Dora Brnughton has taken
noltion for the summer as clerk
in the local F. W. Woolworth store.
From Snokane Mrs. V,. T
Church and her mother. Mm. Al
Kllenhn'i. of SpnVnne. Washing
ton, arrived In this citv today.
They will spend the summer in
Sambos, where Mrs. Church's
husband Is assistant forest ranger
Mrs. Germain Visits Mrs. Wal
ter Germain of Marshfield, for
merly Miss LLucille Sappington of
this city, was here Thursday vis
iting with friends and looking aft
er affairs of business.
Spend Summer Here Miss
Janet Ferguson and Neal Ferguson
of Alameda, California, are spend
ing the summer here with their
grandmother, Mrs, H. R. Ferguson,
of Laurelwood.
Birthday of Old Glory Recalls 153 Years
of Thrilling, Romantic American History
Here From Dixonvllle -Leonard
Swift of Dixonvllle was a business
visitor in this city today. , ,
Visitor From Melrose -Mrs.
Andy Jorgenson was n vfsttor!from
Meirose yesieruay. ! ...
Roseburg Insurance
Man Wins Medal, Trip
:, , Jt !
U. S. Marines salute the National Flag at a tropictd outpost in the West Indies. Insert: Soldiers of the
sea at San Oiego, Calif., during a formal presentation of the Stars and Stripes and their regimental color.
The National Flag is carried to the right in this and all similar parades or formations. Hiohest honors are
always accorded "Old Glory" by all of our naval or military forces either at home or abroad.
The birthday of Old Glory, June
I t, should bring a responsive thrill !
to every patriotic American.
It Is the most beautiful of all na
tional colors. Our flag has pointed
the way to freedom to countless
thousands: its stars and stripes
have been an inspiring symbol for
more than a century and a half.
It stands for patriotism, loyalty
and fidelity to the ideals of Am
"Old Glory's" Ancestors
This attractive emblem of our
nation that has come down to us
through the years has ben evolved
from those earlier banners that
once cheered the hearts of the
In the early days of the revolu-'
tlon there were many striking 'flag
designs. Some bore rattlesnakes
with the ominous words of warn
ing, "Don't tread on me," emblaz
oned on their folds. Others showed
the pine tree symbol with the
words, "An appeal to heaven."
Some showed both the pine treo
and rattlesnake, - or beavers',
anchors, and state mottoes.
Delvers into the flag lore of our
country will find scores of such
types, each emblematic of the
hopes, visions and aspirations of
the people who had not yet found
liberty and freedom for which they
were striving.
The first flag in general use by
the coloniBts consisted of 'thirteen
stripes, alternate red and white,
typifying the thirteen colonies,
with aeinion bearing the crosses of
St. George and St. Andrew, where
the stars in the blue field now ap
pear. It was called the Grand
Union Flag, or First Naval En
sign, and it was the immediate pre
decessor of the Stars and Stripes,
which we so often call Old Glory.
Romance has trailed1 Old Glory
from the beginning. It harks back
to the days of Betsy Ross, whose
nimble fingers wrought with lov
ing care the first sample of the na
tional flag, which was almost iden-
tical with the flag as we know It
Story of Betsy Ross
Mrs. Ross was a widow. Late in
the Bprlng of 1776 her little shop
on Arch street, Philadelphia, was
visited by some distinguished per
sons. A committee, headed by
George Washington, called on Mrs.
Ross and submitted a rough de
sign of a new type of flag which
they asked her to make. Stars In
the blue field had been substituted
for the crosses of St. George and
St. Andrew.
Descendants of Betsy have vouch
ed for the authenticity of the his
toric visit, and it Is known that
not long afterward congress made
an order on the trensury to pay
Mrs. Ross a sum amounting to Ho
ward of seventy dollars, ; in ; the
British currency then used "Tor
flags for the fleet in the Delaware
river." ,
June 14, 1777, more than a year
after Washington's visit to the lit
tle flag shop, is now recognized as
the flag's official birthday. On that
date congress resolved "That the
flag of the thirteen United States
be thirteen stripes, alternate red
and white; that the union be thir
teen stars, white in a blue field,
representing a new constellation."
Thereafter numerous incidents
relative to the new flag began to
make their appearance in history.
Less than three weeks after con
gress had authorized the flag, John
Paul Jones was at Portsmouth, N.
H., preparing to sail abroad on
the "Ranger."
"At Portsmouth," writes one
naval authority, "Paul Jones at
tracted about him a bevy of girls
who formed a so-called "flag bee,"
who with much patriotic enthusi
asm and many heart thrills
wrought out of their own and
their mothers' gowns a beautiful
Star Spangled Banner, which was
thrown to the . breeze in Ports
mouth Harbor on July 4, 1777."
Avery's history records that on
August 3, Colonel Gansevoort, with
more than that amount since last
November when he first started
work for the company and Is sll(
iolng strong. . i ,
Shops In Roseburg Mrs. C. W.
Lundy came in from Hoaglln Fri
day to shop and visit friends.
In on Business R. B. Banning,
of Dixonvllle, spent several hours
here this morning on business.
Business Visitor Hero C. T).
Gram, Salem resident, is here for
a few days transacting business.
Miss Easley Shops Miss Mollle
Easley,' of Oakland, was shopping
and visiting friends here Friday.
From Garden Valley Revls Wil
son was In from Garden vulley to
day to attend to ninttors of business.
Mrs. O'Mara Shops Mrs: J. V.
O'Mura, of Hoaglln, was in town
Friday visiting witli friends and
Is Business Visitor William My
ers, of Salem, Is spending Beveral
days here in the Interests of busi-
From Canyonvllle Miss Bess
Clough, of Canyonvllle, spent sev
eral hours In town yesterday shop
ping and calling on friends. '
Admitted to Hospital C. E.
Carver of Coqullle has been ad
mitted to Roseburg General hos
pital for medical treatment.
Mrs. Lundeen In Town Mrs.
C. J. Lundeen, of Melrose, Bpent
several hours here yesterday shop
ping and visiting with friends. v
Back From School Miss Doro
thy Arundel, a student at Albany
college, has returped to her home
in this city to spend the summer.
a command of 800 men, was de
fending Fort Stnnwtx, near the
present 'sight of Rome, N. Y.; when
word was received of the new flag
design. The garrison was searched
for material to manufacture the
new flag, presumably the Stars and
Stripes', which was dlspluyed the
same afternoon from a tlngstaff on
a bastion nearest the enemy. There
Is, however, no authentic record
of either the Grarid Union Flag or
the Stars and Stripes, as national
colors, ever having boon carried In
to battle.
A Shot For Each Stripe
Captain Thomas Thompson of
the American ship "Raleigh" fired
on a British ship he was pursuing
on September 4. "We up sails, out
guns, hoisted the Continental col
ors and bid them strike to the
Thirteen United States," wrote
the captain. "Sudden surprise
threw them into confusion and
their sails flew all aback, upon
which we complimented them with
a gun for each state, a whole
broadside into their hull." This
was th6 new flag's first encounter
at sea.
The Stars and Stripes first float
ed over a fortress of the Old World,
when Lieutenant O'Bannon .of the
Murines and Midshipman Mann of
the Navy raised the flag over the
fortress at Heme,- Tripoli, where It
wna f'lt,nr In tlia lixnu,! nn Atit-tl
J 27. 1805.
"By the dawn's early light" on
j September 14, 1814, Fronds Scott
Key saw the Star Spangled Ban-
ner still waving over Fort Mc-
Henry, and composed the Bong
t which is now the national anthem,
i Both the flags raised at Tripoli
and at Fort JVlcHenry had fifteen
stars and fifteen stripes, a flug de
sign that remained In voguo from
1795 until 1818. Then congress au
thorized the return of the flug to
Its original form of thirteen stripes,
one star being added for each
state entering the union until today
there are 48 stars In the blue
Leaves Thursday Miss Mar
guerite Homey left Thursday for
Portland nnd Seattle, where she
will spend the summer with rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Gazley In Town Mrs.
Clyde Gazley, resident of Mvrtle
Creek, spent several hours In town
this morning visiting with friends
and shopping.
1 - V
r y&
Kenneth Qulne, local repre
sentative of the Oregon Life In
surance company, has been made
a member of the Gold Medal club
of that organization, receiving as a
token of achievement a sultubly en
graved medal, and authorization
for a trip, with all expenses paid,
to the annual convention which la
to be held in July at Paradise Inn,
Rainier national park.
Membership In the Gold Medal
club requires that an agent write
Insurance to the amount of 100,
000 in a year's time. Mr. Qulne,
however, has written considerably
' Attend Rote Festival Mrs
Homer Kronko and Mrs. . Vein,
Monosmllh are attending the Rose
festival in Portland. - Mrs. Krobka
will return to her home here early
in the week, while Mrs. Monosmlth
who has been visiting her mother.
Mrs. Lucile Ingels, in this city, will
go to Oakridge to live, her Iruxf
band having been transferoj-d
there from Portland.
Poets' Corner;
Sometimes It's fun to climb - i
'Way up high, '
When the path is smooth J
And easy. ;
But oft times, I find It steep '
And rough, fc
So that I slip and stumble ,
Muybe, lose my way. . . ' -I
started climbing toward a goal
Once the top! . ,iM,'..
That would be grand, ,. -
I thought.
Bravely I began the ascent,. . ,.
But I soon became weary, e.-,
It was so hard to keep going!
I stopped to rest was't worth
while? ...
Chancing to glance upward, '
I saw the crest "'
A light was shining!
I am still climbing ...
Helen Magma.""
Here for Week-End R. D. Dim
cm. employee of the Southern Pa
cific company, working out of Kla
mnth Fulls, is spending the week
end here with his family.
Home From U. of O. Trueman
Runynn, student at University of
Oregon, has come home to spend
the summer with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Runynn.
Returns From Hospital George
Rndnbnugh. who recently under
went an operntlon In the veterans'
hospital In Portlnnd. returned to
this home In this city today.
Displays Llllles A regal Illy and
several Washington lilies, grown
by C. D. McKay of Garden vnlley.
are now on display In the window
of tho Roseburg Chamber of Commerce.
Spends Week-End In Melrose
Mrs. M. E, James of this city will
spend the woek-end in Melrose
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bronl, who were
here yestorday looking after busi
ness matters.
V 4BtwW
J?P5j?"Tf5 A score of stars mak
f ytfh A V.. J lu'n whoopee In this comedy ear.
jJJVj' nival! - The howl of the
. - in -
Visit Here Thursday Mr. nnd
Mrs. Lavoy Swanson of Ashwood,
Oregon, stopped here Thursday to
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Brown, They are enroute to Cali
fornia on their wedding tour. Mr.
Swanson Is the nephew of Mr.
Discharged from Hospital Wal
ter Weaver, of Myrtle Creek; Mrs.
C. R. Swindler of tilts city, Mrs.
Paul Huettl, of Detroit; Mrs.
Velma Millard, of Klamath Falls;
Mrs. E. L. Davenport and Infant
of this city will be discharged to
morrow from Roseburg General
hospital. .
Purchase Bell Place Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Nelpert, who have been
residing at Huber, near Portland,
have purchased the 25-acre Bell
place In Edenhower, and will make
their home there in the future.
Calapooia Visltoi- John Abeene,
Calapooia rancher, transacted
business in Roseburg yesterday.
Mrs. Ingram Shops Mrs." Hat
tie Ingram, of Dixonvllle, spent
several hours In town Friday shop
ping and visiting friends.
Miss Ehlert Leaves Miss Grace
Ehlert left yesterday afternoon for
Eugene, where she will visit for a
few days with friends before go
ing to Portland and Seattle. Later
Bhe will go to her mother s home
in St. Paul, Minnesota,
Miss Churchill Expected Miss
Helen Churchill, dietician In the
Portland medical hospital, is ex
pected to arrive here this evening
to spend the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Churchill.
Return From Vacation Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Chamberlain and
Miss Mildred Morris will return
to this city Sunday after a week's
vacation spent In Klamath Falls,
Crater lake, Portland and Eu
gene. Returns to Monmouth Miss
Helen Thomson, student at Mon
mouth Normal school, who has
been here as the guest of her
aunt. Miss Margaret Page, is pre
paring to leave tomorrow for Mon
mouth to resume her studies dur
ing the summer session.
Expected Here Today Mr. and
Mrs Vmnk White and small daugh
ter. Doris Ann. are expected to ar
rive here this evening to spend
the week-end. Mr. White, manager
of a North Bend MacMarr store,
will assist In the consolidation of
the stocks of the local stores.
Mr. Bauer Transacts Business
Herman Bauer, of Myrtle Creek,
spent several hours In this city
yesterday transacting business.
From Oakland Mrs. Effle How
ard and daughter, 'Miss Mildred
Howard, of Oakland, were visiting
and shopping in this city yesterday.
Here on Business Fred Schmidt
of Coos Junction, was here on
business Friday.
In From Umpqua Mrs. Frank
Good and children came in from
Umpqua today to visit with friends
and shop.
Mrs. Shrum Here Mrs. Steve
Shrum, of Gllde, was in tills city
this morning shopping and visit
ing with friends.
Mrs. Roser Visits Mrs. S. A.
Roser was in this morning from
Brockway to shop and visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Here Mr.
and MrB. Thomas Ward rame in
from Melrose yesterday to visit
friends and attend to business matters.
Fined for Drunkenness Claud
Lynn of thfB citv was arrested last
night by City Officer Ray Rausch
charged with drunkenness. He ap
peared this morning before Citv
Recorder A. J. Geddes and entered
a plea of guilty, paying a fine of
Miss - Busenbark Home Miss
Margaret Busenbark, who gradu
ated this year from the normal
school in Ashland, is spending the
summer with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Busenbark of Mel
rose. Miss Busenbark has signed
a contract to teach the coming
year at Azalea.
Albanv Man Here Justin O.
Elfert, Southern Pacific engineer
from Albany, arrived here this
morning to loin Mrs. Eifert and
their son. who have been visiting
the past week at the home of her
mother. Mrs. Leslie Hatfield, on
North Deer creek. The boy will
probably spend his summer vaca
tion at the Hatfield home.
Mr. Bauer Transacts Business
Herman Bauer, of Myrtle Creek,
spent several hours in this city yes
terday transacting business.
Spend Day In Eugene Mr. nnd
Mrs. Roscoe Marsters and daugh
ter, Betty, spent Thursday In En
gene looking after affairs of business.
For Three Days
Loretta Young Douglas
Fairbanks, Jr.
Visit In Portland Mrs. S. G.
Selllck and daughter, Frances,
have been spending the past week
In Portland visiting with relatives.
Visitor at Brockway 'Mrs. Cath
erine Nichols of Portland is spend
ing a month visiting her son, Ray
mond, at the home of Mrs. I. B.
Nichols of Brockway.
Spends Vacation Here M I s a
Louise Anderson of Portland, for
merly of Roseburg, Is expected to
arrive here today to spend hdr
two weeks' vacation at her home
In Edenbower.
Attends Summer 8chool Miss
Venora Bates, teacher of the pri
mary grades In Edenbower, Is leav
ing Sunday for Ashland, where she
will attend the summer session of
I he Southern Oregon normal.
Now the screen's great
est . ROMANTIC team
gives you the season's
most hilarious COM
EDY. You'll shake
from your ankles to
your eyebrows at the
comical cut-ups of the
greatest cast of come
dians ever seen In one
All Talking Comedy
"Old Bill Xmus"
Matinee 10c-25c
Evening 10c-35c
Matinee Saturday
and 8unday
"Burning Up"
Comedy and Act
Anita Page, Robt. Mont- ,
gomery, William Haines,
Dorothy Sebastian, Karl
Dane, Gwen Lee. .
and they all act in the gayest comedy ever filmed.
A vivid motion picture record of change
and progress.
Among the first motion pictures ever taken
were those of Grover Cleveland escorting Wil
liam McKinley to his inauguration as president
of the United States. These pictures are in
cluded. Sidewalks of New York 25 years ago
and today; the bicycle the auto. The ex-kaiser
in his "glory" before the war, his present role
as a simple burgher in Holland. Wilbur
Wright's first flight, and the huge Dornier
"Do-X". In addition to those mentioned are
King Edward VII, Lillian Russell, Woodrow
Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and others.
Matinee 10c-35c
Evening 10c-50c
Dally at 2:15
Evenings 7:159:00
"Montana Moon"