ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 29. 1930. SEVEN Classified Section BATES: Per word, each Insertion. 1 cent. By the week. 5 cent, . word. Minimum per adTertlsement, 15 ecntfc MaU yonr ad count ua word and endow atamp, meek or monej order. - ! FOR SALE FOR SALE Oak wood. 270-Y. Phoue FOR BALE Five book "2" music books. Call 20-1. FOR WOOD or nuullDg phone : 157-LX. A. K. Mllblvy. tlAV FOXt SALE Kdenbower or- chard tract. Phone 2r3. BARGAINS In used washers. The Culltoi nla Oregon Power Co. f WOOD FOR SALE Dry oak slove and block wood. Phone 24F21. JVOOD FOR SALE fllock. 13.50 per tier. Phone 18F12. Jacoby " Bros. - USED HORSK DISC Fine shape. - Reasonable price. Leake & Bey ers Co. ' FOR 8ALE One fancy turkey torn. Valley Poultry and Produce Co. Phone 64ti. FOR SALE A few more Ettes burg strawberry plants. J. T J Wood, Myrtle Creek. RHODE ISLAND RED eggll ior hatching, ?1 hundred. Fhone 8F14. BKEn POTATOES Fine stock of s seed poUUoett. Reasonable prices. Leake & Beyers Co. ..TWO USED ice boxes, almost new. . Just $20 each. The California Oregon Power Co. STANDARD make piano and ' bench in perfect condition, sacri '. flee, (100. 847 S. Stephens. ..SPECIAL 1 used Lange wood zange. selling very cheap. The California Oregon Power Co. FOR SALE Fruit Jars, 45c dozen. Mostly 1-gal. anil qts. Please bring contaiuers. 702 Cobb St. FOR SALE OR RENT 10 acres river ' bottom, close In, small house. Call at 402 W. Lane St. CAR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 when In need of auto parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. FOR SALE Used tires at a big saving to you. All sizes. L. R. Chambers service station. Phone 649. BERMUDA ONION PLANTS White and yellow stock. 15 cents a bunch. Order now. Leake & Beyers Co. "FOR SALE Hound pups, redbone and bloodhound, from real tree dogs. W. A. Blackurt, Ruckles, Jl" Oregon. ... ..FOR SALE Full Hue of knee pads i for fruit nickers. Price reason able. Arthur Long, street. 403 W. Cuss USED PLOWS AND DISCOS We have a fine stock of used plows and discs to select from. Leake & Beyers Co. FOR SALE Hack, two seals, pole and shafts, also light double har ness anil single harness. J. S. Da vis, Myrtle Creek, Ore. FORDSON TRACTOR Good con dition, ready to work. See Fred 1. Fortin, Unipqua, Ore., or Miller Sanford Tractor Co. JXCUUATOns AND BROODERS Coal, electric and oil brooders. Used Buckeye Incubator, $25. Leake & Ueyers Co. FOR SALE Good while brood sow, bred to good stock. Also nice heifer calf. 7 months old. Mrs. Leslie Hatfield. Phone 3IF11. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS spray ma ', lerlals. Dry lime sullur, fungi Bortlo, arsenate of lead, mtilsoid i sulfur, summer oil. Low prices. Leake & Beyers Co. i FOR SALE So:ne fresh milk cows, mostly Jcrt-y; also several ,' young heifers in milk, and live young, thoroughbred Hereford ; bulls. Luke Bonnln, Happy Valley r ranch, or address Koseburg. Phone 17F2. (OR SALE If you break down or have an accident of any Kinu, inqt mil I.. It. Chambers at 649. It doesn't cost so, much. We have one or the best tow cars in the town, end take your car to any repair shop you say. VOH SALE AulD paint enamel. It is lime to mint your car, and w; have the best auto enamel mat is to be had. We have used it for a long time. Come in and see what it do. L. R. Chambers, Hurant sales and service garage. Phone 6;. 325 W. Cass St. Ft)U BALE AT 111(1 SACRIFICE The S. I). Crouch home at 520 W l Oak SI. Lot 73 feet on paving. 2 story house, lull basement, 20 rooms, plastered. Fire place. Unlit Ins. Modern plumbing. Hot and cold water in every room ex cept one on second floor. Hullding constructed ot best materials, (in account of sickness of owner, property will be sacriliced at less than one-third of actual cost. Price $rn,on- $l(ini) cah, balance terms. This Is an excellent place for rooming house. If interested, .ee (1. W. Voting & Son, 110 Cass St. Phone 417. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished heated apt., shower, sleeping porch, electric ratiKe. close ;n. Inquire 121 W. lKuglas St. afternoons. FuR RENT 1 lo-acre ranch 6 mils "iM of Roseburg. 5 acres in cul 1 i Htion, lu-arre ;.r;in; orchard, I acres ko1 coin gioiuid. i. Sheppaid, R. II. No. 5, Sherwood, Ore, HOUSE FOR KENT Furnished. I j'nonu bt). FOR UENT! ..1...... . lanes. Phone 47! L or call at 547 1 . o. oiepnens. FOR RENT Furnished modern clean 3-room apt. Adults. Garage. rnono -K-y-il. WANTED WANTED-rA used rowboat in good I condition. Call 2SF3. WOOD cutters wanted by J. C. ltoyce, 131 S. Rose St., Koseburg. WA-N'TED Housekeeper in coun try. Box 4S3S, care News Review. WANTED 5-acre tract, improved or unimproved, iiox 4819, care News-Review. WANTED Girl to help wilh work. Must be expel ienced in cooking. Call at Tenmilc store. WANTED Middle aged weman woo can cook during the summer in auto camp. Apply at Camp iew, Roseburg. COLLEGE student, here for sum mer, wants room and dinner in home with piano. Reasonable dis tance of business district. Box 4841, care News-Review. LOST w w LOST Spaniel pup, while with mown sputa, itewaru. Cuil TZi. LOST Hri.i1 blocked dress pattern about March luth. Reward tor re turn to 618 Piatt Bldg., Portland. MISCELLANEOUS WALNUT and ctierry grafting ac complished. H. 11. Turk, Kose burg, Oregon. CAR OWNKH Don't forget to call bu'i when in need of auto party; Sarffs Auto Wrecking House-.' SHK'S A BEAU Strayed ffom Wigwam, brown bear. Collar . around neck with 7-foot chain. FKEE LICSSONS given in decora tive painting and art needle work. 334 iN. Hose. Phone &5b-J. NEW TODAY IIOY, 17, wants work, anv kind. Call 6K21. FOIl ai:NT April 1st, house 726 Moslu:r St. Inquire 875 Hoover St. HEAVY registered draft team. Uroftt bargain. Valentine. I'houe 1-Jfc Sutlierlln.. . FOR SA L10 Fruit jars, gardm toors, 1 itnd other nii'tiuloa. ti-17 Hamilton. FOR SALE Turkey egs; tome, hens, 1st prize stock. Valentine. Phone KJ, Sutherlin. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house with garage, good garden ground and fiuit trees. Call at Sai Miller St. NEW steel desk 55x31, selling lor $G5 regular cost price to move quickly. McKean, Darby & Bald win. FOR RENT Fight acres first ciass melon land free from disease; . close in; casii or shares. Wards cafe. FOR SALE OR TR A UK Yirt chesier, take shotgun, pistol, any thing. Also want 2i head of feed er pigs. Ward's cafe. FL'RNISHEIJ apt. for rent. Flediic range, private bath, liirnace, hardwood floors, buiit-ins, aiaye. 926 S. Main. Phone 429-R. PIANO Another wonder ful buy. $7t") player. 25 roil::, 1 bench, freshly ti:ned, delivered, only $19S. oil's r..u.::c store. FOR RENT--2-root.i furnished i pt., water and lights 1'urni :hed. K ith, garage, $10 per !..onih. 5 bkxks from new laundry. Ul(i S. Pine St. WANTED LOAN $7501) loan on 16 acre.'i prunes and peache-., im provements valued at $i2.0t"0, land valued $Sou0. Iiox 1U43, Rose burg, Oregon. TRY our illustrated mimeographed I. iters. Thy w 111 increase your business. We are in a position to furnish these at n very low cost. THE LETTER SHOPPE. E. R. Kennj-. Phone 259. WANTED LOAN S75WI on 15 acres prunes, II acres apples, s acres brot t o!l and cantaloupe hunt, valm d $!.0'iit. improve m'nts $2,ho:j. Iiox lMlo, Jtose buig. $2!i'M( IS THE price that v. as paid in 1W7 for u Will;. n Kni lit 4 pass. spent coupe and it t ;:n b' bout: hi now t'roiii tin I'nipqua garage for less than Pint ituok prii;e, which is very low. FOR SALE 1!27 Willyit-Kniuht A tnndfl, 4-phji. ralniob-i. Fully eqiiipj-ed, goocl heay d-ily double en ice hres, gond paint, and in Mist class condition. A fine car at a low pi he. rnipqua garage, Medical Arts Uldg. WE IlELIEVE that a 1!(27 Willys Knigiit 4-pa.-H. sport couK! at tiie price we a Mi fs the bet batk-ain we UuMi cer had. !'rd cms t( sell m ud be bargain. See (ids exfpiiunal buy at liie Fmpqiia garage. MONEY Yes. we haw it. and wo are organized to li-lp ;:i 1 iini that desir "A liome." before miikiirs j -P -i'-t for a i i;l il.ii.N'i I.' AN .'..-SnejA-I TION, Medical Alia Hid. P.ioae i i I POLLY AND HER PALS SPWeoH'THtS .6 AWrHJL.' There's VR-5f?rS ) i' till IN THE CBLLAR, W' J L,TTLE H A V-fiZ LOOK 5-roo:n modern furnished house, $Hiu), SlMiu down, balance same as rent, close in on paved street. Has garage; this is a line location. $3000 to loan on a farm, must be well secured. All kinds of houses and farms .for sale or trade. C. Merrill, 1U8 Mother St. LOAN'S Plan your loan to til your income. If you are buying on con tract or ausiuning a mortgage what will you do when the mort gage comes due? We have a pian whereby we can furnish you with num-.-y for paying oil' your pres- nt mortgage by means or' a loan that will call Tor a small monthly payment which will include both interest and principal. Unipqua Savings and Loan Assn., organiz ed 1917. Dongius Abstract buiid insc. TODAY'S MARKETS 4 (AmwiclHiod Pri'M LfiiiH'd Wire) .PORT-LANK Alareh as. Kut U-r iirut KM priien I'. niaiiU'il iitic)mntrj mmiy, ihil ilu-rw Mlimn WUilK hesrt in niittur wiiii:n - many tt"k ( u imlh uu- tlie rci-riil ndviijiix' might lint hold. 1 KeviewniK tlie rrnlt nml Vf-petaldo sUuilLllill. I ilf I'ulLlalMl IMIJI'UU ui tin; i.iiiiiii .aLua dip.ii liiu lit uf ujii icui turo Mays: "AntHlDIUltH Hltl)t)llfM 11 re Hhi-1 (ll fk-niainl 1m imprin,fi, uml prit-fH an low it aK'iili at lni; j r-- Hi. lor la-xt Kreeii a.i)aralis. lnrrt-aseil foii Miniition of iiMpaniKiiH is pi obahi y at ti ( iiiiK (ii'itiaiid 1 1 r itttier I t Mi vt-HftalMus. Caul -llfiwcr is ihovimk xluwiy. uitli Hit h's to Portland Jnli ht'i s im Idw a 1. 1 i. v 1 .2.1, lor ia 1 Ort.'gwi 'iioncr', UctallciH are pay ing ll.riO'u 1.75 lur this Htoi-k, tin) fancy lalituinia stoc k cuniiuaiida u iitc premium vr Urvgun. "Cfibbage weakened lirrespt)ne to' lower tihijipftift-pMliit prices; but Is sull a luxury at Sr. pur lb. "Potatoes con i i in'- firm ut nil northi-rii MiipjntiH dislrieiK, and tar lot hniin at i iikiiiia i re a shade IiikIht. Tin Poitlaiwl Johbiim mark. -I ih in in. bill nii'Vt iii.-iu to r.-Laili-i-.s is rat htjr nbw at urn baiii;i d nt u Many of ili tily'H -i;;i.i.t unload aru nuiin; inti' stur;ir." Wool MiiKtli IHtSTfi.V. Alai.h 'llie I'onnner- eiai Hull, mm will say tuinorroW: Tin; wool mark.-t 1 v.-i y un.-.-t-1 1 t'nei-riH inty lonieriiintf the larui board wool plan of oi-rut!oli.s. Hie eventual oilicold of l:ie taiil'I and the slow piece K'iixIh market, give little ItHRlH for ( oiiflileiK e In operations 'n wool, despite the ad mittedly l",v prues. Current sales are few and h'uali. "l-'u ik it iiui.'. e'.s are .sti-ii'llfr. nl tltoiiKh I Si adl ol d ,-i ma i kiiik time, . villi nily a ut ui pat Iiik a su ike in eiinsi ij u. -nrc of the -ane rediirlion.s to be effe. nvt; April 1 "Ill til it West, the on) aio enieiit Is stniill. at tlio ii.tunent. Willi idiear iliti Kraihiully In eoluiiiK "nil i Keil ci al. .doimlr conilniieM slow and ralber in favor 'if ih.- buyer." Tin- 1 oitiin. i i ia Mu Met In will print the following quotutions: Si oiiifd basis; (JreKon: Kine and f. in. Maple -, r fn and f. jtn. fr. 70fii7:(e; fine and 1. in. . lotliliiH lilYn Ufce; valley No. 1, ir voc, Alohulr: in:'.n IT.'ii Ifii-. Ivoinesti;' jrrnliiiK, firxt ri.nibliiK i7(f(;"tHe; K'1 card I ns. :;.S'i HJe. v.ka: Price to reialler: Frefli ox ti uf. 1't'if ; eta ndnrd.H. jjc ; fn-sdi iiic-tlium. 4c. Ii !-- to wliolefialuis 2v "ed. r pitc to r-ttlfrs. I!ntter rub..: Ktras, II.-; stnn daids. i pi im.r f n .-M n. ;isi ; firm s. Creane-tv prieeS: Priliis, lit: over e-u lie ftandatdH. .Milk: Kitw milk ft pT '-ent I VJU't rwl. d.lier.d I'oitliinl. less I j-r e-iit: urmlc It initk. JJ tl-l. I tut -t-rff.l. j:tafifi, .;;7e; track. '.i'M -, de IiKi l le pound. I'oui 1 1 . i ..uylntr prl' e-t i : Alive he::y Inns nv r 4 ', :;.s. 2:, rn -uu--niediuin ln-iifv. 1" '4 il6 lbs. "2-'a -'' . I iuli t, il''ii-r ''t lbs. I;'"-: up 1 Iiik.1. over 2 ii.s Jtuj.'.t ; l'. kin die kn, lbs and -1--. rolor. d du kx. 1 i turk-yrt. No. 1. 2 fi .'.; No. L'-'.e; ulls. 2 e; alive Kr2"e. f'oiintt v lueatH- f Ituyinu pre el i'l,.d.f v.'d, -ifjv; l.n'n I r,-: e!ioee lam)n, 2tfy 2zf, muttnti. 1 JfM?' rioor fr It V silvery prtees) Kmnily patent.- 41 ft. ti t": whop. 4'.s. Brat'Jtui. $.S0. b.ik.r-" hard wlie:.t, !', 10 K0; t-.-.k-.! bin-stem pal.iits. ics., pntry flour. 'J'.. i "aiie M'jrir f Min ki d bn "1 1 ) ' On ne. fruit or berry, li.2 per in t. Be-t pwkT ITi. t( ewt i lore Steady, Oregon, 11.1 j' 11.75 CiiruiiiTierii r. nvr. t'', 2Z dozen. A HUI TH il poll nr. Srunarii CjtllforitiH 3 t" ''-.2 cr" t f. IlrniivclB P.r(.iii inri f pound .---i;.iilfi. N'. I irrit" '! :; 1i N-w potatoes, Florida, l-fr lie pound. 'f,l - Sf.-Jni v ; niKi:in 'J re Kofi, 1 '; 1 l. ; V.tli- v. ' t . V-.i:,ir: ip')iil t:,Cj ir.,- I mm-nl i-xt-c'imz; ff-t unbind i;ii..Kr, ynod . aid. ll'-' V.i't tfte. id 17llc lUy: Wholtaaie buying prices, de- mm y" ?: J 9 i OLALLA MINORCA LAYS FREAK EGG The season for "freak" eggs has apparently rolled around again j and this morning J. E. Leonard of Olalia broug:.: :n exhibit A. The I live red Portlantl ; (Eastern Oregon timothy, 922. tf 2?..Zv; Co valley. $11 fii;i.f.t; aitalfa iiayjif; clover. $it; out liuy, lib; straw, 1 1 -ff s ion; seil- om 1'iictis i to 12 mum. v."a.-eiirii bm k Steady, 7 IQ 7 '4c Hops Steady; li'.i i rop, h'U 10c. : Cattle and ealvi-s: Steers 1100 I.HUi lbn. ?11.2.r.'t, IS.iHI; Rood JM.fiO'U 1 IJ.L'il; niediuin Sh.iH"'fi li.;'iO; eom i ,11011 $S.:'iO! iu.ra, tieifers, puod ! lia.fliHt Ht.sii, cuininon to medium I lti.r.o. cowh, kimuI $;.r,or., hi- U-omiuuii :o uu dlinn Jti.75 . $.T', low- Ieutier to eiilior $ ! i l.7r. Hulls $T.7ti i fitiX.s:,. cit;er to medium JtJ.UiKfy 7.7.1. v.'alven lii.onsi l!j..1.i. t ull to ui.m iooii'f y.on. V. ali r.i. milk ted I I $1 1 0.1 It llt.UO, med.inii JJ)0f ll.Ua; j iru't to . o men $ii.;.lK( '.(.III). I i Hobs: Heavy weight. J.2 7 10.75, Itieilaini w.-iKiit Slu.illK, M.Ou, liwht 1 WeiKlit S I 1 y 11. 25. llK1it liRlltR, i 1 0.oyn 1 1 00. i'uekiiiK hows. s.zrtt- I 9.2.1. Slaughter iukh $ 10.OO t 11.00. J r e. d-1 a 1 1 il ft i of :ti i' iKh lee I ,( h. inedilliit to elioiee $J1.0l)ri U'.OI). (Soft'' or o.iy horfM and nmM pi extaud-;! led In abov.t (iiiotatioiiK.I .Sheep nd la in:s: 1 ..unbs, ffond to fdiob-e $! 7 fi lll.r.ll. H4 to fB 11.3.' $!l.r.i) ' tn in. at, ?h idh. down, uted l u in f:t.0 . MJ.7.1, all weiKhtM. eoinmon 7.,rdi'l(i I y.OO. VearlitiK: Wethers SO SOijfS.o't, medium tn choice $5.uofrK.fT. i'n. ilia j nan. a .in ..n n...,o-i,. cull and common, $2.0aVi 4.00. POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS THE POWER OF ENTHUSIASM The modern engineer Is an enthusiast with a technical education. It Is the technique that enables him to measure the st reuses of steel and the speed of tlie electron. Hut It Is the enthusiasm which transforms 1 his knowledge into giant bridges and voices that call be heard around the world. Vol long ago a fnmo-i.s engineer was tdrolling "rl SfrT f do- ii the halls or the MaKsaclinsett s institute, oi , : Technology. He had one arm about the shoulder of .s his iriend, ProT. Charles I. Norton, head oi the de- j tfi ' partment of physics. l-jSuJSL "Vou know," the engineer exclaimed. "We ouRht v;nfl not to take any money tor our jons; we gni so mtu n tun out of them." And he Is one of the most highly paid research men In the United States! His nttltude the keen enjoyment of his work is one of tlie major reasons for his success, and Pro l'ei.sor Norton believes that it holds the key io the most Important qualification for young men who wish to enter this profession. ;i'hey mv.Ht .Stone uim:e tit rimmrui m, ne nuiun, n u mu noun i)iL driving purpose that prompts the musician or the 'Jitr artist to select his career. Professor Norton's opinion ctriles the weight of a unique position lie has viewed engineering fluin yean, he has been associated with its industrial physics eoursi s which attempts to fit the physicist for direct service in industry. Aim an a director of a number of large technical concerns he has had a part in rpeedlng up (he wheels of research wilhin the commercial labora tories. Charles K. Cratke in Christian Science Monitor. Professor Norton's found the key To open doors of mystery; In this bright day of engineers Men deal with facts and not with fears. The one to seize the hhest prize Must have the spring? on which to rise The springs that come from curious mind That must Dame Nature's secrets find. The man who wins has power to dream A greater force hy far than steam; Will have nn urge within his soul T hat drives him onward to his yoal; Will have a fever in his blood To make his dreaming burst in bud; t Will have a source of virile power. Kcricwcd and freshened every hour. Keen Charlei L. Norton's searching ryes Have found the frre to reach the skies. It is the man divinely called Who by no foe is e'er appalled. This earnest, rapt, compelling fjree 1 o drive a nmn along his course Will give the strength that does not tire, Give whiter heat than any fire. This happy truth ii full of joy; It gives life gold without nlloy. There ia no sweeter dream than this; ' That in man's work he find his bliss Frind there the thing for which he's made. Pe:form :;reat t.vk ns if he played. 1 hricc happy he v;hy finds the rphere W here work to him brings buoyant cheer 1 The Goose Hangs High i egg measured 7 1-8 Inches tn length and was 6 7-8 Inches in circumference. It was layed by a Minorca hen. , Returns From Seattle Hernard Youiir lias ret urnod t n his homo in this city, after spending several days in Seattle visiting Benjamin Wing. EAGLES NOTICE, SPECIAL MEETING 4 Sunday, March HlMh, 1:30 p. nt. Initial Intl. All members be there, bring candidates. All 4 candidates come. 4 O WOUTHY PUKSIDKNT. ATTENTION LEGIONNAIRES ReRnlar nieotinn of llinpfpm Pot;t No. IH, Atnorican Kenton, 8 p. m. Tuesday, April 1st at Lenlon club , nioin, IUwehurt; annory. lmporlatit UuhMiohs. 4 AttntiancL ol all menibora ro- quested. 4 ADJUTANT. desire lo follow T the inside ami the outsme. ior -iu the institute and Is responsible for embraced one of the ilrst academic 1 SCIENCE LECTURE SUBJECT Itllss Knapp, a member of the beard ot lectureship of the Moth er Church, KIrst Church of Christ Scientist, In Hodton, Masa., spoke at the local church edifice Thurs day night before a large audience, taking us his subject, "Christian Scienco and the ideal Church." Mr. Knapp said In part: "When John the Hap tint sent messengers to inquire If Jesus were the promised McPBinh, Jesus gave the Bame sign of healing which God Himself hp.d Riven to Moses fifteen hundred years be fore. Turning to the hystnndeis, Jesus proceeded in that same hour to heal many or their pla gues and infirmities. Then h re plied, 'Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see. the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf, hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel la ed.' Those cases of henilug in dicated exactly what Jest's meant by 'works' when he a: Id, 'The same works that 1 do, wit ness of me, that the Father hath sent me'; for, 'though ye believe not me, believe the works.' "Before Christ Jesus finished his ministry, he promised to send us another Comforter. That word 'another' Ih significant. It Indi cates that Christ Jesus himself wop one Comforter, and that his method of bringing comfort to the sick and sorrowing was through these very works of healing. Then he promised anmiier Comforter which he described as the 'Spirit of truth,' which 'will guide you Into all truth. From thr.t time Clfist lann have been looking for the coming of this promised Comfort er, just as the Jewfc had hitherto been looking lor the coming of the promised (Messiah. Then what would be the sign of Its coming? Would It not be the name sign of healing? Wh?n the people of faith recognize the mighty healing works of Christian Scienco to-day, they ask. Is not this the 'Spirit of truth,' the promised Comforter? The answer Is even the same. The 'works that l do. bear witness of me, that the Father bath Bent me'; for 'though yo believe not me. believe the works. Christ Jesus also declared that 'when the Com forter Is come, . . . he shall testify of me.' Christian Science doe? testify of Christ Jesus, by doing the works which he did, and by doing them always lit his mime. "Mary Baker Kddy has express ed the teachings of Christian Sci ence in her book, 'Science and Health with Koy to the Scriptures,' with such scientific accuracy, tba tho mere reading of that book has frequently healed tho render In both mind and hotly. The last chapter in this book, called the chapter on Frullagu, prpsenls one hundred pages of testimonials by those who have been healed Hlmp ly by reading that book. He fore those testimonies were published they were submitted lo tho same tests for verification that would be required by a court of law. They Include the healing of eye (roubles. deafiiiBS, dropsy, Aieart t rouble, asthma, consumption, can cer, locomotor ataxia, and bo forth difficulties I hat are by many thought lo be incurable Here again is the sign of healing which the people of faltlr recognize as the most absolute proof of God's presence and power. "With tho hundreds of Christ! Ian denominations already In ex Istence, some might ask, 'Why should Mary Halter Kddy start an other church?' She believed thai after two thousand years, thu? warfare against sin would have been far more effectual If the churches had not dropped the cle ment of Christian healing. Couse quently she organized her chinch In 1879 for the purpose of rnlnstat lug the 'lost element of healing (Manual, p. 17), and a rule of hei church required that the pustoi should 'be ahlo to heal iho filch alter tho manner or Christian Sci ence" (Christian Science Journal, Vol. VII, p. 259). Mrs. Kddy was tho first pastor of her church, and she ably vindicated her ability to heal both sin and sickness. "Mrs. Kddy's sermons frequent ly healed tho sick. We have the record that Invalids have been healed of cancer arid of consump tion while listening to her ser mons. Cripples have gone to her church on crutches, and carried thetn away on their shoulders, having been healed by the power of the Chrlsl-spliH which pervad etl her sermons. The sign of heal ing which characterized her preaching was the proof of Cod's presence and power. "Cod revealed to Christ Jesus Ihe Ideal church designed to with stand the gales nf hell. Then this ideal church must pnsseHs Hip power and vitality designed to withstand the very elements of hell, namely, sin, disease, and death. Hut why should Cod re veal to Christ Jesus Ibis ideal church, possessing the power and vitality lo save His people horn sin, disease, and death, it 'iod HiniKelf Is the author or these evils? If Cod made evil or even permits It, then His Ideal church would be lighting iiKitinst Cod. and the Christian church would have no exeuie fr existence. Hut the theory that It Is Cod's will liiii'ilfaji i AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 662 Day or Night STEPHENS AUTO CO. WHAT $1.25 WILL BUY Ladies of Roseburg and out-of-town districts are invited to look over our new assortment of j Imported Kitchen and Table Crockery Ware that we have just unpacked. This ware is attrac tively decorated and useful as well. For a short time we are offering your choice of thts" shipment at $1.25 per article. Don't fail to inspect this line. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. that tm should he sick and die is a purely man-made theory, which the true church completely discredits. "Moses of old declared that Ood . is a 'Cod of truth and without in iquity, just and right Is he,' and the prophet HabakKuk also de clared, 'Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity.." Therefore Uod is the supreme intelligence uf good which overcomes evil just as light dispels darkness, even though the light can never know the darkness. The acceptance of the fact that God is absolutely good, knowing no evil. Is essential lo Christian healing. Tho good ness and purity of Cod was a fun damental teaching nf Judaism, which gradually became corrupt ed by human theories. "The healing works of Chrtsl Jesus revealed the true nature of (iod. When by the power of Ood, Christ Jesus healed the sick, there was the proof that the na ture of Uod Is health, with no taint of disease. When by tho power of God, Christ Jesus cast out devils and overcame sin, there was the proof that the real nature of Cod Is purity and goodness, with no taint of sin or Impurity. When by tli a nnwpr nf find Phrlot .Tunna rnlcml tint Attn A tn llfn thnfn U'lio j the absolute proof that the nature of Cod Is Life, with no element of death or decay; and 'by their fruits ye shall know them.' Mrs. Eddy has written (Science and Health, p. ItSf)), 'Cod is as Incap able of producing sin, sickness, and death aa He Is of experlenc lr i these errors. That statement ,rees with the declaration of rlabakkuk, 'Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not' look on Iniquity.' Before we can heal the sick after the manner of Christ Jesus, we must accept tho absolute goodness and purity of God. "The discovery of Christian Sci ence came to Maty Maker Kddy as the result of her own spiritual healing. She had met with an ac cident which the physician de clared must result fatally. On the third day following the accident, Mrs. Kddy turned to her Bible and began to read from the Hook of Matthew how Jesus healed the palsied man. Doubtless she had read that passage many limes 1 fore, but this timo she cauent tho spiritual point of view, and Illum ined by the Christ-light, she too began to see things as God made them perfect, comploto, harmon ious, and well. That which aha saw In spiritual realization had an immediate effect, on her own body, for she was healed. Here again was the sign of healing which la acceptable to tho people of faith as the most conclusive proof known lo tnen or God's pres ence and power. Mrs. Kddy re sumed her study or the Hlhle and began to write out her observa tions from that spiritual point of view, as a 'scribe under orders' (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 311). Those writings formed the baslB THE Fordson Tractor IS HERE Come in and see it. I D A N C EM AT TENMILE Saturday, March 29 ; a Music by the Blue Moon Orchestra. Everybody g come and have a good time. Roseburg Undertaking Co established 1901 Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone ?M 'JaH and Kaoe 9ts. of her book, 'Science and Health wltu Key to (lie be inures.' Thou sue discovered tlui tue read ing ut that book heald toe sick, again the sign ot sealing the conclusive pi out ut Gou a p licence and powet, Trs. Eddy then uhdeilppk to establish this discovery uli a .firm louudati"ii by the organisation of her church, and In 185 sue wrote her Manual of Utiles and Hy-(awa to preserve this loumiaiion iM tor poBierity. Thou Blid wrote these woniB (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 3K3), 'in lHim it goes without say lug, preeminent over Ignorance or (Miry, thut Christian Science 4 founded by its discoverer,, and built upon the rock of Chi 1st. Con sequently Mrs. Eddy can lay "claim to three great achievements .which immortalize her name as Discov erer and Founder of Christian Sci ence, and author of Us text Hook, 'Science and Health with Kqy to the Scriptures.' 'VMra. Eddy Was forty-five" years ot uge when she discovered Christian Science, and It took her loity-five years more lo establish this discovery on a firm founda tion. She has written (Ihe--First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, p. 24!)): 'Millions may know that 1 am the Founder of Christian Science. 1 aione ttnbw what that means.' 'The founder' of genuine Christian Science -"'has been all her years giving it birth" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. "39). "The institutional activities .of The Mother Church in I ton too con Btitute Mrs. Eddy's right tto, he called the Founder ot Christian Science. Then any attack, oo these Institutional activities nf ; The Mother Church In Boston , 1 ,13 reality ah effort to deprive, .Mra Kddy of her title of Founder ot Christian Science. The Institu tional activities of this church?,pn vide the means and methods by which Christian Science makes its challenge to slu effectual. Na turally sin desires to dostrqy, ' Us tormentor, that It may live. This reaction of sin again the institu tional activities of The M'oher Church In Boston has rosulteil in litigation and strife; but the war faro Is glorious. Mrs. Eddy's wis dom has boon vindicated, aiVtT her greatness growa more apJMtant as time goes on, for -God never forsakes His Church nor Ills Cause. "Christian Science Is Vital to men and women, because It pre sents a Bclentlfio explanation by which all may work out thelr.'ttwn salvation. 11 oxplalns all cause and effect as mental; and that Bin, dis ease, and death are overcome by the understanding of that sahVo di vine Principle which enabled Jesus to heal the sick and raise the dead. Contrary to popular opinion, this healing is achieved not hy any use of the huma'h will or suggestion, but by the Under standing of thut which is absolute ly true In the sight of God. It 1b Indeed the "Spirit of .truthl' the Comforter which Jobub promised." NEW M. E. RIYTER, Manager Ltoensed Lady Embalrpr