ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1930. Newsy Items From Douglas County Correspondents FIGHT SOUTH UMPQ'JA ROD M CLUB IB lira raw W.1I Take Active Part in Effort to Secure Money to Complete Tiller Trail Cut-Off. Sportsmen of Days Creek Vicinity Hear Report on Achievements of the Past Year (NVwt ttevlrw liwiclai f'n.ntv K:!;it) HAYS CllKKK, Fib. 15. Tlio South I'nipquu Hod unit Cum club met In regular session Wednesday evening at the Ijtvuilnru school llOHSC. There win u good atlend ante notwithstanding Mio rough weather ami u number of live sub Jccta were brought up and dis cussed. Ily request of tho president. Hugh ltlilor gave a brief review of tho history of Ibo elub. reciting Iih uclilcvemenla In Hie pant and lis holies and aspirations lor the fu turn. Aecording to '.Mr. Killer while the primary purpose of the elub Ih to bolter name and flKh cnnilllinhs along ihe South limpnua, Ihe or ganization lb pledged to inltlalo or support any und all worthy projocu ror mo i tiuiro vcnifji t of conditions in this dlstrlet or In the couniv lii Btatcd that through tlio efforts of the club several thousand trout had been planted In ihe ttreams mid lakoH trilmlury to the South umpqun and that Ihe name rauiuiis Blon had promised more. IIo also said that a number of guinea fowl und Chinese pheasants had been linerated in the Ideality. Mr. Hitler reported that Ihe new clubhouse at Tiller, which Is ncurllig completion, win nirnisn romlorfnb u and coin modlous quarters for bolh business meetings and social gatherings. After pome discussion a commit tee consisting of C. ;. Hill, It. A. Moore ami ('has. 1'arker, was ap pointed to Investigate the imihsIIiII lly or an early compleilon of the Tiller-Trail cutorf. 'ihe next regular meeting of Ihe club will he held Wednesday even ing, Feb. 2illh. In Ihe now dub bouse at Tiller, at which time the roid Hi l tuition In tho South Limp qua country will receive mil con sldcintlon. The meeilngs are open to nil and residents of Ihe Souih I'Tmiqim country are especially In vlled to nitend. GLENDALE C. OF C. ANNUAL DINNER TO BE HELD MONDAY ( .UaoclitlrTl fnm lu...,! Wlri-l ' (U.KNIMI.R, Keb. IT). Tho un nual dinner und business meeting of the tileudale chamber or com merce will he held next Monday evening. The dinner will he held at the Clendale bolel at 7 o'clock, instead ot S o'clock us previously announced. 'I here will be a charge of fill cents per plale. The busi ness meeting will follow the dinner and will he held at the city hall. It Is hoped to commence tills meet ing at H:3U. lOleellon of officers for the ensu ing year, various eonnulltee reports ami ohler mallets lo c e up for iIIscuhsI will occupy Ihe allen- llon ot members at the animal meeting. The special comtuillco on a pro gram of tree planting has recom mended that union en t lit h program he deferred until alter Ihe cllv has completed Ihe proposed re-liivlug of water mains. Trees planted 'now would In mnuy cases be disturbed by Ihe dlc,;lng of water main trenches, so Ihe cnmnilllee thought II liesi to defer the entire program lor the present. DRAIN (,Vi"vk Itfvlpw PnitirW r..ttnlv Si lnU UliAIN. Ken. XX Mm. Charles Apptegato (Clara llynnt. of Km gene, spent hut we. k end here Hl the home of her mother, Mrs. Nel lie Kyaii. ' Mr. nnd Mm. C. It. 1)elk spent Sunday at lite home uT their Hon Inlaw and diiiU'hter, Mr. and Mis. Chester Phillips, lit Ktuene. whero a I'amiiy gathering lock plnee, hi occasion heitlK a ce!e brallon of the bin Inlay auni versarles of Mr. Phillips nnd Mrs. Albert Chrlrtensen. a daughter or Mr. and Mrs. IMk. who. uidi her hm-hnnd and children, were ilinv from Sah in for the occasion. Mrs. dace May and daughter .Tunia. and sun, Kugene, were lain week-end visitors here, being i In house guenls of Mr. and Mrs. Hai ry Cool. Their home Is nt Spring field. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. l'mphrey. of Cotliv-'e drove, were bete Sunday nnd attended morning services a Hie Methodist church. During the church hour Mr. Umphrev took oe rasiou to nunounce three or four Important nieetfngs tct be held Hum In this part of the southern district which officials and other lavnien were urged to attend. Itev. and Mrs. II. V. Uummell nnd sons, r.-'iil and Philip, of Hit lard, were here Sunday last and nt tended morning services nt I be Methodist church. I!ev. Kummcll was formerly n pastor here for three years. 1!2R to !!:'?. The Misses Jane Irving and Ks titer ltrown. tenchrs in Drain high ni'd grnde seiool-. rennective ly. made p week end A'lslt at liosc hurr and Wilbur on Saturday uutl Bnndify. Mrs. Ttert - "plecale. of Med ford, nve'" n brief stop hero on ' ' v'e-sd:y, le'n on her w ay lo i Poillaud where ahe waa called ou j account of the Illness of hpr fath er, A. B. Chadbourne. The Chad bourne family resided here several years ago, during which time .Mr. Chadbourne was engaged In the confectionery butdness. Arthur Vankirk arrived here on Monday from his home at Fair field, Nebraska, being culled by tlit? illiiens of his mother, Mrs. Caroline Vankirk, who is some what improved front her condition of a few days ago. Dr. Ueriha Devore waH called late -iiicsday evening 10 an end imub i tenderer, aiieu u. son 01 .Mr. and Mrs. Flem flenderer, who reside about five miles north of HerH Oil the hlKtlWay, aild tllO Ileiit was rushed to a Kugene hos pital where be was operated on for apr-en 'ileitis, the case being in in icute stage. nr. !'!'? .'"icvore reports the tilrth of a son to Mr. and .Mrs. K. L. 'Cugelbretsen at their home he,-i, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs loodenpylo at their home on lied Hills south of Yoncalla. Mrs. Leila Devore nnd her daughter. Dr. Hertha Devore vis ited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kugene Stone In Kugcne. CLUB PROJECT IS SUBSTITUTED FOR EXAMINATION (Sow-nv I-w Poiitfluii (toiiniy Bht(u1) IHDDLK, Feb. 13. The eighth grade has an oportunlty to show its ability for marketing In the 4-H marketing project. This project con sists of ten short lessons dealing wllh the history of marketing of agricullural crops, nnd the various agencies and functions of each that go wllh the present system. After each lesson are several questions pertaining to tho material discuss ed. Study of the marketing lessons under the supervision of the teach er will allow the eighth grade stu dent lo substitute tills project Tor the state (final) examination In ag riculture, providing the dally agri cultural work required from the text book is passing and satisfac tory to the teacher and lo the county school superintendent, nnd no siuueni nnswers me questions after each lesson nnd writes an es say of not less than five hundred words on marketing, using the in formation and knowledge gained from the study of the ten lessons. Completing the project and the re quired work in the tet book, each student will be allowed a final grade of !)fi by tho county school superintendent. The Douglas cooperative prune association has provided two $20 scholarships for the boys and girls' club summer school In Corvallis this June. The scholarships are to be awarded to the boy and the girl writing the best essay on the "Marketing , of Agricultural Crops." CARD PARTY AT SUTHERLIN DRAWS LODGE MEMBERS (Nt'vn Ili'vii-w Dunklin Guiltily Snvlnl) SUTHKItiJN, Keb. I ft,' A large crowd attended the "FU0" party el ven by ttie past Noble (1 rands of the ltehekah lodge Wednesday evening In the I. O. O. P. hall. The hull and card tables were decorated in valentines. The din Ing table was trimmed with hearts, Itewpies nnd valentines. The dining room was lighted with shaded lights and candles. The two courses served at tho end of the evening carried out the color and decoration scheme. The first course consisted of heart shaped sandwiches and coffee. The second course was red baked apples and heart -shaped cakes Iced with white and dotted with red can dles. , The past Noble (Irands woro in charge (if the affair, which is an annual event of Ihls lodge. Mrs. Will .1. llayner received hl'4h score for Ihe evening. j MYRTLE CREEK ( WW It'W Pull).')" ('utility Sjhk'IliI) MYRTLE CItEHK. Feb. II. Mr. II. F. Trouli is building a modern it -room coiiuge ou liie homestead which he purchased from Henry Wilson last year. S. H. Knight Is able to be about the si reels again after quite a ser ious illness. Mis. Mary Davles is very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wallace lltow nsoii. The members of the Masonic and Easter Star will be given a, special service at tin Methodist church Sunday morning. The ser mon will he preai-hed by Rev. Ci. A. Taggart. Mrs. Clara St rong has gone to Venice. California, where she is working i'i a cafeteria. Phil Rice has been dressing Ihe .lim Ilafley collage up wllh a new roof and a fine coal of Ivory paint w hich lias wonderfully improved its appearance. Mrs. Clayton Wood spent the weekend In Eugene visiting with her brother and sister, Elbert und Ituhy Moiehuul. The Valenl hie social given by the Chiisitan Ladies' Aid Wednes dy i-v t t ing was enjoyed by a good crow d and a Hilarious time was h;'i bv all present. 1 elli"n shell on has purchased .1 new Chevrolet six sedan. L. E. Sullivan was in town Wednesday morning on his return rrom Rosehurg where his little two yeiir old daughter Is In the bos piial lie reports the child slight ly fn. proved. Ou Sunday evening the congre gation from the Chtistian church will worship with (he Methodist people at their church, beginning with a Joint young peoples' meet ing. The pennon will bo given bv Rev. Coulter. ptor or the Christ ian church. The sehool and fa cutty are expected lo he present. County Road master Frear and County Commissioner Hoy re Hus enhark were Myrtle Creek visitors for a short time Monday afternoon. E f NvwK.-vf(.w Poinds Com.fy fVH!) m,.MUt. Feb. Jfi, Mrs. W. A I t nun-nee entertained the. Mfiudrm. ary Hoc-J-ty at her home on Tues- pa-,,iiv iiMHinm.n Tim rcmilnr n.t.r ters of business were taken care of and also the pastor's wife made a short talk In the Interest of mis sions after which dainty refresh ments were served In keeping with St. Valentine's day. Those present were ns follows: Mrs. It. U. Davidson; Mrs. G. H. Laurence; Mrs. D. Coon; Mr:. Stanford Iluell; Mrs. Kay Laur ence; Mrs. Mamie Kust; Mrs. Ira F. Kankin; Mrs. Fred Huell; Mrs. C. C. Laurence; Mrs. S. C. Miller; Mrs. Will iilair; Mrs. Vera Loom is; Mrs. Ursula Moyer; Mrs. Mary Moyer ; M ra. Fred Htirk e ; M rs. Ira Hoyer; Mlsa Ruth Itoherts; Miss Kthel Dodge and the hostess, Mrs. W. A. Laurence. fN'W-R(vliw Poutrlm C.iunty Rictat) WINCHKSTER, Feb. annual declamation contest in the Winchester school was held Wed nesday afternoon. This contest is a part of Ihe competition held In all schools of the county each year. The winners will be matched against speakers from other schools In the district, where win ners will he selected for the coun ty match. The winners were: First division Hoys, Elmer Pearson first. Eugene Callahan second; (iirls, Ellen Pearson first. Zella Zachary second. Second division Hoys, William C.tlltmin first. Hillto Woody sec end; (.iris. Lucille Woody first, Doris Smith second. Third division Hovs. Lloyd Olllant first, Orval Cole second; Girls. Doris Co!e first, Ellen Oil lam second. The judges were Mrs. Nance, Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Edllh Ack ert, county school superintendent. Mrs. W. L. Scott is teacher of the school. BROTHER GLENDALE WOMAN IS DEAD (NVwfl-RoviPtv Pan Inn Cminty 'Siwciul) GLENDALE, Feb. 13. Lesley A. Langley died ut his home at 2300 Uike Shore Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., February 5, according to word re ceived here. He would have been 57 years old Feb. 9. He Is surviveo by his willow and four daughters, Kula, Eleanore, Valine (.Mrs. C. Spears) and Mildred (Mrs. Ward); also by four sister and two broth ers, Mrs. F. II. Ward and .Mrs. Frank Albright to Los Angeles, Mrs. L. 11. Heeder, W. M. Langley and C. It. Langley of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. deoigo W. Turner of Glen dale. His father, Mark Langley, a Civil war veteran belonging lo Co. II. , 21th regimen', Maine, also sur vives and Is now livulg at Los An geles. Mr. Langley was horn nt Janes- ville, Wis. During recent years he made his home in Los Angeles but spent considerable time in this slate attending lo some mining in 1 crests located near Grants Pass. For y years be was associated with the Coos Hay Telephone company and resided most of this time at Handon wllh short stays at Co UUille and Marshl'ield. He came to Coos Hay from Portland where he had resided for considerable time SCOTTSBURG SCOTTSIU'lttl, . Feb. IS. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Esselstroin of Wades Flat Fpent Wednesday even- "s "V , M " 'M,s' William Ueavis of Winchester Ilav left Sundav for Eugene where Miss M;,hel William, who is teaching al Smiih River school, he is tu receive medical treatment, was a guest over the week end at the home of Mrs. Stewart Taylor. Lewis English of Coquille visited at the home of his brother, Frank English, in Winchester Hay Mon thly. Mrs. T. E. Grae. tho primary teacher In the Winchester Hay school, entertained her pupils last Wednesday afternoon with a Valen tine parly. Hobby Carnes. who has been ah sent from school because of ill ness, is reported to be Improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Tolman and small sou. Arnold, motored to North Rend where Mr. Tolman was treated for the Injury he received last week while working near Em pire. Mrs, Tony Mylner and Mrs. George Stewart of Reedsport were visitors in Winchester Hay Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Groves nnd nriU son. who have been visiting in Winches ter Ha' ith Mr. C.-oves. who is employed here, returned to Cottage Groe Tuesdav. Mr. end Mrs. Lynn Raker return ed to Winchester Hay Wedne-dav after n trip to Dallas and 'Portland. The young conp'e were married hi Dallas, being accompanied to thai tdnee by Mrs. Maker's mother, Mrs. Hertha Detlnath. The nowlvv.ods were entertained by Ihe yuni: people of Winchester Hay Wednes day, following an old f i.-;h'on;d charivari. The bride, formerly Miss Violet Definath, was well known In Winchester Hay and Keedtport. Mr. 1 laker has spent several years In the coast guard service. They will make their home at the ITrnpoua coast euaid 'station where be Is employed. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Payne and small daughter. Helen, of Harbor, Oregon, spent the wee' end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Tolman. CANYONVILLE Vi'w-Itcvifwr piniirtaH Count y SporlfiT 1 CANYONVILLK. Feb. 15. Hur on and Miss Mess Clough were transacting business In Kosehurg Tuesday, derald Fltzpatriclr, Is working In Hoseburg for F. W. Chase this week. Mrs. Kllon Hanks received word of her son Dolnb's death In Salem Wednesday. The remains were brought hero from Salem by train and he was buried Friday jnorning at 10 o'clock in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Tiollenbaugh were shopping and attending to business matters fn Rosehurg Thursday. Mrs. L. E. Ilennlnger motored to Eugene Thursday morning. The Myrtle Creek shotgun team will shoot against the Oanvonvltle team Sunday nt the Canyon vf Hp target rnnro. A fund has heen started with "'hlch to purchase a Bllver cup. The winning team to hold the cup until bested by an other team. Alfred Clark broke one bird out of three shots at the Rhootlng match last Sunday. He is about twftlve years o'd ami it was tho first time he had attempted to shoot n shotgun. Mil OFFICERS i Vnra-1tvlftw Dntiirlnn Poimlv RportHl) YONCALLA. Feb. 15. The regit lar meeting of the Women of Wood craft was held in the I. O. O. F. hall TueHday afternoon. Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Drain and Mrs. percv Apole cate of Drain. Ore., and Mrs. Ro land of Portland, district organiz er, were present. The following of ficers wore duly Installed into their respective offices bv Mrs. Annie Kruse. installing officer: Guardian neighbor. Mrs. Mamie Leo; nd vis or. Hertha Wllfon; clerk. Edith Thompson : banker, Annie Kruse; captain of g'Mirds, Carrie O'Dell ; flag bearer, Ha'el llanan; attend ant. Leona Cellars; Maeician. Net tie Hatian: outside sentinel, Grace. Cowan ; Inside sentinel, Golden Kruse; managers. Nel tie Tfanan, Hertha Toner. Leona Cellars: past guardian nelehbor. Hertha Toner. Fo'loviiur the business recession n lunch whs served. Mrrt. Schi enutn was the guest of honor at the luncheon. RIDD! P. I . OSES BASKETR AI L GAME TO MYRTLE CREEK CVn..-.I.vliw rwiiil.n foimlv Riwrlidt RIDDLE. Feb. 13. RMdln lost its first en foe out of six Fridav nt Myrtle Creek. The score was 13-22 in favor of Ihe Myrtle Creek bovs. Marcum was high point man for Riddle and Holvman was hh'h point nvn for Mvrtle Creek. Kenneth Atierbnry of T'nebnrg and AbuT Lngsdon of Riddle, served as ref eree and eni'dre. resnecf Ivelv. The It. II. S. ftirls tied in Ihe'r trune with the Mvrtle Creek girls. The score was 10 to 10. Friday, Feb. 11, Coach Raglev of C.lendnle brings a strong team to Riddle to pl'iv a return game. Molh bo vi nnd rirla teams will nlav A cood game Is promised us the other game at Glcndnle was hard fomrht with a score of ?7-tri In Riddle's favor. The Riddle ilrls lost over whelminglv to Glend;le before led hope to give a good fight on the home flood. HAYHURST Vw It.-vl.-.r IVhu'Ih Cmmtv Sr.(;,n IIAYHCRST. Feb. It George Hamilton who has been prnspeeiinu for rock to be used on the state highway, lns rnmpl-ted his Invest! nations, ami there n no scarcity of suitable ro'-k fo HI such purposes. Mrs. Fmma MMler reports some losn of sheen, hut motlv old ones, and grass is now beginning to grow, so that everyone feels more enroll rilled than a short time nr.o Mrs. Miller has decided to raise a few turkevs this vonr. to make up for losi of sheen. At one tfn years ago. v hen turkevs were but 1 s cents ner pound. Mrs Miller raised over StiOft worth, whieh at thnt time, with orices of all comniodl ties much low er t ha n a t presen t . wn considered a small fortune. The I M c'ub met with Mrs George Hamilton on Friday. The dub is making fine progress in serving. e.n-I.itia ' n,,.,t.iit l-iul Tlim-u.Iiiv I i.e fell from a tree he had clinib"d to i'i't of some limbs, nnd In falliiv: with the ax in bis hand, cut his hip badlv. Kruse and Miller have n crew getting out Iocs, and expect lo be 'n sawing ns soon as the road dries. Mrs Katherfne Francis wept to PnrM-'v1 en Monbv. to vi-dt her daughter. Mrs. H. E dimming?. Weber l':""-lngton va a cecst I of Robert Miller ever Wednesdavi nleht. The en'lre roni"nlv wn sl'ncV-- ed to le-n of te redden deith of, T'nmn lown-d a Prominent res'- j dent of Vonralla. Mr. Howard had ; manv friends here v. ha regret his, nissMic. ami extend sympathy tol the bereaved family.- Fiorciuu Miller went to Yoncal " YOm P. T. JL Npw R.'vifw pfrtitflu Count? KrecLdt I YONCALLA, Feb. 15 The par : cuts and friends of the school met 1 in the high school auditorium last Thursday evening and organized a parent-teacher organization. Prior to tho meeting several numbers were put on by the grade and high school students. The meeting w::a called to order, by Prof. Weber, temporary chairman. Election of office nt was held and the follow ing officers elected : President, Mrs. E, K. Clover; vice-president, Mrs. Luther Daugherty; secretary treasurer, Miss Alice Larson. Prof. Weber gave a very Interesting talk on cooperation between teach ers and parents. A call meeting will be held Thursday, February 20th, at which time Miss Beckley, county P.-T. A. organizer will be present. ELKTON (NVwu RfVlw Dnusloi County Special) ELKTON, Feb. 13. Ace Andrews was a business visitor in Eugene on Thursday of last week. Mrs. T. A. Snook, of Portland, ar rived in Elkton on Friday of last week to visit with her husband, Dr. T. A. Snook, and also with her daughter, Mrs, Stacy Fenley. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haines drove to Eugene with Ace Andrews on Thursday of last week. Scott. Drltt and Ed Walker, both of Roseburg, were business visitors here Monday of this week. Mr. Mritt is fish warden for this dis trict, and Mr. Walker is game war dun. Johnny Tapp was arrested Mon day morning by Scott Hrltt and tried In the local Justice court on ! a charge of Illegal fishing. He was I fined $50 and costs, this being his lirst offense. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hinder are the proud parents of a baby girl. The litle miss will answer to the name of Dorothy Evelyn. She arrived Monday, Feb. 10, about 3 a. m. Rene Grubbe, mail truck driver between Drain and Elkton, reported a bent axle on his truck Monday. Alee Sawyers was in town Tues day to take In the baskeiball game. GLENDALE (Ni'wn-Rpvlvw Puula County Sueolal) GLENDALE, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Matt F. Corringan and son, Mickie. left by auto for Portland and vicinity last Thursday. Al PaL-tm-tion of Grants Puss Is looking, after the local Standard OU com pany's interobta lit the absence ot Mr. Corrigan. The Glendale Lumber company la using ihe logglug locomotive be longing lo the Lystul-Lawson Lum ber coinpany while their own loco motive is undergoing repairs this week. Oscar Webber is engineer. The locomotive is required to haul logs from Law son creek to the mill and also to switch loaded lumber cars from the planing mill to the Southern Pacific tracks. Mrs. Fred York and son, Bobbie, arrived from Portland last Satur day for a two week's visit with Mrs. York's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Jones. Mrs. York will be remembered here aa Miss Edna Jones. Mr. and Mrs. George Ouim and daughter, Eleanore, of .Med ford, were" overnight guests last Satur day at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. William Wunsch on Willis avenue. Prior to their moving to Medford last spring, Ihe Ouims were resi dents of Glendale for 0 years while Mr. Ouim was local representative for the California-Oregon Power company. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harvey mo tored to Portland last Sunday where they expect to stay most of the week attending to business matters. While there Mr. Harvey will attend Hie hardware dealers' convention being held at Portland this week. Warren N. Hazen is in charge of .the local hardware store during Mr. Harvey's absence. Mrs. Jessie Warlike and daugh ter, Hetty, motored to Medford Tuesday where they will remain for a number of days visiting friends. -Mr. and Mrs. George Ouim of Medford, former residents of this city, were dinner guests of Miss Alice Nobel last Sunday. Rouell Meissner, the 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Meissim r of this city, fractured his leg when he fell off a tricycle lust Siturday. He was taken to Grants Pass for medical attention and is reported as getting along nicely. Mrs. Alvin G. Henninger mo tored to Eugene Thursday for a few days visit with friends. Mr. und Mrs. D. A. Eraser of Lodi. who have been visiting here at the home of Mrs. Eraser's mother, Mrs. D. N. Snyder, return ed to their California home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Zwight mo tored to Granls Pass last Monday where they transacted business and visited with friends. A. M. McFarland arrived here Thursday from Hui llngame. Cal.. ; where he has been making bis home since last September. Mr. McFnrland Is former resident of this city and was employed for! many years as head sawyer and as ?aw filer by lumber firms here. Mr. nml Mrs. M. D. Zwight mo tored to Portland Tuesday where they expect to remain for a few days while Mrs. Zwight receives medical treatment. Mr. an. I Mrs Kenneth Gilkeson and family of Roseburg visited at the C. S. Henninger home in this city last Sunday. Mrs, Gilkeson la on Thursday. Jay Huntinulon nnd son. Jimmy wore here on Saturday attending tt business. and Mrs. Henninger are sisters. Miss Mildred Scott, one of Glen dale's school teachers, motored to Grants Pass last Saturday to visil with friends and do some shop ping. . Mrs. Alice Redfield received word last Snnday of the death of her sister, Mary, (Mrs. H. T. An derson), who died at Glendale Cal., that same morning. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Nerbas, of Roseburg, visited in this city last Sunday. Olger Sether, local dairyman, transacted business at Grants Pass last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bales of Rosehurg were Glendale visitors last Sunday. Mr. Bales is associat ed with his son, Boyd, In the Hub, a local poolroom, but is devoting most of liis time to his coal mining Interests near Melrose. Nat Wills, who Is trucking fum ber from Clare mill above Azalea, spent Sunday with his folks at Roseburg. John M. Throne, banker from Roseburg, visited at Glendale Sun day. Mrs. Charles B. Austin and Mrs. Alice Redfield motored to Grants Pass last Sunday to visit with friends. Howard Helmboldt, manager of Knudtson's branch store in this city, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sophie C. Helmboldt, at Roseburg. YONCALLA (NVwB-Rpvfew Douglas County Spwinl) YONCALLA, Feb. 15. Hobt. Thompson and son, Lee, spent several days last week visiting re latives in Medford. Mrs. John Wahn nnd Master Donald Moore of Marshfield nre visiting at the D. J. Rogers home for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Fess of Brothel, Wash., are visiting at the Hath away home for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bader of Ne braska City, Neb., are visiting at the B. F. Roberts home. Mr. and Mrs. Bitdcr are enroulo to Seattle, Wash., nfter spending several weeks visiting in Cullforul?.. Thurs day Mr. ' 1 M:s. Roberts and Mr. and .Mrs B: der motored lo Marsh iield. Handnn. returning home by Reodcp"-' d Drain. Mrs. Bader is - s'a er .o Mr. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Applegate are visiting at the . John Kruse home for a few days, prior to their departure to i.oug Beach, Calif., where they will make their home in the f.iture. Word has been received from Elkton of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bender. Mrs. Bender was Evelyn Christie, prior to her marriage. Mrs. R. W. Davis motored to Cot tage Grove Thursday to visit re latives, Mrs. Luther Daugherty, Mrs. Ceo. Edes, Marion and Dorothy Edes. Kathcrino and Altnlouls Daugh erty spent Saturday shopping in Cottage firove. Mrs. Lucy Samer and Mrs. Amy Caldwell were guesla at the N. D. Crowe home this week. DAYS CREEK (Nwn-tlevlfw lmijfl'i (''Uiitir Swvt:iM DAYS CREEK. Feb. 15. Walter Montgomery, fruit grower of Days Creek, left today for Gait. Califor nia, where he will be employed by the Southern Pacific Railroad Co., as a member of the block signal crew. Mr. Montgomery was em ployed in the same position last year. Fred Wright, also of I lays Creek, works in the same crew. C h ii Hp v MfN'pal n fnrmep resi dent of Days Creek, has been a 1 guest at the V . H. Raymond home during the past two weeks. Mr. McNeal returned this fall from Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, where he owned nnd operated a large wheat ranch. He expects lo make his home at Days Creek. Miss Helen Byrnes of Los An geles, national organizer of the W. C. T. V., gave a very Impressive talk to the Days Creek high school students Tuesday, taking as her subject, "The Hall of Fame." Miss Byrnes was accompanied by Mrs. Ada Jolly, state president of the W. C. T. V.. and Mrs. Agee nnd Mrs. Ferguson, well known county members of the organization. Miss Helen Cowgill. of the Ore gon State college, and J. Roland Parker, county club leader, spent the forenoon of Monday. February 11th. in consultation with the 4-H club members of Days Creek. Miss Cowgill gave Instruct Ion in cook and sewing, while Mr. Parker talk ed to the bovs about the stock and farming projects. Frances Rachor and Clay bourn Dean, seniors were selected to re present the Days Creek high school at the Oregon state educational ex position being held nt Corvallis this week. Accompanied by Ermil Chaney. Rentrice Worthincton and Carl Hill, wii.; Victor Phelps as facultv representative, the delegation left for Corvallis Thursday forenoon. ni ln VIHiv nt Run Hlocn " w!m ! was recently discharged from the lT. S. marines after completing a "hitch" of three years is at his home In Dnvs Creek. Mr. Klrby is the son of O. A. Klrby. proprietor of the Days Creek store and post office. Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 284 Oak and Kane Sts. warn puts K. 0. Oil GOODiN Ill FIRST H010 It took Austin Pendergrass only two minutes and 20 seconds to dis pose of George Goodman, Albany fighter, In the main event of last night's boxing card at the Rose burg armory. Pendergrass. always a game boxer and hard hitter, has at last, apparently, developed into a dangerous fighter, having learned the value of a body punch Discarding his usual style of at tack in which he concentrated upon his opponent's head, Pender- giass last night started shooting at the body with his fast straight punches, and the opening round had progressed less than one min ute before Goodman was on the canvas as a result of a stiff right hand punch to the body. He was up at the count of nine and tried to stall, covering up and using Tunney b back-pedaling tactics, but he was finally cornered and knocked half through the ropes with another body blow. Lying on his back, with his head and body outside the ring and his legs draped lnartistically over the low er ropes, he took the count of ten after two minutes and 20 seconds of fighting. Other Bouts Draw Aside from the main event and semi-final last night's card was very tame. The semi-final, fought between Maley of Sutherlln and Hansnker of Eugene, was a slam-baug affair that resulted in a draw decision. Maley was the aggressor through out and in the second round floored hts opponent for a count of nine. Hansaker hung on anil cov ered up until near the last of the round when Maley floored him again, but the bell rang at the count of five. Hansaker was able to get up and go to his corner. In the third round Hansnker stalled during the first part of the fight in and then rocked Maley with terrific overhand rights just be ff re the bell. In the fourth round Hansnker was dazed with a blow to the jaw. -Groggy and glassy- eyed he began swinging wildly and drove Maley into a corner and slugged viciously. At the end of the round ho was so groggy that he had to be led, still fighting, in to his corner. The terrific pace was too much for botli fighters and in the fifth and sixth rounds both were too tired to do much damase, but Maley was largely on the receiving end. The McCormick-Shaw battle was not much for action. McCormick was too elusive for Shaw who ap peared to luck ability lo follow up Ills punches. Shaw led the fight ing most of the way and had Mc Cormick wobblv several times, but the Sutherlln fighter managed to keep under Shaw's haymakers be sides getting in a few lusty slaps of his own. They were given a draw. Pat Franco of Roseburg and Ellsworth Willett of Coquille put up a very poor exhibition In the preliminary. They exchanged a few healthy wallops In the open round. Franco being knocked down twice, but after that neither one seemed to be willing to mix and they slapped gloves nt long range. As one was as bad as the other the ficht was declared a draw. One of the most Interesting events of the evening was a 10 minute wrestling bout, bv the Rat ter twins. These two lads, who have entertained fans on several occasions, put up a rotmh and fast granpling match in which brother ly love had no place. They are evenly matched and furnished the crowd with a very enjoyable exhi bition. "Teddy," Bnrackuian's drestling cub bear, also provided amuse, ment prior to the start of the fihts. being matched with a juve n!lo opponent. The attendance at the card was comparatively small. SUTHERLIN fVown-Rcvira lMiKbi f.tiuity Rtwhlt Sl'THKRLIN. Feb. lii. Lily Haviland, Howard Davis and Rob ert Wilcox left Thursday after noon for Oregon State college to attend the annual educational ex position. Miss Carroll, English teacher, accompanied them as faculty representative. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner spent Wednesday In Rosehurg shopping and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith from the Rose hotel in Roseburg were visitors In Sutherlln Wed nesday evening. Miss Marie Kiev Is spcndlne the week-end in Portland visiting with her parents. Great interest Is being shown In the merchants' dance being given Saturday night by the firemen. Merchandise will be given away to a great number of those who at tend. Local stores are making do nations of articles to be given. M. E. RITTER, Manager Licensed Lady Embalmer t J!u?lc will be turnlsneu Dy the Paramount Sluslc Hints. Tlie guild of the Episcopal church met Wednesday afternoon in the church parlor. WORK RESUMED BY GLENDALE MILL (Vrwu-Rview llouelM Cwtnty Six-cial) OLKNDALE, Feb. 15 The Glen dale Lumber company's sawmill re sumed operations Thursday after having been Hhut down since the Christmas holidays. Lester J. MurdinK. who recently arrived here' from Columbia City. Is the new superintendent nnd is taking tiie job formerly held by C. A. Thomas. The coinpany Is doing lis own logging at present and is operating on Lawson creek, hauling the loss to the mill by railroad. Fred Fischer Is woods foreman. LEGION TO GIVE DANCE FEB. 22ND Umpqua post of- ihe Ami.riean Legion is making prep; nions for a Washington day dance to be given at L'mpoua park February 22. The post is endeavoring to make this a very enjoyable enter tainment, and is planning a num ber of interesting features to be presented. The proceeds, are lo he devoted to carrying on the junior baseball and boy scout work in which the legionnaires are active ly engaged. STOLEN SALEM CAR FOUND AT OAKLAND , A Ford car Ptnlen recently at Sa lem was recovered last niRht near Oakland. The car is registered in the name of J. F. Jones. Offi cers believe that the machine was abandoned by tho two men who later stole a car from Roy Catch in g's used car led in ibis city. BROTHERS DIE IN AIRPLANE CRASH (AssodMM Pivm irf'awMl Wirp JENA.- La., Feb. 15. Lamar Whatley. ID, and flrady Whatlev. 22, brothers, are dead as the result, of the crash of a sightseeing air plane. W. K. Davidson, who was badly injured when me plane in whict lie was piloting the young men do veloped a broken rudder wire am! fell fn flames yesterday, is in a serious condition. , Visitinq Brother Here A. S. Mover, of Mlnneapiills, Minn., spent Saturday in this city ns lli.i house . sliest ot his brother, Irvin Meyer. 4 Better Used Cars For Less Money. 1929 Ford Sport Coupe, in fine condition and w looks like new $525 1928 Ford Std. Coupe, a good value 465 1928 Ford Sport Coupe, four new tires 49j 1929 Ford Roadster, asi good as new 475 4 1929 Ford Sport Road ster, fender well, trunk rack and sport paint job 4G5 1927 Dodge Coupe, ex tra good 400 1924 Dodge Coupe 240 1922 Dodge Touring 35 1927 Chevrolet Sedan, priced exceedingly low 265 1923 Chevrolet Coupe ... 50 1926 Chevrolet Touring.. 150 1927 Essex Sedan 450 1926 Essex Coach 90 1924 Studebaker light six 175 1926 Ford Touring 135 1 1926 Ford Coupe $175 1925 Ford Coupe 125 1924 Ford Coupe 75 1923 Ford Coupe 50 1924 Ford Sedan 150 1923 Ford Sedan 125 1925 Ford Truck . 150 125 100 1924 Ford Truck . 1924 Ford Truck . 1927 Chevrolet Truck and Trailer 450 Several other cheap cars from $10.00 to $50.00. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co.'