ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1929. NINE drive mice Mrs. H. C. Doyle, chairman of the Christmas seal sale, went to Heeds port today to start her campaign in that part of the county for the sale of the tuberculosis Christmas seals, which is to begin the day following Thanksgiving. Mrs. Doyle was accompanied on the trip by Mis. John Itunyan, president of the Douglas County Health association; MIhs Margaret Thomas, state field nurse, and Mrs. Constance Crist, Douglas county health nurse. Miss Thomas is scheduled to talk "before the st dents of the Reedsport schools to day and before the Parent-Teacher association this evening. At these meetings Mrs. Doyle will explain the method by which the Christmas seals will be sold in Reedsport, the Importance of the work for which the money from the sale is used, and the benefits Reedsport will de rive from the sale In that locnlity. "Preparations for the opening of the Christmas seal sale are rog resslng very rapidly and smooth ly." states Mrs. Doyle. "I am very pleased with the interest being evinced and I am sure that Doug las county will reach its quota of $1"i00. In (act, I would not be sur prised if we Bell more than that. Already orders are coming in al though the sale does not open un til November 29th." SAYS STATE PLANT (AsoMntfwt Prew Leased Wire) SALEM. Ore., Nov. 20. Arthur Drock. foreman of the state print ing plant and member of an in terim committee created by the 1920 legislature to Investigate the advisability of state printing or text books, declares that state printing of texts for the grade schools would save parents over Sion.000 a year. Drock has re turned from California -where he investigated state text-book print ing and reached his conclusion durfng his inquiry there. ,"We have figures," Drock said, "showing that about $3on,noo is spent annually In Oregon for text books used in the grades. I "am convinced that we could produce these books In the slate printing plant for less than $200,000." Drock said he did not think it tvonld be practical for Oregon to print high school texts at the out net. California is not doing it, but Is expecting to soon, he said. Drock'a figure.-., he said, apply fo state-printed books, and not free text-books. Free books, he be lieves, could be produced at even less cost. He mentioned that Ore gon is one of only seven states in the union that do not provide free books. He said that nearly all publishers are willing to lease their text plates to state plants. New equipment In the state plant necessary to nrint the hooks Drock thinks would cost about Three persons from the state of Washington were with Drock In California, investigating the feasi bility of state-printed texts In that state. Washington now furnishes free books hut purchases them from private publishers. GRID TRIO BARRED FOR SIGNING WITH SEATTLE B. B. CLUB fAviated PrfM J.ciisfd Wire) SANTA CLARA. Cal- Nov. 21. Ouido Sinioni, John Casanova and Marvin Owen, three outstanding athletes of T'niversiiy of Santa Clara, were declared ineligible yes terday Tor further collegiate ath-" letic competition on the ground that they had signed away their amateur status in contracting op tionally to play with the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast Baseball leanue. The announcement of disqualifi cation was made by Professor Wil liam Owen of Stanford university, president of the Pacific coast con ference. Sfmoni and Marvin Owen are seniors and Casanova Is a junior. Sinioni is fullback on the Santa Clara football team and a pitcher on the varsity baseball team. Casa nova is a halfback on the football team and a pitcher on the baseball WARNING Hemorrhoid!. Colitis, Consti pation anl oth- r Rectal and Colon disorder undermine your norYou system. Our non-surgical treatment, used successfully for 16-years, per manently relieves those condi tions, restores health and rebuilds vitality. Our FREE Booklet contains Important In formation and explains our re markable CUARANTY. Write, phone or call lor it today. Dr.CHAS.J.DEAN HECTALWCOLON . n I i r IMAM Bid,, OPPCIi COtRTIIOUSt Itmi 6 MAIN.PORTlAM0,MK0ll TELEPHONE AT WATER 651 R 2631 J & ar'iuATCD orriCE Schoolboy Kills "To See Them Kick" J1 I " nit III fill 1" ' Ull , , I . (it iH" liP !' , . YZtt tT . V I I Clyde Thompson. Lastiand, I exas, l-yeur-old srhoolboy, who ahot and clubbed to death two hihorers "Just to see them kick." He Is shown between two sheriffs In the local Jail. He was given the death penalty in his first trial, witich a higher court reversed. His second trial, how ever, also resulted in conviction in the first degree and he was aain sentenced to death. team. Owen is first baseman and cantain of the baseball team. The action, it is conceded, will damage Sunt a Clara's football chances for the remainder of the season and particularly against Loyola in the game at Los Angeles next Friday. No More Piles Pile sufferers enn only get quirk, safe nnd lasting rlit-f hy removing th ciiusc IdmI blood circulation in tin Iowit bowel. Cutliiifr and hhIv.-h can't do this an internal rem.-tiy must b iisrd. 1 ir. l.'-on bard's Hfin Koid, n h a riu 1 cms t;tWt. HwetM'tlH bcfaiiff it relievos tills blood con gestion and strenKthens the affect ed part's. I em-J to id lias a wonder ful record for quick, safe nnd laxt inp relief to pile sufferers. It will do the nam.' for you or money back. Chapman's Drug Store and drug Rists anywhere sell Hem-Hold, with ibis guarantee. (Adv.) MISERY OF GOITRE Mrs. J. Lanore, St. Maries, Idaho 5tys, "I will tell or write how I prevented a goitre operation- with Sorbol Quadruple, a colorless lini ment, easy to apply and not ex pensive." Get more informal ion from Nathan Fullerton's or write Sorbol Company, Mechanlcshurg, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. Adv. Now the Editor Knows (The Dalles Chronicle) We were not only astonished to learn this morning that the pre mier of Irak had been killed; we were amazed to know that Irak had a premier, and flabbergasted that there was such a country. Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L. sWk Three Exclusive SV-yC. A features - lf . . . cltmtniltnf friction rimimnii )v''!:ir ...tuurtnf longer wtu. In! jjllljlifcR! ilj'ijlItK t Etiitlclrr In the shield i I'1! '! ! l!iiTi!l'lhlll l 1 plsced the nanuaJ wiy... I Mmll'PT lio JWofjUh tk oK of 'iiM'l Pi fv!!iijjij S- Shield correctly sbsped far Every "Woman KjlOWS . . . that ordinary bloomers wear out first at the crotch. Thousands of women now know from actual experience that the patented Luxshield, used exclusively by Luxite, wears as long as the garment. Every bloomer needs the Luxshield only Luxite has it. Stop at the Glove Silk Lingerie Department and examine the Luxshield for yourself. Examination will lead to trial . i wear will give positive proof. J. WILDER &AGEE CO. Roseburg, Oregon DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported by E. H. Fletcher, Meteorologist In charge. Barometric, pressure (reduced to sea level) 5 a. m 30.30 Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes terday (per cent) Ss Highest temperature yesterday 3ft Lowest temperature last night 31 Average temperature for the day 35 Normal temperature for this date 45 Precip. In Inches and Hundredths Preciplatlon for 24 hours, ending 5 a. m 0 Total precip. since 1st month.. .25 Normal precip. fir this month 4.66 Total precip. from Sept. 1, date 1.49 Normal precip. from Sept 1 to date 7.05 Total deficiency since Sept. 1, 1929 5.56 Normal seasonal precip, Sept. to May, inclusive ..... 31.16 Forecast for interior southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Friday, but with morning Tog;; not much chango in temperature. Daddy Brown: "How did your son make out In college? Did he get any high marks?" Daddy Jones: "Oh, yes, he got a scar on his forehead from a gin bottle." Neon Signs SOLD OR LEASED Get Our Prices Before You Buy. ROY HUFHAM 109 Rose St. Roseburg, Ore. laiteMngerie JM BURGESS JSST. SUPT. SALEM, Ore., Nov. 2fl. Resigna tion of W. M. Smith, assistant state superintendent of schools, was an-nouiu-ed Wednesday by C. A. How ard, state superintendent. James 11. Uureess. superinten dent of schools at Heppner, Ore., will succeed Smith, Mr. Howard said. Smith's resignation is to take ef fect December 1. Mr. Smith has been in educa tional work inOregon for many years. He was for some years in the Salem schools and later serv ed IS years as Marion county su perintendent of schools. He was appointed assistant state superin tendent by J. A. Churchill, nine year ago. He remained In the po sition under Mr. Howard. Smith expects to rest for several months, and give attention to business interests. James M. Burgess, who succeeds Mr. Smith. Is a graduate of the university of Oregon and received the master's degree in education at Stanford university. All of his teaching experience has been in Oregon schools. In addition to his service as head of the Heppner schools he has served on several educational research committees. He is a member of Phi Helta Kappa, a national education fra ternity, and of Sigma Cpsilon, a national fraternity of magazine writers. He Is president of the Lions club at Heppner and is vice commander of the American Le gion post there. OFFER MADE FOR SNOW SURVEY OF N. UMPQUA ROUTE Expressing themselves as im pressed with the tourist and scen ic possibilities of the North Ump qua hlehway when completed, J. K. Shelton, executive secretary of the Oregon State Motor associa tion, and T. It. Conway, public re lations man for the association, who stopped here last night en- route to Coquille, Inquired as to the status of the matter now he- depend upon It has been the experience of many smokers, after trying other brands, that Camels give constant and unfailing pleasure. Their mildness, due to choice tobaccos and expert blending, makes it possible to smoke them liberally without any tiring of the taste. This quality, which smokers have learned to depend upon, will be maintained, because Camels are made for those who know and appreciate the real pleasure of smoking. when they learn the difference they r. 1929, R. J. RfpiAtdt TohM . Cwnpaar, Wiata-.1M, N. C fore the highway commission re garding the boundaries of ih pro posed district. The motor associa tion officials offered to make a snow- survey of the road this win ter for the purpose of establishing definitely the condition of the snow iu the Umpqua pass as com pared to conditions on other pass es, through the mountains. The on ly requirement, according to Mr. Shelton. who is the executive head of the association, Is that someone be sent with Mr. Conway, who will make the survey, to show him the route or possible route of the pro posed twenty-two mile strip that Is to he built. The motor associa tion will bear the cost of making the survey. WOMAN WHO KILLED MATE SENT TO PRISON (AMviatMi PrfM I.ontotl Wire), OROVILLK. Calif., Nov. 21. An order committing Mrs. Pearl Bald win, convicted of manslaughter in. connection with the fatal shooting of her husband, to San Quentin prison was signed by Judge J. O. Moiuur. SLIDE KILLS 2 MINERS (AMoHntml I'rou LcttM Wire) NAPA, Calif.. Nov. 21. William Weneger. 50. and Samuel Condi, 31. miners, were killed under a slide of rock in a quarry at the Oak Hill quicksilver mine 30 miles West of here. OREGON SPUDS WIN (Afflnritttpil Pre T.eawd Wire) SPOKANE. Wash.. Nov. 21. Netted (Jem potatoes entered by David W. Clrey of Weston. Ore gon, were awarded the grand championship over 500 entries in the eighth annual Pacific north west potato growers show hero. Bladder Irregular? If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, mak ing vou feel tired, denressed, nnd discouraged, why not try the Cys- tex 48 Hour Test? Don t give up. Get Cvstex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly It works and what It does. Money hack if it doesn't bring quick Im provement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. Only dOc. Nathan Fullerton, tho Kexali store. Adv. flock to TED STJTES I E WAS1 TIN f! TO V Kav ?nA enn. tral sales agency to be known as) the National Wool Marketing asso ciation, with a capital stock of $1, 000.000 has been organized by the wool and mohair cooperative asso ciations of the United States un der the guidance and with the ap proval of the federal farm board. The farm hoard announced 'to day that articles of incorporation, by-laws' and marketing agreements had been adopted by the organiza tion committee of 15 appointed at a meet in of the representatives of the wool and mohair cooperat ives. The adoption took place at San Angeio. Tex., with C. B. Den man, a member of the farm board, present. L. B. Palmer of Columbus, Ohio, president of the Ohio Wool (i row ers Cooperative association, is president of the new National Wool Marketing association; Rog er (Jillis of the Texas sheep initl goat raisers' usyocintlon of Del Rio. Tex. Is vice president, and B. M. Wilson of the Wyoming wool marketing association of Mo Kinley, Wyo., is secretary-treasurer. HE LIABLE OIIICKLY EFFECTIVE Camel has the quality that smokers V tit TURKISH &&omeSi;! Cam 1 investigate! Before You Buv a Tractor Compare official tests made by Nebraska State Engineers. Look up the actual power, fuel con- sumed per horsepower, pulled, AND YOU WILL TRY A JOHN DfckKfc BEFORE YOU BUY. 15-27 horsepower rated 282-37 actual test $1235.00 Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg Oakland AGENTS FOR L. A H. Eleotrlo Ranges Boan Spray Pump Co. Hood River Spray Co. John Deere Plow Co. Sutherlln Spray Co, 1 0T 'J The Blessings of Checks Chocks have fo many nilvnnlnnes Hint Ihoao who roiistnnlly use. them learn to value them more every day. Their Safely, Conven leiue and Eeonomy lire of prime importance. Checking; Accounts, whether of large or moderate size, are Invited. The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. It is all right to experiment but a pity to spend too much time experimenting when you might be enjoying the fragrant pleasure of smoking Camels. eis speed at which load is Hoosler and Milwaukee Pumpi gj