ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1929. SEVEN 52 a I pi Classified Section KATES: Per word, ech Insertion. 1 cent. By ttw week. $ eU war. Minimum pet 4vertlMment, M eat. Mall your 4a Want Uw words &nd endoM aUimp, aheok c monej ordec FOR SALE TOMATO plains for uale. S. L. G I full, lit. 2, Dux SID. KOU tiALE One good milch cow, FOH SALE buinun-r wood for quick lire, f2.,a and $3.00. Phone KOOTKD chrysanthemum plants for sale. H. U. Church, 31S Ii. L'ouuuercial. yoil SALE (iuod used furniture at a bargain. See Powell at 115 bneridau tit. &KUV1C& STATION Two pumps, Kood locatiou ut ti'iZ Norm Kill til., Collage Grove, Ore. TOMATO & CABBAGE PLANTS Bulk and paeivub heeds, iieali Cock. Low piicjs. Luauo & liuy e.d CO., i. O. O. k biug. 'OH SALE Buzz saw with John Deere eugiue, excellent condi tion, on uuee-inch wagon. J. W. Hall, Wiluur, Oregon. RANOli FUJI SALE OK itENT Mb acres, S-rooin bouse about 20 acres farm laud. On Heed sport highway. Page Lumber & .Fuel Co. HUST SELL TiMUKIi ttt a sacri fice; section 10, township 121 Bouth, muge 5 wet't of Willam ette, uear Leona mills. Write Geo. b Crouse, 301 E. Ceuual Ave., Balboa, Calif. ttABY CHICKS White Leghorns, Hhode iMiand Keds, Burred Hocks. Write for folder and prices. C latum batching. Ash laud Associated Breeding Farms, Ashland, Oregun. HUST SELL TIMBER at a sacri fice; section 10, township 21 south, range 6 west of Willam ette, near Leona mills. Write Geo. F. Crouse, 301 Central Ave., Baiboa, CalX FOR SALE Hotel, strictly mod ern; terms. US rooms, steam heat; on Pacific highway. Ele gantly furnished. Building and all. $0000. Has fine lobby and big front porch, line view. Is north of Rosetmrg. For particu lars, J. F. Seals, Bandou, Ore. DAY OLD Mammoth Jtronzo turks jinu oauy chicks eacn i uesuay. j delivery. Husky turks at reduced price, 50c each. Large or small orders will receivo prompt atten tion. Wire or write. Duganne's Hatchery, Independence, Oregon. : - WANTED ST It A WHERRIES WANTED At the Stephens St. store. Phone 278. WOMAN wants day or hour work. Mrs. Ida Fritz, Ivan St., just off Dixonville road. WANTED Experienced house keeper; 3 adults. Phone 47-1-J or call 243 S. Main. W A N T ED Twelve or fifteen acres, half hillside timber, naif unimproved, tillable bench land, with spring on properly, on road accessible by car and within twenty miles of Roseburg. No buildings. Box 33, care News-Review. I FOR RENT FOR RKNT Good Hew ins chine, Singer. See Powell, Sheridan St. or phone SXs. ma 115 FOR RKNT Large cool sleeping room in private home; cheap. Will do washing. At 211 Brock way St. - r.... i uciat3 uiue Irint gatden ailer al!.J r4 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark 1 . , r : . .. . i FURNISHED apt. for rent. Dear- dorft Apts., 112 Brock way St. FOR RENT Small 5-room furniah- ed house. Garage. Good location. $Z0 per month. G- W. Youug & Son. 116 Cass St. Phone 417. MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wishing to try Bales' coal leave order with G. W. Young 6c Son. Grant Bates. SHARPLES SEPARATOR to trade fur work or saddle horse; also want to buy young calves. Kred Vetlder, 2nd house on Looking glass road. CAR OWNER Don't forget to call 553 when in need of auto purls. Sarl'i's Auto Wrecking House. TRADE 50 acres Twin Falls dis trict Idaho. Good crops; wheat, spuds, alfalfa, clover seed, beans; uyar town on highway, R. R. and R. F. D. ant stocked dairy, near school, Douglas Co., Ore. Write Box 177, Rogue River, Ore. NOTICE All bills against the county should be filed on or before the fust day of the mouth, otherwise they win not be considered till the 'following' month. Ruseburg, Ore., May 23, 1929. COUNTY COURT. CALL FOR BIDS . School district No. 50, Cooa coun ty, will open bids for the construc tion of a school bouse, at a meeting to be held by the school board at Remote school house, Monday, June 3rd, 1929, at 8 o'clock in the eve ning. The plans are now in the hands of the clerk, Edson Carpen ter, and can be seen by all" inter ested. All bidders must accompany their bid with a certified check to the amount of five per cent of their bid. Ail bids must be in by June 1st. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDSON CARPENTER, Clerk of Board, Remote, Oregon. DAY OLD TURKEYG $60.00 Per 100 Prepaid HATCHES EVERY MONDAY Pure bred Bronze and pure bred Narragansett. Carefully selected range slock, vigorous and healthy. Fine large touts. Husky poults. Write for catalogue and latest sum- mer bulletin. Telegraph orders foi immediate shipment. Free circulai "Artificial Brooding of Turkeys." RUSSELL POULTRY YARDS Box 3titi-R Corvallis, Ore . , : AT BRAND'S Why not take a drive into the couutry tor lunch or sup- per at Brand's these fine spring days There are always some extra good things to eat, and Sunday specials. Parties may be served in the large diniug ' room. Phone 31F33. BRAND'S Pacific highway, 3 miles north With slick tires and slip- pery roads, with taster cars than ever, with stops more necessary and more frequent, fur the safety of your life, our wife's and baby's, always in mind, it is wise tor you to 4 provide your car with the best and strongest tires made Lee Tires, none better and 4 few us good. Big trade in values all this week at Nick Carter's Tire Shop. eiitniift iho-jig ioqk DCtlC' iri n v i NEW TODAY YOL'THFl'L matron huts on sale. Bell Millinery. A SPECIAL ud all millinery for Saturday. Bell Millinery. SPORT viscas at a reduced price for Saturday. Bell Millinery. Jl'ST a few wide brim hats on a special lor Saturday. Bell Millin ery. FOR RENT Two-room furnished house. $f per mouth. Call at Chancelor Cigar sture. SMART styles in at a special for Millinery. Toyo Panamas Saturday. Bell WANTED Cascara bark, highest prices paid. Roseburg Poultry Co., 5ul N. Jackson St. LARUK head size in medium brims on sale for Saturday. Bell Mil linery. FOR RENT 23-:icru ranch, good house and 10 acres bearing fruit. Creek on place. Inquire 335 North Rose. WALNUT GRAF TING Specialist horn Washington can give you tlie very best results. Inquire of C. E. Moyer; FOR SALE CHEAP Cash or terms, a Gulbranseu player piano, almost new, w.unut finish. Call at 130 N. Par rull St. WANTEIOilice work, 8 years experience in clerical, steno graphic and hook keeping. Lena C. Porter, 218 S. Flint. SEE "Tlianksgivin' Ann" and oth er numbers given by the Presby terian C. E. at the church parlor, May 2 Itli at 8 o'clock. Silver of fering. FOR SALE Ford louring. '26 model, A No. 1 shape, good bal loons and extras. First $150 gets it. R. W. Stovall, Millers Addi tion. POTATOES Klamath Falls Netted Gems J1.N5 per cwt. Also seed pota toes ?2 per sack. A. E. Rutter, 23F11. WANTED t-t- Every dairyman i" Douglas county to a I lend the daily meeting at the . county agent s office Friday evening, May 24th, at 7:30. FOR SALE Husky White Leg horn baby chix, properly hatched. Kale plants $1 per lu'0; cabbage, 50c per 100. O. H. Watiilg Hatch ery, i6 Fullerton St. FOR SALE CHEAP New Meyers shallow well pump wi'h pressure lank. 2(t0 gal. hour capacity. J. Ford, River Grove Auto Camp, 3 mi. north Canyonville. rHOROUGHIlRED stallion with registration papers, for sale. See Farris & Chancy at Chad wick 1 Ranch, near Myrtle Cruek; or write Box 935, Roseburtf. RUMMAGE sale at Rosebuig Wo man's Club Service Shop Satur day. New things and others marked down. Shop will close shortly for the summer. PLANTS FOR iSALK Tomatoes, eK plants, peppers; 25c per doz en. 5 dozen $1. Banish Ball Head cubhane, l"c per dozen; 75c per Inn; $1 per Bum. L Ix Lewis, 544 N. Pine St. LOST Lady's tan coat with black fur collar and cuffs. Lost on highway between Ruseburg and Kugetie, May 25. Mrs. S. J. Bart- lett, Bona Terra Ranch, Brain, Oregon, or return to News-Review office. MFST RK SOLI) 1 M0 acres, 1 mile from Riddle, Oregon, good build ings, good siding water piped to all buildings. fu sheep, team, imph-menu, chickens and tur keys. Price reduced to $dHi( for quick sale. See liruce i onipany. Myrtle Creek. Oregon. FRECKLES AND SALESMAN SAM Well., her e. LC r f V16U.,IM JOST A Fvn S .VIMOTES TAG'S LOMS TCAlfi 1 eids uil ge ojea x rs CAM S 7Ji SMoii J it WHprr ws TWeioe( ) for Hp. -the. OF TeU-INi- OSTWCH PLUMG. RUSH OOWM 6.R?S)fA PROMISED Tfs SWA WORKS AWft-Y OM THE. OSTRICH SCKSOM VILUe., eMeiWTwMCr IS BftcK. Howe. IM STORE. -60SH, NO . Wonder. r- yjzr:: FOR RENT Two furnished apart ! ments; hot water and electric ' stove. One with garage. East ! I.;uie. Hutmr Urns. STATE BAPTIST CONVENTION TO . CLOSE FRIDAY (Continued from page 1) furlough from Bengal Orissa, lu ll ia, gave a heart stirring message concerning the work in India. He presented the work from a two fold view. First, that of hardship. He said that when a person went over there it was necessary to bid farewell to a glass of cold water. A person had to go into a country infested with all manuer of dis eases, with people dying by the millions from the fever; twenty different kinds of incurable dis eases in India. He also mentioned the aw fulness of leprosy there. Cholera, snakes and robbers; also leopards. His second view was that of encouragement. Mr. Howard said that the people over there are a big-hearted people, who. when they h:td come to Christ, loved the Word, loved to shit and gnv tin everything for Christ. The expert ences he told were thrilling ami he closed with a heart-felt plea to pray. He said In closing, "We must spend lime in prayer if we are to have power. Mr. Brfgham was Introduced as a basso dramatic soloist and sang "The Ninety and Nine". Dr. John Marvin Dean, of Port land, pastor of the llinson Me morial church and founder of the Western Baptist Theological semi nary, gave the closing address of the evening which was a fitting climax to a great dav of spiritual power and messing. From th text: "All things were created unto Him" he went on to show that the objective of life in Its final analy sis was not wealth, knowledge, power nor fame, but we are creat ed unto I lira, that is Jesus. We are here. Dr. Dean said, to be like Jesus. A group of students from the Western Pnptist Theological semi nary, Portland, Ore., started a street meeting Tuesday evening, and will hold another tonight at 6:4T. Resolutions Passed The following resolutions were introduced by Dr. J. M. Dean, and passed by unanimous vote of the convention : "WHEREAS. o'7 beloved broth er, Dr. W. T. M Milken, who hap worked with marked fidelity and success among the churches of Oregon as director of religious education, is soon to undertake a new service to the Kingdom of Christ; ' "BE IT RESOLVED, that we. the delegates assembled here tonight, at the annual session of the l)r gon Baptist State convention, do hereby express our profound pu preciation of his labors during the past six years and we pray that as he takes the leadership of the Western Baptist Theological semi nary he may be greatly blest and sustained and that he may see the renu!ts of the travail of his mind and heart in the establishment in the Pacific Northwest of a great I raining center lor lay-workers, ministers and missionaries of Christ." "Being reminded by the pr MEMORIAL SERVICES The Suns of I'liion Veterans will conduct menun ial services at the Soldiers Home Sunday afternoon - at 2 o'clock. All members of affiliated oigani- stations and friends invited. We will pay ."ufi reward for Information leading lu tin con- (virtiou of anyone stealing livestock from our ranch on the Pacific highway near .Mvrtle Creek. ! J. II. BOOTH & HONS. HIS FRIENDS i fvv. big- surprise. Tooph- e-f press eiAM VJILL SB. weree inn tAINUTE- ence at the Oregon Ruptist State! convention, of our brother in Chr'-t, Dr. James West, of the great spiritual problem of San Francisco, where he has labored so earnestly, this convention de sires to record its conviction that the Baptists of the entire Pacific coast, should interest themselves in the evangelization of that city in strengthening our Baptist Inter ests there. We also call upon the Northwestern Baptist convent ion at Denver, Colo., to give considera tion to this profoundly important field this constant challenge to the virility of the great Baptist de nomination of America." Convention Ends Friday The convention i.l come to an end Friday and will be recorded as one of the most successful of the state conventions from the stand point of attendance and interest. The program for tomorrow is as follows: V.4.S-U: 25 Paul and His Master 3. The Controlling Motive, Dr. J. W. Bailey. 9::tu Song and prayer, Rev. A. P. Rossier, Paker. 9:40-Business: (1 Election of officers; (2) committee on enroll ment; U) Resolutions, Dr. W. H. Eaton, cnairnian, Medford. lt::to Liufleld College. Kenneth W. Riley, registrar. 11:00 - Western Baptist Semi nary, Dean W. T. Mtllikeii. 11:1 Berkeley Baptist Divinity school. Dr. J. V. Bailey. 11:30 -Address. R. E. Close, su- pei inteudetit Oregon Anti-Saloou League. 12:00 Consecration address, Rev. Daniel Brvant, Corvaliis. Adjourn. 12:4ii Convention Board lunch and husiiiess meeting. Lawn Morcrop iertin-.ur will hn pro to toe iuou 01 yoi.r lawn, uu uuiuhi lor ;i.i5 at vwiuriou Bros. Wool sacks, twine ami other .shearing bUiUdies at Wharton Bros. Picnic at Idieyid I'atK. Mlll t-; Of' .slll-.iilCf SAI.K Ol'" IlvAi- ri.ui'iJK1't In (lie Ci.t.oi (.i-u.i Kf i Hit; State ol U,tDu.i iff L'M.ia luUlil. u, rtitvy, iiu;iiUt:i ievune-y, J'i)uiu una in i in itiiuaniu. ia iit'ieui nivt.-n that by l a wnt ot e. ee ut ifit aii't suie iMSUitl out ot lue liiiui d i o ui i In the abut e ilH-d on Uio -Jim uuy oi iuu dUeoiid Kim do- dpi II, Ltiiiiniaiiuiuu me to t. u lue KilKI t II H UoeCI lutu t uul pi UpUl'lJ , Cu.iiiuonelnK on the Southern bouiiouiy ui uol nuuiour unu it uiuLh .Aumut'i' Tlniiy-tivo In iiau lu,iu Auuiiioii tu lliu Ciiy Ol Ivoau- uu.ri. Uutilua Cullliiy, Uit'Koil, ul iKiti.l o Itul haal iroui luu oiit ncl tui llol Ot SUItl loi No. nu me fj.talet iy -I men .tvjitll.rit Ut I'nhl UllKltf. Willi .nun in hrt-Ut-iiy at nel, llie.lte) i en ny p., uiiel with ' Slleel -I ItiOl, lllelicu Southerly ill i i mut uiiKtin Vt :..i C.lfi .il eul .'i It el to tho piuee oi IteKiiiutiiK. be 1.1 g pui't ot Lots lllililbel't tl tJnu uiid l wo oi niuin . Ituitioud audition to nodfbui . ,..s u 1-lKtlt ol way fXlemllllfc! lio.M I'll!.; Mivt'i to Sn.rmull Mi'il I" .-..ud Ititnh :ir., suid riKiiL ot wuy to Oe U I eel W ide and so liit uleU und siluuled thin the. Southern, hoim iiui y soul I eoineulit uud be an t . itiiihlou of the iNorin bouiuluiy ui iliu tiuct or parcel ol lunu iiuioiu beKUO t oliv e Lil UIKl 1'ul I Ot' liUUl ttli K :i.i ill sunt City ot ltn.sebiii K. UI'eKOII . tu KUlISly till' MHO " t wiih therein fnuii Hie jutli uuy ot April, 1j-J, until p.ild. ut tlie r.ile oi per an- uiiiii. the luither sum of $b.i.l0 Mi nn to ys lei s, the tnrthei st.oi tl liist,..,ti with interest tnereon iroui ihe' Jitih iluv uf Apr II, li2lt. until paid, ut the rate oi ti per llllliulll. the lui tiitT sum tf il".n.itO ulloi -ih-vb' fees, and the fuilliei- sinu ot ' tiMlS UIKl UlsbUI -st-lllelMA, I Al u'lll mi Suturduy. the day ol a. I May. I'JJ'J. ul llm tioiir in (be ellOOIl of I at tile toU d I II KooobuiK, i oiiKlas futility. lor sale and sell ul a net but to tin: hiKhest bidder for cash lu hand, subject to redemption, as pro vided by la w, said ubovu described real property mid will apply the piuueeds ot suid sale in (he payment of the costs und expenses tbeieol, ami the babui'-e, If any, I Will pay lo tlie clerk ol tlie above entitled court, as n-M uircd ' 'ilW : Notice is lurtlor glv.n that if a sufficient iiniount to satisfy all of suid sums lu lull is not mad.- upon Plume And 6RIMO IT RI&HT ! J 1...... ,'',, ..v iiii.-r lh- ; I 327 Cass I'llune 49 I;,-,- 1 hr-t- k l"l Iho ... .. '..1 , ril...,l r.n. nr-.n-r-t1 I I II ml- lh iKH-:(l Wtm on lilt- -till ilnv f.l I 1 ,v ..i f, . ..... I .. II ,1 i--il.ll-- MMMBWBIIIIIMBMIIIIIIiaWmUlll M" ll, I 'lJIi liy .'nl.-r ..f III.- ; I l.a.l p.,1.1 l.-nj l.';n...'.ini- Kidnaped! By Blosser ' 7WS 16 7U CAR ) - ,. ) ( yo A-V- AIMT JOUIMS 1 AV-OMS &QT ) f A POWAUFiJL 8S ) I'LU BET IT VHAS HE'S 1M-CAEA2- VcCfun V , IS VOO ? MASTAW ' S OFF? A GCMIBCV-1' FEU.A-AVOSTACUe ) MAM TW6 0QWT S6T Too CLOSE, nnJ?' "i:,: TASALOAS SOT OFF vieM vUAT-WAT CLgAM CROSS WG SCOOMDREV. !! t FEECIL5G--STAMO yicT,,.? M06 SH3PP60 FO SHA.TER K SORT OF A RAcS- Sia WAT-AM' ) SG TUGOOSH ) UNT'V ,T iQL CORov BACUToOE mJATERTAMR) LOOUIMS P SOM CUT fella L "WS tuims 3P.CK.SCHVILLE. OM (AY VJfXOOM, W. li VJHPT'Lt. I 00 WlTUVT? - ys.i.w. i wv jM 1 aiKtlun to tUa MKhwt bidder fur : .ta M.,1 by luw. t.itt lelK'wuiB : W dM-rilit-d rt-itl property, tn-wlt: IS .lot!i elcvfii, twelve, thirteen and M fttUrU'I-n Ut li.L.ttull LUAllMilf j . tvv.-niy-aevrii south of ran- Ihri'c : 2 vii-st ut tin' Vitiameite iloridian. j S iiK-Koti. i-tnitttfttltiK one hundred ,. Miuy-two and tttiy on tt-lmnd reditu fi .u res, to KHtlhfy tatd Mini of ! ii a ltd lntivst as Aforvsutd and n;iid , 4 J? 0O.H0 attorneys' fts, or tin- tuil- , A imt- tlion-of n-n.ainlng unpaid after A lie suit.' of the real propi-rty flrstt A .itmve desnrltied. and will pay the J pi ot eeds of Wild sale to the clerk of : S tituive eiuiueu tour 1, us required by law. l);i t' il anu rn-st published April V. T. JACKSON'. Sheriff of Pouglus County, Ore gon. In the Cireult Court of the Stale of 1 W iirt K'ui lor Dousing Comity. (W The I'liiputia Savtntix and Loan An- A soi'ialiuii, a corporation, l'itiniui. , V va. j a J. Casey, Defendant. A .Nuiiu' 10 luTwuy hiu'ii thai ty 1 ft vli i.iu ot a rit 01 execution and j m iu r ot suie i.sbinn out ut me ,iimu ut it ieil t our l in the abu u uluitu-u : uut- tn tiiu Jntl Hay ol April, u.a, 'bl .0 111.' O li t e letl and Ueil ui t'tl 1:0111 llilliiillltf lllu to fsetl lllu lUiluMtut le... 1 iiutt 1 em iruieri , lu-ll. toe liau tr 1-t't 01 Work '1' of 11(11 ei utMt AUUllum tt lllu ,'uy 01 iwtte !i.i k. uuit i;uuniy, J.iKml, tu kanc-iy tut' Sum ti t.n.ift With iiiLeiust tuereoii from ni'i'ii J.t, 1;J. uiiiii p'tlu ut lov iulo ,n -N' iur tin mini, 11 ud tlie 1 urt.tei 30111 ot l-'a.j tiiioiiiLy a 1 it a uiitl JiH-UllIll Ul tilt.' LIULl, til ttiltl UOUll .uiitl writ, 1 Will oil fukUida, tin: I .,nll tlitf t'l ;.i, i.tJj. ut tii- html j ' li 1 it-11 u t lot'K 111 I he I vi t.uuioi ui j day ul 1I10 It tint tUiLd ui litt. - Ltm. I, in use 111 lUeUiii'ti. UoaKt.n' m-iiiiy, Ult bon, uiitl iui fc.t.c .too aell ill Klltllttii tu l.: Il.nn t.-l b.tll.l ttil' UMI ill llllllt., .-..!- ji t t to rctletuiilluit a.i pi u re U. opef and w in uiio iliu IU suitl nu.e in i he payment MUll eti.itjj uud expeiiaeH lileietn I I ue buiuut i-, II- uuy, 1 win p;i l he elel'K ol the uoovu cillllieU am i teiniiied !' Jatv; .HIU la u..-u iicieuy Hiven tiiat by me oi stud Will ol execution ..ud oiuur of huif ubuVe Ui'.-n.uu.u t:uti.ii.u,.dilig me to sell tllu ttilloW- ; hIr uent r i ued i oa l prupei ty, lo- w it : i-ol n umbered J ut ItlueK "li" ol lilt: AllieiiUtd I'lat uf ItioekS tl, II, 1 ami J ot 4uure'tuud AUdlliuli tu me t iiy ot lii.iel)ul k, Uuuiua i.'oilliiy, viiKoii, tu saiiiy luu Hum ol tioa.yu wull ibel'eun ul Ihe i uie of 0yj pet' cviil lt-i ttiiliuin lioiu April --t, l'.i-!. less tlie sum ut tJti.tiU unit to suiitity uiiu-lhud ot iliu ttmltt of and opotl su Ml writ, 1 Mill on Suunliiy, lue --nn nay ol .Miiy, U-'J, ai t lie hour ot ton u eioek in i lie lore noon ot said day at the i I on l door ttt t lie eudi lliuilsu in i lose Im ik, lJouglua County, UnKmi, oiler lor suit and Hell ut puidit,' u uetiou tu tno In k hem Indite i' lor eu Mi in hand, sui.jet l to ri-dcinp-ll on as provided by law, said lusl above described real pripui ty and svltl apply liiu proeei'drt ul suid sale Hi tile pu ineiu ui tue cosiu ami e.ieiisn,i lllel'tiof and the bit III Hue, it uuy, 1 will pay to tlie clerk of ihe uouve ulilillua court us icquti-uu by luw ; iNotieu is also hereby given that by vtt I11.0 of said v. i ll ot execution and order of sale, abuvu described i ciFiumainllnK me to sell the tollnw- i II1K filled real propel iy, to-wit: I i.ul i;t or IttocK ' O" oi lauiel-j Wood Aidltioii tu Die City ol Hose- b u; n. iHniulas County, iireuoti, to'y the sum of $H0:!.i'i4 with In-li-n-Ml thereon at the rale of , ' per annum fnnn April lli-'h, P-hm the sum of $4tt.;r and lo sutlsty one-1 bird of i lie cowls of and upon suid writ, 1 will on Saturday, the J.nii ihiy of May, J'.i-U, ul Uie Imur til' I en o'eloclt In the. f nreliooii til said d.iy ut the front door or the courihoiiso in KoseUuiK, 1ouhIhh fount y, iH'tigun, oiler for sale ami sell at public a net ion to (he high est bbhtei- for cash In liund, subject to reileiupt ion us provided by law, m i Id lust above described real prop erty ami will apply the proeeeds "f sunt sule lu tht; payment of tlie eiists und expenses thereof and tlie bul.i ncu. if any, 1 will pay to Uie cletii of the above entitled court us reiiuired by law. Diited and first published April 11 .'II. V. T. JACKSON, DouBlua County, trr- Sheriff of gon. Roveburg Cabinet Shop 230 W. Oak FURNITURE REPAIRING Upson Board and Veneer Panel Cut to Order Window Screem made to order Z, 8. AND F. L. COCKELREA8 Chiropractor DRUGLESS HEALTH CENTER "Complete Health Service' Mineral Vapor Hatha 327 Cass Phune 491 Then Some! -TH' PLUSES IM F CjR.100, - CAW PICK OUT TH' BEST ONE . .. . , ' , , . Mineral Vapor UatlM s.-i, ,.-.... .1... btiaw uf 01 wtMtsrn i l toasii;- 4 -isiit!iiiji ' am. jnu.t. .r.; z.vaxii mr.'r.-.. -vii -r-s J: VJE'LL PUT TH' REST OM Sa.CE. - I'LL HlWE IT OPEM IM f tlHUTE.'. - y u.'t W3SIfiW Paint With S. Sherwin-Williams Till June 20th we will furnish you $3.45 per gallon, quarts at $1.00. Good Paint Weather Bast Paint Churchill Hardware Co. I THE RC5EBURG uit uurt of u.o State 0f ! ur.ty 1u.k.' u loi'noi-tt- i 'i Hilltf Vs voueiieis Hiiiii-xeo. uuiy ri- '.i.' 'ioi'. l una' M. Thlel. hlsjiuu l" "a '' w rc-.,uire.i, to mo . . e Ailreil Tln.l Crank 1 K I n - ' UliderniKued at the luW oifltnfi of m'i ,A lfl.ll!- ' li. Klunc-y. Ill a I ' " ". in III, 1-,-rk,,,. Build- iMUIi-e is nereiiy Rivell, 1 nut Ull and by v li t ue ot a rit r.Ai'i u i ion uiiii order of sale issued I out uf the above untitled court and J t.tunt Oil the Inl IIU.V .. Amy, 1 ttL'H, und lu me ilirecti'd upon the Judn iu ut and det. ree and oi der ol sine 1 rerdefed uud entered In said cause tin the l'illi day of Muy, IK.'!. in tavor of Hut above nuiiled plalntllt anil aKUlut -the ubovu named de teiiduuls A. A. Thlel and F, M. Ililei, and in favor of lue defend ants A. A. Thtel ami Allied Thlel and a Kill n Ml the defendant KruuK 1. K iniiey, which said ui-eutloii tint) order uf sule commanded lue to sell Hits tiereiiiaftu!- descrlbt-d real prop erly for the purpose or sallsiyluK said JltdKnielit in favor of the- p.iilu till In lue sum of two thousand one hundred olh'tity-ciKht dollars and iwiiny-two cents (J.lSS.L'Jt with interest at seven per cent Iron May lii. lii.Mi. and Din further sum of two hundred dollars ($ei).0ui attor neys' fees, und plaliUltf'H costs unit disburse men is taxed at t went v -one dollars tl.'l.UO); uud fur the further sum of one thousand seventy-three dollars a ud seven ty-elKhl cents ($i,u7:i.7K) with inturest m elwht per cent from May ll, lW2'.t, and the further sum of one hundred dollars ($liui. mil attorneys' fees, in favor of the deleudantH A. A. Thlel and A I fled 'I'll lei:, Now therefore, I V'lll on Tuesday, the -;tli day of June, UUD, at 11 o'cloek A. at the cuurthousi' front door in HoselnirK. 1 'oiiKlas County, Oregon, offer for sale und sell at public auction to the high est and best bidder for cash In band. all the rlKht, title and Interest wiih ii the twiid tluleiidiints or either of them hud oh the lltli tiny of Kebruary, l!i'J,", or have ul any time tlieit-af let' aetplired 111 uud to the folli-wliiK described real property. Iots one (1) ami two CI) in hlnrkichains and South H. 4V West 31.11 six (til r the town of Yonealla. t-iiatns rioin the norihWfHt corner ol Do UK hut County, Ort'Kon. as lhe;ilo Kouaibni lind Ciatlll or John same is plaited and of reeord in Die suthurllii Claim number forty-one ofll. e ol the Colllily Clel n of Mil (ill ( u , i township tweitly-tl e (,5) county; uud t will apply t lie proceeds rauts. five (Et) West of tha of said sule. firsl. lo Ihe pay nieiil . yy utiiiucUe Meridian. whU h point la of the, cosls of said sale and the i Hectlon fifteen (ITi) in suid town costs ilnd dlsburseniciilH of,, .said hlp and ruiiKe; theiico Houth 85 suit; and second, to (he payment ol ; .j;,' WUHl 1 fi.Ti7 chulns; thence Mouth said .ludKiiielils with uccl ulntf Inter- j l(i chulim; thence West li7 Huks; est us utoresiild. thenco south 42.0 1 chains; thence I iiitcd at IlostdnirK", orugun. this ,.aMt 1,-,., elialns: thence north 8:t. 1 6 Jlst day of May. 1!!. chains to the place of heKinnliiK. V. 1. ,IAl KStiiV, eontainlnK' l-il.:'K acres, inoru or Sheriff of DouhIiih County. Orenon. i,,Mfi; but hhvIiib and excepttnrf o j therefrom a riwht "f way coitVi-yeii .XOI'Icn OF Fl.NAL SKITLKIIKXT to the Sulhelilu Land and Water (Company, by deed heiti'liiK' dale N'nMci lt h.-rohv irlven that the'SI)iy 2i, 1IM2, ami recorded 111 Book ,,,. - LlK'"l .lm ln v", -;." "''" H.-...-J. of al,l I.m,lu ihiiii mi I lie. iieeeaseu, nus iiieo in Ihe county court of tile slate of Orc Kon for I oiikIiih county his final account us such utliuliiistrator and that Sal ii rd ay the Mb day of .1 it lie, lirjii. ul ten o'clock n. ui., and the ii u it, room of Ihe said court have been fixed us t he lime and place lor hearlliK objections lo said ac count and Ihe settlement thereof. Luted May 7th, l2!l, H. L. KIHiV, AdndiilHtiulur with the will an nexed of the estate of Williuin .Millie, deceused. In Ihe County Court ir tin Sitiio uf in-..M,.M r,.r in.uub.H H'oinnv. &0LO1', OU P.N' THEM - . , II I - -1 I 1113 1 M II ' -fc. 1 Uo Now!1 W. P. E3 " S at 1 1RONMONGLRS entitled Court duly appointed as ad- .tlllllbll HiriX Of tllU t'UlULI) Ot Jl)MI')U "reiiis, defused. Ail persona imv- "U1:,I,' Uuuli.a to preseui the name six in on ins tiu tllU dulu of HUH lloliee. " I'atetl and first published April j;,th. la-'li. JOSKPHINK SCHUKXIS. Administratrix ot the ualalu" ot Joseph SM luuins, deceased. " NO'I'H i: OF SlilUtll'K'it SAl,l'J lu the Circuit Court of the State ot Ortuon lor the CodlitV of ljuuulas. Thu fr-cuJid Alliance irusl com pany, Lil mi ted, u eoi poruitou, i'laintlff, vs. Louisa it. Areha m lien u, V. A. Arch unitieaii, hei liuaumwl, and Utupiiua Vahey I junk, a corporation, ie feiidunts. Ity vtitiie of a judgment, decree, order of sale uud execution. Issued out of the uho e entitled court in tne above entitled cause, tu me di rected and duted the aid day of May, l'.'ii, upon a .fudgiue nt and de cree duly ttiveii, made und entered on the -Din day or April, licjy, in luvur of the above named piaintliC and HKutust Hoj abovo named de fendants. Cor tho sum ot $ l.tiUli.UO, wllii interest theruun from the iuat day ot November, 1 i'-ti, ut the rate of H' pi r annum; uud tho further sum of (2iii.ii. with Interest there on from the 10th day of January, UJS. ut the rule ol IQ'r per an num; and the iitrtlier sum of llh.-iil with Interest thereon from the Ubth day of November, llf-fc. at the i uto of ID', per annum; und the further sum of IJ.i0.00, with inturest tnereon from April 2H, lfl), at the rate of fiVr, Per annum, and the further um of J4.5U, costs uml dlsbursemeula i of wild suit uud t he cosis of and upon said Writ, and conimundinK nio I to niuliu Kale of the fullu,wili do ! Kcrlut d rem pfopeny sutiuie m ma County uf DuukIum, titute uf Oregon, to-wit: lt..,rOinlMr Hi n tin I tit Hmilh It 11 , . ," , ,,, June. 1HJ. at the hour of 10 o'clock 1 A. M.. at tho front door of the I County Court House. In the City of hiiru. County uf DouKlas, -Matu of ( iri koii, si-1 1 u I public auction. subject to redemption, to the htKh ent bidder for cash In hand, all tho rlKht, title and Interest which tho above named defendants or any of thmn had iu the above described real property on tho 2Hth day of July, IU HI, Ihe date nf the inorKa tro foreclosed In said suit, or since that date have bud in or to the above described real property, or any part thereof, tu satisfy said execution, JudKliient, decree. interest, Costs ; and ueci'dlnif costs. Dated thia 3rd day of Mny. 19J9. K V. T.JACKSON. me tuuiuy ui i;uut)iita, eiton. Ilv II. M. CcCahe. Deputy. IMrst iniblieation. May 9, IHL'9. By Small - Y