Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 13, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Application County Prune
Association Placed Be
fore Agent of Freight
Hearing to Be Held This
Month on Budget
U,rged to Work
With Carriers.
Actions to be taken the last
Xof this month ou the application of
the Oregon public service commis
sion (or a rate on mixed Carloads
of dried prunes and canned goods,
according to information received
today by J. C. Leedy, county
agent. The Douglas Cooperative
Prune association recently adopted
a resolution asking the public ser
vice commission to us its efforts
to secure such a rate, supplement
ing other requests made by various
organizations throughout the state.
Mr. Leedy has received a letter
irom me commission w n l c H
"In reply to your letter we wish
to advise that on March 13, -191-tliis
commission took up with Air.
H. G. Toll, agent of the Trans
continental Freight Bureau, ad
dress 3uu West Adams street, Chi
cago, Illinois, outlining in detail
the situation existing in connection
with the producing and marketing
of dried iruits and canned goods
by Oregon producers and shippers
and requested him to take up with
the Interested rail carriers the pro
position oi establishing , carload
rates from the Pacific coast to
easier destinations on mixed ship
ments of dried fruits and canned
goods. This communication was
acknowledged by Agent Toll un
der date or March 19 and the sub
ject hus been placed on the Trans
.continental Freight Bureau docket
'jur L'uiitsiuuiaiiun not earner man
No Announcement Expected
Until Italy Ratifies
Mussolini's Pact
With Church.
It Soon Will Be Moving Day for Harry Sinclair j DEPEWDERICE OF
V -il 3f ) ' U W HV'KiL.'-! ' - . State Department Asked If
-S f'T, fZSrU fl fmt' -i- Diplomatic Relations,
Il "lJ?3&& -$tT&&rJJry' Severed in 1869,
FROM THIS i'-V-f V )
TO THIS ."y JL it)
&fMt ifj lliif?Jf a? raj
can, recogutzing the sovereignty of
the latter state, la ratified, the
state department aenda a brief
note informing the writers that
the "question has not arisen."
Following the policy of silence
established by former Secretary of
Slate Kellogg when the Italian
Vatican agreementa were signed
(Continued from page 3)
Dloom, Mrs. A. 1). Hawn. Mrs. Ed
(Awcutiil Irei Lvaaci! Wire)
WASHINGTON, April 13. Many
letters Inquiring whether diplo
matic relations are to be resumed
between the Untied States and the
Vatican are being received by the
recently bv Premier Mussolini and ! Lewis, Mrs. Kd Payton, Mrs. Clara
Cardinal Gas parr I, the papal secre-; Cawfleld and Mrs. Merle Ivie.
tary of state, the state department &
declines to discuss the American I. and Mrs. L. M Wells and
attitude on the question in any i family are leaving today for Port
way. It was pointed out today that land. They will be in attendance
si.. a v. . .. !n ill a i i I Hon wmtrlinir rprpnllnn of
Up otiri Mm A. I I (l)mrn nf the
fied and the matter could not be
discussed until final action is
taken by the papacy and the
Italian government.
Once Represented
The United States sent a diplo
matic representative to the Vati
can more than eighty years
ii ft or rnnalilornhln fluhatft In
oonato nr th annrnnrlntlnn fnr Ml. H. O. PllilpOtt of this City
his salary. Those who sunDorted ! Mrs. Philpott Till spend several
the proposal contended that the
minister to the pope would not be
sent in a spiritual character, but , Fcrn Johnson Becomes
"to evince sympathy with the : . f - d 11
spirit of freedom" which had brok-j Bride ot Ueorge rrowell
en out in Italy. of interest to their local friends
In his message to congress in ! Is the marriage of Mrs. tern John
metropolis. Mrs. Wells Is a daugh-:
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulhurn. who
were formerly residents of thiB
Mrs. C. A. Philpott of Boise,
ago Idaho, la the house guest of her
th son anu aauKmer-rn-mw, ur. mm
I weeks In Roseburg.
mem from all sections
In response to all of these let
ters and to those Inquiring about
the American government's attl
ture in the event the present con
cordat between Italy and the vatl
he state depart- M$69, President Grant said he had ' son and George K. Prowell, both
From his paiatiai home at ureal iM'cx. long ittuwii. nuirv Sinclair, on muiioii.u.t.-, tutm prt;piiin to
move for a HO-day period to the District of Columbia Jail, according to a ruling of the United biut's supremo
court. The high court affirmed the sentence of the 1-H strict of Columbia supreme court, which was the
penalty for Sinclair's refusal to answer the questions of the Senate public hinds committee investigating
the Tenpot Dome oil scandals. Sinclair, his i-ong isiami mansion ana me jan are pictured hoovp,
twelve days from April 6. 11)29.
This is docket No. 9833 reading us
"Canned goods and dried
fruits mixed carloads east
bound: Request for amend
ment of Tariff 2-W, I. C. C.
No. 1206 H. G. Toll, agent, to
provide for rates on mixed
carload shipments of canned
goods Item 1390-12 and dried
fruits Item 1960 a minimum
weight 60.00U pounds from
nor tii Pacific coast to eastern
destinations or that these mix
ed carloads be charged for on
basis of actual weight and car
load rate on eacli commodity
subject to minimum weight of
60,000 pounds."
"We would suggest that the
Douglas Cooperative Piuuo associa
tion immediately wire Mr. H. G
Toll, requesting favorable action
t be given docket 9833, also take up
with the interested carriers re
questing their support in favor of
this docket, lines interested pri
marily being the Southern Pacific
company, Oregon Electric Railway
company, Union Pacific System,
Northern Pacific Railway com
pany, Great Northern Railway com
pany, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railway company.
"This commission will be glad to
do anything in its power to bring
about this adjustment at as early
a date as possible.
"If the Douglas Cooperative
Prune association desires a copy
of this commission's petition for
tins adjustment kindly advise and
we will be pleased to furnish
"Very truly yours
' "By Herbert H. Hauscr,
Amendment to the freight rates
( to include mixed carload shipments
v of dried prunes and canned fruits
would he an important change for
the prune growers of the state of
Oregon. At present California ship
pers can load cars with prunes,
tigs and various dried and canned
fiuits and ship the entire car un
der a special rate. In Oregon, how
ever, a car must be loaded en
tirely with one commodity. This
is a great handicap to Oregon shin,
b A broker in the east can buy
a car of mixed goods for a small
market, where there would bp no
sale for an entire carload of :
prunes, jf Oregon can secure the i
samo privilege, then the growers '
of this state wiil have a better op-1
portunity to invade some of the
smaller markets that cannot now
be served.
Btudents of parents having any of
these texts available that they are
willing to give or loan to 'the Myr
tle Creek Bchool are requested to
leae them in the News-Heview
for delivery:
7 Davis and McClure, "Our Gov
11 Shepherd, Geography for Be
ginners (third grade).
8 Brigham and McFarlane, Es
sentials of Geography (first book).
9 Brigham and McFarlane, Es
sentials of Geography (secoud
15 Gordy, History of the United
States (new edition).
6 Clark, Down and Blue, School
History of Oregon.
8 Fassett, Beacon First Reader.
9 Fassett, Beacon Second Reader.
lo Fassett, Beacon Third Reader.
10 ElBon, Elson Reader, Book
5 Bolenlus, Bolenlus Fourth
4 Bolenlus, Bolenlus Fifth Read
ers. 5 Bolenlus, Bolenlus Sixth
20 Hill and Lyman, Reading and
Living, Book 1
Today's News of Sport
(Associated Vtvu Loawd Wire)
NEW YORK, April 13. The.
question of bantamweight suprem
acy, a complicated problem since
the night two years ago when
Charley Phil Rosenberg forfeited
his title on the weighiug-ln scales,
was no nearer settlement than ever
today but New York fans at least
had one gala night to look back
upon us a purt of the arguments.
Some 16,000 Jammed Jess. Mc
Mahon'a new fistic emporium iast
night for the fifteen-round struggle
of Kid Chocolate, the Cuhau sen
sation, and Bushy Graham, wire
haired phantom from Utica, N.
Y. They saw a great fight while it
lasted, the decision given to Choco
late on a foul In the seventh round.
The fight itself was spectacular
; while it lasted und ended in dis
anoointinc fashion when the tlrlntr
16 Hill and Lyman, Reading and urahum, tour times warned for low
heavyweight champion, and Ira
Dent, local grappler, wrestled one
hour and a half to a draw here to
night. Steelier won the first ball
with a scissor hold In 49 minutes.
Dem took the second , fall In 30
minutes with an arm lock.
Living. Book II
Optional, 18 Lewis and Rowland,
Third Reader.
Optional, 10 Lewis and Rowland,
Fourth Reader.
11 Writing Lesson for Primary
Grades, A. N. Palmer.
7 Palmer Method of Business
6 Drushel, Noonan and With
ers, Arithmetical Essentials, Book
6 Drushol, Noonan and Withers,
Arithmetical Essentials, Book 11.
21 Biown-Eldridge Arithmetic,
Book III.
10 Parker, McConathy, Itirgo and
Miesner, Progressive Music Series,
Book 1.
20 Progressive M usic Series,
10 Progressive Music Series,
Book HI.
16 MnCaU's Speller, Book I.
20 McCall's Speller. Book II.
12 Potter Jesclike and Gilleit,
Oral and Written English, Book
11 Written English. Book II.
Physiology and Hygiene
18 Winslow, Healthy Living,
Book I.
6 Winslow, Healthy Living,
Book II.
High School
American Literature
10 Payne, American Literary
English Composition
(Amoclatdl Pn Iaiod Win-)
FORT WORTH, Tex., April 12.
Mrs. M. F. Hendricks uhoL and
killed her husband and killed her
self today 'ill their farm at Reno
west of' here. Each was about 56
years old.
( Afwoeiuttil I'nss l.wtttil Wire)
SAN FliANCISCO, April 13.
Corporal Izzy Schwarta of Now
York lambasted Boy Walley of
Singapore to an easy ten-round de
cision here last night.
AwooIiitM I'rcM Uward Wire)
Batting averages reached new
highs tor the season ill the Pacific
Coast league, it was evidenced by
scores in yesterday's four series
. Base hits so noticeably lacking In
the first two weeks of the season
continued to click from the 1 buts
of the Seals and the San Francisco
club pounded out Its fourth straight
victory over the Sacramento Sena
tors, 6 to 2. Hollis Thurston, right
hander, held the Senators to five
scattered hits.
Hollywood won 7 to 1 from the
Beavers at Portland in typical
Beaver weather. It rained from the
third to the eighth Inning, and
time out was called twice for in
jured players. The wet ball got
i away from MahaTfey, Portland
pitcher, und he hit Malnney who
(was at but, under tho heurt. He
I was led to the bench. Cowboy Tom
tlin wrenched his ankle while slid-!
ing to second base through the
mud. Another of Mahaffey's wet
caunonball pitches barely missed
Pitcher Hulvey on the head.
The Seattle Indians used three
twiners In u vain effort to turn
back the San Francisco Mission
Reds, but dropped the game to the
visitors 11 to 9.
At Log Angeles the Angels won
6 to 1 from tho Oakland nine.
Clyde Barfoot won hie fourth
straight game, of the season, . and
helped the Angels to maintain their
hold on first place, by crack pitch
ing, sending over his famous "slow
been officially luformed of the an-of Roseburg. The ceremony tooK
nexatlon of the papa) states by place in Medford April 11, with
Italv and that the United States Rev. W. K. Ray officiating,
had recognized the change In theh Mrs. Johnson Is the eldest daugh
status of their sovereignty. Since ! r of Mr. nud Mrs. Raymond Phil
thai tim. tlift ITnltPd Siates has Bps of Squaw Lake. The home
mony took place was the gather
ing place of many friends and re-
latlves ot the young couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Prowell have many
friends in Roseburg, where thj
bridegroom Is well known in rail
road circles.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Church edifice 312 E. Douglas
street. Sunday service at 11:00 n.
m. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and
Death Real." Golden text: James
5:15. The prayer of faith shall
save the sick, and the Lord shall
raise him up; and If he have com
mitted sins, they shall be forgiven
him. Sunday school convenes at
9:45 a. m. All up to the age of 20
years are lovingly welcome. Wed
nesday evening service at s o ciock
which includes testimonies of
healing through Christian Science.
The reading room in the front of
the building Is open daily except--Sundays
and holidays from 2 to 4
p. m. where the Bible and all auth
orized Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed or purchas
ed. The public is cordially invited
to attend th services and use the
reading room.
Here From Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Gilliam of
Glendale were visitors In this city
had no representative at the Vati
can. Church Diplomacy
LONDON. April 13. The Lon
don Daily Telegraph today said
that the recent cancellation of the
proposed visit of the archbishop
of Canterbury to Jerusalem and
the holy land was in deference to
Inferred wishes of the Vatican.
The English primate, the paper
said, recognized the delicate re
ligious situatiou in the holy land,
and when he received Intimations
his projected trip there was re
garded with some misgivings by
the holy see he abandoned it. He
had planned the visit as a part of
a cruise he is making aboard J. P.
Morgan's yacht while he recuper
ates from a severe winter Illness.
of Rev. W. K. Ray where the cere- today.
Established 1928
' Perfect Funeral Services
Fair and Reasonable Prices
112 ' Manager 112
pine and Lane Sts. Lady Attendant
puiichitiK, s;int a final blow to ;
Chocolate's belt Hue when on the
verge of a knockout In the seventh.
l nere were lour clean Knockdowns won
iu all.
SAN D1EC.O. April 13. Jack
(AwocUttd Prcn Leaped Wlrn)
BERLIN, April 13. Yeluidl
Menuhin, twelve-year-old violin
prodigy of San Francisco and New
York, tonight took Berlin music
lovers by storm in a concert with
the philharmonic orchestra with
Bruno Walter conducting.
At the end of a Krelsler Cadenza
In Beethoven's concerto, the au
dience rose In a trlbuto and shout-
ed Its applause. At the end of the j
out perslsteut crowds that threat
eued to rush the platform.
Arundel, piano tuner. Fbone 1S0-L.
Fresh salmon eggs, Idleyld Park.
Roofing at Wharton Bros.
Fishing contest at Idleyld Park.
Broccoli Wanted
We want the following crops to be produced on
contract from seed furnished by us: beets, carrots,
parsnips, cabbage, brussell sprouts, tomatoes.
(AwuK'iutMl 1'rvM I-uod Win-)
NKW YORK, April 13. Tho 1
threat of another all-New York
Peas ley, Oakland heavyweight, i monopoly of major league buse-1
the ten-round decision over: ball's highest laurels stands out in i
Larry Serrail. San Fruncisco, here' the advance dope for the pennant:
last night. Beasley oulboxoM audi races that got under way next i
out puched Serrati throughout. Tuesday. i
It was not so long ago, in 1921-j
HOLLYWOOD, Cal., April 13. 1 22-23, that the world's series was
Jos Roche, San Francisco Italian, just a subway affair. This trust
i won a ten-round decision over j was broken up and only half of Its I
I'Humer Sheridan, Sioux City, Iowa, j former partnership the Yankees
I middleweight in the main event; has since operated with any con
Ihere last night. Roche's good right spicuous success.
, hand played a conspicuous part in This year the Giants again Join
jtlio victory. There were no knock 'their fellow townsmen as favorites
downs. Roche recently knocked oulUn the forthcoming championship
'Sheridan in two rounds. Roche j races, as a result of the official
: weighed 155; Sheridan 15si. ; consensus of newspaper experts '.
j compiled for the third successive
SACRAMLMO, April 13. In avear by the Associated Press. ,
1 he results of this major league
(Associated I'rcH L-a-d Win)
SYDNEY, N. S. W., April 13.
The rescue plane Canberra radioed
late today It had just left the vi
cinity of the Southern Cross, dis
covered yesterday near Fort
George, and that another plane
had landed near it on the mud.
The ( an berra d topped fourteen
bags of provisions to ' Captain I tKriiHnir n"hutti'UB h,.u nu'ur v,.,.,,.
Klngsford-Smith and tils i i .i, t ,..,,., '
down March 31 while attempting
a flight from Sydney to Wyndham.
Tobacco and
Al t.arclo, bpokane welterweight, lor 1929 with more than sixty ex
knocked out Freddie Hoppe of Sun 'ports registering their opinions.
revolver were also ! i " . , T, u""; 7.!".-
Included, along with 85 telegrams I ;,, T..,.' t'Tn 'h i,V . . 7. . "... a .. .. I
I after one and one hair minuies of pennant and tho Giants as the
lit . riirttf Itiv (n tha t..ntl, I, ........ .1... .......f..l Kl.l
nnrl.v Punt a In !lr.l,l II. nlln, i"h" . . " " " V'" iui VlllVUgU
Vi h i i i ""'-'' "' '. rounu ne was given uie lull count. 'Cubs by
signals the Southern Cross was not
damaged but needed only petrol
and oil.
from friends and well wishers.
When the Canberra arrived
narrow margin.
9 Murray and wiles. First Book j welterweights.
in I'.ngiiMi.
6 HiiPhcock, High School Eng
lish Rook.
A Durell and Arnold, New Plane
7 Rational Typewriting (Rev.
Social Problems
3 Towne, Social Problems (re-;
vised). i
1j Hessler, Junior Science.
1R Harrison, Elementary Span
ish Reader.
-latin i
3 Kelsey, Caesar's Commentaries.
(Awviat''i I'rfNt I.casr'l Win1)
C ANTON, Ohio., April 13. Dirk
Raines. Sun Dip en ('ulif fi'iruihu.
'ed Jack Zivlc, Pittsburgh, in ten
rounds here lust night. Doth are
f ut"l I'n-wi l-awl Wir-
SALT LA K K CITY. Utah, April
13. .Iop St 'Cher, former world'!
Dance Starts at 8:30 Sharp
HM M a win
The faith of tho News Review in
the ability of the people of Imug
l;ts county to respond to the ueed
of the Myrtle Creek school chil
dren fnr text books has been fully
justified by the wonderful recep
tion of tho appeal made In yester
day's edition. The News-Rpview
requested the loan or donation ofi
school materials for the children j BORN
of Myrtle Crctk. who lost all of TELEFTiRn To Mr. and Mrs.
their books and supples In the re-! John Teleford ofhIa citv, April 12.
wilt fire. Within a few hours a daughter.
ivr me appeal appeared ouens oi
coplep of needed books were deliv
ered to the News-Review office for
the benefit of the pupils at the
lu-irhboi iug town.
The list, however, if. iiol yet suf
ficient to meet the neds, and there
i st III room for more anHirftan-o
for these youngster. A lif t of the
books uetikj apeaia below aud
SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Smith of thiK city, April 11, 1929, a
M AT LACK To Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mat lack of IMxonvtlle, Thursday,
April 11. 1!2I. st Chilton Maternity
Huiiie. a daughter.
Saturday Night, April 13
E Jg
Mail Your Ads
Now, a simple way to turn something that you
do not need into cash. The cost, but a few pen
nies; the method exceedingly simple. Write
an advertisement giving all the essential facts
about what you have to sell together with the
price, count the words, multiply by the num
ber of times you want the ad to run and mail
the ad and your check, or stamps or a money
order for the correct amount at I c a word to
Roseburg News-Review
to figure
per word, each time
If by the week 5c a word
per week.
No advertisement accepted
for less than 25c