Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 06, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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scoots mm -
The jmlpea for the aehievment
round-up hein held for ihe Hoy
Seoul met yesterday uflcinoon
and uiidiled the reports which
have bc"n turned in lo ditto. Th
.Induing committee la composed of
'W. L. Campbell, chalinmii; Kev.
Frank Matthews and Hew J. U.
Jjenlmll. Tin; first ten places
itwanh'd are as follows: Birds ol
troop 2, !!7,tiSft point a; l'mpfua;( of
troop 6, :iu.Sr; Owls of troop IS,
JS.Kiii: Panthers, (rcop 21, 10,
fi!l."; KukIpk, troop IS. 72si; Kly
liii? K.iules, troop 4, 6.125; Unfile a.
troop (i, fi,0?;"; ileaviMH, troop l'
r..X!,5; Raven troop 3, 5.670; Hear
ers, troop 9, 5,1 if.
The round-up will end on April
loih. Those troops which me.-f
on t it her Monday or Tuesday illicit
will be allowed one meeting fol
lowing (he 10th In order that they
hold the same number of meetings
during the round-up an the Iroopn
which meet on the other days of
the week.
The local patrols are working I
bard to get a good attendance at commerce office. More than
the court of honor which will be 1 half of the cars registered -w-re
held -Monday evening at. the juti- front California, with more than
for high Bchool auditorium. Troop j one-half the remainder from Wash
2 Is sponsored by the Ilaptfsl t iugton. The states anil provinces
church and will be backed by the represented were as follows: Cali-
large portion of that congregation;
troop 3 is mionsored by the M. K.
Church South and will receive the
-mtpnorf of that orpanlfil lmi : trnon
four of the American Legion !b ex-
1929 By NEA Service.
Ttuth Lester, secretary, finds the
hotly of her employer. "Handsome
Harry" Fiord en, Mondav morning
sprawled beneath the afrshaft win
dow of his private office. He was
shot some time between one and
"' four o'clock Saturday afternoon.
McMann, detective sergeant,
conducting the Investigation in the
", victim's office, quizzes Mrs. Hor
de!., the dead man's estranged
wife and mother of his two chil
dren, who admits coming to the of
'flee Saturday afternoon for her
alimony check but who insists she
left Horden alive.
Hill h Ik the next suspect ques
tioned. Ituth realizes McMann is
drawing the net around Iter fiance,
.lack Hayward, whose office Is
Just across (he narrow nirshnft
from Hot-den's. He tells McMann
1 he returned to the seventh floor
Kuiurdny afternoon to get his and
..Huth's matinee tickets. Simpleton
cis further 'thrown on .lack by the
testimony of the elevator hoys,
JHMIcky Moran and Otlo Winger,
and by Hill Cowan, a friend, who
tells of having heard Jack threaten
Horden's life Saturday morning
when he saw him struggling with
)tuth In the opposite of! Ice.
McMann Hynds detectives for
Cleo Oilman, Horden's d included
;nltrcHs, and Minnie ('assiily and
J.otty Miller, seventh floor scrub--women.
Meanwhile lilta Dubois.
flight club dancer, admits her call
on Horden Saturday "fternoon hut
insists she left him alive.
" Ashe. Horden's manservant, tells
TMcMaim of a woman with a beau
tiful contralto voice whom lUmlcu
refused to talk to on the telephone,
llenny Smith, Horden's orriee boy,
,ls brought In. He admits returning
to the office Saturday afternoon
1o get Huth's gnu for targel prac
llce and or finding It already gone.
.He says Horden ordered him out.
.Minnie Casstdy accompanies It tit h
to the scene of the Investigation.
. "Poor dearie!" Minnie fiiHsldy,
the cleaning woman, murmured
commiseralliiKty, as h!io and litilh
itarled together down the hull
toward the Horden offices. "They
"do say the fool cops are sayln
yuiiv man did It, hut as me and
T.etty was tellln' each other not
five minutes ago, Mr. Hayward Is
'not the boy as would hurt a fly
,po kind hearted and open handed
lie Is. Just you pray the Hlessed
Mother, mis-i, and - oh, l.ordy !
What's thai?''
r. "Flashlights," Ruth Informed
er, behind hands which she had
.flung up to cover her face.
"Me picture in t lie papers?" Min-
" n ! cried, as delUht. -d as a child.
"And mo with this old mlim moth-(r-hubb;trd
"Let's run!" Ituth hedged, drag
ging at Minnie's gnarled old hand
.Patrolman Higuer. still on guard
outside the I tm den nil ires,
grinned ttympalhetii-iilly us he
Mvting open Hie dour fur them.
"Mr. McMann Is in Mr. ltoiden's
'private ofiiee. Minnie. I'll take vim
In oil !" sh broke off. with it
startled exrlaniiilfoii. linn run hi
her own desk, where llenny Smith
was sitting, his hejid bowed on lus 1
outflung anus, tenllde snbs sh:tk
lug ti Ik thin body. "Wti:it's the mat
ter, llenny ? llenny, dear, w hat Is
Hie matter?" she implored, stink
ing his sandy hair.
"The big still! The big old
bully!" Henny snhhrd 'I'll punch
hi nose through his face. 1 will."
The door lo t lu private niflre
opened, and McMann's curt voice
Interrupted any confidence tluit
llenny might have been abmit u
"rome In. Miss Lester! Is this
Minnie Cassidy?"
"Missus Minnie CassUb !' th.
denning woman corrected the de
tective witn surprising ppiiu. Ami
e"re Tommy McMann. Me bus
band (1m1 rest his soul! whs a
rookie along with y Tommy Mc
Mann Mnuy's the poker game h
, won your sood money off ye nnd
brought It home to
Minnie Cn-
MrMBun chuvkled and thrust out
pectins larK donation of le
gionnaires; troop six Fponsored by
tlie junior )il'h school J. T. A. has
appeared at the nieeiinKS of the
Kiwanis, Jtolarv and I.lons clubs
and Invited meridiem of these or- j
Kanizatfoiiii to tin court of honor
and will no doubt have a large
xrouti of supporters. Kach adult
(Other than a parent counts loo
J points for the patrol which they
may be supporting, u a parent
conies alone 250 points are allow
ed and the Httendance of both
piireuiH KranlH 6"ii points.
iiesld s 1 lie r tilar court of
honor, which In ithell is very in ter
es! lug, moving pictures of last Hum
mer's camps will he shown. There
are three reels of good pictures
and full of action from start to
finish. These give one a good con
ception of the activities carried on
in camp.
The scouts are expecting a large
crowd Monday night and are pre
paring to bundle ft w-ll and ec
that then are seals for nil.
j There were approximately 150
j foreign cars registered at the
chamber of commerce office here
during the month of March, ac
; cording to a report made today.
I All cars coming into Oregon from
I Cher slates must be registered and
I In Hnsebuig the registration is
taken care of nt the chamber of
fornia Kfi, Washington -M. Idaho 2,
Illinois 2. British ('ohniihfn 1. Mon
tana 2, New York 'A. Ohio ?.. Ari
zona 2. Text's 1, Florida 2, Alberta
2. Virginia 1.
a big hand which Minnie Oaasldy
seized and shook warmly- "So
you're Tim f'assldy's widow, Min
nie! Poor Tim'! As grand a 'big
foot' as ever walked a beat! Come
In, Minnie. MIks Lester will stand
bv and see that I don't use any
third-degree methods on you."
"Ah If ye could!" Minnie waeged
her head at him derisively. "I'm
on to ye cops. 1 am! Hot air and
bluff, the lot of ye. . . . Now what
did ye want to know. Tommy Mc
Mann? ... So ye'ro n detective
sergeant now! My Tim would a
been your explain If the gangsters
hadn't got hlni."
"I'm sure of it, Minnie!" Mc
Mann answered heartily, with a
humorous lift of his bushy eye
brows toward Ituth, who had
slipped Inlo a chair beside (be one
he had drawn up for Minnie Oas
sidy. "You cleaned these offices
on Saturday, Minnie?"
"That. J did! And not a slipshod
jotiMlKo'hiOBt of t ho : girlH get by
with on a Saturday," Minnie an
swered emphatically. "Kntplied the
wastehaskets, wiped off the desks
and window sills and chairs with
me oiled rag"
"That's flue, Minnie!" McMann
grinned. "You left us a Tine mil
face for fingerprints. Hut to go
back a little. Was Mr. Horden in
this office when you came to clean,
and at what time did you come in
"That he was, and looking like
he'd live to be a hundred!" Minnie
answered. "It was near the death1
of me. and yes, of Letty, loo, when
Mr. f'ogliliui, the superintendent of
the building, told us the poor gen
tleman hail been murdered."
"What time was tt when you
cleaned these offices. If you re
member, Minnie?" McMann was
plainly trying lo he patient with
his former colleague's widow.
"Half-past one It was when I fin
ished in T 11. Mr. (ireen's offices
across the hall. They've got a big
fancy clock in Urn front office, and
1 noticed the time by It. Then 1
come straight over here, and let
myself in with my pass key--"
"The door was locked?"
"That tt was, and I thought Mr.
Horden was gone. I knew Miss
ituth had left, for me and l.etly
seen her and her young man
and a nicer man ain't In I he land
of the living than Mr. Hayward.
Tom in McMann! seen them at
the elevator, w e did."
"Just before I went In to Mr.
(Ireen's oil ices musia been 15 or
1 20 mlniit
past one." Minnie an-
! svered
ullly. "So I thought no
body wasn't in here and I come
in. There wasu'l no light 011 In
Mr. Horden's private oiflre - nut j
that he needs It. what with two,
windows on the street and one on.
the airshaft. Anyw ays, there
wasn't m I'Oii, so I opem'd the
door without Utim-klu' and then 1
seen Mr. llonb-n a-Hctlln' at bis
desk, and I started lo back out.
saying, 'Kxmse im sir. I didn't
know ye was still here, and he
said, '('nine on In. I'm going to be
j here till two. You won't
hot her
'Tleitsiiut, was be?" McMniin ilc
mamlcit. "lUiln't look worried or
anni y '!"
"Me spoke soil or sboit, bill
Lonly. I'm used to that," .Minnie
conti'f-iii resignedly. "I went on
about me work, and was rarryln"
tu bis itstebiisket when Henny,
his otitic hoy. come In."
" Tell me evactly w lt:it passed
between Ib'iinx and his boss." Mc
Mann directed.
"Now , Tommy McMann. ye're
not going to make me help ye
seal' that tutor kid to death!" Min
nil' assured the detective spirited-
ly "
lldn't pay no attention to
what passed between 'em none of
my tms mess I took out Mr. Hor
den's w.i.siibasKet. emptied it in
to Miss Huth's w astetvisket. and
look hers out into the hall and
dumped the papers Into the bin
sack I'd drun up to ihe door from
Mr. C.i een's office. When the
sack's full, the porter takes 11
down in (he basement"
"All rlpht, Minnie,' McMann in-
terrupted. "llenny nays you over
heard Horden tHlttiK him to 'pet
fell out of here.' Is that risht?"
"I didn't pay no attention, I tell
M I nnie repeated at ubhornly.
"The hoy left while 1 was here
that all I'll swear to, Tommy Mc
Mann!" "O. K., Minnie." McMann chuck
led. "I don't blame you for being
sorry for ihe kid after heariirg
Horden bawl him out and fire
"Did he fire the boy now?" Min
nie a'jked, with bland innocence, so
that the trap, if such it was, which
McMann had laid for her, failed to
McMann did not answer, but
opened up a new line with his next
question. "You say you wiped off
the window sills. Minnie? And
closed the windows, I suppose, us
your duty requires you to do?"
"Sure I wiped off the window
sills, inside and out, and the win
dow frames, too. 1 ain't a slacker,
even if I am geitin' o!d and rheu
matic. Hut I didn't shut the win
dows. The two front ones, looking
out on the street, was already
dosed, or the draft would have
blowed the poor man away. That
with the window open on the
airshaft, like It was. I did pull it
down to wipe It clean, but Mr. flor
den told me to push It up again.
He said he'd Bhut it when he left
at two."
The last vestige of hope Ruth
had unreasoninely nourished that
the window had not been closed
until after Borden had been kilted j
died then. Of course she had
known all along that It was foolish j
to entertain that hope, in view of
the incontrovertible evidence Gf
the pigeon's footprints in blood j
both inside and outside the air
shaft window. But weak though it
was, it had been hope, and the
girl stared with unconcealed mis
ery at the garrulous old woman
who had slain It.
"You pushed tip the window af
ter you had wiped It clean, I sup
pose?" McMann asked, and Ruth
knew he hud in mind the fact that
Kerher, the fingerprint expert,
had found no prints at all upon
the window frame.
"Of course" I did!" Minnie re
torted. "Do you wear rubber gloves
while cleaning?" McMann suggest
ed. Minnie cackled her derision.
"What does an old woman like me
care about her hands? Not that
some of the girls ain't finicky
scared furniture polish and yellow
soap will rough up their precious
hands, but not Minnie Cassidy!"
and he spread her pitiful old
hands on her lap, regarding them
with curious satisfaction, even the
hand with the mutilated forefinger,
whose stubby print was now apart
of Berber's sinister collection.
"That's the spirit, Minnie!" Mc
Mann grinned. "Now, did anything
else happtm when you were clean
ing in hern Saturday afternoon?
Any visitors or telephone calls?"
"Well, there was a phone call
while Mr. Horden peace to his
soul, poor man! was out'
"Out? I In left the office while
you were here?" McMiuin demand
ed. "That he did," Minnie answered,
unperturbed. "Stepped down the
hall to the lavatory. He asked me
to slay till he got back, as he
didn't have a key and didn't want
the door left unlocked. He'd scarce
ly closed, the door behind him be
fore the telephone rung, and I an
swered It, so's 1 could tell the par
ty he'd he right back. Which 1 did,
and the lady said she'd hold the
"So it was a woman calling, was
It?" McMann Interrupted sharply,
"hid yon ask her name?"
"Now, Tommy McMann, I'm sur
prised at ye!" Minnie reproved
him severely. "As if it was any of
my business! 1 Jist said It was Mr.
Poi-dcn's office, and 'No, ma'am,
he ain't in right now. but he's Jist
stepped down the hall and will be
back in n minute,' and she said,
'Then I'll hold the wire, thank
you," as sweet and ladylike as you
please "
"Walt !" Ituth cried, leaning
toward Minnie excitedly. "What
kind of voice did she have, Min
nie? Oh, please try to remember!
Was It?"
"Just a minute, Miss Lester!"
the detective reproved her stern
ly. "No leading Hie witness, if you
please. Describe the woman's
voice. If you can, Minnie. Anything
at all unusual about it?"
Minnie Cassidy reached out and
patted Huth's hand, us if to con
sole her for McMann'a sharpness.
"As sweet a voice as ever I hea'tl,
Tommy McMann! 1'ut me in mind
of .a singer I heard one time on my
daughter's radio an alio singer,
she was "
' The woman with the contralto
voice!" Ituih cried triumphantly,
"Alto or contralto. It was a
pretty voice, nnd fair did me good
to hear it," Minnie asserted cheer -
' And did Horden talk with her
when he returned?" McMann de
manded. "Vn li.. .Ililu'll 1I .Imwillia
same as you ve doneasked me .the atoek yard district, and to the
what kind of voice the lady hud,nntiim picture colony in Holly
tuid 1 told him siiine as I've told wood.
ye, and he sutd, sharp and real .hum Manrhiuez, who with his
mud like. 'Hang up the receiver! ' sou discovered the toryo near tho
and 1 was gonna do like he told bank of the Los Angeles river
me, though li went against the when it bobbed up before the lights
grain I can tell you, when he satd.jof his car last night, was held
'Wait n minute! Tell her lo call (pending Investigation,
me again In 1; or 2tt minutes. 1 Police said that the bodv was
can i '"in m iKi nun. i iii f.'i'uniii
my wiie any minute,' he says, 'but
don't tell her that.' he says real
quick. .
.Mid wnni .Mi-Maun leaned
forward, betraying almost as much
suspense s Until "exactly what.
j did ihe lady answer?" I
i Minnie Cassidy folded her hands -
on her prominent stomach, regard - -
tug the man whom she dared call
"Tommy" McMann with shrewdly
humorous old eyes, enjoying the
sensation she
knew she whs about
to make. . . .
(To Bo Continued)
The woman with the contralto
voice nRHtn. IXios she hold the solu
tion to Horden's murder?
Garden tools of all kinds are sold
At Wharton llros.
Another l.OUO.000 fresh watar
shrimp have been received by Matt
L. Ryckman, superintendent of hat
cheries for the state game coin
msusirn, to bring the total num
ber of Immigrant gammarus to
3,00l),uij0, according to an an
nouncement made by the game
commission. The shrimp were
brought to Oregon from the Bear
lake reserve in Utah and are ex
pected to solve the problem for
sterile lakes and rivers of the
The shrimp increase very rapid-:
ly, according to Superintendent s
Hyckman. They lay eggs every
month but February,
commission received
1,000.000 shrimp in January and
the second In March, while the
third arrived this month. Consid
erable increase has already been
obtained from the first and sec
ond shipments. The shrimp are
being held for the present at the
McKenzie river hatchery.
According to Harold Clifford,
J'8" ame warden, the shrimp wil
Planted In moun ain lakes and
anw where additional fish food
lfl necessary as soon as the snow
eh8 , o permit packing
them In. A number of inquiries
have been received by tlie commis
sion relative to obtaining shrimp
for now sterile lakes and sports
men's organizations all over the
state have requested allotments.
Several years ago a small plant
ing of them was made In Crater
lake with excellent results, accord
ing to Mr. Hyckman. The shrimp
feed on almost any kind of vegeta
tion or moss found In lakes and
One cf the first plantings In the
state this year, it is understood,
will be at Twin lakes in Doug
las county. Efforts have been made
for several years to restock Twin
lakes, which once abounded in
fish, but the attempts have beenj
unsuccessful. Hecenlly it was,
learned that there Is a lack of na
tural food for the fish, due to na
tural changes, and that the larger
fish were eating the trout fry as
fast as the plantings were made,
(lammarus will be planted In the
lakes and given a chance to multi
ply before further attempts at re
stocking are made.
5. Morris Lotches, Klamath In
dian, was shot and Instantly killed
today by Ted Captain, young In
dian, In the Captain home near
Modoc Point. Captain is being held
on an open charge pending arrival
of federal officers from Portland.
Ho told local police that the shoot
ing huh accidental.
Kye-wltmBses to the shooting
said it ended a gambling game -,in
the Captain house. The game had
iieen in progress throughout the
night. The witnesses told county
officers that Captain was attempt
ing to shoot Harold Wright, In
dian pugilist, but that the fatal
bullet missed Wright and struck
Lotches as he was entering Ihe
There was evidence that drink
ing had been going on in the
The bullet entered the left side
of Lotche's neck, severed the jugu
lar vein and passed out on the
right side or the neck.
The weapon used was a 30-30
rifle. Two shots were fired and
officers: recovered both bullets.
The rifle was fired from the hip,
wttnessees stild.
LOS ANCKLKS, April 5. Police
Investigating the slaying of a girl
whose dismembered torso was
washed to the bank of the Los Au
geles river, were left without a
clue which might lead to a solu
tion as the result of nn autopsy by
county surgeons today.
The autopsy disclosed that the
young woman was not an expect
ant mother as Tlrst had been be
lieved, but that the body had been
subjected to mistreatment after
death, which probably came
days ago.
Investigation was divided Into
three phases: A search for the
tiead and limbs, which the autopsy
i revealed had been severed by
.expert and which mii;ht lend
to I
Identification of the hotly; a search I
through the records of the miss
ing persons bureau and the pursuit
of mysterious "tips", which led
searchers for a "tiend slayer" to
i inn oi it jouuk woman nei ween id
and '2'1 years of age. medium build
and complexion. The autopsy re-
jveaieti that the body had been ilis-
memoered alter death, and then
'thrown into the river, swollen by
recent rains.
Special attention was paid by i
the investigators to reports that :
six ihtsoiis were said to be nnssi
fing the last week. I
j The msing persons were fotir1
! girls and two women. I
The E, wy. today ..,, an-
other elopment yostenlity disturb
ed the pioneer nnd socially promin
ent Shiu-on iHmlly of Piedmont.
The romance involves Miss W'H-
leite Allen, granddaughter of WH-I
Ham K. Sharon,
E. Sharon, and famed, as
prima ballerina of the Chicago
grand opera and Robert Cooke
Smith, artist and sportsman.
Only about eight months ago,
Miss Allen's sister, Mrs. Frances
Rrown Glassell cf Carmel, flew to
Reno and married James Doud of
Monterey, descendant of a pioneer
cattle baron.
The elopment of Miss Allen
came as a climax to a meteoric
success which she experienced in
her theatrical career. Inspired by.,
the sucess of her cousin, Ula
Sharon, a dancer on the eastern
stage, Wllletle determined In 1921
to follow in her footsteps. She
was then 18.
Hespite vigorous objections by
her family, she carried her talents
to the Kelth-Orpheum circuit, and
was starred as a headliner. After
more serious training and study,
she obtained recognition by An-1
areas Pavlea In tht Chicago grand ;
Opera. ;
The game of t(l y,on,fin & LnwaHhlrn Tndem
the first nltv Company nf America, of New
York, in tin- State of N w York, on
the thirty-first day of December,
I'JS. made to the Insurance Com
rnixftioner of the State of Oregon,
pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock
paid up $ 730,000.00
Net premiums received
during the year $3, 297,285. 54
Interest, dividend and
rents received during
the year 192.580.19
Income from other
sources received dur
ing the year 21.629.42
Total Inborn .' 1 1,4 !tr..l;i
.Vet lones paid during
the year including ad
JiiHtment exnenRes . . .$1,805,639.37
Dividends paid or) capi
tal stock during the
year 37.S00.00
Commission and sal
aries pnid during the
year 1.166.777.28
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid durfnir the year . 73.8ii8.17
Amount of all other ex
penditures 172,065.90
Total expenditure ... $3,315. K40. 72
Value of real ewtate
owned (market value) $ 0
Value of atocks and
bonds owned (market
value) 3.530,67.25
Ijonns on mortgages and
collateral, etc 0
isli In banks and on
band 959.8S6.94
Pre'miuhns in " c'ourAe'of
collection written
since September 30,
interest and rents due
and accrued
Other assets
Total admitted assets. $3,552,828.56
Grows claims for losses
unpaid $1,678,715.00
Amount of unearned
premiums on all out
standing risks 1,748.952.30
Due for commission and
brokerage lfifl.3R0.2!)
All other liabilities 95.500.00
Total liabilities, ex
clusive of capital
stock of $750.000 $3.fiS9,517 K1
Net premiums received '
during the year $37,680.52
Louses puid during the
year 15,225.62
Losses Incurred during the
year 11.229.92
Nnme of Company. Inndnn &
Lancashire Indemnity Company of
Nnme of President, Henry AV
' Gray.
N.ime of Secretary. J. I'mmon.
Statutory resident attorney for
service. Dudley U. Allen.
of The Security Insurance Company
of New tlaven, of New iluven, in
the Slate .f Con n-eH.iit. ..1. the
made to the Insurance Commission
er of the State of Oregon, pursuant
to law:
Amount o f capital
stock paid up $ 2,000,000.00
Nt t p re m I u ins rece i ved
(lining the year $ G,276,S11.97
Interest, dividends and
rents received during
the year 408,594.04
Income from other
sources received dur
ing the year 910,170.29
Total income $ 7.655,576.30
Net losses paid during
the year including
adjustment expenses. $ 3,060,058.25
Dividends paid on cap
ital stock during the
2.034,593.26 '
Co m missions and sal
aries paid during the
Taxes, licenses and fees
pa Id during the yea r
Amount of all other ex
penses Total expenditures .
$ 6.46.493.60
Value of real estate
o w n a d (market
value) $ 672,673.66
Vn In.. nt it...lia ami
honds owned (market
value) 10.580,720.50
Ioaiis on mortgages
and collateral, etc. .. "73.900.00
'Cash In bunks and on
hand 29S.165.14
Premiums in course of
si net'
Interest and rents
nnd accrued
All other assets
Total admitted as-
. sets $13.
(.irnss claims for losses
unpaid $
Amount of unearned
premiums on all out
standing risks 6.007, 493. 6S
Due for commission
and tirokcrage 7.500.00
AH other liabilities ... 39S.06t.K3
Total liabilities, ex
clusive of capital
Block of $2.0ai.noo. $ 7.140.
70S. 16
Y EA tt
Nft premiums received
, lenses paid during the
' v,1,r 39. 305.04
t!M " '"r''N during the 4J 1M
N.mie of Company. The Security
InjMira n
of New Haven.
Name of
Name of
President. Victor Itoth.
Secretary. V. A. Thorn
Statutory resilient attorney for
ster vie-, w. K. Heirrlen.
Mci'urdv - itnniela Insurance
ency. Inc.. Mcdford. Oregon.
syiuh'sii of tiir ! Ai,
I be National Reserve Insurance
. rmpanv of Chicago, tn the State of
iinn.ii. nn th thiriv-ftmi rfv of
December. 19CS. made" to the Inaur-
j riSlSV. u w!" "
Ammtm of rnpltal stock
pM up - ; f 5flrt.flM.00
1 r.
Xot premium received
during the ywr $i.4.l.5J2.4
VwiV.i HtirinV
the yt-ar . . . .
Int'ume from other
Kuurcpg received dur
ing the year
Total Iwome
j Net louses paid during
5 5 ad-f
(Dividend paid on capl-
, tal tock during the
" year
' Coinmisiilons and sal-
a r W.u r.uiil flnrlnir ilia
Tax-, lir-ns.- and fee
iiaia uuriitK inc year .
Amount of all other ex-
Total expenditure . .$1. )(), 4TC.13
Value- of real estate
owned (market value) $
Value of ittoek and
bond owned (market
Ionn on mortgages and
collateral, ete
u ,!- ,anK(l Qnu on
premium In course of
I collect linn written
since September 30,
Interest and rent
and accrued
Total admitted aset. l2.9M7.-tH8.9C
Gross claims for losses .
unpaid I 14S.1C9.28
Amount o f unearned
premiums on all out
standing risk 1,686.432.58
Due for commission and
brokerage 4.000.00
Alt other liabilities .... 38.096.47
Total liabilities, ex
clusive of capital
stock of $500,000.00. $1,876 690.33
Net premiums received
during the year $34,194.45
Louse paid during the
year 5,063.18
Losses Incurred during the
year 7.424.14
Name of Company. National Re
serve Insurance Company.
Name of President, C, J. P"hmip.
Name of Secretary, S. K. Welsr.
Statutory resident attorney for
servic e, W. A. Uston.
of the Caledonian-American Insur
ance company of New York, in the
State of New York, on the tblrtv
fiiht day of December, 192S, made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuunt to law:
Amount of capital stock
paiu up zuu.uuu.uu
Net premiums received
during the year $ 279.120.SS
Interest, dividends and
rents received during
the year
Income from other
sources received dur
ing the year
Total Income $ 334,517.30
Net losses paid during
the year Including ad
justment expenses ...$ 130,399.04
Dividends paid on capi
tal stock during the
year 20.000.00
Commission and sal
aries paid during the
year 87. 940. 05
Taxes, licenses and fees
paid during the year. 27,589.16
Amount of all other ex-
. pendltures . 19,250. 72
'.Total expenditures ...$ 2Kii.184.97
Value of real estate
; owned (market value) $ 0
Value of stocks nnd
bonds owned (market
i value) 1,007,450.00
Loans on mortgages and
' collateral, etc 9
Cash fn banks and on
' hand 37,248.54
premiums in course of
collection writ ten
hico September 30,
1928 79.810.91
Interest nnd rents due
and accrued 11.808.31
Reinsurance recoverable
on paid losses 9.159.46
Total admitted assets . $1,145,477.22
, , L1"'.1 1 1 fch
"TOSS Claims for losses
Amount of unearned
premiums on all out
standing risks
Doe for commission and
Compare Our Rates With
Those of Other Organizations Doing
Business in the State
Schedule set out below shows the total amount it coats to carry our various v
loans per month.
We have no requirement that our borrowers take additional investm-nt stock.
1 g
Amount Principal Interest Total
Borrowed Monthly Payment
$ 500.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.34 $ 6.34
1000.00 5.00 6.67 11.67
1500.00 . 8.00 10.00 18.00
2000.00 10.00 13.34 23.34
2500.00 13.00 16.67 29.67
3000.00 15.00 20.01 35.01
3500.00 18.00 23.34 41.34
4000.00 20.00 26.67 46.67
4500.00 23.00 30.00 53.00
5000.00 25.00 33.33 58.33
. A
C. N. Ewirt, Prat.
A. G. Sutherland. Vlee-Pret.
H. O. Pargeter, Secretary.
V. J. Micelli. Treat.
Carla E. Wimberly, Attorney
Phone 87
come in
ICS. s ai Many
far that Fencing
you need
FarmBureau Cooperative Exchange
Roseburg " Oakland
L. & H. Electric Ranges dean Spray Pump Co.
Hood River Spray Co. John Deere Plow Co.
Sutherlfn Spray Co Hoosler and Milwaukee Pumps
All other liabilities ....
- Total liabilities, ex
clusive of capital
stock of $200.000 $ 426.827.12
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $1,928.43
Losses paid during the year l,2;6.i0
Louses incurred during the
year 1.512.8(1
Name of Company, Caledonian-
American Insurance Company.
Name or president. taoert it.
Name of Secretary, II. K. KrancK.
Statutory resident attorney for
service. Insurance Commissioner,
Salem, Oregon.
tbe Boston Insurance Company
of Huston, in the State of Massa
chusetts on the thirty-first day of
December, ihl'h, maue 10 ine insur
ance Commissioner of the Mate 01
Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of cap itul
stock paid up I
Net premiums received
durintr the year ....$ i.2.S6.20(.9
Interest, dividends and
rents received during
the year . . 748.84C.61
Income from other
sources received dur
ing the year 1,097.512.27
Total income 9.132,566.6
Net losses paid during
me vear including
nditistment expenses. $ 4.009.809.95
Dividends paid on cap
ital siock uurmg ine
year 1.400.000.00
Commissions and sal
aries paid during the
Taves. licenses aim! fees
paid during the year.
Amount of all other ex
Total expenditures...! 8,457,730.19
Value of real estate
owned ( m a r k v t
value) ....$ 795,102.79
Established 1926
Perfect Funeral Services
Fair and Reasonable Prices
112 Manager 112
Pine and Lane Sts. Lady Attendant
Savings and
SAFE It Earns More!
Douglas Abstract Bldg.
Carlots from factory.
No transfers or other
extra costs.
Special. No. 40 Chill
ed Plow, all parts in
terchange with
Oliver 40, $20
12 in. Chilled
Plow $18
Val ue of stocks and
bonds owned (mar
ket value) 21.836.092.50
Loans o n mortgages
and collateral, etc. .. 73,300.00
Cash in banks and on
hand 533,317.66
Premiums In course of
collection writ ten
nince September 30,
IMS 1. 161.579.93
Interest and rents due
and accrued S", 61 2.35
All other assets 209.820. n5
Total admitted as
sets $24,697,125.78
Gross clnitns for
losses unpaid $ 1,810,021.81
Amount of unearned
premiums on all out
standing risks 6,322,510.24
Due for commission
and brokerage .15.000.00
All other liubilltles 1.0SS.3&S.74
Total liabilities. ex
clusive of capital
stock $ 9.232.918.79
Net premiums received
during the year $27,411.59
Losses paid during the
year . 12,46.32
Losses Incurred during the A
vear 12 32lTt
Name of Company, Boston Insur
ance Oomnanv.
Name of President, "William R.
Name of Secretary, Freeman
Nicker son.
Statutory resident nttorney for
service. I-rftuis it. Centro,
John R. Kelly
Sheet Metal
Gutters, Valleys and
Poultry Supplies
Western Furnaces
New Location 444 N. Jackson
Phone 466
E. N. Ewirt M. E. Ritter
Carl E. WlmberljW- F. Harris
. . '0. V. W mberly
Guy Cordon h. O. Pargeter
Henry Hrth A. G. Sutherland
24 North Jackson St