ROSF.RURC NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929. GUEST IT SHOW E !HT T, Mrs. Clara Marks Made Two Trips Into Alaska During the Gold Rush Days. the yiHMtH f the New -Review. Senate resolution 21, provldlnK The firnt liwly mampeiler to ac-! fur the appointment (if it committee cept the N-w Icvlfw'i Invitation ! lo invent iate nieihodM now iiNeri to attend the show wan Mrs. Clara In tiie collection or lee, the opera Murks of Soutli Mill h freer. Mrs. Minn ami Inspection of motor ve Murks (JlfclHims the 1 1 1 1 or "bout- I hides and the policing of IiIkI, doiiKh," declaring that she vaslv-nyn wan adopted, only a "ehechuhro". importance is attached the house motor vehicle license fund be ap- ' plied lo retirement of con my I I bonds, was killed by indefinite : postponement in the senate today, j 1 he road and highways cuimnitte rejorted adversely on it. other measures killed by Inde finite postponement were: H. li. iu:,, by Staples und !lfn nett Proposing lo abolish the .(., Itice of cunsiuble in Mulinoniali county and transfer his duile iu i the shi-rirf. f H. H. Z2, by Goldstein- Sua- pending automobile drier's license preparations are tieliir niadu uihiii cuiiviriiou lor injuiit-s io Uii-iih. hmcenli run ut the oral eati- :,'"'fJr'. , , . 1 nery. The work will Hinri bs soon II . 11. OJ-t, Uy Ill'IHMTrmii aim ! Ilronau'li I'rovldiiiK a meiiiod for lixlng liability for KUiomohife aril-',,,,, ,rii(idle ut ,,. n.onth. The e;-n , nery last year did a big business ( fiition pIcklfi.K hroccoii mid found a bk-! I" im-iple or market for the output. This year. ! bill hud Im if Murk in available, the pa-k will , he considerably :rj.'T than betore. ' Mr. Norton says. Mr. Norton has I J u fit returned In nil the eiiaf, whet encea. He has a rare vein of humor; bit-tided with biting sarcam. The incoming citdinei member is an uethe worker m his church, the. ihodtal Kpihcopal, and an ardent ri. l.iaii. INAUGURATION OF HOOVER WILL OCCUR MONOAY (Continued from page 1) for sufficient stock begins coming In, which will probably be about dents, The Ahifknn picture, "The Trail Approved by Senate if "UK." showing at the Antlers) The senate adopted house Joint theatre, was presented to another .memorial Ifi. a-sklng the California capacity house last night, and was b gUlature to provide Tor the con greatly enjoyed by the numerous jiuciion or connei ilng roads he "Kuuniuughs who were present ailw,',;n Oregon atul California. he visited his brokers, and found that the cannery's oi.ipnt is rapid j ! giiinlug a wide reputation for excellence and as a result his trade j connections have been materially j strengthened. The business for j IU2H knows a volume more than : double that or lit;; 7. mid it 1h ex- Inspection of broccoli fields In the various sections or the county during the pant week has revealed considerable damage hy fiHd mice m xt c.iief executive went into the ami gophers, according io J. C. cuinp ot tin; nio.-u tormidubte of I-edy, county agricultural agent. J:is toes in i he pi u-ct n veil t Ion cam- j The damage is much greater than paign- former Uoveinor K'iink O. 1 iri normal years, due to the recent urn den of Illinois, who witlidievv weather, the rodents being his iiaiiH- at the Kamuis City con-1 driven hy shortage of other food to if i . r I he equalization W ' atiacg tne nroccoll pluntH. In floint the Mi Nary-liauien ; n,'"IS uamae has amounted to rejected hv an over- ! eoiinliler:M' proportions, the hark tnaiiiity of tile de.,- ,r ,,,ll"r biyers or stems being en tirely ri moved, causing ti gradual wilting aril even'ual death of the plants. Both field mice and gophers can he successfully poisoned, according (illtL 20, desires work; house work; anything. Pauline Heaver. I'hone 9K2. CTAH COA'CltoTk Springs Coai, liiamond Hrlqivts fage Lumber & Fuel Co. FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow. ready to freshen. Fred A. (Joff, HoMeburg. FOR SALK 4 Jersey cows, com fug fresh soon. Lee C. doodman, Melrose. Ore. Phone 24 F2. O. A. (. itarred Hock eggs for sale. 6!e per 15. E. K. Fage, 2 miles west Soldiers Home. V. helliilfi HLOOU HOL'NIJ KKDIIONK pup pies, from splendid stork, llox 101, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED A steady man who un derstands general farm work and land clearing. J. F. Bonebrake, Rt. 2 'I be today Her husband, now deep !iHt'l, ; bill ilitriHiu"PJ by J. i. Scott' iifr'lt'd thiit Ibi liilK itiick will l: wnt Into Aiauku it) Aliril, lNS.jHlid Swifl, liruvidittic fur the llcf-rts-1 nt-iirly twice uh Kr-at as thiit ol' taking a l(al of Itity. After making ing of eoiuiniKtsion nien liaitts, ihi-h, ' mt that the hijln-HB t ex tlie trip with liis oarro. whi h it which paKHrd Ihe Hetiate toiia. I pc ricw-lne a very fati.- laetiiry atnl was expected wotild prove very The measure has been pendiiiKj pleasiiiK Ktowth. valuable, he found that the de-Jince Ihe early daya of the Mention j . . 0 niand wan for timutliy hay, in- and is ill the JnLeregta of lite tiuiti.; r, T r. a NT 17 Mead of the alfalfa that he had luduslry. W. C I. U. Uf LAlNt, taken In. and his venture proved aj Tne noulte adopted house Joint COOS AND DOUGLAS lllianclal loss. resolution 1! which provides for a of .Mrs. .YiaiKH went into Alaska in Ui-,-e.i inii.ri uui,. June of lain, ami Joined her bus-lmnko a sludy of Ihe auhject uunci, Btoi.pitiK at hkuKway. state printed text books. .Mr. Marks relurned lo HoseburR A bu, ucreasiiiK the Halarles of nfti r three month 111 Alaska and Ithf district attorneys of Josephine .i.neu me jioiionrani mar store ,anj Wheeler counties from 11500 t and In l!i2 twik his toi k ofnoodsj,,, 1N00 was passed. The bill had I from the local store and went back i previously passed holh houses, but' to Alaska, this time sirlklnic Into j,;mprm,r pa,ter.s(in threatened to the Tanana dlslrice, where a uewVeto it because the $5 fee provis-i rush a on. This lime his fluan-! relative to divorce cases had j ciai veniure wa a dec d sue- been removed. The bill was recall cess, un this latter trip .Mrs. .Marks (Continued from page 1) Rjin Predicted weather bureau predicted; lhat il probacy ould ' :raminK .Monday inoininK, ine oav , Mr. .,.dy. but flir l-st results of lleil, rt Hoover s iiiuururulluu. it Is necessary to disiliiKUlsIt be : 'I he iii:.iiKiiial ceremonies pro- ; t ween the w oi k of the t wo rodents, per will not ?et under way .vtomlay ( he mice have open holes in the until about 11 o'clock in ihe morn-1 soil under the leave and nsuallv i inn. but Ihe lonx lows ot stands 'iindle the broccoli stems to a heinht ! alons Pennsylvania avenue usual-1 of 4 to 6 Inches. "I he Kophers en i ly are well lilled lotiK before thai 'rleavor to keep away from the HkIii. time. These seats are uncover-1 working to a lurse extent under the ; d. surface of the noil, eating the roots ; The stand where President-elect of the plant and girdling only the I Hoover will he inducted and Hie lower portion of the stems, in viewing stand in (rout of the (lophers are most easily poisoned ! W'nite HouHe'are enclosed, how. by the use of powdered strychnine ever, and the latter has been or "mail pieces of sweet potato or guipped for healing in the ' earrot placed in the burrows. The opening snouin De noseu to Keep out ihe light. Field mice are effec tively poisoned by mixing powder- 1 alkaloid strychnine with small liii itKN 1 Apis., modern, newly furnished, close in; no children. Also grasa and vetch hay for sale. Phone 231-It. Fl lit It KNT FuTmshed 5-rooin apartment, close in. 7-room fur nished modern house. See Camp bell, ln5 Cass St. FOIf SALE-Brow rTTfwlss. giviiig about ti gallons; milk test Also Holstein coming fresh. Fred Vedder, 2nd house on Looking glass road. Mill's!-: rnrnUhitias. new and used at low prices. Karl S. Powell, 115 Sheridan street. FuR SA CE Team and lfiarness. good workers. 15. One 3 Inch Winona wagon. 150. D. K. Moore, 1 mile west of Oakland. Phone, 26F32. Lloi OH Oil VHVC IIAIilT ( TR Kll OK NO PAV! Secret treat ment, 12 If cured, sent on trial! Georges Laboratories, Sta. 0, . Uis Angeles. Calif. WA.NTKI) AT ONCK Salesladies for nationally advertised dress I line, wonderful opportunity. Ap I plv Sunday only between II a. in. ! and 4 p. m. Mrs. Payne. l inqua ! hotel. FOIt THADK Splendid 30oacre well improved ranch. In Idaho, near Spokane. W 11. Want good ranch or Income property here. Musi move to lower altitude. L. O. Maddux. 4o4 N. Jackson. SEE PAT I House moved, built and repair ed; chimney and building blocks. Cement work of all kinds. V. F. Patterson. . o Watkln'a Product. 120 W. Lane. GO I Superior FOR KXCHANCE House and lot. modern, fine location in J An gele. Calilornia, on Ihe car line; setnl business property. Will el-rliant-e for gooI clear properly in or near Roseburg. Ore. Sub mit your proposition. liol 9, care News-Review. THKT TuaimoUR WORK I B PUT FKtUH HfiO 5WcfcT I j Here'B a pointer you should fol low. It leads to this laundry whete superior sanitary work is turned out every working day of the year, land where politeness and moderate I prices prevail. We invite your pat ronage. Roseburg Steam Laundry j Phon 79 RohshurQ MFRT HFRF. MAR fi 'ent dax is cow. t Snow bejran fallinR noon arter iK-on. It followed a steady rain lJouylas. Thank offerlnr. MiMc. 2:ou Consecration of white rib bon recniitB, Mi-h. Helen Feinson. 2 : 2d " 'oopera t ion v. it h M 1h slonary Socieiies," Mrs. I-'red Fisher. which had lasted all morning. The weather was moderate, however, and the snow melted as fast as It came down. Weather predictions for .Monday morning were "nroo ably rain" ijthouh hope was held that the rain v. Mild cease before noon when Mr. Hoover will be In ducted into oflice. amounts of crushed wheat or oats and distributing over the Infested area, not more than a spoonful at a placae. in the mouse runs and at the entrance of burrows. accompanied her husband to Daw son, making the trip inland with ed from the governor and amended. To Curb Stock Theft salkm. (ir i ur l 1 in 1 .. Judge and Mrs. C. A. Sehlhrede. I i,.w.. ..uuu.,. .,..... kiii hi ..... t H" 1 11 former Host-burg residents. Mr. J'VaHolfne cowboy bill" designed to' Nehlbrede was a district Judge In prevent ttn-it of livestock by reKu ' Alaska for several years. Nation of the sale, purchase, trans-i outherlin Mn in Klondike portatlon, slaughter and marketing: r. a. Aicnamiieau ui nuinerun ;f n,eat fund animals or poultry was ulso in the gold rush and went ,llft arienioon with only oi, dis Into Alaska January 13, ls'JS. He H(.ii,JK VUH ,iat of (lohlhtein or joined the early !is rush over the Multnomah county. ii imt it i aijti ioiiiiu nun. ii in Strength pave him an excellent op- 2:40-"KecpiiiK Kit," Dr. Clara I n k ha in. .1:00 Music. 3:10 "What Can He llshed Through ( hristian Mis. Z:nlle ISishoji la. 3:10 -The Story of thr- National, There was a well nttPmiot n..t. Convention. Mrs. Jo! ley. Question ! Inn of farmers at the City Hall to- a as lhf "push-over" In IHJ. Jien('i;ri IOr. Acromi-! Citiz-n-1 Yoncal- FARMERS MEETING TO FORM LOCAL JIMMY MALONEY EVENS SCORE BY TRIMMING HEENEY HOSTON. March 2 Jimmy Ma- loney of Hoston. rated eight months porliinlty lo maktt money as a packer, so that he engaged In the neciittjitlon. carrying loads of loo pounds each over the great pass, ii.) remained there tor two years, and then went on to Dawson, hit soon after his arrival at the gold rush city he became 111 ami had to 2 Vetoes Overridden Two more measures were passed Idav. the iiieeihi.' hoins- ciifi i.v ,ne heavyweight flock, was crowd- An evening Interesting to all W.the Farmers Kducational ajid Co- lnK Nstlana's top-notchers today as C. T. I, members and the public 'operative I'nion of America, an or- a r,'fil,lt )f nl" decision over rug whhh will occur Ihe night preced-! ganlzation that has been n'-in. un. , Tom lleeney of New Zealand. IliK th- fustilute is the boy' and live iu developing lanii coonera' ' Malout'j met lleeney for the sec- girls' double silver medal eont est ; t ion. Tin- union i. tiuiie strong in nl the I'reshytei Ian church. Also! the middle west, and has been an- leave Alaska and states. return lo the INCOME TAX UP TO PATTERSON BY SENATE VOTE (Continued from pnrxe 1) postponed. The same fate was meted out to Kohiuson's house bill providing terms and conditions un dcr which lire Insurance, coiu panics and priiternul organizations may be licensed. Also by Ihe indefinite postpone ment route the senate killed the bill intmduceil by ihe house com mlttec, on loud and dairy products, as being ion stringent l'or the operator. Pay Raise For Judges SA1.KM, Ore., Mar. I - Circuit judges ot Oregon have something lo thank Die legislature for. I'mler the provisions or a bill signed by (ioverimr I'attt -rsoii, a flat salary or fi.nou will be paid circuit judges or districts of Ui.nim Imputation or under, w fth oilier jurists being paid on an upward scale. The schedule follows: 1'p to Ifi.tMiu, salary .".niH); K. Uno to Sb.oiiu, salary $r..MMl; ::o,OOU to loo, ono. milary $ii,ooo; Multno mah, salary, fti.riiiO. Heretofore the flat salary has over Ihe veto or (Jovernor Taller- son by the senate today. j One of these was the bill taking! from the chief Justice of the su- j prenio court authority to send cir-j cult judges from one district to an- -other and the other was a bill In-1 creasing the salary of district court clerks in Multnomah county from $-'100 to $r,Um. The circuit Judge bin received 2S aninnatlve votes. Senator Slrayer assisted Senator Moser In Its defense, declaring It would save the state $24,oon R yur. Veto Overriden Senate Llll IS" was passed by both houses Friday not withstand ing the veto of Ihe governor. The hill tightens up the regulations un der which the chief justice of the made lo the Koseburg contestants winning ihe recent est-uy In (lie lichools. R. P. LAMONT COM MERCE DEPT. HEAD (Continued from page 1) ond time last nivht and had but lit tie trouble grinding the hard rock with a succession or left Jabs and hooks, the blows which cul the New Zealamler to ribbons last July when he int-t (H-n? Tunney for the world's title. Kft;hteen months ago Tom met Maloney for the f irt time and ion lhat evening the awards will beitivo in the Willamette vallev and eastern Oregon (or a number of jears. liecently ateps have been taken to organize locals in soul It ei n Oregon, ami tins is the purposu of Ihe meeliugs being held in this county. A i ting was held last night at dropped him for the 10 count with Canyonville, resulting in the for 'two right hooks in the opening mation of a local with John Fenn, : round. president: Mrs. Cora liver vU.i lleenev's face was cut In several it, Judge Ira II. Hyde, formerly j president; O. H. Watzi', secretary; 'places last night, but Maloney was representative in congress A. Kaspcr, doorkeeper and Ralph escaped unmarked. The hitter's from the second Misssourl district. Weaver, conductor. Howard (Jreen ! body was not even reddened by Ihe wno later established a record oi,C. S. llooley and Mrs. O. H. Wat-1 New .ealanders sluggim;. FOIt SALK OK THADK 60 acres i mile K. of Roseburg. Most all farm land well fenced, house and baru. A. Creason, 161 2nd Ave. S. OLD growth fir, second growth; slab and laurel wood to sell. All kinds of lumber. Prompt deliv ery. J. J. Meredith Wood and Lumber Co., Dillard, Ore. Phone 2-K21. FOR SALE Pigs, 6 weeks old, $5 each. 4 cows to freshen soon. Netted Gem potatoes, $1.00 and $1.25 per cwt. Karl T. Johnson, Oakland, Ore. 4 mi. west of Sutherlin. IFOK SALK 5-room house, west side. Large lot, sandy soil. Price $12b0, $lo0 cash, $15 per mo. Al so 17-acre poultry and fruit farm, 1 good 5-room house on good road, j A bargain at $2500; very easy terms, thas. Kyes, S2t N. Jack-, son St. WANT TO TRADE Have beauti ful white stucco home In fine residence district in Portland, value to move reasonably souu St;roi(. Similar house next door , sold for $75ou. I want . a Rose-1 burg home, or what have you? j llox 21. eare News-Review. I AS THE LATE LAMENTED PRUNE PICKIN'S , WOULD HAVE SAID "GOSHAMIGHTIY!" 'Nother Dance AT ORIENTAL GARDENS SATURDAY NITE YEP! THE MERRYMAKERS long and efficient service on tliezig, executive committte. circuit heti' h. it is expected thai a similar or Mr. Hjde attended the ObiM lln I Kanizatlon will be tonrfed in the (Ohio) military academy, received , Roseburg vicinity us a result of to his degree of bachelor or arts from' day's meetings. i-(supreme court may send circuit T 1 " " ! '" ",ir""' BiaM Presment. i- 1 ii'iiirnu inii. .urr......... t...u,.i..i .ii.. biler Ihe degree of bachelor of law Hetty M. hauimuf. necretarv ami from the I nlvermty of Iowa. i o. A. Nichols ami W. S. Avei iil, lie hennti Hie ptactlre or law in ; active workers in the ornanizatton Judges into different Judicial trlcts. Motor Fee Bill Passed .lis-1 Maloney carried eight rounds. Heeney took one and the other was even. Tom's b:st performance came In the second session when he landed several of his best right hooks on the Maloney chin. QAI -.. ,. t All .!... ' 1 1,M ' "", mis lauier B remains to make the motor vehicle! 11 n,'r- v M'B 1 license reduction hill a law Is the I "'l'ter of ( harles ( ul- Mgnature of (iov. Patterson. TheiVrVa h! 'i,n mvn,T 11 n,,,,ir bill, which was introduced the ' ? ,",,;,nn' VVy hav" on, du,,Kh' h.t...H ..uu...i il LVt.t.... M'-f. undine. II,. The automobile license reduction Is approximately 2."i per cent. The schedule Is a result of the delibera tion of special commillee ap-i pointed from the members of the' 1127 senate, of which Senator Kid ere among the speakers today. o- Slewart shearing machines and supplies are sold at Whariou Ilros. preciated 1 wish to take thli opportunity of thanliin'-'; the neighbors and friends of Mrs. W. W. Chambers, lor their many kindnesses during her illness, which are greatly ap- dle was chairman. The bill Is ef fective in l'.Kto. The bill Introduced In the senate by Senator Dunne and Representa tives Wlnslow ami Howard, provid ing for reciprocity traffic regula tion between Oregon and adjoining slates, passed the senate. It Is an ouurowth of conferences held dur ing this session between commit tees from the Oregon legislature Beaten in First Race The former chief executive's first venture in politics was in lit 12, shortly after he moved to tienton. Mo., when the progressive party nominated h in for the state attorney gent-i a!sh!p. He was defeated. TOM JENNIE ARRESTED A raid made hy Sheriff j Jackson and several of his ' i deputies on the home of Tom ! ! Jennie north of town last ! night, resulted in the conlis-! OI.EN FI'NCHKON. NEW TODAY been $1.0.10. w ith each district add- J am, ,.,,,;....,, frnm tw wishing The nddii ional f units w ill be raised by the levying of a fee of two dollars on all plaintllfs and one dollar on all defendants In circuit court cases. Bancorporatiorf Control The lirst legislation allcctiug bancorporatioii was passed I- n day morning when the lower house lassfd H. II. r;iv The new act. Introduced by Me Cready. places additional super Uoiy couiiol of the tiancoriHMA Hons in (he hands of ihe state cor lHraiioii ommssiniii'r, and re siriits certain tiansactions be tween the pai'ent oi iKirat inn and member banks. j The legisiation has the endorse llteiit of Ihe slale banking depart j meut and of ihe b.incoiporailous Iu the stale. I Tot Cook Bill Killed i The t.r.y.'ar text book bill wn- snowed under in the lower house Friday moi iiing by a two thirds op-1 position vote. The hill. Introduced I by Senator Fisher, provided tor a j change if all text books only twice In i years instead of the present) system of changing one third of tile text books eelV two years. J Members uf the hnuso considered ' the hill as a slap at the present text book niiimision. Measures Slain PAI KM, Ore., Mar. 1 Houst. hill I'll I. one of the measures of fered by Ihe property tax relief eotunils.-luii. ptoviiting that 2, per cent of the counties' share of the ton and California legislatures. Get House Approval SALK M, Ore.. Mar. 2- Ril! passed by the lower house dutlin Ihe Friday ullit session include. I II II. f17. by Rehisou. appro ' prlallng $:(.omo for cooperative ex-' tension work In forestry. ' II. II. f.t. by iint ways and I means, up pro pi la! lug $ to pay salaries and expenses of stale . lax commission. H. H. t'.oo, hy joint ways and ' inei'tis. appiopiiating $o mm inr j payment or expen.ti s for survey of t hi her education lusl Itui ions. S 11. 2.M. by Senator Kiddle, to provide for a refund of license or i regulation fees Upon the Mctideill al destruction of any motor ve- ' hide or when such fees have lneii erroneously paid. S II 2:il. by Senator Fddy and Represeatlves Fisher and Lock wttttd. Hiuetidlng secilens relaiin: to fishing in the I'miniim river. S II. I, by Scnatvr I'pton, re ipiiiluK n license for travetitik; pub lic ihov oulside incorporated cities. Arundel, phino tuner. Phone ivi-l.. j After a whirlwind campaiKn in- . I'C'O lu n iv.-.l i)im r.-niiLli.-mi 1 I nomination for governor and was elected hv a larue nhinilitv. He ! was the second republican io hold 1 Ki ven !to days in jail. i Die oflice since the civil war. i During his four year term, he worl;ed for Ihe recrauiuit ion of i the state coveiniueut. direct I m; the I carrying out of a Siin.tiim ii'.ni roail ! building pro;r;Mn and patth ulaily stressed measures for the hn i proveiuent tif rural schools. Since rettiing from public office. I Mr. I I - has spent most of his i time iii Kansas City directing the I affairs of the Sentinel Life liiMir j a nee company of which he is presi dent. He let Used tit luTOtlie a call didate for ihe senatorial nomina tion last year and also declined lo : allow Ills name to be put forward 'for the ice piesldcucy. Rankt With "Jim" Reed After he attained prominence In politics, Mr Hide's republican sup porters rei'nod him as an to ".I ini" Ret d on Hie stump, and his campaign clashes with the Mts 'Souii senator lomc will be reineiu- be red In this slate His hotm-i) ex I ptessions alwas won his nu ll cation of nearly loo bottles of ! beer. Mr. Jennie entered a ! pb-a of guilty to possession or I litiuor ami was fined $:'on ATTENTION LEGIONNAIRES Regular meeting of I nipqa lt--t No. Hi. Ainet Uan Legion, Tue;day. March .rth. ai s p. m. Legion i lubs rinuns. Roseburg armory. R jstrt on Ieglon show. Ail ilium corps mem- ; bes retpievfed lo be pres- cut. llig attendance desired. ADJl TAN T. 1 FOR SALK-Wlcker baby buggy, ?2.5. S2S Hamilton St. FOR SALK -- iT7 acres good saw timber, J mile from railroad. Ten million It. fir, 2 million rt. sugar pine. Will give clear title for $10 an acre, no fooling. See Win. Fisher. J5 Winchester, Rose burg, Ore. Real Estate Loans Monthly Installment loans on Roseburg residence or business property. Reduce the principal of your loan each nionih with but little greater monthly out lay than rent. Prompt action on application. We are Roseburg representatives for the K till able Savings & IjOan Associa tion. Come In and talk with us. Friendly advice gladly given. G. W. Young & Son LOANS 11(1 Ctw Ft. Phone 417 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of Glasses 116 Jackson St. CLASSES IN ELOCUTION and Drairalic Expression Now open for student, of all age. Private and clat in. truction. Mrs. Glenn C. Radabaugh 510 Fowler St. Phon 617-R Broccoli Wanted FOR CANNING We want the following crops to be produced on contract from seed furnished liy us: Ix-ets, carrots, parsnips, caltlxipe, lirussell sprouts, tomatoes. FRANK J. NORTON CO. Change of TAXI SERVICE We now have stands nt Terminal 1 lotel. Phone 586, and Goodman's Cigar Store, Phone 21. All calls after midnight, call 21. Fares, Rules and Regulations for Taxis for the City of Roseburg and vicinity as approved by the public service commission are as follows: Minimum char;;e inside city limits, 25c; children's fares, 25c. More than one passenger lo same address, ISc each. MILEAGE RATES: Paved highway, 20c per mile. Other roads, 25c. Standing time while on time call 75c per hour. COUNTRY TRIPS A SPECIALTY HARRY G. RAPP, Prop. M Your Own arket Place News-Review CLASSIFIED ADS Do you want to sell- YOUR FARM AN AUTOMOBILE A PIECE OF MACHINERY BABY CHICKS STOCK HATCHING EGGS ANYTHING? Do You Want- A GOOD USED CAR A HOME TO RENT A HOUSE TO HIRE COMPETENT HELP USE NEWS-REVIEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE MENTSTHE MARKET PLACE FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY Y A WORD a Time To run a week, 5c a word Minimum advertisement, 25c