SECOND SECTION DSEBUR EWS-KEVffiW e( DQUGf:OUNTY Consolidation el . Tho Evening. Nowo and .Th Ronburg RavUw ! An Independent Nwptpr, PubMhd fo( ; ..J the Beit Intereete of tht People, VOL XXVIII NO. 261 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1928. VOL. XIX NO. 25 OF THE EVENING NEWS Pagesjjl to 4 1 1 Chamberlin Runs Into a Bumpy Road - ' . fit .. " " "-way. : a, "?"3ar r; . LJ3L--. This picture shows what happens when the air road acts a little ton humnv inr vmir Rkv hunniM. The plane, piloted by Clarence Chamberlin, shown to the right with the helmet, crashed at the take-off at Rich- 1 mond. Va.. trie otner aav. Roner W imams. co-Diior. ir crmi(nn iinrir run uinn inenMinn w Iran MANDELL'S TITLE IS NOT AT STAKE 1 (Associated Prcu Leased Wire) CHICAGO, Fob. 23. Sammy Alandell, world's lightweight box ing clmmi)ion. will risk hiR. pres tige and pbyslogonomy but not his title in a ten round bout with Jackie Fields of California at the Coliseum tonight. Hnth men will bo over the lightweight poundage. Tonight's fight Is the second be tween the men and probably Man doll's last before be exchanges punches with Jimmy McL,nrnln in n titular match at the White Sox bail park next June. In their last bout Fields won a 12 round news paper decision over tho champioD by his aggressiveness and ability to throw punches from almost every angle. Despite that defeat, Mnndell today ranked n 7 to 5 fa vorite to win tonight. Field's rise has been rapid. Ho got his start In the ring as an amateur nround Los Angeles,. Ira proved rapidly And was n. member tpt tho Americnn - Olympic boxing 'team in 1924. Ho won the world's, amateur featherweight . champion .Hip. 1 1 jenampipu-: ; i , s ! t ; !i THREE DEAD IN i ' TRAIN-AUTO CRASH 4 t r ' i . , , (Associated Press Leased WlreJ ; , QUAKEKTONi -Pa., Feb. 23.: Three persods, f Including a man and wife, . were! killed hers today when thefr automobile. Stalled .on a grade qrpsslng' and rvnHt struck by a Reading Express train'.: ' ' 'The dead : are:' " Andrew r An ders. 5f: his wife, Mrs,.-Amelia An ders, 15; and Arthur Musselman, nil of Qualtertown. , . ; ; . A fourth : occupant of theJcar, Musselman's wife,, Carrie, jumped from the automobile a moment be fore the crash and escaped seri ous injury. AL KARASICK IS DECLARED VICTOR (Associated Press Leaso.! Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 23. Stanley Rogers could not come Mck after the first fall last night hi Ills wrestling match with Al Karasick. Rogers refused to give up after being flopped twice by Knrasick with his flylne neck twister. After the third flop, Ro pers was carried from tho ring. The fall required 40 minutes, 53 seconds, and up to the end of the .bout was anybody's match. The spectators witnessing some of tho most furious wrestling ever seen here. In the special event, which also sa.r some rouph going, Bob Kruse took one fall and the match from Joe MHo in 41 minutes, 22 seconds. Kruse announced from the ring be was ready to meet Ira Dern. the Salt Lake flash for a side bet of $500. It was announced Olete Knuf- ' GOLFERS, ATTENTION Beginning March 1st the Country Club has employed an expert professional teach- er to give lessons every day during March at the club grounds. Mr. L. J. Mahoney will give lessons in golf any day during Mb short stay to anyone wishing instruction. Let us all try.,-; to play real golf and mako'a good showing in the many .tournaments that are to come'duriug present season. Tournament Committee. J. W. I'KltKINS, Chairman. mann and Ted Thye would meet here next Wednesday. WINS DOG DERBY (Associated Press Leased Wire) QUUHEtV Feb. 22. Kmil St. Goddard. of The Pas, Munitoba. won the sixth an nil al ilpg (deby ;today ;defeft(;ln ;Leon iihi Beppato of Nome, In the third Hay's beat of 41 inilesj by two tulu .utos iind, 33 seconds.1 S ( i ' J ' fThei start of the flhalj boat wasl delayed 20 -minutes so that the teams would not Interfere'- with (church) goers along the country 'roadtr who were attending obser vances' of Ash Wednesday. Mrs. K. P. Kicker, Jr., of Poland Spring, Maine, only woman musti er in the derby, dropped out. CLUB BARS LIQUOR (Associated Press Leased Wire) CHICAGO. Feb. 23. The ex clusive Hamilton Club, by order of its president, figuratively has frisked the hip pockets of its own members to enforce its prohibition policies. Notices were placed In various parts of the club February 18, informing members that the club would raid the lockers and rooms of members on Washing ton's birthday. In spite of many protests from members, President (ieorge A.. Rerry, Jr., ordered the raid last nisht. President Berry, who said he personally is opposed to prohibi tion, explained: "This move on our part Is to dispel any suspicion that we are permitting the law to be violated here." UZCUDUN-GODFREY DRAWING BIG CROWD (Associated Press Leased Wire) LOS ANGKLKS, Feb. 2. With advance gate receipts for the Paulino Uzcudun-George Godfrey fight already beyond the $40,000 and 10,000 additional seats in stalled in Wrigley Field, where the battle is to be held next Tues day, a 8100,000 gate was believed in prospect for the match. Tho appointment yesterday of George Blake, veteran and highly respected California fight manager and referee, as-arbiter of the bout, further enhanced the possibility of a "hundred, grand" ticket sale. Some sport scribes declared Blake's appointment would add $25,000 to the receipts. Exceptional interest was being displayed in the forthcoming bout both by the general public and sport experts. . Provisions have been made for nearly 200 news paper writers. - Paulino will finish his boxing today and will take it more or less leftsy until bell time. Godfrey" will' keep on boxing until a couple days before the match. The negro's manager, Jim Dougherty, will vis ,lt his boxer at Soper's ranch, Where Godfrey works out. TROJANS HOPE TO ' ' CLINCH THE TITLE CIVIL WAR WIDOWS GET PENSION BOOST WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. The house today passed a bill In creasing from $30 to $10 a month the pension for 75-year-old widows and former widows of Civil War veterans. The increase will af fect 90.000 persons and will cost the government $10,800,000 a year, it is estimated. (Associated Press Leased Wire) LOS ANGELES, Feb. 23. En deavoring to clinch beyond a mathematical doubt, its- hold on the basketball title of the south ern division of the Pacific Coast conference, the University of Southern California quintet? to night tackles the University of California at Los Angeles- In the second of a three-game series. A victory will assure the Trojans of the championship. Despite the met that her prin cipal scoring threat, Captain Jack limner, may be able to start, Southern California Is a favorite to repeat her 45-35 win registered over U. C. L. A., last week, as Burner also was infusing from the line-up then. BACHELOR FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE Eat barbecue sandwiches and live forever. Brand's Rnnd Stand. 5)in iiiixl Washington Greatness I N il fl II There la Inspiration to all people In the fact that Washington's great . ness was chiefly revealed in the common business affairs of life. The Rosebur National Bank KoseDur,Jre. (Associated Press Leased Wire) SALEM, Ore., Feb. 23. W. E. Lee, 71, bachelor farmer, commit ted suicide by shootlug himself in the lieu dwlth a shotgun at his home on the Frank Lynlff place In the Clear lake district north of Sa lem yesterday. He left a note ad dressed to Leona Orey, 13-year-old daughter of Adam Orey, a neigh bor. It read: "Leona: The dump Is yours. Po as you please with it. Tools and all, and what little money there is in the ban:kbnok in my coat pocket. Goodbye everybody." - The bankbook showed nearly $100 In a Salem bank. JOCKEYS ARE ENGAGED (Associated Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, Feb. 23. J. Ma Ioney and Cecil Rhodes have been engaged by A. C. Schwartz of New York, to ride his candidates in the Liverpool prand national steeple chase on March 30. Jockey Ma loney will pilot Jack Horner, which won the grand national of I'JIM, while Rhodes will be aboard Darraco. ,.44 X FIGHTS LAST NIGHT J 4 (AfsoeistH Pres. 1uH Wire) SAN FRANCISCO. "Mldwt" Mike O'lxinri. Columbus. Ohio, won a (t-chnlcal knockout over Bobby Herman, F.os AnReles (4). PARIS. Mole Bouqulllon. French llirht heavyweight cham- ninn. lrnnrkprl nut Rlnrklp Miller. (Australian champion. 3. I CINCINNATI. Happy Ather J ton. Indianapolis, and Ioula Car penter, Toledo, drew, 10. CCLVKR CITY, Cal. Vlnce Dundee. Baltimore, won from I from Bobby LaSalle, Culver City, i 10. 23. have PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. Citizens of Portland who joined in guaranteeing the $62,1100 engUKemeut ot the Chicago Civic Opera Company at the Portland Auditorium .March 22, 23 and Z. are hopeful of being able to make the engagement such a auceess that it cun be brought to the Pa cific annually for a season of opera such as is enjoyed in the music centers ,of the east. -. That the engagement has every promise of being a complete suc cess is indicated by the advance ticket sales which are said to he fur in excess of the sale this far in advance of either of the other two times the company has been here since 1922. Although It 1b re ported the engagement is, paying out in all the cities where the company is appearing in its pres ent transcontinental tour. The Portland engagement will be strictly non-coinmerciul. Admis sion prices have been fixed so that the engagement can be made self-supporting and Rhuw a small margin of profit. All profits are to go to the Portland Community Chest. Any losses will have to be made up by the 100 citizens who have signed the guarantee neces sary to bring the copany here. The Portland engagement will be for three days and will in clude four operas. The first will he the spectacular old favorlle will "Iles- mutl- "Aida" with such artists as Van Cordon, Baromeo, Marshall, Muzio, Ijizzaii. Fomichi, Mario, Ollvlero and many others. Tho second per formance will be "Snow Maiden" a comparatively nvw opera In Eng lish with a long list of stars In cluding Mason, Jackson. Pnvlo vaka. Van Cionlon, Hackett. Uouel 11, Baromeo, Defrere, Claesseus. Sandrinl, Nicolicli, Ollvlero, Hap- paport and others. The famous Mary Garden head the cast In the opera, urrection." nt the Saturday nee. Other stars in this opera will be Malson, Jackson, d'Harmanoy, t'orrenti, Claessens, NUolich, Hamlin. Meusel, Defrere, Fornli chi. Mojica and others. Tho final performance- will be the great lullan favorite "II Trovalore," in cluding in the cast such suira as Muzio. Van .Gordon, Kargua.i Cor lis. Kimlnl,- Laznari,, Mujlia; and others. - , f ;"'''-.' The company will bring .100 peo ple In threo special . trains. ; One full trainlond of scenery and equip-' ment is to be brought out. The operas will be presented on the same mammoth scale as they are at the company's own palatial theatre in Chicago. The sale of seats Is now on at Slievmnn Clay Co.'s music store In Portland and for the benefit of out of town patrons tickets have been made available by mall. Three Cheers for France's Lindberghs i i i If! MAWr.u mw ) i irV iA r mu Jgv -m U,mt, t iii,g-tifiV-rft--n iti w tn r- m m wMim 'i ft 1 1 m mf m tmimmmmmmm; .. HUGE TRIPEX RACER IS BARRED FROM RACE (Axsnelaled Tress 1-oanctl Wire) DAYTON A UK AC II, Fla.. Feb. 22. The huge thirty-six cylinder Triplex racer, owned by J. M. White of Philadelphia, finally was barred today from competing of ficially In the annual speed classic here because it does not conform with rules and regulations of the American automobile association lis picture was taKen juat after Lieut. Dieugonno Cosies ana Lieui.-Com. Josepn LeBnx swooped dowfl I ling Field, Washington, In the plane that c?rrled them from Paris across the South Atlantic, through This on Bollina Mexico and Into the United States. Left to right are Lieut. Costes, French Ambassador Paul Caudel, Lieut-Corn. LeBrlx and Secreta.-y of War Dwight D avis. - - MRS. JANE ARMOUR DIES IN NEW YORK (Associated Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, Feb. 23. Mrs. Jane Livingston Armour, 83, widow of tho late Herman Osslan Armour of Chicago and New York, died nt her home last night. Mr. Armour was a partner In tho packing firm of Armour and company, from tho time It was founded until he died In 1901. TO ENLARGE SALEM FEDERAL BUILDING (Associated l'rots Leased Wire) SALKM, Ore., Feb. 23. Advices have been received by J. IL Far rar, Salem post master, from Re presentative W. C. Hawley that plans will bo finished in about three months for an addition to the Salem federal building. Kxpandtng post office business Is said to be tho reason for tho ad ditional space. OREGON AGGIES LOSE TO IDAHO (Auoriulod rrtss Lumim Wire) MOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. ?3. Unl vorslty of Idaho closed Its home conference bnsketball season hero last night by nosing out the Ore gon Aggies in the last minute of play, winning 22 to 20. Idaho took an oarly lead In tho first- period, but near the end a revamped Ag glo flvo closed tho gap and forged a point ahead of the Vandals, hang- ing on almost to the final gun. - EVERY load of P. A. In your pipe 19 a load of sunshine in your smoke-system. Why do you suppose more Prince Albert is smoked than any other brand? I'll tell you. When you open a tidy red tin and set free that P. A. aroma, you're on your way. When you taste that first, wonderful pull on your pipe, you've arrived. Cool as the keel of a river-boat. Refreshing as a breeze on the top deck. Mellow and mild and long-burning, with a body that puts satisfac tion right over the plate every time. Take the nearest path to pipe-joy. Go get yourself a tidy red tin of good old P. A. That's all there is to this business of finding the right combination to contentment. You'll say so after that first fragrant pipe-load of this delightful tobacco. PRIN6E ALBERT This tin contains TWO full ounces of top-notch tmokc'joy. the national joy smoke! O R. J- ftTaolifi Ttef Compear, Wimtoa-Salra, N. C