ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1928. FIVE 1 fl"lIIIIWM'llMIMi;iltll''IMflllMWWIHI11 WWI 'II Til Pll""i FV 3iMhm The Largest Club in Town Invites You to Be a Member . Free vi Most clubs cost you money, but this "Club" actually saves you dollars each month. ' We mean the "Club" of those who shop at the MGGLY WIGGLY. If you enjoy associating with people who are self-respecting, who are paying their way, who are friendly and genuin: and withdut a false front, we invite you to join the growing "CLUB" of PIG GLY WIGGLY Store buyers. . .ie backbone of any community is ma ie up of the solid, substantial people who pay cash. - , Come and join this "Club." It's fun to shop here and you get the best of everything for your table, at prices that enable you to take a longer and more gl6rious vacation next summer, at our expense. ' v WHITE WONDER C 5RM?Q With large paper DfI0 CARRY BAG Our supply of carry bags is limited so shop early. KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes - 8c ANY FLAVOR Jello 3 PKGS. FOR 25c WHITE AND FLUFFY BAKER'S Cocoaniit SOUTHERN STYLE OR IN MILK ICEBERG ' LETTUCE O Bigs L Heads GOOD STANDARD GRADE No. 2 size cans. Corn 2 Ripe Olives FINE GRADE AND FLAVOR ' MARKET DAY Raisins 300 West Cass Street 21c PER CAN 12c 2. LB. BAG 18c SOLID PACK Tomatoe 15c jj :&m NO. 1 SIZE CAN - 10c A SPLENDID BUY OLD ' "PIGGLY WIGGLY SPECIAL" Coffee Pound Package WHY PAY FOR EXPENSIVE ADVERTISEMENTS? HIGH INTEREST!! STILLS I union wm Presbyterian Church Packed Again by Devotees of Christian Faith. GOD'S LOVE IS THEME Giving of "Only Begotten Son" Inspires Pastor Achor to Sermon of Fine Quality. POUND BROCCOLI GROWERS A meeting: of tho Um-Qua Broccoli Growers will be held in the office of our Eden- bower warehouse Monday, February 13th at 7 o'clock p. m. The report of tho commit- tee on rules for the prmling and packing of the 1928 crop 4 will be taken up at tills meot- ins and It i Important that every grower be present. C. E. Marks, President. E. G. Clouke, Secretary. In the heart of man; from the youngest to the eldest, the Invita tion is extended to Bhure in the love of God. He loves the white, the black, the yellow, the browu. He loves all, He loves you. " 'That He gave His only begot ten Son.' Never before was such a gltt given, such love extended, and never aguln wilt such a sacri fice bo made. The lutldel says, U God gave His Son to die theu He is a murderer.' Hut let that Infidel go to that Father who gave his sou In the World War be cause he loved his country, nud desired righteousness uud justice, and let him say he whs a murder er, and see what happens to him. It was God's love that appointed Christ's death. There Is no lovo Unit does not delight in giving, and there Is no lovo that dues pot de light in depriving Itself In some fashion, of what it gives. . "'Whosoever believe In' Him.' How may 1 receive God's lovo? How may I obtain 11? Tho begln- n in a and the end of the text cau- up toguiner in a Let the well by the way side that flows unto ull Strength Impart for each step of the mile; Let your faith the great pro mises alter recall, Aud carry your cross with a smile! So read tho second verso of tho 'not; ue buckled great revival nymn oen g useu m r0U(,h an( vea(ly fuahlotu Tlloy Urn union meetings, which con- iniUsll be lmkeU tOfietil0.t and there turned last nigni with u packed ure two nnka iu U0 chal Goil house at tho m-Bbymrlaii cnurch. ro,c,ia one aild ,vo must foriro the nieie was a gooa otcuesira, a oth(r Hn ,nV., .,.,.1 11V,.. Marshmallows 28c ' PER CAN 10c large clioir and tine cougiegatiun- jal singing. Mrs. Eiuie Carlton ! Strang sans beautlfujly iu her ef fective, way, "Jesus is Calling." Rev. R. V. Achor, pustor of tiro Presbyterian c h ti rcn, pleached jtrom the text John 3:10, his sub ject beiug, "The World's Greatest L.over." Mr.-, Achor said In part: 1 "The text is a fumlliaf one 10 (you.' It may bo the first text you j learned to lisp In early childhood, I uui utwuys u iexi which oriugs u in rut . 01 joy aim Happiness o j those who have caught a glimpse of its true meaning. Who can 'measure the hcighih, the breadth uud the depth of John 3:10": (From it flows the true peaco and then He has done His work. 'That v.hosoovor bellevoth" Is our work. Uellef not only involves a knowledge of truth or knowing something to bo true hut it is ex perience. You may read a maga zine article and believe it to be true yet it apparently has. no ef iect upon you, Belief in Christ means to commit yourself to Christ, to Intrust your alt to Him. To become a great muslclau one must Bpeud hours and hours iu practice and rehearsal. To be come a great engineer you must spend much time in the study of the theory "of engineering, then you must spend, more time in ac tual experience, ilut lo becomo happiness ot tho world. O u r tchristian all that you have to do minds are constantly being direct- ls to beli0vo on the Lord and thou PER CAN Dutch Cleanser 7c - 35c Roseburg, Oregon ed to something new and strange lu the world. .Men are attempting great engineering projects. Fabu lous sums are being spent on ban quets, balls aud seemingly uuy tlung that attempts to satiate the longing deal lie ot the iiulivlduul. Hut wnat we need lu know more than, any other one thing Is thy I love of God, revealed in Christ Jesus. Victor , Hugo Bald, 'The sweetest thing In lite is a love re stored. The love that conges from, making Up.' It that bo true lu the affairs of men, what must it mean In man's relationship to his God? "Before Jesus Christ came In.lo" this world no one ever deumed of saying 'God loves.' Some of the Old Testnment psalmists had glimpses ot the truth and came near expressing it. Hut all the 'gods many and lor-ld many,' thcrd wore lustful god3, and beautiful gods, and idle gods, uud lighting gods, and peaceful gods; but not one of which worshippers said, Ho ioves.' 'God loves' Is tho 'greatest thing that can be said by j human Hps. 'God loved the world.' iWliat is the object of God's love? lis It the world or the universe, , tills terrestial globe, which we ln 1 habit? No, It Is the moral Inhabi jtants, all mankind. When wo ! think or feel anything about a i great multitude of people It Is like j looking at a forest. We do no: see the trees, we see tho whole wood. But that Is not how God loves the world. God loves all be cause He loves each one. When we say 'God so loved the world' we have to break up the mass In to pieces and think of each piece as being an object of ills love. Our Heavenly tat her aeut His son, Jesus Christ, to take up his abode DISPLAY IS MADE OF NEW TYPE OF BROCCOLI PACK Broccoli Is beginning to come in to some extent, although cutting will not be general until along about the last week ot this month, It Is stated by Borne ot the grow ers. However, this Is a favorable condition, as the southern produc ers will at that time be practical ly out of the product, thus leaving the Cmpqua Valley to supply the major snipmenta for eastern points. Yesterday afternoon the, Umpqua Broccoli Exchange, Fos ter Butner, manager, sent in a sample crate for exhibition In. the ews-Review windows, and it ue- jscriptlon on tho label reads: Ump quu Valley Broccoli Exchange, iltoaoburg, Oregon. The crato ex ihlbited contains ten 'heads of No. 1 grade, and ' makes a tempting pack. Eat bar bee do oauawlchea uni live forever. Brand's Road Stand EARTHQUAKE FELT AT VANCOUVER ISLAND (AwK-iutrd I'rcH 1-onKtl Win-) VICTORIA. B. P.. Feb. 9. earthquake shock was felt at various points oit Vancouver Is- ; land between 3:04 and 3:08 a. in. today, said reports received at the government wireless station here. Nanalmo, Port Renfrew, Al monstrutes what is required In jbernl, Ralnfleld and Pachena felt No. 1 pack. This crate is ot the new type adopted by the Broccoli Exchange, and used tor the Brst time this season. The container is 16xl9& inches, inside measurement, hy 7 inches deep. the shock. It was most severe at Alherni and Port Alberni, where it was accompanied by a loud' re port followed by a rumble. Bam fleld reported the same manifes tations nnd the shock was felt on On each side of the crate is the j tnf pacltlc cable board r'nstru word "Oregon" in large loners. On one end is a beautifully litho graphed label with a red back ground, showing a head of white broccoli set in green, and the in- 1 i Grippe and Flu Any cold may end In grippe of flu. Take prompt action. Take HILL'S al once. HILL'S breaks acold in 24 hour. Because it does the four necessary i things at once: Stops the cold, cnecks the fever, opens the bowels, tones en tire system. Colds rarely develop if HILL'S i on hand to check them St the sunt. Ther stop quicklr when HILL'S u taken titer. Be ufel Get HILL S in the red box. 90 cesu. HILL'S Caicara Bromide - Quinine nnt at that place. Hamfleld re ported a light hi the sky, followed according to fishermen, by two large waves. No damage was re ported. Rocked Like Cradle ' SEATTLE, WaRh., Keb. 9. A report today from the United States Weather Bureau on Tatoosh Island at the entrance1 of the Straits of Juan do Fuca, to the Merchants' Exchange here, Sni-i that the island was "rocked like a cradle," by two earthquakes at o clock this morning. No dam age was reported to have done to the radio island. MRS. FRANK TODD, FORMER RESIDENT OF WINSTON, DEAD Mrs. Frank Todd, nee Helen Cluster, who formerly lived at the home of Mr: and- Mrs. George HrosI, ut Wluston, died hist Fri day, February 'A, at Monroe, Wash ington. She was 3S years of age and had been In ill . health for a long time. Her husband died about eleven months ugo. They have a An t daughter. Mary, aged 4 years. Mrs. Todd left Winston in 1!0S, going to Portland, Oregon, when she was married. She was a mem ber of the Royal Neighbors of America lodge. Besides her daugh ter, she Is survived by her father. E. K. Cluster, of Portland, and the following brothers and blnters: C. L. Cluster, of Hlllard. who went to Monroe to attend the funeral; Frank Cluster, of Until. Idaho; Ma rion Cluster, of California; Mrs. C. W.. Field, of Portland, aud Mrs. A. M. Rlckman, of Portland. shall be saved To believe lu Chi 1st is to let Christ live in you. In Gttl. 2:20 wo read, 'but Chribt liveih in me.' . "Tho aim of God's luve. 'Shall not perish, but have everlasting lire." The popular question of the day is, 'K 1 do this what will 1 get In return? What Is there In it tor me?' If I accept Christ what shall it profit me? The answer is double: 'Shall not perish, but have everlasting life.' Shall not perish'' Consider tho tremendous force of tliat phrase! Can you imagine a sadur picture than 'when the roll 1b called up yonder' your nnmo will be missing? "Let us turn from the blackened abyss of despair to the light of. eternal joy. It is the Christian's joy that all sin Is forulven. He among W be presented blameless and spotless oeiore mo tnrone of ills glory. "God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoseover bellevoth In Hi m should not perish, but have ever lasting life.' Dear friends, out of Christ, will you accept God's love gift lo you? You cau put your own name in that 'whosoever uud have 'everlasting - life' here and now. Do you believe? Will jou accept Christ now?" Tho meetings continue, .-he rest ot the week, including Su'.urduy night. Tonight the senior high school Is lo be present and it wHI be a great night. The Junior high school Is to come Monday. Sun duy night there will be service- In both the Haplist. and Presbyter ian churches. Sunday morning all usual services In tli'j Tlvo churches. in linn nr nr r n n-f-r,bLflllvlUfHtib ii If you want tho best garden tools see Wharton Bros. Well Groomed Women Know a fat;a powflur like this now won derful French ProccHH I'owrinr called MEI,L() (II.O slays on lonR j i.r kei'ps that ugly nhin away' gives the skin a Koft, peachy look' prtjvpiils larse pores, ion will be amnz'd at the beautifying nuali- been I ties and purity of MKLMMiLO. station on the Van will be glad you tried It. ! Nathan FuMerton. Approximately twenty-fire mil lion children are enrolled In the public Slates. schools of the United There is a tradition In Illinois that thrushes will not sing on the annirersary of the death of Abra ham Lincoln. For Your Children Flavored COB LIVER OIL (Norwegian) Ity a ppi'clal refining process, we offer an excellent product from fresh Norwegian cod livers. I'sed widely to pre vent rhk'-iB In Infants and children. Kkh in vitamins. Pleasantly flavored bo that children like lo take It. FULL PINT 31.00 Nathan Fullcrton $nvcZL Drug Slant Roseburg, Oregon 72a RAISES DOUBTS Convincing Evidence The character of Safeway Stores-the quality of our foods and the superior service of the Safeway Man-is best indicat ed by the type of people who patronize thero. Most of our patrons could easily afford to pay more than we ask if, by so doing, they could get better goods, greater values or more satisfactory service. The fact that the thrifty and discriml-. Bating of all classes-regardless of social, occupational or fin ancial status-prefer our stores is conclusive proof that they I you better, too. More Evidence Crux"01eo" Our new margarine is making many friends. A strictly quality spread that all will like. I lbs. 50c Eggs Local ranch eggs. Fresh. Standards. Guaranteed strictly dbzen 43c PEEPS Granulated Soap ; Here is an ex tra value that everyone will want. The best wash ing ma chine soap and the favorite toi let soap. 3 Bars Creme Oil Soap FREE with one Lg. Pkg. Peet's Granu- En lated Soap at HjO PEETS m ISOAPJ 1 WISHING MACHTNIS emd DISHES For Pancakes I Sack Big K Pan- g. cake Hour T I Q t . Safeway T Cane and Maple Syrup 1. 1 Rice Fancy Blue Rose for pud dings, etc. 4 lb: Coffee :.:..25c Puddings Raisins - Market Day Use them with rice or in cereals, . r . . . 4 pound Pkg-. 33C Safeway Blend . continues to make new friends 7f daily. Lb. ; 411 Heinz and t'R. and For quick desserts. ' Med size ............. R." : 33c Sugar i PURE CANE 10 lbs 65c Seasonable Savings , Potatoes Netted Gems $1 cwt. Onions 1 Firm Winter Onions i 1 ; pounds 35C i 50 pounds $1.50 : Spinach Fresh Local Grown 2 pounds 19C Store No. 255 Rose burs Phone 230 $5.00 orders delivered free. Sugar except ed. Smaller orders 10c charge. onotted to make suro of their death.' lllldor, known ns the "mad monk of KuHsia," and now employed as a porter lu a New York bulldliiK, said he had absolute evidence that AiiKHlaslu was dead, lie said that a court attache ho tnuKht Auasta sla the alphubet. NATIONS ARE NOW PREPARING FOR WAR, SHAW CLAIMS ROCKEFELLER, JR., (AbuxUt'tJ 1'tL-u ls.-t Win) NLW YOKK, hVb. Too frnll, 26 yeur old woman, whom ninny C Jill Ml tl h(! tho Kill 'I tl OttCllOHK AiuiHliiHfa, yotiiiKPHt clittiKhtur of tlit Hluln Czar NkhoIiiH II of Kua shk. v,'an rt'slinti utiil-T hfHVV i Ktittnl Loiliiy hi Ihf Loax inland Lh!nt of .Mrs. AiikiijU'; Itithanl. Kno vas whtakiMl Away in n cIohcmI untniiinblio Irani the llnor liereiifcarm upon whlth hIh; ar rived lrom Kurojif!, and hvr ft'liero- aboulH r nminy! a inyHtery for many hourti. I-ater It wan lrarneri Bhft ' had hwn ttik(m to (he Richard homo at Lawrence Ilcach, Long Inland, where It was ald fdic would re main tinill ihf return to IIiIh coiin- Itry of Mrs. Wlliluni It. Lei-dK, tli i lormi'r I'tIihchk Xnnia of (iroco, who Jnvitfd h-r to tlim rouniry. Mrs. Led8 Ih now oil a crulao of tho Caribbean Ha. With her ntrivnl came more x prtffiblnnn of doubt about In-r. Mr. lleniBtfin, oT Nrw Vork, !or:nr war corri'rtiKHidcnt. who wa In 81 bwria in lttli and mad an InveKtl-1,1 SE1IE PROBERS (Auuciuletl t'rt-M L-aul Wiru) WASIIINtlTON, Fob. 'J. John 0. HockHfi'llur, Jr., chairman ot ino board of trusties ot thu llocka toller foundation, has henii sum muned to uppcar Kulurday bi-forn tho Bonulo 'loupot IJomc commlt tteo. S;rvlc or a trth.-Rraphlc subpofim was accepted In Now York Cliy to day by itoikutollcr who la to tin asKcd lo relate all thn information eonremlnK the traiiKurtlons ot the ( ontineniul TradlnK company ot (Awoclalcd l'rciM Lcaml Wlro) LONDON, Feb. 10. "All of thu meat militant powers" aro puttliut up "a peace bluff to cover their preparations for the next war," Oeorse Hernurd Shaw says In an article In the Fobruury issuo of No More War. HIihw adds that the effect of the RiiBslan proposal for total dlsurmn niont was to call that tiluff. Uu continues: "The powers of ' western Europo now Htitittl unmuHked by Hdssla and America as determined to maintain -and oxtend themselven bv the sword and therefore to roc- okiiIm war as the flnul court of appeal In human affairs. "Thero Is no reason, however, why they should not sincerely ad vocate disarmament as a measure of economy, because armament can always be Improvised on tho outbreak or war and standing nr maments are obsolete nowadays Bervo six years In prison fur sleal by the time they are needed. inK horse. He escaped alter six -o j months, aud roamed over tho CONVICT BACK IN CELL Hulled Stales, Canada and Mexico TO EASE CONSCIENCE until a troubled conscience caused Mm to appear nt the sheriff s of- Question: Why do under weight children need and realize so much benefit from emulsified cod-liver oil? . Answer: Becaute it pro vides a vitamin -rich food that nourishes efficiently and helps thin children put on weight . It's known world wide as , SCOTT'S EMULSION ntuucutiaiiiuniiM HUNTVILLK. Trx., Canada Riven to him Ity Kobert V'. The larnnic notation Stewart, chairman of (be houitl of yearn ,h1x rnontliH and oiKlit duya," the Htu ml Kid Oil company of In- upneant on Him coniniltniunt pa dlana, who mfiiaed lo dtvnlKO nerH of liert Crfied, who httH rn whether ho knew of any ono who turned voluntarily to the Btate received Liberty Imnda from tho , iM-iiKentliiry from which he oKcap Continental. t.d ahnoat a quarter ot a century In addition to Rockefeller tho ko Keb, 10. : fire at Loiifcvlew, Tex., and aur roug i t ! render. "I wna always on the dodtfo and never had any peace of mind," ho explained. "I want it over wMh now," Creed Is now 45 years, old. j-ation of the killing of the lm petial family, reiterated f i Ih con tention t Unit Uie grand (tiichens AnustfiKlrt wa killed with the rest of Vy.Hr Nicholttrf' family. He rpiot d as an eye wltneKft, Vakimov, who h.ild that eorne of tho czai'a daughters Hbowed nina of life after the firing squad had done its work and that they were bay- committee hIho ban inued auh- poneaH for a nnmlier of clerka em ployed in the New York branch of the Dominion Hank of Canada, In which were kept the account a of the Continental and Hh preHldent, II. S. Oalor, Jr., of Toronto. Koine of theRft elerks are expected to be here Saturday. In correBpomlviice which Sena tor ainh of Montana, prosecutor the oil Imiulry, Itnekofeller had Creed wan Benteneed In lfibS to Eat barbecue aandwlcbea ani Itv fnwivnr Rrnnd'n Rrxid Rtnl exproseii rexret that Kiewart re fii.sed to atiBWi;r all tiex1ona of tho commltieu rej?ardliis the bonda. Home of which the Koveriini'Mit claftna figured in the leane of Tea pot Porno to Harry K. Sinclair. Garden needs of Wharton liros. 1 all kinds at Save the family bankroll with-, out sacrificing the family palate. Buy Economy Groceries and economize. ECONOMY GROCERY O. L. JOHNSON . "The 8tor That Strvss You Btst" Phone 63 344 N. Jackson Street I 1