FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1928. U'MIJR III o) wm rv You can be certain thai used Automobiles will not be any cheaper before next year WE HAVE A PAYMENT PLAN SUITABLE FOR YOUR PURSE 30 Car to Choose From 30 HANSEN CHEVROLET COMPANY 'Z:M "r-'r'-'-T-'PTiftra r t r'-lifl iiiimimii r i-"r mr' Tmrir ,, mmmimK 'ijrmi mjinlfflm 111 liiniTin i n I - , , LINEMAN HURT. was employod by tho telephone , was taken to Mercy Hospital, fol- Jfrvlri tlreltonbushor, of' TenmllR, f company as a 'lineman and while'.' ; j . , .'. was brought to Itoseburg this at- j he was working at the top of an 10WInS 40 x-"y examination, tornoon sufforlng from serious In- old pole the timber broko. He Bus-', which failed to disclose any broken Juries sustained when a telephone! talncd numerous bruises, moat',, , , ., polo broke, causing him -to' fall j serious of which, was a badly j "?onef ". !a under the care of Dr. from n connldcrnblo height. Ho bruised and strained hip Joint. He D. R. Shoeninker. ' ' I i ' at asfgain' ay Mates by mail only For tlie. Daily and Sunday paper. . . .Only $7.00 the Daily paper alone Only $5.00 the Sunday paper alone Only $2.50 Then Rates in Effect Only Until Feb. 2, 1928 Sfou set all this hi oke JOURNAL aJternoon-Siitda$ A Uriglit, clean Editorial page that is second to none. Complete news of your state, written briefly, concisely, intelligently. Full news of the nation, political, scientific, the theatre, the arts, through the great United Press service and others. Financial news furnished by the chief organization in its field, the Consolidated Press, together with an unusual local market coverage. Comics by the great strip artists of our day. Features by such men as Lindbergh. Serial stories by the leading writers of the time. News and features of utmost interest to women. Journal Junior news. A big Classified section. In iliorl. The Journal is lli lire, pformive Itiiwl ot newspaper you'd like. Sulnctibc right now. And liege's a si to make if The Jonrmit Purlin nil, Orfgnn easy rirnse send m The Jotirnal hj ntntl fnr oni vc-yr m checked tiow. ruymeni enclosed. Name AclrircM .... Clly and suit Dolly and tSuud.j T.OO Per Year 3.00 Sunday Ouly S2.S0 ES LIFE OF SPIJi (AMorlatcd 1'reM Leaned Wlre WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Anoth er act of huninniturianism has been placed to the credit of the army air corps for rushing a supply of serum from Maui hi to liacolod in an attempt to save the life of a young Spaniard dying from gangrene Infection. A sugar company, whose field superintendent had been cut with it bolo by a native and who wub In a dying condition, appenled to army hoadquarters at Manila to send a supply of scrum by air to liacolod, two or three days away by boat. Within 21 hours, two amphibian planes were on their way wlih a flight surgeon and medicine. The planes reached Ma colod In five hours. The flight surgeon was rushed to the hos pital where ho found tho young Spaniard surrounded by his friends and a priest administering the last rites. Tho room was clear ed and the patient treated with the serum. At last reports, hopes were entertained for his recovery. Tlio county division ot tho Ore gon Teachers Association will have a dinner at tho Palace ot Sweets on Saturday, January 28 at 6 p. m. Messages from tho rocent state meeting will bo given. All persons having educational interests nro in vited, seventy-flvo cents per plate. Make reservations with county sup erintendent bcioro January 28. Mrs. Edith S. Ackort. f.tisnpinted 1'ren. IsaeM Wire) SAN FRANCISCO, Jim, 20. Sydney Vullou, 30, charged with having actually stolen candy Croni his baby niece anil then struck the child's mother, when she Inter fered, was waiting in Jail today to learn what penalty polleo court will inflict. Tho complaint was filed by Mrs. Ida Vallon, who colored court with two btuckened eyes to support her story. Tho defendant was found guilty and remanded lo Jail until today. BASEBALL BASKETBALL GOLF WRESTLJNG SP ORT EVENT; BOXING FOOTBALL ; ..TRACK SWIMMING FEATHERWEIGHTS ON CARD TONIGHT match against ' Sergeant Sammy Baker next month with the sur vivor to be designated as challen ger In a championship tilt with Joe Dundee in March. The Nebraska Wildcat whippod W Tondler in a ten-round affair in (AMoclateil Prow Leased Wire) CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Ignaclo Fer nandez. Filipino featherweight and Kddio Shea, another contender for j Los Angeles last year. Shortly after the 120-pound title, top tonight's : that scrap Hudklns was knocked proxram at the Coliseum. out by Baker when tho referee Spug Myers of Pocatello, Idaho, ! stopped their bout In the seventh and Frankie Schaefer of Chicago round, but later grabbed n decis- meet In the semi-final, while Jack j Ion over the New xorp. soiuier. riparr of ios Angeles, una uueay Lawless, Syracuse welterweight, come together In another bout. . ACE HUDKINS IS , RULED FAVORITE NEW YORK, Jan, 20. Ace Hud kius, Nebraska welterweight rules a 2 to 1 favorite for avictory;over Low Tondler, veteran Philadelphia HOiiLhnaw. in their 10-i'ound feature. bout at JIadisou Squuro OardenJ vey .London, Won, from '.'Kid1 tonight. I tram'. France (14). (Nitram FIGHTS LAST NIGHT 1 (Aiioctated Press Leased Wire) ' J ' FORT, THOMAS, , Ky. Vincent. Hnmbriglrt, Cincinnati,. -woir bya technical I knockout from Glenn Nlty, Terre Haute, 7. LONDON, Huglaiid.-T-Lon Har- Ni-dis- The victor has been promised a I qualified.) 7 NOTICE ''.- '' ' V " , Senior Hi P. T. A. meeting Monday eve., 7:31), Jan. 23rd. 4 Important business. . ; , ' ATTENTION ' American Logion Auxiliary, please moot ut armory at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow, Satur- day, to attend tho funeral of Dr. II. E. Hunt, father of our vice president, Sirs. Marjorle Pettlt. By order of Pres., Mrs. II. C. Church. JACK WOODS WINS MATCH WITH CANUCK ' (Associated Press LeBed Vlfp) : ilRpFOHD,'; Ore., Jan. 20. Sailor Jack .-Woods won a rough wrestling match 'from 11111 Thorn ton, of Canada here last night. Thornton took tho first lall, ana lost the second. He was unable to return for . the .third fall, because of the severity with which hl" right arm -had been twisted, ; ; Mike Daly of Klamath Falls de feated Kid Firpo of Grants Pass by a knockout in the main boxing event, after Firpo had' led all the way. .Johnny Fugate of Klamath Falls won from" the Honolulu 'Kid. whtijn the referee topped the bout. The kid was outclassed. : . DELANEY IS TO ' 1 FIGHT TONIGHT fAnwIitcd Pren Leaiml Win)) ' BOSTON, Jan. '20.-iJauk Delaney of Bridgeport, Conn., and Jack Humbeck, of Belgium, are to stage an elimination all their own when they meet over the 10-rouod route bore tonight . : -' ; Delaney is a favorite but Hum- beck, a 205-pound, blonde-haired n.nlai.n F 'Pnmn.., T) ........ SOUTHERN CAL.' 1 HOOPSTERS MEET . . BEARS TONIGHT , (Associated I'rces Leased Wire) IiEHKKLKY,, Calif., Jan. 20. The University of California quintet, slipping basketball cham pions of the Pacific Coast confer ence, get their chance to stay In the running for the 1D2S title to night .when they meet the Uni versity of Southern California five; in the secbnd:- of "a- - three-game series. - 1 f t Southern California, with ita best hoop squad in years,- cornea north' fresh from a 32-31 win over the i Bears last week, and the lat ter, to remain a championsh'n con tended, must rtake tnot only to 1 night's' con teat, but also -the final game, .cardod: for ; tomorrow night on the sanie court.' 1 . OREGON FRESHMEN .? was telephoned here by K. K. Hall, head of tho football rules com mittee and friend of the Uezdek family. MME. JERITZATD reputation himself. In 69 bouts he has nevor been flattened.' Delaney is conceding more than 20 pounds to tho Belgian "cyclone." I, DEFEAT. ASHLAND TAHsocfated Press Lcai&d Wtro) ; MEDFORU, Ore., Jan. 20. The University of : Oregon freshmen basketball team defeated the Ash land HijJi school 37 ; to 21 in a game at Ashfand last' jiiuht. Ol- ,,: r linger and-' Archer -went best for men play the Medfovd high school here. . NBW YORK, Jan. 20. Mine. Maria Jeritza, soprano of the Met ropolitan Opera company, and John McCormick, tenor, will bo heard In a dual recital tonight to be broadcast over WJZ and nine affiliated radio stations. Tho recital will start at 10 o'clock. (AsmvUlctl Vtvm Lr.iwM Wire) WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Post master Oennral NVw Is confined to bed at his huuio with a leg none Infection. It was said at his of fice that while the d1scatn nns not dangerous It wa vry niin ful and It was thought Mr. New would have to remain in bed sev eral days longer. Ills physician bus o rd e red complete rest. Circular saws aiwl Wharton llros. mandrels at CANDIDATES IN ACTION FOR THE MAY PRIMARIES (Continued from page 1.) BEZOEK, JR.. Ho Is a man of great capabilities and thoroughly finalified in every pnrlii-uUr fur this Important of fice. No formal announcement f t hi candidacy ha as yet been ob inlnetl. but his friends state that h" will he In the race, and will pnhtfran nomination. ndtdates to com pie tn kels nre expected to ronif forward, but as yet no Tlio junior high Bchool basket ball team la expecting a hard struggle tomorrow night in tho Snme with Theodore Roosevelt junior -high school of Kugcne. The' Eugene team Is reported to be big and faHt and experienced, while the local team is made up entirely of inexperienced players, most of whom are handling -a bas ketball this year for the first time. However, the boys have been making excellent progress under the ablo coaching of C. V. Cochrane and Dr. G. C. Finlay. Mr. Cochrane Is now suffering from a badly infected leg and is I confined to his home, and in his absence Dr. Finlay, a veteran couch, who last year turned out a team that won the a junior 'high . school championship of Southern Oregon, is helping the hoys get in readiness for the game tomorrow. Tho youngsters are gaining speed and accuracy and should make an excellent showing. Hick Nerlms and Dan Eniler w 111 probably start nt forward, Cordon Ware and Roy Oilman, guards: Worth Wells, center. In, reserve there will be Gene Tynan.) Earl Lamere. Dwight Snell, Rob ert Helliwell. Dwlrfit . Knell, Rob several others. I The senior high school Is not I playing this week. A game whs' scheduled with North Rend high) school for tomorrow nisht, but) uue 10 me iact tnnt there are two new cases of infantile paraly sis at Marshfield, it was decided to cancel the game and the team will not make the trip. JAP WRESTLER IS ' VICTOR IN MATCH - fAmwwtntcl Pr. Lv.nrrl Wir. GRANTS PASS, Jan. t 20.--JIU Jitsu, as practiced by Professor T. Higaml, was too much for Joo Sheridan of ' San Fruncisco last night and Hlgami took two out of threo falls. The Japanese wrestler took the first fall with a Jiu Jltsu armlock and Sheridan took tho sec ond with a series of headlocks. Higaml fell on Sheridan and dazed Him in the last fall, marked tho event. PILLETTESAYS ' HE'LL QUIT IF , ARM STILL POOR (Awiopintod PrpBB LritBcd Wipe) ' SAN FKANCISCO, . Jan. 20. Declaring that unless he has a bettor season in 1928 than he had' in 11)27, he will be ready to Quit baseball, Herman Pillette, pitcher for the Missions club in the coast league, yesterday Blgned his con tract for next baseball season. Pillette won 13 games last sea son and lost 20. He sIiowpH Lots of action i streaks of good nltchlnir. hut nrn unnhlp to keep up the pace. 4 Pruning tools at Wharton Bros. KILLED III CRASH t H-- in ,.f in eiseck the Repi Othrr randi tin- party tick PAx-L'pH iTr wip- j MIAMI. Fla., Jan. 20. Mrs. P. rontaine, 50, of New York, I I lv.W l'rr t.-.jH Wlrr) nan.. !, navp ner-n presenien nsiin-I mother of Kvan Burrows Kon-, from a few r:iinnK- nipntirmcrl n ! fln. .1..... . . HANOVKft, N. 11., Jan. So. ibelns possible eanilldaies. It Isinear'xow Smvrna Finrt,!- ti Beidek. Jr., 1 ai tiiinuth col- exrn.. 'cil. however, that nthe.-a i whan hnr lumnMin r,..i i,I a passenger train of the Florida Hugo lego student who has been mlsa- will be injprlerf Into the rseo w th .lug. was with his mother in New, in the near 'mure, and thai there I York today and the two planned j win be a full lealnlature tiiket ,to leave ut ouco for State rolloge, (liom which to sitle l those who I Pa., where tuo boy's lutlier is , win represent !ou)as county at .tootball coach. Thai tatorinatlon the ueit session of the legislature. coast railroad. Mrs. Fontaine wa on her way to Miami to join hor daughter who Is rciwrted to be ill in a Miami ; beach hotel. j n there's a four leaf A N r m everv sack of Sperfy Flour Childreri.'s Hour, KEX 4