TWO ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1928. KJT. A NATION-WIDE ft B INSTITUTION- PenneyCq "where savings are greatest" 229-231 CASS ST. And Every Day Thru Our Famous Low Prices Be Sure to Charming At v&plltag Rugs Lend color '- ; These email ones ire use tul and ornamental! tlx 6. , Plain -- Fancy i t Turkish Towels , ' Good-looking towels fori t rbur guest rooln. Large size. " 49c Plisse Crepe Makes Dainty Cotton Gowns 19c and 25c v Novelty Lingerie Cloths In White and Pastel Shades Make the Prettiest Undies The mercerized finish is part of the charm of these dainty fabrics jersey cloth In plain colors, novelty lace 'checks and fancy stripe effects for undergarments of' - many kinds. Yard .. ....... i : : 17c to 39c TIMBER QWf'JERS - DECLARE DESIRE FOR COURTHOUSE Safe Depository for Valu-' able '1 itles Wanted by .. : concerns raying T Large Taxes. - ;ciiy. Tho eolirlhuuse Inccllni; to he A flush In le sklca ,nv or livid III this clly Saturday in to be ngn wan Immediately followed bv iillcndod by an enormous crowd,! a roar, us of thunder, which bail uncording to present Indications, imi . .1 ! befoul stone IrnKiiionti Tho county court has received boson In fall to tl arth This word that several of tbu larrse thn-! suddenly ended with tin. rail of u her collipaulos, ownini; niucll prop- hnijo meteor which bloke Into erty, itro wilding representatives nniull pi, -when it struck lhe to Hpeak in favor ot ibo biilldhiK. , around, hits oi the mi ir have , ..,.,. ,., pauy, which pays more than S:i0,- UUU uununlly 111 taxes In t Ills cuuti-1 ty, lu to havo one of lis represeiitii lives present. An ott'lror of this -company ruccnlly made t h e slitloineiit that If Ihe present billid lUK slluuld bo destroyed by fire und the records burned the task of straightening out the titles would ; luao ion years hiiu wuuni cost many times the amount necessary " to Pi-ect a now building. The Koai h ' Tlmbor company will also havo a represeulative pit'setit, while oth ; era arc expeclctl to uiiike n thu- liiK- Tho directors of Iho Douglns County Taxpayers Lcnituc iv lo bo prosout and Inliodiuo tho re-o- lutlon reconily passed by Ihe Juuguo f;ivorlnE a new building. Tho Lmiiqua Chiefs are lo be present in a body uud iu full uni-j Mvi,t.,i r,., .,., form. I MKukdUii, ore j.,.. i. Tho Chamber of Couiinorto nmt.i.i,,, 0ilkv R ..- ; various olvlo clubs mo also to bo Tian.r. landed h'ere'lhl. ii'u.rnlim olfUlally reinesenUMl. 'enrouie in Vumnuier Wash fi. bus .finitely pledged llsolf to n mail- mum expenditure of $270,000 thero has been practically no opposition Slneo Iho county court has do-;,,,. ROSEBURC, OREGON Now Inspect These -: Silk Frocks a Remarkable Price It's time now to buy that frock you have wanted brand dew styles .are priced at distinct savings I . $190 Vivid Colors to Brighten . Winter Days Gay colored flat crepes in many charming models will freshen your wardrobe remarkably at such small cost, tool ' Penco Sheets Our Standard ' ' From every standpoint upremo quality- Size 7ax99, : $1.59 l' Nation-Wide . . 81x99 Sheets, i I A trademarked brand that will live up to expectations, $1.29 ; Fancy Challies Makes lovely quilt and com ; fort tops. 17c expressed roncornlng the con struction' of the buildliiK, and tho proposition In now meetim? Willi Keiiorul favor throughout tlio county. ii . Special drastic reductions in percolator sets. Special January sale at tho Copra Kloctrlc Store. A RAIN OF STonza (.IimucIuUiI Prr l.c4-,i Wnvi I. A I'AZ. Ilolivin. Jan. l!t. A mi'ti'oriiliiKli ul p h e nnuiciinu do- scribed an n writable lain ot Intones from Ihe skies has frlRltl joheil natives of TaruKiinl riKlim. :aeeorluB to advices tvarliliiK this , men union to lh museum ul ichnhahiba L. , Co- IS AWARDED CONTRACT KAI.I-.Al. Dill.. .Ian. !l, -J Millaskey of The HalleTi liei'M awanlrd a rnntt:ii-i liv . k barf simp li the mard nf cimtinl f.,r ci-Hdlnir the site at The Dalles for tlie new stale llilieriiilosls hospllul. He agrees lo enliiplele Ihe gimllir! wiililn :: days for rio rents a entile laid As soon as the work Is fin ished anhlt.ets will sum wo:k on Ihe I liml pinna and speeltha linns, and with these ns a lmU the stnie will rail lor bids lor tlio eniislruillim of the miilti biilldinK. KELLY FLYING NORTH nn aeiinl lour th.. ,.,..t .i. clpnllv Ohio. lie hopped off it i,.ij"0l, ,i, . ... . up,-, PAPAL PRIMACY (S SAID BAR TO - ; i CHURCH UNITY Long-Awaited Keport on "Malines Conversations' Is Published. DIFFER WITH POPE Antrlican Delegates Wish Unity But Catholics Ask Right of Pope to Intervene. MMX-Utrtl I'ri-M Hlrl LONDON, Jan. 19. Primacy of the pope was Indicated to be the bur lo unity of tho Catholic and Anglican churches in ' the long awaited report on the famous "Malines conversations" made pub lic today. The report revealed ac tion taken between 1921 and 1920 by lloinan L'lithullu and Angellcan delegates under the presidency of tlio lute Cardinal Mercter. The publication of tho text fol lows closely upon the rejection by the House of Commons of the re vised book or 'common prayer and the recent enclyclcitl of the pope Ion' church union. Objectors to prayer book changes said they were in direction of itouie, chieliy us concerning the sucrument. The pope said a union of Christians shuuld only come by u 1 return of the dissenting to the original church of Home. In regard to papal primacy one of the Anglican delegutes said: "We wish for unity, and ir tlie uecossnry preliminary conditions have been duly met, We should not shrink from tho idea of a papacy acting as a center of unity, but in so suying we have in view not a I papacy such as exists In theory uud practice among Komun Catho lics ut the prosout time, but a con ception of unity such us ' may emerge in the future. ' Was it possible to Interpret the spiritual authority of the pope in sucn a wuy tliut the Juilsdlotiou of the English bishops should not be interfered with, he usked. lie inquired if tills could be secured slue by side with recognition of the right claimed by tile pope to Intervene In matter concerning tlie geuerul lulorests of the uni versal church. . - i - In reply the liomun Catholic delegatus suid the right of the pope to intervene anywhere could not bu surrendered, but .thero might bo a qucstiuu us to how far ho need exorcise it. The answer of the Church of England to this was that the Eng lish Wore and always had been u practical puople and it was Impor tant to know trom a Catholic standpoint whothor it was con ceivable such it right might be i maintained consistently with tho ireeuom which Anglicans demand to control their own uflalrs. STATE PRESS COMMENT The Meaning of Thrift Monday was the beginning of Thiill week in Oregon. Observation or the week might well be more than u mere form. Thrift la a fundamental to good citizenship, and good cithte nship Is one of I ho biggest things iu state or nation, 'l mitt Is inde pendence, and Independence eco nomically means independence in thought and action by tho citizen. t iidnubUdly some men nrc drl vvn by destitution Into crllno. They take the fatal step as a last resort. If. by thrift, they could have stoii full- sailing ahead, some ot thiMii would have been orderly citizens. Klxty-six out ot every 100 who die lu Hie United mutes leave no estate, mid of the lomnluing 31. only nine leave estates ot more liiau S.'i.uOU. At S.i. !I7 out of every UK) per sons lu Aiuerlea are partially or wholly diiiondi-ut upon rvlutives. friends or the public for their dally bread, their clothing and a roof under which to slceti. Nliiely-elglit per vent of the peo plo of lhe I'nlled States are liv ing from day to day on thcii wages, uud lhe loss of employment would incan pauperism for all but 2 per cent. l.aek of thrirt means stunted lives If the full value ot Mull! were rrcoxnlml In lis iiutlonn.' effects and in ils I'lfects upon every life In thu nation. Thrift week would he a inarchluic week lor all America and thrift would be the rallying ci . rorlland Journal. Overhead and Taxes Secretary of Suite Sam Korer has finally discovered Hint there are Inn many slate employes and that enordiuutiou of activities und a reduction In expenditure Is necessary. Wlit. h shows tlmt even j a bureaucrat can ner twilight. If j not Ilirlil Jnt before he goes out tu oince. .Mr. Kocr stntcM that tho inim lier of state employes now i'ap prosches the number of Oregon men nnd twuncn who served In the iirmi'd forces of the United Stairs dining the world war" anil "is Increasing rapidly.'' Taxes, he slates, tor strictly suite purposes have ;xne tip fiom J.'.M9.:."ili in 1917 to 55.226,207 in 1927. and school taxes increased ' from i6, Umi.i'JJ lu 1917 to 17,t84,034 In 1927. In ten. years, . the property US has Increased from 122,029,604 to 147.976,877. No private business would tol erate for a minuto the unneces sary overhead of our paternalistic government, which has departed so fur rrom the Ideals of de mocracy as to attempt to regulate all the functions of . Individual and business life. Yet, though all of our state ofticials pledge economy before election, their sole effort after election Is to secure in creased revenues for increased bureaucracy. ' Numerous tax conferences are held and proposals for new taxa tion made, but no effort is put forth to cut expenditures by elimi nation of ortlce holders through consolidation of overlapping bu reaus and diminution of unneces sary activities. The ghost of the income tax is constantly taken out of its closet because it offerB the only means of securing additional money needed to pay for increas ing activities. The constant trend Is for multiplication of officials Instead ot elimination. The state faces a deficit la on crating revenues because the peo ple of Oregon will not vote to In crease taxation already exorbi tant and the stale officials and the legislature will not curtail ex penditures. Some day pernaps we may elect officials brave enough to defy the ranks of entrenched bureoucracy and practice a badly needed economy but that day seems still far distant. Evidently things must grow worse before they get better and they rapidly ure. Salem Journal. - The Beef Prices iieer cattle at 131 ceuta pound! per Hut most of the stockmen sold at 8 cents, some of them for less. It is not the men who grew the cattle thut will rake down the big profits. The advauce adds nearly loo lu nip vaiue oi a - luuu-nound steer. It adds nearly . ,60 to the .u.uu wi u nwinsu Bluer, i no ueaiers, speculators and packers get thut. Tho low prices that have pre vailed for beef ever since the wur accounts for the rlBe. Thero was so little profit und so often a loss lu beef production that many a cattle glower went out of the business. Stockmen warned the public long ago thut they could not aurvivn m, Ihulr margins and that a futuro scarcity ot cattle would send pui.-s sonring. Thut 1ms happened. The public pays. And tho men who grew the cuttle do not get the profits. In the ever-recuriing example of tho farmer getting the worst of It, will, not tho public presently real ize that farm life should be given a better adjustment thun that which the tyranny of New England over the nation allows it? Portland Journal. TOR HEED URGES SENATE TO OUST Asks That Seat of rranlc Smith of Illinois Be Made Vacant. REVIEWS CHARGES Declares That Samuel Instill of Chicago Paid Huge Sums to Insure Elec tion of Smith. (A.wicl.ili'it irrM l-rnDcd Wire) WASHINGTON, Jan. 1!). full ing upon the senate to declare va cant the seat of Frank L. Smith of Illinois. Senator Heed, Demo crat, Missouri, told that body to day thut there had been presented on behalf of tho senator-elect "no argument based upon the justice and merits of his case." The chafrmnn of the special committee which unearthed huge expenditures In Smith's primary campaign declared that no sena tor "has dared assert that his con duct iu seeking the election is free I roni grave reproach." Again lie said that no senator had dared defend the' payment of huge sums by Sniuuel Instill, Chi cago utilities official, to tho sena tor elect's primary fund and no' senator hud ilai-ed to defend Smith's acceptance of those sums while serving as chairman nf a commission having regulatory power over insult's properties. "No senator claims that the amount of money expended on be half of frank 1.. Smith was not so excessive as to be clearly tinjustt lluhle," th? .Mlssoiirlan continued. "No senator asserts that Frank L. Snillh stands here with clean hands or denies Hint he arrived at the door of the senate over a crooked and dishonorable path." Senator Reed charged that Smith's supporters had thrown up ' a 'tunokl' screen of legal teehr.l. OitllU4 sophistries ami reflne monts." and udded: "A majority volo cannot sanc tify a fraud. "It cannot make black white. "It cannot transient! evil Into good. "It cannot change dishonesty Into honesty." Special b.ii'uiiut Iu percolators nt the fopco Klectrtc Stoic. SEi SMITH FAMILY KILLED in F Yirn'" " SOTItlS TO CHBDITORa . r II I H r H In " County Court of the Rial. I H I III II UrcKun lor liuuglu County. I II I I I Is I I In tb matter of the estate of GIVES POISON "Cough Medicine" Proves tto Be Deadly Mother and Sons Die. FAILURE IS CAUSE James Potter Slays Family Then Suicides Result of Collapse of Fortune Was Indicted. (Associated Press leased Wire) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Jan. ' 19. While police today sought to de termine tho contents of a bottle of 'cough medicine" which last night caused the deaths of James Pot ter, 45, and the three members of bis family here, word came from Steubenvllle, Ohio, his former home, that Potter was once a prominent capitalist there, before he lost a fortune in oil and coal developments. An indictment returned against him last week, charging that he had obtuined money under false pretenses in connection with a real estate and contracting business taken on as a side line to stave off a financial collapse, was the ! t record of his business dealings w.wu.i.,io. ,ud .(t-iiiuo ui iiiu "medicine" lit nriHItimt In Pnllni. were his wife, Lulu. 43, and their two sous, James, Jr., 16, and Rob' crt, n. Roomers nt the house were aroused late last night when Rob ert and his mother ran screaming from their apartment. Forty five minutes later the entire, family was dead in a hospital. "Daddy has given us some cough medicine. I can feel It com- Inn on," Itobert cried and col- '301- Hls mother fell beside him. til CUSS PLAY TYPICAL OF LIFE IW F, The. cast of "The Gooso Hangs High," junior cluss piny to be pre sented at the high school Friday evening, have been working very strenuously this week putting on , In the County Court or the stato of finishing touches, and the juniors', Of,'0" for Douglas County, fool that they are now ready to E,,ziheu,nvsMiey:0deceas".,.of give a very lifelike presentation ofi Notice is hereby given Unit the the Lewis Ueilch pluy. Allss Allc.ui",!!l.l!r"llVu'a executor of the last dramatic couch, urn. MlS 1 Ssl!,V.yV,;lei;:as'e,dr'i,,as0tfS:,!!a,,T,ll't Crystal Jacobs, class advisor, arul above entitled court the flnul ac directing the production v icount of. his administration of said "Th rinnun Uo. ,,i't , (estate, and that said court, tiy an The Gooso Hangs High" is one order duly made and entered, lias Of the mo3t populur Pluvs of re-: fixed Saturday, the 11th dav of cent years, und has been, with grout success, produced by many colleges, nigh schools und stock companies within the past months. The play Is a delightful, spark ling comedy or modern family life. It primarily deals with problems that so ofton besot American fami lies, chlof among which Is a sud den sluinp in the family income. The genuine unselfishness shown by each member of tho household In tho emergency will win the ad miration of tho audience. The characters In the play aro very true to life. Mother and Und are typical American parents who glvo up their own small wants In ' l0,! 'I""', "S niuy getj u.,,. , uiv. uiiinii), u pupt'ry old lady, puts spice Into the play by nor pessimistic viuw of evoiy- tnniK, oBpeciany where the chil dren are concerned. Slio Is dis gusted with her daunhter and son- in-law for pampering tho children nnd makes the stormy slatement. "Wanting and gettiiip; mentis the same In this house. Oh their i f.nI?,K. A,"?ll.Jll;11-" L0'S. , amll iih;n uiu a livejy, nn(ieriirne(i nas liren tluly ap- nealihy pair tvho live every nio-1 thl-1 by the countv court of the ment f ,he day. They neem ij'IdmSM times -thoughtless, Imt they reveal Klorenc s. Howard. deceased. All newu, ijiiorincd milKIS. ' lie net Inn of the play centers largely around tho twins, who come home from coiiege tor tho Chrlslmas vaca tion, lint every character Is or Importance nnd oath diameter U finely drawn. Itecause of the nnnsnally hii;h royally required on this play, the Junior das will not give a ma ti nt r. The evening performance will mart nt 8:15. The auditorium seal 1200 persons, but .everyone is urged to come early to Insure lhe getting of a good sent. QUAKE IN PERU (Awftrlalrd Proi Rrd Wirel LIMA. Peru. .Ian. li. A stmnr- earth shock was felt here las night causing much alarm: No damage or casualties were re ported. Federal Power CommSciinn i . ,. ... ! in compliance with the Federal i Wittnr power act (41 SlHt.. luti-t) j notice Is herebv given thut J. G ' Kelley. Portland. Oreeon. has f ile.i ! an application for preliminary per- mil. mr a power devoii pment on Loon Lake and Mill Creek, t.-ihu-ll'1 tar es of rniiuitiA lii-.r i.. n.,..i.. vinniii, iii'kuii. Mnr or. ' nun to sucn application cr requ ior a neanng thereon., loi for a hearing thereon., together! v. cyvi lo, vi 'iut;ff t data for which consideration la de - tired fthould hp anhmlttiH in hn VIZ:. Jul L?f J12 ol.f Executive Secretary. Federal Pow - ,er Com ni i am on, Washington, X). C. McC'onnell. Dtceaned .Nutii-e 1m hereby tfiven that on the 12th dav of JamiHfv l'ci the ai..WA untitled court duly made and en-1 Notice Is hereby given that the ttTfd an order appointing the un- t undersigned, H. U Whipple, was on derslgtied us administrator of tne tlie 15ln dav ' December. 137. eiai oi Koy iln'onn.-ll. deceaa- i dul" appointed administrator of ed. All persons having claims lhe e"iate of K. T. Woodruff, de asuiiiMt said emate are hereby no- i ceased, by order duly made and en titled to iiresent the ame together tered by the County Court of Uoug- wun vuutners annexed verified as by law roqufred to the undersigned at the law office of John T. J-ontt. in the Perkins Hit 11.11 it t? In it,.-.. burg, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the first publica tion of this notice. IMted and first published the 19Lh day of January, iai'8. aj Matthew adaais. AdmlnlRtrator of the estate of Roy McConnell, Deceased. Sir SIMONS No. S325 In. the Circuit Court of tlie fUato'of Oregon for Douglas County. O. O. orout. Plaintiff, vs. J. if. Johnston. Defendant. To: J. M. Johnson, defendant above named: In tho name of the Ktate of Oregon: You aro hereby roqulrcd to appear and answer plaintiff's com plaint UKainHt you now on file In the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of this summons, to wn, on or hf.fore the 9th day of February. 11128. said day being the expiration of four weeks from the date of the flrat publication of this ' ' m,7).Vrn M16. tlme ,re8crIhcd for suut vuiiHucuiive weeKs; and if you inn so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded In .said complaint, a suc cinct statement of which Is as fol lows, to-wlt: for judgment against you for NJ2.5u. together with In terest thereon at six per cont per annum from October 22. 1927, un til paid, and the further sum of ISfi.uo as attorney's fees, mid for the costs and disbursements of thin action, and an order of sale of the following described real property which has been attached lu this action, to-wlt: All of section IupIvw iln In township thirty-three (33) nouth of , ,??,e0?lu,nn, f lDg Co; ly, Oregon. Till nuinmnnn In In , n"?f.tbuhllNcws.nevlcw a County. OroR-on, by order of the Hon. J. "U. Hamilton. Judge of tlie alinve entitled court, made and dated January 10th, 1028. ine naiu or tne rirst publication of this summons is January 12th "mi rue time oi mo lane puo llcatlon Is February Otli. 1!12H. B. U EDDY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address. Roseburg, Oreg-on. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In tho County Court of the State of Oreiton for Douglas County. In the Inatter of tho estate of 1 James Cooper, deceased. . Notlcn Ih h.T.'hv triv.m thut 'thai undersiirncd tin hfen luiv nni.nini. ed executrix ot Hie estate of Jnmes torneys' fees, nnd the further sum Cooper, deceased, by an order of thiof eighteen dollars ($18.00) . costs abovo entitled court duly made anl " disbursements of said suit, entered, nnd has dulv qualified as I .New therefore, I will on Tuesday, such. All persons having claims l tne 31t day of January, 1928. ut against said estate are lierebv re quired to present the same, duly verified, within six months from the date hereof, to Harriett I,. Coop er at her residence In North Hose burff, Oregon, within six ; months from tho date hereof. Listed and first published this 12th duy of January, 1928. HAUItlKTT L. COOl'KII. Executrix of the esluto of Jumcs Cooper, deceased. Mil ICE OF FINAL SETTI.K.UIS.Vr ; F.1,, "'i11?'' ,.3"'8 "l tho l'ur ,"' as the time, and tiie iMtunly court room in tne court house In Itosii burg, Douglas County, Oregon, ns tlie place for hearing objections, If any, to said final account or to tho settlement of said estate. Dated nnd first published Janu ary 12, VJ2S. J. Ut. TIinnNB, tfxecutor of tho last will i testament of Kllubelll A. Slitley. deceased. KOTIL'H TO ( ItlCIHTOIIS Notice Is hereby given that tho unilei-slirm-d htis been duly ap pointed by the county court of .tlie ty. executrix 'of the last will amI testament of f. a. .Stewart. aga'insrUJ'ere'eVeby" . fiu i red to preni'iu me same properly verified as required by law, at the office of II. I,. Kddv, a't ItuHebiirjr. Oregon. within .six months from this date. Doted January 12, 192R. (JKOItCIA A. STKWAllT. tn; Kfeutrlx of the last will and mout Of F. A. Stewart, de- t ceased. 0 notice tochkihtors "'ce Is h,reby given that thn I Merlins navinir claims niiniiiHt sftid nrn herebv rpnnir.-il in nr.. s'iit the sump to me. proprelv veri fied a required by law. at Itrork wuv .Oregon. within six month finni this ihile. Dated. Jantmrv l ?. 12S, - .iksse xhavom; of the e.sUto of Horence K. Howard, deceased. AOTlt'E TO CRKIHTOUM In hf County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Cnimtv. in the rtmtter of the entnte of William David Owen, deceased. Not h o I. hereby given that the undr.-dgntd has been dulv appoint or) administrator with tiif will an nexed of the entate of William Da vid Ow,-n. deceased, bv order of the above entltld court and that he h;n duly qualified as sti.-h administra tor. All persons hsving claims atialnst the rslate of said deceased nr h'T.-by required t present them with proper vouchers, duly v. -rifled a by law required, to th iinlersiKn"l at his r-1denee near Kikton. Oregon. within six A t month front the ilate of ii, firt January publication of this notice, which is t'lmlMstrntor with the will nn- net d of the estate of wmiam Lvil Owen, deceased. " ' SHT,, B T0 KniTtiRS i ,nr Coonty court of the State of Oregon for Douglas rounty ,hc """t.r of the estate "of ''V- hereby giv that th nm siune was. tli flty of JmiHry. 192S. duly appointed ad-j I.mi,lK,rAt?r r !!' "uu ( iusi er. deceased. All tr..n im'v. cUinjs against said es,Ute ar4!Jobn Boak. decaed, j - hereby required to present theiA'OTlCE OP FINAL settlejie.M' ' ame d"1 verified, to M. F. Rice I hl office in KotwburK. Douglaean the County Court of the State of .couniv. oricoi.. -ith.n ftV nrtJfhB jrom the date of this notice. xsiiiru aim uni puuiisnea tti ftoseburg. Oregon, this 6ih Uiy of January, 1916. FRAJCK JAVT7EII AuiiiiiiiiuaivF us me estate Roaie Jantzer, deceased. of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is 1 ,aa county, Oregon. All persons (having claims against said estate ' a"e therefore hereby required to present the same to the under.ilirn cd at his office in Room 4 of the Douglas National Bank building at Rose burg In Douglas County, Ore gon, duly verified as prescribed by law, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 23, 1927. IL U WHIPPLR. Administrator of the estate of E, T. Woodruff, deceased. NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of Christina Davison, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the last will and testament of Christina Davison, deceased, has filed In the above entitled court his final ac count of his administration of said estate and tho said court, by order duly made and entered, has fixed Saturday, the 2Sth day of Janu ary, 1828, at the hour of ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said day. .ue nine, unu trie -coumy court room In the court linima at TtiiKii. i hf KAiP.ou?,',,cou,nty ?ron' R? j "r mere oe, to me saiu iinai ac- count or to the settlement of said estate. Date of first publication Decem ber 29, 1927. CHARLES HENRY DAVISON, Executor of tho last will and testament of Christina Davison, de ceased. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE OF HEAL rnOFERTV Notice Is hereby given, that un der and by virtue of a writ of exe cution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county, in a suit wherein W. D. Wolhforth was plaintiff, and Alfred A. Bakke. Carrie Bakke, his wife, K. C. Sum mers, and Jane Doo Summers, whose true name 1b Vernia Sum mers, his wife, were defendants, said execution being dated the 22nd day of December, 1 927, and to mo directed upon a Judgment and de cree rendered in tlie aforesaid court and cause on the 20th day of De cember, 1927, In favor of the above named plaintiff and BKalnst tho above named defendants, which said execution and order of sale commanded me to sell the herein after described real property for tlie purpose of satisfying plalntiffd judgment against the defendants Alfred A. Bakke and Carrie Bakke in tho sum of two thousand ninoty two dollars und ninety-threo cents ($2,092.93) with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per an num from the 20th day of Decem ber. 1927, and the further sum of two hundred dollars (1200.00) tho hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day at the court house front door in Hosoburiz. iJouirlnn county, Oregon. nell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash In hand all tho right, titlo and liir terest which said defendants had on the 6th day of December. 1921. or have since Required In and to the following described real property situated in "Douglas county,. Ore gon, to-wlt: Lots numbered two (2) and ten (10) of Rlolroso Orchards as per dedication thereof recorded Julv 12, 19110, In Hook 1.3 of Deeds n't page 62 of the Records of Douglas County. Oregon, said lots being a part of the William and Margaret Cathcart Donation lind Claim Number forty-four (44), located in section one (1), township twenty-seven (27) south of range seven (7) west of the Willamette Mer idian. containing nineteen and eighty-one hundredths (91.81) acres. And I will apply the proceeds of said sale, first, to the costs and j expenses of said sale; second, ises of suid Hitle: nm-mul ia the costs and disbursements of said suit including attorneys' fees: and iiur, ro inu satistactlon of plain tiff's judgment against the above named defendants Alfred A. Itakke and Carrie Bakke hereinbefore set forth; and the remainder of the proceeds. If any, I will pay to the clerk of the above entitled court. Dated at Uoseburg. Oregon, tills 29th day of December, "1927. P. A. WEBB, Sheriff of Douglas Countv, Ore gon. XO'iH'IJ TO CREDITORS . Notice Is hereby given that tho Uhderslgned has boon duly appoint ed by the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Douglas County, cxreutor of the last will nnd testament of Matilda J. Houck, deceased. All persons having claims aKainst her estate are hereby re quired to present the same to me. properly verified as bv law requir ed, at tho office of Chus. F, Hop kins, attorney at law. 417 Perkins nidg.. Koseburg, Orea-on. within six months from this date. Dated December 29th. 1927. CilAS. F. HOPKINS, Executor of the last will and testament or juatuua J. lioucK, do' ceased. AOTICK OF FINAL 1IEARI In the County Court of tho Stnte of v-Ti-Koii ior jJouKiaa county. In the matter of tho estate of Leslie A. Levins, deceased. Nojlce Is hereby given that the und-rsfaned administrator of the estate oi iesne A. ns. deccas ed, has filed In tho above entitled court his final nrcount of his ad ministration of said estate and the said court has. by order duly made and entered, fixed Saturday, the .'Kin nay ot January, 1928. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of rtld day. as ttte time, and tlie county court room in the court house, at Itft8eburg. in Douglas County. Oregon, as tho place for hearing objections. If any there be. to the said final n-'count and to the settlement of said estate. Date of first publication Decem ber 29th. 1927. oly conoov. Administrator of the estate of Leslie A. I-ovtns, deceased. XOTK'H OF FIXAL llKAHINO In the County Court nf the State of Oreon for Douglns County. Tn ihe matter of the estate of John lfiak. deceased. Notice is hereby given tlmt nt'dersigncd administrator of (. te of John Rou.k, deceased, the the has rued In the nhove entitled ourt his final account of his admlnls 1 tratlon of said estate, and the j said court, by ordt-r duly made I ii nd entered, hs fixed S iturdav. me 2ni any ot January, at tiie hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of said lay. as the time, and the, county court room In the court house at KoKeburg, Douglas Coun ty. Oreieon ,ag tie place for hear ing objections, if any there be. to the Raid final account or to the settlement of said estHtf. Date of first publication Decern- ber 9, 1927. ni.-Aii,-d. t t- Atlmti.ti-oi,.!. ..(' ....'.. urtgon i or doukius county. In the matter of tlie estate of , William Clay, decease'!. Notice la hereby given that tlie undt-rMigTied has filed in the abovo entitled court his final account in tnutjemc-nt of eald estate, and thai the. Court, by an order made, and entered, has fixc-d Tut-hduy, the tlt day ot February, ms. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said d'ty, as the time and the county court room as the place ot hearing objections, if any, to said -final account and to settlement of said estate. Datd and first . published Janu ary 6th. ia8. M. P. UICH. Administrator de bonis non of the estate of William : Clay, deceased. KOTICK TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has been by an order of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for DouglaB County, duly appointed executrix of tlie last wilt and testament of Mary A. Drol linger, deceased. All persons having claims atrnlnst . said estate are hereby notified to I present the same, verified as re ijuird by law, to the undersigned executrix at her place of resideiice,r-s fi35 South Pino . Street, Roseburjr, Douglas County. Oregon, within six months from the data of this no tice. Dated January 6. 1928. LUCY DAMON. Executrix of the last will and testament of Mary A. Drolllnger, ' deceased. NOTIC13 OF MHRRIf-'F'g SALE OP RIAL l'RUl'ERTY In the Circuit Court of tlio State of Oregon for Douglas County, John H. Ilerntine and Lucy Her- stfne, his wife, l'lnlntiffs, vs. Robert O. Bowers, Defendant. Notice Is hereby given that, by' virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the above entitled court In the above entitled causu on the 21st day of December, 1927, to mo directed and delivered, com manding me to sell the hereinaf ter described real property to sat isfy the sum of thirteen hundred ($1300.00) dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of eight (8"r i percent per annum from the 17th day of April, 1926. and the further sum of twenty-six and 70-100 ($26.70) dollars costs and disburse ments, in accordance with tho de cree rendered and entered In the above entitled court and cause on the 16th day of December, 1927, i will, on Saturday, the 21st day .of January, 1928, at tho hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the courthouse In Koseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, offer for sale and sell ut pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: All of the south half of the Southwest quarter and the north west quarter of tlie southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 14, township 29 south, range 7 west of the Vlllamctto Meridian In Douglas County, Oregon, subject to redemption as provided by law and will apply the proceeds of said sale in tho payment of tlie costs and expense thereof and tho balance I will pay to the clerk of the abovo entitled court to bo ap plied in satisfaction of said decree, as required by law. Dated and first published Do comber 22, 1S27. P. A. WEBB. Sheriff of Douglas County, Ore gon. XOTICK OK SHERIFF'S feWM-J Jin. RX0 In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Douglas County. Farmers Security Bank, a corpora tion. Plaintiff, vs. E. H. Meyers and Oma Meyers, his wife, Defendants. Xotice Is hereby given, that un der and by virtue of a writ of exe cution and order of sale Issued out of tlio above untitled court In tho abovo ontitlcd cnuso on the 3rd day of January. 1928, and to me direct ed upon tho judgment and decree rendered and entered In suid cause on tlie 31st day of December, 1927. In favor of tlie abovo named plain tiff and' against the above named defendants, which said execution ami oritur or. utile commanded me to sell the hereinafter described real property for tho purpose of satis fying said judgment and decree in the sum of three thousand threo hunilred thirty-four dollars (.'34.00) with interest at eight per tent per annum from December 31. 1927. and the further sum of three hundred dollars (1300.00) at torneys' fees, and the costs and dis bursements of said suit taxed at thirty-five dollars and twouty-five cents ($35.25). Now therefore, t will, on Mon day, the flth day of February, 192S, ot 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav, at the courthouso front door In Hose burg, Douglas County, Oreirou, of fer for sale and sell at nubile auc tion to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which -the said de fendants or either of them had on ....j ,,4 .din..-, un,, or nave nt any time thereafter acquired In; I and to tim friiiiiu-tMir ,irtu.,n..i ..i property situated in Douglas Coun- 4 ty, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the ouuuieusi quarter ttsi'A !;) of section six (6), and tho northeast quarter of the northeast quarter iSE NIS'A) of section seven (7). township twenty-three (23) south of rango flvo (",) west of tho Wil lamette Meridian, In Douglas County. Oregon. And I will apply the proceeds of said sale, first, to the payment of the costs of said sale and the costs and disbursements of said suit In cluding attorneys' fees, and second, to the payment of tho amount due 1N.1INI in on i ne ahovc mentioned judgment and decree with accruing interest as aforesaid. i9'sltGd thIa 3rd day of Januory' cr, - r- A. WEBB. Sheriff of Douglas County, Ore gon. NOTICK OF FIX A L SETTLM3IEXT In th County Court of Douglas County, Oregon. In the mntter of the estate of riffle Jones (iflkeson. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Effie Jones Ollkcson. d.--cased. has filed in the Countv t.ourt of DouitIks Countv, Oregon, his final nc-ount as piieh adminis trator of said (state, and that Fri- nay, tho 3rd day of Feb.. 1928, atJ the hour of lu o'clock a. m. ha "een rixeU !iy said court as the time for hearing objections to said report and the settlement thereof. IAAC U IJ1LKESON', Administrator of tlie estate of Kffio Jones Gilkeson, deceased. XOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Doualas Countv In the mattrr nf tim AfnA John It. Richards. Descascrl Notice is hereby given that th under ened IS nilmlnUlrotn. i,t the estate of John R, Itichnrds, de ceased, na riled in n,c. above en titled Court and cause hi finol Re count In settlement of said estate, and the Curt bv order 1uy made and entered - has fixed Friday the 2oth day of January. l&:$. at th hour of if) o'clock In the forenoon of said day and the office of the COlintV J MfllTn nf nnncrln. f,u . Oregon, in the iKiuoias County Court House at Knsebuttr. Oregon. the tinm and plae for henrtntf obfe-tions to raid account and th settlement of said estate. Dat-d and first published Decern- Mr, .uu, , T. 15. SINGLKTOV. ft iJ!'J o ,9lTiarl?r nt ,hw ' Joan R. Rtcbardt, Deceaced. D